November 16, 2012

"To batter this woman because they don't feel they have the ability to batter President Obama is something we the women are not going to stand by and watch."

More sexism displayed in efforts to defend Susan Rice, this time from Wisconsin member of Congress Gwen Moore.

I called attention to President Obama's inappropriate/bogus chivalry here and here.

Women serving in positions of power are subject to the same criticisms as men, and efforts to defend them that are premised on the idea that women deserve special protection, solicitude, or respect or that deploy metaphors from the realm of domestic violence are perversely implying that women do not belong in power. It is absolutely disgusting to defend Susan Rice this way. If we were required to moderate our criticism of women in power, we would need to oppose having women in power in order to preserve our freedom as American citizens.

The suggestion — even implicit — that there is a requirement like this is offensive and retrograde.


El Camino Real said...

And a wonderful window into their world.

rcommal said...

"batter"? How loaded, and what rot.

I agree with every post you've written about this one, Althouse, and for the reasons you have stated.

Matt Sablan said...

If she can't stand to be questioned, she needs to resign. If Obama doesn't trust her to be questioned, he should ask her to spend more time with her family. That sounds more the sort of thing he probably thinks she should be doing anyway.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Bravo, Althouse. Why is this rational approach lost on the left? Oh yeah. Key word "rational".

mccullough said...

It's wrong to use battered woman to describe verbal criticisms of politicians against government officials. The words will lose any effectiveness.

McTriumph said...

Democrats elect pussy women. They can't compete, the kitchen is just too hot, it's hard.

Dante said...

Where's that ex head of "NOW"? She would let us all know that women aren't helpless, and can handle the heat, as well as a little bit of groping.

McTriumph said...

Democrat elected women set back modern women 40 years, this is the Black Nixon administration.

bagoh20 said...

Why does the President send a woman to do such dangerous duty? It's not very chivalrous.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A speical blend of:
Liberal women are tender and special. They can't handle criticism.
The left are telling you “How Dare You!” question us.

McTriumph said...


Big Mike said...

I don't see how women can demand equal pay for equal work if, according to Gwen Moore, they aren't able to take some heat when their performance deserves it.

Make up your mind. Are you women sweet little hothouse flowers who need to be carfully protected? Or can you cope with adversity?

mccullough said...

So a group of mostly black female Democrats accuses two white male Republicans of racism and sexism. Yawn.

I like how the say McCain is not very bright because he graduated near the bottom of his Naval Academy class. That was pretty funny.

According to McCain's military records, his IQ is 133, which is pretty high, especially for a politician. I'd say Susan Rice was not very bright to go let the Obama administration use her to disseminate lies to the public. She might be very book smart, but she's not bright.

Rabel said...

"The suggestion — even implicit — that there is a requirement like this is offensive and retrograde."

But it will be effective with 60% or so of the female voters, so, it's all good.

Michael said...

My experience has been that most of the individual women I have met and worked with and loved through the years have been smart. There appears to be a very large cohort with which I have not been acquainted (except in some sense through this blog) that is very dumb and subject to being moved by this bullshit and subject to uttering it. As the progressives are wont to say, sad.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

Don't blame me - my guy keeps his women where they belong - in a binder.

McTriumph said...

Romney only hired competent ass kick women. Ones that didn't get pimped.

Smilin' Jack said...

The suggestion — even implicit — that there is a requirement like this is offensive and retrograde.

Speaking of retrograde, things like this remind me that if women couldn't vote, McCain would now be entering his second term.

Not that I'm suggesting that women shouldn't vote...just pointing out that the suggestion is there to be made....

effinayright said...

I'd be willing to bet that these same sanctimonious harpies had no qualms about vilifying *Condi* Rice.

John Cunningham said...

Entirely typical of the DemonRAT Party, toss up any ridiculous lie or talking point that exempts them from any rational criticism.

Levi Starks said...

If the ambassador to Bengazi had been a woman, our response would have been what?

Humperdink said...

If you can't stand the heat sweetie, get back in the kitchen.

Paul said...

Well Obama gets special treatment cause he is Bbbblllaaaaccckkkk, so why not give Rice special treatament cause she is a Wwwwoommman?

Only white men don't get no slack.

TMink said...

The "men bad, women good" paradigm of family violence died when people had the guts to acknowledge lesbian battery. The more recent research is grounded in measurement rather than theory and it focuses on the amount of time that each partner spends abusing or being abused. The research looks at how the types of abuse differ but that abusive relationships are generally reciprocally abusive.

People who speak from a different, outdated paradigm are not respecting the science.


Calypso Facto said...

That's exactly why Gwen Moore has been such a vocal supporter of Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, right?

n.n said...

He exploited her loyalty and now he defends her honor. To be fair, she is either incompetent or a willing conspirator.

As for the feminists, I don't think they appreciate a reasonable distinction between men and women.

As for the politicians, she will remain opportunistic forevermore.

Oh, and the trail leads to Obama. He shouldn't concern himself with the process. He will be interrogated to discern his role in Benghazi after his subordinates' testimonies. However, unlike Watergate, people actually died. This is more like Fast and Furious, or Gunrunner, or suicidal ROE.

Have patience, Obama. You're next. While corruption is progressive, it is only conclusive with a slight majority. There is still sufficient will and means among Americans to hold individuals accountable when they run amuck.

DADvocate said...

all us real men have known for a long time, forever, that the poor, pitiful, emotionally and physically frail female was never meant for this rough an tumble world except to have babies and cook dinner (with some help, of course).

President Obama, as a real man, is right to try and protect Susan Rice from attack by the ogres of the right. She, nor any other female, should be subject to these harsh realities. Obama, being a REAL MAN, repels such attacks as water falls off a goose's feathers.

The real tragedy of all this is that a few wild eyed, radical feminists convinced a genearation of women that they should go out into this hostile world and set themselves up for such attacks. It's like telling a lamb to mingle with wolves.

Chip Ahoy said...

A light dusting of flour helps the batter adhere. Roll in flour and tap off the extra. Prepare your batter a bit on the thin side, then dunk in batter and coat thoroughly over all surfaces. Let the extra batter drip off, or even help it a little by pushing some off with your fingertips. Otherwise your fried woman will be too heavily coated with crispy batter much as KFC and you don't want that. If your woman is overly moist to begin with even the crispiest crust will soggenxxx sogenxxx get soggy. So best to dehydrate your woman slightly first before getting started and you will be satisfied with nice crispy fried woman that stays crispy long enough to enjoy her.

For extra crispy woman prepare your batter with cold water instead of milk.

This applies to presidents as well as women.

garage mahal said...

RICE: Valedictorian, Stanford Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Ph.D.

McCAIN: Picked Sarah Palin to be one heart beat away from the Presidency.

SteveR said...

This really about race, not gender. And more specifically the race of a democrat.

Calypso Facto said...

Perhaps somebody should point out to Ms. Moore that in this discussion of Ms. Rice's Benghazi cover up that this is what battered actually looks like.

pdug said...

See but calling anyone who's African-american "not very bright" is playing into stereotypes, like asking them if they want fried chicken, or assuming they like basketball.

Beta Rube said...

Wasn't it Gwen Moore who sang (wailed) that awful "Hit the Road Scott" piece right before the recall vote? Now that was assault and battery.

damikesc said...

Wasn't Gwen Moore the one whose kid was caught slashing GOTV tires in Milwaukee?

Beta Rube said...

Here we go, the thoughtful
Left in action:

n.n said...


Keep them barefoot and available... for sex and taxation.

CWJ said...

This has nothing to do with genuine belief in what they're saying, and everything to do with service to the party. Appeals to reason are fruitless because reason has nothing to do with it. Its just another arrow in their quiver.

coketown said...

Chip Ahoy got it. Delightfully comedic.

chickelit said...

I don't think Rice's gender or race factor into what she did wrong. She's acted like a mouthpiece for a party organ that Sunday.

DADvocate said...

RICE: Valedictorian, Stanford Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Ph.D.

Girls alwasy do well in school. Girls behave better than boys and like sitting for hours reading and typing papters. Plus, they have teachers to protect them from the rotten boys.

But, out here in the real world, away from the ivory towers of academia, she definitely needs to be protected. Sarah Palin is an aberration. A woman who can hunt, shoot,fish and actually take care of herself. She doesn't need no left wing prick looking out for her.

DADvocate said...

She's acted like a mouthpiece for a party organ that Sunday.

A little double entendre?

Sydney said...

This crap is getting old pretty damn fast.

Beta Rube said...

BTW, this is what cartoonist Jeff Danziger had to say when he was accused of depicting Condi in a very stereotypically racist manner in one of his cartoons:

"Nothing racist about it at all. Just the standard lies told by a political operative, out of her depth, who happens to be African-American. Whenever this administration is in trouble they send out Condi Rice because the press, which is mostly white and male, gives her a far easier treatment than they would a white male."

If you change the name it all makes sense.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You tell em professor... even if it falls on deaf ears.

garage mahal said...

A woman who can hunt, shoot,fish and actually take care of herself.

Have you ever seen her hunt or fish without someone that does know how? I haven't, and from what I've seen how she handles fishing rods and firearms, that's probably a good thing.

dbp said...

1. Rice went onto 5 Sunday shows and deliberately lied about the cause of the attacks in Libya. In which case the only honorable thing is to resign in shame.

2. Rice was lied to by the president, in which case the only honorable thing is to resign in protest.

McTriumph said...

garage mahal said...
RICE: Valedictorian, Stanford Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Ph.D.

McCAIN: Picked Sarah Palin to be one heart beat away from the Presidency

Go rewatch the Biden Palin VP debate on Youtube and get back with me.

The Black Nixon: Picked Joe Biden to be one heart beat away from the Presidency, TWICE! He's demented.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Gwen Moore is a lunatic. If she was a Republican, she would be a national laughingstock.

Michael said...

Garage: You note Rice's credentials but you do not delve into her actual resume suggesting you are pretty easily impressed. You fail to give us McCain's resume and obviously fail to recite his resume. Compare the Wiki of the two. Hers is, shall we say, light.

You've been fishing and hunting with Palin? Dude, I thought Alaska was for the fit.

Rick67 said...

There is a no-longer-shocking consistency to the inconsistency of the Left. What was not true yesterday is terrible true today. What was terribly true yesterday is risible nonsense today.

The Left. Has. No. Principles. Not really.

It was in fact Professor Althouse who first helped me to see this truth with her observations regarding the Left's faux concern about "civility". All they care about is the Goal and in order to achieve the Goal they need power. Everything else is contingent.

Which is why I do not hesitate to call them mangy hypocrites.

Astro said...

First you have Obama steamed over Rice. Now you have battered women (who I presume are then deep fried).
Looks like this is becoming a cooking blog.

McTriumph said...

The Black Nixon has to defend Sue Rice, that's what pimps do when their not abusing or lying to, or making false promises to them. Well, or pimping them.

DADvocate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

DADvocate said...
A little double entendre?

She was fluffing the pillars.

damikesc said...

Almost the entire CBC qualifies as such.

damikesc said...

Almost the entire CBC qualifies as such.

DADvocate said...

Have you ever seen her hunt or fish without someone that does know how?

One of the first rules of hunting or any other risky sport, especially in Alaska where bears abound and idiots like you die, is to not go alone, preferably in groups of three or more. In a group of three, if one person gets injured, one stays with the injured person and the third goes for help.

Like a typical Democrat/liberal, you promote ignorance to further your left wing goals. I suggest you pull a Christopher McCandless and show us how a leftie tough guy handles the Alaskan wilderness. In the mean time, your time would be better spent watching over your fragile left wing females.

TexasVoter said...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott said...

"To batter this woman because they don't feel they have the ability to batter President Obama is something we the women are not going to stand by and watch."

If you can batter one, I don't see why you can't batter the other. They are both about the same size.

The larger question is, at what temperature do you heat the oil.

garage mahal said...

Valiant effort, but it's obvious to anyone that grew up hunting and fishing that Palin hasn't handled a fishing rod or a firearm very often.

If you watch the big caribou hunting special where it took her 5 shots to finally hit the caribou, you can find about 5 no-no's she committed in that short clip.

"Hey dad, does it kick?"

Dante said...

Drudge has these two headlines one after the other:

House women: Criticizing Rice 'racist, sexist'...
Lawmakers shown video of envoy being dragged out...

rhhardin said...

The suggestion — even implicit — that there is a requirement like this is offensive and retrograde.

Nevertheless, guys do give allowances for women in men's jobs.

They're men's jobs for a reason.

Physical strength is often though of, but the ability to sustain an absorbing interest in the particular job is the usual sexual difference.

On the other hand, no allowance is given in jobs where men and women are equal, say piano playing. There you're judged by the music.

So is UN ambassador an equal or unequal job. I'd say equal, and Obama is trying to set up an IED on the matter for Republicans to step on, because women are so irrational.

edutcher said...

Typical feminazi

Sounds like an old battleaxe.

These broads love to dish it out, but they can't take it worth a damn and they say they're our equals?

In the words of 2 great Texans, "That'll be the day!".

garage mahal said...

RICE: Valedictorian, Stanford Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Ph.D.

Affirmative Action her whole life, just like Choomie.

McCAIN: Picked Sarah Palin to be one heart beat away from the Presidency.

Self-made woman, took on her own party's establishment and cleaned it up.

PS 4 years later and you're still intimidated by her?

Comanche Voter said...

Ah a woman who goes to a Saturday night fraternity party and lets herself be "used" by five fraternity brothers--er "rapists" walks home to the sorority house at 1030 the next morning in what's left of her party dress. It's called the "walk of shame".

Ms. Rice let herself be "used" by Obozo and his administration on five different television news shows on a single Sunday. Her "walk of shame" just comes a little bit later. She's having it now.

chickelit said...

@garage mahal: Expert or not Sarah Palin is a good sport about hunting. She has a good attitude not unlike your own. She's not your typical anti-hunting Marxist cat lady so prevalent in Madison.

Anonymous said...

This is why women and particularly minority women should never be hired. They can't be criticized and they can't be fired. In the service of Ms.Rice you screw things up for all women. Nice work ladies.

rcommal said...

ambienisevil: Monica Lewinsky was 21 and an intern. Susan Rice is, what, 48 and has held various government positions since the '90s (with some time in think tanks etc. during the Clinton administration). I don't think the two situations are analogous.

Dante said...

I haven't, and from what I've seen how she handles fishing rods and firearms, that's probably a good thing.

A) Your claim to be a hunter, fisherman, etc., have no meaning, since you are so willing to deceive.
B) Show links to proper practice to support your claims. At least we can find if you are cherry picking words to suit your purpose.

I'm not saying you are correct or incorrect, only that there is no reason to listen to a weasel like you.

Michael K said...

"garage mahal said...

RICE: Valedictorian, Stanford Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford Ph.D.

McCAIN: Picked Sarah Palin to be one heart beat away from the Presidency."

No doubt you were right in there smearing Palin and defending Rice as too delicate for such criticism.

Credentials aren't what they once were. Example Obama.

Tom said...

My opinion is that B.O. wasn't really protecting her. She was reporting on the facts that were given to her. She didn't come up with them, she just reported them. Basically, Obama was saying "Don't shoot the messenger". That's my take on it.

chuckR said...

It was only batter, not batter-batter,let alone rape-rape.

I'm sure that she'll be able to stand up to the world's meanies if she becomes SecState. Unless they say mean things about her.

chuckR said...

It was only batter, not batter-batter,let alone rape-rape.

I'm sure that she'll be able to stand up to the world's meanies if she becomes SecState. Unless they say mean things about her.

Sam L. said...

She knew the job was dangerous when she took it. Given her salary, she should expect that. Plenty of horrible people at the UN.

jr565 said...
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jr565 said...

And lets not forget that the dems had no problem questioning the competence of Sarah Palin, who, last I heard was a female.
And not just question her competence. But make actual SEXIST attacks on her.
I don't think for example that the porn I dusty are going to make a "Nailin Palin" type movie about Susan Rice, do you? (It does help that Sarah Palin was actually hot)
In other words, YET AGAIN, libs are acting like complete hypocrites.

Rusty said...

Coketown said...
Chip Ahoy got it. Delightfully comedic

The guy's a fuckin national treasure. he should get a subsidy. Like windmills.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

If we can't criticize Blacks or Women (both!), then we best not bother to put them in positions of responsibility because what we really can't do is tolerate officials who are beyond reproach.

Bob said...

Ladies, you want us to take you serious then stop sending your man over to stop us from talking bad and asking questions. It's politics! It's a nasty place. People say mean things.

Of course the man needs to note this comes with job. And this "man" is thin skinned himself

David said...

Boo hoo. Gwen Moore thinks boys play too rough. The meanies. Then she plays it rougher crying racism. Basically she's asking for a form of affirmative action. She thinks a black woman who aspires to be the second female black Secretary of State needs special rules to protect her. Condi Rice did not need this help because she was actually white, I suppose.

jr565 said...

Those who question her are treating her as an equal. They are questioning her competency, but that is their right, and frankly their obligation, if they find her to be incompetent. Women, if they actually want equality, have to be able to swim with the sharks and not cry harassment and sexism if their feelings are bruised because some people find they're not doing s good job.

It's the same thing with the dems reflex charge of racism whenever people question Obama's record. If blacks want a job that is based on merit, then they have to expect that they will not be treated special simply because they are black. (This goes for any and all minorities and even majorities).
Those make the sexism/racist charges are the ones practicing racism because they are basically suggesting that women and minorities can't actually do the jobs assigned them and need to be treated with kids gloves when it gets tough.

If you need to be treated with kids gloves to do your job, then you don't deserve that job, unless everyone in your position is similarly treated with kids gloves.

You racist dems, stop treating your minorities like affirmative action hires!

Unknown said...

gutless said...
This is why women and particularly minority women should never be hired. They can't be criticized and they can't be fired. In the service of Ms.Rice you screw things up for all women. Nice work ladies.

This is exactly the ultimate result of affirmative action. People can be creative in protecting themselves from laws like these. There is a natural cost/benefit analysis that causes either overreach or exploitation.

Dante said...

Where is Farmer when you need him.

Drudge's point is simple. A person died. Now some people are whining about a high level official who said things that weren't true to the American people, and now it's an attack on a vagina and (I learned today) a black person.

Let's say you are the person who was duped into saying things that weren't true. What is your reaction? I would say angry. And if you have any integrity whatsoever, being rewarded for lying with some new big post is wrong.

Oh, crud, I forgot. These are the same Democrats who idolize Bill Clinton, alleged rapist, who got up in front of the American people and lied to them, and their golden god Obamao. There is simply no hope to look to the press to unravel this. You have to have some kind of integrity, and it's obviously lacking.

Oh wait, I can't complain about this. I should bend over and say "A little gentler, please," like Farmer would have us all do.

edutcher said...

Tom said...

My opinion is that B.O. wasn't really protecting her. She was reporting on the facts that were given to her. She didn't come up with them, she just reported them. Basically, Obama was saying "Don't shoot the messenger". That's my take on it.

Barry is protecting Barry.

He figures if he looks like Crusader Rabbit, it puts the spotlight on her and not him.

Rather gutless, when you think about it.

Sam L. said...

She knew the job was dangerous when she took it.

Super Chicken nods.

Methadras said...

Where are the harpies that stood behind Pelosi and screamed "DISCRIMINATION!!! BOO!!!" when she was asked if she and other congressional leaders were basically to old to lead and step aside so that younger members can revitalize the political stage?

chickelit said...

Dante writes: Now some people are whining about a high level official who said things that weren't true to the American people, and now it's an attack on a vagina and (I learned today) a black person.

A black vagina is the most sacrosanct symbol a white man can dare to criticize. Of course McCain and Graham didn't target her because of that, but that's essentially what the ladies in Congress are defending. It looks really ugly and will not end well.

bagoh20 said...

Chip Ahoy,

I intend to try your recipe for fried women the next time I bag one in season. One suggestion I would add is that your hippy chick, creamy center or not, are best enjoyed baked.

Lydia said...

Just posted this on another thread, but it really belongs here.

Dana Milbank at the Washington Post:

Even in a town that rewards sharp elbows and brusque personalities, Rice has managed to make an impressive array of enemies — on Capitol Hill, in Foggy Bottom and abroad. Particularly in comparison with the other person often mentioned for the job, Sen. John Kerry, she can be a most undiplomatic diplomat, and there likely aren’t enough Republican or Democratic votes in the Senate to confirm her.

Back when she was an assistant secretary of state during the Clinton administration, she appalled colleagues by flipping her middle finger at Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff at the State Department, according to witnesses. Colleagues talk of shouting matches and insults.

And this is the delicate damsel Obama got all puffed up about. Hilarious.

rcommal said...

Jesus, chickelit. Really?

Well, OK, then. Have at it with your choices (see 8:48). They won't make you better.

Anonymous said...

And Althouse provides a blog post for the men folk to vent their spleens at black vaginas.

Keep it up guys, next election the women's vote voting Democrat will be up to 65% instead of a mere 55%.

Alcibiades said...

It's only black democrat women, apparently, who need the affirmative action. No one ever thought twice about criticizing Condi Rice. But, then, she's a republican. And deserved everything she got because of that, according to these people.

Michael said...

Inga. Smart women on this thread have something to say about the topic at hand . Smart women are appalled at the "battered" comment. Are you not offended?

Anonymous said...

Rcommal is pretty damn smart, she seems to have a similar reaction to a certain comment as I do.

Anonymous said...

My advice to you conservative men, veer ever more to the right.>>>>>>>>>>>>

rcommal said...


You are not an advocate for me, and I reject any effort that you might to make to appear otherwise.

I know, and remember, what you did.

[No] Regards [for you],


Lydia said...

Hush now, all of you. Inga’s just doing her job. She’s been told to sit tight until her wee antennae detect a tasty titbit for later use. All goes into the permanent campaign bag, dontcha know.

Anonymous said...

Rcommal, whatever, your reaction to Chickelit's comment was similar to mine, like it or lump it, I don't give a shit.

Dante said...

gutless said...
This is why women and particularly minority women should never be hired.

Sometimes you can almost see the universe in a grain of sand. This is an excellent example.

Rice has a position. The position is being attacked. Rice is the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., or another way of thinking of this, is the representative of the US to the world government. She stood up willingly, and put her position on the line, when she stated wrongly the attack was on account of a youtube video (Ann was on to that right away). If she was duped, her position requires that she honors it by seeking out those who degraded it, and destroy those people, and somehow explain to the world how it is OK she mislead them. But, she is silent. And suddenly, there is this new opportunity for her to rise in the ranks. Is it her Vagina that is so sweat? Or her color?

Ann points out that women coming to protect her because she has a vagina, and golden skin, has the effect of diminishing all women (and all minorities with color, though I have no idea if she felt this about Clarance Thomas). They can't handle the heat, by implication. I don't think that's what's going on.

Should not the press demand to know why the UN Ambassador was embarrassed in this way? A woman, black at that, being used as a stooge? Well, apparently not. Like with Bill Clinton, alleged rapist, Peyronie's diseased, it's OK. Race, Vaginas, political correctness, all of these are tools of the press. They want to be relevant. How can they be relevant if their Gods aren't God's after all?

For years the press has told us we can afford the latest entitlement because we are a rich country, thereby bypassing the merits of the program. What if they were duped, by the Ownership class? What if all these programs eventually benefit the Ownership class? Despite my need for fresh vegetables, as repeated by the press, was merely an Ownership class method of pushing down wages, and particularly of a specific minority group?

What if the stupid, idiotic press was wrong, being led by the pied piper to destructive ends, and leading the rest of the country along?

I do not blame Obama or other Democrats in power for these things. I blame the press. And behind that, the galactically stupid Universities.

While I hope there is enough individualism and integrity left in America, unfortunately, I think we are headed exactly back to where we came from, to the land of Kings, Queens, and inter-generational rights. This time legitimized by money, and the idiotic left.

Dante said...

My advice to you conservative men, veer ever more to the right.

My advice to you, Allie Ooops, is put up or shut up.

Tell us all here, right now, what will be:

Inflation adjusted median income.
Inflation adjusted GDP.
Unemployment rate.

Or, give us your own metrics for how well the country is doing. Otherwise, keep your unaccountable trap shut.

rcommal said...

Here's both my proposal and proposition, Inga: You go your way, and I'll go mine (as I've already been doing). Full stop.

Anonymous said...

Dante fuck you, you don't get to demand anything from me, here there or anywhere. You and those like you, lost this election and will continue to lose, you are extremists, racists nd misogynists, just read this thread, it enough to turn any normal person's stomach.

Anonymous said...

Rcommal, yeah sure, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Remember, keep marchin' >>>>>>>>> and you women folk, make sure you march in the rear, like good little women. The men on the right want to make sure you can take a lickin' and keep on tickin, but above all, know your place>>>>> in the rear.

Dante said...

Dante fuck you, you don't get to demand anything from me, here there or anywhere. You and those like you, lost this election and will continue to lose, you are extremists, racists nd misogynists, just read this thread, it enough to turn any normal person's stomach.

"How do you write women so well?"

"I think of a man, and take away reason and accountability."

I am curious about one thing, where you married when you had your daughter, or was she an "Oops." Is her name Allie?

Putting the childishness aside, you had some reason to vote for Obama, some reason as to how he is going to make the US, or the world, a better place. Shouldn't it be straight-forward to express that?

Really, if I didn't have such contact with such amazing women, your argument might start making me think women are just plain stupid.

Like you've been telling everyone how they suck because so many people voted for Obama. So surely, the reasons ought to be easy for you to say? Or maybe not.

Mark said...

Pardon, coming to this late, but why do you think Obama had the little lamb doing all the face-time on this? So when the knives came out he could stand behind a woman and say "Have you no decency?"

Shameless really doesn't begin to describe our President.

Mark said...

Inga, you're being a tool. While there are trolls on the right, don't think that means there aren't monsters on the left.

And frankly, Obama is a monster (at least psychologically).

Anonymous said...

Dante, Allie Oop was my moniker before I changed it to Inga, my real name. When I did this it was no secret, and many here know why I did it. So what's your point?

You are a jerk, one of the biggest jerks here, so you can wear the honor proudly. And I pity the women you are associated with because you are a misogynist, that has been very evident in almost every thread you comment in.

Anonymous said...

Mark, you folks here in Althouse land become more deluded daily, it's truly sad to witness.

Dante said...


Did you have your daughter out of wedlock?

There is no shame in it. 42% of women in the US now do. And of single women, 79% do. They suck off the rest of society so they can wag their twats around, and have others pay for it.

Since you won't tell us what's so good about Obama, and this is one of the things he wants to encourage, what's wrong with attributing it to you?

It's all good, right?

Now, I'll tell you what's offensive. A stupid bitch who says "See, I'm right because others agree with me, you people are all stupid and assholes," without saying way.

It's easy for you to get out of this. Simply tell us, in your words, how Obama is going to make the US better. To a lot of people, that includes being able to work, feeling their kids are going to do better, and that it's not fake (alla big deficits).

So provide us some news here, Allie. Tell us how it's going to work over the next four years. If you are right, and everyone else is a doom-sayer, then you can dance and dance and I'll say "Congrats." Really, I will.

Dante said...

And of single women, 79% do.
voted for BHO. Sorry! I'm being quite serious in this. Even if you don't think so.

Mark said...

Weak, Inga.

1. CIA knew within hours that the attack was a pre-planned opperation.

2. That information went to the White House.

3. Something happened, and instead of terrorism the party line became that it was a spontaneous outburst.

4. Days later Ambassador Rice was sent to (as I recall) five Sunday talk shows where she was adamant that the incident was all about spontaneous rage.

So, Rice was either complicit in spreading a complete falsehood or she was used like a rented mule.

Really, there is nothing worse than growing old without growing up. Whatever, if you can't face truth honestly you're as bad as Ambassador Rice.

Anonymous said...

Dante, I have four children, three daughters and one son, all born in wedlock, fathered by one man, my husband, not that it's any business of yours.

I am widowed so, yes that would technically make me single, again none of your business. I worked over 30 years as a nurse, paid taxes for all those years, actually I worked from the time I was 15, again none of your business, except that you are trying to portray me as the "typical woman Obama voter", who you assume fits your prototype, of a "taker not a maker", what a dope you are.

Could you possibly be any bigger of an asshole?

chickelit said...

rcommal said...
Jesus, chickelit. Really?

Well, OK, then. Have at it with your choices (see 8:48). They won't make you better.

I look at Susan Rice and see a woman you must have lied or suppressed ideas and perhaps truth at the behest of someone else...I'm supposed to respect that--WTH? The matter is too grave to ignore--it's not a sex scandal--it's deaths.

I look at Susan Rice an see a privileged woman--I'm supposed to cut her slack for being a woman or being black--WTH?

Look who comes out to defend Rices's choices of expression she made on Sunday, 9/16/12...why are they mainly black women if not out of tribalism?--WTH?

Maybe it wasn't tribalism when Dick Cheney or other pasty dudes spoke up to defend the the other Rice.


Dante said...

Could you possibly be any bigger of an asshole?

What, by saying you might have had a kid out of Wedlock? Really, Inga, or Allie, whatever, that's so presumptuous on your part. I mean, after all, Obama is all for single moms, like Julia. You are being judgmental. You have no more moral authority than any hoe waddling her twat around to have kids on other people's labor.

You must agree with that, you voted for Obama. You voted for more of that. That's the reason, right, Allie? You want more hoes in the world sucking off the good people that keep it zipped.

dave in boca said...

To say Susan Rice was a simple talking head sent out to parrot silly twaddle and then defend her shows the caliber of the average Dem House member.

Of course, Patrick Murphy and Pelosi gloating about defeating Allen West saying he can go back to Georgia---no Republican would call that racism, even though it shows the crude buffoonish character of the average [actually daddy's boy Murphy is below average] Dem House member. Pelosi's tawdry behavior and idiotic remarks make her the Joe Biden of the House of Representatives.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dante, us hoes gonna take over your world, kick you scrawny ass to the curb, after we take all your money. Be scared, be real scared....

We're comin' for big bad white men like you!

hombre said...

garage wrote: If you watch the big caribou hunting special where it took her 5 shots to finally hit the caribou, you can find about 5 no-no's she committed in that short clip.

As I recall she said the sights were off, took a second rifle and dropped the animal. The sights later proved to be off.

If the story was as you tell it, it would have been a simple matter to edit the film to include only the killing shot, thereby saving the embarrassment of the misses. It was her show, after all.

Dante said...

Yeah Dante, us hoes gonna take over your world, kick you scrawny ass to the curb, after we take all your money. Be scared, be real scared....

We're comin' for big bad white men like you!

No, you will just get your brown shirts to do it for you. Really, Inga. Why don't you tell us what you expect the Obamao to do? Besides putting people in jail in the middle of the night to distract the public.

It's easy, you know. Tell you what. I will write down what I think will happen, and post it, right after you do, or even vice versa.

Here are the metrics I think are important:

% of part time workers who want to be full-time
Median Household Income
Per Capita costs for Health Insurance

Anything you want to add? I won't cheat! I promise.

Dante said...

Oh, and Debt! The things our kids have to pay off.

hombre said...

Inga wrote: Keep it up guys, next election the women's vote voting Democrat will be up to 65% instead of a mere 55%.

You're probably right, Inga. By that time the debt will be 20 trillion, unemployment will be rampant, the Middle East will be in flames, Iran will have nukes - maybe even suitcase nukes. But the price of birth control pills will be up to $15 a month and it will be the Republicans fault.

Go ladies! Bright Joe Biden will buy your pills. Vote Democrat!

Of course, by that time we will be Greece and it won't matter.

Dante said...

Actually, Inga, here are my predictions.

I think even the low would be a massive failure for the D administration. But you decide. Maybe you think this is good!:

GDP: + 4.5 percent real over four years (roughly 1% per year)
health care costs : + 1.5 K per capita
Median Income: UNCH (except for increased health care costs)
Debt: + $4T - $8T
Unemployment: 6% - 8%
Many more part time workers. 5% more, perhaps?

Now, save this, and you can beat me up when I'm wrong. These numbers SUCK. Maybe you have some that are reasonable? He's your guy, I don't have a lot of faith in him.

I think people that voted for him are stupid. Stand up for your man.

Dante said...

Note, these are real numbers, adjusted for inflation, except the health care, which is relative to median income.

Lydia said...

Inga: I’m curious to know if you were appalled by how the misogynists in the Democratic party and the media treated Sarah Palin in 2008. And, of course, still continue to do so to this day.

Seriously, honest question.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Please, don't touch the delicate liberal females in congress. They are diverse! and that makes you a racist. These delicate liberal females can lie about anything they want. You should just bow down and worship them.

X said...

republicans are assholes. do they know how hard it is for a black woman to get a job and advance in government?

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

And Althouse provides a blog post for the men folk to vent their spleens at black vaginas.

Keep it up guys, next election the women's vote voting Democrat will be up to 65% instead of a mere 55%.

a lot of women might view your view of other women as paternalistic. Did you ever question Palin's competence on these boards? I'f so then you're a hypocrite.if not, was it because she was a woman and you can't be critical of women?
What is women's lib to you? women should be treated as equals and get equal pay, but not have to actually deal with equal responsibility for their work?
We should treat women as equal and give them the same opportunity, but its back to women and chiden first if we're on a sinking ship?
You have a very strange sense of entitlement for women, but your criterion suggests they can't actually or shouldn't actually be able to make it to the Slhow.

jr565 said...

Inga wrote:

Remember, keep marchin' >>>>>>>>> and you women folk, make sure you march in the rear, like good little women. The men on the right want to make sure you can take a lickin' and keep on tickin, but above all, know your place>>>>> in the rear.

you seem to,want women to take their spot in the front, even if they aren't capable of it and want to hold people,accountable for criticizing them if they don't do the job well. (Andoif course you're resorting to rank sexism to make your case).
Why do you think women should have positions in the front. Because they earned that position, or because they're women?
I have no problem with women taking roles in govt. but unlike you I'm not sip uttering that because they are women they can't be confronted.

Tell me, what about Palin? what about Michelle Bachmann?
It seems like your standard is, if its a democrat then to question them is racist and sexist. But if its republicans, then those bitches are crazy and we can be as insulting as we want.

So not only are you arguing that women should be treated like dainty creatures who should get paid for top level jobs, but not have to deal with the responsibility of said jobs, you're an awful hypocrite about it.

jeyi said...

ref: "...Ones that didn't get pimped."

Yo, McTriumph, you nasty raciss!

Are you calling the POTUS a "pimp", or is that Rep. Gwen Moore to whom you refer... Although I have to say that the congresswoman would be really stunning in a day-glo purple, genuine-ermine-trimmed jumpsuit. But maybe President Obama not so much.

Anonymous said...

Inga, having read your comments I can only conclude in all candor that you are the poster girl for women that should never be hired. Touchy, profane and more trouble than you are worth.

Willys said...

When are they going to protest Obama's actions to pin Ms. Rice as his 'stooge'?

autothreads said...

Inga said...

I am widowed

He's in a better place now.

MaryLou Carter said...

Hi Ann

A timely and pertinent article and especially so for us here in Australia.

We have a female Prime Minister, leader of the government who attempts to avoid scrutiny and accountability through the parliamentary process by playing the gender card. She has branded as misogynist, a hater of women, the Leader of the Opposition, whose job it is to hold the government to account for its policies. A man who is married to a highly competent wife who runs a community child-care centre and a man who is the father of and three daughters and is the brother of three sisters who are no shrinking violets.

As a professional woman who has work successfully for over 35 years in what is essentially a 'man's world' I find this kind of thing demeaning to say the least.

Not only that it has put back the cause of women in public and political life half a century, calling into question the capacity of Australian women to be in leadership position simply because they are women and should not be subject to the same scrutiny and accountability as men

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