১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Meat-eaters "easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes."

Indian textbook.

৩৮টি মন্তব্য:

Mr. D বলেছেন...

And are very thorough.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Meat eaters are people, so it stands to reason they have all the vices people are prone to have. Things seem to be about the same in India as they are here, they just blame different groups of people.
Meat eaters in India must be equivalent to conservatives here.
It's good to have someone to blame.

Sorun বলেছেন...

The authors were golden until they called the Inuit "lazy." You know that shit ain't going to flush.

Tim বলেছেন...

Ha ha.

Too funny.

Let see here.

Meat eaters circumnavigated the globe.

Meat eaters invented indoor plumbing.

Meat eaters discovered electricity.

Meat eaters invented the steam engine, the telegraph, the light bulb, the telephone, etc., etc., etc.

Not that there's anything wrong with meat eaters.

I will concede that vegetarians probably came up with the whole "war on women" nonsense though.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

Meat eaters have higher developed brains and better erections.

Tim বলেছেন...


A few more things.

Critical oversight.

Meat eaters invented animal husbandry, slaughter houses and butchering.

Probably fire too, for obvious reasons.


Sorun বলেছেন...

"The Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal lived on wheat and dates and were superior to the beef-fed Englishmen engaged in the same work."

The English, who were supervising, didn't dig nearly as well as the Arabs. If fact, they didn't dig at all! Lazy meat-eaters.

Writ Small বলেছেন...

Also the vegetarians.

Tim বলেছেন...

ndspinelli said...

"Meat eaters have higher developed brains and better erections."

That's what she said!

Corollary: Real Women date and marry meat eaters who are, in turn, Real Men.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Meat-eaters "easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes."

In other words, eating meat is EXCITING!

Tim বলেছেন...

The list of things better than a bone-in rib eye steak is probably limited to fine single-malt scotch and a wicked blow job.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Given that the meat eaters conquered Inja and ran it for 2 centuries, leaving only when they felt like it, it's something of a cautionary tale.

Like why the Lefties want us all to be vegans.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm a lefty who eats meat, go figure.

William বলেছেন...

OK, there's a down side to eating meat what with the rape and murder, but most sane people would rather become murdering rapists than eat Indian food.

Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

Hitler was a vegetarian.

Game, set, match.

JAL বলেছেন...

Not so funnily (?) Indians -- Hindus and Muslims -- have a sad history of having killed each other with impunity regardless of their diet. Don't think the meat eating Muslims had a corner on that.

Valentine Smith বলেছেন...

No wonder Hitler farted so much.

Went to school with a cat who carried Kale in a plastic bag. It was the only food he ate. Claimed he never needed to drink water. His skin was the color of that fake Coppertone tan from the 60's. Once I conned him into eating an order of MacDonald's french fries. His joints swelled like mini-baloons.

All the vegans I've ever met are fanatics.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Indians talk of humans: Do you not?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Within the realm of human interaction lies lies, exponantialed.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

or exponantiated, were it be I deem such.

Alex বলেছেন...

Michelle Obama is a voracious meat eater.

Alex বলেছেন...

I'm pretty sure King Leonidas ate meat and no Titus, I'm not talking about Spartan Cock.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

My favorite complaint about meat-eaters was in Beverly Hills Cop.

Detective Rosewood: "Wow. You know, it says here that by the time the average American is fifty, he's got five pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels."

Sergeant Taggart: "Why are you telling me this? What makes you think I have any interest in that at all?"

Detective Rosewood: "Well, you eat a lot of red meat."

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

My first girlfriend was a vegetarian. It was awesome. I'd take her to a steak house and she'd eat my salad.

Clyde বলেছেন...

When our distant ancestors started eating meat, they developed larger brains. The human brain burns more energy than any other part of the body, and you can't run that brain on a diet of sprouts and tofu.

Clyde বলেছেন...

From the text:

"The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables," reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food?

Adam and Eve? I don't think that they appear any of the Hindu scriptures!

Alex বলেছেন...

Clyde - or maybe because they started having bigger brains then they ate meat to supply their caloric needs. I just don't buy the idea that infusion of meat = stimulate brain growth on a genetic level.

Eric বলেছেন...

Oh, what a surprise! Vegetarians are insufferable in other countries too.

Billy Oblivion বলেছেন...

St. Croix:

That was recycled from an old Barney Miller episode.

Steven বলেছেন...

Adam and Eve? Hah. Chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans are all omnivores.

Human Evolution in Summary:

1) One subgroup of proto-chimpanzees picks up a habit of throwing things more often than other proto-chimpanzees. The immediate advantages are an improved ability to drive off attackers safely and hunt game effectively.

2) Within this throwing-oriented subgroup of proto-chimpanzees, mutations that help it carry and throw weapons are favored, making it better at the ability to drive off attackers and hunt game. These include increased bipedality (freeing up the carrying/throwing hands). As a side effect, the group becomes less well-suited to spending time in trees.

3) This split-off proto-human group spends more time on the savannah instead of the forest. Adaptations that help these bipedal proto-humans endurance run make them even more effective hunters, as they can chase gazelles and the like into exhaustion. Adaptations selected here include less body hair, better sweat glands, longer leg bone lengths, less hand-like foot shape, enlarged rounded (energy-conserving springy) buttocks, and the enlarged/springy Achilles tendon. (Long hair on the head may also date to this, serving as a loose, keep-the-sun-off covering role that Bedouin robes also serve.)

4) Improved hunting (from throwing and from endurance running) increases the calories available to the proto-humans. Proto-humans with mutations that cause them to have larger brains, instead of starving to death, survive - and use the extra brain to out-think rivals in the tribe for status (which translates into food and mating opportunities). As a result, brains generally increase in size due to the utility in inter-tribal politics, ultimately to a head-size limit dictated by the size of the pelvic opening.

5) While the brain increases in size, tribal politics become more sophisticated. Proto-humans better at communicating ideas and emotions have an advantage over the ones that don't; the human voicebox accordingly becomes more sophisticated.

6) The large brain and the communicating voicebox give humans the ability to develop sophisticated ideas about the world and transmit them. Mutations for extended lifespan and menopause are selected because they effectively equip tribes with the first "libraries" (old-people brains) of data about how to cope with difficult and unusual situations.

A) Unknown timeframe during the brain enlargement period. The bigger brains of humans allow them to figure out that having sex during estrus results in pregnancy. This results in the first birth control era, as these obvious signs are used as a signal for abstinence to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Women who by accidental mutation do not display obvious estrus wind up having more children than the ones who do, and eventually natural family planning self-selects obvious estrus out of humanity. Natural family planning will not return for thousands of years, until after sophisticated medical study manages to find the remaining signs of human estrus.


Which is to say, we're human because we're the chimpanzees that adapted to be better at killing other animals.

Granted, it's pretty hard to conclusively prove any of the above from the mere bone record, but it puts all of humanity's major divergences from the chimps and bonobos into a single logical progression (consistent with the fossil evidence) where a single initial divergence (a tribe of proto-chimps that threw stuff more often than other proto-chimps) logically leads the chain of changes that explain most of the major physiological differences humanity evolved.

(The unusually large size of female breasts and male penises in humans compared to other apes are the major physiological items not explained.)

Sam L. বলেছেন...

I understand Arabs do that, too.

Life's a bummer and then you die.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Republicans and other climate change deniers do too.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Meat concentrates high protein levels into diets which make men's control over their minds far stronger when confronted with outside control propaganda from religious circular arguments.

So it is no wonder that rules in many Eastern cults such as Hindu spiritual control insist on withholding meat from their controlee targets.

Astro বলেছেন...

Sounds to me like some Vegan kept getting his juice money stolen by a meat-eating kid, back in elementary school.

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

It's just commentary on the British, and, frankly, sour grapes.

Which make a nice tangy lassi.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Inga said...

I'm a lefty who eats meat, go figure.

11/16/12 10:00 PM
Hence your bigger erections.

SomeoneHasToSayIt বলেছেন...

"Meat-eaters "easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes.""

Ah, so do air breathers.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

I never understood if they drove cars with sacred leather interiors ... or is that not a part of the sacred cow thing?