November 9, 2012

Obama "must repair his badly damaged relationship with the business community, which overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney."

"It’s doable. From avoiding the so-called fiscal cliff, to an overhaul of immigration laws, to tax reform, there’s much more common ground than the combatants could acknowledge during the campaign."

It's doable. But what do you want done?

Meanwhile, Mickey Kaus says: "The entire GOP elite seems to be trying to sell out en masse on immigration.
Maybe these people are convinced the larger GOP project can be saved simply by caving on just this one issue. That seems cracked.  The bulk of the Hispanic electorate appears to instinctively vote Democratic, and not just because of immigration. Maybe they can be wooed over to the Republican side over the course of decades. But by then there will be another wave of new, instinctively Democratic illegal immigrants (lured by the Boehner Amnesty) for Dems to appeal to. And the idea that the GOPs don’t have to change any of their other ideas if only they appease this one ethnic group (making up 10% of the electorate) is highly questionable....


Known Unknown said...

Maybe they can get together and figure out who built that.

Andy said...

Obama "must repair his badly damaged relationship with the business community, which overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney."

I thought they were all going to Go Galt and we wouldn't have to deal with them any more.

Now you're telling me they are going to stick around and keep fucking shit up?

Shouting Thomas said...

Now you're telling me they are going to stick around and keep fucking shit up?

Notice that nothing has changed for you personally, Andy?

You've still got the bitch.

And still no reason for it.

The problem in your life that makes people want to kick you in the ass isn't that you are gay.

It's that you do this shit. In fact, it seems to be all that you do.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mickey must have been listening to Rush who said it comes down to this "No one votes against Santa Claus".

Also, Bloomberg News is such a joke - it a Dem Party librul mouth organ. It typically sounds like the Nanny Mayor edits all their stories. It is Business news NOT.

Firehand said...

Considering Obama's idea of 'repairing relationships' would be "Do what I decree, or else!", good luck with that.

Have you seen the number of companies announcing layoffs due to 28 hours now being a 'full-time work week'? And the number of other people having their hours cut because the companies can't afford the Obamacare costs for 'full-time' employees? Just wait: Obama & Co. will blame the companies for being greedy, and uncaring, and whatever else they can think of, and threaten legal action. Yeah, that'll help a LOT.

Known Unknown said...

Now you're telling me they are going to stick around and keep fucking shit up?


Are you a full-bore Communist Andy?

I mean, honestly ... do you have a job? Does someone else sign your paycheck?

Yes, hiring people and making plans would be awful for this country.

Synova said...

I saw a quote from Boehner and it really didn't seem that different than what Republicans had said before. Bush was harshly criticized for his views on illegal immigration. There have always been a few hard-line "kick them all out" sorts, and a very few actively and truly anti-immigration sorts, but in general terms it's always been this...

Yes we can work out something on amnesty, BUT, you have to give us guarantees we can trust that the border will be secured and the reforms necessary enacted so that we're not doing this again just like last time.

Me? I think I like Bush's ideas on this issue. He had a solution that Democrats should have loved, if they weren't too interested in hating him.

YoungHegelian said...

If the business community had any mojo at all they'd tell Obama to go fuck himself.

But they don't, since it's not only about the Benjamins, it's about the short-term Benjamins, so no doubt Obama will come out ahead in this. A lotta, a lotta money pours out of the DC corridor now.

chickelit said...

Sounds like Andy R don't need no stinking business community.

AF said...

As an Obama supporter, I have been trying to resist Schadenfreude directed at Republicans.

But I cannot resist a little bit of Schadenfreude in seeing Mickey Kaus realize that even the Republicans are abandoning his pet issue. Note to Mickey: When you find yourself on hater side of a debate with Sean Hannity, it may be time to take a look in the mirror.

Darleen said...

You can have an open immigration policy that won't collapse this country IF you get the Feds out of the social hammock business.

Otherwise, immigration needs to be controlled.

What is also necessary for both is that we insist that immigrants be Americanized.

bagoh20 said...

For the purely political reason of helping the President's reelection and in violation of Federal law, this administration withheld the release of regulations until after the election, which it will burden business with now. It also bribed companies to withhold announcement of large layoffs until after the election in violation of law and the rights of workers.

He needed the takers to get elected. Now he needs the makers to save his reputation and the country. His little dance has seriously damaged both, and that damage is real prosperity sold off for one man's narcissism, and a silly fantasy that government can run things well. Sandy is a metaphor.

Known Unknown said...

As an Obama supporter, I have been trying to resist Schadenfreude directed at Republicans.

So you support Obama, King of Deportation?

Darleen said...

And, of course some businesses will be eager to work with Obama

Some cooperation will be self-serving ... ie cronyism to succeed while the Gov shuts out the competitor ... other "cooperation" will be out of fear

That's just how fascism works.

Justin said...

Yes we can work out something on amnesty, BUT, you have to give us guarantees we can trust that the border will be secured and the reforms necessary enacted so that we're not doing this again just like last time.

Me? I think I like Bush's ideas on this issue. He had a solution that Democrats should have loved, if they weren't too interested in hating him.

I generally vote for Democrats and I agree with you completely. I think a lot of Democrats do. (I think the failure of Bush's attempt at reform was mostly due to Democrat pandering to unions, coupled with the xenophobia of the far right.)

I think a lot of Democrats agree with this position, actually. It's the only pragmatic approach. Amnesty must occur, but there shouldn't be any more of it. This time, that should be made explicit -- maybe write into the statute that amnesty will not be granted again in the future without a 3/4 or 4/5 vote in Congress.

chickelit said...

In Andyworld, the extant business community is a travesty. They are all tainted with traces of anti-gay bigotry. Better to rely on blackmarket and undersground providers of goods and services. Better to boycott them anyway.

Q: But what about lost tax revenues by relying on such business alternatives?
A: We may have to tax them one day but not until every last nickel and dime of those bigoted white homophobes has been appropriated first.

Anonymous said...

Kaus dissed Obama for four years, but voted for him again, his advices to the GOP are as good as Pelosi's advices to "save" the economy.

On the other hand, I'll kiss up to Althouse, the professor, who reasoned out why she voted for Obama last time, and why she voted for Romney in 2012.

X said...

I think a lot of Democrats agree with this position, actually. It's the only pragmatic approach. Amnesty must occur, but there shouldn't be any more of it.

that's a new argument I haven't heard before, except that I have because I was born prior to yesterday.

AF said...

So you support Obama, King of Deportation?

Yup, me and 71% of Hispanics.

Michael said...

The next GOP presidential candidate must be fluent in Spanish. He must speak directly and convincingly to bring this cohort into the tent. The Dems take it for granted that they have this voting block but Hispanics are far more independent and upwardly mobile than given credit for and they will be constrained in their wealth accumulation by the Dems. But the next candidate will have to show the willingness to learn the language and to use it. No Dem will go to this trouble.

test said...

AF said...
When you find yourself on hater side of a debate

I think this demonstrates the left's understanding of the complicated costs and benefits to both immigration and philosophy.


Known Unknown said...

Now you're telling me they are going to stick around and keep fucking shit up?

Individual proprietors (the most likely to Go Galt) fuck shit up?

My employer (who employs over twelve thousand people globally) fucks shit up?

Talk about out of touch with reality.

Darleen said...

When you find yourself on hater side

I'm going to be rude ... fuck you and the "hater" shit you rode in on.

American principles are not about hate, it is a cheap anti-intellectual slander that the Left trots out to smear dissenters from their non-American dogma.

If this country doesn't crash and burn in the next couple of years it will be DESPITE the 59 million 7th graders who voted for Obama because they feel they are entitled to their neighbor's stuff.

TosaGuy said...

"Obama "must repair his badly damaged relationship with the business community, which overwhelmingly supported Mitt

Why? He won and won't be running again. The assumption is that Obama wants the business part of the economy to do well. When has he ever in his life advocated for that?

Now, if those businesses want to deal their futures away for the short term or will pony up dollars for Obama's cronies, then that is something else entirely.

Known Unknown said...

So you support Obama, King of Deportation?

Yup, me and 71% of Hispanics.

Isn't there a cognitive dissonance thing going on here?

bagoh20 said...

Andy R.,

If you watch closely, you'll notice that now that Obama got your vote, he has little use for you. We always knew he would kick you aside when it came time. Now he needs to actually help the country to save his own legacy, and he's gonna need people who actually can do things. He won't be calling you unless he needs some extra bitching done. Sorry this had to happen to you, but we warned you.

Known Unknown said...

Recall, Obama described working at an actual business as being "behind enemy lines."

I hope he's matured since then, but his recent commentary during the campaign suggest this is not the case.

X said...

Now you're telling me they are going to stick around and keep fucking shit up?


another government fuckweasel politicking on the taxpayers dime. no wonder government costs so much.

Michael said...

AndyR is a trust funder. He doesnt work and he doesnt need to work. In his own way he is on the dole and thus is sympathetic to those who have to be. He likes their company. But because he doesnt need to work he has the time to be a jerk because no matter who he is a jerk to it doesnt imoact his life. Trust. Funder.

I'm Full of Soup said...

So we should give the Congress critters and the govt a free pass AGAIN for ignoring the enforcement of immigration laws for 20-30 years?

test said...

Justin said...
I think the failure of Bush's attempt at reform was mostly due to Democrat pandering to unions, coupled with the xenophobia of the far right.

Once again a lefty gets most of the way to reality but fails due to his insistence on demonizing anyone who prioritizes differently than they. Or maybe it's just because they have to be assholes, they cannot actually help themselves.

The right was against Bush's plan because we already enacted it in 1986. We then saw the left immediately undermine the policy, and as a result now insist on enforcement first.

john said...

But Romney doesn't drink beer.

Justin said...

that's a new argument I haven't heard before, except that I have because I was born prior to yesterday.

I never said it was a new argument. Just because prior attempts at reform have failed doesn't mean that this one has to.

edutcher said...

RINOs will be RINOS, but we shouldn't swaet it.

2 million have already gone Down Mexico Way. When the next dip of the "Recession" hits, that number will triple.

AF said...

So you support Obama, King of Deportation?

Yup, me and 71% of Hispanics.

Stupid is as stupid does, as they say.

Matt Sablan said...

We can have reform without repeating amnesty. Amnesty -might- be the right solution, but all past attempts make me think it is not.

X said...

we can't do it justin because 1986 was going to be the last time. if we ignore that why wouldn't it get ignored again? and just because obama thinks you can bind future congresses doesn't mean you can.

Matt Sablan said...

You know what might work though? Cutting through the red tape and making legal immigration easier while making illegal immigration more risky, especially for those who exploit the illegal immigrants. A path to citizenship works, but not without everything else happening first, because if it doesn't happen first, it'll be like those spending cuts we're always promised when we give in on tax hikes.

AF said...

I'm going to be rude ... fuck you and the "hater" shit you rode in on.

American principles are not about hate, it is a cheap anti-intellectual slander that the Left trots out to smear dissenters from their non-American dogma.

My mistake, no hatin' going on here.

Justin said...

Once again a lefty gets most of the way to reality but fails due to his insistence on demonizing anyone who prioritizes differently than they. Or maybe it's just because they have to be assholes, they cannot actually help themselves.

The right was against Bush's plan because we already enacted it in 1986. We then saw the left immediately undermine the policy, and as a result now insist on enforcement first.

I don't disagree with you that enforcement should be prioritized. I'm not trying to demonize people who believe that -- there isn't anything wrong with that.

But your party has a "send them all back" contingent that are either (1) too stupid to understand that that would not be possible or productive or (2) xenophobic. You're going to have to deal with that contingent, just like Democrats are going to have to deal with the unions.

bagoh20 said...

As the coming months and years develop we are going to see just how much of a mismatch our problems are with the guy we hired to deal with them. We have serious fiscal, financial, and economic problems, and we hired a law professor. WTF?

X said...

exactly bagoh. elections have consequences and we reelected the most anti-business president in history. and now they want a boom.

Justin said...

@ X -- I think we can do it and do it in a bipartisan way. I think it would be great for the economy if we did.

You know what might work though? Cutting through the red tape and making legal immigration easier while making illegal immigration more risky, especially for those who exploit the illegal immigrants. A path to citizenship works, but not without everything else happening first, because if it doesn't happen first, it'll be like those spending cuts we're always promised when we give in on tax hikes.

I think this is on the right track. I used to practice in this area a bit -- there are a lot of ways you could avoid floodgates. For instance, you could provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in this country without forcing them to go back, but you could restrict or even prohibit derivate immigration (i.e. immigration of that person's parents or siblings) through that person once they become a lawfully permanent resident and eventually a citizen.

For those who illegally immigrate in the future, you could eliminate all statutory defenses to deportation (other than asylum). Sure, this depends on robust enforcement, but we could have that if we actually tried (and I agree with you that the feds haven't been trying very hard). Maybe as part of this reform Congress should allow state law enforcement authorities to initiate deportation proceedings in immigration court.

test said...

Justin said...

But your party has a "send them all back" contingent that are either

Our party has a "let's not reward those who broke the law and penalize those who respect it" contingent. But recognizing that would not be nearly so satisfying to moral preeners would it?

Darleen said...


So, you can't distinguish between self-defense and hate? Recipients of slander are not allowed to respond?

Oh that's right, only the Left (e.g. Biden) is allowed to display anger and derision because everyone else is EVIL.

No wonder you Leftists always find excuses with rabid Islamism.

Professional courtesy.

rcocean said...

The Republican elite doesn't seem to KNOW any immigrants (that make less $250K). Most of them come here from countries that are MORE liberal than the USA. Most of them accept National Healthcare as a given. Many of them belonged to Socialist parties in the "Old Country". Adult immigrants don't come here as blank slates.

Texan99 said...

Isn't that like saying that Hugo Chavez needs to repair his damaged relationship with the business community? He doesn't need anything from the business community.

I'm not convinced he cares what happens to the economy, but if he does care, he believes that government action is the cure. He doesn't think anything the business community does matters.

YoungHegelian said...


Cutting through the red tape and making legal immigration easier while making illegal immigration more risky, especially for those who exploit the illegal immigrants

What you propose is reasonable & rational, Matt, but it's not the political issue.

The US doesn't have an immigration problem -- it has a Mexico problem. Rationalizing immigration won't help the Mexicanos, because it'll just put them in competition with Nigerians & Thais, who don't have the advantage of a contiguous land border.

This is the dirty secret of the Mexicanos demand: they don't want easier immigration. They want easier immigration for Mexicans based on the US & Mexico's special relationship (and I'm not being snide -- it really is a special relationship as anyone who's been in the SW can tell you).

This is why the Dems can chant & chirp about their relationship with the Latinos until the cows come home. But, the both of them know that to consummate the deal in public will be political death.

X said...

don't get me wrong justin. illegal immigration aint my bugaboo and I love Mexicans. they're good people.

it's just the government has no incentive to enforce. they collect taxes off of them and grow the dem base and hire more government employees to service them. and blue collar men pay the price.

Seeing Red said...

--Obama "must repair his badly damaged relationship with the business community, which overwhelmingly supported Mitt Romney."--

What BS - 8 of the top 10 richest counties went for Barry.

X said...

seeing red, I think the article meant Main Street not Wall Street.

Justin said...

it's just the government has no incentive to enforce. they collect taxes off of them and grow the dem base and hire more government employees to service them. and blue collar men pay the price.

I agree that this is the status quo -- but shouldn't that make Republicans in particular eager to achieve reform? The longer we let this go on, the more anchor babies come of voting age, which is a huge problem for Republicans.

Anonymous said...

bagho20: he was a lecturer, a couple of ranks lower than a professor.

A lot of employers who "didn't build" their small busineses would close down. Why bother to come up with the pay rolls, why not claim unemployment/disability benefits themselves?

A lot more, especially those which hire less than 50 employees, would drop their employer provided health insurance. Let the employees worry about their fines/taxes.

Trust funders who have never worked a day in their useless lives would stay useless. They don't pay income taxes, they clip tax-exempt coupons, they condescend to the working stiffs who "didn't build their businesses". They will want to raise "income" taxes to soak the rich, the taxes they never have to pay.

Known Unknown said...

I don't blame a single Mexican for making the dash across the border. I'd do it too, if I were in their shoes.

I would certainly even support a larger scale legal immigration from Mexico if the border were more secured in general.

wyo sis said...

"I never said it was a new argument. Just because prior attempts at reform have failed doesn't mean that this one has to."

Every damn time someone hits their thumb with a hammer it hurts. But maybe this time it won't have to.

mccullough said...

This is a perfect time for amnesty. The economy sucks and will continue to suck, so there's no downside. Kaus is fighting a rear-guard effort. There will be amnesty.

AF said...

No wonder you Leftists always find excuses with rabid Islamism.

Please proceed, Darleen.

Justin said...

Every damn time someone hits their thumb with a hammer it hurts. But maybe this time it won't have to.

Or, If at first you don't succeed...

Tank said...

No doubt. After being called racists, and bigots, and homophobes, and greedy, and criminal, and sexists, and misogynists, etc, we sould all get together and sing Kumbaya. Maybe smoke the peace pipe.

And, definitely, Repubs should be totally pro-immigration; just keep making believe that most current immigrants don't vote 70+% for the Democrats. Yo, these ain't yo mama's immigrants stupids. Yes, they aren't the stupid party for nothing.

Sam L. said...

Must repair? This is a feature, not a bug.

X said...

in 1986 the anti amnesty people were saying we'd just have to do it again in 25-30 years. they were right. and we probably need to do it again now and again in another 25 years.

mccullough said...

Amnesty is also the quickest way to end the welfare state.

No state can afford to pay for food, shelter, and medical for these poorer immigrants. And the federal government won't be able to pitch in either. Amnesty is the quicker road to freedom.

n.n said...

Americans will be displaced at work, school, and in social services. The corruption in nations such as Mexico, which motivates the migration of millions of people annually, will persist.

That's some kind of "progress". It is arguably not positive.

Perhaps this policy is compensatory for life lost through the eugenics movement or its follow-on, Roe vs Wade (i.e. elective generational suicide).

Rusty said...

Now that's funny.
progressivism id virulently anti business.
Unless they can co-opt the business for their own purposes.
I fit's one thing the progs don't like it's competition.

Darleen said...

AF, sweetcheeks, pumpkin, muffin, I know thinking is hard for people whose ideology is emotion-based, but I'll wait while you come up with some substantive statement on how American principles = hate.

Bless your heart.

Hagar said...

That is delusional on the part of Bloomberg.
Listen to Obama whenever he goes off script. He has no interest whatever in "reparing his relationship with the business community." For him, business people - large and small - will forever be the enemy.

Automatic_Wing said...

I agree that this is the status quo -- but shouldn't that make Republicans in particular eager to achieve reform? The longer we let this go on, the more anchor babies come of voting age, which is a huge problem for Republicans.

But "reform" is always amnesty now, border enforcement later and later never comes. So you'll get millions of new Democratic voters now, and no future reduction in illegal immigration. Which will necessitate another round of "immigration reform" in 25 years, and so on and so on ad infinitum.

Automatic_Wing said...

Amnesty is also the quickest way to end the welfare state.

No state can afford to pay for food, shelter, and medical for these poorer immigrants. And the federal government won't be able to pitch in either. Amnesty is the quicker road to freedom.

Yes, let's increase the contradictions inherent in the system until the whole rotten edifice collapses! Then a libertarian utopia will surely ensue.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hey Andy I thought the bankers "fucked shit up" but then they overwhelmingly backed your guy Obama. How do you square those two concepts?

test said...

mccullough said...
Amnesty is also the quickest way to end the welfare state.

No state can afford to pay for food, shelter, and medical for these poorer immigrants. And the federal government won't be able to pitch in either. Amnesty is the quicker road to freedom.

We can't afford to pay for the things we have now yet we're seeking to add more. What on earth makes you think economic reality is a deterrent?

In case you believe we have to crash before we can recover, our government is far larger and more entrenched than that we had as we recovered from the depression. Even that recovery was near impossible without WWII. With a far larger python strangling us I don't foresee recovery. I see acceptance of the new normal.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

This is the dirty secret of the Mexicanos demand: they don't want easier immigration. They want easier immigration for Mexicans based on the US & Mexico's special relationship (and I'm not being snide -- it really is a special relationship as anyone who's been in the SW can tell you).

They want the US to be a poverty relief program for Mexico. Or at least that's what the Mexican elite wants.

Dante said...

The GOP is against immigration reform? What's not to like?

The costs are born by the middle class and low wage earners, it increases the number of consumers, and it decreases labor costs.

Seriously, folks, why did Bush attempt immigration reform when he was running? The answer is it's good for the ownership class.

When it comes to immigration control, well, that's another story.

Anonymous said...

Darleen: You can have an open immigration policy that won't collapse this country IF you get the Feds out of the social hammock business.

Otherwise, immigration needs to be controlled.

What is also necessary for both is that we insist that immigrants be Americanized.

Sure, Darleen, but this is just one of those "if my grandmother had balls she'd be my grandfather" lines of argument that well-meaning people (not just libertarian fantasists) tend to get themselves mired in. But the facts are that the Feds are long since immovably entrenched in the social welfare hammock business, and that pretty much every attempt to limit the access of illegals to the cheese has been defeated.

As for "insisting on Americanization", that ship has long since sailed over the horizon. That's racist and xenophobic, doncha know.

coketown said...

Hispanics make up 15% of the population but only 10% of the electorate. That's not an issue right now.

And believe me: the fountain of social services that Hispanics want to keep intact (you're an idiot if you think their primary, let alone only, voting issue is immigration) will dry up long before Arizona and Texas become "in play." We're talking twenty years, when we will be forced to make cutbacks to social services within the next five.

What besides social services will lure Hispanics to the Democratic party? I hate when people projecting on future elections take today as the starting point and draw a straight line. The future is not a straight line. Things change.

campy said...

Obama is THE WON again. (Does that make him THE WON TWO now?) He doesn't have to do anything. It's the business community that has to work to mend its relationship with Him.

I Callahan said...

My mistake, no hatin' going on here.

When you accuse people of being hateful (especially when it's unwarranted), you make them hateful to you. For further reference.

I Callahan said...

I think this is on the right track. I used to practice in this area a bit -- there are a lot of ways you could avoid floodgates. For instance, you could provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in this country without forcing them to go back, but you could restrict or even prohibit derivate immigration (i.e. immigration of that person's parents or siblings) through that person once they become a lawfully permanent resident and eventually a citizen.

You know what's ironic about this thinking? Most republicans think this way. Despite what you may think. You want to know who really has the "send them back" attitude? Try laid-off auto workers in the midwest. Who vote democrat almost to a man.

The misinformation out there is just to large to contemplate.

Darleen said...


So what do you suggest?

Closing one's eyes and thinking of England isn't a strategy.

We are witnessing the fulfillment of the quote -- The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.

Is America worth fighting for?

ricpic said...

If hispanics "vote instinctively for Democrats" does that mean hispanics are instinctively thieves? That's where the logic leads. Because to vote Democrat is to vote for free stuff and since the Democrats don't own the stuff factories it's stolen stuff, which is instinctively understood by the overwhelming majority of hispanics who always vote Democrat. No. Hispanics, by a 3 to 1 margin, make a conscious choice to vote for the massive theft and wealth transference machine that is the Democratic Party. Of which hispanics are huge beneficiaries. It's a decision, not an instinct. Make of it what you will but them's the facts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama doens't want tax reform. He wants punitive tax rate hikes that will kill jobs.

SteveOrr said...

The racists, both left-wing & right-wing, love to tell us how the Hispanics flipped CA to the Democrats. This never made sense to me. TX has just as large a percentage of Hispanics as CA. AZ isn't far behind. Both have larger Hispanic populations than FL.

It seems first generation Hispanic immigrants from south of the border are stoic, hard-working, traditionalist Catholics. They're trying to stay under the radar & don't vote. Bush is a fool for courting them. Their children, OTOH, try very hard to fit in with their spoiled white kid peers. They're increasingly secular leftists & absolutely vote. They also tend to piss away their 20s as college dilletantes, not starting families. Those secular leftie Hispanics who DO start families often do so across racial boundaries. If we would just fairly regulate the border, there will be no explosion in Hispanic voting power.

No doubt the GOP would still do well to drown out the needlessly mean-spirited shit like ricpic just posted. Some of the stuff Tancredo has said about Catholics also comes to mind. That alone could easily get them back to splitting the Hispanic vote 60/40. This would be more about appeasing the affluent white swing voters like Althouse. Since Hispanics tend to be less wealthy, they won't completely embrace the GOP. Maybe in a few generations after they assimilate into the middle class? Just opening the southern border won't change anything. AF mostly cares about affirmative action, abortion on demand & gay marriage, like the SWPLs.

Big Mike said...

I'm glad I'm not a small business owner. Democrats hate, loathe, and utterly despise small business owners. And they'll be in charge for another 4 years. Most small business owners won't make it.

Michael said...

Big Mike: I am a small business owner and I most definitely will make it. I am in a small shop that I will likely make smaller in order to keep my income level and smaller still if I want to increase it. It will take a lot more than this jackass to out smart most of us.

Lydia said...

What is also necessary … is that we insist that immigrants be Americanized.

Good luck with that -- have you been to the San Joaquin Valley in California recently?

And to those who think Kaus is a joke: remember, he lives in California, on the front line.

edutcher said...

campy said...

Obama is THE WON again. (Does that make him THE WON TWO now?) He doesn't have to do anything. It's the business community that has to work to mend its relationship with Him.

Wait until inflation goes double digits and the Food Stamp crowd starts mobbing the White House wondering why Choom's paper money isn't worth anything.

Business will merely cash out and walk away. The Feds will then be left with a shrinking tax base and no way to feed people.

Ever see "The Running Man"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective left want to tax people out of "fairness" and punishment and revenge. Not to increase revenue.

hombre said...

Only the nitwits at Bloomberg would be under the misapprehension that Obama can, or wants to, repair his relationship with the business community. The business community is only good for taxing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm going to sound like a broken record over the next few years.
The Obama administration has one plan: Remove as much private economic wealth as possible from the private sector.
The economy will "unexpectedly" fail. This is what they want.

hombre said...

Steve Orr wrote: They're increasingly secular leftists & absolutely vote. They also tend to piss away their 20s as college dilletantes....

I'd be interested in your source for this. Everything I read suggests that families of Mexican immigrants are the least likely to pursue college educations.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama has a gold mine right here.
Major Revenue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama won the richest counties in America. Tax them.

Darleen said...

Santa Ana

I live in Mexifornia, too. I was born in St Vincent's hospital in Los Angeles and have lived in SoCal my whole life.

I wasn't asking for "luck" I'm just stating what must be done if, as Ben Franklin said, we are to keep our Republic.

Greybeard said...

You got.
I want.

How long until we get so angry with one another we start shooting?
And if we do, who's most likely to come out on top of that battle?
(Yeah, no one wins. But somethin's gotta give here, and some seem always to think it's the other guy.)

Baron Zemo said...

Barry just made a speech about what he wants to do.

Raise taxes.

Not on the "middle class." Just those who make more then $250,000. You know a family of a cop and a nurse. Or two school teachers in NJ who easily make that.

You know. The same old shit.

He won.

It is Obama time.

Known Unknown said...

Why bother voting for a Republican who acts like a Democrat when you can just vote for the Democrat?

Known Unknown said...

Just those who make more then $250,000.

And naive people assume that's take home pay.

In places where the housing market still supports $600,000+ 2 bedroom, 1750 sq. foot homes.


Baron Zemo said...

Other than the crony capitalists he is paying off no one in the business community has any interest in working with the President.

You can not demonize and attack people and just turn the page.

He has to go first.

Propose some spending cuts.

Deep and painful cuts. Across the board will be fine. You can be more "flexible" now.

We don't trust you Mr. President. You lie. Show us something first.

Other than a call to raise taxes.

Because if you don't....well see you in four years.

Known Unknown said...

CNN has a video of Obama crying while thanking his staff.

This is somehow news.

SteveR said...

I don't believe Obama's words mean he's actually wanting to work anything out. He got re-elected blaming congressional republicans and he is prepared to go off the cliff, since he knows it will not be his fault. Valerie told him so.

Justin said...

You know what's ironic about this thinking? Most republicans think this way. Despite what you may think. You want to know who really has the "send them back" attitude? Try laid-off auto workers in the midwest. Who vote democrat almost to a man.

The misinformation out there is just to large to contemplate.

Like I said before, I'm not trying to malign all Republicans. I just said the party has a faction that it needs to deal with.

You're probably right about midwest autoworkers and the union contingent in general.

Michael K said...

"Are you a full-bore Communist Andy?

I mean, honestly ... do you have a job? Does someone else sign your paycheck? "

I don't think he's a communist but I have a strong feeling he doesn't have a job. Maybe the cash register in a book store but that would require some math skills.

Michael K said...

Limbaugh, this morning, pointed out that after Reagan signed amnesty, Bush I got fewer Hispanic votes. Great plan !

Michael K said...

"Blogger Darleen said...

You can have an open immigration policy that won't collapse this country IF you get the Feds out of the social hammock business."

Prop 187 in California was designed to do that by ending welfare for illegals. It got 63% of the vote and almost 50% in Hispanic precincts but "killed the California Republican Party." Actually, the Democrats killed California but don't realize it yet.

Joe Schmoe said...

I thought they were all going to Go Galt and we wouldn't have to deal with them any more.

How do you think all that gooey-good government largesse is going to be funded?

If they go Galt you won't have anyone to finance your entitlement state. The government can only print money for so long before it becomes worthless scrip.

Eric said...

Yes we can work out something on amnesty, BUT, you have to give us guarantees we can trust that the border will be secured and the reforms necessary enacted so that we're not doing this again just like last time.

We've gotten those guarantees three times now, and they end up being worth nothing. The border is completely unsecured, cities and churches are allowed to flout immigration law without consequence, and anyone who says "boo" is a racist.

This issue doesn't fall neatly into party lines. On the one side you have business interests who want to import as many central and south American peasants as possible to push wages down for unskilled labor and Democratic Party strategists who think they can engineer a permanent majority by replacing the electorate with a new one.

On the other side you have people who don't want to compete with everybody from everywhere for a job and black interests who are afraid of losing their most favored minority status. You'd think the Republican party strategists would be worried about the demographics, but they don't seem to be.

What bothers me is the hypocrisy. All that claptrap about income inequality and yet everyone on the left is so worried someone will call them a racist they can't notice importing ten million people with a sixth grade education might be expected to push wages down on the low end.

And on the right we have businesses complaining about the public fisc and yet importing a bunch of illegals who are going to be a huge net drain on the treasury.

ricpic said...

Hey SteveOrr, your version of why hispanics vote 3 to 1 for other peoples' money by way of the Democrats is that their noble hispanic traits have been diluted by contact with anglo trust fund kids...and you have the nerve to call my unflinching assessment of their behavior "mean spirited shit?" Fuck off you marxist worm.

ricpic said...

Go Obama! Crush the malefactors of great wealth who own the arts and crafts shop down at the corner. Kill the rich, you magnificent bastard!!!

Eric said...

I thought they were all going to Go Galt and we wouldn't have to deal with them any more.

If they did you'd be reduced to poking the ground with a sharp stick when you wanted something to eat.

Joe said...

I agree with Matt; legal immigration ranges from pain-in-the-lass to complete nightmare. That needs to be fixed. Modifications of chain-immigration rules need to be fixed.

That said, let's be realistic. Nobody is going to put all the illegals on a buses and planes. It simply isn't logistically feasible and will make us all Americans look like complete assholes for just reason. Some form of amnesty needs to be made.

Anonymous said...

Joe: That said, let's be realistic. Nobody is going to put all the illegals on a buses and planes. It simply isn't logistically feasible and will make us all Americans look like complete assholes for just reason. Some form of amnesty needs to be made.

As long as we're being realistic, let's be really realistic. Amnesties have not accomplished what they're supposed to accomplish, not here, not anywhere, not ever. Amnesties do not work. Period. No amnesty anywhere has ever had any other effect than increasing the flow of illegal migration. Anybody at this stage of the game who argues that amnesties are going to fix anything, is either dismally uninformed on the issue, unwilling to think like an adult about the problem, or a lying sack of an open-borders concern troll.

So that being the case, if you really believe that enforcing existing immigration law is just beyond-the-pale Nazi behavior, then just say so. No need to straw-man about the alleged logistical and financial impossibility of making a lot of people go home under considerably more humane conditions than they arrived here.

Then at least take the trouble to sit down and try to think clearly about the logical, and inevitable, consequences of your de facto support for an open border. Live it, love it, own it, baby.

P.S. As for the "just reason" for calling Americans assholes for enforcing their immigration laws - yeah, sure. Because all upright honorable Americans should prostrate themselves and their national interest before any two-bit, self-serving, hypocritical, alien-deporting, immigrant-abusing, border-enforcing foreign government that starts bitching about us being assholes for not giving their nationals the run of the country. (Because, after all, what national interest could be more compelling than not being called an asshole by the sainted human rights paragons of the government of Mexico? Sheesh.)

Anonymous said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne: They want the US to be a poverty relief program for Mexico. Or at least that's what the Mexican elite wants.

That's probably the funniest part of libtard do-gooder's mass immigration enthusiasm. They think they're "sticking it to the Man" by ensuring that corrupt Mexican plutocrats can sleep sound, secure in the knowledge that the pressure-relief valve on the Rio Grande is wide-open, freeing them of any responsibility to their countrymen. Because nothing says "progressive" like fucking over poorer working Americans for the benefit of the (supposedly hated) fat cats on both sides of the border.

Eric said...

That said, let's be realistic. Nobody is going to put all the illegals on a buses and planes. It simply isn't logistically feasible and will make us all Americans look like complete assholes for just reason. Some form of amnesty needs to be made.

So you're saying we shouldn't be as tough on the Mexicans as the Mexicans are on Guatemalans and Salvadorans?

Anonymous said...


easy Annie A. and her abortion-loving brought the coming economic, social, and governmental collapse on us all through her support of the fasicst-in-chief 4 years ago. And refuses to own up to her crimes.

Guns, gold, and a home far away from blue voters is the only safe haven now.

Soon, we will all be Detroit.

kentuckyliz said...

The good news is that there's less of a business community to have to make up with now, what with all the layoffs.

A bunch of fb friends who are small business owners are downscaling to solopreneur enterprises.

Layoffs galore.

Anonymous said...

The reason Republicans are looking seriously at the Hispanic vote is that there is a significant amount of the Republican platform that appeals to Hispanics.

It's dangerous to paint a racial group with such a broad brush, but I'm not running for anything, so I'll do it anyway. Hispanics tend to be somewhat pro-traditional marriage, anti-abortion, and generally socially conservative. Although they tend towards being fiscally liberal, it's rarely their 'critical issue'. In addition, the libertarian wing of the Republican party would like to see the border basically opened.

The argument over Hispanics is essentially a divide straight down the middle of the Republican party. It is no surprise that the SoCons, and Libertarians are going to push for some compromise from the group that they felt lost the election (the fiscal conservatives).

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