December 28, 2012

"Britney Spears... just wasn’t crazy enough."

You have to understand what your job is.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Crazy and boring. But smart and ambitious enough to make millions off of a very mediocre voice.

Madonna jr.

BillyTalley said...

Couldn't they just engineer a concussion or something and spare her the humiliation?

Known Unknown said...

This is a win for Spears.

Simon Cowell is the only real judge on any of these programs — the only one willing to say what needs to be said.

rhhardin said...

Was this hers youtube?

You can't beat it.

Wince said...

Susan Rice and Hillary might be available, but do the "asterisk-free" need not apply?.

Old RPM Daddy said...

For some reason, I had it in my head that Britney Spears has matured a little, and isn't nearly the human train wreck she used to be. Was it the train wreck Britney they wanted?

edutcher said...

It took her 10 years to get rid of the crazy.

Known Unknown said...

Was it the train wreck Britney they wanted?

That's what they wanted, but they got the dumb, boring girl from Louisiana instead.

MadisonMan said...

Oh to be fired from a job that had just paid me $15M.

Crunchy Frog said...

For all ther past indiscretions and baggage, Britney still has a career and brand to protect, records to sell, and tours to perform on. She can't afford to come off as the love child of Ozzy Osbourne and Paula Abdul.

Of course, the jury is still out on whether K-Fed's brother is doing her any favors at the moment.

Kenneth Burns said...

I watched season two and am glad and relieved that Britney didn't humiliate herself. But then I'm a fan. I've felt all along that if she made it through without a meltdown, her PR team would declare total victory.