November 14, 2012

Watching the President's news conference.

Beginning any minute. Watch here.

ADDED: "If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. And I'm happy to have that discussion with them. But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador who had nothing to do with Benghazi, and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and besmirch her reputation is outrageous." I detected some inappropriate/bogus chivalry — the man saying come after me, not the woman. I consider that how-dare-you attitude a distraction, a push back. But he's right that the criticism should be aimed at him!


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David said...

any minute?

Beginning when he decides to show up--usually late.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

Summary: "I'm the best President ever."

chickelit said...

On taxes: éminence grise

On entitlements: still emanates Greece.

rhhardin said...

The local station, run by idiots, preempted Rush for it.

Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with middle class tax cuts?

Chip S. said...

Comforting to know that the CIA chief is innocent until proven guilty. Must wait for the investigation to be completed. Would've violated Petraeus's constitutional rights for the prez to be told about any of this.

Anonymous said...

Tax reform, what's wrong with that? Entitlement reform, what's wrong with that?

Meade said...

Obama: We don't meddle in criminal investigations.

Like you didn't meddle in the Professor Gates/ Sgt Crowley investigation?

Chip S. said...

"Health-care costs are the biggest driver of our deficit."


Chip S. said...

Tax reform, what's wrong with that? Entitlement reform, what's wrong with that?


Meade said...

Oh, oh - "entitlement changes"

David said...

Inga, the first step in solving any problem is to state the issue clearly and honestly. I bet you do that as a nurse. You either can't or won't when you talk about taxes and government deficits. I bet you are a first rate nurse, but you frame issues like a third rate politician.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Chip, that boat has sunk.

chickelit said...

Is Obama fluent in Spanish? Why the latino intonation?

Anonymous said...

David, I'm no politician at all, just a citizen.

Humperdink said...

Inga, you ignorant slut. Don't you know by now tax reform = tax increase. Taxing the rich will not put a dent in deficit. It's the middle class, always the middle class. How long have you resided on this planet.

I just love Libruls mocking Conservative's science intellect. But they never seem to mention math skills.

wdnelson93 said...

If you're watching you might as well live blog Mrs. Meadehouse.

John said...

Since when is it criminal to have an affair? Petreus wasn't on active duty. This was either a national security investigation or the FBI illegally digging for dirt on a political figure.

Anonymous said...
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Rusty said...

Inga said...
Sorry Chip, that boat has sunk.

Right over her head.

FWBuff said...

Obama is such a windbag! He talks and talks and talks without saying much of substance. It must be his strategy to run out the clock to avoid too many different questions. Or it could be that he loves the sound of his own voice.

KCFleming said...


Just remember, 2+2=5.

Chip S. said...

Incredible. The POTUS is a passive observer of the Petraeus scandal.

Farmer said...

Benghazi. Petraeus as it relates to Benghazi. Fiscal cliff. Not interested in anything else.

Anonymous said...

Rick, you sexist pig, did you ignore his statement on Entitlement reform?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Libruls seem to own the exclusive rights to use the word "Reform".

David said...

The best term is "informed citizen" Inga. On this issue you do not act like one. No one should want to sound like a third rate politician (the prevalent type.)

coketown said...

"Maintain progresstivity"?

This press conference is embarrassing. He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

And I love how the "vague processes" he won't tolerate in any budget compromise are exactly the things he did throughout his entire first 4 years.

David said...

Generalities Inga. What entitlements?

chickelit said...

I still get the sinking feeling that he's just saying "women and children first"

David said...

He's had 4 years to get specific and has not done so.

Chip S. said...

OMG, he really does believe his own bullshit!

AllenS said...

I haven't been watching, but he is saying anything new? Or, is he saying all of the things that he said when he first stepped on the stage and then never followed up on?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...


You're both right. Medicaid, which is both "welfare" and "medical costs", is the budget item that has grown the most over Obama's first term. It'll grow more, of course, since ObamaCare brings a few million more people into Medicaid.

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

Tax reform, what's wrong with that? Entitlement reform, what's wrong with that?

stop misprepresenting the opposition. Nothing wrong with those. In fact that's what republicans have been asking for for the longest.
The devil
Is in the details though, isn't it?

KCFleming said...

"Libruls seem to own the exclusive rights to use the word "Reform"."

It's a communist term.
See: "Land reform".

"Land reform is generally accepted to mean: the redistribution of property or rights
in land for the benefit of the landless, tenants and farm labourers. T

twinsdad said...

it won't be long till one of the reporters throw a rope over the chandelier ala "Airplane"

Humperdink said...

You do mean "entitlement expansion" as evident by the current welfare rolls numbers. Graph looks like Prof. Michael Mann's hockey stick.

Just like in today's lingo where disagree=hate, reform=screw the middle class. What's left of it, that is.

By their fruits ye shall know them and I have seen 4 years of OweBama's fruits. There is no mystery as to where he is taking us, you ignorant slut.

chickelit said...

Patronizing of Obama to single out Romney's Olympics experience. while ingnoring Romney's bipartisanship as a Governor.

twinsdad said...

700 words to say "I won"

twinsdad said...

700 words to say "I won"

chickelit said...

This speech needs an "I" and "me" word cloud count.

Chip S. said...


Sure. Massive unemployment puts more people on Medicaid. So here's a completely correct version of that statement:

My failed economic policies are the single biggest driver of the deficit.

chickelit said...

Rice is a mistake...

DADvocate said...

Sorry Chip, that boat has sunk.

Funny you should mention sinking ships. Your unconscious mind is telling you something. (It appears most of your mind is unconscious.)

Meade said...

"not engaged in criminal activity"

Being in the country illegally is not "activity" or "criminal"?

Chip S. said...

"Even better" in my second term.

Now there's a low bar.

twinsdad said...

oh oh the "I'm offended" tone

chickelit said...

Important that he says Rice lied at the behest of the WH!!!

Chip S. said...

Did he just agree to testify before the Senate?

Anonymous said...
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chickelit said...


Chip S. said...

They're picking on the black woman!

Fuckin' racists.

twinsdad said...

I'll bet McCain is shaking in his boots

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

Rick, you sexist pig, did you ignore his statement on Entitlement reform?

saying you're for entitlement reform is like saying you're for change! What entitlement reform did Obama offer previously and what is he offering now? You do realize that inherent in any entitlement reform is spending cuts right? So is he going to cut obamacare, is he going to cut SS or Medicaire? What entitlements is he or other liberals offering to put on the table.

Remember, the dems couldn't even bother to put forward a budget for three years!

twinsdad said...

I'll bet McCain is shaking in his boots

chickelit said...

Rice has become the flashpoint, a polarizing factor. Rightly so.

coketown said...

Obamacare and its budget scoring are the epitome of Obama's "vague processing." He's an expert; he knows what to look for.

I'm glad Obama is finally giving Romney credit for being smart and supremely capable of looking at a bungled apparatus--whether the SLC Olympics or the Federal Government--and coming up with sophisticated, non-partisan solutions.

Where was this tone before the election? Durrr. It's blatantly obvious that Obama's strategy for avoiding the "second term curse" is triangulation. But he's all thumbs and it won't work.

His defense of Susan Rice is silly. How dare anyone slander her reputation? The UN ambassador! Of all people! Because they think she's an easy target! HOW DARE THEY?

He seems to forget Rice's role in cheerleading the original, totally false story line of the Benghazi attack being a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video. Stupid.

Chip S. said...

Everybody knows that the UN ambassador must be beyond questioning.

Chip S. said...

He says really stupid stuff when he gets pissed off.

Anonymous said...

OK, start with Medicare/ Medicaid. 25 percent of Medicaid goes for nursing home costs. Why are we making the Nursing Home Industry rich? At $6,000+ a month, which is extremely excessive, the only ones getting rich on taxpayer dollars are the Nursing Home Corporations (who have a powerful lobby) for warehousing the elderly and disabled. The staff certainly isn't getting rich.

Medicare part D is a mess, we can negotiate cheaper costs, why does big Pharma deserve a big fat kiss from the tax payers?

coketown said...

Hard question on addressing the families of the Benghazi victims: Ignored.

Easy question on having a mandate after his "decisive"--the press's word, not mine--victory: Answered with relish!

John said...


You are so right. Why does big Pharma deserve anything at all? It is disgusting that they make money off of people's suffering. In a just world they would be giving all of those drugs away. Just nationalize the whole thing and make sure that anyone who makes so much as a penny off of selling people medical care goes to prison.

Bob Ellison said...

Mr. President, I just got a text message from Senators McCain, Graham, and Ayotte. They say "Behind the Smithsonian, 2:00. Can you respond to that?

twinsdad said...

why do I keep hearing George Costanza

" bla bla bla bla bla bla ba"

jr565 said...

Inga wrote: yet more liberal talking points masquerading as entitlement reforms. Big pharma! How about big govt!
He and you can't help but dagogue companies. How about shining a light on govt spending?

And as far as warehousing old people what do you propose instead? You want to close down the old age homes now?

DADvocate said...

Being in the country illegally is not "activity" or "criminal"?

Those are simply undocumented workers. Racist!

Anonymous said...

John, if you think Medicare Part D is just peachy, you are uninformed, or worse.

twinsdad said...

I told them to do what was needed to keep them safe.....and then I went to bed

Chip S. said...

There's the solution to our problems--all business owners should keep workin' hard for no pay.

Just like Obama does.

coketown said...

LOL! His metaphor for how the government should ideally function is...the federal government's response to hurricane Sandy.

That's great. With such a low bar, how can he not excel?

Anonymous said...

There are better options than nursing homes, many more can be taken care of in their homes or children's homes at a far lower cost and better end of life experience.

Clyde said...

@ jr565

The devil is in the no details.

John said...


I think it is horrible. I think it is disgusting that anyone makes a single penny from making those drugs. They should be hung for all of the money they made. If we expect them to do it for free and jail them if they don't, things would be a lot better.

Is it wrong for them to make a profit or isn't it?

K in Texas said...

Now Inga, don't you touch Nursing Homes. According to an Obama commercial in the last week before the election, evil Republicans were going to get rid of Medicare payments for nursing homes, and grandma would get thrown out into the streets or have to live with you. Shudder. You must emulate Obama and do nothing against nursing homes (and hug senior, grey haired ladies using walkers).

Anonymous said...

John, if you think Medicare Part D is just peachy, you are uninformed, or worse.

twinsdad said...

"I know math"....does he realize that the - in front of a number means it's a deficit

coketown said...

He is either stupid or lying, or both, if he thinks he can close the deficit without taxes on 98% of the country not going up "a single dime." Let alone a "modest tax increase" on the wealthy. All without infringing on business activity.

This is a silly fantasy. No progress can be made when the president thinks he's the president of Narnia.

jr565 said...

Obamas response to Sandy was to make one speech about it and then go golfing.
Is he not aware that huge portions of NY have
Been crying out for help since the storm and are still in the dark?

John said...


How many times do I have to tell you that I think Big Pharma is immoral and greedy and shouldn't be allowed to make a single dollar from selling drugs?

Of course I think Medicare Part D is horrible. Why the hell are we not just taking those drugs and giving them to the people that need them?

Meade said...

"On 9-11, as CnC, did you issue any orders to try to protect their lives?"


Anonymous said...

John, if you think Medicare Part D is just peachy, you are uninformed, or worse.

Triangle Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Is there one person alive that really gives a shit what John McCain & Lindsey Grahm thinks?

twinsdad said...

I'm going to visit my new tubby best buddy, and give him a hug.....ok half a hug

chickelit said...

Inga warns: ...why does big Pharma deserve a big fat kiss from the tax payers?

There was an interesting article in Science a couple weeks ago about how invention at Big Pharma is going under and how to fix it. Did you see it?

Chip S. said...


Are you saying that "You guys figure it out. I've gotta go to Vegas" isn't "issuing an order"?

That's crazy talk.

Clyde said...

Oh, great. Now we have one of Gore's journo acolytes lobbying for a carbon tax. And Zero's chiming right in...

DADvocate said... President Obama said today he has seen no evidence of a breach in national security stemming from the affair involving former CIA Director David Petraeus.

LOL. Given the time lapse between an occurrence and when Obama finds out about it, (How long was the supposed delay between the FBI finding out about Petraeus' affair and Obama finding out?) Obama wouldn't know, or admit knowing, about a security breach until sometime next spring.

twinsdad said...

I'll take a wild guess that there might be at least 4 families that give a shit about McCain and Graham...

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Is there one person alive that really gives a shit what John McCain & Lindsey Grahm thinks?

*raises hand* Especially on Benghazi. I also care what Sen Feinstein thinks. Call me bipartisan.

John said...


Big Pharma are horrible and deserve to die. Just shoot them and be done with it.

Chip S. said...

garage mahal said...
Is there one person alive that really gives a shit what John McCain & Lindsey Grahm thinks?

Fuck it. Let's just get rid of Congress entirely. The savings from that, plus a modest tax hike on the rich, will eliminate the deficit.

K in Texas said...

Funny how one never heard a peep on MSM, political commercials, debates, about massive carbon taxes being on the table for the second term. As soon as the election is over, the crazy uncle policies in the attic get moved into the parlor for all to see.

KCFleming said...

Defund nursing homes!

Should also stop paying nurses and doctors.

Health care should be free. It's evil to extract money from human misery.

rehajm said...

673 economists, including 6 nobel prize winners, believe pro growth, pro revenue tax policy means lowering marginal tax rates while reducing or eliminating tax expenditures. The president believes these economists can't do arithmetic. Of course, those radical economists are all from radical right wing institutions like Harvard, UW-Madison, and Princeton.

avwh said...

Anybody count the number of "I" and "me" and "let me be clear" and "as I've said before" in his remarks? Those are by far his favorite words in the whole English language.

I can't stand to watch or listen to the man any longer.

twinsdad said...

any so called journalist who begins by congratulating the president of either party, should never be given a microphone again.

KCFleming said...

"As soon as the election is over, the crazy uncle policies in the attic get moved into the parlor for all to see."

Wouldn't have mattered.

The Dems own the counting machines. That's how you get places in swing states with zero votes for Romney and 140% voter turnout.

jr565 said...

How many times do I have to tell you that I think Big Pharma is immoral and greedy and shouldn't be allowed to make a single dollar from selling drugs?

so then why not advocate nationalizing Bayer and Pfizer?
If not though then explain how companies should spend billions developing and marketing drugs, bit not profit from
Selling those drugs (or not profit depending on the corcumstances).
So it's not just birth control that should be
Free, obviously but all drugs. Companies should just make stuff and give it away. Mdanwhe they should
All provide salaries that will support families and five them free healthcare to boot.
What magic realm are these companies existing
In? Ones where no math is required?
Why not just give everyone a money tree, since we all know that's where money comes from.

coketown said...

Obama is determined to focus on jobs now. Four years after the fact.

Really. Pinky promise. Climate change is on the back burner. We're focused on jobs this time. Like a laser beam. Jobs. And the economy. Pew pew. Laser beam.

As long as we can raise taxes on rich people, the economy will flourish. Just look at France!

Anonymous said...

Pogo, the elderly still need doctors and nurses, while being taken care of in their homes or children's homes. There will always be nursing homes, but why can't we make it easier to keep many more of them at home?

Why is it so hard to envision a better way?

Chip S. said...

The Dems own the counting machines.

This is why it's unfair for the Dems to tell us we were crazy to think Romney could win. I mean, I read at HuffPo that one of Romney's sons owned all the voting machines.

I fucked up. I trusted them.

coketown said...

Did anyone else see a pair of black lace panties fly past the president after that female reporter said, "I've never seen you lose"?

Chef Mojo said...

Obama was a joke on November 5th. He's still a joke now.

It's true that the American people get the government they deserve.

Usually right up the ass.

coketown said...

Well that was a waste of fucking time. Not only were the questions total softballs, half of them had escape hatches baked right in. "Do you think you should have been informed by the FBI about the Petraeus affair, or would you prefer to wait until more information is available before answering?"

Translation: "Here comes a softball, Mr. President. But if you don't want to swing it's totally cool. Take your base."

veni vidi vici said...

What was that last question off-mic that Obama flashed his phoniest of smiles in response to without answering?

Joaquin said...


Chip S. said...

It's amazing how quickly the reporters back off whenever Obama gets pissed at a question.

It's like they're afraid of angry black men or something.

McTriumph said...

My administration was the first to say Assad had to go, six months after my Sec. of State proclaimed him a reformer and my campaign bundler,that ugly English gal, at Vogue, did that political dry humping princess layout on his wife.

LoafingOaf said...

Meade: Being in the country illegally is not "activity" or "criminal"?

No, it's not criminal. A person in the USA unlawfully faces a civil procedure, not a criminal trial. And they might be deported as a consequence, or they might not. If they are deported, that's not done as a "punishment".

DADvocate said...

BTW - New chairs being bought for White House press room.

Lydia said...

Inga asked:
why does big Pharma deserve a big fat kiss from the tax payers?

Hmm. Maybe something you should ask Obama:

Mr. Obama’s staff signaled a willingness to put aside support for the reimportation of prescription medicines at lower prices and by doing so solidified a compact with an industry the president had vilified on the campaign trail. Central to Mr. Obama’s drive to remake the nation’s health care system was an unlikely collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry that forced unappealing trade-offs.

Chef Mojo said...

That was like watching a mental defective swing repeatedly at a tee ball to no avail. We could have only hoped for softball questions.

Oh, the power of affirmative action!

jr565 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
new york said...

Rockaway, Queens, NY

Chip S. said...

C'mon Chef. He vowed to focus on jobs now.

First item on the agenda: Stimulating the golf-ball industry.

Chef Mojo said...

"Now, there's a good lad, Barry. Go back to the Oval Office and let Valerie get you a pudding pop. Won't have to deal with that nasty press corpse for another six months, at least. Run along!"

X said...

I actually started a free nursing home but had to close it because Inga and the other so-called marxist nurses wouldn't show up and work for free. wreckers.

KCFleming said...

"Why is it so hard to envision a better way?"

You're just being a greedy nurse, like those greedy nursing homes.

Nursing homes make too much money. Nurses and doctors make too much money.

It should be free, otherwise you're just evil and greedy.

Clyde said...

To be fair to the media, it's hard to ask tough questions when in the process of committing fellatio.

KCFleming said...

Does the White Hose hand out knee-pads to the journalists as they arrive, or do you have to bring your own?

Chip S. said...

The reporters seemed to all have looks of relieved joy as he passed by. "Whew! We got thru another episode of Press Conference Theater w/o a disaster. It was touch-and-go there for a minute, tho."

KCFleming said...

Not a typo.

And @ Clyde: JINX!

X said...

There will always be nursing homes, but why can't we make it easier to keep many more of them at home?

Why is it so hard to envision a better way?

economies of scale

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:
There will always be nursing homes, but why can't we make it easier to keep many more of them at home?

Why is it so hard to envision a better way?

what do you propose? It sounds like you have that better way in mind. So what is that better way?
And please be specific. And how is it going to be paid for. And who is going to pay for it?

Clyde said...

Pogo, great minds think alike. And let's be honest, that whole press corps(e) is walking around with spooge-breath.

McTriumph said...

The president just admitted that he is the one that gave Susan Rice her talking points concerning Benghazi.

Chip S. said...

Inga knows a better way: An in-home nurse for every retiree. Just need to make the wealthy pay their fair share.

twinsdad said...

they couldn't have this press conference in Alabama.....I think oral sex is still against the law there

garage mahal said...

Clearly, America elected the Bobbsey Twins, McCain and Grahm. Yet we only heard one question from Obama's Palace Guard Legacy Media as to their feelings. Figures!

Chip S. said...

The president just admitted that he is the one that gave Susan Rice her talking points concerning Benghazi.

Yes, he did.

Looking forward to McCain's response.

Tank said...

As predicted by Tank at 9:45 this morning.

Tank said...

There won't be any hard questions, but if there are, he won't answer them.

He'll talk, and talk, and talk, until everyone's eyes glaze over, and afterwards nothing will have been said.

Where do I pick up my prize?

damikesc said...

There are better options than nursing homes, many more can be taken care of in their homes or children's homes at a far lower cost and better end of life experience.

But what if their kids are Progressives? They sure as hell won't want mom and dad around to stifle their style.

any so called journalist who begins by congratulating the president of either party, should never be given a microphone again.

No joke. They are little better than fluffers at that point.

Well that was a waste of fucking time. Not only were the questions total softballs

And Politico thought he'd face tough questions.


We should take that site seriously why?

Chip S. said...

garage mahal said...
Clearly, America elected the Bobbsey Twins, McCain and Grahm.

Why are you wasting time posting drivel like this when you could be out chasing chubbies?

Anonymous said...

The reporters seemed to all have looks of relieved joy as he passed by.

Chip S: That bad? I wasn't listening.

I'm not surprised. I was hoping to find more info here, but the signal/noise ratio has been pretty low lately.

Christy said...

Was it my imagination or did that joke about reporters forgetting the election was only a week ago, "I forgot on Wednesday" fall completely flat even in that fawning audience?

Amartel said...

Free kneepads! Stop the Evil Teabaggers War on Journalists! Also, entitlement reform 'n' free stuff! What's wrong with that? Why is it so difficult to do as I say? Sexistracist!

coketown said...

Something keeps sticking out as I read the news today:

From CNBC: President Obama has been re-elected convincingly.

From WaPo: It’s also his first extended public dialogue since winning a second term convincingly eight days ago.

I've read it in other places, too.

Who chose that particular adverb to describe Obama's re-election? Why does the press keep using it? I didn't notice anyone questioning the results (thus the melodramatic despondency). Nobody seems unconvinced that Obama won. Was the margin too thin to be considered "decisive" and they needed another word? Is this a poor attempt at subliminal messaging?

twinsdad said...

this just in , Ed Henry has been arrested by the Secret Service for assaulting the president...charged with "attempted tough question"

X said...

Inga's pretty stupid on this one. She thinks there are many many people in nursing homes that could be at home. Most all people in nursing homes resisted going there until it isn't feasible to stay at home. What's really getting her goat is profit, yet she, a nurse, isn't giving non-profit care.

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

Pogo, the elderly still need doctors and nurses, while being taken care of in their homes or children's homes. There will always be nursing homes, but why can't we make it easier to keep many more of them at home?

Why is it so hard to envision a better way?

because you're arguing generalities as if they were solutions.
Nursing homes exist because people decided they weren't able or didnt want to keep their parents in their house. And there are plenty of reasons for this. Perhaps the house is too small. Perhaps the parent requires too much care and both the husband and wife have to work and its more convenient to send them someplace where they have such care.
And what's the solution you're suggesting?
Maybe the govt should provide free nursing for all people who have senior citizens in the mix. And if they can't keep them in their house, maybe govt should provide mini nursing homes in everyone's house. If the house is too small for the mini nursing home govt
Should build an extension for their house to accommodate the increased space. And all the drugs
And medical equipment that a nursing home provides FOR EVERYONE. Free no less. Big pharma should be providing all the drugs. Big wheel chair should br providing all the wheelchairs. Big nursing should provide all the doctor and nursing care.

KCFleming said...

"yet she, a nurse, isn't giving non-profit care."

Inga is evil and greedy, like the nursing homes.


Nursing home.


Paul said...

Ah... Obama says it's Bush's fault the economy is bad. Dang 4 years and that is still all he has to say on the subject. Spent a Trillion and now want's to tax a Trillion+.

Yea that will do the trick.

Patrick said...

From CNBC: President Obama has been re-elected convincingly.

From WaPo: It’s also his first extended public dialogue since winning a second term convincingly eight days ago.

I've read it in other places, too.

Well, I'm convinced that he won. Convincingly is one of those words that seems to have more meaning than it actually does. The Pres did not win "overwhelmingly," but I think "convincingly" is accurate. Lots more in the EC, and only a few of the swing states were close.

Amartel said...

He's "withholding judgment" on the Petraeus affair. What a guy.
Fuck that. His judgment on the affair is not at issue. His involvement in leveraging it for political gain is.

Comanche Voter said...

Yup, he admits that he's responsible for the lie. But of course he's too dim to realize he's doing that; or he's confident that the press won't point that out. What a tool.

chickelit said...

I detected some inappropriate/bogus chivalry — the man saying come after me, not the woman. I consider that how-dare-you attitude a distraction, a push back. But he's right that the criticism should be aimed at him!

It's just more of the Captain Smith rhetoric I alluded to at 12:58...

X said...

she's a wrecker and a hoarder and a roader Pogo.

Patrick said...

Thin they'll all have a cigarette after?

coketown said...

Sorry, I have to point this out.

Remember when all our resident liberal commenters were gloating out the stock market rising because investors were "pricing in" an Obama victory? And how the stock market's performance showed the business community wanted Obama re-elected? I just have to point out: today.

This isn't to say they were right or wrong about what stock performance means concerning presidential elections. Only that it was a stupid metric to use.

gypsy rose said...

Meade: Being in the country illegally is not "activity" or "criminal"?

No, it's not criminal. A person in the USA unlawfully faces a civil procedure, not a criminal trial. And they might be deported as a consequence, or they might not. If they are deported, that's not done as a "punishment".

Nonsense. Federal Code of Criminal Procedures: 8 USC 1326 and various subsections: Illegal Alien Found in the United States Following Deportation.

You can split hairs about whether they've previously been deported, but it is definitely a crime, initiated by the filing of a criminal Complaint, followed by the filing of either an Indictment, or an Information where there is a plea agreement filed. Not a civil action.

jr565 said...

Inga's pretty stupid on this one. She thinks there are many many people in nursing homes that could be at home. Most all people in nursing homes resisted going there until it isn't feasible to stay at home. What's really getting her goat is profit, yet she, a nurse, isn't giving non-profit care.

souldnt all nurses be forced to work for
No salary? It's only fair.
If we are going to move elderly care back to people's homes, won't the nurses themselves take the role that the nursing home does now. Won't that mean that they are the ones charging the exhorbitant fees. What's the going rate for 24 hour nurse in he home. My guess, at least 200 dollars a night. That adds up to 6000 grand a month. Perhaps that's why people decided to put the grandparents in homes in the first

twinsdad said...

best part was the Travis Bickle imitation..."hey McCain, you looking at me.....huh are looking at me"...we were seconds away from
"do you feel lucky punk, well do you"

Anonymous said...

No wonder you lost the election and will continue to lose. Recycle the same old insults, the same old rhetoric, the same old worn out ideas.

It's good to be a Democrat.

chickelit said...

@Coketown: I'm sure those are just stubborn Romney supporters reaching the final Kubler-Ross stage and letting go of stocks.

Amartel said...

"Something keeps sticking out as I read the news today:
From CNBC: President Obama has been re-elected convincingly.
From WaPo: It’s also his first extended public dialogue since winning a second term convincingly eight days ago.
I've read it in other places, too."

FrankenJournOlist liiivvves.

A win is a win is a win.

A "convincing" win means, like, we totally, like, cleaned their clocks, man, right? We're #1. We get to say what's the time of day. No compromise! Entitlement reform = more free stuff for favored groups. Like journalists.

Makes you wonder who they're trying to convince. Themselves? It's like the constant barrage of Facebook politicking. Who are y'all trying to convince?

garage mahal said...

Why are you wasting time posting drivel like this when you could be out chasing chubbies?

Who said anything about chubbies, or the need to chase them?

Is this you're way of telling us you're fucking a fat chick, Chipper?

Meade said...

LoafingOaf said...
Meade: Being in the country illegally is not "activity" or "criminal"?

No, it's not criminal. A person in the USA unlawfully faces a civil procedure, not a criminal trial. And they might be deported as a consequence, or they might not. If they are deported, that's not done as a "punishment".

Check that, Loaf. It's a misdemeanor crime.

X said...

jr565, that $200 per day will need to cover 3 in home nurses on 8 hour shifts, $66 per day per nurse. and that's too much according to Inga, who's hoarding the skills the public subsidized her training in.

Amartel said...

"No wonder you lost the election and will continue to lose. Recycle the same old insults, the same old rhetoric, the same old worn out ideas."

Works for you, Dingbat.

Lydia said...

Didn't watch. Did anyone ask Obama if he's read All In?

chickelit said...

@Coketown: Stock markets are part of the's not like nurses' pensions are funded from them or anything.

TosaGuy said...


I am comparison shopping some long-term care insurance plans so that I won't have to soley rely on taxpayer-funded Medicare or get stuck with a $6K/mo bill. May I ask which company you went with. I value your opinion as a nursing professional.

KCFleming said...

"It's good to be a Democrat."

Yep, cuz you get 100 votes for every one of mine, if you deign to count it at all.


edutcher said...

Market's dropped 600 since the election(125 today), layoffs galore, and Barry wants us to believe he's prepared to throw himself under the bus.

Rice better have her coveralls ready. I hear it gets greasy down there.

twinsdad said...

Shepherd Smith just opened with "reporters grilled President Obama"

let me para phrase one Domingo Montoya in Princess Bride."I don't think that word (grilled) means what you think it means"

DADvocate said...

Journalist's dress code for WH press conferences:

Journalists of either gender should wear heels or dress shoes and should stay away from wearing sneakers or sandals.

Pants, Skirts and Dresses
For women, the hemline on skirts and dresses should not be above the knee. Whether you are a man or woman wearing pants, the cuffs should be an appropriate length and neatly tailored.

For men or women, the top should not be see through or have short sleeves. Avoid flashy prints and an exorbitant amount of extra detailing such as ruffles. The top should be simple yet stylish.

Suit Jackets
Male or female, it is important to have a suit jacket even if you think you are not going to wear it. It is necessary for those especially conservative moments. A suit jacket can also be helpful if you spill something on your shirt as it can help hide it quickly.

Knee Pads
A man or woman wearing pants may wear their knee pads underneath their pants or outside their pants. Outside the pants is considered more respectful as it symbolizes subservience. Black or white knee pad are acceptable. No other color is acceptable. Make sure knee pads have been properly cleaned since last press conference.

Anonymous said...

This asshole had someone arrested for making a movie---that he knew had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks---and dares claim he's Big Chief on this issue?

And what is Inga the Lying Obama Whore's response now that she knows Obama lied and arrested a man for doing nothing other than free speech?

Does the First Amendment exist in Inga's world?

Paul said...

It's good to be a democrat if you're stupid enough, and we are well on the way to a full blown idiocracy.

Now Inga may be homely and stupid, poor thing, but she is right that the dems will win elections from here on out as the stupids are multiplying. And of course after the election last week fraud is the new normal so the dems will win regardless.

America is finished. It was a good run but every civilization falls eventually, usually from internal rot. And the face of that rot is Zero, the Clintons, all the Dem (and some Repub) congresscritters, right on down to the little shitstains like Inga and garbage who piss in the punchbowl right here on this blog.

KCFleming said...

"reporters grilled President Obama""

In modern slang 'grill' refers to teeth. Fellatio al dente.

Known Unknown said...

I agree "Big Pharma" (ugh) shouldn't get tax breaks, but do you have any idea what it takes (and how much it takes) to get a drug to market?

Known Unknown said...

Inga should run for office and write the Elderly Care Reform Act, or whatever fun name she wants to give it.

DADvocate said...

besmirch her reputation

Besmirching someone's reputation is the best kind of besmirching.

Known Unknown said...

Black or white knee pad are acceptable. No other color is acceptable. Make sure knee pads have been properly cleaned since last press conference.

I thought they were Navy and had the Presidential seal on them.

heyboom said...

Inga, it's good to be a Democrat because you never have to offer specifics on anything, you never have to be accountable for anything and you certainly don't have to be right about anything.

And come on, you know you can throw an insult with the best of them.

Known Unknown said...


Besmirching kind of sounds like harsh kissing.

Or is that besmooching?

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Hey Obama and your faux outrage.


Known Unknown said...

It's far too easy to be a liberal, as you rarely have to say no, and you rarely have to make hard choices.

Cut the PBS budget despite the fact that most Americans can now watch the Science Channel, The History Channel, Discovery Health, The Military Channel, BabyFirst, PBS Sprout (which is on premium packages, not regular cable or satellite), Discovery, HGTV, The Food Channel, The Cooking Channel, DIY, and the Travel Channel?


edutcher said...

Oh, did I forget Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas all have enough petition signatures to secede?

Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming are all still working on it.

There's a vote of confidence.

Clyde said...

Re: Susan Rice's deceptive testimony on television and at the UN, an ambassador is someone who is paid to lie FOR his (her) country, not TO it!

Chuck said...

WOW! Can it be that he'd really nominate Susan Rice for Sec of State? Let the hearings begin. And if the President wants to make himself a witness, all the better.

I have an idea; instead of just going after Susan Rice, let's go after Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

DADvocate said...

I thought they were Navy and had the Presidential seal on them.

Those are the ones they give you if you forget to bring your own.

Colonel Angus said...

Why are we making the Nursing Home Industry rich? At $6,000+ a month, which is extremely excessive,

How much salary did you earn as a nurse?

Nathan Alexander said...

Shorter Inga:
Why are we paying $6k/month for non-tax-paying elderly to stay in wasteful nursing homes when we have the Liverpool Pathway available?

Shorter Obama:
See, there's this goose that lays golden eggs called small businesses and millionairesandbillionaires making $250k/year.
The only problem is they aren't laying golden eggs fast enough, which we all know is Bush's fault, because he didn't veto the policies I voted for as a senator that caused the economy to crash in 2007.. So what I'm going to do, is kill this goose so that we can get all the eggs at once. What could go wrong?

Colonel Angus said...

And as far as warehousing old people what do you propose instead? You want to close down the old age homes now?

No, I think she is fine with them being non profit.

Dante said...

Gotta love that use of the passive: She merely repeated the information she was given. Shouldn't that lead to more questions?

Like, did she lie for someone?

For whom did she lie?

And why was someone giving this important person incorrect information?

Oh, Wait. Not with this president.

Maybe Inga knows the answers.

Colonel Angus said...

What's really getting her goat is profit, yet she, a nurse, isn't giving non-profit care.

This. Nurses make a damn good buck, and rightly so. The problem with Inga is she thinks that her salary and benefits must he paid by pixie dust as it doesn't count as part of that $6000 monthly tab.

Maybe they should throw in an econ class in nursing school.

coketown said...

If I had to choose an adjective for the election, I'd say 'narrow.' Not 'convincing.' Narrow describes a quality of the win itself; convincing describes a quality projected onto it by others. Who is projecting? Is 100.00% of the electorate convinced and projecting their conviction? How would anyone know? What if Vivian McGrath of Salisbury, Maryland, is not convinced? Would it then be a "mostly convincing" election?

But less important than the word is that the whole press is using the same word. The same irrelevant word. It's not like a game of similes where there's only one answer. "Tight as: a drum. Sly as: a fox. Convincing as: an election." We are blessed with a multitude of adjectives, and it's odd for different minds to choose the same one to describe something.

Mostly it's just irritating. Why do we even have multiple news outlets when they're all saying the same pointless thing? They should all merge into one homogenous entity and forget the pretense of an independent press.

Writ Small said...

Remember when at the Crowley debate, the questioner was introduced as "Carrie" but turned out to be a dude? When Obama thought it was a female he was addressing, he adopted a tone one uses when talking to a child. Such respect for women.

coketown said...

Instead of being sent to expensive nursing homes, the elderly should be harvested for organs.

Said organs should be given to salvageable young people so that they can work and generate revenue for Government (peace be upon It).

Elderly people also seem to fart a lot, which is contributing to global warming. My plan would have the added benefit of slowing the ocean's rise.

And old people always drive twenty year old boats instead of modern, fuel-efficient models. Taking them off the road and putting them into organ farms would further solve global warming by removing these gas guzzlers from the roads.

I think a good threshold for "old" is 55. And since I'm the Czar of IPAB, whatever I say goes; and if you don't like it, TS. Get in line so we can prod your kidneys and assign them to members of the Productive Generation.

sakredkow said...

most Americans can now watch the Science Channel, The History Channel, Discovery Health, The Military Channel, BabyFirst, PBS Sprout (which is on premium packages, not regular cable or satellite), Discovery, HGTV, The Food Channel, The Cooking Channel, DIY, and the Travel Channel?

I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

pious agnostic said...

Coketown, what I like about your suggestion is that eventually, those young organ-recipients will one-day be old themselves, and thus their organs can be again harvested and passed on to a younger generation.

These organs might live forever!

Freeman Hunt said...

Why does this matter? He'll say whatever he wants. They'll pursue him on nothing. I see no point.

coketown said...

Coketown, what I like about your suggestion is that eventually, those young organ-recipients will one-day be old themselves, and thus their organs can be again harvested and passed on to a younger generation.

These organs might live forever!

Exactly! Eventually there will be a generation that is nothing but an amalgamation of disparate organs from past generations. 125 year old kidney; 60 year old liver; 75 year old eyeballs; maybe even a pig's heart.

E pluribus unum, indeed!

Anonymous said...

If you believe in fairies, clap your hands!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When was the last time Petraeus testified to Congress?

Does anybody know?

X said...

I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

Your welcome. But from now on, you have to make your way through life without my assistance.

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