December 21, 2012

"President Barack Obama today will nominate Sen. John Kerry... to be the next secretary of State..."

"... a senior administration official tells CNN," says email from CNN.


madAsHell said...

This ought to be fun.

gerry said...

He served in Vietnam. you know.

edutcher said...

Word is Human Rights Campaign scuttled Hegel, so Lurch is necessarily a shoo-in.

John henry said...

This is going to be fun.

If I were on the confirmation panel, I think the first question I would ask is whether he still has the hat?

You know, the hat that the CIA operator gave him as Kerry was dropping him off upriver in Cambodia.

That Christmas Eve that is "Seared, seared into my memory."

The hat that he claimed to still carry to this day in his briefcase (back in 2006)

Or maybe I could ask about his Winter Soldier testimony?

Or perhaps how a serving Naval officer could go to Paris and meet with the folks (NVN) we were at war with.

I suspect that this is not going to go well for Kerry.

It shouldn't, anyway. Given how senators like to fawn all over each other, I suspect that in reality, nobody will say anything and he will be confirmed without controversy.

John Henry

BarrySanders20 said...

Reporting For Duty!

Halp us Jon Carry. We R Stuk in Irak!

John henry said...

BTW: His testimony at the Winter Soldier hearing is here:

Check out the picture. He looks like he is trying to impersonate Alan Alda playing Hawkeye pierce.

Uniform looks a little odd. Ribbons (that he supposedly threw away) on OD's? Looks like some college kid's idea of what a uniform should look like.

John Henry

Charlie Currie said...

Foreign ambassadors and heads of state will do whatever he wants just to get him to shut up and go home.


Charlie Currie said...

Will he be confirmed in time to save his buddy Bashar al-Assad.


X said...

Or perhaps how a serving Naval officer could go to Paris and meet with the folks (NVN) we were at war with.

remember when Kerry coined the phrase "Benedict Arnold CEO"? talk about projection!

Scott M said...

I don't think a man that can't figure out how many SUV's he owns should be our top diplomat.

test said...

John said...
Given how senators like to fawn all over each other, I suspect that in reality, nobody will say anything and he will be confirmed without controversy.

John Henry

There used to be a tacit agreement that officeholders were deemed deserving of a more respectful process, a sort of honor among thieves. But of course the left ended that with John Ashcroft. We'll see if Reps use the new standard or meekly accept the double standard that leftists can be as viscious and venal as they can while claiming Republicans must practice high-minded decorum at all times.

X said...

it would be useful to get him on record again about his Winter Soldier testimony since I imagine the statute of limitations has expired on his original testimony.

Freeman Hunt said...

Hehe. Government is comedy on an oppressive scale.

MayBee said...

I hope they make his confirmation contingent on him producing that hat.

He still has that hat.

Anonymous said...

A lying, America-hating, make-up-stories-to-blame-Americans, hang-out-with-traitors piece of shit as Sec. Defense.

For President Stepin Fetchit, par for the course.

"Liveshot" Kerry wll be swept into office by those spineless faggy "right-wingers" who signed in Timmy "Tax Cheat" Geithner to run the tax department of our country and Eric "My People" Holder, who let violent voter intimidating thugs go free.

Enjoy the decline, bitches

Franklin said...

Why does anybody want the French-looking, former junior senator from Massachusetts, who by the way served in Vietnam, to be SecState?

Roger J. said...

The Department of State is one of our more fucked up bureaucracies--they shined Hillary on for four years, and my take is they will shine lurch on for four years--Actually having lurch as SOS will be quite humorous. Sec States don't do anything any more. Lurch fits right in.

Bottom line: welcome aboard Lurch. Laissez les bon tremps roullez

traditionalguy said...

Kerry does have that Mayan High Priest look from the statues.

What of ours will he sacrifice to the European Empire gods he believes in?

I suspect he will pull the beating heart out of the US Carbon energy industry and offer it to the UN Cult crowd.

X said...

a man who keeps his military record hidden has something to hide. probably an article 15 and a less than honorable discharge which Jimmy Carter later fixed.

Kelly said...

Can't be any worse then the last four years. Or can it? Either way, glad he isn't at defense, the sob.

MadisonMan said...

nobody will say anything and he will be confirmed without controversy.

Agreed. Not sure if that's good or bad.

X said...

Or perhaps how a serving Naval officer could go to Paris and meet with the folks (NVN) we were at war with.

self appointed. right after the voters had rejected him for elective office. no respect for democracy.

Chip Ahoy said...

Enjoy the decline, bitches

Look, Asshole, if you're going to substitute bitches for our proper made up names, will you please have the son-of-a-bitching decency to capitalize? That's Bitches, Dumbass, enjoy the decline, Bitches.

Anonymous said...

I for one, think Lurch will make a good SoS, in the age of instant diplomacy, it is after all a do nothing job. Hillary proved that. What passes for Diplomacy in the 21st century is whatever POTUS says on the phone. Lurch will do fine making toasts to dictators around the world. Most will like dealing with Lurch better... he is after all a man. Not my bias, theirs.

Now SECDEF, I worry about that one.

PS: Roger J, you obviously haven't been in DC in 20 years, my list for bottom feeding corrupt/disfunctional Agencies include:

HUD, the worst of the worst

I could go on and on
NRC (under Obama)
GSA of course

Scott M said...

A lying, America-hating, make-up-stories-to-blame-Americans, hang-out-with-traitors piece of shit as Sec. Defense.


X said...

Or perhaps how a serving Naval officer could go to Paris and meet with the folks (NVN) we were at war with.

Reporting For Duty!

Anonymous said...

The Drill SGT said...

I for one, think Lurch will make a good SoS, in the age of instant diplomacy, it is after all a do nothing job. Hillary proved that. What passes for Diplomacy in the 21st century is whatever POTUS says on the phone. Lurch will do fine making toasts to dictators around the world. Most will like dealing with Lurch better... he is after all a man. Not my bias, theirs.

Now SECDEF, I worry about that one.

PS: Roger J, you obviously haven't been in DC in 20 years, my list for bottom feeding corrupt/disfunctional Agencies include:

HUD, the worst of the worst

You left out the SBA, dollar-for-dollar rival for worst with HUD

I'm Full of Soup said...

Fail up is the trend in America. Vote present enough in the IL state senate and you too could be president. Betray your fellow soldiers and lie at the Winter Soldier farce and you too could be Sec of State. I suggest you wear a helmet Lurch because I hear your predecessor suffered a nasty concussion to avoid being depants-suited[how's that for a horrible visual image] by testifying to Congress.

Chef Mojo said...

A moron who orders Swiss cheese on a cheesesteak in South Philly is completely undeserving of being the nation's top diplomat.

ricpic said...

Government is comedy on an oppressive scale.

A terrible truth.

Anonymous said...

Chip Ahoy said...

if you're going to substitute bitches for our proper made up names, will you please have the son-of-a-bitching decency to capitalize?


Enjoy the decline, faggots!

Kevin said...

The Friday afternoon before Christmas. No, they aren't trying to hide anything.......

David said...


Just amazing what this third rate man has done.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there are a few helpful things to keep in mind:

1. Obama is pretty committed to a liberal internationalist vision of problems in the world (American power must be subsumed to international courts and law, and people like Muslims must be included in that order through carrots and sticks). He's idealistic in the one-worlder, justice will prevail, we're all one people with transnational problems kind of way, so let's all solve them.

This is pretty far Left for many Americans, myself included, and heavy on human rights. As a result, we may not be successfully handling the rise of Islamism and more robustly projecting the values and ideals through policy that I'd more like to see, including freedom of speech, liberty, trade, and maintaining relationships with our allies. It's not a friendly world, but we can find allies.

2. There is a school of thought and practical experience built upon this idealism, that operates pragmatically with people like Samantha Power, and various others who I won't name. If they could build a Eurocracy over here, they probably would.

They do know some stuff about stuff, however, because they've had to deal with lots of stuff and have acquired practical knowledge through experience.

3. There were a bunch of people working for Clinton, and a big internal war took place when Obama won with divided loyalties and lots of fallout. Clinton might be a little stronger on defense, and her and Bill don't like playing second fiddle, but she has.

Much like Biden, Obama is plugging in the old Democratic guard (Clinton, now Kerry) but partly they're going along for the sake of the party and for political power and for their own careers and opportunity which is perfectly reasonable as these things go...

...yet, some old Schools are having to make the trek toward social justice, race, Obama's ideas and where he's leading the party and country and aren't entirely comfortable with such idealism.

Conservative and Republicans, of course, feel almost totally unrepresented, and don't like this direction at all.

Obama felt most comfortable with Susan Rice, because she would have had his ear, much more than Clinton.

mikee said...

I sincerely hope someone, anyone, asks Senator Kerry to produce the hat which a Special Forces team supposedly gave him for taking them into Cambodia on or about Christmas 1968 (IIRC), an event so positively disproven that it is a running joke to this day in the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web column.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I should mention:

The kinds of people running our foreign policy are most likely to have started out in the human rights campaigns, and then moved into security and diplomatic positions.

They're idealists, gathering around that Western, liberal, human rights, take down the strong and rise up the weak kind of globalists.

edutcher said...

I meant isn't.

Having Rice and, apparently, Hegel torpedoed, even though Junior will fight for him, a good strong effort by the Swift Boat Vets should sink him once again.

PS Gentlemen, no mention of the IRS?

mikee said...

Perhaps I should explain. Kerry's quote is "I Have the Hat to This Day. I Have the Hat." Which was his only defense of his outright lie about his Cambodia excursion, which again, did not happen and could not have happened.

Taranto puts that quote in his column as a category header for stories of obvious non-proofs by assertion.

Anonymous said...

It's Chuck Hagel, G.W.F. Hegel is someone else entirely.

machine said...

Break out the purple band-aids!

furious_a said...

There will be a test -- a Global Test -- as part of the nomination process.

Unknown said...


mark said...

“They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.”

Sen. Psycho-Liar Kerry

The mental disorder Mythomania is a requirement for anyone President Obama wants close to him. Birds of a feather.

Colonel Angus said...

He can't be any worse than the idiot that's in there now.

Michael Haz said...

At long last, an ego larger than Madeline Albright's.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Lurch Forward!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Lurch Forward!

Gahrie said...

As a historian, it is interesting to consider just how history is going to treat the last twenty years......

edutcher said...

machine said...

Break out the purple band-aids!

And pin some Purple Owies on your Class As.

Gahrie said...

He can't be any worse than the idiot that's in there now

Of course he can. He hates being an American even more than Obama does......

Hagar said...

and Kerry has an ego as big or bigger than Obama's plus which he thinks he is smart.

If he gets confirmed, this is not going to end well.

Aridog said...

AJ Lynch said...

Fail up is the trend in America

It certainly is...the unfit "promoted" includes Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Senator-Elect Elizabeth Weaver and Ex-CIA Director & retired 4 Star General David Petraeus.

The tragedy of Kerry's elevation to Secretary of State, if such an atrocity happens, is that Massachusetts will, once again, not have two confirmed liars as Senators. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you go and fight in Vietnam, then you come back and have to please the people at post 60's harvard and the radicals, then you've got to get elected in Massachussetts.

Nowadays, liberals would skip that fighting in Vietnam part. No more cold-war liberals.

Crunchy Frog said...

You left out the SBA, dollar-for-dollar rival for worst with HUD

Don't forget the NLRB.

Anonymous said...

Only in America. In most sensible countries Mr. Kerry would just about now be completing his prison term for treason.

hombre said...

Oh, peachy, the Vietnam fabulist in charge of Obama's deluded foreign policy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dope and same.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I want to protest this appointment. Does anyone have any medals I can borrow?

sakredkow said...

Only in America. In most sensible countries Mr. Kerry would just about now be completing his prison term for treason.

If you want to further set back the GOP, nominate Kerry. He brings the extremists' out front and center.

Every time a right-winger says something like this two or three moderates or independents move closer to the Dems. Obama couldn't ask for better friends.

hombre said...

Phx wrote: "Every time a right-winger says something like this two or three moderates or independents move closer to the Dems."

In the morally relativistic society promoted by phx and his/her ilk, there are no principles, only elections

sakredkow said...

In the morally relativistic society promoted by phx and his/her ilk, there are no principles, only elections

Oh you probably say that to all the guys who disagree with your principles.

Aridog said...

Phx...with all due respect, I suggest to you that it isn't just "extremists" who object to Kerry's appointment to anything. He was a traitor, but then again so were Cora Weiss and Tom Hayden, and they skated as well. Even Bill punk-boy Ayers admits he's "guilty as hell, free as a bird."

It is a sad development when pronounced liars are rewarded and promoted in our society. It has become an addiction, a habit, from what I saw in my time in the military and as a "fed."

gadfly said...

Old sailers never die
They just change their berth.

Anonymous said...


Yep, now, patriotism doesn't matter, principles don't matter, lying doesn't matter. All that matters is that we adhere to "moderate" views---i.e. views closer to the Demo-rat party.

phx=David Frum, David Brooks.

Enjoy sucking lefty cock, pissant!

Anonymous said...

The 60s generation's ascendency is complete.

They once hated the U.S. regime.

They now run it.

And the bombs are still flying - in fact the bombs now fly without a pilot.

My how the 60s generation has grown morally.

(And did anyone notice that the father of the killer was living with his new family. Maybe the killer was struggling because he didn't feel his father's love.)

(But that can't possibly the root cause, because the baby boomers told me that divorce was harmless to children.)

(Despite what the studies show.)

John Kerry - statesman, leader, and former outstpoken witness to and critic of the attrocities of the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Remember, phx, though you tried to bury this truth:

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Enjoy the decline, quisling!

Aridog said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I want to protest this appointment. Does anyone have any medals I can borrow?

Actually, do like Kerry did, borrow some ribbons, not the medals themselves. Or just buy them at you local Army-Navy store.

Anonymous said...


Oh you probably say that to all the guys who disagree with your principles.

---You have no principles, shit-for-brains. You're angry that people do.

Enjoy the firing squad, dick.

sakredkow said...

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Extremism in defense of a right-wing freak show however, that's a whole 'nother cannoli.

I'm not defending John Kerry here, or attacking all conservatives. I'm making note that the moderate Republicans have a real serious PR problem, and the Dems have a gift in the extremists who just love to spread their point of view!

As friendly as I am to moderate conservatives, I'm even more friendly to moderate liberals, so I'm all for the extremists getting their voice out.

Aridog said...

Quayle said...

John Kerry - statesman, leader, and former outspoken liar and hearsay hustler and critic of the atrocities of the U.S.

I understand you point overall, and tend to agree, but I just had to fix that last line for ya.

Lt. John Kerry never witness any infantry actions. He purportedly did shoot a wounded enemy in the back. He merely aggregated mythical unsubstantiated war stories he gathered, from men he never served with, during his "investigation" in Ann Arbor and Detroit.

hombre said...

phx wrote: Oh you probably say that to all the guys who disagree with your principles.

No. I pretty much reserve it for the unprincipled.

Colonel Angus said...

He can't be any worse than the idiot that's in there now.

John said...

I hope Kerry can nominate Clinton for a purple heart - she deserves one as much as Kerry did - bump on the head and all.

sakredkow said...

No. I pretty much reserve it for the unprincipled.

Meaning...people who disagree with you. But we could do this all day! Let's wish each other a Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas and move it along.

X said...

Let's wish each other a Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas and move it along.

everyone else was commenting on the nominee until you came in to comment about the commenters.

Merry Christmas phx and everyone else. Happy Long Night everyone. Enjoy the holidays!

Kensington said...

What happened, did Jane Fonda turn the job down?

mark said...


I don't like the bastard because he spit on my father and all those who fought with honor in Vietnam.

He is a scum bag in my opinion. And it doesn't surprise me that you and Obama like him.

Hyphenated American said...

""Every time a right-winger says something like this two or three moderates or independents move closer to the Dems."

And the more vicious righ-wingers become, the more it will look like.... 2004, when Kerry lost the elections. Hm.

BTW, Kerry promised to make his military records public - 2500 days ago. He is a very slow man...

somefeller said...

While it would have been nice to see Kerry win the Presidency in 2004, this will have to do. Plus, if he had won, Obama probably wouldn't be President now and both the demographic wave in favor of the Democrats and the general hilarity we've seen from the Republicans over the past several years may not have taken place either. So all's well that ends well.

sakredkow said...

everyone else was commenting on the nominee until you came in to comment about the commenters.

I see. You want this to be a "Free Bullshit" zone where you can say whatever tripe you like and no one will challenge you. Gotcha.

sakredkow said...

And the more vicious righ-wingers become, the more it will look like.... 2004, when Kerry lost the elections.

You know I disagree, but you want to take the challenge. Interesting. Who will win the hearts and minds of the GOP? If I'm right it won't matter. The internecine warfare will make a shambles of the party in any case.

Hey, that's just my take though. You guys do your best to push the moderates out. Maybe it will pay off.

Roger J. said...

Drill and Lars Porsena--yes praise gaia I have been out of the beltway since 1986 and I genuinely appreciate the updates on the worst agencies that most people have never known. researching those agencies will give me something to do for the next couple of months.

I should say that I am thankful that we no longer have to be concerned about the ass sizes of our SOS. Madeline Albright was probably 3 Pinkwaters and Hillary was two pinkwaters (an old NPR joke on car talk). At least John feffin Kerry has a reasonably sized ass.

Cedarford said...

Franklin said...
Why does anybody want the French-looking, former junior senator from Massachusetts, who by the way served in Vietnam, to be SecState?

1.Because Republicans gave Neocons there shot and they gave us two wars we lost that lasted longer than Vietnam and cost us 2 trillion. The nation is sick of that - and it is one of the reasons behind the Romney loss. (and something that hurt McCain). Give credit to the Democrats, they did not run as the Pro-Endless Asian Land Wars Party after Vietnam. Republicans are stuck on stupid with their continuing Paeons to more splendid overseas military engagements shedding our blood and what's left of our treasure to help Noble Freedom Lovers or "Our Special Friend" - Israel..
2. Because it isn't DOD, where Kerry truly would be unacceptable to most Veterans and active duty military. But nibbling brie cheese and sipping wine with French diplomats and soothing ruffled Brazilian feathers - yeah they could see Kerry doing that.
3. Because he has done about as well as a Democrat could running or as ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He will pass Senate confirmation with ease.
4. Because Obama won, and won convincingly - but lost his preferred nominee Susan Rice because she went out and lied to the public to help re-elect The One Black Messiah..That meant Kerry was the next choice in line for the job.

Cedarford said...

somefeller said...
While it would have been nice to see Kerry win the Presidency in 2004, this will have to do. Plus, if he had won, Obama probably wouldn't be President now and both the demographic wave in favor of the Democrats and the general hilarity we've seen from the Republicans over the past several years may not have taken place either.
1. I actually agree with you that had Kerry been elected in 2004 and replaced the idiot Bush - in hindsight, the nation would have been better off. It would have repudiated the Neocons, the Norquistians, and we would have been able to focus on bigger things than a few thousand "Terrahist Evildoers" and running America like our only purpose was to make the rich richer while dismantling US industries and sending them to China.
2. But Kerry dishonored the uniform. It was just a step too far to ask moderates and even many Democrats who served to accept him as Commander in Chief.
3. The nation would have been better off because the meltdown largely caused by Fannie-Freddie and the progressive Jewish financiers on Wall Street - stalwart Democrats all - would have happened on Kerry's watch and been properly seen as a Democrat thing..
4. With the nation in complete economic mess in 2008, the nation would have rolled the dice for someone they were a little queasy about to replace the Democrats that gave us the Meltdown. It wouldn't have been Obama, or McCain and the Neocons discredited in 2004 had Kerry won then. We would have rolled the dice for Romney.

And been much better off.
If only Kerry had not disgraced the uniform! his election in 2004 would have led to better events.

McTriumph said...

John Kerry will fit well at State, it has a long history of traitors.

test said...

phx said...
Every time a right-winger says something like this two or three moderates or independents move closer to the Dems. Obama couldn't ask for better friends.

Personally I'm touched by phx's concerns over the possibility rightist blog commmenter statements might push moderates out of the party. But I wonder why he's not concerned with outrageous statements by leftists such as President Obama ssserting President Bush refused to allow federal funds to Katrina victims because they were predominantly black?

Is it because he knows such patently ridiculous ideas statements are endemic to the Democratic Party culture and thus do not represent new information to voters? Or is it because of his intrinsic standard of acceptability varies by party?

I'm not sure really, but the humor of watching someone rant about blog commenters while voting for a president who says worse is perfect for Christmas weekend.

sakredkow said...

Personally I'm touched by phx's concerns over the possibility rightist blog commmenter statements might push moderates out of the party.

Was that concern? Or was that happiness?

McTriumph said...

Is it true that "John Kerry" translates in Gaelic to " my patriotic gene ran down my mother's ass crack"?

Bob said...

This brings with it his wife. If John was French she'd be hot but John likes an expensive lifestyle. So he' use to pleading and being lectured to.

test said...

phx said...
Personally I'm touched by phx's concerns over the possibility rightist blog commmenter statements might push moderates out of the party.

Was that concern? Or was that happiness?

This is a dodge. phx continues to pretend random rightist blog comments are abhorrent but the leftist President saying worse merits no comment at all. Alinsky's 13th rule was "always attack the enemy, never accept the focus on yourself".

McTriumph said...

Sec. Hillary Clinton hasn't commented on the Kerry nomination, is she still under the care of her phrenologist?

Clyde said...

well, at least SoS Lurch will probably do less damage than he would have done had he been elected President Lurch. Probably.

It's not like Zero hasn't already completely trashed our international reputation, so having an arrogant jerk as SoS is about like adding a maraschino cherry to the top of the sundae.

johnnymcguirk said...

John Kerry is not Irish. His paternal grandfather was an Austrian Jew who converted to Catholicism and changed his name to Kerry. His mother was WASP.

Anonymous said...

I remain curious what the military will make of Obama as C-in-C, who has already betrayed them repeatedly (Iraq, Afghanistan, Benghazi) and Kerry as SoS, who betrayed them with his slanders in the Winter Soldier Investigation.

At least Kerry won't be SecDef, apparently, but I've got to believe that military morale has got to be at an all-time low since Vietnam.

Crunchy Frog said...

Foggy Bottom's loss is the Senate's gain.

Strelnikov said...

Brilliant! Is there anything this President can't do?

Cedarford said...

Clyde said...
well, at least SoS Lurch will probably do less damage than he would have done had he been elected President Lurch. Probably.

I consider Kerry an upgrade from a Susan Rice at the helm.

Or fucking Hillary, who really hasn't been an effective SoS, and not just her Benghazi mess...lots of things she has bungled.

But Hillary has a squad of kneepad wearing adorers in the liberal and progressive Jewish media 2nd only to the Black Messiah. That feel guilty she had to be discarded as the First Woman President!! - because to the media - nothing would show how good a group they were than pimping for their annointed Black Messiah. The First Black President!! - who would redeem their guilty white consciences. Hence their buildup of Hillary (once again) as the Presumptive Next President (to atone for their 2008 betrayal of her).

When he is not being a pompous asshole, half the time, Kerry actually has been an effective advocate for rational foreign policy objectives. He was right to recognize Vietnam and restore normal relations - ignoring the POWs are still alive!! moron brigade. He correctly warned against the Neocons and Bush's idiotic "Terrahist-Centric" foreign policy. And that good foreign relations have more than a military component.

Cedarford said...

McTriumph said...
John Kerry will fit well at State, it has a long history of traitors.

So does the US military.
Bradley Manning and Maj. Nidal Hasan are just the most recent.

However, like the US military, 99% of the people at State are proudly serving the nation.

Indigo Red said...

OGL! The world did come to an end today.

*OGL = Oh, good lord.

n.n said...

There is no honor among thieves.

Hyphenated American said...

Phx prefers to ignore that the last time republican were mean to John Kerry, the Republicans won the presidential elections. So, the facts are against him, but why would facts matter?

P.S. Speaking about moderates being drummed out of the party, what happened to the 2000 DNC VP nominee?

P.P.S. Obama lost independent vote in 2012 elections. This proves that GOP's problem is not independents - it's the conservative base.

Anonymous said...

Will there be significant opposition to Kerry as SoS?

Unknown said...

President Stepin Fetchit

Racism alert.

Fred Drinkwater said...

John said:
"Or perhaps how a serving Naval officer could go to Paris and meet with the folks (NVN) we were at war with."
Many military folk of my father's generation regard Kerry as a traitor for this act. My father was still a Marine Reserve officer, and adamantly opposed to the Vietnam war, when he first told me this.

Anonymous said...

Many military folk of my father's generation regard Kerry as a traitor for this act.

Fred Drinkwater: Do you have any read on current members of the military WRT to Kerry and Obama?

sakredkow said...

Phx prefers to ignore that the last time republican were mean to John Kerry, the Republicans won the presidential elections. So, the facts are against him

I hadn't thought of it that way. But if them's the facts, them's the facts. Run with it. Quick. Before your powers begin to wane.

sakredkow said...

This is not your father's GOP. Remember.

Kensington said...

"Brilliant! Is there anything this President can't do?"

He doesn't seem to grasp basic economics.

Anonymous said...

This is not your father's GOP. Remember.

I'd say closer than the current New Left/Black Power brains trust that runs the Democratic Party these days.

I sure can't imagine JFK being reelected, if he had not been assassinated and he had been caught saying, "Tell Putin after my election I will have more flexibility."

Fred Drinkwater said...

Sorry, no. The only current-generation active-duty military guy I knew well enough to ask that question, died in a training accident last year.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Sorry, no. The only current-generation active-duty military guy I knew well enough to ask that question, died in a training accident last year.

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