“I am dead-set on making sure that we don’t promote anybody who was an essential player in the Benghazi debacle,” Graham told reporters.Graham's position is so obvious, it's weird that he had to say it, but Obama expressed himself in a very strange way. As I noted yesterday, it had an old-fashioned chivalrous quality to it, as if he were shaming Graham and McCain for picking on the gentle lady. The very idea of attacking a woman. The phrase "besmirch her reputation" evokes an image of the woman as pure and unstained. Absurd!
November 15, 2012
"Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for Benghazi."
"I think you failed as Commander in Chief before, during, and after the attack," said Lindsey Graham, responding to Obama's statement (at yesterday's press conference) warning Graham (and McCain) away from going after Susan Rice. Obama said that it was "outrageous" to "besmirch her reputation" and that if they "want to go after somebody they should go after me." Graham made it clear that it wasn't about going after one person in place of someone else. He was going after everyone who should be held responsible:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 368 of 368"As Jake points out, the left didn't do this after 9/11, a vastly greater failure because of the death of non-combatants."
Dear gawd you people have selective memories.
You don't care why no help was sent to Benghazi do you? Entirely incurious. Like it's a VIRTUE.
"You never ask a question of the Jug Eared Jesus because some Republican somewhere did something worse.
Got it."
Is that what the previous POTUS is now, in GOP calculations? "Some Republican somewhere"?
Nice calculus.
Also, LOL at John McCain.
"I'm a fiction writer..."
Synova cries out into the unjust night: "You don't care why no help was sent to Benghazi do you? Entirely incurious. Like it's a VIRTUE."
It's all like Sean Hannity says. Really!!! The faux outrage remains thick with these people.
All orders and communication involved surrounding the attack in Benghazi is 100% documented and available.
All of it.
So what's the hold up? We don't have to know the inner workings of our response teams or terrorist coordination departments, no one needs operational details that might be used by the bad guys if they find out how they operate. We don't need those things to be told that *this* agency was alerted and mobilized and *that* person gave an order to go or not go and which decisions were made to NOT send teams into Libya.
No one has to hunt down obscure overlooked intelligence reports of half caught wire-taps. This is recorded, documented, stuff. 100% free and clear and available.
Obama can't lose the election now, so what is the excuse with being comfortable not knowing who screwed up?
Seven hours... no response.
It is always about former Republican Presidents.
Actually it's about Republican hypocrisy, and I'm not at all surprised that you missed the point. You always do.
Jake... what did Bush fail to do related to 9/11?
He failed to prevent the attacks. Did you miss that bit of news?
Obviously, like cartoon boy, you missed the point. Lindsey Graham is a hypocrite. Most of the Althouse lemmings are too.
Harrogate... faux outrage is when Obama gets huffy because someone noticed that Ambassador Rice went on television and repeated five times information which he now insists that his administration ALWAYS knew was false.
Little time-line issue. He got to be all faux outraged at Romney for daring to suggest that he hadn't said it was a terrorist attack all along. And then someone said... but what about Rice, etc., and repeated insistence that it wasn't? And he's all... well, that was just that silly woman talking about something she had no knowledge of - lets make her Secretary of State, wot?
So what's the hold up?
Damn straight! And where are Obama's college transcripts and his birth certificate? Enquiring minds want to know!*
*exceptions include Bush's military records, information about Bush's drug use, Cheney's energy task force records, etc...
"He failed to prevent the attacks. Did you miss that bit of news?"
Who is accusing Obama of failing to prevent the attack? Complain that he (or someone) took response teams out of Libya (by no accounts a pacified situation) and that requests for more security was denied, sure. But prevent the attack in Benghazi? Really? Obama is getting criticized for failing to prevent the Benghazi attack?
He didn't do anything to respond to a 7 hour battle viewed in real time from a drone... not the same thing.
What did Bush fail to do surrounding 9-11? Other than spend a few minutes while his car was fetched, to finish reading a book to children because he didn't want to scare them.
Trolls *forget* Jamie Gorlick's wall, so they can blame Bush.
Stupid trolls.
Seriously Jake?
The investigation of events at Benghazi is the same thing as Obama's birth certificate? This is really equivalent to you? No wonder you're so comfortable not caring what happened or why or why we couldn't do anything about it.
The point Jake-off is that the lap dog press will not ask legitimate questions of your hero.
But that is just fine and dandy.
He will have many more foreign policy debacles that he will have to explain away.
There will be many more dead Americans and sacked embassies due to his sloth and indifference.
Not to mention Iran getting the bomb and using it.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Why the fuck didn't that dummy Abe Lincoln send a relief force to Fort Sumter?
He did. Under the command of Captain Gustavus Fox. He did not succeed.
Yeah Zemo, I get it--you're a dunce and a waste of time. Don't feel obliged to keep proving it.
shiloh said...
I'm a fiction writer...
Takes one to know one.
So where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Tickling Kevin Clash's Elmo?
Jake Diamond said...
Jake... what did Bush fail to do related to 9/11?
He failed to prevent the attacks. Did you miss that bit of news?
OK, what was Willie's excuse on February 26, 1993?
Or at our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania?
Or the USS Cole?
Or the Khobar Towers?
What was his excuse, reading "Monica's Pet Wussy"?
Damn straight! And where are Obama's college transcripts and his birth certificate? Enquiring minds want to know!*
Especially since Little Zero is one of the most inept, incompetent, ignorant wretches to ever lay claim to an Ivy League degree.
The investigation of events at Benghazi is the same thing as Obama's birth certificate?
Are you having a bad day? Usually you seem to be a half-step ahead of most of the Althouse gang, but you're missing the point completely today.
So where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Oh man! That has to be the funniest thing I've read in weeks! edumbshit actually believe Mittens was winning. Hilarious!
A Reasonable Man wrote: No. I said, why don't you stop desperately trying to politicize the killing of our ambassador and his compatriots. As Jake points out, the left didn't do this after 9/11, a vastly greater failure because of the death of non-combatants. The ambassador at least knew he was going into a war zone.
Only partisan hacks would claim any similarity between the predictability and preventability of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12.
Only partisan hacks would suggest that the efforts to determine what happened here are politicizing the event.
Only partisan hacks would fail to recognize that the Senate Intelligence Committee, site of today's hearings, is controlled by Democrats.
Only partisan hacks would fail to recognize the seriousness of a failure to carry out the clear directive of the Commander-in-Chief to do whatever necessary to save the victims.
Only a horse's ass would imply that the death of the Ambassador was less tragic because "he knew he was going into a war zone" after the Ambassador requested and was refused additional security.
What was that you and Jake said? Was it "Hack, hack?"
Baron Zemo said...
There will be many more dead Americans>
Obama is going to have to ramp up his monumental incompetence if he is going to beat either Bush's or Reagan's records in this area.
It is dangerous world. Obama has taken at least some steps to try to reduce this danger and the number of people who have died on Obama's watch who are not active combatants is low by previous standards. Obviously any American death is one too many but the constant breast beating over Benghazi by the right is hypocritical and ridiculous. This is especially true since if any Obama appointee should take some blame here it is Petraeus, a point he clearly recognized, given his hurried trip to Libya.
Especially since Little Zero is one of the most inept, incompetent, ignorant wretches to ever lay claim to an Ivy League degree.
How quickly edumbshit forgets about W!
I'm sympathetic, edumbshit. The Republican party is desperately trying to erase Bush from GOP history and from the memories of voters.
"Obama is going to have to ramp up his monumental incompetence if he is going to beat either Bush's or Reagan's records in this area."
Yes that's a great reason not to ask questions about Benghazi. Bush and Reagan were much worse.
But be patient. I have confidence in your president.
Only partisan hacks...
What an amusing rant from an Althouse lemming! It's almost as if hombre isn't aware of the partisan hacks like himself that inhabit Althouse.
Keep the laughs coming, hombre!
Synova nails it: Seriously, Jake? The investigation of events at Benghazi is the same thing as Obama's birth certificate? This is really equivalent to you? No wonder you're so comfortable not caring what happened or why or why we couldn't do anything about it.
Meet today's left. Moral relativism and moral equivocation personified. Back when I was a prosecutor, we called them sociopaths.
Jake Diamond said...
Especially since Little Zero is one of the most inept, incompetent, ignorant wretches to ever lay claim to an Ivy League degree.
How quickly edumbshit forgets about W!
I'm sympathetic, edumbshit. The Republican party is desperately trying to erase Bush from GOP history and from the memories of voters.
I've forgotten nothing about Dubya.
Dubya was the one who tried to stop the housing collapse. Zero did his best (after all, he was the 3rd highest bribed Senator) to keep it going.
Dubya won the campaign in Iraq and had A-stan in hand. Zero screwed it to the wall.
Dubya pulled us out of the economic mess Willie left us. Zero has only made it worse.
As I've said before, Diamond talks so much about dumbshit because he's so intimately familiar with it.
He's made of it.
PS Note Diamond has nothing to say about Willie not stopping the terror attacks on his watch.
Wotta supprize!!!!
Oh and by the way. Bowing and scaping is not taking steps.
"The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."
I bet a whole bunch of those jerks who are posting to YouTube are going to jail.
Back when I was a prosecutor...
I have to hand it to hombre--he knows how to deliver the chuckles!
And, while we're talking about inept, incompetent, and ignorant, let's not forget how Sandy has turned into Zero's Katrina.
84,000 still without power in Gotham and Jersey.
113 dead.
Heckuva job, Barry.
Obama is going to have to ramp up his monumental incompetence if he is going to beat either Bush's or Reagan's records in this area.
Can you point to a single instance of Bush's incompetence?
Sure, you can repeat lies that were brainwashed into you.
But a single, provable fact?
Just some lame "it happened on his watch, even though I can't point to a single thing he did or didn't do to bring it about" sort of leftist, non-factual posturing.
Bush's policies created a good economy.
After the tax cuts, revenue increased, unemployment plummeted, and the deficit was reducing, and would have achieved a surplus by the end of his 2nd term.
But then Democrats took over Congress and implemented their policies.
Fact: The economy crashed after Democrats took over Congress. The only thing Bush did was not veto Democrat policies. The GOP was in minority in both houses of Congress.
Fact: Then-Senator Obama voted for all the policies that crashed the economy.
Fact: President Clinton had the exact same information that President Bush did regarding al Qaida and their planned attacks. What did President Clinton do?
Fact: the investigation, led by Democrats, concluded that the biggest fault for 9/11 was the wall of separation between intelligence organizations. That wall was created by Jamie Gorelick, a Clinton appointee.
Can you point to anything that contradicts these facts?
Of course not.
That's why you'll make baseless assertions or avoid addressing these points, just like you always do.
You are a moral and intellectual coward, and avoid facts, reason, logic, and information like they could kill you painfully.
But you are extremely good at repeating the mandatory talking points of Obama's Cult of Personality.
The only reason you aren't the worst at this is Jake Diamond also posts here.
hombre said...
Only partisan hacks would claim any similarity between the predictability and preventability of 9/11/01
The world trade center had been bombed previously, in 1993. It was quite obviously a target.
Jake Diamond said...
So where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Oh man! That has to be the funniest thing I've read in weeks! edumbshit actually believe Mittens was winning. Hilarious!
So funny the man made of dumbshit probably hasn't heard about the blacks bused into rural districts in ME to vote on election day.
Dubya pulled us out of the economic mess Willie left us.
Hahahahahahaha! We have a winner for most delusional post of the day! Congratulations edumbshit!
Second place goes to... ... edumbshit for his "Mittens was winning!" fantasy. Way to go, edumbshit!
That's right folks, it's a clean sweep of the board for edumbshit today. If you want to read barking mad, you can count on edumbshit to deliver!
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
Only partisan hacks would claim any similarity between the predictability and preventability of 9/11/01
The world trade center had been bombed previously, in 1993. It was quite obviously a target.
Yeah, because that alert was so precise and specific.
Not to mention the fact Jamie Gorelick's impenetrable wall made sure nobody could put the disparate pieces together.
God, I hate it when the stupid trolls come on shift.
You have to explain everything to them.
So funny the man made of dumbshit probably hasn't heard about the blacks bused into rural districts in ME to vote on election day.
edumbshit -
The most delusional post of the day contest is now closed. Please save further entries for tomorrow.
I like the potential of your "Obama won by cheating" lunacy so please remember to recycle it tomorrow. And again, congratulations on your big win today.
edutcher said...
Dubya pulled us out of the economic mess Willie left us.
Nathan Alexander said...
Bush's policies created a good economy.
You guys are truly unhinged regarding Bush's economic record. He is Hoover with a Texan accent. This is a done deal, it's in the history books. No amount of spin is going to change that particular verdict.
Jake, Are you saying that there should be no investigation into what happened at Benghazi?
Jake Diamond said...
Dubya pulled us out of the economic mess Willie left us.
Hahahahahahaha! We have a winner for most delusional post of the day! Congratulations edumbshit!
First rule of trollery:
Always put a lot of haha's in your post so no one can figure out the other guy just got you number.
The market was at its highest ever point right before the Lehman collapse, moron.
Second place goes to... ... edumbshit for his "Mittens was winning!" fantasy. Way to go, edumbshit!
That's right folks, it's a clean sweep of the board for edumbshit today. If you want to read barking mad, you can count on edumbshit to deliver!
The man made of dumbshit wants us to believe that all the polls showing us the Romster led for the entire month of October were all delusional.
It is going to be so much fun bringing this Administration down and we're all going to do our part.
Which reminds me, where was the man made of dumbshit hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
That's right. we didn't hear much from diamond all those weeks after the first debate, did we.
So, tell us, man of dumbshit, where were you hiding?
Having round the clock Depends implants made?
Jake, Are you saying that there should be no investigation into what happened at Benghazi?
The Senate is conducting an investigation. They waited until after the election to do so. It is important to know what happened. Why are you so angry about this.
Jake Diamond said...
So funny the man made of dumbshit probably hasn't heard about the blacks bused into rural districts in ME to vote on election day.
The most delusional post of the day contest is now closed. Please save further entries for tomorrow.
I like the potential of your "Obama won by cheating" lunacy so please remember to recycle it tomorrow. And again, congratulations on your big win today.
Oh, as delusional as all those counties with 140% turnout?
As delusional as all those districts with a 100% vote for Fearless Leader?
The man made of dumbshit is trying the old Alinsky tack of demonizing anybody who disagrees with him; too bad the Chicago machine is legendary for its vote fraud and it was systematic and widespread in this election.
but keep whistling past the graveyard, moron.
It's going to be just that much more fun when we bring down your Gay Messiah.
edutcher said...
Jake Diamond said...
The market was at its highest ever point right before the Lehman collapse,
Translation: the plane was flying great, right up until we crashed into that mountain.
"Synova nails it:"
ok, that was amusing!
Fact: Nathan Alexander predicted Willard would win in a landslide!
Fact: Nathan A's deductive thinkin' is laughable at best!
Logical opinion: Nathan A is an idiot!
Fact: NA is still at Stage 2 ~ Anger like most of Althouse cons ...
Kelvan Kringle said...
The Senate is conducting an investigation. They waited until after the election to do so. It is important to know what happened. Why are you so angry about this.
Not angry.
The world trade center had been bombed previously, in 1993. It was quite obviously a target.
edutcher said...
Yeah, because that alert was so precise and specific.
The fact that it had been bombed previously and the people who bombed it said they were going to bomb it again does not count as specific information? What do you want, a formal invitation?
AReasonableMan said...
The market was at its highest ever point right before the Lehman collapse,
Translation: the plane was flying great, right up until we crashed into that mountain.
You should know. It was your side that crashed it.
shiloh said...
Logical opinion: Nathan A is an idiot!
No, the little weasel is a liar.
Still wanting to know where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
I know, you and Diamond were playing Clash and Sheldon Stephens.
Without the tickle Me Elmo dolls.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
The fact that it had been bombed previously and the people who bombed it said they were going to bomb it again does not count as specific information? What do you want, a formal invitation?
Just because they said it doesn't mean it's the only possible target.
Or are you and the man of dumbshit really that stupid?
(withdraw the question, your honor...
all the polls showing us the Romster led for the entire month of October were all delusional.
edumbshit -
You did what all the other Althouse true believers did--you ignored the polls you didn't like and then -PRESTO! - Mittens was leading in all the polls!
I warned you and the other Althouse lemmings about Rasmussen polls but you stomped your little feet and shaked your tiny fists and screamed that I was wrong and that Rasmussen is the most accurate pollster EVAR! As usual, you were wrong, so now you have to create a new fiction to explain why the old fiction failed, i.e., Obama won by cheating!
Choosing to ignore evidence that's inconvenient to what you want to believe is pretty damn sure sign of living in the bubble. So let me just say, I'm really sorry that things didn't work out the way you convinced yourself they would, but reality has a way of disappointing people who disregard evidence in favor of wishful thinking.
That's right. we didn't hear much from diamond all those weeks after the first debate, did we.
I was here and I was commenting, just as sporadically as before. It's pretty easy to prove it too, considering the threads and posts are available still. But as usual you ignore what is inconvenient and replace it with your fantasies.
Take care little buddy.
"What do you want, a formal invitation?"
Acknowledgement that Jamie Gorelick's wall severely, fatally impeded the flow of intelligence, thus creating artificial, bureaucratic impediments making it almost, if not in fact, impossible for Bush (or any president who may have been in office at that time) to take any protective measures.
Start there.
Otherwise, you're just trolling.
Why are you so angry about this.
I'm not a bit angry. I'm laughing at you morons. You've been screaming for four years and now you have another four to go.
Isn't it a shame that the angry Republicans have to crank it up for another four years? Can they maintain their shrill irrationality? I wouldn't bet against it.
edumbshit -
Ok, I'm officially entering your "Obama only won by cheating!" nonsense into tomorrow's contest.
It's going to be just that much more fun when we bring down your Gay Messiah.
Thanks for sharing that slice from your fantasy world.
And when the impeachment fails to materialize they will be devastated all over again. They want it sooooo bad.
No. I said, why don't you stop desperately trying to politicize the killing of our ambassador and his compatriots
Blindly accepting lies about what got an ambassador killed, apparently, is not politicizing. Interesting to know.
He failed to prevent the attacks. Did you miss that bit of news?
...but Obama? TOTALLY INNOCENT in regards to Benghazi. Totally damned innocent.
*exceptions include Bush's military records, information about Bush's drug use, Cheney's energy task force records, etc...
You're aware his records were fully released, right?
Meanwhile, it's been 8 years and Kerry still hasn't done so himself.
Obama has taken at least some steps to try to reduce this danger and the number of people who have died on Obama's watch who are not active combatants is low by previous standards
Provided one ignores that pesky collateral damage for all of his drone strikes, naturally.
84,000 still without power in Gotham and Jersey.
113 dead.
Heckuva job, Barry.
But the government has been near perfect. And the media has covered it closely.
The fact that it had been bombed previously and the people who bombed it said they were going to bomb it again does not count as specific information? What do you want, a formal invitation?
Outside of limiting all access to the building forever --- please provide what Bush should have done.
We can name what Obama should have done. Send in troops to save the Americans being slaughtered.
He is Hoover with a Texan accent.
Fewer people are working now than when Obama took office.
The average American has seen their income drop under Obama.
Gas prices have doubled.
Food prices have skyrocketed.
Tell me more about what failure looks like.
Isn't it a shame that the angry Republicans have to crank it up for another four years? Can they maintain their shrill irrationality? I wouldn't bet against it.
Worked for Democrats 2000-2008.
Tim said...
Jamie Gorelick's wall
This is the standard cop-out for Bush apologists. As was discussed at length in one of the previous posts regarding the adulterous Petraeus, there is a balance that has to be managed between privacy and a completely unfettered surveillance state. In my view the Petraeus affair indicates that we currently err to far in favor of governmental spying. If this was not the opinion of Bush/Cheney, however, they were perfectly free to change the rules. All too free in my opinion.
Sociopaths. Or, possibly, sociopath and sock puppet!
And when the economy doesn't crash, they will be soooo disappointed. Looks like they may never work their way out of the anger stage.
Some are still stuck in back in denial I see.
Bargaining is next, but it's doubtful that many here will make it that far, one or two are close though.
Jake Diamond said...
You did what all the other Althouse true believers did--you ignored the polls you didn't like and then -PRESTO! - Mittens was leading in all the polls!
I warned you and the other Althouse lemmings about Rasmussen polls but you stomped your little feet and shaked your tiny fists and screamed that I was wrong and that Rasmussen is the most accurate pollster EVAR! As usual, you were wrong, so now you have to create a new fiction to explain why the old fiction failed, i.e., Obama won by cheating!
Choosing to ignore evidence that's inconvenient to what you want to believe is pretty damn sure sign of living in the bubble. So let me just say, I'm really sorry that things didn't work out the way you convinced yourself they would, but reality has a way of disappointing people who disregard evidence in favor of wishful thinking.
I was here and I was commenting, just as sporadically as before. It's pretty easy to prove it too, considering the threads and posts are available still. But as usual you ignore what is inconvenient and replace it with your fantasies.
Take care little buddy.
I think the man made of dumbshit just admitted he's shilol's sockpuppet.
And he wasn't here, either.
But I understand the urgency of denouncing anybody who said vote fraud was how the Demos won the election.
Once the economy collapses, and it looks like any day now, the mob is going to turn and rend on all the little Lefties who helped make it possible.
Isn't it a shame that the angry Republicans have to crank it up for another four years? Can they maintain their shrill irrationality?
From the expert.
Inga said...
And when the impeachment fails to materialize they will be devastated all over again. They want it sooooo bad.
It'll happen. Malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in office all constitute high crimes and misdemeanors and Benghazi is replete with them.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
This is the standard cop-out for Bush apologists. As was discussed at length in one of the previous posts regarding the adulterous Petraeus, there is a balance that has to be managed between privacy and a completely unfettered surveillance state.
That's some tap dance, but Troll is no Gene Kelly.
Emmett Kelly, maybe.
I don't see any grounds for impeachment and I wasn't devastated when Obama won. But I do want to know what happened in Benghazi.
Edutcher is so sure, as sure as he was that his guy would win the Presidency.
Me too Kelvin, I'm willing to wait before passing judgment though, unlike most here.
Jake, almost everybody in the military,police,ems and fire are republicans. We put ourselves into danger to protect you. It would be nice if you showed a little less hatred.
Oh noes!
Now you did it Kelvan....
lecture in five, four, three...
Inga said...
And when the economy doesn't crash...
Shit. I just disgorged linguini all over my screen.
Dammit, Inga, don't try being clever during the dinner hour.
Kelvan, sorry but you are wrong on that one, most every Firefighter, EMS, Police And Military members are Republican?
No lecture, just amazement.
Chip, don't eat at the keyboard. Those noodles get down inbetween E and R and before you know it things are growing under there.
Chip, as I recall the economy crashed on Bush's watch anyway. Whatever fell inbetween E and R back then has dried up by now.
You should read some of this week's economic news.
It turns out you guys were right all along when you laid out the "could've been worse" defense of Obama's economic policy.
We're about to find out how much worse it can be.
But, hey...abortion!
2002 U.S. Embassy Karachi, Pakistan: 10 killed, 51 injured
2004 U.S. Embassy bombed in Uzbekistan: 2 killed, several injured
2004 U.S. Consulate Saudi Arabia: 8 killed
2006 U.S. Embassy Syria: 1 killed, several injured
2007 U.S. Embassy in Athens: bombed with an anti-tank grenade; fortunately it was unoccupied
2008 U.S. Embassy in Serbia: set on fire; 1 dead
2008 U.S. Embassy in Yemen: bombed; 10 killed
chipper simp: sleeping during the late part of the g.w. regime?
"I don't see any grounds for impeachment and I wasn't devastated when Obama won. But I do want to know what happened in Benghazi."
Depending on the definition of "devastated" - me too.
As for the economy not crashing... I hope it doesn't. There just isn't any reason to think it will improve. Goodness and light and right thinking and caring and feeling isn't going to win the day, even if liberals think it won the election. And it probably did. It's just that the economy doesn't give a shit.
Oh FFS. Not this bullshit again. I love how you don't distinguish b/w dead attackers and dead defenders.
In any case, number of dead US ambassadors in all that: 0.
No need to worry about the right to choose anymore, Democratic majority Senate, Democratic President who will be nominating SC Justices sometime in the next four years.
Our votes matter.
Yep. It's well known that any downturn that occurs 3 years after the start of a recovery is due to the previous downturn.
Pls tell me you don't believe this shit, amigo.
Yes, Inga. Too bad so many young women won't be able to pay for those abortions out of their earnings from those 28-hour a week Applebee's jobs.
Dear Whiners:
2002 U.S. Embassy Karachi, Pakistan: 10 killed, 51 injured
2004 U.S. Embassy bombed in Uzbekistan: 2 killed, several injured
2004 U.S. Consulate Saudi Arabia: 8 killed
2006 U.S. Embassy Syria: 1 killed, several injured
2007 U.S. Embassy in Athens: bombed with an anti-tank grenade; fortunately it was unoccupied
2008 U.S. Embassy in Serbia: set on fire; 1 dead
2008 U.S. Embassy in Yemen: bombed; 10 killed
As if Romney would've gotten them out of his binder and hired them himself, LMAO!
Ciao, Inga.
Now that I've loaded up on linguini, I'm off to drink heavily.
If that Iraqi spammer shows up, Roberto will have someone he can connect with.
"In any case, number of dead US ambassadors in all that: 0."
Not the important point I don't think.
The long list of bombings merely proves that embassies and consulates are constant targets.
The difference between those events and the Benghazi attack is they were bombings. Someone set off a bomb *BOOM* and all that's left is to patch up anyone still living and dig bodies from the rubble. There is no sending reinforcements because it's over as soon as it happens. The Benghazi attack went on for 7 long hours. It went on for 7 hours as we watched, real time, with drones circling above the consulate. For 7 hours men attempted to defend the consulate and the annex building, they exchanged fire with the attackers. Stevens and Smith (I believe Smith?) locked themselves in the "safe room" and hunkered down and waited for rescue until they had to flee the smoke (Stevens not making it out). It went on and on and on.
Whatever the list of embassy attacks was supposed to prove, it doesn't prove anything but that embassies are targets and Benghazi was fundamentally different.
Well, be careful Chip, that Linguine won't taste as good coming up as going down;)
Don't be sad.
Pardon me... a fire at the Serbian embassy would only be the same if no one bothered to show up to put it out.
I'm sort of assuming without any evidence that someone did, indeed, show up to put it out.
"That they don't have facts is irrelevant."
How long are you willing to give Obama to come up with these facts?
He's elected. He's safe. All orders and communication are a matter of record. What are we waiting for?
"No need to worry about the right to choose anymore, Democratic majority Senate, Democratic President who will be nominating SC Justices sometime in the next four years.
Our votes matter."
Celebrating the right to never have to take on adult responsibilities for reproductive behavior is an odd thing to celebrate for women.
Yes, votes matter.
People do get what they want.
Doesn't mean that no one can point out that being a dependent is still infantalizing for women even when it doesn't involve a man.
Inga said...
Edutcher is so sure, as sure as he was that his guy would win the Presidency.
As funny as the people freezing and hungry on Staten Island, right?
PS In the week before the election, even the network polls were showing the Romster ahead.
Funny how nervous the trolls were back then.
I have an honest question:
Why send Rice out with the video story when Obama knew (get the transcript) that it was a concerted terror attack?
Why? I don't get it. It's actually made everything worse.
He's elected. He's safe. All orders and communication are a matter of record. What are we waiting for? He doesn't have a binder to put them in.
Synova, no one celebrates an abortion.
And Synova, that type of thinking about the wrenching choice a woman must make is what made 55% of voting women vote Democratic.
I notice that that hardiest of perennials, the Yabbut Bush, still blooms and flourishes in the hearts of our lefties.
"And Synova, that type of thinking about the wrenching choice a woman must make is what made 55% of voting women vote Democratic."
If people believed it actually was a wrenching choice there wouldn't be a pro-life movement.
No, Obama doesn't want his daughters punished with a baby if they make a mistake, most of us know at least one person who didn't want to be fat in the summer, oh, and the psychic dreams about how it was all going to go badly and needing to abort a wanted baby because of the supernatural message...yeah, that one too.
And in case you missed it, some people do absolutely "celebrate" abortions... like those lovely T-shirts and sermons about how abortion is a wonderful thing for a woman to do even if she's financially set and in a stable relationship.
I understand, I *do* understand, that making it about the hard choices and the mean Republicans who think that if you're not raped you had a choice, is a winning argument.
But it's still 100% about not having to take that pre-conception responsibility and that there will always be a do-over, even if men don't get do-overs, and there will always be someone to take care of you and it's *totally* different if that's the government instead of a man, because it means you're... I don't know... strong and independent because... taxes.
If I've said something unpopular, should I lie so I can be popular?
Is life really a popularity contest?
No, not at all Synova, you are free to say and think unpopular things, we are free to vote against them.
Maybe you just never noticed when abortion went from worry about women so desperate they'd get a "back alley" abortion and die and how abortions needed to be legal and safe and rare, to abortion as a necessary birth-control measure.
Maybe you just didn't notice that shift. No one cares about abortion being rare except for the pro-lifers. No one cares that abortion be for desperate women. Getting one should be as easy as walking into a clinic, no matter your situation and how *dare* anyone suggest it's not a splendid choice?
No "wrenching" decision involved.
Leslyn wrote: And why is it we don't hear crying about the House cutting funding for security by 30%? And the SOS warning them about it?
How did the house do that all by themselves, sociopath?
And why did representatives from State say it wasn't the lack of funds that kept them from providing security, but the need to "normalize," sociopath bullshitter?
And how about those Volts in Austria, sociopath, bullshitter, hack?
Governors Cuomo and Christie say the same thing Leslyn:)
Too bad someone didn't think, when those "I got an abortion" t-shirts were going around campuses, to print up a bunch of "I won't kill your baby" t-shirts for the other women to wear.
Seriously... why not just say "Republicans refuse to treat women like dependent children and that's why they lost" and get it over with.
Synova if you hadn't noticed, it was not the anti abortion rhetoric that sunk you folks, it was the REAL possibility of circumventing Roe v Wade with Personhood bills or Supreme Court choices should there have been a majority Republican House, Senate and Presidency.
Talk is only talk until it's not.
And if you don't recognize that it WAS a real possibility, you were deluding yourself.
As for personhood bills... I think we need them, or something like them, because of cloning. The only way to rationally deal with human reproductive research is to define all human life as human life.
What we do now in order to do human reproductive and other research on human organisms is define some life as not-human. This actually inhibits progress and knowledge and advancement in these technologies.
People are so afraid of the future and anything they don't understand.
Inga chirped: No, not at all Synova, you are free to say and think unpopular things, we are free to vote against them.
Yeah. Say and think unpopular stuff like Obama increased the debt by $5 trillion, increased food stamps to 47 million, cut back oil production, blocked pipelines, had the slowest recovery ever.
Forty five per cent of the women voted with their brains. The others, not so much!
O-o-o, look out ladies. Romney will invade your privates parts. Vote with them instead!
Leslyn, Friday is a reasonable answer.
So we'll wait until Friday.
And what will you do then? My hopes aren't up, but maybe I'll be surprised and we'll be told who dropped the ball and why.
Hombre grunted,
Me big powerful man, me say what you vooman do with your body, me like BIG government when it comes vooman's body.
Inga said...
Synova, no one celebrates an abortion..
NOW does. Planned Barrenhood does.
leslyn said...
84,000 still without power in Gotham and Jersey. 113 dead.
Heckuva job, Barry.
More than 3 million people were left w/o power after Sandy, at least 200,000 more than Katrina. The power outages from Katrina lasted for weeks.
Before two weeks had gone by after Katrina, FEMA Director Brown had resigned. Brown later lied to Congress about why a federal state of emergency hadn't been declared for Louisiana before the storm.
Over 1800 people died from Katrina.
Heckuva job, Mr. President.
Well, if Katrina was so much worse, the Messiah should have had sandy fixed by now.
Oh, that's right, he was too busy throwing people under the bus to worry about the useless idiots dumb enough to actually vote for him.
Inga twaddled: Synova if you hadn't noticed, it was not the anti abortion rhetoric that sunk you folks, it was the REAL possibility of circumventing Roe v Wade with Personhood bills or Supreme Court choices should there have been a majority Republican House, Senate and Presidency.
Of course. That's why those things were hot topic of discussion during the campaign - not!
Clearly, most of the dim bulbs who voted for Obama had no clue about those issues. Your suggestion to the contrary in the absence of campaign chatter about them is just silly.
My advice to you Republicans and conservatives, keep swinging ever yet further to the right.>>>>>>>
Hombre, huge mistake underestimating your opposition. :)
“Heckuva job, Mr. President”:
New York City Councilman James Sanders represents the Rockaways. His chief of staff Donovan Richards told Here & Now [Boston NPR station] his district was abandoned when Sandy hit.
“FEMA did not arrive in a timely fashion, nor did the Red Cross,” Richards said. “If it wasn’t for everyday citizens coming out and giving us a hand, the Rockaways would be in a shape that is unfathomable.”
Richards said that FEMA didn’t arrive until last Thursday, and he says the agency initially set up in an area that was inaccessible to poorer residents.
“Every 24 hours that goes by, we get into a more desperate situation so FEMA has to respond quicker. I know we have a billion things to do but in a low-income area with 30 percent of the people on some sort of income subsidy we need them to move fast and move now,” Richards said.
FEMA was unavailable for comment.
Yeah, pretty much. Women (55% of them) like Big Government instead of individual guys who are so annoying and hard to get along with, indeed, who require effort.
"And when the impeachment fails to materialize they will be devastated all over again. They want it sooooo bad."
Just look at how they are flailing, trying to generate a conspiracy of epic consequences. They don't have anything but that is no longer relevant because they have convinced themselves now, so it can only get worse. They keep talking about how the "American people" demand this and that. Sometimes, I bet, some of them are struck by the irony of the language they use.
"he's shilol's sockpuppet."
No, but like myself he's one of the few libs at Althouse, so I feel a kinship as he easily drives her con flock to nonsensical discombobulation.
Indeed, rehashing the Rep recent chaos is somewhat entertaining.
hmm, who was the sarcastic liberal poster who would occasionally say ((( Romney is WINNING !!! ))) :)
Were there liberals on these boards who occasionally said Romney was winning? I vaguely recollect, but can't pin it down.
I'm more worried about American Politico. I wonder what happened to the dear man?
Inga bleated: Me big powerful man, me say what you vooman do with your body, me like BIG government when it comes vooman's body.
Stoo-pid. Typical Obamoron reductionism designed to appeal to genitalia voters.
52 million dead by abortion since Roe. Enough to populate a country so you voomans can have unprotected sex without taking responsibility for it. Oh, but if the taxpayers provide voomans the 10 bucks a month for your contraception from Wal-Mart it will show that Obama cherishes you even if you don't bother to use it.
"Don't you dare spout such an appalling insult to so many women w/o expecting to be called on your bullshit, Synova."
Appalling insults might be the first clue a woman has that not everyone thinks she is adorable, no matter what she does, just because she's a woman.
Abortion DID used to be about wrenching choices. USED TO be about wrenching choices, because no woman would ever ever ever be less than serious or wrenching about the decision to abort her baby.
Hasn't been that way for a couple of decades now.
Where have you two been?
Some women need to be insulted or they'll never figure out that they're supposed to only have an abortion if they're desperate, that almost everyone agrees (or did) that abortion had to be legal because some women were *desperate*.
But we're horrible people, I'm a horrible person, if I don't pretend that the simple right to chose is a marvelous thing and a choice to have an abortion is just splendid because I might accidentally make some poor girl in a truly *desperate* situation feel bad.
If she's in an actual desperate situation where she has no real choice but to get an abortion... she knows it and she probably thinks abortion is terrible already and wishes she didn't have to make that choice.
I'm betting she thinks even less of the "don't want to be fat in the summer" woman than I do.
AP? I think he had an.......
As Nathan Alexander would say, Epistemic Closure.
Or Ermagerd!
The Ermagerd is extremely thick on this thread.
Hombre whined, we lost the election, you are poopy heads, straight from the mouth of their hero, Grover Norquist.
Hombre, huge mistake underestimating your opposition. :)
If you are referring to yourself, that would be difficult indeed.
When you speak from the heart without partisanship, you are interesting.
When you repeat the talking points or go in for political analysis, not so much. :>(
Hombre, aren't you the jerk that called me the "death nurse"?
Inga wrote: Hombre whined, we lost the election, you are poopy heads, straight from the mouth of their hero, Grover Norquist.
Good God, Inga. Have another glass of wine. How silly can you be?
When you speak from the heart without partisanship, you are interesting.
When you repeat the talking points or go in for political analysis, not so much. :>(
Well isn't that just about true for most of us.
Hombre, aren't you the jerk that called me the "death nurse"?
phx wrote: Well isn't that just about true for most of us.
I don't know about you, have you ever gotten beyond the talking points?
Hombre, I'm sorry, but that Is what Grover Norquist actually said, if I were a Republican I'd be embarrassed too. And I don't drink wine, ever.
But if ya got some chocolate......
Statistical trend lines show that more women are having multiple abortions.
That surely supports Synova’s contention that abortion is hardly a wrenching experience for many.
Also haven’t heard libs addressing this trend -- have I missed it?
Chip S. said...
Yes, Inga. Too bad so many young women won't be able to pay for those abortions out of their earnings from those 28-hour a week Applebee's jobs.
Can you tell how indifferent and unabsorbed by it all she is. She and her cadre got what they most desired. Their wishes have come true. Getting what you wish for is a double edged sword, but the cut is going to be deeper in their case. However, in the cases of the one you mention, she and her cadre could really care less. Know why? Because they already got theirs and fuck everyone else. They really think they are doing this country a service by engaging in an ideology that is cannibalistic in nature. They will be eating their own in no time.
I don't know about you, have you ever gotten beyond the talking points?
I'll buy you a goddamned beer ANY day!
McCain skips Benghazi briefing, gets testy when questioned by CNN.
LOL at McCain. And at the ermagerders here.
Inga said...
"Synova, no one celebrates an abortion."
You need to get out more.
I know plenty of women who have celebrated.
And their boyfriends, too.
The world is much more expedient than you know, or are prepared to admit.
Harrogate, he sure embraced that angry old man persona. Sore loser way back to 2008, I used to respect him.
Thank goodness his daughter has more sense.
shiloh said...
he's shilol's sockpuppet.
No, but like myself he's one of the few libs at Althouse, so I feel a kinship as he easily drives her con flock to nonsensical discombobulation.
It's just a coinkydink they use the same boilerplate.
And Diamond AKA man of dumbshit is one of the most risible of trolls here. Since he must resort to invective rather than reason, he must be the id of shilol's frail ego.
So where were the both you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Staring in a mirror and wishing one of you was a girl?
Or both of you?
Take care, little buddy.
Both of you.
PS 84,000 still without power. Great guy, your President.
Oop is the Ilse Koch of Althouse.
One simply cannot besmirch a reputation that has already been smirched, so Obama's argument is a non sequitur.
This whole thing is odd, as Graham is one of the squishiest men in the Senate. Good to see that he has finally grown some backbone. Now if he'll just follow through with this.
Inga said...
Some are still stuck in back in denial I see.
Yes you are, aren't you?
Inga said...
Synova, no one celebrates an abortion.
One would not know that from the Democrat National Convention.
JAL, nope, I've moved FORWARD!:)
Over a cliff ;>
Inga writ JAL, nope, I've moved FORWARD!:)
Game. Set. Match.
Nite all.
Once the economy collapses, and it looks like any day now, the mob is going to turn and rend on all the little Lefties who helped make it possible.
Yes indeed, the economy will collapse any day now. Maybe we can convince George Bush to come back to rescue it AGAIN!
I think the man made of dumbshit just admitted he's shilol's sockpuppet.
Is that conclusion the result of one of your Althouse-style brainstorming sessions? \rhetorical
Take care little buddy.
And he wasn't here, either.
edumbshit - Just to be clear about this, you keep insisting that I didn't post here "10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning."
Do you want to put your money where your mouth is? It's easy enough to establish the facts if you want to settle this. Of course, if facts truly don't matter in your bubble, you'll refuse to stand behind your accusation but you'll keep on chirping.
I'm confused; are you trying to imply there weren't WMDs? There were several caches of biological and chemical weapons found. No one found any nuclear weapons, which is sadly, what the media pretended were the only thing that counted as WMDs, so a lot of people are still ignorant of the fact that, while not in as high of quantities as we thought, Saddam was in violation of the treaty.
There were no nuclear weapons in Iraq, but there was a nuclear weapons program, which Saddam Hussein had put into suspension when the international political environment got too hot.
The Bomb was completely designed and thus needed only a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium to be complete (which it was estimated would likely have taken only some additional few months — except for the Gulf War). Saddam's Bomb was to be an implosion device, though intended for use with uranium rather than plutonium, but otherwise rather similar to the U.S.'s “Fat Man” bomb used on Nagasaki at the end of WWII. (There was a fascinating article in Scientific American about Saddam's Bomb which appeared after the war.)
Afterwards, to forestall his nuclear project possibly being discovered and destroyed, like his huge biowarfare program (though the latter project remained hidden for half a decade after the Gulf War and was only ultimately revealed when his two sons-in-law defected, spilling the beans), to avoid such a fate Saddam directed that his chief nuclear scientist Mahdi Obeidi hide critical components, documentation and plans (including a complete uranium-enriching centrifuge) sufficient to re-create the entire project (which Saddam obviously intended to do the moment the heat was off) — and Obeidi, naturally, obeyed those instructions, burying the resulting cache in his own backyard. All this was of course an enormous violation of the UN SC resolutions vis-a-vis Iraq and the Gulf War cease-fire agreement.
After the (2nd) Iraq war, and the disappearance and ultimate capture of Saddam Hussein, the stark terror of the position he'd been in faded, and Obeidi decided to turn himself in and reveal the cache — whereupon it was dug up and carted off to the United States, and Obeidi too.
In 2004 Mahdi Obeidi's intriguing book about his time as Saddam's Bombmaker appeared, titled The Bomb in My Garden. I suppose he's still living in the U.S. somewhere today.
Jake Diamond said...
Once the economy collapses, and it looks like any day now, the mob is going to turn and rend on all the little Lefties who helped make it possible.
Yes indeed, the economy will collapse any day now. Maybe we can convince George Bush to come back to rescue it AGAIN!
Whoa! Who fired up the village idiot tonight?
The man of dumbshit was little in evidence the month after the first debate, and I'd remember if I'd addressed him (a battle of wits with unarmed individuals is sooo enervating).
PS It's so impossible that Rove, Morris, Barone, Ras and even Gallup were right, right?
Consider this, the Lefties have no trouble believing there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, either.
As then, we'll be proven right.
Can't wait for the impeachment.
Leslyn--the term "federal state of emergency" is a term of art in emergency management--there are three laws that government what the federal government can do in response to a natural disaster: The insurrection act, the stafford act, and the posse comitatus act. The Feds can only intervene directly by using the insurrection act. The Bush adminisration responded to state governor's request for assistance in a timely fashion although Governor Blanco was very late in requesting assistance. Google "Federal State of Emergency Katrina" for the timeline.
Hey! edumbshit is already starting to squirm away from his insistence that I wasn't here.
First he insisted I wasn't here; now he's declared that I "was little in evidence." Squirm, squirm, squirm. edumbshit is so sure of his position that he's afraid to bet on it. At least he didn't lose any money betting on the "sure thing" Mittens victory.
It's so impossible that Rove, Morris, Barone, Ras and even Gallup were right, right?
Rasmussen has a pretty poor track record in the last couple of national election cycles.
But what this comes down to is that I believe in facts and mathematics and you don't. That's why when the election didn't turn out the way you imagined it would in your fantasy world, you had to create a new fantasy: the Democrats cheated!
It's only another four years for you to crank up the irrational anger. By then, Althouse and Meade will have brainstormed a solution to all of the world's problems (including Simon Cowell) and saved the American economy from collapse. Something to look forward to, right?
Take care my angry and delusional little pal.
Bottom line, Willard got his butt kicked and Althouse con lemmings are still living in the Rasmussen/Gallup bubble!
All is well in teabagger la la land ...
And some fool is still arguing/rationalizing non-existent wmd's ~ perfect! :-P
Indeed, in (5) of the last six national elections, the Rep candidate has got less than 50%. Only wartime incumbent Bush got 50.7 in 2004. As my idiotic friend Nathan A. would say ~ facts!
"All is well in teabagger la la land ..."
The only ones actually being teabagged are journalist, by The black Nixon and they're lovin it. Well except for the ones fellating his prostate with their heads up his ass.
Most of the Republican members of a Senate committee investigating the terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, skipped a classified briefing by administration officials on the incident Wednesday....
Drama queens...
It'll happen. Malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in office all constitute high crimes and misdemeanors and Benghazi is replete with them.
It'll never happen. Democrats have no issue with corruption. You don't see any call for Jesse Jackson Jr to answer for his crimes, do you?
machine said...
Most of the Republican members of a Senate committee investigating the terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, skipped a classified briefing by administration officials on the incident Wednesday....
Drama queens..
Perhaps they were waiting for a briefing from a better source.
shiloh said...
Jake Diamond said...
Hey! edumbshit is already starting to squirm away from his insistence that I wasn't here.
No squirm. If the man of dumbshit were here, I never saw him. And he wasn't here.
It's so impossible that Rove, Morris, Barone, Ras and even Gallup were right, right?
Rasmussen has a pretty poor track record in the last couple of national election cycles.
Yeah, most reliable in '08 and '10 is a pretty poor record.
Bottom line, Willard got his butt kicked and Althouse con lemmings are still living in the Rasmussen/Gallup bubble!
No, bottom line, the election was stolen.
It'll come out.
But, since both the sockpuppet ego and id are here, I'll ask again, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Mom actually make you get a job?
damikesc said...
It'll happen. Malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in office all constitute high crimes and misdemeanors and Benghazi is replete with them.
It'll never happen. Democrats have no issue with corruption. You don't see any call for Jesse Jackson Jr to answer for his crimes, do you?
The House does the impeaching, remember.
2 sociopathic Democrats in 20 years. now there's a distinction.
leslyn said...
....you keep insisting that I didn't post here "10/5 -11/5 when the Romster was winning.
Who cares? He was never winning.
Even the networks were worried.
He was.
Y'know, kinda like the way the Lefties said no WMDs in Iraq.
Jake, almost everybody in the military,police,ems and fire are republicans.
Sorry but I'm calling bullshit.
No squirm. If the man of dumbshit were here, I never saw him. And he wasn't here.
Oh, I see. If you didn't see me, then I wasn't here. Got it. I bet you still believe you can hide from people by closing your eyes.
So if you are so sure I wasn't here, why are you afraid to put your money where your mouth is?
"Democrats have no issue with corruption."
Reps have no issue w/corruption and constitutional violations as Dutch should have been impeached and convicted in the senate re: Iran-Contra!
Yeah, most reliable in '08 and '10 is a pretty poor record.
Either you're ignorant or innumerate.
Here are the facts. Try reading, edumbshit.
The hearings have started. Obamamedia and Obots cry: "Look over there. No, over here. No, dammit, look at McCain. There is no substance, only politics. Look away. Look away."
...and the entire populace loses by this worthless POS being re-elected.
@ Jake D
Bush did not fuck the people out of their election by a massive cover-up.
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