December 2, 2012

"President Obama honors Rosa Parks anniversary with picture of himself."

Noooo! This is so bad, I'm embarrassed for him. I want to say he meant to honor Rosa Parks, and he was thinking of the people who would feel uplifted to see the President engaging in this... this... gesture. Obviously, somebody advising him thought this was a good idea. Maybe he just sat down and got all thoughtful and the photographer caught a moment in which he just happened to look like the famous picture of Rosa Parks.... Maybe.... I don't know. I feel embarrassed for him. But... it's a question of taste. He meant well. Some will find this touching. Look away if it troubles you...


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Anonymous said...

That's fine Erika, that's your right and mine too regarding some of the stuff you and others post here. Aren't you grateful Althouse has given us this forum, so we can tell each other just how wrong each other is?

Ann Althouse said...

"Oh great, I was wondering when we'd have another of these "cavalcade of Althouse's least-interesting commenters" threads!"

That says it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So Palladian, wha makes you think you are so damn interesting.....zzzzzzz.... Oh what was I saying, oh yes you are borrrrrring. :)

Anonymous said...

Notice how many comments are generated in a thread when we boring libs enter it?

Anonymous said...

Echo chambers are even more boring, have at it.

shiloh said...


Please define interesting? As the plot thickens! er thread exceeds 200 posts!

Indeed, Inga is soooo damn uninteresting I'm gonna childishly call her names ad nauseam.

jungatheart said...

Whatever. It's not as bad as Costas' smug anti-handgun half-time scolding re the Kansas City Chiefs' murder-suicide.

Aridog said...

Erika said...

Calling someone is a racist is a very serious charge, and as the parent of a biracial child, it really fucking pisses me off. Would you care to substantiate your slander, ...

Inga said...

Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child.

Ah, classy again, Inga. Why? For God's sake Wwy? I suppose I should be careful in front of my biracial child as well. We miscegenatists are always letting our "masks" slip, eh?

In you attempt to be aggressively egalitarian, do you realize how racist you are actually being? Actually, to your credit, I doubt you realize it at all.

When you cite the topic of our children you incite anger. That shouldn't be surprising. You do the same thing when someone, other than me damnit, says your kid is fiction.

What amuses me most is that you make these remarks from a town with less than 7% non-white population. It is your only excuse, really.

DADvocate said...

I am concerned that your dislike of Obama, the first biracial President can negatively affect your child in some ways you aren't aware of.

My parents didn't like many of the white male presidents we had. The negative affect on me was tremendous. I still haven't gotten over it.

Congratulations! You win the stupidest comment of the evening award

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rusty, you'll miss me when I'm gone. Indeed,

I don't miss you when you're here.

How can we miss you when you won't go away?

Aridog said...

The photograph was taken at The Henry Ford museum, Dearborn, Michigan, in a bus like the original but not original per se. And Obama got bad advice on which seat to sit in...the for the record photo of Rosa Parks on the bus has her sitting one row in front of the one Obama occupies.

Doesn't matter. Obama has zero connection to the Civil Rights movement and era. But he tries so hard ....

Dante said...

That says it. Thanks.

Wow, I thought I was the only one in the world who could so easily insult many people of differing opinions with a short, unfiltered thought.

I stand corrected, I now take back seat to Ann Althouse.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm not seeing the problem.

They are both historical figures. Without her, there would be no first black president, so here he is sitting in her seat, enjoying the front of the bus.

If he paid a visit to Lincoln's seat in the theater, would anyone be embarrassed? Maybe because she's a semi-recent historical figure it's more dicey, but the event still took place before he was born, and she died before he took office.

Now keep in mind that the person who advised him was likely a lot younger than he is... probably the same age as whatever Einstein advised the Sandy Emergency info be available primarily by internet and twitter. (Hey, it worked for Iran!)

Anonymous said...

And despite his more or less featherbedded life, the first black President is still going to be a more important figure than Rosa Parks in the long run.

There were a *lot* of people who were alive during the Civil Rights era that were getting their Rosa parks on and flogging the internal symbolism during the Inauguration.

Chip S. said...

I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of President Obama wearing a Brooklyn Dodgers uniform, sliding across home plate.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Wow, I thought I was the only one in the world who could so easily insult many people of differing opinions with a short, unfiltered thought.

I stand corrected, I now take back seat to Ann Althouse.

Right!? It must be Zinger Sunday! I'd be sadder at being insulted by Althouse if she didn't post eighty times a week about the neighbors' dogs. Everyone seems boring to others at least occasionally.

CWJ said...

Chip S, Good one. We'll post it next to the photo of Obama in a P51 escorting B24 bombers.

Chip S. said...

The "least interesting commenter" award is fraught with difficulty.

Do we vote according to the stats or "the narrative"?

Inga leads in the crucial CPA (Crap Probability Added) stat, which is pretty complicated to compute but basically represents the change in the probability that a thread will turn into a shitfest once she starts commenting in it.

shiloh doesn't quite match Inga's stats, but on a per-comment basis he is unrivaled in uninterestingness.

It's kind of an old-school vs. statheads dispute.

KCFleming said...

It wasn't directed at you, Erika, but the subject matter. With Inga around, the subject is Inga.

Actually appropriate given the Obama solipsism Althouse posted.

Best to avoid ever engaging Inga, Shiloh or Ritmo. I've made the same mistake myself, several times.

They argue in bad faith, and are often insulting. They mistake volume for quality.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Erika, the neighbors dogs are what keeps the fleas hopping on this blog!

Anonymous said...

That and Althouse smoking a fake cigarette in Garbo style! Facsinating, well to Edutcher anyway!

Dante said...

I'd be sadder at being insulted by Althouse if she didn't post eighty times a week about the neighbors' dogs.

I'm really sorry to see Inga being so depraved in her attack on you. And not being honest enough to say "I made a mistake." It's a hard thing to do, because so many think that by admitting their faults, they have lost power. I understand that, but my personal integrity is worth more. I don't think Inga's is.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dante you don't knw a damn thing about my personal integrity. You patted yourself on the back ( yes you deserved credit) for saving the heart attack victim. Do you have any idea of what my job entailed for the last 30 + years? I've seen and taken care of more dying people you'll see in your lifetime. Don't talk to me about integrity.

Anonymous said...

The majority of you haters here would shit your pants at doing my job for one week, much less for 30 years, seeing what I've seen and done and have still been able to keep a sense of humor and zest for life.

JohnJ said...

"Who's fighting and what for?"

Mick Jagger to the crowd at Altamont, correct?

Unknown said...

I don't know about Inga's "zest for life" but her stuff doesn't budge the needle of my humor detector off the null peg.

Anyone detect anything funny?

Dante said...

The majority of you haters here would shit your pants at doing my job for one week, much less for 30 years, seeing what I've seen and done and have still been able to keep a sense of humor and zest for life.

Define "Hater." And while you are at it, define what an Obama "success" means over the next four years, in an objective way. To you, Inga, not to anyone else.

You voted for him, what is the good, objective outcome from that vote.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

shiloh said...

Regardless of what I think about Inga/Allie whatever, she does command control of a thread lol. Like Ritmo and a few others.

No, Oop just picks a fight with somebody and stays on through several sockpuppets with his/her/its passive-aggressive act.

Interesting most of these tend to be lib or at least anti-con. And Ritmo can be gone for a couple mos. and seamlessly control a thread like he never left.

Now we know where he was that month the Romster was winning - Rehab.

Again, the yin/yang of libs at a 90/10 con blog.

Considering he only counts trolls, it's an indication of how limited the little weasel's horizons are.

As my personal pet trained seal appears. :) The #1 Althouse lapdog will definitely miss me when I'm gone.

He can go anytime.

I have other things to talk about - The Blonde, the pups, the good ladies here - DBQ, KY Liz, vbspurs, wyo sis, and, of course, Madame La Professeur.

The little weasel doesn't.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

The majority of you haters here would shit your pants at doing my job for one week, much less for 30 years, seeing what I've seen and done and have still been able to keep a sense of humor and zest for life.

Being an Angel of Death is a tough gig.

The Blonde did more and varied for 43 years and she'd blow Oop away.

AllenS said...

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

This comment has been removed by the author.

The best comments on this thread so far.

Aridog said...

ambienisevil said...

And despite his more or less feather-bedded life, the first black President is still going to be a more important figure than Rosa Parks ...

I agree. It is a sad affair when a milestone candidate is selected wins with a record of nearly zero accomplishment. What does that say to other African Americans about potential and the future.

Hint: Think Detroit on a national scale. I admire Dave Bing, the current mayor, but he is learning the hard way that within his own ethnic community talent and skill, which he has in abundance, are the last criteria for political office here.

DADvocate said...

The majority of you haters here would shit your pants at doing my job for one week, much less for 30 years, seeing what I've seen and done and have still been able to keep a sense of humor and zest for life.

Poor baby, such a a wonderful, caring person subjected to the hatred of such ogres. I used to think you were eccentric, but now I know you're disturbed.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Pogo, yeah, I know, I've often sat here and looked at Inga and someone going at it ad nauseam and thought Why are you engaging? Quit letting her goad you into crapping in the pool! I suppose every regular here has had that experience at one point or another where they new better but couldn't resist.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

*knew better

KCFleming said...

I think it's fairer to say "cavalcade of least interesting comments", as such flame wars tend to be, although certain avatars always seem to show up.

Paco Wové said...

"I am concerned that your dislike of Obama, the first biracial President can negatively affect your child in some ways you aren't aware of."

What a truly bizarre comment.

BTW. Inga, if you really can't see how you are imputing racism here, perhaps you should put down the English language until you are more proficient in it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

OT a bit but I have been to the Henry Ford Museum and it is worth the trip. It has many, many historical vehicles including the limo in which JFK was assassinated. It has guns, guns and more guns and it is just a cool place to spend 3-4 hours.

Ann Althouse said...

I'll define one aspect of the interestingness problem I'm seeing here: commenters going back and forth at each other, making the topic into their own peevishness about other people. This post had a specific topic. Say something of some value on the topic and respond to what others say on the issue. Making it all about you and the perceived slights to you is boring. Your peevishness isn't a topic anyone would ever come to the blog to talk about. If your comments seem like you are in a chatroom with one or 2 of the commenters, you have an interestingness problem. People can see that there are over 200 comments, but then they look in and are disappointed, because that number doesn't represent a development of the subject. It's just some people who got a swirl of attention going around them. When you do that, you're lucky you are only being called uninteresting. You could be viewed as a commenter in bad faith, which would make you deletable.

Ann Althouse said...

"Pogo, yeah, I know, I've often sat here and looked at Inga and someone going at it ad nauseam and thought Why are you engaging? Quit letting her goad you into crapping in the pool! I suppose every regular here has had that experience at one point or another where they new better but couldn't resist."

You are playing her game. You let her wind you up.

MayBee said...

Pogo said..."With Inga around, the subject is Inga"

Yes. Always. She has a gift.

MayBee said...

WIth the picture, I'm sure polls have shown Obama gets a lot of support whenever he can make himself an extension (the culmination) of the civil-rights movement.

He wants people to think there is a straight line between Abraham Lincoln, MLK Jr, and him. He is bigger than himself.

MayBee said...

I made that comment before I saw this:

White House Aide tells Chuck Todd that with these Republicans, we'd still have slavery.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Yo saint inga -

"Making it all about you and the perceived slights to you is boring."

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You are playing her game. You let her wind you up.

Yes, Althouse, that is exactly what I was trying to acknowledge; was it unclear that I was referring to myself as much as anyone else?

In response to your remarks on interestingness, here's my take on the little snit that happened last night, assuming you are blaming me as much as Inga for blowing up the thread: I responded to the topic at hand, that you raised. I was immediately personally attacked by two other commenters as being a racist. This was their attempt to shut down debate. This was their attempt to shut up any reasonable examination of their idol, Saint Obama. I thought you were against that? On the one hand, I could have ignored Inga's silliness and attention-whoring, and not fed the tiresome back-and-forth that is obnoxious for other commenters to wade through. Maybe I should have. But on the other hand, I made a deliberate choice to call her out on it because accusing others of racism with NO BASIS WHATSOEVER and then doubling down when those charges are disputed is a new and deliberate tactic from the left. You and many other observers have pointed this out many times. I think the right response is to refuse to stand for it, because it is destructive and dishonest. I'm sorry if that irritates you and Palladian, I'm sorry for lacking the brevity and wit and self-control of some of your top-tier commenters, but, well, them's the breaks. A lot of people throw down nonsense that is best ignored but some of it needs to be addressed.

Hagar said...

There is nothing new about these tactics from the left.

Aridog said...

Maybee cited...

White House Aide tells Chuck Todd that with these Republicans, we'd still have slavery.

Oh, yeah...pardon me while I giggle hysterically.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, my first year of voting and serious interest in politics, would never have passed a Democratically controlled House and Senate without the Republican minority voting in large measure for the bill while 21 Democrat Senators and 91 Democrat Representatives voted against the final bill. Without the "forcefulness" of LBJ it would not have passed even at never even made it out of a Democratic Committee under JFK.

So yeah, I find the assertion absurd, and Obama's 6 month old photo-op pose in the bus as trite.

It's not about Obama...but he'd likely not know that about Detroit, where Rosa Parks worked for Congressman John Conyers for years...whom I voted for every cycle that he was the Representative for our district, even though I disagreed with over half his ideas.

Conyers served very well as a honest representative of the district, regardless of your party affiliation, ethnicity or color, and protected me completely in a serious whistle-blowing episode, which saved money and jobs.

Obama has yet to show me 1% of similar loyalty to principle instead of personality.

B said...


I don't comment here all that often and never have but do(did) visit and read the posts and comments quite often. There are still folks commenting regularly who are interesting reads but many of the more thoughtful commenters of 6 months or a year ago are completely absent now and others comment with far less frequency.

When I visit the site and see certain commenters starting into the all about me nonsense I ignore the rest of the thread. Since at this point that is becoming the rule in in the comment threads of your more substantive posts, I find myself ignoring what should be the more interesting threads more often than not and visit less and less often. I'm sure that a great many others are doing the same.

You have a serious problem but you are mistaking it for a two sided issue. It isn't. You still have commenters who will push back hard, but they aren't the problem. When they get tired of the ankle biting BS and insults from your troll population and stop pushing back its a good bet it'll be because they're simply opting out of reading and commenting altogether.


X said...

Inga said...Oh fuck yourself Erika, I certainly hope you keep your mask on in front of your biracial child.

who even thinks this way unless they have actually thought this way? you would think Inga would know Erika couldn't possibly think this way, but for some reason Inga thinks Erika thinks this way.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Say something of some value on the topic and respond to what others say on the issue

Ok. I'll repost my response to Erika's observations about the aspect of African Americanism and Obama. Does the mere fact that Obama is a Black or bi racial person qualify him as "African American"? No one seems to be interested in discussing this rather important topic and the implications as it relates to the photo, Rosa Park's experiences and how it or lack of it (being the African American cultural experience) affects the Obama mindset and how it might have been used to get him elected.

Instead people want to respond to Inga's narcissistic, juvenile and obviously drunken postings.

Here............Discuss. At least until Inga wakes up with her hangover.

Erika makes an important point. The physical characteristics of a person [skin color, hair, eyes etc] do not make you a part of that culture, or sub culture. African Americans have a long and unique cultural experience. Just being Black or African looking doesn't make you an African American. What you are is a product of your upbringing, culture, shared experiences, history and family traditions.

Obama is no more African-American than someone from Sierra Leone or New Guinea.

Even though my ancestors are genetically similar to the Basques or doesn't make me a Basque.

The idea that you can determine what someone is like based on their skin color has a name.....let me think.....what is it????

Oh! I know. Racism.

Fernandinande said...

"He meant well."

What makes you assume that?

Anonymous said...

You know what's really truly boring, an Althouse without liberal pushback. Notice fewer and fewer liberals are commenting? There's a reason why.

You people want no opposing voices, an echo chamber of boringness, agreement, mutual Obama derangement syndrome, yep have at it.

And conservatives, keep marching ever further to the right, and you conservative women, make sure you march in the rear, let the menfolks lead you. "Gays, get out of line and stand up against the wall. Blacks, go dig some ditches overs there, then throw yourselves in them. Hispanics, make me some tacos and then go cut my grass. Asians, what are you thinking, you're smart enough to vote Republican, what, No? Then go wash and iron my shirts, chop chop." So say the good upstanding moral conservatives.

You still don't know why you lost two Presidential elections, why 55 % of women voted Democratic, why Blacks, Hispanics and Asians overwhelmingly voted Democratic. As for Romney it was fate that made him end up with exactly 47% of the vote, LMAO. So fitting.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
You know what's really truly boring, an Althouse without liberal pushback. Notice fewer and fewer liberals are commenting? There's a reason why.

You people want no opposing voices, an echo chamber of boringness, agreement, mutual Obama derangement syndrome, yep have at it.

And conservatives, keep marching ever further to the right, and you conservative women, make sure you march in the rear, let the menfolks lead you. "Gays, get out of line and stand up against the wall. Blacks, go dig some ditches overs there, then throw yourselves in them. Hispanics, make me some tacos and then go cut my grass. Asians, what are you thinking, you're smart enough to vote Republican, what, No? Then go wash and iron my shirts, chop chop." So say the good upstanding moral conservatives.

You still don't know why you lost two Presidential elections, why 55 % of women voted Democratic, why Blacks, Hispanics and Asians overwhelmingly voted Democratic. As for Romney it was fate that made him end up with exactly 47% of the vote, LMAO. So fitting.

I just needed to memorialize that one here in case she deletes it too--stupidity for the ages.

Baron Zemo said...

My dear lady!

Commenting in good faith indeed.


Hardy har har!

chickelit said...

Althouse writes: You are playing her game. You let her wind you up.

I don't let Inga "wind me up." The topic here is (or was) the nature of the Rosa Parks/Obama comparison. Many here and elsewhere see this as color blind idolatry. Others disagree.

I don't write comments or letters to the President saying "how dare you"--instead, it's better to challenge the idolaters and their apologists--the ingas, shilohs, and ritmos.

Aridog said...

Ah, the pooping pigeon has arrived once again to call us "cons" all racists from that perch in lilly-white land Madison Wisconsin.

Baron Zemo said...

Gregory Scarpa did much more for the civil rights movement than Obama ever did.

Maybe he can go sit in his barcolouger in the Wimpy Boys Social Club and pretend he was a hero of the civil rights movement.

shiloh said...

"Making it all about you and the perceived slights to you is boring."

Indeed, edutcher er your #1 doting, trained seal is quite :::zzz::: as again, I only reluctantly reply to his childish ad nauseam, ad hominems out of empathy.

Actually, he is kinda unigue as Althouse goes out of her way to pander to her lost pup. We're probably talkin a couple $100 donations to her fav charity.


And of course the few libs who post here will probably diminish more as everyone has their own threshold for 24/7 conservative whining. Except maybe Althouse!

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