December 16, 2012

Anyone want to talk about football?

Packers... Giants... who's your team?


jimbino said...

Good for you Ann. This post will keep the strangeoid sports nuts occupied, so the rest of us can enjoy the rest of the blogosphere.

mccullough said...

The Patriots will be in the Super Bowl again. No one in football wants to win more and no one hates to lose more than Tom Brady. Peyton Manning is a close second. No one else has the competitive drive of these two.

test said...

The Ravens suck, and it's not Cam Cameron's fault.

Anonymous said...

I like the owners of the Packers :)

caplight45 said...

Well, being on the Chiefs side of Kansas pretty much says it all.

Russell said...

Falcons. How about that arse-whoopin' today? Dirty Birds!

caplight45 said...

I think we need a picture of the Professor and Meade wearing the traditional cheese hats of Packers fans. That is something I would treasure.

virgil xenophon said...

Saints win big today, but have a big hole to climb out to run the table and maybe even then..

Big Mike said...

The Redskins just proved that they can win without RGIII.

CBCD said...

The Giants sure stunk it up today, said this sulking Giants fan.

BlogDog said...

I dislike Li'l Danny Snyder intensely but I'm very impressed with Robert Griffin III and, after this week's game, the decisions of coach Shananhan. They won't get a dime of my money but I'll hope RGIII stays around and becomes the role model a sports star should strive to be.

Will Cate said...

Texans, Falcons, Redskins... cheering them all on

Elle said...


Not such a good day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Could the super bowl be Eli v. Peyton?

Patrick said...

Packers are my team, always will be. In second is whomever is playing the Vikings. Although that Adrian Peterson is something to behold.

That said, I am looking forward to the game between SF and the Patriots tonight. Should be good, but we do get disappointed on Sundays (e.g. my Pack vs. the Giants. Ugh.)

tiger said...

Listening to Chicago radio as Bears fans - and a player or two - are melting down like pieces of ice in blast furnace.

It's funny and a little sad to hear people *this* upset about a sports team.

Bob Ellison said...

I like the Cardinals, because they're so consistent.

Anonymous said...

Nominally the Jaguars but I care not for the NFL brand of football. The only thing the NFL has done for us is absolutely ruin a once very livible and lovely city. We were hidden from the view of the rest of the nation before 1996. The beaches were ours and streets and roadways uncrowded with everyone by-passing us for points further south. Gone now. My last visit to a Ju-ju woman in New Orleans is however provong effective. The Jags are 2-10. Relocation to L.A. is the hoped for result. Can't happen soon enough.

Steven said...

I think we need a picture of the Professor and Meade wearing the traditional cheese hats of Packers fans.

Cheesehead hats are not traditional; they weren't invented until .. .

. . . oh, shit, 1987's now a whole 25 years ago. They are traditional, now, and I get to feel old.

coketown said...

Packers... Giants... who's your team?

Why choose when there's the Seahawks? Giant packers, all.

Wally Kalbacken said...

I am an absolute Packer fan.

But I was impressed by the Giants in prior weeks.

Then, look at this absolute take-down thrashing by the Falcons. Sheeeeit!

There is no transitivity in football. Hence the cliche "I guess that's why they play the game."

BaltoHvar said...

Elle and Marshall - the Ravens are decimated by injury. True that all teams must be able to deal with injury, but one must admit that looking at the injured starters on both sides of the ball that they have had a particularly bad run of luck.

Suggs, Nghata, Lewis, Webb, Pollard and the O-line and now Smith. They are in trouble, have been for most of the season.

'12 will be the season (again) that defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory.

Dan said...

January 7, 2013. Roll Tide Roll.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm looking forward to the Patriots game tonight.

David said...

The Giants suck.

So how come they destroyed the Packers?

Life is mysterious.

Steven said...

I like the Cardinals, because they're so consistent.

Nobody's as consistent as the Detroit Lions. Since the day JFK died, they've had the same owner, and in all those seasons, the same results.

Meade said...

I like the Packers.

My 4 favorite players to watch: Clay Mathews, Drew Brees, JJWatt, Russell Wilson.

Love all kinds of cheese including curds. To eat. Not balance on head.

MadisonMan said...

Packers. Duh.

I like the Giants for their intentionally ironic name, however.

mccullough said...

I'm very impressed with Aaron Rodgers. The Packers line is pretty bad and so is their defense. But Rodgers has kept them in it (playing in the NFC North helps). He's now at the point that Favre was post '97. He's keeping his team in it but he won't be able to win it. Having such a great player covers up weaknesses that a team would otherwise have to address.

caplight45 said...

Meade, it is that squeak-on-your-teeth sensation when eating cheese curds that keeps me from being a true cheese head. Though I do like the Packers.

Michael Haz said...

Which team does Zeus woof for?

jacksonjay said...

Cowboys allow the accused drunk driving manslaughter charged Josh Brent to roam the sideline during game! Supposedly because the mother of Jerry Brown wants them to support poor Josh! Mother has been widely quoted saying both men are to blame because neither one was wearing a seat belt! Seems to be in denial about alcohol!

Aridog said...

Football? Huh? Oh...wait, if I'm watching football it is almost positive that it will be the Packers or the Lions, with Packers first.

College football? Nope...not while Pedophile State U is still in the Big Ten (or 12 or whatever the flip it is today) fact if they are still fielding a football team, period.

I know I'm unfair. Tough. Give me 15 years to get over it like it took them to finally fess up to it.

jacksonjay said...

What's with that crazy Packer punt return trick play? What the Hell?

Ann Althouse said...

I greatly enjoyed today's Packers game. I especially love defeating the Bears.

Then Meade started watching the Steelers and Tampa Bay. I took a little nap, then came downstairs and read my iPad next to him, not watching the game, except the part that he replayed for me where Murray's pants got pulled down. Ha ha. Why doesn't that happen all the time?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Bama, and Patriots.

Meade said...

For the record, it's the Steelers and Dallas Crackboys.

Meade said...

Not Tampa Bay.

Meade said...

Although, I'm sure their pants come down as well.

Baron Zemo said...

"CrazyMan said....
I like the Giants for their intentionally ironic name, however."

Big enough to bitch slap the Fudge Packers every time we play them.

Did I mention that the New York Giants had just won the Super Bowl?

Meade said...

One leg at a time. As coach used to say.

Baron Zemo said...

I do notice there is a lot of chum in the water these days though?

Ann Althouse said...

"For the record, it's the Steelers and Dallas Crackboys."

Oh! I know I made you say which team it was twice.

I just really really felt that the light blue with white colors were for a Florida team, and I thought I knew it was Miami, so I ended up in Tampa. Very girly of me, I know. It was pure emotion. Light blue! Murray's naked ass!

Ann Althouse said...

I'm still not sure if it's okay to say the g-word these days.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

It's okay. Just modify it with the other g word: Girly Giants.

Penny said...

Would rather talk about Atlanta, Georgia, home of the hawks and the falcons.

Capitalize one or both if it makes you feel better.

One of your raptors was on a road trip yesterday and scooped up one of my nuthatches, terrifying one of my squirrels in the process.

Fortunately, I missed the moment of death, noticing instead, the shower of feathers from up above, followed by one of my squirrels SPLAYED upside down vertically, and barely breathing out of fear.

It took my squirrel a few minutes to figure out what he needed to do, but then he did it!

He righted himself, and then fast approached the limb closest to the Atlanta raptor who had no place in our space.

The raptor, not looking for trouble, took off for the next yard, where he finished his meal.

We don't care if he had enough energy to make it home.

Meade said...

Or, you can say Giant Girlies.

Baron Zemo said...

Very alliterative chum at that.

However might I humbly suggest that Mr. Meade pay more attention to the "g"spot than the "g"word.

Then everyone would be less grumpy. Just sayn'

Baron Zemo said...

And don't worry about the Girly Giants.

Eli will go full retard in the playoffs like he usually does and knock off any losers the Gints might meet like the 49er's, Pats or Fudge Packers.

You know like they did last year.

Baron Zemo said...

Or as they did this year during the regular season.

The Falcons played great today. They deserve kudo's.

When was the last time they won a big game like the Super Bowl?



Ok there Tommy Nobis go back to selling that there life insurance.

Baron Zemo said...

Plus it was unfair that they let Nene Leakes play nose tackle.

That bitch is a moose.

Meade said...

Eli is fun to watch. Especially when he gets to the Big (and Tall) games.

Meade said...

Btw, there is no grumpiness in Wisconsin.

Except for the commies. But then they live to be grumpy.

Jus' sayin'.

mccullough said...

Baron Z,

The Giants aren't going to the playoffs. The sooner you accept it, the better off you will be.

Unknown said...

Well the pressure is on for the Packers to win out. If the Seahawks win out, they are 11-5 and win the NFC west, and if the Pack loses just one more (@ Minnesota) they finish 11-5 and the teams are tied. And as a result of the Seahawks already beating the Pack, the Pack might need to return to the scene of the crime in either the divisional round or even the conference championship.

Known Unknown said...

I have to say my Broncos are playing much better than I ever expected them to.

Ann Althouse said...

"I thought I knew it was Miami"

I meant: I thought I knew it wasn't Miami...

It was dumb but not that dumb.

Ann Althouse said...


Ha ha ha ha ha.

Baron. Poor Baron.

test said...

Steeler loss puts the Ravens in the playoffs.

Ann Althouse said...

The Cowboys have some cute cowboys on their team.

They all look like Ricky Nelson.

Plus: 2 ass flashes!

Ann Althouse said...

But who will win "Survivor"?

Are you for Denise, Malcolm, Lisa, or Skupin?

Unfortunately, I like them all.

test said...

Ann Althouse said...
But who will win "Survivor"?

San Francisco.

traditionalguy said...

The Falcons cant get no respect inAtlanta either.

My friends were all sure NY would win. Lots of money was needlessly not won today.

David Smith said...

When I moved from Maryland to Illinois a while back I was asked far too often whether I was a Cubbie or Sox fan. I learned to say that I didn't follow basketball, and put an end to that line of questioning.

I'll do the same over the holidays back East. Ravens or 'Skins? I thought baseball season was over!

kjbe said...

The Packers. All day long.

And today is a very good day.

MadisonMan said...

And as a result of the Seahawks already "beating" the Pack

FIFY. :)

Pat said...

Ann, I'm surprised you are not a bigger Texans fan. JJ Watt is on fire, on track to beat the single season record for sacks. With the exception of maybe Andre Johnson, there isn't a bigger sports hero in Houston right now. Thank you, Wisconsin.

Pat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

An acquaintance sticks his thumbs in his belt, casts his voice back and goes, "How, 'bout them Giants?"

or "Yankees" whatever the season.

Then I go, "Da Barrrrrez."

Neither of know what we're talking about.

I want to buy people their team toasters through the Althouse Amazon affiliation but they're only 900 W and regular toasters are higher than that. And reviews say the toasters suck, and don't last long, and don't even toast an ordinary size piece of Wonder bread, but they love them anyway for what they are and for as long as they last. The hit of the party. Toast all day long. All sorts of other stuff going on Christmas day but people tickled pink with their team emblem on their toast. Back and forth all day long with the team emblem toast. It's not even clear if it does both sides.

It's a madness in you, apparent here, that I can use.

Send you a little toy for 30 or 40 bucks that amuses you with your friends for a day, if I'm lucky anything more than that pure extra. A thing you'd never buy for yourself because it's absurd. But you could. But you won't because you're too sensible. But you could. But you won't. So you're pleased as punch that somebody did. Then it's gone. Win.

McTriumph said...

I live in the home of the Kansas City Chiefs, WTF!

Michael K said...

Great 49ers vs Patriots game still going on.

Tim said...

mccullough said...

"The Patriots will be in the Super Bowl again. No one in football wants to win more and no one hates to lose more than Tom Brady. Peyton Manning is a close second. No one else has the competitive drive of these two."

They might be.

They played well in the second half tonight, but just not well enough.

My team?

Uh, guess?

Anyway, I think the 'Skins win the NFC East; Falcons, Packers and Niners are locks now for their division titles; Seattle most likely grabs one wild card; Minnesota, Chicago, New York and Dallas fight over the last spot.

None of those will be worthy, however.

AFC Championship Game: Pats v. Denver.

NFC Championship Game: SF hosting Seattle.

SF defeats New England in the Super Bowl.

Baron Zemo said...

Is John Brodie going to come out of retirement for the 49er's?

Otherwise they have no shot.

Repeat of last year.

Giants vs Pat.

Giants win.

mccullough said...


You can't play in the Super Bowl without making the playoffs. Maybe the New Jersey Giants will make it next year when the Super Bowl is played in New Jersey.

Tim said...

mccullough said...


You can't play in the Super Bowl without making the playoffs. Maybe the New Jersey Giants will make it next year when the Super Bowl is played in New Jersey."


But in Captain Zima's world, the New York Football Giants are always in the playoffs, and then in the Super Bowl, which they always win.

Today's 0-34 shellacking by the Falcons?

Didn't happen.




Old RPM Daddy said...

Kirk who? Kirk "The Backup Who Went 26 for 37, 329 Yards, 2 Touchdowns Versus 1 Pick While Beating Cleveland 38-21" Cousins? Him? Yeah, that would be the guy.

The Washington Redskins.

The Mighty Bengals, too. Thank you Dallas (this is hard for me to say) for beating the Steelers. And to Denver, for explaining a few things to Baltimore.

Patrick said...

NFC Championship Game: SF hosting Seattle.

NFC Championship Game: SF hosting Green Bay.

FIFY. My heart wanted to fix more.

Tim said...

"NFC Championship Game: SF hosting Green Bay.

FIFY. My heart wanted to fix more."

Could be!

Match ups will be critical, of course.

sonicfrog said...

Chargers... And there isn't much of anything to talk about, except maybe who might be the coach next year. The GM will probably get fired too, but no one has much interest in talking about his prospective replacement.

Tim said...

"The GM will probably get fired too, but no one has much interest in talking about his prospective replacement."

Spanos definitely needs to fire Smith. That guy is exceptionally arrogant.

Baron Zemo said...

The Giants have two relatively easy games left in the Ravens and the Eagles.

That would make them 10-6 and a sure bet for the playoffs.

Then if we are real lucky we can play the Packers and the 49er's and we can kick their ass like we have already done this season.

Or haven't you been paying attention?

Tim said...

"Then if we are real lucky we can play the Packers and the 49er's and we can kick their ass like we have already done this season."

As if, of course, the history of rematches in playoffs supports the Giants winning the rematches.

Or haven't you been paying attention?


