IN THE COMMENTS: rhhardin says:
I've listened to the audio at 0.35 speed and it's a precise "I've."...I disagree.
It's an east-coast kind of "n" ... sort of almost "i uh" like the "no" in "uh uh."rhhardin says:
"n" is voiced and there's no voicing in Biden's 've part.I note that I grew up in Delaware and I feel I understand the implied "n." And rh gives us his slowed down audio with repetition. I've listened, and I hear a sound after the "I" that I'm sure is the negative. There's this southern Jersey/northern Delaware/Philadelphia dropping of a sound that I can her. There's a muddled verb after the "I" that I just know. Rh says "Call in Language Log," and I will send an email. I think they will believe me. And not just for political reasons.
UPDATE: Language Log responds!
Yeah, and Neil Armstrong actually said, "That's one small step for a man, ..."
"I 'n' been" makes no sense in any short-cut speak that that I have ever heard or heard of.
As for the 'n' part of the vocal, I did not hear it in the recording.
That Biden is sooo sneaky with his stupid vernacular that no one else uses!
I heard it the way you did Althouse.
Come esta frijole, Joe. How you been?
1 heartbeat away.
"The question is... is 'are children learning'"
"The question is, 'is our children learning'"
The difference between a hilariously stupid remark and unclear speech often depends on the predispositions of the audience.
I figured he was like a lot of Internet commenters who carefully labor over their text but omit the crucial word "not" when submitting it.
It does make a difference.
Still a great lead, true or not. Romney would have been asked to explain for a week if it was his or Ryan's comment.
I'm with Althouse on this one. There is a mush up in there.
I've listened to the audio at 0.35 speed and it's a precise "I've."
Is there an audio that suggests otherwise?
No hint of n's.
Reminds me a bit of this.
Stupid gotcha is stupid.
Either way it's a stupid remark.
"No hint of n's."
It's an east-coast kind of "n" ... sort of almost "i uh" like the "no" in "uh uh."
Whether he misspoke or not, I'm tired of the silliness. Like Clarence Thomas almost being denied a seat on the court because he once said there was a pubic hair on his coke.
Who could survive this level of mean-spirited scrutiny? Anyone?
I hear it clearly every time I play it. Clear mush.
Ol Slow Joe long ago used up all the slack I was ever going to give him Ann. Obviously your mileage varies.
You're suggesting it's like Stooge Moe's "n-yuk n-yuk n-yuk?"
Hope to God I've quoted Moe correctly!
That's the Rhondda Valley dialect?
It sounds like "eye-ven-ben" to my ear.
Everyone in Scranton talks this way.
"n" is voiced and there's no voicing in Biden's 've part.
Did NBC edit the tape?
"Ann Althouse said...
I hear it clearly every time I play it. Clear mush."
I believe you think you hear it.
In any case, Biden proved he was malicious in his debate with Ryan. Palin was a far better VP choice in 2008. I look forward to his retirement next February. Having made so many mistakes, perhaps he can coach his son in politics.
We'll need to go back to all of Biden's previous gaffes and apply this working-class-syllable-mushing filter. We may discover that he's actually the most brilliant human being alive. Perhaps the most brilliant to ever live. Perhaps.
"I believe you think you hear it."
No, I'm just used to the way people talk in that part of the country.
I grew up in Delaware.
Nobody's giving Joe the benefit of the doubt.
Except Ann, kindly soul that she is.
Maybe we can get Brittany to translate.
I wasn't being kind. I was ready to laugh at him for another gaffe.
Isn't the contraction of "I have not" spelled, "I'ven't"?
Biden = I'ven't the Terrible?
It's like the way people say "I ay" for "I ain't" which is a distortion of "I am not."
I can clealy hear him saying the n-word under his breath.
I've listened to the audio at 0.35 speed and it's a precise "I've."
Engineer much?? Code or circuits?
Here's Biden at 0.35 speed repeating the phrase (.mp3, done with Total Recorder and sending output audio into input jack and recording it a few times)
I saw the link on Drudge and without even clicking on it I assumed it was as Ann described. And I think Biden is beyond an idiot.
here's Biden at 0.35 speed repeating the phrase (.mp3, done with Total Recorder and sending output audio into input jack and recording it a few times)
My brain "n-terpolates" the missing "n".
And if it's missing? This proves?
Where's Penny. I need a drink.
Here's Biden at 0.35 speed repeating the phrase (.mp3, done with Total Recorder and sending output audio into input jack and recording it a few times)
If that's Biden, Ann's right. But who cares about Biden? Every-time I think of him I see a ridiculous, smug, condescending grin at Ryan, now. And that was his doing.
LOL. I agree with Althouse 100% on this one. Sounds very familiar to me. I wonder if in the course of speech he threw out a "whutr" or other bit if Delawarese in there, too?? He sure as heck has the Delaware diphthong down.
Had to replay several times but, yeah, the mush is there.
More importantly, is he signaling the impending swan song?
Sorry, but Ann is right.
You can do whatever you want, rhhardin, but what he said was classic and not unique to him.
So, it was a "clean" & "articulate" statement?
Call in Language Log.
I watched it just now on TV and I think The Weekly Standard had it right.
Alan: Well, no! Heh.
Of course he's saying "There's never been a day in the last four years Iv'n'been proud to be his vice president."
I can hear it and I'm from Wyoming where people speak English with no accent what-so-ever.
I wish people would quit picking over the stupid stuff that dribbles out of Joe Biden's mouth.
This post has already given more thought to his drivel than he ever gave.
OK, let's say the NOT is in the mush.
It sure sounds like a retrospective comment, like he knows it's just about over, not like someone invigorated for another 4 years instead of 4 days.
I think our genial hostess is correct.
I know what he meant but I know what I heard too.
I tease my son all the time: Just because you're moving out there and not just visiting over the summer, it doesn't mean you can't retain your nice clean, Midwestern vowels and articulation! Just like my dad used to nag us when we first moved out there from the Midwest as kids. (Except that I always did talk way too fast.)
I hear the same thing Althouse hears. I'm also from Delaware; maybe Biden is talking in Delaware code!
"misheard"? Hahahahahaha...nice try
and Jeep is moving to China...
No way. I listened over and over. It's a gaffe...or is it? When you've lost Joe,... well you're probably doing something right.
This is enormous.
Total Game Changer.
And Biden is awful and stupid.
"Yea, but I always say what I mean." ~ J. Biden
Jeep ad is "factually defensible" and "technically correct" if you bothered to read the fact check instead of just the headline and Pinocchio count, you'd know that.
Mr. Biden was never "working class" as his biography will demonstrate.
Mr. Biden is an ex-Catholic having excommunicated himself by active support of elective abortion.
He was a "draft dodger" during the Viet Nam war.
He is "one heart beat" away from being POTUS.
--and Jeep is moving to China...--
Fiat decided to move part of it to Italy over a year ago.
No no no no no. The mainstream media really is unfair.
Vice presidentin' is hard!
Even Biden's voting for Romney.
You know who Hillary is voting for.
Occam's Razor. It's Joe Biden, for heaven's sake. A gaffe is the most likely explanation.
I accept Althouse's interpretation as a plausible way to hear Biden's words.
But please, Althouse, someone, anyone, help me interpret this (via Ace):
Axelrod: “I’ve known him for 20 years. We’ve worked closely for 10 years. I’ve never seen him more exhilarated than he is right now. He believes in what he’s doing. He believes in what he’s fighting for,” the senior campaign strategist said.
“You can see in the speech that he’s delivering — that he, that this is coming from his loins,” Axelrod declared, adding, “I just wanted to say loins. I wanted to see if I could get loins in the story.”
Sorry, I can't hear this 'n' of which you speak.
Still, it's not a big f'n deal, he just misspoke.
that he, that this is coming from his loins,
I don't know, I'm terribly tempted to make a terrible tasteless joke right now.
He's been jacking off and coming all over you, America.
Sorry for that image. I denounce myself. But how else are we to interpret Axelrod's words???
I accept Althouse's interpretation as a plausible way to hear Biden's words.
But please, Althouse, someone, anyone, help me interpret this (via Ace):
Axelrod: “I’ve known him for 20 years. We’ve worked closely for 10 years. I’ve never seen him more exhilarated than he is right now. He believes in what he’s doing. He believes in what he’s fighting for,” the senior campaign strategist said.
“You can see in the speech that he’s delivering — that he, that this is coming from his loins,” Axelrod declared, adding, “I just wanted to say loins. I wanted to see if I could get loins in the story.”
It's part of their juvenile narrative now. Didn't Biden promise "the whole load" two days ago?
Is that what made Chrissy's leg tingle? His loins?
Sorry for that image. I denounce myself. But how else are we to interpret Axelrod's words???
It could be that it just took a load off his mind. Does he write for Biden too?
So pathetic that any of you would stoop to this level to parse whatever the vice president says. He's a fucking moron, grow up and stop listening to slowed down audio so you can go nya nya. Fucking children.
On the other hand, he might just be an idiot.
No, he's a libtard.
No, he's a retard
How much more qualified was Dick Cheney than Biden. Can you imagine Biden being President. Is there anyone who thinks Biden is anything but a slightly above average intelligence blowhard with very little grasp of any important issue.
A thread like a series of belches.
Why waste time, laughing at an idiot's speech impediments? Makes no sense to me.
I didn't have to parse, stooped or otherwise. I've understood verbalizations akin to that for, oh, nigh in 40 years now. It took me one listen to recognize it. ; )
On the subject of last stands, Michael Barone joins Karl Rove in calling it for the Romster.
PS Much as I respect Mr Barone, whom I think a very astute man, I think the Romster will take the 5 states he gives to Barry.
Ann Althouse said...
I wasn't being kind. I was ready to laugh at him for another gaffe.
Yes, Madame, you were merely donning your Cruella Neutrality masque, but I give you credit for integrity and a good heart.
Stand up, Chuck! God luvya.
harrogate said...
A thread like a series of belches.
Taste the gusto!
Funny, Slowed Joe Biden sounds like drunk Jeff Goldblum!
And on the subject of foot-in-mouth disease, we have this sterling sentiment from David Axelrod.
@harrogate: I'll have you know that my "shudder" at 5:53 was an allusion to "Leda and the Swan."
Where is Synova?
"It's like the way people say "I ay"
I could see if you were Cockney, but .. c'mon.
So many other tasteless jokes come to mind. But I've got a bit of a reputation to maintain here (even under a pseudonym/ mask), so I'll resist. As an ostensible lady.
I'll have to make them elsewhere.
Joe said "I ain't been proud" with the "ain't" coming out without much n or t but certainly no v.
And on the subject of foot-in-mouth disease, we have this sterling sentiment from David Axelrod.
Are they girded or ungirded?
Which reminds me of the word "unbridled."
It's often used to describe a high level of enthusiasm.
But has anyone used the word "bridled" in reference to low enthusiasm?
But has anyone used the word "bridled" in reference to low enthusiasm?
In an equestrian context, yes.
@EDM: "Reckless" and "feckless" are two examples of what are called_____, words having fossilized antonyms.
The big question is whether Axelrod's gonna have to shave off his porn-stache if Obama loses Minnesota, Michigan or Pennsylvania?
Obama certainly has surrounded himself with creepy people. Axelrod, Carney, that creepy "hand" guy...
Yashu sighs: But I've got a bit of a reputation to maintain here (even under a pseudonym/ mask), so I'll resist. As an ostensible lady.
I thought the joke became you.
Clyde said...
The big question is whether Axelrod's gonna have to shave off his porn-stache if Obama loses Minnesota, Michigan or Pennsylvania?
His stoner high school photo was even better.
So pathetic that any of you would stoop to this level to parse whatever the vice president says. He's a fucking moron, grow up and stop listening to slowed down audio so you can go nya nya. Fucking children.
Maybe we're just having fun. Chill out.
Why try to parse it? This is just a chance for light-hearted, snarky banter amongst the commenters here...
So, either he did in fact say the n-word he intended but slurred it or he didn't say it.
So, he's drunk or stupid.
He's both.
I'm just glad it wasn't a conservative because, regardless of whether the word was enunciated or not, the liberals definitely would have heard the n-word.
Interestingly, they hear Biden saying it now. Maybe that is the difference between liberals and conservatives: liberals always hear the n-words and conservatives don't.
I thought the joke became you.
Heh. Thanks, I think?
No one can accuse me of lacking a smutty mind.
You bridle at a cutting or demeaning comment. Bridle and bristle are close in meaning.
All ya need is Dick "the genius" Morris calling it for Romney the Liar...
That Methadras comment is so out of character I figure he ate something that's backing up on him, or repeating on him, or speeding up on him.
ricpic said...
That Methadras comment is so out of character I figure he ate something that's backing up on him, or repeating on him, or speeding up on him.
Whichever end it came out, it was nasty.
Gaffes are stupid. Let's stop spending time on them.
V is also voiced.
machine said...
and Jeep is moving to China..
No. Italy.
You haven't been paying attention.
machine said...
and Jeep is moving to China..
No. Italy.
You haven't been paying attention.
"I grew up in Delaware."
I have serious doubts about whether Delaware even exists. It sounds made up.
That Methadres comment seems completely in character based on the comments of the last few days. Maybe he/she/its off his/her/it's meds.
You would spend political time on the gaffe because it polarizes the electorate and makes them think. Then when you own "foot in mouth" time comes around and the media tries to backdoor you again, then you can say "Well not as bad as Joe Biden". People will then intuitively cut you more slack. Instead of wholeheartedly agreeing with the media.
This is the OBama way.
EMD said...
Maybe we're just having fun. Chill out.
Maybe you are. Forget I said anything.
This is very silly the way this is being parsed out.
Yet, I'm fascinated by it.
I simply hear "I ehhhhhh been..."
But by the length of the "ehhhhh," I would conclude it's a very crude "haven't."
ricpic said...
That Methadras comment is so out of character I figure he ate something that's backing up on him, or repeating on him, or speeding up on him.
11/2/12 6:37 PM
Blogger chickelit said...
ricpic said...
That Methadras comment is so out of character I figure he ate something that's backing up on him, or repeating on him, or speeding up on him.
Whichever end it came out, it was nasty.
I pull the stick outta my ass. Now I can flow free. There, you happy? Oh, and I had a carne asada burrito today from my favorite taco shop. Maybe that did it.
Rusty said...
"No. Italy.
You haven't been paying attention."
"No. Italy.
You ehhhhh been paying attention."
I hear the N pretty clearly but much less so when it is slowed down...for some reason. I think cadence is important to this particular accent.
You know, this could create a precedent for some dubiously ambiguous representations.
"I ehhhhh been withholding important facts concerning the events that transpired in Benghazi."
I hear it the way Althouse hears it.
There is a peculiar way people in south Jersey talk.
I hear it all the time.
"The question is, 'is our children learning'"
I think you mean:
The question am "is our children learning"
Did rh "spread out" the Integrity Kinetic Energy of a Biden supposed gaffe?
You know who Hillary is voting for.
Herself, as a write-in?
I knew Sunday was the turning point as Sunday was going on.
You see, I voted for Romney on Friday.
I knew Obama would lose. BUT, I was thinking of SANDY all day Saturday. You can check this blog.
Then on Sunday when I found out that Obama was heading back to DC from FL, I immediately came up with a few scenarios:
- Obama gets a great photo-op.
- He undos the damage he caused in Benghazi, just like that. Like a fart in the wind.
- Press goes wild. Political orgasm at NYT, NPR, and PBS.
I knew this was going to happen on Monday. On Tuesday, I got SCARED.
On Wednesday I could not even eat.
Now, on Thursday, every-thing I thought and said on this blog happened.
On top of that, Bloomberg endorsed Obama. Why? It is not easy to forget that Mike wants the Treasury job. BUT, now Climate Change problem-solver will be Obama. His 2nd term plan is that. He got a peace prize for his potential. He made it without even doing anything, just a photo-op.
Christie was an idiot. He should have asked Romney to visit. And, Romney is an idiot. Did he not realize on Friday that with Sandy coming, Obama would use it for his own photo-op?
Never trust Obama to do anything for USA sake. It is all about him.
Why did GOP screw up by not aggressively working on Sandy?
Why did GOP not realize on Sunday the events of Mon through Thurs?
Why must I be thinking ahead and not anyone from the GOP?
I'm from South Jersey/Phila, and grew up saying "I'm thirsty, I need some 'wooder'". I saying "I haven't" people with a heavy accent (remember Biden is not from around here, but from Scranton) would drop the first "H" in "haven't" and the "T" (e.g., "I 'aven"), but there would be three syllables.
Maybe we're just having fun. Chill out.
Meth needs to drop the meth and start smoking some dope. He lives in CA right? It can't be that hard to find. I'm almost positive. Heard it from a friend.
Just listen to Robbie Robertson's guitar on Hazel. Nasty.
Definitely "haven't".
Which incidentally sounds like a much bigger gaffe to me and is a damning statement on Biden's judgment or character.
I feel I understand the implied "n."
I think the rule for some time has been you have to actually say your n-words; if other people claim to understand one was implied, that's on them.
I bet it's exciting for Obama to have Biden as his VP. Very suspenseful.
Maybe that's the real problem: Obama is an adrenaline junkie. Biden for VP. Crazy debt. Bizarre foreign policy. It's a rush.
Freeman you may have something there.
FWIW, Freeman and wyo sis, that doesn't make sense to me.
Q "What is the name of the big hurricane?"
Joe Biden: "Sadie"
Althouse: “Biden said ‘Sandy’ in Delaware-ese.
OOPS Close quote after Delaware-ese
This is the sort of thing that makes conservatives look as looney and brain-addled as liberals.
He clearly was saying "I haven't been" in his faux working-man accent.
What might a person who thinks he's the smartest person in any room do? A person who allows himself to be repeatedly photographed with a halo? Who flips leaders from the opposite side off with not-so-stealth hand gestures?
He might toy with failure and see how far he can push his charisma, with the added buzz of knowing how hard people are working to prop him up, just for thrills and giggles.
rcommal, sorry. We might have been too dry. Don't really think Obama resembles an adrenaline junkie in any way.
No. A phrase like that involving a double negative, for a crowd, requires - it is an absolute necessity - that the words I HAVEN'T BEEN get extra emphasis, not diminishment. You need to drive home that double negative to fire up the crowd. His voice rose, but he dropped the phrasing. Oops.
A freudian slip, or a tell.
Forget the audio analysis. Why did Joe think that such a statement was even necessary?
One other comment is that, pulled out of context, the statement sounds like something Biden would say after an Obama defeat in the election.
It carries that tone of, "Well, it's been a great four years, and I've been proud to serve... blah, blah, blah."
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