November 10, 2012

"Obama seems to be a nice man, and that is precisely the problem... It's better to have a sheep in wolf's clothing than a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Said Julian Assange.

That stood out to me this morning as I'm trying to understand the resignation of David Petraeus, who — as discuss in an earlier post — "presided over a moderation of the CIA's controversial drone program to take into greater account diplomatic sensitivities, a shift that sometimes put him at odds with the head of the agency's Counterterrorism Center."


Pastafarian said...

Accused rapist and admitted anarchist Assange thinks Obama seems like a great guy...that seems about right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The Republican party has not been an effective restraining force on government excesses over the last four years.

"There is no reason to believe that will change - in fact, the Republicans will push the administration into ever greater excesses."

You mean to tell me the corrupt communists who run the democrat party are all-powerful? Rejoice, voters. We don't have power and corruption running DC, we have out of control un-stoppable power and corruption running DC.

jungatheart said...

So maybe the Petraeus thing is not about not rescuing the four dead, as much as botched intel/security that lead to the mission's (consulate's) compromise. It has been said that the mission was a CIA operation, possibly distributing Kadafi's old weapons to Syria.

bagoh20 said...

"Obama seems to be a nice man."

Where does this come from? Based on what? And, why is it always necessary to say it, right before you point out something obvious about him?

I'm not saying he his or isn't, but it says something when you always need to do that. It a kind of "Bless his heart".

Writ Small said...

Pastafarian - read again.

madAsHell said...

I think he's more like an abusive boyfriend, or a prodigal son.....and women are always happy to hear his next excuse.

pm317 said...

Pastafarian, he is saying Obama is not a nice guy. It takes one to know one.

Wince said...

One of the mistakes Romney made early on in the campaign was to suggest that Obama was a "nice guy".

Why Romney deleted the line "He's a nice guy".

"Indeed, facing what the [Romney] and his aides believe to be a series of surprisingly ruthless, unfounded, and unfair attacks..."

Hey, what's Obama to do? Mitt doesn't have any sealed divorce records.

And that's what Romney should focus on...

the fact that Obama isn't and has never been a nice guy.
7/18/12 5:10 PM


Palladian said...

Oh, it's Ass-angel again.

pm317 said...


it is the brand, the persona that the media mfuxxers have created since day one. Then again you knew that already. People who don't pay attention think anything else is conspiracy and tin foil and Obama people are banking on that. It is like robbing in daylight right before your eyes. As Palladian said on the other thread, he sounds more like 'Roger'.

edutcher said...

And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

effinayright said...

Free clue to Assange and all the other "likeability" clowns: Obama is not a nice man. He is a Chicago thug, with thuggish attitudes and thuggish political tactics.

Common thread: he is a THUG.

sakredkow said...

Somebody will have to read it to Pastafarian.

sakredkow said...

And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

Man, you can't even wait until the comments are full before going the full Godwin.

sakredkow said...

It's okay. You guys can have Assange on your team.

garage mahal said...

And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

Hmm, I know someone here that likes kids, dogs, and blondes too :-)

somefeller said...

Assange is just pissy because Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock lost.

rhhardin said...

Obama is a community organizer in president's clothing.

MartyH said...

Does anyone remember who said this, "It's time to stop talking about the election and have our lives be about love and beauty."?

And yet, instead of the pace of events slacking off after the election, they've accelerated: Petraeus, Iranian drones, DOW off 400 points, a slew of layoffs announced.

Obama's got his own inescapable vortex...

edutcher said...

phx said...

And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

Man, you can't even wait until the comments are full before going the full Godwin.

Somebody's a little sensitive about comparisons.

Considering his little Messiah let 4 men die and went back to bed.

garage mahal said...

And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

Hmm, I know someone here that likes kids, dogs, and blondes too :-)

Yes, but I like Jews and Catholics and black people, also.

And I've never killed anybody.

ElPresidenteCastro said...

Prof. Althouse,

Don't you have an Obama is Satan tag?

Rabel said...

Some of you are misreading Assange's statement. He does not think Obama is a nice man, and acknowledges the deception in Obama's public image.

CWJ said...

"Stalin was a poet who loved his people. And he had blue eyes."

Irene said...

Obama is like Jimmy Carter.

mtrobertsattorney said...

The time line runs something like this:

The administration comes up with the story that the attacks in Bengazi were caused by a spontaneous mob response to some video no one every heard of.

At about the same time, the CIA section chief on the ground in Bengazi undercuts the administration's story and reports that the attack was orchestrated, planned and well-organized--no mention of a video. This report is the most persuasive and best evidence as to what was going on there.

Some time later (three or four days later?), Petraeus, ignoring the on the scene report of his section chief, testified before congress backing up the video story 100%.

This is where blackmail becomes a plausible explanation for Petraeus'testimony. Why would he ignore the best evidence available
(eye witness evidence by a credible source no less)and adopt the administration's bizarre and laughable explanation for the attack?

mtrobertsattorney said...

The time line runs something like this:

The administration comes up with the story that the attacks in Bengazi were caused by a spontaneous mob response to some video no one every heard of.

At about the same time, the CIA section chief on the ground in Bengazi undercuts the administration's story and reports that the attack was orchestrated, planned and well-organized--no mention of a video. This report is the most persuasive and best evidence as to what was going on there.

Some time later (three or four days later?), Petraeus, ignoring the on the scene report of his section chief, testified before congress backing up the video story 100%.

This is where blackmail becomes a plausible explanation for Petraeus'testimony. Why would he ignore the best evidence available
(eye witness evidence by a credible source no less)and adopt the administration's bizarre and laughable explanation for the attack?

virgil xenophon said...

pm317 about sums t up. "Manufactured" IS the key word. Even Obama's own WH confidants have on-the-record but not-for attribution have admitted he is a cold fish who doesn't really like people. But even more than that, he is a prick of an obnoxious ass-hole. Only a total prick would publically give the finger (twice) to a political opponent. Wores, however, is the fact that he was secure in the knowledge that he could get away with it because he was the Magic Negro that all too many had too much personal faith and political capital invested in. And let me defend edutcher about Hitler--who was unfailingly polite, made great dinner-table/cock-tail party small talk, loved dogs and was indeed widely lionized/defended for those very traits pre-war by not only Germans but most of the West's journalists. The parallels with Obama are hard to miss. All one has to do is look at old news-reels of adoring crowds of fawning star-struck women pressing bougues of roses upon him in droves at public gatherings to understand the effect charismatic, narcissistic power has on women. Both Google AND You Tube have LOTS of examples of women declaring their desire to have sex with Obama. Need I say more? And all of this is supposed to validate/justify him as the "Leader of the Free World?" He's such a "great/nice guy?" Going Godwin? Comparing Obama to Hitler insofar as "nice guy" manufactured reputations were used to advance their cause? If the shoe fits..

AF said...

Professor Althouse, you have officially entered tin hat territory.

The clear implication of this post is that some sort of malicious act by President Obama personally is behind the Petraeus resignation. The evidence for that is precisely zero. It is, in fact, an irresponsible and unhinged accusation.

To be clear, it is legitimate to have questions about the relationship between Petraeus's resignation and Benghazi, or the drone program. What is irresponsible is to attribute it to a malicious act by President Obama with zero evidence.

Writ Small said...

If you're on the left and cannot see Obama the wolf or you are on the right and cannot see Obama the sheep, best to refrain from calling attention to this fact.

Darrell said...
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Known Unknown said...

Hmm, I know someone here that likes kids, dogs, and blondes too :-)

He was talking about Meade, right?

Or does Meade hate kids?

pm317 said...

Obama supporters on this board are so fucking naive or stupid. Take your pick.

sakredkow said...

Somebody's a little sensitive about comparisons.

You get called on your usual bullshit and I'm "sensitive."

You're such a deflector edutcher.

test said...

AF said...
Professor Althouse, you have officially entered tin hat territory.

The clear implication of this post is that some sort of malicious act by President Obama personally is behind the Petraeus resignation. The evidence for that is precisely zero. It is, in fact, an irresponsible and unhinged accusation.

To be clear, it is legitimate to have questions about the relationship between Petraeus's resignation and Benghazi, or the drone program. What is irresponsible is to attribute it to a malicious act by President Obama with zero evidence.

This is nonsense driven by an obsessive need to defend Obama. First, no conclusions were drawn. Second, if you agree more information is necessary you have to be able to envision the possibilities. Otherwise you can gather no evidence to prove or disprove those possibilties.

The commenter would have us believe that envisioning the possibilities is drawing a conclusion, but if that's the case there is no possible way to have any investigation without predrawn conclusions. This is just wrong. If it's not an illlogical response driven by emotion the other possibility is an attempt to delegitimize the investigation, at least within the commenter's mind.

Paul said...
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Paul said...

"Common thread: he is a THUG."

Saddam Hussein was a thug. Al Capone was a thug. Stalin was a thug. Dangerous men who were stone killers and fearless.

Obama is a lighweight perfumed prince surrounded thug wannabees doing thuggish things. In a cage match with Saddam you would see what a spindly little pussy Obama is.

sakredkow said...

Saddam Hussein was a thug. Al Capone was a thug. Stalin was a thug. Dangerous men who were stone killers and fearless.

Obama is a lighweight perfumed prince surrounded thug wannabees doing thuggish things. In a cage match with Saddam you would see what a spindly little pussy Obama is.

This is such disturbed thinking on so many levels. Where do you guys get this shite?

"In a caged match with Saddam..."

LOL! You have to be a teenager, right?

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AF said...

Marshal: The fact that there are questions does not mean that every hypothesis is reasonable.

It is legitimate to ask whether Petraeus's decision to resign or the timing of his resignation were influenced by factors in addition to his affair.

However, the hypothesis that his resignation was personally engineered by Obama is absurd.

pm317 said...

In view of all the current stink about Obama which is not at all surprising, Romney looks so clean, capable, and naive. We were naive to think that a man of his integrity and kindness would win and try to do some good for this country. Yeah, the ladyparts people feared he would become an Akin or some other such fool while they voted for this other guy who could kill with his smile (or is it his drone?). What stupidity!

garage mahal said...

The fact that there are questions does not mean that every hypothesis is reasonable.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"presided over a moderation of the CIA's controversial drone program to take into greater account diplomatic sensitivities, a shift that sometimes put him at odds with the head of the agency's Counterterrorism Center."

Capturing and extracting information is immoderate... killing them with drones is immoderate...

We are all moderates now.

Paul said...

"This is such disturbed thinking on so many levels. Where do you guys get this shite?

"In a caged match with Saddam..."

LOL! You have to be a teenager, right?"

Calling this pussy a thug is ridiculous. If you didn't have your tongue permanently attached to his scrotum you would realize this.

That picture of him like a shrunken dwarf in the situation room when they "took out Bin Laden" says it all.

Only a society that has worked assiduously to emasculate men could describe Obama as a "thug".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No wonder Obama dosent even use the word terror.

sakredkow said...

this other guy who could kill with his smile (or is it his drone?)

Romney unequivocally gave his support for the drone program. No daylight between his and Obama's position on drones.

pm317 said...

@paul:Obama is a lighweight perfumed prince surrounded thug wannabees doing thuggish things. In a cage match with Saddam you would see what a spindly little pussy Obama is.

I have it, I have it.. he is the one who is being blackmailed and he in turn blackmails others. I could go with that theory too.

pm317 said...
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sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyo sis said...
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Hagar said...

However, the hypothesis that his resignation was personally engineered by Obama is absurd.

Well, whaddayaknow! I agree with AF on something!

In the Obama adminstration it has long been apparent that every department or agency, and indeed individuals within the offices, are free to pursue their own goals as they see fit.

But it is his administration.

KCFleming said...

Nice, not nice, sheep, wolf.
So what?

I am not voting anymore.

The whole election was bullshit and I don't believe the numbers.

I saw dozens of college students from out of state with Idaho and Michigan and other state driver's licenses doing same-day registration and voting ahead of me. Laughing and yucking it up. Who knows how many times they voted? In MN it's easy as hell. I knew immediately the elections was Obama's.

My wife is an election judge and saw all sorts of shenanigans by the Dem judges and complained and nothing came of it.

So I'm through. It's a fucking charade. I'm not stupid. I have no voice and no vote; maybe I never really did.

But I don't want to pretend we have a functioning system anymore. I have no property rights, not my house or my income. Not even my health care. All Democrat say-so.

test said...

AF said...
It is legitimate to ask whether Petraeus's decision to resign or the timing of his resignation were influenced by factors in addition to his affair.

However, the hypothesis that his resignation was personally engineered by Obama is absurd.

Shorter AF: Investigations into unapproved outcomes are strictly verboten.

Reasonable people agree the investigation comes first, and the evidence gathered is used to determine what isn't possible.

wyo sis said...

I have less than no respect for Assange. Even if he's right this time I don't want him anywhere near my team.

Anonymous said...

Assange is basically a left-leaning anarchist type. The military is "bad" and imperial and an imposition upon the people and their essential freedom that is being corrupted by such institutions and traditions.

I put him somewhere on the spectrum between Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald.

Dr Weevil said...

So AF (11:47am) will graciously allow us to ask questions, as long as we make sure not to even consider the possibility of any answer to those questions that will make Obama look bad. And he probably doesn't even realize what a shameless shill he is!

wyo sis said...

Obama is simply the puppet in the empty chair. The thugs are behind the scenes. But he is clean, in the sense that he takes regular showers.

Dante said...

What is there to understand? If the man had a free hand and cared about his country, the revelation that he had a long standing sexual relationship could have waited for a few more days.

Normally, the appearance of propriety demands you don't duck out. But it's the new world, with Obama and the press.

Baron Zemo said...

garage mahal said...
And Hitler liked kids, dogs, and big blondes.

Hmm, I know someone here that likes kids, dogs, and blondes too :-)

That's gonna leave a bruise there garage. Nice.

Simon said...

One hates to sound conspiratorial, but Petraeus' departure, the second senior officer involved in Benghazi, sets off very loud alarm bells. I detest all the Obama conspiracy theory nonsense--that vin diesel movie stuff--but something is very off here. Where's that Obama is like nixon tag?

garage mahal said...

That's gonna leave a bruise there garage. Nice.

I think you misunderstood. edutcher likes kids, dogs, and blondes [too]. He's married to one! The Blonde. (and hope she is doing well)

jr565 said...

phx wrote:
Romney unequivocally gave his support for the drone program. No daylight between his and Obama's position on drones.

And Obama after saying we had to stop air rading villages unequivocably gave support for Bush's drone program. No daylight then between the neocons and then libs when it comes to most of Bush's anti terror policies.

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyo sis said...

When it comes to foreign affairs, particularly thise involving the CIA and the military it's safe to assume that a change in administrations won' change much about how things on the ground are done.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hi Pogo.
Good to hear from you buddy.

Hang in there..

I dont know what else to say.. I wish I could cheer you up.

Baron Zemo said...

garage said
I think you misunderstood. edutcher likes kids, dogs, and blondes [too]. He's married to one! The Blonde. (and hope she is doing well)

Seriously. Don't Romney out on me you wimp. You know you were giving
Porfirio Rubirosa a shot in his chops.

Dave said...

This blog gets more pitiful by the hour as the "faithful" keep repeating their same old bullshit about how the Manchurian Candidate Obama has deceived everyone except them.... Impotent, hollow, stupid, self-deceptive, desperate posts to try to avoid the truth that the majority here don't know what they're talking about.

Obama probably has a big ego. Everyone I've met who has some fame has a big ego and can be overbearing and demanding and all that. But that's what it takes to get to be POTUS. I saw Nixon in the 70's (post-Watergate) - he'd just arrived at a small, exclusive island retreat - and he still had a commanding presence. I was not a fan - but his "aura" for lack of a better word was overwhelming. After that I stopped thinking of him as a caraciture and started recognizing that despite his failures, he did many good things for the country when he was in office. Demonizing your opponent only serves to cloud your judgment. So - get over it boys and girls....

pm317 said...

I saw dozens of college students from out of state with Idaho and Michigan and other state driver's licenses doing same-day registration and voting ahead of me. Laughing and yucking it up. Who knows how many times they voted? In MN it's easy as hell. I knew immediately the elections was Obama's.


I feel your pain. This sounds like what happened in Dem primary 2008 caucuses. Same day registration, who knew? I am very distraught at how corrupt it all is. A well functioning healthy democracy needs watchdogs. We don't have any.

Dave said...

pm317 said..."@pogo:
I saw dozens of college students from out of state ...Who knows how many times they voted?"

Right - keep it up - try to convince each other -

The truth is that our voter registration system is a mess complicated by partisan politicians. Every eligible voter should be able to easily cast a ballot without concerns of voter fraud or voter suppression. Did you see the people giving up a day to stand in line in some states? Have you heard about the protests in Arizona where mail-in ballots were never sent to certain "communities"?

This election wasn't stolen - not close. The results tracked right with the polling - assuming you were following comprehensive poll analysis rather than Althouse's myopic Rasmussen postings.

Peter V. Bella said...

What does that Aussie squib know about anything. He is yesterdays irrelevant news. Wish the Brits would just arrest him, throw him out of the country, and let the coward face the music.

campy said...

I guess Dave sees nothing whatsoever fishy about Zero's 99.6—.4% margins in those Philly precincts where the repub poll watchers were kicked out.

somefeller said...

Pogo - don't look now, but there's a black helicopter hovering over your house. It's probably nothing to worry about, though.

sakredkow said...

At some point Althouse is going to have to rename her blog Fringe or Deep End, something appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Only a society that has worked assiduously to emasculate men could describe Obama as a "thug".


On college campuses in the Northeast US he could pass for one. First, he'd have to get a hoodie.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Dave... briefly...

Its not Obama per-say... its what he stands for and the country apparent nod.

Its my pity-pot and I'll sit on it if I want to.

test said...

I was CC' on the below, so I thought I'd copy it for everyone:

Professor Althouse,

It has come to our attention that you believe in "asking questions". All actions falling under this categorization are definitionally considered investigations subject to duly authorized Regulation TK-421. Accordingly please be aware that investigations must have their conclusions pre-approved by this office. We have staff available for consultation should you need help in developing your conclusions prior to submitting your application.


Minister of Truth

pm317 said...

So they sent an Obot to fight our comments on voter fraud. There are precincts with more than 100+ votes cast. The whole country became Cook County, IL under Obama. This will all come out eventually. But what a shame.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

Pogo - don't look now, but there's a black helicopter hovering over your house. It's probably nothing to worry about, though.

Some phony folksy thinks he's funny.

Sam Bacile, doing a year in a Federal pen, disagrees.

phx said...

Somebody's a little sensitive about comparisons.

You get called on your usual bullshit and I'm "sensitive."

You're such a deflector edutcher

I merely point out how a dictator - would you rather I point out how sociable Winnie Churchill thought Joe Stalin was or what a ladies' man Fidel was supposed to be - can have an agreeable social reputation and phx calls Godwin on me.

It might have been justified if I'd pointed out Choom want Israel destroyed.

PS Thanx to Virgil for putting in a good word on my behalf.

Chris Arabia said...

If you don't comply with regulation TK-421, your questions won't be loud.

Cedarford said...

Speaking of Assange, his gay traitor sidekick Bradley Manning offered to plead guilty to some minor charges.

The response of the court martial's prosecutor is "that's nice" but there is no plea bargain and little Bradley will still face major charges with serious jail time.

Unless he starts squealing like the bitch he really is and gives up Assange and some other left-anarchists several nations want to see behind bars.
Otherwise, Bradley seems destined to be a lipsticked punk, passed around like a sex toy by groups of real hardcase military cons at Ft Leavenworth - who view traitors on a level with child molesters.

Cedarford said...

Speaking of Assange, his gay traitor sidekick Bradley Manning offered to plead guilty to some minor charges.

The response of the court martial's prosecutor is "that's nice" but there is no plea bargain and little Bradley will still face major charges with serious jail time.

Unless he starts squealing like the bitch he really is and gives up Assange and some other left-anarchists several nations want to see behind bars.
Otherwise, Bradley seems destined to be a lipsticked punk, passed around like a sex toy by groups of real hardcase military cons at Ft Leavenworth - who view traitors on a level with child molesters.

Baron Zemo said...

pm317 said...
In view of all the current stink about Obama which is not at all surprising, Romney looks so clean, capable, and naive. We were naive to think that a man of his integrity and kindness would win and try to do some good for this country"


He was too nice. Too professional. Too wimpy. He had to take it to Obama big time because the media would run interference for the Jug Eared Jesus. Romney played it as though he had already won. He was a wishy washy Rhino and they demonized him by lying about he was and what he planned to do. It's not the economy stupid. It's your lady parts. It was a base election and Obama got out his base. The Republican base held their nose and voted for Romney but in their heart they wanted someone else. Romney got all the independents a Republican could possibly get and he lost.

We won't get fooled again.

Paul said...

"On college campuses in the Northeast US he could pass for one. First, he'd have to get a hoodie."

I rest my case.

sakredkow said...

I rest my case.

You don't have a case, you are a case.

Sheridan said...

Obama was correct when he intimated that voting is the best revenge. But we can only vote at certain prescribed times. What to do between those times?


It's what our Founders intended! And it can be fun, exhilarating and ultimately successful. In fact, endless resistance is at the heart of Alinsky's "Rules". As Alinsky would not compromise, so why should the American people?

Compromise is for the politicians, not the "body politic" - the people. If Republicans in the House incorrectly compromise on the financial mess and the majority of the people disagree, the bums will get tossed. Same will be true for Mr. Obama.

The Founders were REVOLUTIONARIES!!! Have you forgotten that?

You think Hamilton would have been cowed by Alinsky? By Obama? Hamilton and the other Founders stared-down the British Frakkin Empire!! When a British person (not a citizen in the American sense) wanted to effect a change, they had to "petition" Parliament and the King. The Founders told the English shitheads "Frakk you and your required petitions - BLOW US!

Turn this on the political establishment (both parties)! Out Alinsky the bastards!

It's what the Founders would do!


Paul said...

"So they sent an Obot to fight our comments on voter fraud. There are precincts with more than 100+ votes cast. The whole country became Cook County, IL under Obama. This will all come out eventually. But what a shame."

What makes you so sure it will come out? I believe we've reached a tipping point where the government, media, and a dumbed down electorate have pushed the country inside the socialist "event horizon" where there is no escape from our trajectory towards statism and tyranny.

The government and their media lapdogs will determine what our recorded history will be, and while we have the internet and talk radio (for now) we are an ever shrinking minority without the power to reverse flow of power from the individual to the state.

We had a final chance to do so in this election but they stole it, and it will only get easier to steal future elections as the corruptocrats accrete more and more power.

America is finished.

Sheridan said...

Paul - I still have hope. See my prior note.


pm317 said...

Baron Zemo said..

I think you got what I said wrong. I am proud to have supported and voted for Romney. He was a fine candidate, a serious candidate who was right for the country when it most needed somebody like him. I don't blame him for who he is or what he did or how he did it. I wanted exactly his kind to run against Obama. The contrast could not have been starker. If the fucking electorate did not see the difference and they fell for Obama's gutter tactics, they get what they want in the next two years -- more taxes, more lay-offs, more Obamacare expenses and less doctors, more tragedies overseas and here because of Obama's incompetent foreign policies. Obama supporters and unfortunately others, deserve every bit of it. If the election was rigged, then God have mercy, we don't have any watchdogs left to guard the country any more.

Unknown said...

whether the election was rigged or Romney's ideas and plan were rejected, either scenario leaves us in the same fix. We're living in a 49/51 nation that is well over thin air on the fiscal and social cliff.

There is no other option than fighting for our principles. Being the butt of some liberal joke is less than a mosquito bite. Or a mosquito bite on the butt.
I'm still in the fetal position, but I'll come out of it and the part of the original intent of the United States that I have any control over will fight, resist, and argue. We'll also prepare, because there's going to be a breakdown that will challenge our resources.

Those who are here to mock are surely going to find rich pickings, but so what?

pm317 said...

Sheridan said...

Since you brought up Hamilton, read Madison's #10 (may be you already have). American democracy is on the way to a mob democracy. Tell someone, anyone, stop a stranger on the street and tell them 47% of the voting age population does not pay taxes. They will be appalled, I will guarantee it. But that is not how it went in the campaign when Romney told it. 47% and 4% more to go, the Democrats will have a permanent majority. That is their goal. Create a permanent dependent 51+% and get away with it until one day we become Greece. Madison would have disapproved.

The unique ideas that made America the country I fell in love to make it my home are slowly eroding right before my very eyes. I thought Election 2000 was a fluke and those bastard, evil Republicans and then waited for a course correction in 2004. In 2008, and now in 2012, I saw the Democrats become those evil Republicans. Some of us are stuck in a no man's land without a party. We don't need a party but at least the right man or woman to run this fine country. Take us back to the unique ideas of the founders.

KCFleming said...

somefeller said..."don't look now, but there's a black helicopter..."

I figured you're the sort who would dance on graves. Glad you find the post-election layoffs and loss of health insurance all so amusing.

And by that I mean fuck you, asshole.

Cedarford said...

Baron Zemo -

He was a wishy washy Rhino and they demonized him by lying about he was and what he planned to do. It's not the economy stupid. It's your lady parts. It was a base election and Obama got out his base. The Republican base held their nose and voted for Romney but in their heart they wanted someone else. Romney got all the independents a Republican could possibly get and he lost.

We won't get fooled again.

No, next time you can go with a Pure, to the Right of Barry Goldwater dream candidate.

Santorum, Aikin, Mourdouche and the Queen of Tea Party Conservatives Michelle Bachmann squeaking to a reelection...
Are all ready to answer the call of angry, older God-fearing white men and the 6% of the country they represent.

How can you lose?????

somefeller said...

Pogo, u mad bro?

Anyway, on the topic of stolen elections and reverse preference cascades, has anyone else noticed that the words Alinsky and Illuminati rhyme with one another? That can't be a coincidence.

miss j said...

What's to understand? Hidden adultery is not acceptable for those who hold security clearances because they leave one open to blackmail. His partner was already such a mess that she was threatening others. There's a clear risk and it's unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

...has anyone else noticed that the words Alinsky and Illuminati rhyme with one another?

Gee, maybe in some non-IndoEuropean language they do. For us, it takes more than just the last vowel sound to make a rhyme.

Robert Cook said...

"Accused rapist and admitted anarchist Assange thinks Obama seems like a great guy...that seems about right."

Um...Pastafarian...I think you might want to walk that comment back after you're reread even just the headline. It's not even necessary to read the body of the story to see this is not at all what Assange said or means.

MnMark said...

George Bush seemed to be a much nicer man than Obama. Obama seems cold to me. Intellectual and arrogant. A cold socialist nerd true believer.

edutcher said...

Pogo, some phony folksy thinks he's got a seat in the gated compound.

It'll be interesting to see the look on his face when he finds out he has standing room in the cattle car to Dachau-on-the-Brazos.

Paul said...

So they sent an Obot to fight our comments on voter fraud. There are precincts with more than 100+ votes cast. The whole country became Cook County, IL under Obama. This will all come out eventually. But what a shame.

What makes you so sure it will come out?

Even in the most totalitarian countries (Godwin alert), word gets out.

We'll find out about those 8 million white voters one day.

After all, how many years did it take to find out about Jack Kennedy and the graveyard vote in Chicago?

wyo sis said...

whether the election was rigged or Romney's ideas and plan were rejected, either scenario leaves us in the same fix. We're living in a 49/51 nation that is well over thin air on the fiscal and social cliff.

There is no other option than fighting for our principles. Being the butt of some liberal joke is less than a mosquito bite. Or a mosquito bite on the butt.
I'm still in the fetal position, but I'll come out of it and the part of the original intent of the United States that I have any control over will fight, resist, and argue. We'll also prepare, because there's going to be a breakdown that will challenge our resources.

That's the stuff.

Robert Cook said...

"Unless (Manning) starts squealing like the bitch he really is and gives up Assange and some other left-anarchists several nations want to see behind bars.
Otherwise, Bradley seems destined to be a lipsticked punk, passed around like a sex toy by groups of real hardcase military cons at Ft Leavenworth - who view traitors on a level with child molesters."

Charming, Cedarford. I can't help but point out the spittle dripping from your mouth as you reveal your wet drea--your, uh, "prognostication" for what awaits Bradley Manning.

Don't you think it rather unseemly to let your excitement show?

Lydia said...

... next time you can go with a Pure, to the Right of Barry Goldwater dream candidate.

Santorum, Aikin, Mourdouche and the Queen of Tea Party Conservatives Michelle Bachmann squeaking to a reelection...
Are all ready to answer the call of angry, older God-fearing white men and the 6% of the country they represent.

How can you lose?????


Wrong reading.

As someone said somewhere today (was it here at Althouse?), next time Republicans will take the Lee Atwater rather than the Karl Rove approach in the campaign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When a creepy guy is creeped out by an even creepier guy - you know we've got problems.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dave -
Obama has ruined our economy by way of fake stimulus (tax payer give-away to his cronies and donors via fake green energy "start-ups) and his fake shovel ready jobs. *Obama laughed at that one*.

Now he wants to extract private property from people who work hard to pay for his waste.

Why should be roll over?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

why should WE roll over... ?

somefeller said...

We'll find out about those 8 million white voters one day.

I heard they are all being held in FEMA camps guarded by gay illegal aliens in Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado. Which also helps explain why Obama won those states (the guards had to vote somewhere). Boy, the liberals will have red faces when the truth comes out!

somefeller said...

It'll be interesting to see the look on his face when he finds out he has standing room in the cattle car to Dachau-on-the-Brazos.

And what a vibrant fantasy life you have, edutcher! Have you ever thought of becoming a fiction / alt-history writer? Little gems like Dachau-on-the-Brazos shouldn't be allowed to go to waste.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey somefeller- CJ's smelly butt is ready and waiting for you to go take a bite. Better get back.

edutcher said...

somefeller said...

We'll find out about those 8 million white voters one day.

I heard they are all being held in FEMA camps guarded by gay illegal aliens in Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado. Which also helps explain why Obama won those states (the guards had to vote somewhere). Boy, the liberals will have red faces when the truth comes out!

Ah, the Alinsky dance. The Lefties would always laugh at how it was so ridiculous when people said how thoroughly the KGB had infiltrated the country.

Then The Venona Diaries came out.

Tell us all how Sam Bacile is in on a righteous charge, too.

PS I see some phony folksy is an all-weekend troll now.

"Work" at "the office" must be so light he doesn't need any rest on the weekends?

Maybe his "job" closed down because of ObamaTax.

Or maybe Mom threw him out.

edutcher said...

Mamie said...

Wrong reading.

As someone said somewhere today (was it here at Althouse?), next time Republicans will take the Lee Atwater rather than the Karl Rove approach in the campaign.

That was me. Thank you for remembering.

Baron Zemo said...

You are better off taking advice about where to buy kosher franks from Cedarford than listen to his political advice.

We went down the Rhino route with McCain and Romney. Don't listen to the pundits. The Journalists. The concern trolls.

Lee Atwater is the way to go.

Put up a plausible empty suit with a built in voting bloc and then govern from behind the scenes the way you are supposed to do it for crying out loud.



George HW Bush


Front men are not hard to find.

Jose Jimenez in 2016.

Anonymous said...

It's not a party until Red Robert Cook, leading light of the coming socialist revolution, arrives.

Anonymous said...

Anytime there's a chance to decry the capitalists, the military, religion, the traditions that actually bind people together, there's Red Robert sniffing the wind like a hound to quarry.

Go Red Robert!

Tell us again about the worker's paradise!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Red Robert is the litmus test for all things Leftist. Obama, Assange, you name it.

If there's Red Robert leaves his mark on the thread, that's a positive. I'd say about 80% accuracy.

Gary Rosen said...

"view traitors on a level with child molesters"

I didn't know Cedarford had such a high opinion of traitors! He certainly has tried to excuse and whitewash ass-raping child molesters every chance he gets from Polanski to Sandusky. At least he is, uh, preference-neutral. It's a cinch he's either a perp or a victim himself.

Baron Zemo said...

There is no doubt that as a child Cedarford was molested by Ave Vigoda.

Nichevo said...

Cedarford, you can save that shit. We did it your way. We put in Romney the big softie and he got his clock cleaned. Your way does not work. Q.E.D. Now is the time to look back to the last guy who won 2 elections, that would be George W Bush, and do whatever it is that he did that worked.

edutcher said...

Baron Zemo said...

Front men are not hard to find.

Jose Jimenez in 2016.

Better yet, Salma Hayek.

Lydia said...

edutcher: “That was me. Thank you for remembering.”

Sorry I forgot it was you! It was a spot-on insight.

Baron Zemo said...

Not Selma. She loves Chavez too much.

Sofia Vergara!

Cedarford said...

Rosen is the sort the Europeans mentally imaged crawling out of sewers. Vermin.
My read on Sandusky was that he was guilty. But that people should hold off demonizing and wanting an 80-year old man, Paterno, until more evidence came in. Which it did.
The biggest lesson I thought came from the case was that the Cult of the Famous Coach had grown so strong at many universities that an incident like this that would have gotten swift attention in any other Department was considered hands off because the Coach was God.

My read on Polanski is that he boffed a consenting and sexually active (but unlike in Europe below age of consent) 15 year old. He served time in jail, he settled with the lady 3 decades ago and when LA is declining to prosecute murderers for lack of resources - some publicity hounds tried resurrecting a case they had abandoned for 35 years.
The lady did not want to testify, authorities threatened to arrest her for not playing ball with their PR overreach...and other witnesses were long dead.

It was a stupid waste of legal resources, IMO...
And unlike what sewer rat Rosen states, not an endorsement of banging jailbait.

Cedarford said...

Cookie - Don't you think it rather unseemly to let your excitement show? (About what Manning faces in 2-3 decades in a military prison).

No, Cookie, you are as bad about your 1st Amendment Hero as the Right is about their freedom-loving hearthrob Youssef/Bacile/Nakoula. (and 7 other IDs).

Just saying how it is. The Ft. Leavenworth con population is as hardcore as San Quentin. With so many cons licking their lips on the prospects of the long stay of "Bradweena", as he likes to be called, it does behoove Manning and his attorneys to have him testify against all the lefties and anarchists and pomo Commies behind WikiLeaks.

Quite a difference between 2-5 years in protective custody and 30 years in gen pop, passed on for the Brothers to use when the whites tired of using him, or maybe he can land a "husband" every few years.

Baron Zemo said...

And Sports fans that's why you have to love having Cedarford on your team. Good luck libs.

Nora said...

Obama's Mr Nice Guy pose does not match his divisive, and plain alleinating, rhetorics, nor the type of election campaigns he conducts.

Wolf in sheep clothing describes Obama much better than the other way around..

Lydia said...

Your call -- Cedarford on a good day, or bad day?

Gary Rosen said...

In Cedarford's phony "profile" he claims to be married and have two daughters. But in a post on another blog he once said he had a *son* to make some debating point. As for being married, it is extremely unlikely he has ever had sex with a woman without having to pay for it. Hence his vociferous defense of the Secret Service agents caught with hookers.

Nichevo said...

You notice C4 has a gift: he doesn't fight battles he can't win. He'd much rather get into a mudfest with Gary, Palladian, Troop er Baron Demo, or whoever than be soberly destroyed in detail by me.

Dante said...

This is such disturbed thinking on so many levels. Where do you guys get this shite?

Just consider that maybe the thoughts some people have are right. That Obama is kicking this country down, and that hundreds of millions are going to suffer, for a long, long time.

Maybe you will then understand the anger.

And if that doesn't help you, think about the visceral reaction you had to bush, and then you will begin to get an idea.

Robert Cook said...

Cedarford, who is licking his chops, relishing the idea of Bradley Manning being passed around in prison as the sexual slave to be freely and repeatedly raped by other inmates, gets it wrong again:

"My read on Polanski is that he boffed a consenting and sexually active (but unlike in Europe below age of consent) 15 year old. He served time in jail, he settled with the lady 3 decades ago...."

No. Polanski pled guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, (she was 13), expecting he would get probation. When it seemed he would be sentenced to prison, Polanski fled the United States and has stayed out of the country for decades to avoid being arrested and imprisoned.

In 2009 he was arrested by the Swiss authorities as he tried to attend a film festival in Switzerland where he was to be honored. He was detained for a time while the Swiss government considered whether to honor a request for his extradition by the United States, but they eventually released him, and so he continues to stay free of American authorities.

Clyde said...

Anybody who thinks that "Obama seems to be a nice man" really wasn't paying attention. Rarely have we seen such arrogant pettiness in such a high office.

Robert Cook said...

"Anybody who thinks that "Obama seems to be a nice man" really wasn't paying attention. Rarely have we seen such arrogant pettiness in such a high office."

Oy vey! Read Assange's statement again. He's not saying Obama is a nice man. The operative word in his remark is "seems".

Are you totally unfamiliar with the well-worn cliche Assange uses to make his point, ("wolf in sheep's clothing")?

To Obama's supporters, he does seem like a "nice" man, (just as, to his supporters, Bush seemed like a nice man, rather than the Neidermeyer-like asshole he always seemed to be to me)...or, at least, a man concerned with working for the best interests of the people, rather than in furthering the agenda of the military/financial complex.

Anthony Hopper said...

It is difficult for me to parse Obama the person from Obama the president. I'm not sure which parts of his public self are real and which parts are show. That is probably the case with all presidents.

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