November 22, 2012

Life in London — the random act of violence.

"The Daily Mail called the assailant the 'most brutal thug in Britain,' which maybe says as much about the United Kingdom’s relatively safety as it does about the brutality of this attacker."

So... the shockingness of the video demonstrates how safe they really are?


AllenS said...

Looks like something that could happen at the Wisconsin state fair.

ooonaughtykitty said...

When people are caught doing this, they should spend at least 3 years in prison. Horrible! What is wrong with people these days? I hope she didn't suffer brain damage.

Expat(ish) said...

When I lived in London (Y2K) you could take your A-Z (eh to zed) and navigate across the city safely. I mean, if you saw burnt out cars you did a detour and/or stayed on the main road. And you never saw a bobby with a gun.

Crime rates are up up up. It may be safer than Detroit (what isn't) but it isn't what it once was. There are large parts of the city that are no-go at night (can't even get a cab in or across them) and walking is right out in many areas during the day. And ARU (Armed Response Units) are everywhere. Almost any public building has cops with long rifles outside.

It's sad. My limie friends blame lack of border control and eastern europeans. Of course, they also admit, Polish plumbers and Lituanian desk "clarks" make the dang economy work much better now.

I don't miss London nearly as much as I used to.

Happy gobble gobble.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The attack would have made more sense had she been wearing Air Jordans.

KCFleming said...

Black man playing knock-out king.
It's just cultural diversity.
And soon the yobs will be doing it, too.

You can't defend yourself in England, anyway. It's forbidden. You can only be a victim, then the state will process your claim.

And the cops will video it. No beat cops, just a jillion cameras, recording your beating or robbery.

They could have plenty of beat cops, bobbies walking around to catch this sort of shit. But they have cameras instead. So much safer.

Bob_R said...

There's always a reason. It may be a crazy reason, but there is a reason. It may be that the cops and the media don't want to know what the reason is.

MayBee said...


The BBC was just reporting a guy who stabbed and killed a man on Oxford Street on Boxing Day last year was found not guilty. I had heard about the stabbing before, but not the details.
Apparently the man killed was a gang member who saw the (now acquitted) man, who was an ex-gang member. That man carried a knife in case he ever encountered a gang member and his past caught up with him. It did that day. The current gang member assaulted the ex-, the fight went into several stores, and the ex- ended up stabbing the gang guy.

So if gangs are that adamant about catching up with and assaulting those who leave gangs, I'm guessing they are pretty dangerous thugs. And plenty of them.

(I have not yet been assaulted, but a lot of people feel free to urinate on my quiet street)

Sunslut7 said...

Perhaps possessing a Glock17 would have detered the thug. At the very least it might haveattracted a police response.

We are re-entering the DAREK AGES! but do not fear, our hoodies will have I-Pods, AK-47s and Toyota Tndras with which to victimize the 'politically correct' citizenry.

Global civil war is treading its way toward us. The question is are you ready?

Prep-er nation is the destiny for the survivors. Start preparing now because when the choas arrives it will be too late to go to Cabellas.

Michael Haz said...

If it can happen to Montee Ball in Madison, it can happen to a woman in the UK.

McTriumph said...

A Clockwork Orange

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

How many of you, before you even saw the video, said to yourself, "Bet it's a Black guy."

If so, congrats. You're starting to finally wake up.

Anonymous said...

That happens all the time in inner city schools here in the U.S. It's called "Wilding". Happens in my school on a semi-regular basis. Sometimes it's even a group of younf men who run through the halls. I've watched this exact same thing play out on video numerous times. Anybody up for a job teaching public school in an inner city setting. Let me see a show of hands. That would be nobody?

Leland said...

Thug arrested

And no offense to the victim, but that's some glass jaw. If not for the interviews and follow up stories, I'd have thought the whole thing staged.

Michael said...

Read Enoch Powell's 1968 Birmingham, Rivers of Blood, speech. All you need to know is in that short career ending speech.

Lyle said...

I couldn't actually tell the guy's race on the first viewing. I had to maximize it to see what he looks like.

Could have been any idiot white kid doing it to a foreigner though.

Britain has a pretty nasty underclass regardless.

Michael Haz said...

Where are my manners? I neglected to wish Madison radio station WTDY's John "Sly" Sylvester a very, very Happy Thanksgiving!


john said...

"Random" bad things sure get certain folk's panties in a twist here.

My random opinion: in a couple days or so when the connection between the two on the video becomes known, the chicken littles will have found some other chunks of sky to point and cluck at.

test said...

London 24, in its interview with the victim, plays up her ominous quote: “I hope I am his last victim.”

The WAPO reporter thinks this quote is "ominous"? Consider how screwed up your worldview must be to reach that conclusion, and then realize he's been socialized into the standard leftist worldview.

Wince said...

"Life in London — the random act of violence."

Okay, so it wasn't a "random act of kindness".

But have they ruled out it being a "senseless act of beauty"?

sane_voter said...

How many of you, before you even saw the video, said to yourself, "Bet it's a Black guy."

Since it was the UK, I thought it could be a white guy. (Those soccer hooligans seem to be white). But it's good to know blacks are no different over there. Or maybe it's another case of the US exporting the best of it's culture.

McTriumph said...

No one should be shocked or angry about the knockout of the teen girl. There was no hate or evil or racism involved, it was just a game. Just think of her as a dart board. No hate no crime, we all know only whites can hate or be racist.

john said...

Sunslut7 said...
Perhaps possessing a Glock17 would have detered the thug

Yea, when I took gun safety training last summer one of the things we practiced was to impulsively shoot backwards while walking on a sidewalk. Very effective.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sorun said...

Per capita assault rate is more than twice as high in UK compared to US.

mesquito said...

I'm willing to bet this is an example of Muslim misogyny.

Any takers?

McTriumph said...

No big deal.

"A 34-year-old man was held on Wednesday evening in connection with the assault.

He remains in police custody.

The victim suffered bruising to the head and cuts to her face."

34 year old MAN? The teen girl is fine, minor injuries, you believe she is fine you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

But remember, no matter what you see or hear in society, the results of "progressivism" are only progress.

Just keep repeating this to yourself.

john said...

Damit damit damit. I go on line to find out how to thaw my turkey right, then while I innocently saunter over to the Althouse pad I get slammed in the back of the head by this posting.

In the meantime, the turkey is thawing just fine.

Wishing you all a very pleasant Thanksgiving.

Ann Althouse said...

"There's always a reason."

Maybe the reason is to produce a video like this that will be watched by people all over the world.

Sorun said...

"I go on line to find out how to thaw my turkey right..."

If you're thawing your turkey correctly, it should be thawed and ready for the oven by Saturday. ;)

Paco Wové said...

"I go on line to find out how to thaw my turkey right"

I think a big part of the answer is, "Don't wait until Thanksgiving day to thaw your turkey."

Paco Wové said...

Damn you, Sorun

virgil xenophon said...

I see McTriumph beat me to the punch with A Clock-work Orange. But speaking of that genre, and speaking as one old enough to see them all in their original at the time of their release, it's sickenly sad that 'Orange, like similar movies about a dystopian future (Mad Max, Mad Max2: The Road Warriors, Escape From New York and The Warriors come immediately to mind) which seemed so over-the-top far-fetched at the time to many seemed all too plausible to some degree or another to me as but the inevitable result of trends (signs?) I was already seeing in the culture at large.. This latest vid yet another confirmation that I wasn't crazy...e.g., is the look of today's Detroit all that far, really, from the post-apocalyptic worlds of a million science fiction stories or Mad Max?

alan markus said...

There's always a reason. It may be a crazy reason, but there is a reason

I grew up with the fear that any minute now, the Russians would launch a surprise nuclear attack on the United States - no provocation, no tense relations leading up to that moment. This looks like a surprise nuclear attack.

I tend to avoid "solving" crimes like this based on no information, but, looking at a 34 year old man & a 17 year old girl, my "theory" would have something to do with someone (the man's daughter or son or other relative) getting dissed on Facebook by someone (i.e, the girl). Just a random theory, mind you.

Peter said...

How many of you, before you even saw the video, said to yourself, "Bet it's a Black guy."

Not me. This was in Britain, where the Pakis commit most of the crime and the blacks usually are law-abiding.

AllenS said...

Listen to this, and you'll understand what the problem is:

If I Were The Devil

Humperdink said...

When I watch this, Luca Brasi immediately comes to mind.

Valentine Smith said...

I am shaking with fury. It reminds me that killing isn't always a bad thing.

Michael said...

Peter. You cannot write "P..i". On this site.

Levi Starks said...

I might be willing to cast the first stone.

Humperdink said...

Having two young daughters, words can't express how angry I am at seeing this.

McTriumph said...

rick said...
When I watch this, Luca Brasi immediately comes to mind.

Not sure how this reminds one of an organised crime figure. Organised crime doesn't prey random victims for fun, they prey on each other.

Levi Starks said...

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

30yearProf said...

For 10 out of the past 12 years, we have spent December in London. We stopped going last year.

London is very dangerous from street violence. There are usually no visible police and when they are they wear lime-green vests so the crooks can see the cops 2 blocks away.

Self-defense is effectively prohibited, not by the law but by whoosey police and the prosecutors and the judges. The thugs, if caught, are "understood," while the victim who defends gets punished. A 2" Swiss Army Knife (which I've carried every day since age 9,) can get you deported if you are lucky.

Only the "professinals" may defend you and they stay in out of the heat/cold. They are always 8 minutes away while you lie bleading, etc.

Britain lost it's national backbone in WWI and WWII. The genes for bravery and assertiveness aren't in current upper class British sperm.

When you reduce the "on the job" haxards of crime, you get more productivity,more crime.

edutcher said...

Isn't Boris the idiot who got in a huff because the Romster dared offer a couple of suggestions to make the London Olympics a little better?

Hmmm, the "most brutal thug in Britain,"...

I seem to recall a guy named Jack.

McTriumph said...

Guns are outlawed in Britain, knives have become the weapon of choice, so now they are outlawed.

If knives are outlawed only criminals will have knives.


James said...

But have you thought about how artistic the video is? It's challenging. It's transgressive.

McTriumph said...

The "first" in first responders doesn't mean what the authorities want you to think it means. It means second or third or fourth or maybe never.

Fernandinande said...

Sowell: A Censored Race War

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Slippery slope arguments are sometimes valid.

This sort of violence is also not uncommon in the United States.

My wife tells me that when she was a high school student at Madison Memorial in the early 1970's, there was still some discipline, but not for Blacks. She remembers they were able to sass and walk out of class with impunity, and of course no repercussions whatsoever.

Fast-forward to cold-cocking young women, the elderly, the disabled.

We are now reaping the whirlwind that started as a breeze, back then.

Levi Starks said...

Guns outlawed

Knives outlawed

Fists.... so much more civilized

Londoners are now reduced to savagery

I hope that's not racist

Michael said...

Enoch Powell on anti-discrimination laws. "For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country. They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. On top of this, they now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by Act of Parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions."


Humperdink said...

McTriumph, you have apparently forgot the mortician whose daughter was beaten by two thugs. Luca Brasi's assignment was to insure the perpetrators required several months of significant healthcare.

That is what came to my mind in an instant.

john said...

To the naysayers - our turkey is thawed, and resting now in preparation for the next step - the oven.

I still need to form a good Thanksgiving prayer of grace. How about this:

"Dear Lord, we are thankful that we don't live in the UK"?

Humperdink said...

Lord, I am thankful for my health and my healthcare. Please provide a way to avoid Obamacare.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If you look closely, it appears the thug had something in his hand to make his punch more devastating. Perhaps a roll of coins or piece of metal.

Paul said...

There are murders in Britian all the time. Same with muggins, robberies, thefts, etc... but if no guns are used they are rarely reported in the news.

And then news is controled by the government (shades of North Korea and USSR.)

They have millions of CCTVs but quite a high rate of muggins. Seems the muggers know about the CCTVs and wear hoodies. Bummer.

hombre said...

"And no offense to the victim, but that's some glass jaw."

Funny, my reaction was that it was quite a punch to an unprepared, female victim.

john said...

I could have sought professional turkey help instead of mentioning it here to you bozos.

Just Put the F****NG Turkey in the Oven!.

Mary Martha said...

It looks like the 'Knockout Game' has crossed the Atlantic.

I attended school in a very, very bad neighborhood of Chicago and the only time I was a victim of street violence... was in London.

Last time I was in London I was creeped out by the omnipresence of cctv cameras. Still, there is a sense of violence in London. It turns out that perpetual observation doesn't stop crime.

john said...

And lastly, here is something very interesting I found on Youtube while doing a search for "downblouse cleavage" videos:

Carrot gravy for Thanksgiving.

I like the idea of the cabbage too. I intend to make this recipe this afternoon, and will report on the outcome sometime.

McTriumph said...

That's one of the benefits of organized crime. Here in KC, at one time there was no violent crime north of Independence Avenue to the International Airport. There were only three patrol cars for a vast area with high population. There was no money in violence.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...

In America, we have "Knockout King".

Knockout King: The sickening 'game' claiming lives across the country as youths beat up the vulnerable 'for attention'

It is a rite of passage. Similar to gang initiations. It is the manifestation of the natural order untempered by moral constraints. It happens when human life is sufficiently devalued or with a selective respect for individual dignity.

madAsHell said...

I see a lot of people with their iPods, and ear buds stuck in their ears. Their eyes focused on the ground. They become oblivious to events around them.

They look like easy targets.

Anonymous said...

London's cameras are to crime what Obama's drone strikes are to terrorists and radicals.

Anonymous said...

...except the drones have a little more bite.

Don't worry, the right ideas are in place, and freedom and equality are next.

Kirk Parker said...

Any veteran of the Gun Control Wars is familiar with these facts: (1) England has a much lower homicide rate than the US (which the Gun Controllers trumpet far and wide), and (2) England has a much higher rate of assault another other violent crimes than the US (which the Gun Controllers ignore as loudly as they can.)

One aspect that not everyone is aware of, though, is that the disparity mentioned in #1 is more or less unchanged since the beginning of modern criminal record-keeping: England had a much lower murder rate than the US back in 1900, too, when gun control literally did not exist, i.e. you could walk into a hardware store in London or NYC, plunk down your cash but NO ID of any kind, and walk out with a revolver and ammo.

Kirk Parker said...

So it's not just "correlation is not causation", it's that there isn't even a correlation.

30yearProf said...

In 1905 when London was jammed with population, wages were low, there was no "safety net," Bobbies were unarmed, and ANYONE, even a youth or a madman, could possess a firearm and most gentlemen carried one n their pocket, the crime rate was low and the gun crime rate was nil.

London was awash in guns but had no gun crime.

Not true today, not even close.

Alex said...

I have no doubt it was a Muslim male asserting their "rights" over infidel women.

Cedarford said...

Lyle said...
I couldn't actually tell the guy's race on the first viewing. I had to maximize it to see what he looks like.

Could have been any idiot white kid doing it to a foreigner though.

Britain has a pretty nasty underclass regardless.

You confuse the possibility of a white youth from the lower classes doing such an attack with the actual frequency....rare..but quite common for Caribbean and African black immigrants to the UK.

Their crime rate is actually higher than the Pakis and Indian Muslims, who exceed the white, E Asian, Hindi, and hispanic incident rates of theft, violent crime.

I always dislike "qualifiers" like IDIOT thug, or "troubled youth" when discussing someone that has done an evil act that merits punishment. The whole idea that all criminals and criminality would not exist if we had Socialist or Democrat "villages" stuffed to the gills with caring nurturing teachers, psychologists, family social services workers and wise lawyers.

Or my dislike of the naive liberal that always tries exculpating minorities so a "stigma of stereotype" doesn't hit the Oppressed...Usually rushing out with some statement of how moral equivalency applies, or how it is ALL our fault as a collective society, or two thousand years back Jews or Japanese were quite violent as well, or tediously explaining that the bomb set off by radical Muslim Arabs "could just as easily have come from Chinese, white Christians, or atheist Swedes..

( Uhhhhhh...No!)

Dante said...

Is there any doubt in anyone's mind the guy would kill someone if he thought he could get away with it?

This man needs to be caned. Send him to Singapore if we can't figure out how to do it here.

Peter said...

McTriumph, you have apparently forgot the mortician whose daughter was beaten by two thugs. Luca Brasi's assignment was to insure the perpetrators required several months of significant healthcare.

It was Paulie Gatto's assignment.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

I have a 4 year od daughter and just got a stab of terror for her future. The big surprise for me was not that the man is black (I'll take your word for it--Ican't tell) instead of Middle Eastern, but that he is 34. I assumed gang initiation. Teenager on teenager violence.

But we should be careful about drawing large societal conclusions. No culture, no matter how great, has ever eradicated the random act of terrible violence. What is new is that it got caught on camera.

rg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rg said...

(1) There are many evil people on this planet. (2) Many of them are black and many of them are not. (3) Most black people are not evil. (4) Many of the commenters on this site are incomprehensible. (5) I hope the girl is okay. (6) I hope the man that punched her dies in a fire.

TML said...

That was absolutely horrible. I hope he gets hit by a truck. Sickening.

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