November 1, 2012

Will no one shed a tear for the paparazzi of Washington, D.C.?

They're terrified of a Romney presidency.
Photographer and autographer collector Mark Wilkins said a Romney administration would “bring back the same old boring celebrities we saw back when Bush was around.”

“Trace Adkins, all those country stars that no one really cares about,” said Wilkins. “I hope Romney doesn’t get elected because it will slow things down. Right now, there are celebs visiting the White House, four, five times a week that we don’t even know about until after they leave. Romney? Who wants to visit Romney?”


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Screw you, America. Leftwing hollywood want to party.

Chip S. said...

Eh. Under Romney they can become photojournalists, documenting the pain etched into the faces of the long-term unemployed, the homeless, and the maimed soldiers returned from Afghanistan.

Sorun said...

"...that’s why you’re not going to see the level of celebrity interest in D.C. if Romney wins."

I'd hope the disinterest flows both ways. Enough of Clinton and Obama and their fucking celebrity circle-jerks.

Cosmic Conservative said...

As terrified as they are of a Romney Presidency, I guarantee you nobody will put one of them in a closet like President Ladyparts VP did...

Cosmic Conservative said...

Just another example of the celebrity obsessed state of our culture anyway... I consider what this reporter is whining about to be a feature, not a bug.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Hey paparazzi! F*ck you.

wyo sis said...

This is just the kind of thing that makes me reconsider voting for Romney. I really really need a cool president.

Or maybe, Obama is too sexy for his job.

Anonymous said...

Report the facts when a party is at stake? Dig for the truth?

Four men left for dead in Libya?

Dude! Don't harsh my Jay-Z and Beyonce!

Big Mike said...

Will no one shed a tear for the paparazzi of Washington, DC?


Tyrone Slothrop said...

Come on, Mr. Wilkins! Donny and Marie are HUGE!

furious_a said...

"Will no one shed a tear for the paparazzi of Washington, D.C.?"

I'll play my violin for them.

Anonymous said...

Donny and Marie

Oh, come on - get current.

Brandon Flowers, at least.

Now there's someone whose home and marriage a leftist female reporter could dream about wrecking.

gerry said...

Assholes, all.

Unknown said...

They have nothing to worry about.


roesch/voltaire said...

Under Romney the liberty to lie will dominate and they can photoshop their wares like crazy.

Colonel Angus said...

Right now, there are celebs visiting the White House, four, five times a week...

That explains a lot about this administration. Plenty of time for Eva Longoria, not so much for our diplomats and SEALs.

Brennan said...

Wait, the paparazzi want to live in DC?

Scott M said...

Romney will be far too busy with a national pooper-scooper to worry about hobnobbing with the glitterati.

Amartel said...

No more celebrity politics,

The uncelebrated rejoice.

As they say over at Instapundit,
Repeal the Hollywood Tax Breaks.

Paddy O said...

Vexcon came to mind when I read this.

Will no one shed a tear for the roaches when we clean up the house?

cubanbob said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Under Romney the liberty to lie will dominate and they can photoshop their wares like crazy.

11/1/12 1:04 PM

Not even The Great Satanic Romney can outdo The Zero & Co. in that department.

As for the paparazzi, good riddance. let them find honest work for a change.

Cosmic Conservative said...

The real travesty here is that a supposedly "serious news" source actually "reported" this trivial nonsense as just another way to jab a pin at Romney.

Four days from an historic election and two days past an historic weather event Politico is interviewing "paparazzi"?

I think that pretty much sums up Politico's credibility...

Nonapod said...

That certainly doesn't help delegitimize the stereotype conservatives have of a lot of liberal journalists being shallow, vapid, celebrity obsessed morons (who in turn think conservatives are boring sticks in the mud).

Cosmic Conservative said...

Every time one of my lib friends, co-workers or acquaintances brings up the "Romney lies" meme, I just tell them that Romney is trying to keep up with Obama and ask them if Romney's supposed "lie" is comparable to lying about leaving four heroic men to die at the hands of terrorists.

That usually shuts them up.

bagoh20 said...

Is that a Romney campaign ad?

damikesc said...

Under Romney the liberty to lie will dominate

So Obama did everything possible to save the American diplomatic staff in Benghazi, eh?

Peter V. Bella said...

Who cares about mindless celebrities? They contribute nothing to society except entertainment. Other than that, they re useless. Please tell me what great feats for mankind the Kardasians, Paris Hilton, or any of the others have done?

bagoh20 said...

If celebrities don't visit much, then I know it's a well run White House.

Rusty said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Under Romney the liberty to lie will dominate and they can photoshop their wares like crazy.

For a self describe academic you sure come across as childish. What do you teach? Women studies? Do you talk like that to your students?

bagoh20 said...

"They're terrified of a Romney White House."

Another good sign. It will be nice for the parasite class to be a little scared for a change. I hope he scares the shit out of them, and I hope that fear is well founded.

Darrell said...

Under Romney, they can find real jobs.

SteveR said...

On the positive side, it at least appears Obama has been good for their jobs.

Eric said...

I find it hard to shed a tear for mosquitoes and ticks as I crush them. Why would I care about this particular brand of parasite?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Wilkins sounds like Titus.

Baron Zemo said...

My question is what did Pascual Perez know about Senator Bob Menendez?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Also, I'd like to see a president who got rid of all the White House press corps shindigs and instead just invited random American citizens to the WH parties.

Tank said...

I would like to have a boring President who is hard a work, not on his jump shot, not on his golf, not on his fancy parties, not on improving his bowling [so as not to be ridiculed], but rather, actually working night and day to resolve the various catastrophic issues we face.

Or we could have more Zero.

Wait, can you have more Zero?

mccullough said...

They can just take photos of empty chairs and we can all guess which one is Obama and which one is the celebrity hipster.

AHL said...

This lady loves country boys.

Darrell said...

And country boys love you right back.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like to see Romney install a fracking well in the front lawn. A symbol of our new position as the energy leader of the world.

Irene said...

O/T (but related to stardom): Obama is visiting Madison again ... on Monday.

sakredkow said...

@Darrell Flirt on your own time. Get back to work.

Althouse will be back in any minute.

Amartel said...

"Right now, there are celebs visiting the White House, four, five times a week"

No more years of this.
No more celeb-crony-phony president.

Known Unknown said...

Come on, Mr. Wilkins! Donny and Marie are HUGE!

Well, Marie anyways.

Is she back on the Jenny Craig?

Known Unknown said...

I would like to have a boring President who is hard a work, not on his jump shot, not on his golf, not on his fancy parties, not on improving his bowling [so as not to be ridiculed], but rather, actually working night and day to resolve the various catastrophic issues we face.

Sounds like you want the Great Society, part deux.

; )

The Roller said...

Another One Hit Wonder.... Our own Right Said Fred President.

Replete with a long list of annoying hanger-ons.

Chuck66 said...

EMD, not all gov't fixes involve creating a massive new unfunded entitlement program.

KCFleming said...

D.C. paparazzi photographer Mark Wilkins:
"On Romney's inauguration, we're like freaking out, obviously. ‘You’ve got to give us a character."

And TMZ’s Harvey Levin said to him: "You have a secret — you are the last of the obsequious leftist toadies. Hide under that byline. When he lifts it, he’s going to see your wanton past!"

Wince said...

I hope Romney doesn’t get elected because it will slow things down. Right now, there are celebs visiting the White House, four, five times a week that we don’t even know about until after they leave. Romney? Who wants to visit Romney?

"I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message."

Levi Starks said...


edutcher said...

A surprising indictment of the media's conduct the last 4 years, given that it comes from a reporter.

In any case, the 4th Estate felt the same way about the Kennedys.

Just as well we'll be rid of them.

Known Unknown said...

EMD, not all gov't fixes involve creating a massive new unfunded entitlement program.

But most of them end up there anyways.

Roger J. said...

Should Mr Romney win, and I think he will, I will be happy to see the President conduct press conferences rather than appear on late nite TV or the view--Should work OK, I think, because if Mr Romney win's the MSM will rediscover the role in asking gotcha questions, and afflicting the comfortable.

I will, however, miss the coverage of the Kardasians, Paris Hilton, and other non-descript "celebrities."

Chuck66 said...

EMD, true. But the kind of fixes I like to see (by the gov't) involve reducing unelected bureaucrats who harass private individuals or organizations. Put in good lower level federal judges. Stop micromanaging our schools.

Darrell said...


Don't you have more cars with Romney stickers to key? They'll soon outnumber stars in the heavens if you don't get crakin'.

And mind your own fucking business when it comes to comments. Inga will think you're two-timing her.

LordSomber said...

"Photographer and autographer collector..."

Really tells me all I need to know about the person.

Where are the grown-ups?

tiger said...

So this guy wants celebrities to visit the White House so he can photograph them and then make money from the photos?


As a liberal he should be working for the 'Greater Good' instead of just working to make money so his life is easier.

Barry isn't going to like this.

Shouting Thomas said...

Of course, the guy has to seize on a country music cowboy.

Plenty of people love Trace Adkins. Country music is huge. Even in NY State, people love country music. (At least outside NYC.)

The message again is... Those terrible white people! A very tedious message, indeed.

Darrell said...

you are the last of the obsequious leftist toadies

If only that were true. From your keyboard to God's Retina display.

Unknown said...

So if we vote for Romney we can expect our gov't to actually get some work done instead of simply playing golf or hosting celebs...

Great, where do I sign up for that...oh wait i voted for Romney already....but wait, its chicago, i can vote early AND often...hah

Automatic_Wing said...

It's not just the papparazzi - Ali Karim Bey and his K Street contacts are scared shitless.

They're terrified of their impending Mormon overlords.

Toad Trend said...

I too lift my middle finger towards the paparazzi for their attitude to what *most* of middle America appreciates.

Isn't that the line of demarcation? The left hates traditional American mores, like decency, respect for others, property rights and other 'boring' things.

Leftists really are assholes, I'm sorry. No two ways about it.

Toad Trend said...


"Even in NY State, people love country music."

Which region are you in?

carrie said...

I think the paparazzi, or at least the MSM, felt the same way when Carter was President. Rosalind reused the dress that she had worn to Carter's inaugeration as governor for the presidential inaugueration, and the press didn't like that. Then the Carters thought that hard alcohol distracted from state dinners so they only served wine at state dinners, and I particularly remember the press complaining about that too. The Carters also cut out french food and they invited ordinary people who had written to the WH saying that they's like to attend a state dinner, etc. The press wants royalty, but rest of us (who don't get invited to the White House anyway) just want good, qualified leaders who are not elitists. I always admired Jimmy Carter for doing the things he did at state dinners because it showed that he wasn't an elitist. Unfortunately for him, the MSM and Washington love elitists and they didn't appreciate what he was doing at all.

campy said...

Under Romney the liberty to lie will dominate

And the MSM will take full advantage of their liberty, just as they always do.

carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
harrogate said...

"It will be nice for the parasite class to be a little scared for a change."

Why bagoh20, what do you have against bankers and hedge fund managers all of a sudden?

Oh wait. It's just more of your Randian, self-aggrandizing bullshit.

cold pizza said...

Boring is the new glitter. -CP

furious_a said...

The Carters also cut out french food and they invited ordinary people who had written to the WH saying that they's like to attend a state dinner, etc. The press wants royalty...

Lapdogs prefer premium table scraps.

test said...

harrogate said...
"It will be nice for the parasite class to be a little scared for a change."

Why bagoh20, what do you have against bankers and hedge fund managers all of a sudden?

Oh wait. It's just more of your Randian, self-aggrandizing bullshit.

It's becoming clear to the left that Obama's going to lose. Even those that occasionally pose as honest are dropping the veneer and getting in their nasty before they disappear.

It's great to see.

campy said...

It's becoming clear to the left that Obama's going to lose.

Romney may get more votes, but Obama will steal it if he has to.

wyo sis said...

You rock!

Eric said...

Why bagoh20, what do you have against bankers and hedge fund managers all of a sudden?

As if that were actually true. You guys have been spouting this 1920s nonsense for a few years now, and you may actually believe it, but I'll take a hedge fund manager over an occupooper living off my paycheck any day.

Sammy said...

Jay Z getting access to restricted areas of the White House, and pictures of him sitting in the Presidents Chair in the Situation room and others with his feet up ............I can't tell you how it warned my heart.

Seeing pictures of one celebrity party after another at the White House the first 3 years of Obama's term, especially when unemployment was close to 9% , home foreclosures, bankruptcies , welfare , food stamps .... all going to record high levels .

Just knowing that the nations misery couldn't stop our celebrities and our President and First Lady from throwing a good party, it was one less worry for me.

harrogate said...


I am not sure what it is you think you are accusing of of or what it is you think that you think you see. But I have an idea and though you are of course entitled to your delusions, the quantity and style of my participation here shan't be affected by the outcome of the election. And election that all along I have predicted Romney would win, I might add.

Of the commenters here, I find bagoh20's comments to be most representative of the entitlement mentality of the eco-conservatives. Lots of self puffery, very little actual substance to the arguments. I have called him out before for his buffoonery in this regard, and collaterally, all others who sign on to the Randian delusions. And likely will ridicule these illusions again before and after the election.

test said...


I thought at times you made an effort not to be an asshole, but I accept your admonition that I misunderstood.

chickelit said...

The Economist endorsed Barack Obama today which saddens me because when I lived in Europe they were my link to the English-speaking world. Somewhere after 9/11 (but especially after 2008) they lost their neutrality and became left-of-center.

chickelit said...

The latest piece of evidence that The Economist is in the tank for Obama is the way they swallowed the Banghazi video story when it broke and, like their MSM compatriots, never looked back to question it afterwards.

Calypso Facto said...

I thought at times you made an effort not to be an asshole, but I accept your admonition that I misunderstood.


Rick67 said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


What else is there to say in response to this drivel?

Calypso Facto said...

Somewhere after 9/11 (but especially after 2008) they lost their neutrality and became left-of-center.

Yep. That's when I stopped reading, too. A shame, really, that the desire to be accepted in the leftist world of journalism outstrips the compunction to provide balanced reporting and thoughtful analysis.

Crimso said...

"Romney? Who wants to visit Romney?"

Because what this country needs right now is a good steady stream of celebrities through the White House.

And if I had to choose, I'd take a Randian over a Marxist any day. But I do recognize it's a sliding scale.

chickelit said...

Jay Z getting access to restricted areas of the White House, and pictures of him sitting in the Presidents Chair in the Situation room and others with his feet up ............I can't tell you how it warned my heart.

Exactly. Does Romney even hang with "celebrities"? And he doesn't play golf either. Both will be welcome changes, IMO.

Of course Crack Emcee (if he were still with us) would remind us that Mormon Church elders will now be invited into the WH.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Sweet Sarah Vaughn could coil a note like no one I have ever heard. But being a negress (that was the word) she faced racism like the rest of us face a cold wind.

President LBJ asked her to sing at a state dinner for the PM of Japan, and after she sang, a secretary found her in a temporary dressing room in some office sobbing like to die.

And she said, ‘There’s nothing wrong. This is the most wonderful day of my life. When I first came to Washington, I couldn’t get a hotel room, and tonight, I danced with the president.’ ”


Michael K said...

"I always admired Jimmy Carter for doing the things he did at state dinners because it showed that he wasn't an elitist. Unfortunately for him, the MSM and Washington love elitists and they didn't appreciate what he was doing at all."

I admired him for sending Amy to public school. Not much else, though. When Reagan was inaugurated, Rosalind Carter was astonished that Nancy Reagan knew the Secret Service agent by his first name. I thought that was interesting as Nancy was always accused of elitism.

bagoh20 said...

"Why bagoh20, what do you have against bankers and hedge fund managers all of a sudden?"

Just because Obama is their best friend and deep in their pockets, does not make them celebrities.

Sam L. said...

This is why they hated Bush vacationing at his ranch.

Mah hayart buhleeds fer 'em.

Big Mike said...

I'd like to see Romney install a fracking well in the front lawn.

I doubt it would work. The White House is built on a filled-in flood plain. That's not a good place to prospect for natural gas. (There's plenty of gas coming from the other end of Pennsylvania Ave, though.)

virgil xenophon said...


"I'd like to see Romney install a fracking well in the front lawn."

Hell yes, if an Oil Derrick is good enough for the State Capitol grounds/bldg in Okla City, one is good enough for the WH. Lets people know where are "vital interests"/priorities lie..

virgil xenophon said...

**our vital interests..

Sammy said...

Micheal K

Don't remember the books name, came out a few years ago, by a fairly liberal reporter from the WP, it was about agency of the Secret Service for the last 50 years and the Presidents they guarded , along with their family's..... Guess who was a dick , Carter, the peanut farmer wasn't so great to the help...and Al gore was a prissy a- hole..... Both Bush's came off well and so did Reagan.

Titus said...

I love celebrities when they are republican: Jon Voight, Clint, Ted they are incredible and amazing.

I deteste libtard celebrities, they are the worst and awful.


virgil xenophon said...


Comparison Surveys over the years about the way the Congressional staff types (secretaries, door-men, barbers, cafeteria workers, Capitol Police, etc.,) are treated by the Donkeys and Elephants unfailingly find that the Elephant politicians are miles ahead in being polite and considerate towards the support staff "little people."

Calypso Facto said...

I deteste libtard celebrities, they are the worst and awful.

And the names given are certainly good examples of de-teste'd celebrities.

Anonymous said...

But Titus, don't you just love Madonna?

Bayoneteer said...

Ideology aside it's probably a nice contrast for the celebs from NYC and Hollywood. The SS boys will happily curb-stomp the pops if they bug the WH guests even a little bit. Don't have to tip them either.

marylynn said...

Watching the CMA awards right now. Love those Country boys - and girls too. Good music, good people overall. And i really don't care what the cool people think of that.

Anonymous said...

I knew Sunday was the turning point as Sunday was going on.

You see, I voted for Romney on Friday.

I knew Obama would lose. BUT, I was thinking of SANDY all day Saturday. You can check this blog.

Then on Sunday when I found out that Obama was heading back to DC from FL, I immediately came up with a few scenarios:

- Obama gets a great photo-op.
- He undos the damage he caused in Benghazi, just like that. Like a fart in the wind.
- Press goes wild. Political orgasm at NYT, NPR, and PBS.

I knew this was going to happen on Monday. On Tuesday, I got SCARED.

On Wednesday I could not even eat.

Now, on Thursday, every-thing I thought and said on this blog happened.

On top of that, Bloomberg endorsed Obama. Why? It is not easy to forget that Mike wants the Treasury job. BUT, now Climate Change problem-solver will be Obama. His 2nd term plan is that. He got a peace prize for his potential. He made it without even doing anything, just a photo-op.

Christie was an idiot. He should have asked Romney to visit. And, Romney is an idiot. Did he not realize on Friday that with Sandy coming, Obama would use it for his own photo-op?

Never trust Obama to do anything for USA sake. It is all about him.

Why did GOP screw up by not aggressively working on Sandy?

Why did GOP not realize on Sunday the events of Mon through Thurs?

Why must I be thinking ahead and not anyone from the GOP?


Anonymous said...

I knew Sunday was the turning point as Sunday was going on.

You see, I voted for Romney on Friday.

I knew Obama would lose. BUT, I was thinking of SANDY all day Saturday. You can check this blog.

Then on Sunday when I found out that Obama was heading back to DC from FL, I immediately came up with a few scenarios:

- Obama gets a great photo-op.
- He undos the damage he caused in Benghazi, just like that. Like a fart in the wind.
- Press goes wild. Political orgasm at NYT, NPR, and PBS.

I knew this was going to happen on Monday. On Tuesday, I got SCARED.

On Wednesday I could not even eat.

Now, on Thursday, every-thing I thought and said on this blog happened.

On top of that, Bloomberg endorsed Obama. Why? It is not easy to forget that Mike wants the Treasury job. BUT, now Climate Change problem-solver will be Obama. His 2nd term plan is that. He got a peace prize for his potential. He made it without even doing anything, just a photo-op.

Christie was an idiot. He should have asked Romney to visit. And, Romney is an idiot. Did he not realize on Friday that with Sandy coming, Obama would use it for his own photo-op?

Never trust Obama to do anything for USA sake. It is all about him.

Why did GOP screw up by not aggressively working on Sandy?

Why did GOP not realize on Sunday the events of Mon through Thurs?

Why must I be thinking ahead and not anyone from the GOP?


Chip Ahoy said...

Obama to Madison, goodbye and thanks for all the fish.

DEEBEE said...

We could start a Left Coast half-way white house, for ex-presidents -- to transition to private life. Barack can be its first denizen. Then the celebs will not have to travel far. It will simultaneously get rid of the paparazzi fleas in DC

Crimso said...

"Besides, Al Karim, Romney can't go TOO favour front on disaster relief, because he has to abolish FEMA."

Because, as everyone knows, you can't help people in a disaster at the local or state level. And at the time FEMA was formed (by Carter), the various functions assigned to it were already being tended to. It was simply an attempt to centrally control those Federal resources in one agency. It may seem like common sense to do such a thing, but things that seem to be common sense can sometimes turn out to be huge mistakes.

It is worth noting that FEMA can't respond (I'm sure there are exceptions) until the state in question requests it (see Blanco and Katrina). Presumably, this request occurs when the state and local resources are overwhelmed, and require specific resource supplementation (I doubt FEMA's counter-terrorism functions are necessary in the current situation). You need not have the various resources centrally-controlled (again, certain functions of FEMA are wholly irrelvant to the current situation; it wouldn't matter one whit whether they're available or not. If another agency has the specific resource you need, is it that difficult to ask THEM to provide it? Why have an extra layer of bureaucracy and the inevitable poor decision-making that goes with it?)

But I'm assuming (probably not wise to, but still...) that "favour" would be a possible indicator that you just might not be familiar with such distinctions, at least as they apply here.

Jason said...

Cut him some slack! That guy may be the last journalist inside the beltway who's actually WORKING!

Jason said...

When the top studio players and record production guys in LA and NYC get married and have families to raise, and they want a safe, sane place to raise a family without all the coke-crazed assholes in the celebrity culture on the coasts, and they want their careers to have some staying power and allow their kids to have a great life and actually save some money, they move to Nashville.

Well, ok. To Brentwood, Belle Mead and Green Hills, anyway.

Jason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crimso said...

Don't forget Mt. Juliet.

To extend my already too long thoughts of above, I think that any Federal entity not explicitly created by the Constitution (Senate, House, POTUS, etc.) should have a default state of "doesn't exist." In order to make it exist, you must provide a justification for creating it. You might then argue "FEMA is better than nothing." At that point I invoke Althouse's Law, and your justification then needs to be considerably more explicit (this would do great things when appplied to all of Federal government). This, of course, is in an ideal world.

Kelly said...

Not only will boring people be back in the White House, but there won't be any boozing! What will happen to the home brewed White House beer? Plus, no more Presidential NCAA brackets. Stupid Romney.

Nathan Alexander said...

Both leslyn and machine use the non-American spelling "favour".

Make of that what you will.

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