December 20, 2012

"Gallup: More Americans Favor School Officials Having Guns Than Weapon Ban."

"See, states like Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, which are looking at arming teachers, are just in touch with America. Why is Barack Obama so out of touch with America?"


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Aridog said...

Rule #1 ... no poll that disagrees with the party agenda will be acknowledged.

bleh said...

Eugene Volokh has recently made some great posts on this subject. He argues, convincingly, that no regulation being proposed would have done anything to prevent the Sandy Hook tragedy, nor will they have any appreciable effect on gun violence.

I wonder, when will the nannies turn their sights on video games? Mental health issues have already been cast aide as inconvenient distractions to the agenda, but there are reports out there that Adam Lanza was positively obsessed with violent video games. Video games must be controlled! We need common sense regulations!

LilyBart said...

Obama is not interested in 'being in touch' with America, he's interested in our changing to think and act more like him.

BarrySanders20 said...

I am not confident that schools would be safer if the group we saw assembled at the Capitol in Madison last year were armed. Those are the people who are supposed to take out a crazed gunman? Fat liberal entitled middle aged mostly white women and a few holdover hippies. Get a grip people. I can't think of one teacher I ever had who would be competent keeping, bearing, or fergodsakes using a weapon.

"You'll shoot yer eye out" indeed.

The only way this idea makes any sense is to have an armed officer in the school. That does not guarantee safety, but at least the Madison singer crowd wouldn't be accidentally shooting off their own or others' body parts.

Tank said...

Rasmussen had similar results.

You'd never know it by the NY Times and Wash Post who each now have 3, 4 or 5 editorials each day urging gun control NOW.

In the Times today there is a piece advocating that no one have guns.

Lauderdale Vet said...

It's not an unknown concept. Take Israel, for example. We train for fires. Why not violence?

McTriumph said...

The blood of the children of Newton, Connecticut isn't on the hands of the NRA, gun owners of the nation or the 2nd amendment, it's on the hands of politicians that decided to make schools in Connecticut "gun free zones".

test said...

LilyBart said...

Obama is not interested in 'being in touch' with America, he's interested in our changing to think and act more like him.

Interestingly there's evidence he is actually capable of doing this, at least among Democrats. Consider the change in same sex marriage approval before and after he changed his public stance on that topic.

Sorun said...

Just get rid of "Gun Free Zones." They're about as useful as a "Baby on Board" sign on a car.

Hagar said...

Part of the Democrats' problem is that they are trying to ban an idea rather than a weapon and - rather in the same vein - it is a lot about group identification.

I saw an article that suggested that the AR-15 type of rifle design never would have become as popular as it is, but for the "assault weapons" ban.

I think the same holds for SUV's. The Democrats have only expressed disapproval for pick-up based SUV's and have not tried to ban them, but I am sure that there are a lot of people driving them just to push back, even though they may not even realize that is what they are doing.

And if the Democrats did try to ban them, they would face the same problem as they do with "assault eapons." Precisely what constitutes a "SUV"?

Lauderdale Vet said...

This is a really good article, I thought. It addresses how police and teachers need to work together to formulate plans, practice drills, etc, much like we do to prepare for fires.

“How many kids have been killed by school fire in all of North America in the past 50 years?", the article asks. "Kids killed... school fire... North America... 50 years... How many? Zero. That’s right. Not one single kid has been killed by school fire anywhere in North America in the past half a century. Now, how many kids have been killed by school violence?”

McTriumph said...

Are Brinks armored cars carrying cash in Connecticut "gun free zones"? No, then the people of Connecticut value their money more than their school children.

AF said...

Once you click through to the numbers and ignore the spin, they're pretty interesting. First of all, every single one of the policies mentioned by Gallup -- increasing police presence at schools, increasing government spending for mental health, and reducing images of violence in the media, banning assault weapons, arming school officials, and not printing the names of the shooters -- are considered to be very or somewhat effective approaches by substantial majorities.

Increasing police presence at schools, increasing government spending for mental health, and reducing images of violence in the media are the three policies considered to be most effective. 63% think that banning assault weapons would be very (42%) or somewhat (21%) effective. 64% think that arming at least one school official would be very (34%) or somewhat (30%) effective.

So this poll shows strong support for an assault weapons ban. It also shows support for a number of other policies.

sakredkow said...

Think of your one or two worst teachers throughout your school years. Now think of them packing.

Colonel Angus said...

Since most who seek education degrees to become teachers or administrators are liberal, my guess is you will find few who will get a CCW permit, much less be willing to use a firearm even in self defense.

test said...

BarrySanders20 said...
I can't think of one teacher I ever had who would be competent keeping, bearing, or fergodsakes using a weapon.

"You'll shoot yer eye out" indeed.

The only way this idea makes any sense is to have an armed officer in the school.

This would be the wrong approach, as would trying to train people specifically for this purpose. We should allow people to carry if they meet certain training and psychological criteria and are motivated to do so. Arming all adults is a mistake.

The primary value of the CCW in schools policy that the nut won't know how many he's facing. The element of doubt could be sufficient that the murderer would pick a different target even if it's only a couple per school. If not the shooter will have to act more defensively which should reduce casualties. How many armed teachers and who they are should be strictly confidential.

purplepenquin said...

Just a few months ago most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches who are too dumb to do their job, but now ya wanna give 'em assault weapons while at work? I ain't saying it is a bad idea to arm our someone else pointed out, Israel has been doing so for years....just find it interesting how often the Etch-a-Sketch gets shaken up 'round these parts.

At least Barry is consistent with his earlier viewpoints...he flat-outs says he wouldn't trust any teacher with any weapon, let alone a gun. Given the stuff that was said during the protests & recall efforts, how can any of ya argue against him?

Nonapod said...

It's pretty amazing that a lot of people seem to believe that an assault weapons ban would be "very effective" at curtailing these sorts of incidents. I'd be interested to have someone explain this line of thought.

Colonel Angus said...

Think of your one or two worst teachers throughout your school years. Now think of them packing.

My history teacher in high school was a jackass of the highest order and didn't need a gun to kill one of us should if he was suddenly overcome by a homicidal urge.

Wince said...

Stop using sex as a weapon!

ricpic said...

Why is Obama so out of touch with America?

He's not out of touch...he knows better...than a bunch of six year olds.

Tank said...

Nonapod said...

It's pretty amazing that a lot of people seem to believe that an assault weapons ban would be "very effective" at curtailing these sorts of incidents. I'd be interested to have someone explain this line of thought.

Allow me. These people are ignorant. To start, most would not even know what an assault weapon is (as defined in the law).

purplepenquin said...

I'd be interested to have someone explain this line of thought

I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right.

Kinda like how other people support banning marijuana and cocaine...they don't think through the whole process and have kidded themselves into thinking bans actually work.

Colonel Angus said...

Just a few months ago most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches who are too dumb to do their job

Interesting because I don't recall such statements at all. I suppose you might gain more credibility if you didn't make up ridiculous accusations out of whole cloth.

Shouting Thomas said...

Attempting to ban video games is a fool's errand.

Can't be done.

Programmers will hack their way around the blockers within 24 hours.

Writ Small said...

Purple P makes a good point. If you saw "Waiting for Superman," you know that unions fight the removal of incompetent teachers. Perhaps if unions knew those failing teachers were going to be armed, they'd reconsider their approach. Strikes me as a win-win.

rhhardin said...

When I was a kid, it bears repeating, the kids had guns in schools.

Anonymous said...

So if public school teachers would be required to carry weapons, would they gain more respect from those on the right? No more hogs at the trough comments?

And yes this was a common phrase here in Wisconsin during the protests.

PP, you beat me to it and the Colonel is having a case of amnesia.

sinz52 said...

I think your source got the numbers wrong. Breitbart's site should never be trusted on face value.

Here is the actual poll from Gallup:

Here's how Americans rate proposed solutions in order from most effective to least effective:

1. Increased *police* presence at schools

2. Increased government spending on mental health and treatment

3. Decreasing depiction of gun violence in mass media and video games

4. Banning the sale of semi-auto weapons

5. Having school officials carry guns

6. News media refusing to publicize the identities of the perpetrators

Numbers #3 and #4 are only one point apart, within the margin of error.

Anonymous said...

Just a few months ago most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches who are too dumb to do their job, but now ya wanna give 'em assault weapons while at work?

I'm skeptical about whether they'll actually take advantage of the opportunity to arm themselves. But if they do, I'm more confident that they'll defend themselves and their charges successfully if a crazed gunman gets in than I am that they'll teach successfully-- because they'll have an incentive to do the one, and they lack an incentive to do the other.

If teachers were as invulnerable to bullets as they are to firing, it would be a different story.

Unknown said...

What we should do is realize that there is very little that can be done. Some things are so random and senseless that structuring our lives around the possibility of them makes all of us prisoners of fear. We should take reasonable precautions, like we already do, and recognize that safety is only part of our lives. Being 100 percent safe would mean never doing anything.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

Inga said...
So if public school teachers would be required to carry weapons, would they gain more respect from those on the right? No more hogs at the trough comments?

So far, I haven't heard one person make the claim that public school teachers would be required to carry weapons. No one.

machine said...

Ah, a Gallup poll...keep searching til you find one that did that work out last time?

Colonel Angus said...

PP, you beat me to it and the Colonel is having a case of amnesia.

And I think Inga is suffering from a case of projection.

It may have been a common phrase at the protests but I didn't see it as a staple on this forum.

Again, I doubt many teachers will be willing to carry even if allowed.

Synova said...

"I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right.

Kinda like how other people support banning marijuana and cocaine...they don't think through the whole process and have kidded themselves into thinking bans actually work.

Yes. This.

IF a ban on those weapons worked THEN it would be effective at reducing the number dead in shootings like this.

dbp said...

"I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right."

Really, 100% effective? So, you are thinking that the deaths would be zero if a killer used a shotgun or revolver instead?

Unknown said...

Every gun used by the Conn shooter was aquired legally by his mother. From this we can infer the following:

a) The mother obeyed the law in acquiring the weapons she wanted, and was able to own legally. Any new bans on particular styles of weapons that doesn't outright ban all weapons would not have affected guns being in a house in a similar situation.

b) Banning the mentally ill from owning weapons would not have mattered in the least. The Conn shooter did not legally acquire any of the weapons he used. And as has been reported, he attempted to purchase a rifle in the week prior, and was denied. He commited murder (of his own mother, Charles Manson level of evil) to acquire them.

c) You cannot ban all guns due to the 2nd Amemndment of the United States Constitution.

The germane question is: Is it possible to eliminate the possibility of someone commiting mass murder? The answer to that question is most definately 'No'. Mass murder is achieveable by many means, whether by hands, knife, gun, bomb, poison, etc....

It is not possible to prevent mass murder attempts, there will always be someone who is bent on evil. How can we stop those that are determined to do evil?

You can either rely on lawful punishment as a deterrent, but a suicidal person will not be deterred by threat of jail.

You can try to preemptively weed out anyone who may be a risk, but without tyrannical intrusion into the lives of every living person, this will not work either. (Although there are always those in favor of tyranny provided they are the tyrant)

That leaves the last option of stopping the killers when they come out in the open and attempt their murder sprees. Given that you cannot stop a gun wielding murderer with a 911 phone call, fists, knives, platitudes, conflict resolution, you need to be on equal or better footing in the confontation.

Is arming ALL teachers with guns a good solution to this? No it is not. Many will refuse, many would be incompetent with a weapon.

Would arming self selected volunteers, provide them with training, and publicize that fact be effective?

I for one think it would be.

1st - You will have people on premises that will be able to neutralize a murder, either by killing him, or making him disarm.

2nd - At the least you would force him to take cover, allowing more time for evactuation of innocents.

3rd - If the armed personnel, and training, are publicized and well know, and indeed lauded, the prevention aspect comes into play as a likely murderer is not interested in hard targets.

4th - Teachers do not need to be equipped with military style assault weapons to be effective. A faculty of teachers would be an effective deterrent if 1 out of 5 were just carrying and trained in using a pistol.

Matt said...

Inga said...

"So if public school teachers would be required to carry weapons, would they gain more respect from those on the right? No more hogs at the trough comments?

"And yes this was a common phrase here in Wisconsin during the protests."

purplepenquin said...

"Just a few months ago most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches who are too dumb to do their job, but now ya wanna give 'em assault weapons while at work? I ain't saying it is a bad idea to arm our someone else pointed out, Israel has been doing so for years....just find it interesting how often the Etch-a-Sketch gets shaken up 'round these parts."

First, I have not seen anyone say that ALL teachers should be armed, idiots.

Second, the derision was directed at the PROTESTING teachers which was most assuredly not ALL teachers, idiots.

Third, the teachers who were protesting are more likely than not the same folks who get the flop sweats at the idea of a gun. They are not the ones who would be voluntarily arming themselves, idiots.

In conclusion, you two are idiots.

Colonel Angus said...

Had Lanza walked into the school with a baseball bat and started smashing skulls, would any of the teaching or admin staff been able to subdue him? I'm curious since it took police 20 minutes to arrive, I imagine he could have done a significant amount of damage just using a blunt instrument.

Is the problem the availability of firearms or does this country have an inordinate number of crazed homicidal maniacs that tend to target schools.

garage mahal said...

Arming union THUGS? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Make Joe Biden gun control czar, have him go on an Amtrak tour and conduct non-alcoholic beer summits in schools across the country.

Problem solved, people.

Someone hit a button or feed a race story into the media dream machine so we can move on.

Anonymous said...

It's a hypothetical Allen, I asked the question to point out the lack of respect for public school teachers by those on the right. I'm sure that that lack of respect will continue to be denied after the Conn. massacre.

I said several days ago that I thought that teachers perhaps should start packing since with the proliferation of guns in our society. No amount of new laws will get those guns out of the hands of those who really are hell bent on getting them and using them. As I said, we're an armed society, we may as well look like one and perhaps some children's lives will be saved.

As a liberal I know just how crazy that sounds, but we live in crazy times.

traditionalguy said...

Can you see the 5 foot tall 100 lb teacher with a 357 mag. on her hip.

That should reduce belligerent bully boy complaints about her grades.

garage mahal said...

Of course, arming teachers would make collective bargaining a lot easier.

Renee said...

Train a few faculty members with mace.

I don't want my children to learn in prison like conditions.

rhhardin said...

An Armstrong and Getty listener points out that the Bing Crosby bumper "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" has the line

A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben;
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen

Anonymous said...

I didn't say they WOULD be required to, I said IF they would be required to Matt, perhaps you should read more carefully.

Matt said...

Jesus Christ, Inga! This is what you said:

Inga said...

"So if public school teachers would be required to carry weapons, would they gain more respect from those on the right?"

Are you seriously mentally deficient?

Anonymous said...

I don't know how Instapundit managed to interpret the poll to conclude "more Americans favor school officials having guns than weapon ban". (Actually I do, Instapundit is dishonest and stupid--a powerful combination) The poll asked what would be more effective. And those two policies were seen to be very effective or somewhat effective in a statistical tie (64 to 63 percent). In fact if you look at the "very effective" numbers, the gun ban is supported 42 to 34% over arming school officials.

Anonymous said...

I do want to go on record as saying a ban on clips with higher than 10 rounds would not harm anyone's 2nd Amendment rights. Same thing goes for assault rifles and I don't give a fig about terminology, you know what I mean.

Synova said...

I think that it would be good to allow those teachers with concealed carry permits to carry at school. I would (if it were up to me) require that those weapons be carried in holsters on the person's body, secured. No purse holsters or pouch type holster stuck in your pants. If it makes anyone feel better, require/suggest additional training and range time than the permit requires. I wouldn't (if it were me) ask teachers to report that they carry to the school, if they've got a permit they've got one. I would, however, fire someone who was found to have disobeyed the rule about how a gun was carried.

Would this prevent a massacre? Probably not. But it wouldn't hurt anything either. So why not?

Anonymous said...

Matt, for pity sake, do you not know what the word IF means?

purplepenquin said...

It may have been a common phrase at the protests but I didn't see it as a staple on this forum.

Here ya go. Plenty of examples of teachers being called thugs on this blog. Even in this very thread there are examples of how teachers are looked down upon and despised.

Heck, even our own hostess blamed union thugs when some random person said mean things to is a common pejorative among these circles, and is often said even in non-political threads.

AllenS said...

Well, if you think that a ban on clip (actually the word you need to use is magazine) size is important, why not any more than 5, or 2?

Unknown said...

Inga said...
I do want to go on record as saying a ban on clips with higher than 10 rounds would not harm anyone's 2nd Amendment rights. Same thing goes for assault rifles and I don't give a fig about terminology, you know what I mean.

A bolt action, or lever action rifle without all the scary looking accessories will still be massively effective against an unarmed group of people.

Limiting clips or magazines to 10 rounds does nothing. Obviously you have no experience with such weapons, or you would know the miniscule amount of time it takes to change magazines.

Your proposal does nothing to stop a shooter once he has started killing.

AllenS said...

If all teachers were carrying firearms, you'd see a lot of holes in feet, knees and nuts.

Anonymous said...

Synova, I agree with carrying the guns holstered on their body at all times. Why bother having it locked away in a drawer or purse, when bullets start flying fast access is essential.

Shouting Thomas said...

The media has been in a frenzy selling this incident for every penny they can wrest out of it, meanwhile pointing the finger of blame at gun owners.

There have been 7 incidents of this type in 2012, with a death toll of 39.

Of course, this incident is awful.

But, in the overall scheme of things, this is a lot of bullshit over nothing. A kid is about as likely to be struck by lightning as to be a victim of a school shooting.

The media is seizing on this BS to make money. Politicians are seizing on this BS to score points over bullshit. A shameful display.

Matt said...

Inga said...

"Matt, for pity sake, do you not know what the word IF means?"

But NO ONE is suggesting that. The only reason for you to even suggest is to try to create this idea of the oppressive conservatives making people do things. Otherwise, there is no reason to even suggest it. I might as well say, "What if guns shot rainbows instead? Would you still oppose guns then?" Your query is wholly disingenuous. It is a dopey hypothetical.

Unknown said...

Once again, Glenn Reynolds proves that he's an idiot.

purplepenquin said...

First, I have not seen anyone say that ALL teachers should be armed, idiots.

I don't see the word "all" in my post either.

Oh, sorry. Let me say this in your native language so there is no confusion: I don't see the word "all" in my post either, idiot.


Really, 100% effective? So, you are thinking that the deaths would be zero if a killer used a shotgun or revolver instead?

I mean the ban itself would be 100% effective. Of course people can still get shot with other weapons...tho, I think there is a damn good reason why, as an infantry solider, I was issued an M-16 rifle rather than a .45 is far-more effective than the other when it comes to killing lots of people, no?

Synova said...

"Synova, I agree with carrying the guns holstered on their body at all times. Why bother having it locked away in a drawer or purse, when bullets start flying fast access is essential."

I'm more concerned with what I see as the only legitimate concern about teachers having guns in school, and that's the possibility of the kids getting access to them. A purse holster is a great idea, normally. Take it to work and toss it in your desk drawer... just not if your "work" is herding 8 year olds.

Anonymous said...

John, you're right I don't know a thing about guns, but I do know that our children and grandchildren are now going to be the prize that insane gunmen will be reaching for on their merry go round of madness, so they can go down in a blaze of glory, blood of innocents and lots of notoriety.

So then perhaps all multiple shot clips should be banned, better?

purplepenquin said...

Limiting clips or magazines to 10 rounds does nothing.

If that is true, then why don't the military and police only use magazines smaller than that?

Ain't saying we should ban 'em, but rather think it is foolish to claim there ain't a difference between a weapon that can only hold 1-5 rounds and one that can hold 30-50.

Matt said...

"I don't see the word 'all' in my post either.

"Oh, sorry. Let me say this in your native language so there is no confusion: I don't see the word 'all' in my post either, idiot."

Disingenuous jackass, notice that I was responding to both comments by you and Inga? Way to ignore the other part of what I wrote which more directly addresses your idiocy, idiot.

AllenS said...

The only reason that children and grandchildren are now going to be the prize that insane gunmen will be reaching for is because they are kept in schools that a crazed person knows is a gun free zone. They have no defense.

Unknown said...

Inga said...
John, you're right I don't know a thing about guns, but I do know that our children and grandchildren are now going to be the prize that insane gunmen will be reaching for on their merry go round of madness, so they can go down in a blaze of glory, blood of innocents and lots of notoriety.

So then perhaps all multiple shot clips should be banned, better?

So you are in favor of tyranny then by allowing the government to disarm its populace?

See, I too can play that game of argument in bad faith.

If you care to re-read my post, and understand what is meant by Bolt Action, or Lever Action rifles you will note that these are single shot manual weapons.

Once again, to reiterate my point, Any and All weapons are going to be extremely effective instruments of murder when used against an Unarmed group of people.

The only way to ammeliorate these events is to deny wannabe murders UNARMED targets.

Address that point before you start building your strawmen.

Patrick said...

Of course, arming teachers would make collective bargaining a lot easier.

That made me bust my gut laughing.

Unknown said...

purplepenquin said...
Limiting clips or magazines to 10 rounds does nothing.

If that is true, then why don't the military and police only use magazines smaller than that?

Ain't saying we should ban 'em, but rather think it is foolish to claim there ain't a difference between a weapon that can only hold 1-5 rounds and one that can hold 30-50.

Limiting magazine size has no effect when dealing with an UNARMED group of people.

This is my point that you will all dodge around, fail to address, create strawmen to knock down, or other diversionary tactics.

You do not want to face the fact that ANY weapon will be extremely effective at mass killing when used against an UNARMED target.

Please explain why you prefer to keep children undefended so the next mass murderer also does not face any opposition to his murderous intentions.

Anonymous said...

John, no I don't want to disarm you. Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull?

Brian Brown said...

purplepenquin said...

I mean the ban itself would be 100% effective.

To be clear, you're a fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

Also John, didn't you read the comments in which I advocated for arming teachers?

McTriumph said...

Inga said...
John, no I don't want to disarm you. Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull?

Inga, semi-automatic guns are one trigger pull per bullet.

Synova said...

"John, no I don't want to disarm you. Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull?"

That counts all the "assault rifles".

Unknown said...

Inga--any semiautomatic weapon shoots one round per trigger pull. That is the basic nature of a semiautomatic weapon whether it is called an assault weapon or not.

Brian Brown said...

Of course, arming teachers would make collective bargaining a lot easier.

It is funny how our resident fatso, sucking at the government teet troll, reinforces the stereotypes.

What an idiot.

McTriumph said...

I don't think people understand how mainstream these "military style" rifles are now days.

AF said...

In litigation, it is considered bad practice to cite a precedent for a narrow point that is ostensibly helpful to your case, if the central holding of the precedent is bad for your case. There are two reasons for this: (1) you alert the judge to a precedent that is bad for your case, and (2) unless you made it very clear in your brief that you are only citing the precedent for a narrow point and its central holding does not help your case -- and why would you do that -- you are likely to undermine your credibility with the court.

Clearly, Glenn Reynolds doesn't litigate any more.

garage mahal said...

Come to think of it, armed union members at rallies would probably get a little more respect too. Same with OWS. When cops see a little return fire once in a while they make think twice about clubbing or macing someone.

purplepenquin said...

Disingenuous jackass, notice that I was responding to both comments by you and Inga?

I noticed that not only was your namecalling addressed towards both of us, neither of the quotes you copied from us had the word "ALL" in it.

Looking back on this thread you've done nothing but call names and build strawmen, and haven't said one iota about the actual issue (Is it a good idea to let teachers carry firearms while at work?)

In conclusion, it looks like you are just trolling and have no intentions of engaging in a good-faith discussion about this issue. Feel free to prove me wrong with your next message...


Limiting magazine size has no effect when dealing with an UNARMED group of people.

I strongly disagree. Wasn't there an incident where the shooter was rushed by unarmed people while he was changing magazines? If he had a higher-capacity one then he wouldn't have had to reload at that moment, no?

(That said, I think a ban on magazine size would be wrong for other reasons. But if a magic wand was waved and they all disappeared forever then it would be far-far more difficult for one person to shoot many people)

Please explain why you prefer to keep children undefended so the next mass murderer also does not face any opposition to his murderous intentions

Well, that escalated quickly.

Please explain why you think I want to keep children undefended.

Seriously, turn it down a notch. Just 'cause I disagree with you about the effectiveness of having more bullets in a rifle doesn't mean we disagree about everything.

Or does it? Hard to keep up with the rules&policies around here...

Unknown said...

Inga said...
John, no I don't want to disarm you. Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull?

It is illegal in the United States to own guns that fire more than 1 bullet per trigger pull. Those are called machine guns and have been banned since 1934.

Every gun used in every mass shooting you've ever read about in this country only fires 1 bullet per trigger pull.

Semi-Auto guns automatically chamber a new round after the previous round was fired. They still require you to pull the trigger every time you want to fire a round.

Semi-Auto's come in all shapes and sizes. You can get rifles of all different caliber (size of bullet), handguns of all different caliber, Shotguns, etc....

They are all made in Semi-Auto versions.

There are also weapons that are not Semi-Auto (bolt action, lever action, pump shotguns) These all require you to manually chamber a new round after the previous was fired. Manually chambering a new round requires less than 1 second of time.

Even in your best case scenario with a breakaway single barrel shotgun that can hold no more than 1 round in the gun at a time. You can still fire the gun at a rate of 10 rounds a minute.

The police in Conn took 20 minutes to arrive on scene. Do the math.

The key component to this situation is not what kind of weapons were used, what caliber, how many rounds each gun holds.

The key component is that the shooter was able to find a large grouping of Unarmed innocents to target for mass slaughter.

rhhardin said...

Bring back balls and wadding.

The wadding is so that the ball doesn't roll out.


If you then ban wadding, you can't shoot short people.

Hagar said...


An "assault rifle" is a military weapon and were already illegal for civilians to own. Congress critters came up with the awkward designation "assault weapon" because what they were trying to ban were not "assault rifles;" just regular rifles built on a similar pattern, but without automatic firing capability.

Brian Brown said...

McTriumph said...
I don't think people understand how mainstream these "military style" rifles are now days.

Of course not.

See, Inga is sitting on her couch watching MSNBC like the good lefty idiot she is, and she believes these "assault weapons" are used in all sorts of crimes.

In fact, the use of "assault weapons" in homicides is statistically insignificant.

But Inga sure enjoys that MSNBC.

machine said...

Arm the Children! Libertee fur Amurica!

Unknown said...

purplepenquin said...

Wasn't there an incident where the shooter was rushed by unarmed people while he was changing magazines? If he had a higher-capacity one then he wouldn't have had to reload at that moment, no?

It would be nice to have a cite. I do not doubt that this has happened in the past.

But, you can't exactly expect a group of 6 year olds to subdue an adult in a mass rush. Nor can you expect a shooter to wait for the faculty to gather in enough numbers to be effective in a mass rush.

Arming and training the willing faculty at schools will remove the need to rush a shooter during the .75 of a second that they are chaing clips.

Arming and training the willing faculty will do more to prevent these events from even occuring as a potential shooter will always prefer targets that cannot shoot back.

There are reasons that mass shootings don't occur at Police Stations, Military Bases (note to the peanut gallery, Hassan Nadal chose to do his murder spree in a 'Gun Free' caffeteria on a military base, and not at a weapons depot), NRA gatherings, Gun shows, Firing Ranges, etc, etc, etc,.

Can anyone identify a single mass shooting that has occured against and armed and trained populace?

garage mahal said...

Our resident polling guru is here to break it all down for us.


Matt said...

"I noticed that not only was your namecalling addressed towards both of us, neither of the quotes you copied from us had the word "ALL" in it."

Moron, Inga said EVERY teacher. Every = All. And you said, "...most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches..." "Nothing but" means all are the same thing. Jesus Christ, there are other ways of referring to every member of a group than saying all.

And you wonder why you are referred to as an idiot? Stop writing stupid things and I will stop calling you an idiot.

victoria said...

Someone mentioned having an armed official at schools. There are over 100,000 schools in the USA. There are 800,000 police officers on the streets in the USA today. The training that they go through is rigorous and time consuming. If we wanted to hire a armed official for each school, only 1 per school, we would need at least 100,000 more peace officers, with extensive training. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to trust Sister Susie defending my children against an attacker at a school. These days it is hard enough for the police departments to find "qualified" candidates to replenish their ranks. Do we want someone less qualified protecting our children? I think not.

Vicki from Pasadena

Brian Brown said...

There is the equivalent of a school shooting per month in the gun free paradise that is Chicago.


Brian Brown said...

With just one single exception, the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns.

Roger J. said...

Seems to me Victoria from Pasadena makes an excellent point re putting a police officer in each school==there are not enough police officers to fill the gap now and it would bankrupt many small districts

Synova said...

Hagar, that's why the scare quotes around "assault rifle". Though, looking back, I should have been far more explicit about what I was talking about.

Aridog said...

garage mahal said...

When cops see a little return fire once in a while they make think twice about clubbing or macing someone.

Sigh. Spoken by someone I suspect has never faced hostile fire. I suspect you're not old enough to have experienced the riots of the 1960's in cognizant fashion, like the 1967 version in Detroit. Opposition snipers were "solved" by M48 tanks and .50 M2 Machine Gun fire.

It's not the guns that matter, or if they are is the attitude of the carriers.

Matt said...


I understand your concern; however, as it is now, the kids are undefended. Teachers who are already CCW holders who undergo subsequent training would be an improvement over nothing. If the concern is about a teacher flipping out, that risk is already there. Guns or not, teachers are already in a position to do terrible things if they so desired.

If "Sister Susie" is a CCW holder who is comfortable with extra responsibility of caring at school and demonstrates proficiency via the additional training, why would you be more concerned?

What I find interesting is the number of people who are scared mindless by the presence of a gun (and I am not saying that is you Victoria) who have no idea how many times a day they walk by a CCW holder.

Unknown said...

victoria said

These days it is hard enough for the police departments to find "qualified" candidates to replenish their ranks. Do we want someone less qualified protecting our children? I think not.

Do we wnat no one protecting our children? That is the situation we have now.

You do not have to 'hire' 1 person per school to take on this role. Current staff can perform this function. I would wager that there is a high percentage of teachers that already own weapons, and probably already have CCW permits where their states allow.

Despite the snark in this thread, not all teachers are union peaceniks hippie type goons. You only have to look at the anecdote of the teacher who died shielding her students with her own body to understand that if given the opportunity to come to the defense of their students many teachers would jump at the chance.

The current status quo does not allow them the option. Thus the teacher died in vain, the students she was protecting died as well. Had she been armed and trained, would she have succeeded in stopping the murderer? That we cannot know. The only thing that is certain is that she never had the opportunity.

Brian Brown said...

Gallup: The people who suddenly have more guns? Democrats, women, and people in every region but the South

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I learned a bit more about guns and the nomenclature of guns.

So what's so wrong with 10 round clips? Why must 30 or 100 round clips be commonplace in our society? Who are we fighting? Do all the bad guys out there now have these clips? Why has I been legal for them to own these clips? (did the "assault weapons" ban ban these high round clips?) because the "assault weapons" ban was allowed to expire in 2004?

I don't think most liberals don't want to take anyone's guns away from them, nor does anyone want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

I don't understand this fascination though. Why guns?

garage mahal said...

I don't know. The Tea Party packs at their rallies, and you never hear about Tea Partiers getting clubbed or pepper sprayed.

purplepenquin said...

It would be nice to have a cite

Yeah, I was thinking exactly that when you accused me of wanting to keep children undefended so the next mass murderer doesn't face any opposition.

Got anything at all to back up your claim that I beleive as such, or are you just another troll like that Matt-guy?

Brian Brown said...

machine said...
Arm the Children!

Notice the silliness from the gun grabbers.

Vice Principal Joel Myrick held his Colt .45 point blank to the high school boy's head. . "I said 'why are you shooting my kids?'

The shooter was Luke Woodham. Woodham had slit his mother's throat then grabbed a .30-30 lever action deer rifle. He packed the pockets of his trench coat with ammo and headed off to Pearl High School, in Pearl, Miss.

The moment Myrick heard shots, he ran to his truck. He unlocked the door, removed his gun from its case, removed a round of bullets from another case, loaded the gun and went looking for the killer. "I've always kept a gun in the truck just in case something like this ever happened," said Myrick, who has since become Principal of Corinth High School, Corinth

To date, there are multiple examples of school personell stopping school shootings in progress.

dbp said...

Nonapod said...
It's pretty amazing that a lot of people seem to believe that an assault weapons ban would be "very effective" at curtailing these sorts of incidents. I'd be interested to have someone explain this line of thought.

purplepenquin said...

I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right.

So, if by some kind of magic, a ban on certain kinds of weapons was able to result in the absence of these weapons, then the ban would work--at eliminating these weapons. Your ability to point out the obvious is staggering indeed, but the question is whether such a ban would have an effect on school shootings.

Brian Brown said...

I don't think most liberals don't want to take anyone's guns away from them,

This is simply an incredible statement.

edutcher said...

This should come as no surprise. Ol' Purple lips is doing What Uncle Joe would do. He just has to find a way around that damn Constitution.

phx said...

Think of your one or two worst teachers throughout your school years. Now think of them packing.

My math teacher 4th - 6th grade had a Samurai sword.

In the classroom.

His motto was, "Miss a question, miss a finger" .

machine said...

Ah, a Gallup poll...keep searching til you find one that did that work out last time?

They were right then, too.

Jake Diamond said...

Once again, Glenn Reynolds proves that he's an idiot.

No, it just proves Diamond can't stand to hear anything that messes up his insecure Lefty worldview.

McTriumph said...

Very little of police academy training has to do with firearm training. In Israel they have volunteer parents and regular school personnel with basically conceal and carry permit training. They only had to have a school massacre once, decades ago.

Matt said...

"Got anything at all to back up your claim that I beleive as such, or are you just another troll like that Matt-guy?"

Nice name calling, hypocrite. Hey, why don't respond to where I pointed out you did refer to a whole group? Huh?

You should see someone accurately calling you an idiot as an opportunity for personal growth, idiot.

Calypso Facto said...

In 1966 Charles Whitman shot 45 people at UT with a shotgun and bolt action rifle. He had neither a high-capacity magazine nor an "assault weapon" looking rifle. Those proposed measures are just re-arranging deck chairs for "feel gooders".

garage mahal said...

Pretty interesting recent polling from PPP:

76% overall support for closing the gun show loophole, 64% support for banning high capacity magazines

63% overall support for assault weapons ban, 69% support for ban on internet sales of guns and bullets

Overall- 92% support for criminal background checks for gun buyers, 63% support for mental health exams

By a 48/32 margin voters think tighter restrictions on gun ownership is solution to gun violence as opposed to more widespread gun ownership

Hunters (27/69) do not think assault weapons are necessary for hunting

Republicans (50/42) and gun owners (53/42) support banning high capacity magazines on guns:

Calypso Facto said...

Seems to me Victoria from Pasadena makes an excellent point re putting a police officer in each school==there are not enough police officers to fill the gap now and it would bankrupt many small districts

There are plenty of policemen/agents who could be freed up from unproductive drug war work at no additional cost. Are more worried that some college kid might get high than we are that some grade-school kid might get shot?

Paul said...

"I don't know. The Tea Party packs at their rallies, and you never hear about Tea Partiers getting clubbed or pepper sprayed."

Haven't seem them riot, smash windows, throw paint bombs, defecate in the street or on cop cars, rape, or steal either dumb ass.

purplepenquin said...

the question is whether such a ban would have an effect on school shootings.

An effect? Of course it I said before, there is a good reason why I was given a M-16 rifle rather than a revolver pistol while in the Army. An assault rifle is far-far more effective at killing lots of people than a pistol is. I can't beleive that some folks are so defensive about this issue that the can't even bring themselves to admit that.

Ain't saying school shootings would all go away...but to claim there wouldn't be an effect at all (if all those "assault weapons" magically disappeared) is not logical.

This should come as no surprise. Ol' Purple lips is doing What Uncle Joe would do. He just has to find a way around that damn Constitution.

You talking about me when you refer to "Purple lips" or is that the new nickname you have for our President? Hard to keep up with all the various nicknames that people come up with when they can't bring themselves to actually utter a name...

Nomennovum said...

Stupid and mendacious is an especially annoying combination, Inga. Are you masochistic as well?

Unknown said...

purplepenquin said...

I ain't saying it is a bad idea to arm our teachers...


I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right.


I mean the ban itself would be 100% effective.


Looking back on this thread you've done nothing but call names and build strawmen, and haven't said one iota about the actual issue (Is it a good idea to let teachers carry firearms while at work?)


In conclusion, it looks like you are just trolling and have no intentions of engaging in a good-faith discussion about this issue. Feel free to prove me wrong with your next message...


(That said, I think a ban on magazine size would be wrong for other reasons. But if a magic wand was waved and they all disappeared forever then it would be far-far more difficult for one person to shoot many people)


Please explain why you think I want to keep children undefended.


Yeah, I was thinking exactly that when you accused me of wanting to keep children undefended so the next mass murderer doesn't face any opposition.

Got anything at all to back up your claim that I beleive as such, or are you just another troll like that Matt-guy?


At no point in this thread have you advocated the position that it is a good idea.

All of these statements read to me that you are in favor of an effective ban.

At no time have you come out in favor of arming willing teachers. At no time have you advocated defending our children by any means. It is charitable at best to say that you refuse to take a position one way or another.

In the current world we live in, our children are undefended. With you refusing to take a position, you side with the status quo, thus you are in favor of leaving our children undefended.

Roger J. said...

Garage--the poll you cited suggests to me that the respondents have no idea what an assault weapons is, except, perhaps it sounds scary. It is probably a random poll, but it is a random poll of random idiots.

Colonel Angus said...

"I'm pretty sure that the line-of-thought is that such a ban would be 100% effective. And if it really worked that way (wave a magic wand and they all disappear) then they would be right."

Really, 100% effective? So, you are thinking that the deaths would be zero if a killer used a shotgun or revolver instead?

No and that's not the point. The main goal of the gun control lobby is a total ban on private gun ownership. Now its so called assault rifles, next it will be 9mm semi auto handguns, then shotguns.

Known Unknown said...

Think of your one or two worst teachers throughout your school years. Now think of them packing.

Progressive never trust their citizenry.

Nomennovum said...

Watch out, Matt! The white knight brigade is likely on its way. They are especially excited by Inga's new big breasted avatar, slung out for them like chum for chumps.

Known Unknown said...

assault weapons

Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an "assault weapon."

Known Unknown said...

76% overall support for closing the gun show loophole

This doesn't seem horrible on its face, but I'm curious how many gun show purchases are used in mass shootings in safe white neighborhoods, since we obviously don't give a shit about black kids caught in gang crossfire.

Nomennovum said...


"Assault weapon": Noun. A boogie man concocted by progressives to frighten the sheep.

Anonymous said...

Nono, these very questions are being asked by millions of people all across America. We deserve an answer. Who are we fighting, why do any Americans need to own high capacity clips of over 10 rounds pe clip? The answer is important and may reveal what is behind this fascination with guns and the outrageous fear of 2nd amendment assaults, no pun intended..

test said...

EMD said...
Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an "assault weapon."

The official definition is "the type of guns the left wants to ban this week."

Matt said...

"Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an 'assault weapon.'"

Any gun that looks really, really scary. Inga didn't even know what "semi-automatic" means but, gosh darn it, she knows who should be allowed to have what gun!

Oh, and before she denies saying any such thing...

"Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull?"

You see, you don't need those "semi-automatics" because you have those alternative guns that only shoot one bullet per trigger pull. Those are the ones the rest of us call semi-automatics.

Roger J. said...

Purple Penguin--I submit the reason you were given an M16 was because that was the weapon the army issued to soldiers--you were not issued a pistol because your position did not require it.

Most commanders I knew in Viet Nam required their troopers to keep their weapons on semi auto except for the point man on a patrol. The purpose of automatic fire in small unit tactics is to deep the bad guys heads down while maneuver folks move to get off aimed shots. The indiscriminate use of automatic fire does not result in more kills, but it does run you out of ammunition a lot faster.

McTriumph said...

The 2nd Amendment is a civil rights issue. You're asking us, why give a shit about the constitution?

McTriumph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Well, Purple, you're right that if all assault weapons disappeared somehow, mass shootings would be more difficult. Given that such a thing will not happen, we are left trying to figure out what to do.

The guns aren't going away. We still have lots of "gun free zones" that do nothing more than provide a lot of easy, helpless targets. As long as such targets exist, we will have more, not less mass killings.

Shouting Thomas said...

Who are we fighting, why do any Americans need to own high capacity clips of over 10 rounds pe clip?

Because people who like guns like to go to a firing range and have fun firing that type of gun.

Inga, as I said, you're not good at understanding things... in particularly, you're not good at understanding that other people don't agree with you... like all those homos who won't be cuddly liberals.

Colonel Angus said...

The Tea Party packs at their rallies, and you never hear about Tea Partiers getting clubbed or pepper sprayed.

That's probably because they aren't being a public disturbance, public health problem or defacating on police cars.

Teachers unions would get plenty of my respect if they didn't think taxpayer money was a bottomless well in which to fund lavish retirement packages.

Unknown said...

Inga said...
Nono, these very questions are being asked by millions of people all across America. We deserve an answer. Who are we fighting, why do any Americans need to own high capacity clips of over 10 rounds pe clip? The answer is important and may reveal what is behind this fascination with guns and the outrageous fear of 2nd amendment assaults, no pun intended..

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

This is the reason.

If you cannot understand that the ability to defend against a tyrannical government is a just reason, you cannot understand the 2nd amendment at all.

That is not to say that we now live under tyranny. But to defend against the possibility is the reason.

Once you allow the government to dictate to you the limits to which you are able to defend yourself, you take one further step towards allow such a tyranny to occur.

Owning weapons powerful enough to keep tyrannical rule at bay is the reason.

Anonymous said...

Not at all McTriumph, i'm asking why does a ban on high capacity magazines assault the 2nd Amendment?

purplepenquin said...

Hey, why don't respond to where I pointed out you did refer to a whole group? Huh?

I'm sorry kiddo. Do you need some more attention? Ok, I'll be your huckleberry...

In one post (12/20/12 10:08 AM) you said that you weren't refering to me when you said that nobody is saying "ALL teachers should be armed", 'cause you were actually talking to Inga and I was an idiot for thinking you were talking to me...even tho you quoted me when you made your response.

But now you're insisting that you were talking to me with that comment 'cause...well, err, you haven't quite explained why you quickly changed your mind, just that you have and I'm an idiot for thinking you ever meant anything else.

It is obvious that you can't talk about the actual issue being discussed, and instead it appears that you're trying to set a record for how many times the word "idiot" appears in a thread.

Go home're drunk.

Patrick said...

Who are we fighting, why do any Americans need to own high capacity clips of over 10 rounds per clip?

Because bad guys have them. Even in the very unlikely event you can make them disappear, bad guys will find other ways to shoot lots of people.

Hagar said...

I hesitate to feed Inga, but ...

The "assault weapons" ban did ban high-capacity magazines produced after the effective date of the legislation. So, of course, the citizens went out to buy all they could before that date, and the manufacturers went into overtime to supply the demand. And since magazines are as long-lasting as guns, we still have a gadzillion high-capacity magazines in people's closets.

BTW, the term is "magazine." The M-1 Garand of WWII was loaded with a clip holding 10 rounds, and I am sure there were other rifles of that vintage using clips, but that is the only one I know of.

There is nothing magic about the number 10, except perhaps that that is as many cartridges as a .45 M1911 can hold without the magazine becoming rather unwieldy.
However, many modern .38/9mm. pistol grips will readily hold 15 rounds.

A practical reason for limiting magazines for civilian guns to 15 rounds, is that firing much more than that in rapid succession may overheat and damage the barrel. Plus, of course, wasting ammunition like that gets expensive.

Known Unknown said...

Who are we fighting

Inga should probably schedule a viewing of "End of Watch."

She's also lucky enough to live in an extremely safe, homogenous enclave. No doubt, she's worked long and hard to achieve that, so I don't blame her one bit.

Brian Brown said...

hy do any Americans need to own high capacity clips of over 10 rounds pe clip?

I rather enjoy the fact that you readily admit you know nothing about guns, yet think this is some sort of important question.

You ought to noodle on that for a while...

Shouting Thomas said...

Not at all McTriumph, i'm asking why does a ban on high capacity magazines assault the 2nd Amendment?

Because people who disagree with you want to own that type of gun.

Inga, you're a dunce. The fact that you don't like something doesn't mean that everybody else in the world isn't supposed to like it either.

Almost all of your comments suffer from this.

McTriumph said...

It's interesting that as gun ownership in America has increased, violent crime in America has decreased.
In the gun free paradises like Canada and Britain violent crime has increased two fold over the last decade.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, Inga is on record as being in favor of the freedom to do all the things she likes.

I've been noticing that for a while, Inga.

For some reason, you call this blockheaded crap "tolerance" and think of yourself as a "liberal."

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga is tolerant of everything that she approves of!

edutcher said...

EMD said...

assault weapons

Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an "assault weapon."

Y'mean like hammer, chainsaw, screwdriver, plucked chicken, stuff like that?

Known Unknown said...

John DeTombe has it right.

It seems wholly implausible, doesn't it? I mean, this is the United States -- the land of plenty! A democracy!

Brian Brown said...

Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an "assault weapon."

Whatever Dianne Feinstein, active CCW permit-holder, says it is.

So shut up, wingnut!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

I don't think most liberals don't want to take anyone's guns away from them, nor does anyone want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Inga you seem like a nice lady but its naivety on steroids.

I don't understand this fascination though. Why guns?

I don't know. Why are liberals fascinated about vaginas? Hell the whole Democrat Presidential campaign was based on lady parts.

Matt said...


The reason I made the original statement was because, at the time, I was thinking specifically about Inga's statement and trusted that you were being honest when you denied making a reference to the "all". When I subsequently checked, I realized I was right the first time so fuck you, you disingenuous asshole. Now, I know better than to trust you to be honest about anything.

So, do you still deny writing, "...most of ya'll were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches..." and later lying about? Huh?

Oh, and I did address the topic.

First, when I made original post pointing out that you were an idiot. I didn't just call you an idiot, I pointed out WHY you were an idiot.

Second, Victoria presented a reasonable and thought argument that I disagreed with so I replied to her in kind. You tried to paint a broad negative brush across a large group of people and thought you were clever because you recycled the Obama's campaigns "Etch-a-Sketch" bit. I pointed out how you were wrong and accurately described you as an idiot.

You have yet to do anything to convince me otherwise except to add dishonest to your moniker.


Calypso Facto said...

Can anyone point me to a definitive classification of what constitutes an "assault weapon."

"Assault weapon" is a term invented and defined by Congress, EMD, so it tends to be slippery. The latest definition I find is here, but as others have noted it essentially comes down to "any semi-automatic gun or rifle that Congress thinks looks scary made by a manufacturer that hasn't ponied up enough to Congress to reap preferential treatment".

Anonymous said...

OK, now I get it, because those bad guys who do home invasions usually invade in groups of more than 10, so a 10 round clip won't do the job.

McTriumph said...

Inga said...
Not at all McTriumph, i'm asking why does a ban on high capacity magazines assault the 2nd Amendment?

For all intent and purposes, there is no difference between four 10 capacity magazines and one 40 capacity magazine, other that nano seconds it take to change and the fact that high capacity magazines have a better chance of jamming.

Brian Brown said...

or all intent and purposes, there is no difference between four 10 capacity magazines and one 40 capacity magazine,

Now why would you have to go and say something like that which Inga can simply not process?

Shouting Thomas said...

OK, now I get it, because those bad guys who do home invasions usually invade in groups of more than 10, so a 10 round clip won't do the job.

As usual, you're being deliberately stupid, Inga.

I'd say that the vast majority of guns are owned and used solely for the sport of taking them to the firing range and shooting for target practice.

Lots of people just like the noise and blowing up stuff, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from being accurate at 1000 feet.

They're healthier than you. You probably take out the same impulse on other people around you in much less healthy ways... as you do on this blog.

Chip S. said...

For all intent and purposes, there is no difference between four 10 capacity magazines and one 40 capacity magazine, other that nano seconds it take to change and the fact that high capacity magazines have a better chance of jamming.

I guess that's why there's no demand for them.

Matt said...

"Y'mean like hammer, chainsaw, screwdriver, plucked chicken, stuff like that?"

The plucked chicken doesn't scare me but the unplucked chicken! Being attacked with an unplucked chicken hurts AND tickles. That is just too cruel.

McTriumph said...

chip S
That's probably true, most people own very high capacity magazines for the novelty and the fact they have a right to.

Anonymous said...

I want right to own grenades, they are so cute and small and look like pineapples, adorbs.

Colonel Angus said...

Ain't saying school shootings would all go away...but to claim there wouldn't be an effect at all (if all those "assault weapons" magically disappeared) is not logical.

Actually it is logical. If I wanted to clear out a room packed full of unarmed people the ideal weapon would be a 12 gauge pump action. You can do about if not as much mayhem as a Bushmaster, particularly if you have 20 minutes of police free time to do it.

Then again as I said earlier, you could leave a path of destruction in a school with a baseball bat if you have 20 minutes to run amok.

Roger J. said...

Inga--High capacity magazines are useful in combat but there are some mechanical issues associated with high capacity magazines--the round are fed by a spring and too many rounds will cause the spring to malfunction, mistime the feeding time, and cause the weapons to jam.

That, of course, doesn't answer your question about banning high capacity magazines. I would respond to your concern as follows--a perpetrator who wishes to do harm to an unarmed population does not need a high capacity magazine. All a killer needs is some degree of manual dexterity and practice and you can reload ANY weapon in seconds--especially if no one is shooting back at you.

High capacity magazines are simply, IMO, a stalking horse for even more restrictions. banning them will not increase public safety one iota.

Bob said...

purple penguin: "An effect? Of course it I said before, there is a good reason why I was given a M-16 rifle rather than a revolver pistol while in the Army. An assault rifle is far-far more effective at killing lots of people than a pistol is. I can't beleive that some folks are so defensive about this issue that the can't even bring themselves to admit that. "

The Germans invented assualt weapons because they changed their tactics. In WWI everyone had more powerful standard weapons (US was 30 cal). Problem was pistols are good to less than 50 yards and standard calibers were heavy but effective to 800 yards. In the stormtrooper (assualt) tactics, the Germans realized they needed a medium caliber that was effective from 25 meters out to 300 meters. A medium caliber assault weapon allowed more ammo to be carried which meant a successful attack could go on longer before resupply.

Assault weapons are NOT a replacement for a pistol. In combat more US troops and all NCOs and officers carry both. The medium caliber ammo is effective at meium ranges just like standard caliber ammo is effective out to twice the range. Weapons design is tied to tactics and how a weapon will be employed. You don't engage long-range targets with assault weapons.

Shouting Thomas said...

I want right to own grenades, they are so cute and small and look like pineapples, adorbs.

Men do like blowing things up. It's a part of male behavior.

I would expect that there are millions of men out there who'd love to blow up a tree stump or some pile of garbage with a grenade, yet they would never think of using that grenade to harm another person.

Chip S. said...

As someone who thinks the 2d amendment protects individuals' rights and is not simply about the Nat Guard, I've got to say that "novelty value" or "fun at the shooting range" aren't compelling arguments against limiting magazine capacity.

Tactically, if magazine size is really no big deal, why not be willing to compromise on that in order to keep the right to own guns secure?

Unknown said...

Inga said...
OK, now I get it, because those bad guys who do home invasions usually invade in groups of more than 10, so a 10 round clip won't do the job.

More disengeniousness, and ignorance.

Not every bullet fired is going to hit its target when used in self defense.

A home invader using a gun that has a 15 round clip (even if illegal) is going to have an advantage over someone who is limited to a 6 shot revolver.

A tyrannical government that wants you to be disarmed is going to come in groups larger than 10, or 30, or 100.

My right to defend myself against all threats, home invaders or others, by being able to have more rounds in a gun than any theoretical limit you need to make yourself feel good is not going to change the fact that I do not plan to use those weapons in criminal activity.

You really do not understand this issue at all do you?

Are you unable to conceptualize the fact that weapons are an equalizing force between those that intend to do harm, and their intended victims?

There are people that are bent on doing harm, both criminal, and power seeking. Look not only at this country, but around the world.

Just because you cannot fathom a need for self defense, does not mean that there is not a need for self defense.

The desire to ban classes of weapons because you fear them does not mean that those weapons do not have a legitimate use.

Unknown said...

but it is a random poll of random idiots.

Or as they are more commonly known, Americans.

Colonel Angus said...

Not at all McTriumph, i'm asking why does a ban on high capacity magazines assault the 2nd Amendment?

For the same reason a ban on partial birth abortion assaults the Pro-Abortion Amendment.

Hagar said...

A clip a device of spring steel that grips the cartridges which are otherwise exposed. A clip holding more than 10 rounds reliably would be difficult to design and manufacture, and in any case would be awkward to handle.

purplepenquin said...

At no point in this thread have you advocated the position that it is a good idea.

Now that you mention it, I have yet to see you make such an actual statement about it being good either. In fact, not even our hostess has said how she actually feels about this does that mean (in your eyes) that you&her both prefer to see children undefended so they can get murdered?


My comments about a ban on magazines is based on someone else asking if anyone could explain the line of thought behind such a ban. I clearly stated I am not in favor of such a ban, but instead was trying to shed some light on other peoples' point-of-views.

To clear it up: I've been a long-time strong supporter of Second Amendment rights and have always beleived that "gun free" zones are a very bad idea. I beleive that allowing workers (which includes teachers) to carry while on the job would have a huge effect in protecting against mass shootings, but there are additional safety issues I would be concerned about in schools that wouldn't necessarily apply to other workplaces. (ex: keeping a pistol in an unlocked desk drawer isn't automatically a bad idea when working in a small office, but I don't think that would be prudent for a teacher in a grade school.) Some rules for schools (and other workplaces that involve children) would still have to be in effect. I also beleive that there would have to be a huge education/information campaign before a lot of (most?) Americans would be comfortable with the idea of people carrying firearms while working with kids.

And PS to Matt: yes, I noticed that after you were scolded for being a troll you finally made one post that had no namecalling at all in it. Goooooood boy! Here is a cookie.

Roger J. said...

Let it be noted that Mr Diamond and I agree on at least one thing.

machine said...

Yes, this is a scary place....every citizen must be armed at all times.

Matt said...

"Are you unable to conceptualize the fact that weapons are an equalizing force between those that intend to do harm, and their intended victims?"


I find calls to ban guns sexist as, on average, men are physically stronger than women. Guns are strength equalizers and restraining orders are generally not effective against attacks unless you can incapacitate someone via paper cuts..

Also consider that restrictions on gun ownership were intended to keep minorities disarmed and well...

I have a deep distrust of those who passionately want to ban guns. (The "casual" anti-gun nuts is more ignorant than malicious.)

Unknown said...

purplepenquin said...
At no point in this thread have you advocated the position that it is a good idea.

Now that you mention it, I have yet to see you make such an actual statement about it being good either. In fact, not even our hostess has said how she actually feels about this does that mean (in your eyes) that you&her both prefer to see children undefended so they can get murdered?

You are either bad at reading, or an outright liar. As you provide not cite, I will for you:

"John DeTombe said...

Would arming self selected volunteers, provide them with training, and publicize that fact be effective?

I for one think it would be.

1st - You will have people on premises that will be able to neutralize a murder, either by killing him, or making him disarm.

2nd - At the least you would force him to take cover, allowing more time for evactuation of innocents.

3rd - If the armed personnel, and training, are publicized and well know, and indeed lauded, the prevention aspect comes into play as a likely murderer is not interested in hard targets.

4th - Teachers do not need to be equipped with military style assault weapons to be effective. A faculty of teachers would be an effective deterrent if 1 out of 5 were just carrying and trained in using a pistol.

12/20/12 9:27 AM"

Matt said...

"And PS to Matt: yes, I noticed that after you were scolded for being a troll you finally made one post that had no namecalling at all in it. Goooooood boy! Here is a cookie."

Idiot, you do not know what a troll is. I contradicted a statement you made and explained why. Just because I appended it by calling you an idiot does not make me a troll. Idiot.

mark said...


Why high capacity magazines?

Go target shooting with a .22 caliber rifle. With a 10 round magazine and a 30 round magazine. Ammo is cheap and shooting cans and targets is fun. So it isn't a huge investment.

Make sure you reload those magazines all by yourself. Filling the magazine ... not really fun. Shooting ... fun.

Do you see why people who own guns may want large capacity magazines?More time shooting + Less time reloading the magazine = More Fun.

Matt said...


Three different people in this thread have now either stated or suggested that you are an idiot and/or dishonest.

Hmmm... Time for introspection on your part?

Unknown said...

purplepenguin said...

I beleive that allowing workers (which includes teachers) to carry while on the job would have a huge effect in protecting against mass shootings

It is good to see this, as it is the logical position.

Thank you for clarifying.

Colonel Angus said...

Chip in answer to your question about magazine size is that yielding on the issue just leaves the door open to ban another thing. Ok so instead of a thirty round clip I just use three 10 round. Switching clips and chambering takes what, 3-4 seconds? 6-7 if you're a butterfingers?

So then what? A ban on semi automatics? So now I'm stuck with a revolver and five speedloaders.

I view much of gun control like liberals view restrictions on abortion. Require an ultrasound of the fetus is verboten but liberals want mental health checks to buy a gun. Partial birth abortion is just fine but a 15 round clip is monstrous.

If restricting magazine size actually would have an effect I would be all for it but the reality is it is just another knee jerk reaction that has only a cosmetic effect.

McTriumph said...

We are talking serious shit here and you bring up FUN!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, now it's all crystal clear, we should allow high capacity magazines because they are more fun, gotcha. I wonder of the insane murderer at Sandy Hook was having "fun".

Matt said...

Inga said...

Ohhhhh, now it's all crystal clear, we should allow high capacity magazines because they are more fun, gotcha. I wonder of the insane murderer at Sandy Hook was having "fun".
12/20/12 12:02 PM

Who are you talking to? Come on, I called you an idiot earlier but this is making it too easy.

Shouting Thomas said...

That was one of your dumbest attempts at analogy ever, Inga, and that's saying something.

McTriumph said...

Isn't that why we have abortion, because women had fun?

Unknown said...

Inga said...
Ohhhhh, now it's all crystal clear, we should allow high capacity magazines because they are more fun, gotcha. I wonder of the insane murderer at Sandy Hook was having "fun".

You are vile.

Were his victims having fun being at his utter mercy while being slaughtered?

The Conn shooter obtained his guns through illegal means (murdering his mother). It stands to reason that he would not have then obeyed the law and resorted to only using limited capacity magazines.

Your desired ban on high capacity magazines has the result of putting law abiding citizens at the mercy of those who do not obey the law. This is a simple concept, but one you cannot fathom.

Anonymous said...

It's called a rhetorical device.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, you're in over your head again.

Go take a drink.

Matt said...

Talk about trolling. Nice one, Inga. My God, think before you type for once.

virgil xenophon said...

@Col Angus/

There is a parallel here with the EPA and regulations on emissions on coal-fired power plants. No level of emission control is ever deemed enough. The goal-posts are constantly being moved with newer, prohibitively expensive regulations. But of course the objective isn't to make coal-fired power plants "environmentally safe" at all--it's to bankrupt them and force everyone to rely on wind-mills, etc. So NO amount of "compliance" is ever enough for long. But of course, the left can't help themselves, eventually they let slip their true aims as those calling for the out-right ban of all fire-arms have
already done. In the case of coal-fired power-plants it was Obama himself. Remember his statement that anyone wanting to build a new plant would go bankrupt if he had his way. The mask ALWAYS comes off sooner or later with the left--they really can't help themselves..

Shouting Thomas said...

So, what about all those gay men who were having "fun" having sex, and subsequently died of AIDS, Inga?

Clearly, the solution is to outlaw gay sex, right?

Hundreds of thousands of gay men died as a result.

39 people have died this year as a result of school shootings.

Anonymous said...

In fact, the use of "assault weapons" in homicides is statistically insignificant

It would be nice if, when stating "facts" like this, you provided statistics (and a link) to back up this assertion.

garage mahal said...

That's probably because they aren't being a public disturbance, public health problem or defacating on police cars.

Do cops normally club or pepper spray your dog if it shits in a park somewhere? Or pepper spray the owner?

purplepenquin said...

You are either bad at reading, or an outright liar

That is EXACTLY what I thought when you claimed I prefer to allow children to be undefended. I flat-out said that I wasn't in favor of banning such magazines, but you either didn't read that or (like Matt) you are choosing to lie about what I said.


Either way, I've been clear enough now...haven't I? Or are you still gonna insist that I prefer for murderers to kill school children unhindered?


I contradicted a statement you made and explained why.

No, you didn't. You claimed I said something (that people are saying that ALL teachers should be armed), but when it was pointed out that I didn't say such a thing you called me an idiot for not knowing that you were only addressing Inga with that comment.

But now you're claiming that I did say such a thing and your "proof" is me pointing out that some folks were saying that teachers are nothing but thugs and leeches.

Spinspnspinspin...not only are you a troll, but you're a dizzy lil' troll. Own it.

Meanwhile, it is being said that since you haven't flat-out stated your opinion on this issue that proves you want to see kids die anything to say about that or is it going unchallenged 'cause that actually is your opinion? Please clarify.

Chip S. said...

Fair enough, Col. Angus. Of course, I'm also in favor of bans on partial-birth abortions.

I don't reject slippery-slope arguments out of hand, but I also think that it's usually necessary to agree on some sort of seemingly arbitrary lines.

One aspect of gun policy that seems important but doesn't get much attention is the importance of federalism. If "something must be done", how about increasing the penalties for violating the law against interstate sales of firearms? That way if blue-staters want more gun laws they can have them, while red-staters remain secure in their rights to self-defense.

Interstate sales limit the states' ability to enforce different standards. Yes, they're illegal, but the penalties could be raised. This would satisfy the demand for action w/o violating the 2d amendment.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you reload those magazines all by yourself. Filling the magazine

This makes no sense at all. Filling three ten round magazines will take as long as one thirty round magazine.

Kirk Parker said...


"I don't give a fig about terminology, you know what I mean."

No we sure as hell don't. "Terminology" is funny that way, isn't it?

"Aren't there guns that shoot one bullet per one trigger pull? "

Yes, every gun in the world ever made does at least that.


"If that is true, then why don't the military and police only use magazines smaller than that?"

Because they aren't going up against unarmed opponents. Duh.

Kirk Parker said...


"John DeTombe said... It is illegal in the United States to own guns that fire more than 1 bullet per trigger pull. Those are called machine guns and have been banned since 1934."

See what I mean? Every single bloody discussion thread features someone -- often one of the good guys, yet -- trotting out this same canard!

I guess I should just give up. But for the record: No it's not illegal, and no they aren't banned. (They are, admittedly, highly regulated but even fairly anti-gun states like, oh, say, Connecticut don't outright ban them.)

Matt said...


I saw the same thing you mentioned with the arsenic in water issue from 2001. As Clinton was leaving office, he severely lowered the acceptable levels. Bush entered office and immediately undid them and was declared as anti-science and was accused of wanting people to drink poisoned water.

The Bush Administration noted that the largest study on arsenic in water was currently underway and would be finished in the fall. At that time, they would review the results and act on the recommendations.

The report reached his desk on September 12, 2001. As folks might recall, there were bigger fish to fry at that point. The report recommended the standards Clinton had implemented. So, what did the vile, anti-science Bush do now that he had the cover of 9/11 to bury the report and do nothing? He implemented the recommended standards.

And the kicker, which is why your comment caused me to remember this incident, the environmental groups who championed the new standards immediately declared them not good enough.

And so began my journey to where I am today: I will not vote for a liberal.

Brian Brown said...

Freder Frederson said...
It would be nice if, when stating "facts" like this, you provided statistics (and a link) to back up this assertion.

You have zero interest in facts you silly stupid shit.

Anyway, here is a pretty detailed analysis of the AWB and the impact on crime.

PS: go fuck yourself you never fired a weapon gun grabbing pussy.

Unknown said...

purplepenquin said...
You are either bad at reading, or an outright liar

That is EXACTLY what I thought when you claimed I prefer to allow children to be undefended. I flat-out said that I wasn't in favor of banning such magazines, but you either didn't read that or (like Matt) you are choosing to lie about what I said.

Banning/not banning magazines has nothing to do with being in favor of the arming of school personnel.

You made no statement in favor of arming school personnel until I pointed that fact out to you.

Either way, I've been clear enough now...haven't I? Or are you still gonna insist that I prefer for murderers to kill school children unhindered?

Once you came out and stated that you were in favor of that, I thanked you for your clarification. Care to retract this or shall I pull up the comment I made specifically on this? Oh, I wont wait, here it is:

John DeTombe said...
purplepenguin said...

I beleive that allowing workers (which includes teachers) to carry while on the job would have a huge effect in protecting against mass shootings

It is good to see this, as it is the logical position.

Thank you for clarifying.

12/20/12 11:59 AM

You have not acknowledged the fact that you were wrong through ignorance, or outright lied when you stated unequivocably that I had not taken the positon in favor of arming school personnel.

Kirk Parker said...


"There are 800,000 police officers on the streets in the USA today. The training that they go through is rigorous and time consuming."

In your dreams. In actuality, in most jurisdictions and for most officers, firearms training and qualification is woefully inadequate.

Known Unknown said...

Yes, this is a scary place....every citizen must be armed at all times.

Again, it is impossible to imagine, isn't it?

Never before in the world has a government used force against its own citizens.

Known Unknown said...

Filling three ten round magazines will take as long as one thirty round magazine.

Time to change 3 magazines versus zero magazines?

Matt said...

I said...
"I contradicted a statement you made and explained why."

The statement you did not contradict was this one:

"Second, the derision was directed at the PROTESTING teachers which was most assuredly not ALL teachers, idiots."

You still have not addressed.

purplepenguin said...

"No, you didn't. You claimed I said something (that people are saying that ALL teachers should be armed), but when it was pointed out that I didn't say such a thing you called me an idiot for not knowing that you were only addressing Inga with that comment."

You are correct. The first statement was for Inga. The second, the one you ignored, was for you. I apologize for the confusion, idiot.

purplepenguin said...

"Meanwhile, it is being said that since you haven't flat-out stated your opinion on this issue that proves you want to see kids die anything to say about that or is it going unchallenged 'cause that actually is your opinion? Please clarify."

Wait, do you want my opinion or opinion on whether or not I should have an opinion?

By the way, nothing about three people finding you to be dishonest and/or an idiot?

Have you looked up the definition of "troll" yet?

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