"... for probation violations in an unrelated matter, then issued a provocative statement through his attorney."
The statement, delivered through his lawyer was: "President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology." The lawyer professed not to understand the statement. That is, the man had a lawyer, and the lawyer held him at a distance. How hard is it to understand the statement? But it's dangerous to have such a statement sticking to you, and the lawyer acted accordingly.
And now Obama has his very own Prisoner of Conscience. He must feel complete now.
A lawyer cannot reasonably claim both to speak for a client and to fail to understand what the client wants to say. The lawyer could claim to speak on the client's behalf without the client's say-so. That's pretty dubious here.
Bin Laden may be dead
but Al Qaeda is alive?
He could not afford a partisan filter (snark)
Well, there's at least one guy put behind bars for this whole Benghazi fiasco.
That scene sounds like something out of The Trial.
How exactly is that statement provocative? Is there any person at all who could believe that the ideology that led to September 11th was entirely attributable to a single person?
How exactly is that statement provocative?
Not sure, but it certainly seems to have provoked the government.
How many tens of thousands of parole violators are walking the streets without being prosecuted. The guy who stole my wife's car is currently a parole violator - not that anyone cares.
This may be the application of the law, but its application in this case is arbitrary and surely for no reason other than politics.
Law not consistently enforced exists only for the benefit of exercising state power rather than the administration of justice.
President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden, but he didn't kill the ideology
"How exactly is that statement provocative?"
I'll take a stab at it.
The prisoner contradicts the two time president Obama by saying that the ideology is more dangerous than its founder.
If he is in jail... he must have done something.
Well this guy is wrong.
President Obama shares the ideology of Osama Bin Laden.
"The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
So, the guy who mocked the Prophet Mohammed declared that Obama didn't kill the ideology of Bin Laden?
Is that to say his motive in creating the video was a smoke screen to provoke or establish a pretext for consulate protests that, in turn, provide cover for the terrorist attack in Benghazi?
President Obama shares the ideology of Osama Bin Laden.
But, Obama killed Bin Laden...
So, whatever they "shared" is in the hands of an state arbitrator... or something.
Oh, provocative... provocative...
How about this?
Obama killing Bin Laden was a hostile takeover... a hijacking of Islam.
Geez Luise, how come nobody use this guy when it counted ;)
Tough crowd.
To remember the guy's name think of koala bears and nickels and silly basses.
Then you can recall it when needed and roll the name off your tongue and impress all your interlocutors at once and win their admiration on the spot if not their resentment and also a point! But don't dwell on your minor polemical victory rather graciously glide on and your peers will be more inclined to attribute greater grasp and breadth of facts than you actually posses, by way of halo effect. Score!
How To Be a Schmuck by Chip Ahoy page 224.
The ideology that the left and orthodox Islam share is totalitarianism. Both are imperial in nature, in that their ambitions are global (as opposed to the national regimes) spread through subjugation of subjects and infidels. Both have an extraordinary history of violence to force a consensus. The former was especially active throughout the 20th century, but the consequences of their policies continue to reverberate in the 21st century.
Anyway, the relation between left-wing ideology and imperial ambitions is already well known. What's important to note is that the AP is still attempting to manipulate people to believe that a commonly available video criticizing Islam was the impetus for the violation of American sovereign territory in Egypt, the death of four Americans in Libya, and presumably the apology offered by our government. However, no mention that Islam spread through the sword and occupation of lands, including Egypt, Libya, etc.
So much for First Amendment rights. It seems those rights are reserved for criticizing a common enemy, principally Jews and Christians.
Oh for the love of Allah.
The film did not lead to violence. Peddle that myth someplace else.
The violence was planned by terrorists. Obama and crew latched on to Film Created Violence for cover.
It's dangerous to hold anything against the Magic Negro.
Fuck Obama. And the retards that voted for him.
People kill people who have the same ideology all the time.
Robespierre and Danton.
Lenin and Trotsky.
Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster.
They fall out and somebody gets two behind the ear.
Peddle that myth someplace else.
You mean its free on Kindle?
And we in California are letting out hardened criminals out of prison with years of time left to serve.
Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster.
That was black widow / love gone bad type deal.
Mark said...
And now Obama has his very own Prisoner of Conscience. He must feel complete now.
The scumbag was in jail for identity theft, credit card theft, opening 60 bank accounts under stolen names for check fraud.
After the scumbag drew attention to himself using the internet, a false name in direct violation of his probation...when the Prophet bashing video came out...probation officers found 6 passports under other people's names, credit cards under other's IDs, other false legal documents.
Along with a declaration he hoped it, the video, would result in the harm and death of Americans to show how violent Muslims were.
Prisoner of conscience my ass.
I'd love to see Obama
s Administration go after him on being an undesirable alien who has been a criminal harming Americans from the day he arrived as a "refugee". Deport him. With his acquired citizenship stripped and Nakoula or Youssef or Bacile shipped back to Egypt for what will not be a very welcoming reception.
Or he can just sit down with the Feds and spill on who his foreign and domestic financers were.
Cooperate - cut his scumbag jail time down, and no one-way ticket to the mercies of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mark said...
And now Obama has his very own Prisoner of Conscience. He must feel complete now.
The scumbag was in jail for identity theft, credit card theft, opening 60 bank accounts under stolen names for check fraud.
After the scumbag drew attention to himself using the internet, a false name in direct violation of his probation...when the Prophet bashing video came out...probation officers found 6 passports under other people's names, credit cards under other's IDs, other false legal documents.
Along with a declaration he hoped it, the video, would result in the harm and death of Americans to show how violent Muslims were.
Prisoner of conscience my ass.
I'd love to see Obama
s Administration go after him on being an undesirable alien who has been a criminal harming Americans from the day he arrived as a "refugee". Deport him. With his acquired citizenship stripped and Nakoula or Youssef or Bacile shipped back to Egypt for what will not be a very welcoming reception.
Or he can just sit down with the Feds and spill on who his foreign and domestic financers were.
Cooperate - cut his scumbag jail time down, and no one-way ticket to the mercies of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Vince Foster...
Was that the last time an adviser/white house counsel committed suicide?
It might come up on Jeopardy... I want to be sure.
It might have been the only time... in which case Double Jeopardy would seal it.
This guy isn't exactly Salman Rushdie.
This guy isn't exactly Salman Rushdie.
The Satanic Verses was ahead of The Vampire Chronicles, the Diaries, and the Twilight franchise.
He just didn't claim the credit..
Lets see... I guess I'm quoting a bible now.
37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?
38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You?
39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’
40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
I don't think the bible fits on a Kindle.
The Bible fits on a Kindle.
I'd say the lawyer doesn't want an Islam hit out on him.
@Cedarford. You have to admit the timing is exquisite.
The media will not give up on the movie leading to violence nonsense. They are as blind and clueless as the government.
He's going to have lots of company in the next 4 years.
Dictator Zero will need many scapegoats.
Israel has to be thrilled with re-election of team Zero (gag).
Stalinist political theater. Everyone must play their part.
The new American justice. If you please dear leader you can get away with anything(Fast and Furious). But if you displease dear leader(this schmuck) it's a year in the federal pen.(in a charge unrelated)
"The Rule of Law is what I say it is." BHO
I'll take a stab at it.
The prisoner contradicts the two time president Obama by saying that the ideology is more dangerous than its founder.
Ironically, Obama is insuring that people who used to respect law and order do not do so any longer. We watch rights being trampled by our Dear Leader and wonder why ANYBODY should be so foolish as to follow the rules.
I remember when we had freedom of speech, maybe I was just deluded.
"But it's dangerous to have such a statement sticking to you, and the lawyer acted accordingly."
I'm not religious, but I would urge all those who are to fully embrace this incentive system. C'mon Christians, be the mortal danger to us all that you've been made out to be. Then let the jackasses who feared you and gave no thought to radical Islamists LEARN (they seem to have difficulty learning).
Well, all I know is that I'd like to make a video saying something unpleasant about Mohammad while drawing a quick, cartoonish illustration, but I'm scared that every organ of the Obama administration will denounce me on an international stage and use all the information and resources at its disposal to find some way to arrest me. I guess for the liberals who voted for Obama, that's more of a feature than a bug.
Where is my friend Pogo?
The Bible fits on a Kindle.
My Kindle is not as big as yours ;)
Lyssa said...
How exactly is that statement provocative? Is there any person at all who could believe that the ideology that led to September 11th was entirely attributable to a single person?
According to our board mouth breathers it was all George Bush's fault.
Fire don't melt steel, baby!
I question the timing. And the AP is still pretending Sept 11 was related to the video.
Inside baseball.. let me explain.
Way back there was the heavens and the earth... too long... let me sum up.
Yesterday morning, after, the professor summarized her previous night thoughts thru the comment of our pall Palladian... and then she encouraged us (hurricane Obama survivors) to 'tend our garden' which we could find on Kindle.
Some people thought that their tipping point / the proverbial last straw and got personal.
So, I've been on a (humorous?) Kindle kick since.
Yet another Stalinist show trial. The American court system is utterly corrupt. The regime is illegitimate and lawless. Welcome to the Gulag.
He was betrayed by his lawyer, but since it's not trial related, it's probably not "unethical."
I can't help but wonder, though, how different public discourse might be if we had a press that respected the role of the press.
Mine is not as big as yours... was a response president Obama gave to Mitt Romney during the second debate when Romney thought to challenge Obamas assertions that Romney was somehow less than American for having foreign bank accounts... Romney's challenge thusly.. 'you dont have foreign accounts'?
To which Obama responded 'mine is not as big as yours'... a double entendre... the grotesque spectacle of American presidential candidates channeling Hugo Chavez... on and on.
Just remember, we each commit, on average, three felonies a day. Nobody is safe.
Poor lawyer. What an unfortunate spot to be in. If only the guy had access to a YouTube channel, he could've done it without his lawyer.
Don't Explain
Hopefully we will have some commenters back, near (conservatives) and far (liberals) now that the episode is over.
Hillary Clinton will no doubt be calling Mr. Woods to let him know that the administration has followed through on its promise to arrest the offending video-maker. I'm sure that he'll be so relieved that the person responsible for his son's murder has been "brought to justice."
I should have used the word sought... Romney sought to challenge Obamas assertions... instead of thought to challenge Obamas assertions.
Soon Comrades, soon.
The administrations apparatchiks will arrive and point us to the right path in our thinking.
Sendero Luminoso!
We will have MANY more terrorist attackes now that they see Obama will do nothing.
Yes the ideolgoy is still prevailent and they will find weaknesses in our security (just look at the Mexican border.)
Hope you like yoir change you voted for.
Martin Lawrence, doing a television character said...
"Me and my po are tight"
"Dangerous?" As in someone who doesn't like your opinion might prosecute you and/or kill you?
This really is all about the First Amendment. Ann?
CBS was still going on about the video "causing violence all through the Middle East" last night, so they are still sticking to that story.
(For those who have forgotten: The video was used as pretext for the initial "riot" in Cairo, the riots in other cities came later after word spread that this was the thing to do to irritate the Americans.)
As for the lawyer, he may just have wanted to be cautious and not get the judge down on him for contempt of court, or whatever.
"I'm not religious, but I would urge all those who are to fully embrace this incentive system. C'mon Christians, be the mortal danger to us all that you've been made out to be. Then let the jackasses who feared you and gave no thought to radical Islamists LEARN (they seem to have difficulty learning)."
We Christians can't do it. We are called to love our neighbor AND our enemy. When we step it up , and we will, we will not kill but die as martyrs.
Card. Francis George of Chicago said "I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square."
This "film maker," let's be honest, is a tough sell as a victim. (Parenthetically, why is this douchebag in this country at all?).
On the other hand, these parole violations, while probably true, were an obvious pretext to arrest him for the crime of speaking. C-4 is smart enough to know this; I don't know why she insists on ignoring it.
It is not for "the crime of speaking" exactly, this guy's video had not been seen or heard of until after it had become a pretext for others' political maneuverings, and that is what is so bad about his prosecution.
C4 may be right about the guy being a criminal douchebag that amply deserves prosecution and conviction, but that is not what he is being prosecuted for.
He is just a nobody no-account that can be picked up, brandished, and discarded without a second thought by our Government.
And that is frightening.
Free Yussef!
Point Number One: President BaraCk Obama and his administration must face Keen Justice for his cowardly treason. What President has ever done such a thing: isolating an American citizen, charging and condemning him to the world (!) for the Crime of expressing sneering opinions in a crude video. (The tweets out of Egypt consulate the night of sept. 11 deserve a fresh review for the heinous posture they reveal of this administration.)
For this one event, scapegoating and throwing away our freedoms FIRST, the Obama presidency must be brought down.
Point Number two:
From the APStory:
" 'This is a defendant who has engaged in a long pattern of deception,' Dugdale said. 'His dishonesty goes back years.' "
So he keeps himself disguised from official view as much as possible, who can blame him now for that?
Our freedoms are not Real unless they are for the lousy and tawdry, the least and worst among us.
God help any one of us who trips over the Line and becomes the easy target to be thrown to the Barbarians. We must watch that we don't alert this administration to our candidacy for the daily Hate, because once they choose to lean over and click on the rest of our electronic history, the rest is easy.
Is Molly Norris still alive? Is she possibly in prison to keep her "safe"? Will this man be safe in prison?
I think this is the battle for our times, and Liberalism in its most glorious, broad definition, is losing.
And to recap: This president must be brought down for this.
Tank said...
This "film maker," let's be honest, is a tough sell as a victim.
Heroes of the First Amendment rarely are. Whether we care about that says a lot about us as a culture.
We already know liberals cannot be depended on to stand up for liberal values (your typical liberal couldn't name a liberal value). And we know that Conservatives (Classical Liberals) will argue for liberal values, but will they stand up, really stand up, for them?
I suggest that the defendant claim "inadequate council". Certainly, that lawyer is most ignorant of Islam and its history of murderous aggression towards all others.
Having been a Probation & Parole worker, at a professional level, and a hearing officer in revocation cases, I know that "alternatives to revocation" must be explored and considered. This man was and is a victim of White House jihad.
Pawlack - Having been a Probation & Parole worker, at a professional level, and a hearing officer in revocation cases, I know that "alternatives to revocation" must be explored and considered. This man was and is a victim of White House jihad.
1. Having been in the probation system, you know that "alternatives to revocation" are a checklist item - no trial - just legal admin. "YES/NO - is the scumbag still harmful to the general public?" Robber on probation caught with a gun - toast. Drug deal caught selling again - toast. Felon bank fraud and ID theft scumbag caught with 6 forged passports, credit cards under alias???? Also toast.
2. Naukoula/Bacile/Youssef is a career criminal. Within a month of getting out of jail, back to his usual criminal modus operandi. He was working a new con under several false IDs, using the Internet to solicit for his con game...all without knowledge of his probie officer. (Who the 1st Amendment Hero obviously couldn't notify because he was violating probation)
3. The fact he gave an interview Sept 12th saying he was an Israeli and all his financiers were Israeli and they hoped the video would incite Islamists to hurt and kill Americans - is not a mitigation factor for The 1st Amendment Hero.
4. The Feds have an obvious interest. Outside Bebghazi, where the video was only used to stoke up Jihadis before their pre-planned mission - you had the video as the prime vehicle the Islamists used to stoke up mobs, partially destroy 3 embassies (Cairo, Tunisia, Yemen) with tens of millions of dollars in damage and hundreds of Americans in diplomatic or private ventures overseas put at rish of their lives.
The Feds have a valid interest in investigating the financiers that apparantly were in communication with Bacile/Nakoula/Youssef while he was still in jail. Were they foreigners out to harm Americans, or Americans that wanted our embassies to burn??
The lawyer was asked by the blockheaded journolist "what does that [the statement] mean?" An appropriate response would be that the meaning of the statement is self-evident. Instead, the lawyer inserted his own opinion/persona by expressly distancing himself from the obvious statement.
I know several dimwits who kept insisting during the Bush years that the answer to this whole 9/11 thing would be to kill Osama bin Laden, "cut off the head of the snake," (and Booosh was obviously not up for doing that ergo Booosh Bad). Well, obviously, this same illogic prevails in the mindless and pointing out, or even acknowledging, its fallacy is forbidden and dangerous.
This "film maker," let's be honest, is a tough sell as a victim.
Hey, you want "tough sell" 1st amendment vicctims? Google "Skokie first amendment case."
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