November 6, 2012

Live-blogging election night.

5:12 Central Time: Won't you hang out with me while we watch the results come in? Here's a helpful map, showing what times the polls close in the various states. Polls in parts of Indiana and Kentucky closed a quarter hour ago, but what will be rather thrilling is the top of the hour, 7 Eastern Time, when Florida (minus the part under Alabama) and Virginia close, and then half an hour after that Ohio and North Carolina. Perhaps things at that point will be so decisive we will more or less know. Drudge is saying "EXIT POLLS TIGHT," giving Romney NC and FL and Obama NH, PA, MI, and NV, and listing OH, VA, CO, and IA as toss ups. What? No Wisconsin? I'm thinking it will all be about Wisconsin. But I'm Wisconsincentric.

5:25: After all this time watching the election, I wonder what life will be like tomorrow. I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud. Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

5:50: I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, and hanging out at MSNBC for the last few minutes, I get the feeling they think the GOP will do well. Why? They're going at the topic of the way the GOP isn't likely to take the majority in the Senate. I'm just getting the feeling that they are moving into that place of refuge.

6:00: Nothing exciting at the top of the hour. Virginia not called. But that's not surprising. It was expected to be close.

6:30: Romney wins West Virginia, unsurprisingly. NC and Ohio are now closed, but they're not calling it, unsurprisingly. CNN reveals exit polls: 49/49 in NC and 51% Obama, 48% Romney in Ohio. Impressive for Obama... if the exit polls are right.

6:41: Boring! Maybe you should go for a run, have sex, or guzzle an Ardberg along with a chocolate bar and then come back in 20 minutes or an hour or so. Wouldn't that make more sense?

7:00: CNN projects Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine (3 of the 4), and Rhode Island for Obama. Oklahoma for Romney. Many others not called.

7:27: On Fox News, Rove is on fire. Joe Trippi is stammering and looking worried. Good for Romney, right?

7:37: Watched ABC network for a while and there's a wild-eyed desperation that tells me they know Obama's in trouble.

8:00: CNN calls Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska (3 of the 5), North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Mississippi to Romney. Michigan, New York, and New Jersey for Obama. (There goes Michigan, which had been considered possible for Romney.)

8:02: They can't call Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and my home state Wisconsin.

8:04: 52% Obama, 46% Romney — CNN exit poll in Wisconsin. That looks bad for Romney.

10:04: Oh, I see I've been away for 2 hours. I couldn't take the stress. It's not as though you're reading this blog for news updates. What do you want from me? Gushings of emotion?  I'm being mellow, distancing myself from the political fray, reconnecting to my old aversion to politics. The people will have what they have chosen, and I hope for the best, especially for the young people. Tomorrow there will be new things to talk about, I assume. The election is over, is it not? Obama will win, perhaps without the popular vote, like Bush. What will he do with it? Take us to a higher ground, at last? Or nothing at all.


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David said...

Sure. What a novel idea.

Matt Sablan said...

Hooray, elections!

Palladian said...


Kchiker said...

What a relief to finally know as opposed to guessing. And I'm fully prepared to state that if my guy doesn't win, it was not the result of shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Of course, yes it will be Wisconsin.

Ellen said...

Hanging with you, Profe Althouse

Saint Croix said...

If you're worried about voter fraud, this should ease your mind

Anonymous said...

So, Inga, while we're all sitting around, why don't you share some of your great wisdom with us.

We're borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend with absolutely no end in sight. How does it go from here under Obama?

Let's hear how you see it going?

m11_9 said...

It won't be called early because Dem election lawyers have probably been lobbying media all week to hold back especially in RE: Ohio.

This will be too close to call tonight, IMHO..

clint said...

I'll be disappointed if the New Hampshire exit poll holds. The others agree with my pre-election WAGs.

We'll have to see.

cold pizza said...

Coke or Pepsi? Boxers or briefs? There are 2 types of people: those who put everyone into 2 groups and those who want to kick the crap out of people who put everyone into 2 groups. -CP

Unknown said...

Drudge originally had OH for O, then moved it to toss up. Not sure what that means, or what the exits mean in general, if much.

clint said...

If it comes down to Ohio, and Ohio is at all close, then we won't know for at least a week -- their absentee ballots need to be *postmarked* by election day, not to arrive today.

Patrick said...

Interesting that before Drudge had "Exit Polls Tight" he had it "Obama Boom."

Did the numbers change, or did he learn something else?

What did he mean by "boom?"

Irene said...

A friend observed yesterday that it must be hard to be a conservative in Madison. I replied, "We lose even if we win."

Marshall Rose said...

Just let it be done.

Farmer said...

Quayle said...
So, Inga, while we're all sitting around, why don't you share some of your great wisdom with us.

We're borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend with absolutely no end in sight. How does it go from here under Obama?

Let's hear how you see it going?


garage mahal said...


David A. Carlson said...

First test is virginia. If R can't win that, it is over

Farmer said...


Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

Yes, absolutely.

rcommal said...

Just a bit ago, I got what I hope will be the last phone call of this election season (although, given that Iowa polls are still open for another three hours, one never knows). It was one recorded by...Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Heh.

Methadras said...

I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud

Howard 'Shrieking MiMi' Dean has already alluded that this is exactly what it will be if his malformed side loses.

LoafingOaf said...

It looks like Republicans were hyping up Mittmentum a bit. Didn't Althouse say if the election is really tight Obama would probably squeak out the win? It's starting to look that way.

Casey said...

Speaking as an Ohio resident, I'm calling the state for Romney, and I think the lead will be big enough to invalidate any claims of shenanigans.

edutcher said...

One thing I never heard anyone talk about (myself included) was taking the 7 million conservatives who stayed home last time rather than soil their delicate little patties voting for McCain into account in all the skews and turnout models.

(just occurred to me a couple of days ago)

Ann Althouse said...

Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?

Madame, Conservatives and Republicans even accepted 1960.

It's the people who still want Walker recalled that continue to bitch about '00, even though it's been proven Dubya won FL.

PS FWIW, looks like turnout is going the Romster's way in several of the swing states - OH included.

David said...

I waited nearly two and a half hours to vote in my coastal SC polling place late this morning. The delay was due in modest part to turnout, but mostly to election commission incompetence. Not enough voting machines (not nearly enough) and a check in procedure that works great for 25% turn out but not for 75%.

Our polling place is very diverse racially, economically and age wise. One old black man--he had to be 90--had been waiting in line for two hours before he even got into the gym where the voting machines are. It would have been 30-40 minutes more. A young black woman and I were almost at the front of the line and asked a poll worker to get him and move him through check-in (ID required) and to the front of the line ahead of us. The poll lady did so, and no one objected, but it would never have happened if someone had not asked. (Not hostility, but mindlessness.)

It was quite moving to see the old guy shuffle up to the voting booth. The life he has seen.

Nearly all of the blacks were going to vote for Obama. How could they not, in a place where many remember being denied the vote. (It matters not to them that Democrats were the deniers.) Probably 70-75% of the whites in our area will vote Romney, maybe more. Yet everyone black and white were warm and cordial to each other. This is not an act. Southerners, the best of them, the kind who will stand two hours in line to vote, are very good people. They have manners. They go to church (Black and White separately). They know they disagree, and many think the others' point of view is hopelessly wrong. Yet they are kind and decent to each other. It's in the blood.

jungatheart said...


clint said...

"I hope it's not 2000-style craziness with recounts and litigation and accusations of fraud."

From your lips... (typing fingers?)

I think the only way that happens is if the margin of victory is two or more states.

Michael K said...

" Blogger LoafingOaf said...

It looks like Republicans were hyping up Mittmentum a bit. Didn't Althouse say if the election is really tight Obama would probably squeak out the win? It's starting to look that way. "

From exit polls ?

Ask president Kerry.

bagoh20 said...

Centrist: A person who when they come to the fork in the road, drives straight ahead. Because it's not about where you want to go as much as where you don't.

LoafingOaf said...

Casey said...
Speaking as an Ohio resident, I'm calling the state for Romney, and I think the lead will be big enough to invalidate any claims of shenanigans.

Well, I live in Ohio and I don't see how that helps much in guessing what the whole state will do. If I went by my voting location in Cuyahoga County, it was identical to the last presidential election. Which doesn't tell me anything, because there was no line in 2008 and there was no line today. Though I purposely go at what I think will be the least crowded time.

Anga2010 said...

I can hardly wait for tomorrow!
The 2016 race begins and we'll get new candidates, new debates, new primaries! YAY!

Saint Croix said...

Romney aides bullish on Colorado and Florida, less info on Virginia and Ohio.

Meade said...

I replied, "We lose even if we win."

Yeah. Still, it's better than losing when they win.

William said...

The Farmer said...
11/6/12 5:30 PM


KCFleming said...

I'll give you a prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.

Patrick said...

Means ROmney can lose PA and OH, and still win. Not saying a win is likely if he loses both, but it's another path.

LoafingOaf said...

"It looks like Republicans were hyping up Mittmentum a bit. Didn't Althouse say if the election is really tight Obama would probably squeak out the win? It's starting to look that way. "

From exit polls ?

Ask president Kerry.

Yeah, I remember 2004 very well. I saw the exit polls then I was driving around listening to Hugh Hewitt on the radio. He was adamant that the exit polls were BS, and I was thinking it was Hewitt who was probably BSing me because he's so partisan. When I got home and watch it all unfold, Hewitt was right.

But I'm seeing more depressed people at Republican web sites right now than at Democrat.

BTW, I didn't vote for either Romney or Obama.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Obama wins I'm going to start a riot! Oops, I meant the other guy.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Obama wins I'm going to start a riot! Oops, I meant the other guy.

Mark said...

One of the side stories I'll be following is how many more votes than there are voters are cast in Milwaukee.

Joe Kidd said...

This is good too...

clint said...

I hate the waiting.

bleh said...

C'mon, 269-269!

rcommal said...

My area uses lots of polling places, so it's really hard to tell, much less extrapolate from, my experience at my polling place. But I will say that the place I always vote (and I vote in all of them) was definitely busier than usual--not what I would call "busy," mind you, in comparison from what I see on TV or what I've seen elsewhere, but definitely busier. There's never a line. There was a small one today. I was #316 at about 12:40 this afternoon, which isn't particularly impressive, of course. But remember, I pointed out that it's a small polling place and never crowded. More to the point, I don't ever remember being that high up in the count, not even in 2008, at that time of day. So, who knows? I spoke briefly with the poll observers, and they said the poll place was busier than usual, that voting had been steady all morning, and that there had been only one, approximately 10-minute period when the place was empty. (It's not unusual for that polling place to have empty periods--I've hit those on a number of occasions over the years.)

The other thing is, I can only recall personally seeing maybe one or two provisional votes being cast there over almost the last decade (before that, I wasn't assigned to that particular polling place). Today, in just the relatively brief time I was there, there were four or five. And, in addition, there were a number of people registering to vote on the spot, which I have seen before, but that line was, relatively speaking to previous times, a bit longer and therefore moving more slowly.

I have no idea what any of that means, much less portends, if indeed any of it means or portends anything at all. Just reporting in, so to speak.

jungatheart said...

I'm tempted to watch MSNBC but I don't think I can take it. I'll have to watch Matthews for a few minutes just for fun.

john said...

As for me, I'm glad to put all the partisanship aside tonight.

Inga posted that she was going to vote for Jill Stein. I voted for Romney.

Two people on the opposite side of the political spectrum can actually agree on who should be president!

Peter V. Bella said...

I voted for Bacon as a write in candidate for all incumbents. Bacon is the only candidate that appealed to my aspirations.

dbp said...

" Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?"

Hopefully it will be decisive. But if there are signs of fraud and it is close enough to matter then being a gentleman about it rewards cheating.

sakredkow said...

Some analyst/reporter on CNN said Romney appartchik insiders had Ohio for Obama by 5% - which, she said was in contradiction to what they were telling everyone for the last few days. FWIW.

john said...

Wer'e having BLTs for dinner.

edutcher said...

LoafingOaf said...

But I'm seeing more depressed people at Republican web sites right now than at Democrat.

Yeah, sure.

Oaf is going to be thumping the same melon all night. Problem is, if there was going to be a lot of Republican depression, you'd see it here.

But you don't.

I also didn't see it at HotAir, Ace, JWF, Daily Caller, Maggie's, Newsbusters, Insta, Legal Insurrection, Malkin, Fausta, or Gateway

garage mahal said...

Twitter seems convinced Mourdock is going down hard in Indiana.

Clyde said...

I'm going to pop the top on the first beer of the night at 7 p.m. when the first polls close. It should become apparent within a couple of hours whether I'm celebrating taking our country back or drowning my sorrows at the folly of my countrymen.

Matt Sablan said...

I am doing my damn...dest? Is that right? To resist looking at exit polls.

Paul said...

Thank goodness we have NetFlex..

We will be watching THAT. Late tonight I might get on PC and find out what happened but I am NOT gonna spend my night watching this stuff.

Sorry Ann.

sakredkow said...

Right before the US polls begin to close I'm sticking with my first prediction months ago, that Obama will win the electoral college but Romney will win the popular vote. It will be short-term chaos, but the good news is that perhaps it will finally provoke reform of an antiquated system that focuses far too much attention on just a few states.
Garry Kasparov

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


says Drudge now.

rcommal said...

LOL at me:

But I will say that the place I always vote (and I vote in all of them)

Um, about that "them": I do not vote in all places, or even in more than one place. I do vote in all elections in which I am entitled to vote.

Way to start a vicious rumor about myself!! Heh.

sakredkow said...

Let me know if you need crisis counseling. Whoever.

Known Unknown said...

Exit polls are shaky ways to make projections, especially after 2004.

Crunchy Frog said...

CNN Has Murdock 49-45% in Indiana

Pastafarian said...

Hey Fox just called KY for Romney! No shit Sherlock.

Who's drinking with me, you motley bastards? And what are we drinking tonight?

Anonymous said...

Yet everyone black and white were warm and cordial to each other. This is not an act. Southerners, the best of them, the kind who will stand two hours in line to vote, are very good people. They have manners.

I once heard a generalization about race attiudes that I find amusing

"White conservative Southerners dislike blacks in general, but love the ones they know"

"White Liberal Northerners like blacks in general, but hate the ones they know"

mccullough said...

I think the centrist idea is that results of elections shouldn't matter so much. But the consequences have even ratcheted up. There was not a huge difference between HW Bush and Clinton or W and Gore. In 2004, the left felt the stakes were high and in 2012 the right feels the same. One of the best arguments for a more limited federal government is that these types of intense disagreements should not become nationalized. No one gave a shit when Mass imposed a health care mandate on its citizens or how much taxes the state and city of NY charges its residents or spends on welfare programs. Texas and New York have different models. But where do the losers get to hide when it's all ratcheted to the federal level.

rcommal said...

@Matthew Sablan:

It's "damnedest"--which I've always thought looked damned peculiar, not to mention wrong, but there you go.

Pastafarian said...

Hold me phx.

I'm going to start just drinking right from the bottle now, this glass stuff is bullshit.

chickelit said...

I will not panic no matter what unless Darrell Issa is ousted.

JHapp said...

It's a gift when its close and prolonged as both sides wonder what issue the could have moved to center on.

rcommal said...

One of the best arguments for a more limited federal government is that these types of intense disagreements should not become nationalized.


Known Unknown said...

Exit polls show Obama up 55 to 44 with mothers.

Romney leads 95-5 with motherfuckers.

chickelit said...

Because Issa sticks it to "The Man"

Palladian said...

Who's drinking with me, you motley bastards? And what are we drinking tonight?

I'm drinking with you... Ardbeg Uigeadail.

Slàinte, and thank you!

clint said...

No surprises -- Fox is calling Indiana and Kentucky for Romney, and Vermont for Obama. South Carolina and Georgia are leaning Romney, but too soon to call them.

Any of those would be a shock if it went the other way.

Matt Sablan said...

It's really just a game of who wins OH, VA and FL. We just pretend like the other states matter. Unless something ridiculous happens (like Romney some how winning MI or PA), that's what it comes down to.

Chip Ahoy said...

It's a beautiful day in Denver today.

Everyone is walking with determination. Except me. It's like a Star Trek episode where the team speeds up so much that it seems the crew became stationary, and to the people in the slow phase, the fast-phase people appeared to zip around like flies, almost disappear completely. That was me. everyone zipping around like flies. Passing me up all over the place like I'm dawdling. In that buzzing around, out on the street in the sun as I'm negotiating cracks in the pavement, someone recognized me and said "Hi."

"Oh hi. I didn't recognize you."

"Yeah sunglasses. I'm on the way to the shop." I didn't recognize him until he spoke and even then I still assumed he was an advocate stopping to urge me to vote, but he wasn't, I just thought it, even after I recognized the voice and as he went bouncing off I still thought, "Jeeze, get this guy, totally obsessed about voting. They're everywhere." Yeah. Everywhere in my mind.

Clyde said...

@ Pastafarian

I picked up the Sam Adams Holiday variety pack. I'm starting with a Chocolate Bock.

AllenS said...

Ardbeg Uigeadail

I had to look that one up.

techsan said...

So...someone from the late 1700s...remind me again...why should a national election matter to me, a free citizen, so much? I think something broke between here and there.

Pastafarian said...

Woooo Palladian! I hoped you'd make it through the flooding to that post office.

I'll hit the whisky later; right now I'm drinking...something. Not really sure. It has a fucking chicken on the label.

Crunchy Frog said...

Romney up 61-39% in FL with 1% reporting

mccullough said...

Sablan, Romney needs more than just VA, OH, and FL. He'd still be 4 evs short.

LoafingOaf said...

edutcher: I'm just an independent observer of this election. I browsed some comments sections of right wing and left wing sites. Saw comments from right wingers along the lines of "Am I witnessing the end of America?"
People are such election drama queens. I turned on Obama a couple months back, so I'm not rooting for either. I'm really just curious who will prove to have been more accurate in the days leading up to the election.

And, again, I thought Althouse made a prediction that if it's super close it would favor Obama. We shall see.

Ignorance is Bliss said... that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?


(unless the other guy wins)


Jaq said...

Hard liquor, if I am lucky, I will be snoring like the black lab at my side is right now and wake up to it being over. Yet somehow, I doubt it.

Pastafarian said...

Beer's ok, Clyde, but you're going to have to hammer those things to keep up.

Especially if Romney loses VA. If that happens, I'm going into Defcon Four.

HT said...

"Let it be decisive, and let's accept the results — is that a good centrist idea we can all sign onto?"


It's not because we need an electoral system that can pass when tested.

It's really discouraging to hear these kinds of cop-outs!

Michael K said...

"Blogger PETER V. BELLA said...

I voted for Bacon as a write in candidate for all incumbents. Bacon is the only candidate that appealed to my aspirations."

Shall we say you have an appetite for Bacon ?

Nathan Alexander said...

I'm mixing my liquor.

Beer, margaritas, whiskey sours, maybe a mojita or two....

Currently 1 sheet to the wind. Need 2 more before I'm set for the later returns.

Win, lose, or draw, I'm stressed out from the conflict between what I believe and what I can prove.

Anonymous said...

Checking Google News for "turnout." I see record-breaking turnout stories all over the place except California.

Excellent! That's a recipe for a good Republican day at the polls.

Matt Sablan said...

Blah. I sense "long night" in my future.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand the RCP methodology.

Indania not called at 60-40 Romney with 4 % in
Vermont call for Obama with no votes tallied and 0%in
Georgia not called for Romney?

kentuckyliz said...

Benghazi, bitches.

Mitt happens.

KY Soil Conservation Commission: vote for four--only two running--wrote myself in.

Watch me win.

Liz does dirt.

I like it dirty.

Fertility goddess.

Let's do it in the mud.

Keepin' it loamy.

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for President!

LoafingOaf said...

"I picked up the Sam Adams Holiday variety pack. I'm starting with a Chocolate Bock."

I got a sixer of Great Lakes Brewing's Christmas Ale (which is FANTASTIC). Also got a 500ml tetra pak of Black Box Pinot Grigio. I don't know who will win, but I'm pretty sure I'll be drunk when I find out.

Pastafarian said...

Nathan, you will have an entertaining and colorful spectacle later, as you're using the porcelain to cool your fevered brow. A bold choice.

kentuckyliz said...

If elected to the Soil Conservation Commission, we will irrigate the crops with Gatorade. It's got electrolytes.

purplepenquin said...

A person who when they come to the fork in the road, drives straight ahead.

Yes, some folks choose to blaze a new path when confronted with two bad choices.

Anonymous said...

Pastafarian said...
Especially if Romney loses VA. If that happens, I'm going into Defcon Four.


they machine count the liberal north and hand count the conservative south

Titus said...

I didn't vote.


Anonymous said...

Lizzy, dang!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

You've got my vote Liz.

LoafingOaf said...

Romney ahead in Florida by 712 votes, 5% of the vote in.

mesquito said...

I stupidly (but generously) offered to fill in for a colleague at 5 a.m. tomorrow. Call this by 9 o'clock Texas Standard Time, please. I'm a bear without my seven hours' slumber.

Anonymous said...

KLiz is supporting the local economy :)

Pastafarian said...

Loafing, I tried something from that Great Lakes Brewery once and it was asshole-puckeringly bitter. Is the Christmas ale like that? I do not like the hoppy beers.

bagoh20 said...

Knowing what we do about enthusiasm, a blowout is more likely to be in Romney's direction, but there is nothing about a close outcome that favors either candidate. By definition, that's what a close race means, unless one guy is holding back to avoid running up the score. I don't think that's an issue here.

It would be cool to have Romney go on TV about 8:30 and ask people to vote for Obama just to keep it close. That would be very magnanimous, especially considering the beating Obama is gonna take on Benghazi. No need to pile on now.

Pastafarian said...

Kentucyliz, what are you drinking tonight?

AllenS said...

Do you like beer? Oh, hell, who doesn't. Leinenkugel has a new bunch of beer called the Big Eddy series. Dark beer, 8.5% alcohol. Right now, their new beer is called Baltic Porter. This is not for women and children.

Nathan Alexander said...

Vomiting will give me something to do while waiting for returns to update.

Puke big or go home.

chickelit said...

LoafingOaf said...
Romney ahead in Florida by 712 votes, 5% of the vote in.

I thought they were voting until Wednesday in FLA?

Pastafarian said...

AllenS, I like Leinenkugel. Is that porter very bitter/hoppy?

Crunchy Frog said...

Romney ahead in Florida by 712 votes, 5% of the vote in.

If that holds up until the panhandle comes in, Romney wins going away.

Matt Sablan said...

Yeah. With how FL is staying relatively neck in neck, once the pan handle closes, I wouldn't be surprised if we had minor pre-emptive victory celebrations followed by nail biting fears of hubris.

rhhardin said...

Bach English Suites tonight.

This one (prelude) is pretty good.

wildswan said...

Real Clear Politics has a nice page showing actual vote totals. It's the first page. It is calling some races but just the usual ones KY, IN, VT

Pastafarian said...

NH doesn't look so good. What's up with that? It's only four EV, but I was counting on that one.

LoafingOaf said...

The Christmas Ale has kind of a unique taste from honey. I only really love two of their beers, the Christmas Ale and the Dortmunder Gold. The Christmas Ale is a huge phenomenon in Cleveland. It's a news event when they announce when they'll tap it each fall.

wildswan said...

Real Clear Politics has a nice page showing actual vote totals. It's the first page. It is calling some races but just the usual ones KY, IN, VT

bagoh20 said...

"Aah, but if you throw up, then it's as a jealous woman."

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Pastafarian said...

Who's drinking with me, you motley bastards? And what are we drinking tonight?

A glass of Apple Cider with a shot of Cinnamon Whiskey. Or vice-versa, depending on way things go.

Crunchy Frog said...

NH is 28-14 Obama.

in votes.

AllenS said...

Yes, kinda. They use licorice root. I had no idea that licorice had a root. Who knew? Anyway, you can use The Googles and find out more.

Pastafarian said...

Oh. Shit, sorry Crunchy, I'm an idiot.

wyo sis said...

I have to work tomorrow, but I got a nice Pepsi. The hard stuff, full sugar, full caffeine. This is no time to hold back.

but I am a robot said...

WTF Florida? You'd better break hard for Romney pretty soon.

wyo sis said...

42 ounces. Neener to Nanny Bloomburg.

Matt Sablan said...

FL is still at 51/48 per CNN. Don't expect a call there or VA before 8:00, maybe as late as 9:00 EST.

bagoh20 said...

Current calls per RCP:

Romney/Ryan 51.2% (24)
Obama/Biden 47.8% (3)

Pastafarian said...

Wyo sis, that stuff is just going to keep you up. You need a little bourbon in it, to cancel out the caffeine.

As both your attorney and physician, I strongly advise you to top off that pepsi with some Makers Mark.

bagoh20 said...

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - I love hops!

Matt said...

RE: Florida

Keep in mind the Panhandle still has 20 minutes before the polls close. Very large share of Republicans there.

furious_a said...

Palladian: Who's drinking with me, you motley bastards? And what are we drinking tonight?

Heinekens, 24-pack, from Costco.

Quiet suburban DFW precinct, line out the door and around the block, all day starting 7am, like that when I queued up at 11am, like that when we drove by 1/2 hour before closing.

"...and I'm an energy voter."

dcm said...

Talisker for me.

Crunchy Frog said...

Miami-Dade County at 50-50%. Don't know what that means...

wyo sis said...

I have a feeling I'll be up late whether I'm Pepsi buzzed or not.

but I am a robot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pastafarian said...

Oh god damn it, I just got this stuff with a chicken on the label up my nose.

but I am a robot said...

Just cracked a beer. I feel like I'm part of the party now.

furious_a said...

Judging from the commercials' rotation, CNN viewers are either energy voters or James Bond fans...or both.

AllenS said...

What came out of your nose, feathers?

Matt Sablan said...

Twitter folks reporting still an hour plus worth of voters in Florida pan handle.

Pastafarian said...

Dcm -- Talisker, huh? You and Palladian like the smoky stuff.

Pastafarian said...

Furious a: I don't know why, but I've never had a non-skunky heiniken.

Crunchy Frog said...

Romney 60-38% in 4% of mostly rural precincts in VA

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Martini.

Anonymous said...

Oban, single malt

If I have enough of a buzz then Chivas

furious_a said...


...8,107 to 4,906.

Pastafarian said...

Hey, there's some Ohio numbers.

Methadras said...

If Romney takes Virginia and Ohio, Urkel is finished.

Methadras said...

If Romney also get any of Florida, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania. That's it too.

coketown said...

It can be more clever if you say it aloud: Wiscon-centric.

Does anyone know what a pineapple seeds look like? In all my years of pineapple eating I don't think I've ever noticed their seeds. But I'm eating pineapple slices that I cut yesterday while I wait for votes to trickle in (pineapples are the official food of teetotalers) and I'm noticing these small brown things mixed in. I have a mouse running around the kitchen and I'm afraid it's mouse poop. But they're too small to be mouse poop, I think. I don't know.

Wouldn't that be gross if they are mouse poops? I keep eating the pineapple slices, "seeds" and all, and I'm not repulsed by the thought enough to stop eating.

This is astonishingly boring. Watching the results come in, I mean. Not the pineapple. I'm drinking water to spice things up, otherwise this election watching would put me to sleep. I wish I had a TV because TV networks know how to spice up the results. It's so exciting with all the flashy graphics and austere talking heads. Then some bubbly idiot comes on because the networks have to prove that young, attractive women can be smart, too. Why do they use retards to try to prove that point?

Is hantavirus communicable through feces? That worries me.

Matt Sablan said...

How do they know what % of Florida votes they've counted without the pan handle?

Methadras said...

No amount of Urkel tears will see this traitor into office. The die is cast.

Mark said...

The exit polls are going to skew toward Obama because of this kind of crap

Crunchy Frog said...

MS: It's by precinct, not voters.

Matt Sablan said...

That makes sense. Thanks.

dcm said...

pasta-bought it for tonight. It's like sucking the water out of a bog.

Pastafarian said...

Drill sgt, another smoky whisky guy. I'll join the three of you in William Wallace country once I've drained this bottle of chicken stuff.

But I'll be drinking a not very smoky Highland malt.

Pastafarian said...

God damn, that Megan Kelly is one good looking woman. Hoo-ahh.

Michael K said...

"Wouldn't that be gross if they are mouse poops? I keep eating the pineapple slices, "seeds" and all, and I'm not repulsed by the thought enough to stop eating."

I don't think you can get Hantavirus by mouth, only inhaling. Eat away. It's safer.

Researchers also suspect people can become sick if they eat food contaminated by urine, droppings, or saliva from an infected rodent.

Oh Oh. Maybe not.

Automatic_Wing said...

I don't think pineapples have seeds. They're grafted or something.

Rusty said...

Palladian: Who's drinking with me, you motley bastards? And what are we drinking tonight?

I've been partaking in brown mumblers for about an hour now. Early celebration.

Calypso Facto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pastafarian said...

What's a brown mumbled?

Paco Wové said...


For what it's worth, pineapple seeds.

coketown said...

You can get hantavirus everywhere. Visiting Yellowstone is a known cause.

I wish Obama would just fucking concede already. He lost Georgia. It's over.

Crunchy Frog said...

I'm still at work here in So Cal. I won't even get to go to the polls until about 7:30 PST

Pastafarian said...

Oh fuck, fox just called a bunch of states for Obama.

LoafingOaf said...

Obama won D.C. I hope Romney has a concession speech prepared.

coketown said...

@Paco wave:

Thank you. But look. Mouse poop.

I dunno. They look pretty similar.

Paco Wové said...

Also, drinking some Italian red that the spouse brought home... some kind of Primitivo.

AllenS said...

My cat doesn't drink, but right now, he's licking his inner thighs.

Paco Wové said...

I guess it boils down to: are they round and squishy, or flat and hard?

Calypso Facto said...

Oops, shoe on the other foot now: Illinois called for Obama with 0% reporting....

Known Unknown said...

Early returns indicate that Facebook is still annoying.

coketown said...

Do you think if Obama loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college liberals will shut the fuck up and finally get over Bush v. Gore? Or is that a wound that will fester eternally?

Anonymous said...

pineapples have seeds

BarrySanders20 said...

I did some work at the polls today in WI. Forget voter ID -- I'd be satisfied if every existing voter and all the new registrants were required to wear pants that did not sag well below the midline of both buttcheeks.

One new voter on the north side of Milwaukee had a leather jacket with "VENGEANCE" in big red letters across the back. (Who says that vote for revenge does not have a target audience?) He swore he was not a felon, said he lived where the note from home said he lived, and bingo, "We have a newwwww voter!" complete with the ringing of a cowbell and cheers from the election workers.

Then mom "assisted" junior with his ballot and zing! into the machine it went. But for whom remains a mystery.

I witnessed this and I speak the truth.

coketown said...

I love how given the choice between discussing the election and pineapple seeds, the momentum is with pineapple seeds.

ALH said...

Lots of long faces on Fox. Not looking good for the Mittster.

Known Unknown said...

I love how given the choice between discussing the election and pineapple seeds, the momentum is with pineapple seeds.

We don't have pineapple fatigue ... yet.

sakredkow said...

Wisconsin just went for Bob Dylan.

Shanna said...

I had two smithwicks but I think I need another soon...

God, I hate Shep's coverage. I need to find a better channel.

MadisonMan said...

I think I'll go to bed early and wake up and see who won.

I've not heard about the birth that was supposed to happen, yet, so I'm a little worried about that.

coketown said...

I propose a poll: Do pineapples have seeds? Yes / No / Undecided. How strongly do you agree with the following statement: "Pineapple seeds are difficult to distinguish from mouse droppings." Very likely / Somewhat likely / Not sure / Unlikely / Very unlikely.

How will those undecideds break when they have to make a choice?

Irene said...

Segura Viudas.

sakredkow said...

I've not heard about the birth that was supposed to happen, yet, so I'm a little worried about that.

Some things are more important than elections.

Pastafarian said...

You know, Coketown, looking at these early numbers from Ohio... I guess I always assumed that pineapples had seeds under the protrusions on the outside, like a pine cone.

LoafingOaf said...

Dick Morris ‏@DickMorrisTweet
#election2012 romney pulls ahead in Fla 51-49 with half in. Important!

Matt Sablan said...

Roller coaster! CNN's dynamic updating puts Romney ever so slightly ahead again in FL. Time to keep keeping track of unimportant numbers!

Known Unknown said...

BIG PINEAPPLE has no seeds.

Grassroots pineapple has seeds.

dcm said...

I guess storm front has arrived. delete. delete. asshole. crawl back under your rock.

Shanna said...


I'm watching castle until things are more certain.

rhhardin said...

Pineapples are mammals.

Pastafarian said...

Ok, the chicken stuff is done. Next!

Automatic_Wing said...

Here's the deal with pineapple:

Pineapples are seedless because they are grown in fields of one variety, and they are self infertile, meaning they require cross-pollination to set seed. With cross pollination, they would produce seeded fruit.

So, whether you get seeds in your pinepples really depends on how you grow your pineapple trees.

Matt Sablan said...

Nooo... the roller coaster continues! Obama back up in FL.

... get me away from the dynamic vote updates. They'll drive me mad.

Pastafarian said...

Irene, if that's champagne, you might want to stopper that stuff and save it for a more festive occasion. Unless those Ohio numbers start turning around.

coketown said...

I asked Siri and she passed the buck to Google. Nobody was in agreement.

So, whether you get seeds in your pinepples really depends on how you grow your pineapple trees.

I didn't grow the pineapple--and even if I did, I didn't. The pineapple got to my fridge on the roads, etc., tax dollars. Cogent.

I LOLed at the "pineapples are mammals" remark. It takes a lot to get me to LOL but I did. Actually I lied. I LOL from the moment I sit down to comment to the moment I decide it's time for porn. Oh, wow, is it 6:22 already?

LoafingOaf said...

Dick Morris ‏@DickMorrisTweet
#election2012 so far I see nothing to disabuse me of the notion that Romney will win by a lot. Nothing to confirm it either


I don't know about that! I have the feeling Obama's gonna get Ohio.

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