November 14, 2012

Watching the President's news conference.

Beginning any minute. Watch here.

ADDED: "If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. And I'm happy to have that discussion with them. But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador who had nothing to do with Benghazi, and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and besmirch her reputation is outrageous." I detected some inappropriate/bogus chivalry — the man saying come after me, not the woman. I consider that how-dare-you attitude a distraction, a push back. But he's right that the criticism should be aimed at him!


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coketown said...

I don't get those channels either.

I also don't get bread and milk unless I go out and pay for it.

The conservative solution is for me to get off my duff and buy my own bread and television channels.

The liberal solution is to give me free bread and television.

Why would I go out and work when not only my sustenance but also my entertainment is provided gratis?

Freeman Hunt said...

The government shouldn't be encouraging people to watch television.

gadfly said...

Graham responded to Obama’s comments by e-mail just as the press conference concluded. “Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for Benghazi,” Graham said in a statement. “I think you failed as Commander in Chief before, during, and after the attack.”

Bryan C said...

"It's good to be a Democrat."

Seems like it. Democrats get to propose grandiose plans built with other people's money, and then get defensive and insulting when anyone suggests that the details might be important.

Me, I prefer ideas that actually work. I wouldn't enjoy being a Democrat.

Wince said...

Obama: tax hikes on middle class could lead to another recession

That headline story tells me that Obama, perhaps following the leads of Krugman and Kuttner [Look Who's Refusing To Compromise To Avoid The Fiscal Cliff], may actually decide it's to his advantage to go over the fiscal cliff if the economy is headed to recession already, so he can blame Republicans.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Coketown said:

"I don't get those channels either.
I also don't get bread and milk unless I go out and pay for it."

Thanks I am going to remember this and use it on my brother who chooses to pay for his chain smoking but bitches he can't afford cable [an annual event] which causes him to miss out on the baseball playoffs on TBS & TNT.

DADvocate said...

I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

No wonder you're so uninformed.

damikesc said...

But of course he's too dim to realize he's doing that; or he's confident that the press won't point that out. What a tool.

He knows the media won't report it. He isn't that dim.

Remember when at the Crowley debate, the questioner was introduced as "Carrie" but turned out to be a dude? When Obama thought it was a female he was addressing, he adopted a tone one uses when talking to a child. Such respect for women.

Given that they supported him significantly --- can you really fault him for not respecting them? Can't respect somebody who keeps coming back when you abuse them, can you?

I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

Good for you. Why should I subsidize your choice in programming?

And you mistake "can" for "have to". You can watch all of them. You opt not to.

gerry said...

Sorry Chip, that boat has sunk.

The current one is sinking.

Wince said...

And Obama's defense of Rice was revealing, no?

Obama: "But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador who had nothing to do with Benghazi, and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and besmirch her reputation is outrageous."

Then why was she the one sent out? Sounds like she was sent out to spread disinformation on Benghazi precisely because she had nothing to do with it, but could parrot the talking points she was given.

"What did you do? You put that lying bitch on the stand!

...What did I say. What were my words to you! 'Maybe it was your time to lose?' You didn't think so."

MayBee said...

I think your girl is gonna get her ass kicked.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I have a theory that the reason why Obama did not do well in the first debate was do to the preoccupation of not having yet secured Petraeus to be on board with the Benghazi official Muslim Video cover story.

I'm trying to find out when was the last time Petraeus testified to congress... and did he testified about Benghazi?

I'm trying to connect some dots that only make some sense in light of when and what did Petraeus last testified.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Rice is a distraction.

Known Unknown said...

I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

You have THE OPTION to get those channels if you so desire.

In 1970, not so much.

jacksonjay said...

Is Obama fluent in Spanish? He speaks Eva and JLo!

CaringBarry also meddled in the Trayvon Martin investigation! "If I had a son ..."

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

Why is McCain wrong to go after rice on things she may have said? Did the dems not go over general
Betray us, Donald rumsfeld or micheal heckuva a job brownie Browne?
If Obama wants to take credit for Rice's misinformation, but
He's outraged that she's being questioned at all!

Jack Sparks said...

Quit picking on Inga. If she's a nurse, I'll eat my shoe.

Really, would you trust a loved one to Inga's care? She'd be too busy taking the 428th Internet self-portrait of her bug eyes and making up stories about a fictional war-hero daughter who saves lives in the mountains of A-stan in between hitting up Obama campaign events in the states and attending Marine Balls to realize Grandma stroked out three hours ago.

On reflection, I'll eat both shoes, and I've got big feet.

chickelit said...

Jack: Inga has said that she's retired from nursing. That's why I made my remark about the stockmarket and nurses' pensions upthread.

coketown said...

Not only am I the Czar of IPAB, but I've recently been appointed as the Czar of Public Media Consumption. This means, F-Y-I, that I'll be controlling PBS's broadcasting schedule.

Our first special will be broadcast the day after Obama's inauguration, and is titled, "Bleeding Hearts: Your Duties as a Non-Volunteer Elderly Organ Donor."

Saint Croix said...

Any man who says "besmirch" ought to get smacked by the feminist brigade.

Rabel said...

Rice was selected for the Sunday shows because the administration knew that the attractive, soft-spoken, black woman would not be subjected to harsh questioning even in light of the obvious failures surrounding the Benghazi fiasco. It worked like a charm then and he replayed the card with his defense of her today.

As far as the feigned chivalry in defense of the poor, helpless Ambassador to the UN, Jeane Kirkpatrik is spinning in her grave.

sakredkow said...

No wonder you're so uninformed.

Yes, because I don't watch teevee. Or I too might someday be as informed as the guy with the Gomer Pyle avatar.

Jack Sparks said...

Jack: Inga has said that she's retired from nursing. That's why I made my remark about the stockmarket and nurses' pensions upthread.

Chicklit, I know what Igna says, but I'm not buying it. Being a nurse requires a basic level of native ability and intelligence. I've read enough of Inga's comments to know that she has neither.

She's a bitter old lady who spends her days hitting refresh on her eHarmony in-box, commenting on Althouse, and entertaining the drapes with another thrilling made-up story about her daughter Ensign Holly H. Hero, USN.

sakredkow said...

You have THE OPTION to get those channels if you so desire.

Oh sure. And isn't your assertion no different than saying "You have the option of buying a limousine rather than taking the public bus."

The Bearded Professor said...

Whoa . . . he sounded like someone just picked on his girlfriend.

Hmmm . . . girlfriend ? ? ?

Known Unknown said...

Oh sure. And isn't your assertion no different than saying "You have the option of buying a limousine rather than taking the public bus."

Stupid analogy, unless you are a full-blown communist with a capital C.

Known Unknown said...

Also, we're not comparing limousines to public busses.

We are comparing cars to other cars.

coketown said...

We're comparing broadcast channels to broadcast channels. There are dozens of commercial broadcast stations that are as "free" as PBS. I don't see why the government should have to support one of those when there are so many other options.

And, you know, if you have enough money to spend on a television set you should probably be expected to procure material to watch on your own.

Unless phx wants the government to start buying people TV sets, too. After all, WHAT'S THE POINT OF FREE BROADCASTING STATIONS IF THEY DON'T HAVE TVS TO WATCH THEM?!

sakredkow said...

I think you're saying "we have all these other (premium) channels - why on earth do you need PBS?"

I'm saying those channels aren't accessible to many people.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I get none of those channels. Zippo, nada. I do get PBS.

Same here -- we ditched cable (for TV as opposed to Internet and phone purposes) once we realized how little we actually used it. And though our only use of PBS is the nightly dose of Jim Lehrer, it's nice that it's there. Ditto NPR.

But, you know, I could live without Jim Lehrer and without NPR Morning Edition. In fact, I have done, for whole months at a time.

(For that matter, I've lasted months and indeed years without any TV at all, and this pre-Internet. There are these superannuated artifacts called "books," and even now you can still buy them on physical paper. I know, it seems barbaric, but there it is.)

Anonymous said...

Jack Sparks, I know exactly who you are and what your agenda is. You can try all you want to discredit me, it's truly pathetic that you have been so fixated on me for the last 8 months now, it's sick actually and you really should stop.

coketown said...

I'm saying those channels aren't accessible to many people.

Gemstones and satin jockstraps aren't accessible to a lot of people, either.

Like gemstones and satin jockstraps are luxuries. The government shouldn't be in the business of furnishing luxuries to people. It should worry about necessities. Or did you take Dorothy Parker seriously about the whole "take care of the luxuries" thing?

Nathan Alexander said...

Maybe I'm alone, but I see nothing inherently incorrect about the bus/limo analogy.

Anyone/everyone should be able to consume whatever they can afford.

There should still be tougher penalties against bankruptcy, tho.

So if you don't have enough, work more, work harder, or make smarter choices. School should teach basic math/personal finance skills, but if they did that, fewer people would vote democrat, so democrat-supporting teachers unions put a stop to that.

It takes an ignorant electorate that can't do math or basic reasoning to elect democrats these days.

Known Unknown said...

I'm saying those channels aren't accessible to many people.

Other than living in remote areas that have no cable ... why?

coketown said...

Jack Sparks, I know exactly who you are and what your agenda is.

It's not just him.

I think you're a lying cunt, too.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I'm saying those channels aren't accessible to many people.

Disambiguation: Do you mean that "only a few people can see these channels," or do you mean "there are many people who don't have cable"? The two readings are really very different, and I don't know which you intend.

Before we had cable (which we eventually got, and since dropped), it seemed like at one point all discussion of TV was about The Sopranos. Which we didn't see, because we didn't have cable. I can't honestly say that I feel sorry I never saw it.

garage mahal said...

Inga really is like Obama in many conservatives. They project their worst and most unwanted impulses and motivations. Freud would have his hands full with commenters on this blog.

Anonymous said...

And Coketown, you too are racist sexist pig. Seems as if Althouse commentariat males seem to have gone off the deep end in the face of defeat, pathetic, disgraceful, but not at all surprising.


Anonymous said...

Garage, I should say conservative males, sorry.

coketown said...

Seems as if Althouse commentariat males seem to have gone off the deep end in the face of defeat

I was this way before the election.

And you're such a snotty witch, you have no business lecturing others on bad behavior--let alone impugning their motives. Racist and sexist? Or satirical? I'll let the general audience decide. But it's both.

Paul said...

"Inga really is like Obama in many ways"

Heh. I'll say. Weird looking, ignorant, and arrogant.

Anonymous said...

Paul, huge loser.

Coketown, huger loser.

Too bad, so sad.

Paul said...

Nope. My wife is a fox, something you never were even before you got old, and I bring audiences to their feet with my musicianship, also a feeling you never experienced.

Looks like you're the loser.

Colonel Angus said...

Inga really is like Obama in many ways

A nice person that just doesn't know much about basic economics?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

One thing is pretty clear, cutting the military budget just got a whole lot easier.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

best part is anonymous commenters commenting about someone's looks. Real convincing, and brave.

Anonymous said...

Paul, I don't believe for a minute that you have a wife, were ever married or ever got laid without paying for it, with your personality. Liar. Disgusting loser.

For all I know you are a 500 pound guy sitting in an adult diaper in his Moms basement.

SteveR said...

One thing is pretty clear, cutting the military budget just got a whole lot easier

That's not the only thing that's pretty clear.

sakredkow said...

Disambiguation: Do you mean that "only a few people can see these channels," or do you mean "there are many people who don't have cable"? The two readings are really very different, and I don't know which you intend.

I saw that just a minute ago - about a minute before I read your post! Good eye.

garage mahal said...

I jam with famous musicians like Sting. You'll just have to take my word for it though!

sakredkow said...

Before we had cable (which we eventually got, and since dropped), it seemed like at one point all discussion of TV was about The Sopranos. Which we didn't see, because we didn't have cable. I can't honestly say that I feel sorry I never saw it.

I understand this. I think I saw one episode of the Sopranos somewhere. You know, okay.

I did however watch a lot of Weeds through Netflix.

coketown said...

You all need to cool your jets before something rude or distasteful is said.

Revenant said...

Slightly under 50% of the country voted against Obama. A normal person, upon learning that just under half of the public wants him gone, would conclude "hm, there are quite a few people who 'have a problem with me', even though most still want me around".

It takes a certain level of narcissism to remain blissfully ignorant of that fact. :)

Paul said...

Nothing brave about any internet commenting asshole, and there's plenty to comment about your colossal stupidity regardless of your looks. Though it did come out you were a bit of a fat fatty mcbutterbutt.

Plus there's the pathos of a sad little man who takes the name of an indy band for his moniker, no doubt thinking it sounded hip and edgy. I mean aren't you embarrassed about that? I realize being a lefty means never having to ever spawn an original thought, but jeez.

coketown said...

Let's...let's not knock unoriginal screen names. Okay? I'm sure Mr. Dickens would be totally cool with me. Okay?

sakredkow said...

Slightly under 50% of the country voted against Obama. A normal person, upon learning that just under half of the public wants him gone, would conclude "hm, there are quite a few people who 'have a problem with me', even though most still want me around".

He's saying the people who didn't actually vote were okay with the status quo.

Sigivald said...

So, "based on intelligence [...] received" is now a defense?

I'm sure they'll apply that post-facto to President Bush and the Iraq War, right?

I mean, it was only years of "liar!", even when the Robb-Silberman commission report confirmed the unsurprising truth that it was the CIA that was wrong, not the President lying.

(I agree that it is a defense, and a good one, for those who depend on Intelligence for their information and for obvious reasons can't really double-check it - I just think it's an incredibly cheap tactic to apply it selectively for political gain.)

Anonymous said...

Paul, your mother says its time to lay your big fat loser ass down on the bed so she can change your Depends.

coketown said...

Paul, your mother says its time to lay your big fat loser ass down on the bed so she can change your Depends.

Did they teach this compassion at nursing school, or did you pick it up when you were stealing jewelry out of patients' nightstands?

garage mahal said...

Plus there's the pathos of a sad little man who takes the name of an indy band for his moniker, no doubt thinking it sounded hip and edgy.

The only reason you know of this band in the first place is because I told you about them, dumbfuck.

Anonymous said...

Coketown, did they ever find out where you buried your poor old mother? I know, shhhh, I won't tell...yet.

Paul said...

"Paul, I don't believe for a minute that you have a wife, were ever married or ever got laid without paying for it, with your personality. Liar. Disgusting loser"

Haha. Of course you don't believe it! Being a libtard means believing whatever is easy and convenient, otherwise what's the point? You'd have to face the real world and libtards can't do that or they become conservatives.

Rest assured though everything I say about myself is true because unlike you or the pathetic garage mahal I don't need to invent a persona to validate my existence.

chickelit said...

Jack Sparks said...

Chicklit, I know what Igna says, but I'm not buying it. Being a nurse requires a basic level of native ability and intelligence. I've read enough of Inga's comments to know that she has neither.

I do wonder if Inga has ever titrated anything. Not tit-rated which is what Titus does but ti-trated. Not that nurses do that sort of thing anymore. It's always sad for me to see the chemical arts in decline. I'm thinking of a third career in teaching.

Colonel Angus said...

there are quite a few people who 'have a problem with me', even though most still want me around".

It takes a certain level of narcissism to remain blissfully ignorant of that fact. :)

He has his second term so he really doesn't care what that quite a few think. In point of fact, a good solid majority didn't want Obamacare and his attitude was 'too bad, its what I want.' Narcissisim is part of his DNA.

Paul said...

"The only reason you know of this band in the first place is because I told you about them, dumbfuck."

Asshole I know of them from playing with Eric Levy in San Francisco. It has nothing to do with you telling anyone anything and I busted you with your pretense right here on this blog.

Christ you're pathetic.

coketown said...

Oh God. Hipsters arguing the whole "you only know [insert obscure band name] because I told you about them!"

I blame the press conference for this nonsense. If there were anything substantive said, we'd have things to argue about. Instead it's turned into an IRC-like farce. It has devolved into ad hominem nonsense because we feel we should be arguing, but there's nothing to argue about. Therefore, you're all fat and ugly.

This is Obama's fault. And the press. The press threw softballs and Obama swatted at flies, and there's no red meat for the peanut gallery.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, surrrrrre, everything to say about yourself is true, LMAO!

I've been wondering where you've been hiding the last few weeks, now I know exactly who you are, who used the term "libtard" all the time? I suspected it from the minute you opened your big mouth, bwhahahahaaha.

coketown said...

But everyone's having a really good time, so what's the harm?

chickelit said...

@Paul: My qualms with Inga are mainly just her opinions and the company she keeps. The personal stuff is immaterial anyway. Her opinions are easy enough to attack and often indefensible.

Paul said...

"Paul, your mother says its time to lay your big fat loser ass down on the bed so she can change your Depends."

LOL!!! This is what passes for wit in libtard land. Hahaha!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah? And Coketown you look like a Muppet!

Patrick said...

best part is anonymous commenters commenting about someone's looks. Real convincing, and brave.

I am regularly mistaken for George Clooney's younger, more handsome brother.

Anonymous said...

Chickelit, the company I keep? Oh yes you mean SULLIVAN! Right, or do you mean someone else?

Patrick said...

Or I was, until I stopped volunteering at the school for the blind.

chickelit said...

Rank Sullivanists!

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

They tried going after him. He demurred before the election. So, they did what normally happens, and asked the next person on the list to answer for their boss. When you cravenly ignore responsibility, your people suffer for it.

Did he go back to sleep while Rice was questioned, like he did when Stevens was being murdered?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

Inga said...
Paul, I don't believe for a minute that you have a wife, were ever married or ever got laid without paying for it, with your personality. Liar. Disgusting loser.

For all I know you are a 500 pound guy sitting in an adult diaper in his Moms basement.

For all we know you are.

Paul said...

Libtard only narrows it down to about 4 million people.

You're a fucking genius.

Patrick said...

I jam with famous musicians like Sting

I played to a sold out crowd at Camp Randall.

Of course they were all walking past me, going in to see Pink Floyd, but that's their problem, not mine.

coketown said...

Yeah? And Coketown you look like a Muppet!

It was a self-portrait. Someone mentioned the similarity about a year ago, but I still don't see it.

I am regularly mistaken for George Clooney's younger, more handsome brother.

I've never found George Clooney very attractive. He's always looked like someone who should be attractive, but isn't. I know, I know, he gets everyone wet. Whatever. I don't see that, either.

Paul said...

"Go away stinky Paulie."

LOL!!! Stop!! You're killing me!!

Matt said...

Slightly under 50% of the country voted against Obama. It takes a certain level of narcissism to remain blissfully ignorant of that fact.

So did you expect Bush to feel the same way when he received even less of the vote - including losing the national vote in 2000? I think even you would admit that even if you only win 51% of the vote you win 100% of the presidency.

Anonymous said...

Well Coketown George Clooney is a gentleman, he would NEVER call a woman a lying cunt. So I know you aren't dreamy George.

Matt Sablan said...

"So did you expect Bush to feel the same way when he received even less of the vote - including losing the national vote in 2000? I think even you would admit that even if you only win 51% of the vote you win 100% of the presidency."

-- The internal disconnect here is so beautiful, I kind of want to frame it. Were it a woman, I would consider asking it out. It is like you skipped briskly from one talking point to the next, utterly ignorant of the connection between the two.

Amartel said...

So I went away for a while and came back and people were calling each other cunts and sexists and urging diaper changes. A sure sign Dingbat was still around. Anyway, Cokey's government organ harvesting idea got me thinking - what if this plan was already put into effect? It would totally explain Obama. And Biden. Obama has Biden's brain and Biden has

coketown said...

Well Coketown George Clooney is a gentleman, he would NEVER call a woman a lying cunt.

You don't know that. Maybe that's why he's never married.

What phrase should I have used to suggest you're a snotty, snobbish, mean-spirited, bitter, hateful liar? I don't do gender-neutral terms, either, so take that into account.

kcom said...

And the Republicans, by that logic, won 100% of the House - a co-equal branch of government. So they have every right to hold to the positions they were elected on.

wildswan said...

Inga said:
"There are better options than nursing homes, many more can be taken care of in their homes or children's homes at a far lower cost and better end of life experience."

The problem is that women want to work so there is no one at home to take care of older people. So when you say "many more can taken care of etc." you are presupposing social change of some kind because you are saying "[if women are at home then] many more older people can taken care of in their own homes [which are near those of their daughters who are at home] or in their children's homes [where their daughter is at home]. The people in nursing homes are all ill or crippled or slightly demented - they cannot just be on their own.

Anonymous said...

Ah well it's been fun, stinky Paulie and Coketown Muppet man, nothing like a good flamewar to wet the appetite, going out to dinner with my own personl version of George Clooney, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.

And Paulie, isn't it about time to give your poor ol' ma a break and move out and potty train yourself? Sheesh.

Rusty said...

Patrick said...
best part is anonymous commenters commenting about someone's looks. Real convincing, and brave.

I am regularly mistaken for George Clooney's younger, more handsome brother.

You lucky bastard!!

in real life I am terribly obese and ugly enough to make children cry.
But on the internet I'm thin and quite good looking.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

kcom said...
And the Republicans, by that logic, won 100% of the House - a co-equal branch of government. So they have every right to hold to the positions they were elected on.

Republicans actually lost the national vote for the house. They won more seats because of state-level gerrymanders.

While they do have every right to hold to the positions they were elected on it is hard to frame the vote as vote of confidence from the country as a whole.

Baron Zemo said...

It is amazing how a troll can destroy a thread so it devolves into personal attacks and back biting.

Let's get back to the matter at hand.

The fact remains that an official of the United States government (Rice) went on television to spout lies about Benghazi and President Obama feels compelled to demand that Congress not even ask questions about it. Why does he think it acceptable to call out Senators by name? Is it because Ambassador Rice is a woman? She can't defend herself? She cannot tell the truth? She cannot admit that she was misled if that was the case? Why does he have to defend her in this manner?

Why don't we ask these questions and discuss it as was the theme of this thread?

Rusty said...

That was entertaining.

Thanks Althouse!

Colonel Angus said...

Inga, what was your salary as a nurse because I'm betting it may have something to do with that $6000 monthly nursing home cost.

Only asking again because you made the assertion the costs were too high.

sakredkow said...

in real life I am terribly obese and ugly enough to make children cry.
But on the internet I'm thin and quite good looking.

...And the man pulled his gun out and said to Lincoln, "Mister, prepare to die. I made a promise if I ever saw someone uglier than I was, I'd kill 'em."

Lincoln looked at the man squarely through his narrowing eyes. "Sir," he said. "Go ahead and shoot. If I'm uglier than you are, I don't want to live."

edutcher said...

Not sure, but I think Fen's back.

Semper Fi.

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

One thing is pretty clear, cutting the military budget just got a whole lot easier.


PS 1000 ballots found in Broward warehouse.

Isn't that one of the counties that went 100% Zero?

It begins.

sakredkow said...

Not sure, but I think Fen's back.

Don't get excited. Fen's bad but he still doesn't make you look good.

Anonymous said...

Wildswan, I'm well aware of the physical limitations that nursing home patients face. There are many elderly that can stay in their homes longer with more help, they don't need to be sent to assisted living facilities and especially nursing homes before they need to, with in home nursing care. I did home care for 7 years for a severely brain injured young man, both his mother and father worked, he had round the clock care by nurses or CNAs. And it was less expensive than if he would've been placed in a facility.

Anonymous said...

Colonel Angus it wasn't the staff's wages that caused the high monthly fee. There were always more CNAs than licensed staff and the CNAs made only slightly more than minimum wage and worked like dogs BTW.

They often worked short staffed which in turn harmed the patients and made even more money for the nursing home owners.

harrogate said...

It looks like in the end, they will have tax cuts for the middle class and let the ones for the upper tier expire. About time. I think we can all agree on that.

chickelit said...

harrogate said...
It looks like in the end, they will have tax cuts for the middle class and let the ones for the upper tier expire. About time. I think we can all agree on that.

The 1% ers I know (I'm not one) aren't worried because their income isn't taxable. That being said, I'm all for taxing movie stars and professional athletes more.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Rubin notes how unsatisfying the press conference was. Here's her first and last paragraphs.

The president got through the last six months and won reelection without a news conference. So Wednesday’s outing may be the only one for quite sometime. Frankly, so long as the media act like lap dogs, the American people are not missing much.


Like an athlete who has failed to train and keep his muscles in shape, the White House press corps seems to have gone flabby and forgotten how to ask tough questions and frame meaningful follow-up queries. Or maybe they just don’t care to. Either way, they are no longer, it seems, capable of acting as fact-finders on behalf of the public. It will be up to whistleblowers, congressional oversight committees and conservative media to do that, I suppose. Well, until there is a Republican in the White House.

I remember the arguments some made in 2010 that the press would eventually go after Obama when it looked like he had gone over the line or was losing.

But that argument has been settled. The press is content to play Pravda as long as Obama is around.

coketown said...

I think that was my first time participating in a flame war.

It wasn't as gratifying as I thought it would be. Or should be.

I feel incomplete.

chickelit said...

But that argument has been settled. The press is content to play Pravda as long as Obama is around.

Does Jake Tapper even try any more?

garage mahal said...

It has nothing to do with you telling anyone anything and I busted you with your pretense right here on this blog.

No you didn't, I told you who my moniker was. You had no idea who they were. I've been listening to them since they formed in 2001.

Toad Trend said...

I heard that His Awesomeness got mad.

Narcissists only allow self-scrutiny.

Methadras said...

Jack Sparks said...

Jack: Inga has said that she's retired from nursing. That's why I made my remark about the stockmarket and nurses' pensions upthread.

Chicklit, I know what Igna says, but I'm not buying it. Being a nurse requires a basic level of native ability and intelligence. I've read enough of Inga's comments to know that she has neither.

She's a bitter old lady who spends her days hitting refresh on her eHarmony in-box, commenting on Althouse, and entertaining the drapes with another thrilling made-up story about her daughter Ensign Holly H. Hero, USN.

It doesn't really matter, because both scenarios are sad. Either she is lying which is sad, or she's just as pathetic as she drones on as being, which again is sad. She says it's good to be a democrat and ask yourself why that is. Is it because Obama won, clearly. She is bathing in the gloatsauce. No problem from me with that. However, I content it's good to be a democrat for one reason and one reason alone, because it's easy to be a democrat. It require little to no thought to be a democrat. It requires that you systematically disavow your morality, your integrity, and your very soul willingly for the vestige of the easiness it is to be in that club. A club of largely morons who could barely expend enough energy to mark a circle or push a button with Obama/Biden next to it. Their duty done for the meager price of their fealty.

Dante said...

Pogo Sez:

Does the White Hose hand out knee-pads to the journalists as they arrive, or do you have to bring your own?

Not the image that comes to my mind. The image I get is the press hordes trying to get a chance to lick the naked Obamao wherever they can, while he sits like some golden god. Soles of feet, butt, butt-hole, inner thy, toe jam, all of it, all while Obamao sits kingly, benevolently looking down upon his adoring slaves.

Jack Sparks said...

Jack Sparks, I know exactly who you are and what your agenda is. You can try all you want to discredit me, it's truly pathetic that you have been so fixated on me for the last 8 months now, it's sick actually and you really should stop.

Listen, grandma, this is exactly what I was talking about. I posted here for the first time maybe a month ago. Today is the first time I've ever posted about you.

Did that stop you from spinning some absurd tale about an 8-month campaign against you? Of course not. Because you live in a world of make believe. From your supposed nursing career to your made-up daughter and her heroic exploits to me.

All made up.

Go snap a new profile pic, and see if you can get the hair to cover those bug eyes of yours. They're making me sick.

Dante said...

Republicans actually lost the national vote for the house. They won more seats because of state-level gerrymanders.

You think that's clever? That's NOTHING! Democrats have been borrowing the money babies will make twenty years from now for votes today!

I do appreciate the way the Democrat dialogue has changed, though. Before when it came to new programs, the rationale was that we were a rich country, and were compelled to make more programs.

Now the rationale is that things like health care to too expensive, so we have to have new programs.

caplight45 said...

garage mahal said...
"Inga really is like Obama in many conservatives. They project their worst and most unwanted impulses and motivations."

Awww. We used to do that to you garage. Are you feeling left out?

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving with my honey now, but Paulie, quit lying, sad loser. Everyone here, even Edutcher recognized your Modus Operandi.

Patrick said...

Does Jake Tapper even try any more?

To be fair, Tapper wasn't at the press conference - he was out selling his new book, which sounds pretty good, incidentally. Tapper, more than most has asked tough-ish questions of the President. Granted, that's a low bar.

Anonymous said...

Obama said:

I don’t think there’s any debate in this country that when you have four Americans killed, that’s a problem. And we’ve got to get to the bottom of it, and there needs to be accountability. We’ve got to bring those who carried it out to justice. They won’t get any debate from me on that.

Again, Obama wants to play Benghazi like he's looking for Bin Laden. But that's not the issue.

As I said repeatedly, if people don’t think that we did everything we can to make sure that we saved the lives of folks who I sent there, and who were carrying out missions on behalf of the United States, then you don’t know how our Defense Department thinks or our State Department thinks or our CIA thinks.

This is just complete vapid BS. Obama's people did not do everything. In fact they did nothing, and they did nothing for several hours as Americans died.

Furthermore, they have still done nothing to explain what happened over two months later. This information is not hidden in some secret terrorist cave, it's in records and testimony immediately available to Obama. But he does nothing.

Impeach Obama.

Rusty said...

harrogate said...
It looks like in the end, they will have tax cuts for the middle class and let the ones for the upper tier expire. About time. I think we can all agree on that.

yeah, sure, and I got a ten inch cock.

edutcher said...

phx said...

Not sure, but I think Fen's back.

Don't get excited. Fen's bad but he still doesn't make you look good.

I said back, not bad. (these people can't read, either)

But the only people I need to look good are trolls like phx.

PS Oop is wrong.

I still think Fen's back.

edutcher said...

creeley23 said...

Impeach Obama.

When they find enough ballots, it'll happen.

harrogate said...

"The 1% ers I know (I'm not one) aren't worried because their income isn't taxable."

Sure, weasels are gonna weasel. But still, it's a good idea to get rid of as many of their extra cuts and loopholes as possible.

CWJ said...

Coke town, I hear you. You know your comments are better than being caught in a flame war. Just don't do it.

That said, and against my better judgement, Inga you are an idiot. PHX, your smug concern troll game has grown so stale. Please go somewhere else to stroke your ego.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at the first Obama paragraph again.

I don’t think there’s any debate in this country that when you have four Americans killed, that’s a problem. And we’ve got to get to the bottom of it, and there needs to be accountability. We’ve got to bring those who carried it out to justice. They won’t get any debate from me on that.

It is evil devious. Obama leads you along with several proposition to which all agree.

Yes, it's a problem that four Americans were killed.
Yes, we have to get to the bottom of it.
Yes, there needs to be accountability.

BTW, this is a standard hypnotic technique. The hypnotist makes three statements the subject will agree with: You are sitting in your chair, you can feel your hands in your lap, and you can feel your breathing. With that foundation of agreement, then the hypnotist leads the subject: you are feeling sleepy ... or whatever.

Back to Obama. Now everyone who has been following Benghazi is concerned about the accountability of the White House, the State Dept and the military. But here Obama switches gears.

We've got to bring those who carried it out to justice.

If you are not careful, you may think Obama wants to get to the failure of his administration to protect American lives, but no, he's talking about the terrorists.

Then after this bit of misdirection, Obama adds cutely, "They won't get any debate from me about that."

It's beautiful moment. But all Obama has agreed is to fight the terrorists whom presumably we are already fighting -- not to find out who left Americans twisting in the wind to die.

Impeach Obama.

Synova said...

So he's going to somehow identify the individuals involved and what... Send SEAL teams in the night-time? Take a predator drone and bomb their homes?

Roger J. said...

Coketown--this wasnt a full blown flame war--you would have had to be on usenet 20 years ago--now those were flame wars :)

CWJ said...

Harrogate, cutting the loopholes is what I took Romney/Ryan to be all about, so in that case we're on the same page. Right!

BTW, I know exactly zero 1% ERS. So who are the ones you know, and why haven't shamed them into seppeku yet.

harrogate said...


I don't know any of them either. Somehow I don't feel I am missing out.

CWJ said...

Sorry Harrogate. I just saw that you were quoting without attribution. Got it.

harrogate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

What's s worong with destorying small businesses and middle size businesses - obama needs to "tax the rich". Obama needs to tax the over-taxed.
It won't help much, but it will destory jobs.
Since Obama is attempting to get more people on the welfare roles, it all makes sense.

edutcher said...

harrogate said...

Sure, weasels are gonna weasel.

The trolls are expert weasels.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Inga - The Democrat party is dead. You're a Corruptocrat now.

Rusty said...

harrogate said...
"The 1% ers I know (I'm not one) aren't worried because their income isn't taxable."

Sure, weasels are gonna weasel. But still, it's a good idea to get rid of as many of their extra cuts and loopholes as possible.


You honestly think taxing the rich is going to make a difference?

Anonymous said...

So he's going to somehow identify the individuals involved and what... Send SEAL teams in the night-time? Take a predator drone and bomb their homes?

Synova: That's the language he's using. Obama is talking about the specific individuals who carried out the Benghazi attack.

Note that he is also using the frame of law, not war. For all we know Obama wants to bring these specific terrorists back to New York City and try them in a courthouse. Or would if he could.

It's like FDR only cared about catching the pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

Inga - The Democrat party is dead. You're a Corruptocrat now.

April, have you ever talked to a brick wall. Talking to this vile, verminous, despicable pig of a human being is like talking to a brick wall. It just reflects that energy back at you and still looks red while doing it. Again, it's easy to be that way, a leftard democrat I mean. It's the easiest ideology that has ever existed. No thought required nor are batteries included.

Michael said...

Harrogate. " But still, it's a good idea to get rid of as many of their extra cuts and loopholes as possible."

What are "extra cuts"?

Automatic_Wing said...

Obama's little defense of Susan Rice reminds me of one Mike Gundy.

Go after me! I'm a man! I'm 40!

Well, maybe a little lower-key, but still.

CWJ said...


Good one. And yet when no one's looking he'll frag their ass.

Methadras said...

Commiecrats are very good at being harpies and wanting to get to the bottom of everything. I guess Nancy Pelosi should be out in that pond with a water pump going 24/7 to see what's at the bottom of it. Oh hey Ty Woods. How's it going Glen Doughrety. Man, you look nice down there Chris Stevens. Gosh, and that other guy that never gets mention cause he was playing eve online when those terrorists barged in and shot them. He looks good face down in the mud. Yup, commiecrats always getting to the bottom of things to right the wrongs that they always create. GO GETTEM, COMMIECRATS!!!

Methadras said...

creeley23 said...

So he's going to somehow identify the individuals involved and what... Send SEAL teams in the night-time? Take a predator drone and bomb their homes?

Synova: That's the language he's using. Obama is talking about the specific individuals who carried out the Benghazi attack.

Note that he is also using the frame of law, not war. For all we know Obama wants to bring these specific terrorists back to New York City and try them in a courthouse. Or would if he could.

It's like FDR only cared about catching the pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor.

Gosh, I wonder why it is bringing murdering terrorists to justice one at a time requires them to kill Americans first to do it who were asking for your help to kill those terrorists first before they killed them. Yeah, that's what leading from behind looks like. Always doing things after the fact. Barack Obama, the hindsight president.

harrogate said...


For someone who yammers so much on a blog comment board, you really have no idea what "trolling" is, do you?

Hint: it has little to do with ideological position, and little to do with the majority opinion on a give board.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Methadras - I prefer a brick wall.
Somebody built that brick wall.

harrogate said...

Rusty belches out:


You honestly think taxing the rich is going to make a difference?"

Right. It makes no difference. Why tax them anything at all?

Patrick said...

It's like FDR only cared about catching the pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor.


bagoh20 said...

So he hides behind a woman and then says: how dare you attack a woman.

The embarrassment factor with this guy has no bottom. I am so glad my vote was not for this type of crap. I couldn't defend it, and wouldn't try.

Patrick said...

Right. It makes no difference. Why tax them anything at all?

Because the richest 20% pay 68% of the taxes.

The link is to Heritage, but the numbers are pretty indisputable.

The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income.

By the way, there is a large gap between the Obama tax cuts and paying nothing. Your hyperbole is not effective.

bagoh20 said...

I run into a lot of the people now defined as rich: business owners, lawyer, doctors. Some have supported Obama since he appeared and still do. Every one I've talked to over the last week is scrambling to protect their assets, and income and everyone is asking how can we protect ourselves from what's coming with Obama now.

I look at them say "What are you talking about, you fool." You just voted for this. It's just amazing the people this guy is dragging down with him. They don't even respect their own vote now, They just "felt" it was right.

Jesus with a "Born to Ride" tattoo!

Lydia said...

when you have four Americans killed, that’s a problem

Is it just me, or does that sound a lot like when he said it wasn’t “optimal” during the campaign? Still makes it sound like no big deal.

harrogate said...


Of course there's a gap. I was mocking the commenter for asking if "taxing the rich" would help anything. he didn't even bother to frame his opposition as "taxing them more." And I think this is telling. I think there is an effort to halo-ize the rich in some corners of the discourse; and there is also an effort to act as though there is no point in taxing them anyway.

Both of which are of course dumb approaches when looked at closely, as, I trust, even most Republicans would acknowledge. As you have just done.

The question for sane people is not whether we should have a progressive rate, but rather, how progressive the rate should be.

Revenant said...

So did you expect Bush to feel the same way when he received even less of the vote - including losing the national vote in 2000?

So far as I'm aware, Bush was never silly enough to hold a press conference and act like Democrats were attacking his subordinates and NOT him. If you are aware of an example, do please share it with the group.

I think even you would admit that even if you only win 51% of the vote you win 100% of the presidency.

True, but completely irrelevant to my point.

Saint Croix said...

Market was up 30, dropped 200+ points while Obama was talking.

Market is already down 5% in the week since the election.

Unknown said...

I know this is a small thing, but I hope Obama will get rid of that tacky gold shower curtain thing he stands in front of. It makes me want to scream and tear it down every time I see it.

Revenant said...

Republicans actually lost the national vote for the house.

What a silly observation. There is no national vote for the House of Representatives, nor should one be considered.

That a zillion people voted for Democrats in a district I don't live in entitles them to exactly no say in my representation. :)

Automatic_Wing said...

Of course there's a gap. I was mocking the commenter for asking if "taxing the rich" would help anything. he didn't even bother to frame his opposition as "taxing them more."

Ah, so you interpreted his comment as advocating a 0% tax rate on the rich. I think that's called missing the point on purpose.

When the Federal Gov't is borrowing 40 cents on each dollar it spends, it's absurd to think that you can square the books strictly through tax hikes on millionairesandbillionaires, as Obama claims.

bagoh20 said...

The idea of a progressive rate is bullshit. Rich people don't pay tax increases. When taxes go up , they just hire fewer people, invest in less stuff, pay people less, give less to charity, so the reality is that the people at the bottom pay the biggest price for taxation.

Most rich people don't hate taxes because it cost them money, they already live well enough. They hate higher taxes because it's stupid. They know intimately how stupid it is, because they see exactly who they take the money from to pay it. Some people would just rather not know.

Revenant said...

Why tax them anything at all?

The honest answer is "because they are greatly outnumbered by people who want their money".

harrogate said...


The rich really are abused in this country, it's true. One feels for them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The honest answer is "because they are greatly outnumbered by people who want their money".

Right. Like the debt-lowerers who have infinitely less disposable income.

Bag: It's ok. You will just have to work that much harder.

Stop being lazy. Cries for low taxes at the top are just a rich guy's way of pleading with the country to let him work less, in exchange for increased national debt.

For a bootlicker, it's a bargain. Win-win.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What a silly observation. There is no national vote for the House of Representatives, nor should one be considered.

That a zillion people voted for Democrats in a district I don't live in entitles them to exactly no say in my representation. :)

Screw your district, Dude. And screw its pork requests. If it weren't for the way you (probably) gerrymandered the hell out of it, it wouldn't exist. Just remind yourself that you did to keep it from being competitive in the first place.

Patrick said...

he didn't even bother to frame his opposition as "taxing them more."

Yeah, that was lazy, but I suspect we all know what he was talking about. You are correct, we have a progressive rate, and the discussion is and should be to what degree should it be progressive.

Prefer some sort of stepped flat tax myself, but the self employed and commission sales make that more difficult than it seems at first blush.

Patrick said...

I run into a lot of the people now defined as rich: business owners, lawyer, doctors. Some have supported Obama since he appeared and still do. Every one I've talked to over the last week is scrambling to protect their assets, and income and everyone is asking how can we protect ourselves from what's coming with Obama now.

I know lots of lefty lawyers, many from a list serv I am on. Lots of political talk (not supposed to be), but much wailing and gnashing of teeth about why those rich won't step up and pay back. Lately, lots of requests for assistance in tax and estate work, and speculation about how to avoid paying more. Funny how some of them are discovering that they are wealthy. All this time, they thought they were small businessmen.

Patrick said...

If it weren't for the way you (probably) gerrymandered the hell out of it, it wouldn't exist.

Is it your impression, Ritmo, that gerrymandering is exclusively a Republican phenomenon?

Rusty said...

harrogate said...
Rusty belches out:


You honestly think taxing the rich is going to make a difference?"

Right. It makes no difference. Why tax them anything at all?

It's just funny watching your envy at this stage.
To you it isn't to reduce a debt. To you it's punishment.

Revenant said...

Revenant, the rich really are abused in this country, it's true. One feels for them.

I wouldn't actually expect you to feel for anyone but yourself, harrogate. :)

Revenant said...

"That a zillion people voted for Democrats in a district I don't live in entitles them to exactly no say in my representation"

Screw your district, Dude.

And a hearty thanks to Ritmo for providing a helpful audio-visual aid. :)

harrogate said...

I'm not inclined to feel sympathy for the wealthy elite in the United States, that's for sure. Only a fool would say anything resembling, 'wow, those people have it rough.'

Rusty said...

Shit, you guys. Why not just take it all?

harrogate said...

"Shit, you guys. Why not just take it all?"

Because that's what the Clinton-era rates were. They were taking it all!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is it your impression, Ritmo, that gerrymandering is exclusively a Republican phenomenon?

I think they're more interested in power and (esp. nowadays) partisanship.

I don't speak for the Democratic party. I have no idea that they have a unified stance on districting. But it's no secret how to make it non-partisan: Appoint a panel, and strive for compactness. Not rocket science.

But I proposed something even better Monday night. Run the entire House as at-large, unitary districts state by state. It would be a hell of a good way to get third party, populist, but less partisan representation in the chamber that needs it most. How do you think the conservative Althousian responded?

They shot it down in a heartbeat.

By all means, keep the two-party system at the presidency, and the Senate can take care of itself. You already seem to be having more independents running there.

But this bullshit about how every group of 750,000 people need a special district of representation that snakes around nothing more than hundreds of miles of highway as a common constituency for the Federal government's pork? Ridiculous. Fuck that shit. And senators can represent a community's interests just as capably: At least while even balancing them against the needs of the others in his state.

The House, in its current, malevolently monstrous incarnation, is nothing but a pork machine. Its districts are monstrosities and its members useless. Reform the whole thing and just set up at large, single constituency districts and let the partisanship flourish, branch out and proceed in a way that at least provides a check against every single dipstick's pork dreams.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Only a fool would say anything resembling, 'wow, those people have it rough.'

Not a question of sympathy. It's a matter of what is good policy. I don't doubt that some rich people are complete bastards, in fact I know many are. Entirely beside the point.

Revenant said...

I'm not inclined to feel sympathy for the wealthy elite in the United States, that's for sure.

I'm not sure what you think we disagree on. My observation was "we take their stuff because simply because we can"; your response was "I don't care about those people".

I'm not expecting you to care, and you're not denying motive. So where's the argument?

Only a fool would say anything resembling, 'wow, those people have it rough.'

If I see someone saying anything resembling that, I'll be sure to let him know. :)

Freeman Hunt said...

If you raise taxes on "the rich," you will, in many cases, be taxing someone else right out of a job.

Say I own an LLC, and I make about $1,000,000 in profit annually. I'm taxed on that as income at 35%, so then I have $650,000. I want to grow my business to make more money, so I put, say $400,000 back into the business, and live on the comfy $250,000. I use the $400,000 to hire more people, invest in capital, expand employee benefits, offer more products and services, whatever.

The next year, you raise the rate. I make $1,000,000, but you tax it at 39%. Now I have $610,000. I'm accustomed to living on $250,000, so I put $360,000 back into the business this time. $40,000 went to the government that would have gone into the business.

Poof! There goes a $40,000 a year job. Or poof! There go two entry-level $20,000 a year jobs.

That's what people are talking about when they say that taxing "the rich" at a higher rate hurts employment. If you have less money to put into your business, you have less money to hire new people, so you don't, and those jobs that would have been created never are.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm not inclined to feel sympathy for the wealthy elite in the United States, that's for sure. Only a fool would say anything resembling, 'wow, those people have it rough.'

That's the great thing about capitalism: it works even if the people within the system are total jerks. In fact, that's the point. It harnesses all that greed and makes it work for everyone instead of leading it to seek the favors of the powerful few.

Freeman Hunt said...

(In the example above, I'm simplifying. Your tax as a percentage of income isn't the same as your tax bracket rate, but you get the idea. Trying to keep it easy to understand.)

Patrick said...

Reform the whole thing and just set up at large, single constituency districts and let the partisanship flourish, branch out and proceed in a way that at least provides a check against every single dipstick's pork dreams.

An interesting idea, which probably is worth more thought than I have time to give it. I doubt that you would see any reduction in pork. Hell, there's plenty in the Senate.

And this panel you appoint, again, I doubt you can find enough angels to do it well, particularly because it has become a constitutional mandate that certain groups are entitled to be represented as a group, usually racial. So at a minimum, you would be talking a massive reconstruction of the Constitution.

I don't like all the pork, but it really is a fairly small part of the budget. Still, the idea is worth some thought.

Anonymous said...

I don't expect anyone to care about my opinions or baby steps towards political understanding but with his press conference today I crossed a threshold:

Obama is an evil man.

Impeach Obama.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We need to have more praise, sympathy, largesse, patronage and U.S. financial clout rewarded to people whose feelings have been too hurt to spend their record profits on jobs.

See, when I look at a place where excess goes unused, I immediately ask how more excess can be siphoned to that place. Because clearly that is the problem. The record high unspent capital has not been put into the economy because it was not record high capitalistick-y enough!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When you preside over your trial for orchestrating evil creeley, make sure to wear one of those high white pointy hats, like Torquemada wore. It helps channel the evil spirits that need to be driven out.

Rusty said...

harrogate said...
"Shit, you guys. Why not just take it all?"

Because that's what the Clinton-era rates were. They were taking it all!

Yeah. Except pretty soon you're gonna run out of millionaires.
markets down 4%. Money's leaving. Millionaires are leaving, Jobs are leaving.

I take it that isn't what you had in mind.

Nathan Alexander said...

There is no economically sound/good reason to raise taxes on the rich.

When the so-called Bush tax cuts were passed in 2001 and 2003, revenue not only didn't go down, it increased. Perhaps not 100% attributable to the tax cuts, but clearly the tax cuts didn't cause any sort of revenue drop or damage to the economy.

The economy didn't slow until 2007, fully 4-6 years later. No connection, clearly.

In fact, President Obama himself extended the tax cuts, saying that an economic downturn was not a good time for tax increases.

Think about that.

President Obama himself knows that raising taxes slows down the economy. That's why he didn't want to make an economic downturn worse by raising taxes.

He clearly believes that when the economy is good, it can absorb the damage of a tax increase.

I disagree.

Do rich people use more of the road? Do rich people use more welfare? Do rich people get better Obamaphones? Do rich people get food stamps? Do rich people get more out of NPR? Does the military fight to keep the rich people more safe from terrorists than poor people? Do rich people have more freedom of speech?

Since the answer to all those is "No", then there is also no moral reason to tax rich people more than poor.

The only moral answer is for the govt to reduce spending to the point that it can cover all its expenses with a 10% tax on everyone.

That is the only moral, fair, and reasonable solution.

The only reasons for a progressive income tax are petulance, envy, and economic illiteracy.

Which of those are motivating your views?

Rusty said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
We need to have more praise, sympathy, largesse, patronage and U.S. financial clout rewarded to people whose feelings have been too hurt to spend their record profits on jobs.

See, when I look at a place where excess goes unused, I immediately ask how more excess can be siphoned to that place. Because clearly that is the problem. The record high unspent capital has not been put into the economy because it was not record high capitalistick-y enough!


Jesus. Your an idiot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good Rusty. It will be like Europe after the Black Death. Better opportunity. Let the middle class become the next millionaires. The Thurston Howell types can flee to the sweathshop-states that they aspire to lord over in the first place, and then America won't be told that it has to compete with those lowest common denominators. The middle class will have some breathing room and create a new rich class off of industries that benefit America, that make use of and perpetuate better education and training, and the know-nothings will no longer have a bunch of sugar daddies to promise them ways of stoking the race resentment of less diverse days.

And then you might see us visiting, after you clean up your barrio paradises to the extent necessary for a decent tourism industry to actually take root.

Nathan Alexander said...

Check out what's happening in France:

Big Mike said...

Colonel Angus it wasn't the staff's wages that caused the high monthly fee.

I had to work late tonight, but I see that the flames are burning on. At 1:13 Inga seemed to be suggesting that we could close all the nursing homes and have the families provide the "end of life experience" for the elderly who need nursing home support. My take was that she wanted to close all the nursing homes the way we deinstitutionalized the mentally ill back in the 1980s. I remember those days, and at 1:07 she uses the same phrase "warehousing the elderly and disabled," which certainly has the same ring as "warehousing the mentally ill" argument back in the day. Any number of studies have demonstrated that most, some say nearly all of, the homeless people eating from dumpsters and freezing to death during the winter when they're not being beaten to death by mobs of kids are mentally ill individuals that used to be "warehoused" before deinstitutionalization. I wondered when the liberals were going to get around to putting the elderly out to die. Are you older than I am, Inga? Will you be eating out of dumpsters before me?

But let's get back to her statement above. Inga seems to be assuming that whatever doesn't go to the patient care staff as wages must be pretty much pure profit to let the nursing home owners wallow in swimming pools filled with money.

But is that true?

First of all, is there not more to the cost of labor than just their wages? What about the cost of their health care benefits? I would be really surprised if Inga and her co-workers paid most of their health care costs. If they did, then that's pretty rare.

And I think most people are really, really surprised at the taxes on workers imposed by the federal government, and most state governments as well. There's the employer's component of Social Security and Medicare, probably some form of unemployment tax, and not to mention workmen's comp.

Then there's the cost of hiring people in the first place. There are background checks to pay for, someone has to be paid to check references, etc. Not to mention that the local press does not run your help wanted ads for free.

Did the firm have to take out loans to build the facility? Do they not have to exact enough money from their patients to cover the mortgage. If not, won't the lending institutions foreclose and the patients be out on the street (along with the staff, of course).

And then there's the regulations. Nursing homes are not precisely under-regulated, are they? Don't they have to pay someone to keep the books, and to see to it that the right forms are properly filled out and filed at the right time with the right agency? Can that be done in zero seconds flat with minimum wage employees?

Not to mention managers -- perhaps Inga needed no one to manage her but perhaps some of coworkers needed supervision?

And any facility needs maintenance workers, with someone reasonably nearby paid extra to be on call if you aren't paying for 24/7 maintenance services. And grass doesn't cut itself nor do weeds jump out of the flower beds. Tree services may have to be paid for -- shame on a qualified arborist asking money for his expertise and exertions!

So, Inga's right in her response to Col. Angus -- it isn't just the staff wages that cause the high monthly fee.

'Cause if it was all that easy to get rich from running a nursing home, why didn't you do it yourself, Inga?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jesus. Your an idiot.

Does anyone else see the irony in this sentence?

Ask your savior if he can teach you to spell first, and then maybe explain to your inferiors why they need to give more capital to people already too resentful to put their record profits into job creation.

But we already know the reason: They're resentful for not being lauded for having the power to hold America's jobs hostage. And America just happens to think that's a shitty thing to reward them for.

In this case, America would happen to be right. And a number of capitalists, more decent than the lot of many of you Althousians, know this.

The president ran on his message, and he won. He has the mandate for the taxation regime that two-thirds of the country have always agreed with. The Grover Norquist Revolution came and went. It was not televised, but held in "quiet rooms", with pledges signed and stored in safe deposit boxes.

Take your sekrit pledges and your silly clubhouse manifestos and get it the hell out my government.

leslyn said...

Coketown said, "'re all fat and ugly. This is Obama's fault." LOL

leslyn said...

wildswan said, "The problem is that women want to work so there is no one at home to take care of older people. "

Why don't the men do it?

Anyway, you're discounting the large numbers of caregivers. Men and women.

Anonymous said...

When you preside over your trial for orchestrating evil creeley, make sure to wear one of those high white pointy hats, like Torquemada wore. It helps channel the evil spirits that need to be driven out.

Ritmo: I thought Nixon was an evil man in 1972 and supported his impeachment then, as you probably did, or would have if you had been old enough.

You are a gutless, partisan, snarky hypocrite.

Impeach Obama.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they're still trying to work out the anger stage.

harrogate said...

Inga, they are pretty upset.

leslyn said...

AprilApple said... What's s worong with destorying small businesses and middle size businesses -obama needs to "tax the rich". Obama needs to tax the over-taxed. It won't help much, but it will destory jobs.

This argument always astounded me by it's willful blindness.

The proposal is to tax personal income, not business income. You know that stuff that's left over after business expenses and tax shelters.

One could argue that such taxation would affect the small businesses of nannies, masseusses, or personal trainers, but somehow I don't think so. History does not support that a higher personal income tax on the highest income brackets destroys small business. You're arguing apples and oranges.

History does support that taking in less revenue than you're laying out leads to deficits. Pretty simple arithmetic, and pretty simple history, really. Just do the math starting with Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Harrogate, apparently so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They are experiencing ideological frustration.

harrogate said...

It's fascinating to watch.

Anonymous said...

Yes, in kind of a sad, sick, gut wrenching way. Makes me want to sooth them somehow. It's the nurse in me I suppose.

harrogate said...

Really, I think that in your own way you do that for them here. They are just too riled up to see it.

leslyn said...

edutcher said,

[creely23] Impeach Obama.

"When they find enough ballots, it'll happen."

That might be kind of difficult with all those red states seceding.

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