November 30, 2012

"It is a funny time to be Ted Cruz, a Tea Party hero and 41-year-old Cuban-American up-and-comer."

"He... has come to Washington only to find his party in the dumps, demoralized and groping for answers. He is a rising star in a firmament whose lights have dimmed.


Expat(ish) said...

Best time to be a rising star, I'd say.

My wife started a business in the midst of the recession. Cheap labor. Cheap lab space. Cheap credit from vendors. Even lawyers were discounting. Perfect.

Ted'll look even better for it.


Carl said...

I see Operation Delusion & Demoralize continues on the left.

An "electoral disaster," forsooth? Has she counted the number of seats gained by her party in the House (+8) and Senate (+2)? Has she observed that her dreamy First Black President eked out 50.9% of the vote?

I mean, if that's "electoral disaster" I wonder what phrase she used when the Democrats lost 60+ seats in 2010, or when Mondale won one (1) state in 1984.

Oh, right, that would just be some weird little accident helped along by "divisive" politics and secret Koch $billions.

These people can't all have been dropped on their heads when young. Is it something in their Perrier? Too much smoking of dope in their teens?

Paul said...


Hahahaha... no, Barrack 'Jimmy Carter' Obama and Co. will make so much of a mess on top the mess they have the Republican and Tea Parties will be on the rise big time.

The Fiscal Cliff is almost here.. and mid-term elections, with a recession going on, won't spell much good to the Democrats. They know Obama does not care for them now that the election is over. Expect some defections among them in the votes.

No, Ted Cruz is right on time.

Anonymous said...

What would she recommend to Ted?


that he should have run as a Dim, so that he could be a sub-chair of some comittee?

Hagar said...

Mitt Romney has, not exactly an adversarial relationship, but a somewhat odd one with the English language that reflects what he has done in life, which is to map out whatever project he has been tasked with solving and then devising a strategy and moving the pieces around to achieve that aim. His statements thus often readily lend themselves to a little twisting and a lot of demagoguery by the opposition, which they predictably promptly engage in.

However, I do not understand why Republican politicians immediately pick up on the Democrats' interpretation of Mr. Romney's words and run with it.
Seems to me it would be more helpful to read what Mr. Romney actually said and in what context and then expand on what he actually meant in language more readily understood by us outsiders.

Toad Trend said...

I support Ted and any other representative that has a stated goal of reducing the size and scope of government.

Besides, its instructive to watch liberals try and accuse a hispanic of racism.

Don't laugh, it'll happen just as sure as my scales tell me.

Geoff Matthews said...

You mean like the circumstances Obama showed up in 2004?

Nonapod said...

Better to have the Republican party slip into a distant minority, then we can have a strong single party who always wins everything, the Democrat party! Because the Democrats are full of the most goodest and most smartest and most righteous people.

Then we can let all 112 million Mexicans into California, grant them all citizenship, and give them all free healthcare, education, and welfare.
Then we can raise the federal income taxes on the wealthy to 90%, that'll fix out revenue problems! In fact, why stop there? Let's confiscate 90% of their assets. After all, clearly the government knows best how to spend their money, and it's not fair that they have so much while everyone else has so very little!

Then we can pass Cap and Trade, shut down all that nasty, enviromentally damaging fracking. Maybe even shut down all domestic production and invest everything into clearly proven technologies like solar pannels and wind farms.

The we can ban sugary drinks, McDonalds food, and all those unseemly Walmarts. Maybe even ban NASCAR and make all require all football players to wear giant pillow suits?

It'll be glorious!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The R bench is better positioned for the future than the D bench, and Cruz is just one great example.

chickelit said...

"The Republican Party is the ship; all else is the Sea"
~Frederick Douglass

test said...

Carl said...
I mean, if that's "electoral disaster" I wonder what phrase she used when the Democrats lost 60+ seats in 2010, or when Mondale won one (1) state in 1984.

This is hardly an electoral disaster for Republicans. It's a fiscal disaster, but that only effects the country, hence the left's near universal lack of concern.

bagoh20 said...

Oh how I wish it was just the Republican's who's lights have dimmed. Everyone else just just doesn't realize it yet.

" The funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken shit. That little white speck is chicken shit too. "

Toad Trend said...

"It's a fiscal disaster, but that only effects the country, hence the left's near universal lack of concern."

That's the thing. My liberal friends/family members think all of this big government is great - its almost as if they don't realize that they will be negatively affected as well.

There must be a word for that.

mccullough said...

Cruz is half "Cuban American" and half "Italian-and-Irish American."

His Dad emigrated from Cuba and his mom was born in the U.S.

So he is multi-racial/ethnic, like Barack Obama.

It's already very hard to categorize people by race, so maybe we should stop trying. Or if we are going to do it, then let's be accurate about.

Cruz is a Cuban-Italian-and-Irish American.

Barack Obama is an African-Anglo-Irish-Scottish-Welsh-and-German American.

Toad Trend said...

"Cruz is a Cuban-Italian-and-Irish American.

Barack Obama is an African-Anglo-Irish-Scottish-Welsh-and-German American."

Once everyone embraces the last descriptor word in those 'identifiers', then perhaps we can get on with it and leave the self-flagellation to the amateurs.

edutcher said...

Sounds like Ms Ball writes shilol's boilerplate.

Toad Trend said...

It's a fiscal disaster, but that only effects the country, hence the left's near universal lack of concern.

That's the thing. My liberal friends/family members think all of this big government is great - its almost as if they don't realize that they will be negatively affected as well.

There must be a word for that.




Amartel said...

"That's the thing. My liberal friends/family members think all of this big government is great - its almost as if they don't realize that they will be negatively affected as well."

I know! It's hilarious. Uncle Obamabot has been busy on Facebook recently, publishing his earnestly concerned letters about the Eeevil Republicans and stopping their futile efforts to "drive us over the fiscal cliff" in order to "protect the rich" since "we won." A very different cry than the bipartisan chorus he was singing in 2004 and at other points when bipartisanship was a necessary evil. Delusionally, he offers up that there is room for "some flexibility" including that maybe, "once the economy is back on track," they can raise taxes a bit on "the merely affluent" (himself). Mercy!

Tim said...

In politics, things are never as good for the winner as they seem, nor as bad for the loser as they seem.

That said, it is increasingly obvious that the electorate is skewing Democrat, favoring redistribution of wealth over creating wealth, seeking to affirm the fantasy that a majority of Americans can live off of someone else's earnings, even those earnings yet earned.

This is not sustainable, of course, but as this underlying socialist notion is stupid, and fought for by stupid people, it will take extreme crisis for it to be seriously addressed - if it isn't too late.

I'm betting it's too late.

bagoh20 said...

It's really pathetic that in 2012 we still care mostly about blood lines. It's like everything we claim to stand for is just a facade. We're just a big fancy dressed up bunch of tribalists pretending to be enlightened people for the kudos.

Nonapod said...

I just read this article about how U.S. birthrates are currently at historic lows (and surprisingly they're lowest amongst newly immigrated hispanic women). It's sort of sad and bitterly funny. I think it's slowly beginning to dawn on some liberals how we're in very, very big trouble. Too bad it's too late though.

bagoh20 said...

"I'm betting it's too late."

Me too. There will be temporary redirection here and there as the arguments plus the results convince a slight majority time to time that collectivism is not working, but in the long run, the majority will do exactly as predicted long ago.

"...the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing..."

I'm Full of Soup said...

HTF can you even read the Atlantic's doctirnaire librul crap? When is the last time one of their writers had an original story or thought or idea?

ricpic said...

Barack Obama is an African-Anglo-Irish-Scottish-Welsh-and-German-American.

You mean to say he's one part noble oppressed and five parts oppressive benighted bitter clinger?

I'm Full of Soup said...

How about this thought Molly? I bet your librul idols in DC led by the innumerates named Obama, Reid and Pelosi will break things so bad the voters will be dying to vote the Repubs back into power.

mccullough said...

I'm starting to agree with those who say the Republicans should just let the W. tax cuts expire and let the sequester happen.

Although it will be a painful recession, people need to realize just how much money the government borrows and spends. They also need to realize that even when we tax the rich and the middle class and the lower middle class, we'll still be running deficits of about $500 billion. This is before the majority of boomers starts collecting SS and Medicare.

Voters will not understand what they want and don't want to pay for until they understand how much it costs them individually in taxes to pay for it while realizing that economic growth will be stagnant, unemployment will be 7.5% to 10% always, and we'll still be paying for it.

The real fiscal cliff will come when the U.S. defaults on its debt and no one will lend anymore. That's when the stock market will totally crash, we'll be in a 50 depression, and the poor will die in the streets.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think it's slowly beginning to dawn on some liberals how we're in very, very big trouble.

Not sure if you were talking big picture, Nonapod, but I saw nothing to indicate that in the article you linked. I could practically hear the applause toward the end of the article as it discussed how all those women are going on birth control. Remember, humans are a cancer on the face of Gaia, and the best thing for poor brown people to do is sterilize themselves.

test said...

AJ Lynch said...
HTF can you even read the Atlantic's doctirnaire librul crap? When is the last time one of their writers had an original story or thought or idea?

Right before McArdle went on sabbatical never to return. What a coincidence.

If you don't take it seriously you can read it for the comedy. James Fallows waxing on the need for media to become even more biased was certainly amusing.

ricpic said...

The poor dying in the streets sounds good.

ricpic said...

Teddy No Borders Cruz, now there's a "conservative" progressives can live with.

Amartel said...

"I think it's slowly beginning to dawn on some liberals how we're in very, very big trouble."

It is but you can't tell that from the comments section at Atlantic for this article!

The rare smart lib is realizing that the left owns this economy and there's no wiggling out of responsibility now, no blaming mean daddy.

Anonymous said...


Although it will be a painful recession
---Buddy boy, we never left it.

Revenant said...

Concern trolling by The Atlantic.

chuck said...

Ah, the Atlantic. Sea of tears, sea of tears. Sail on Ted Cruz.

Drago said...

AJ Lynch: "How about this thought Molly? I bet your librul idols in DC led by the innumerates named Obama, Reid and Pelosi will break things so bad the voters will be dying to vote the Repubs back into power."

I see no indication, at this point, that approx 51% of the voting population can be persuaded to hold the dems accountable for anything.

Further, and most telling, it must be clear to obama's pollsters/advisors that this groupthink wil remain pervasive.

Thus, obama's seemingly "ludicrous" opening bid in the fiscal cliff negotiations.

In reality, obama's position is not "ludicrous" if you consider that either way it goes, he probably wins since sequestration will result in a cashflow increase to the feds and the media will successfully pin it on republicans or a deal is cut whereby the reps basically give obama whatever he wants.

Quite frankly, I don't see it going any other way and we may very well have reached the point where the failure of liberal economics matters not a whit to a bare majority of the population and they just keep sending more dems to DC.

Witness Greece, California, France, Spain, etc......

SteveR said...

There were similar musings in 2008/9 when republicans were pronounced dead. We'll see how things turn in 2014. We shall be reaping what we have sown.

chickelit said...

...the media will successfully pin it on republicans

This where push back and citizen involvement come into play. The media is still a market, and consumers are still buyers.

Toad Trend said...

"Quite frankly, I don't see it going any other way and we may very well have reached the point where the failure of liberal economics matters not a whit to a bare majority of the population and they just keep sending more dems to DC."

This. It does seem predestined that the country, with a fake government, fake press, and fake Americans, will complete the unholy triumvirate and fully embrace the demonstrable failures of the past.

Such is the destiny of fools.

"The salvation of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants"

Alex said...

Isn't Ted Cruz just another mouth-breathing fundie? He's hardly the future.

Crunchy Frog said...

Some of you are going to die
Martyrs, of course for the freedom
That I shall provide

Genesis, "The Knife"

Alex said...

He's a Southern Baptist, enough said.

n.n said...


Exactly. Americans are pioneers and entrepreneurs. They are hardly demoralized. They are more likely laying plans to free themselves from an extended occupation. Cruz and like-minded are welcome to join the crusade.

Calypso Facto said...

You mean like the circumstances Obama showed up in 2004?

That was my thought, exactly. The Atlantic was certainly just as dire about that ascendancy, right?

Alex said...

My liberal friends/family members think all of this big government is great - its almost as if they don't realize that they will be negatively affected as well.

Do any of them receive government checks?

Amartel said...

I don't know, guys. The rubber is going to hit the road. The sooner the better, I say, while there's still some institutional memory of what good times look and feel like and how they are achieved. Some people just cannot or will not grasp abstract logic, esp. when there's no motivation to do so.


Here in California, people have been basking in the delusional big government bubble because there's no direct negative effect on them and they don't see the negative effect in their daily lives. Frog, boiling water, etc. The leftover monuments of the successful civilization that built this state are still intact. Bad times are all in the future, maybe. Drive around this state and you just don't see a wasteland of hopeless despair. Yet. (Albeit the farmers out in the valley try to alert the motoring public via billboard that their livelihoods are being stolen from them in order to save a 2" non-indigenous trash fish, the delta smelt. That's all so removed, though, so abstract, so slightly hysterically conservative. Ew.)

You can get through the day without the sense of impending doom. Everyone's got theirs, for now, except people who don't and you never hear about them. Unless you're one of them. What. Ever.

No amount of media cover is going to hide the hurt that's coming.
This bubble is going to burst.

Chip Ahoy said...

It was a disaster for the country, not for Republicans.

The disaster is now we officially are socialists. We were all along, but now it's official.

Insurmountable debt built in, riveted onto the following generations, is integral to the new system.

It prevents adventurism. Adventurism by Republicans. Now all attention of both parties must be domestic. Republicans are nicely tied up.

I'm explaining the invisible theory people voted for as I understand it.

This theory will fail, and that's why it's not bad for Republicans, nor bad for tea party candidates which the author dismisses.

That's because reality will strike again, as it does, as it did with the twin towers.

Molly Ball, staff writer on politics for the Atlantic, does not care to explain why wide open southern border is a good idea. She conflates race with nationality while she ignores legal immigration and her own party's contemptible failure. Molly Ball asks, "why haven't Republicans fixed their immigration problem yet?" Because Democrats don't have one. See how simple that is?

Toad Trend said...

"Do any of them receive government checks?"

Not any of the family members - and the friends, I don't think they do.

The 'poorest' members of my family are conservatives, the 'richest', liberals.

Hence, the 'appearance' that liberals craft for themselves, one that suggests that they are 'for' raising THEIR OWN tax rate is not genuine, but political in nature.

Titus said...

He's 41?

He looks 61.

Tim said...

Nonapod said...

"I just read this article about how U.S. birthrates are currently at historic lows (and surprisingly they're lowest amongst newly immigrated hispanic women). It's sort of sad and bitterly funny. I think it's slowly beginning to dawn on some liberals how we're in very, very big trouble. Too bad it's too late though."

My advice to my own, soon-to-be adult children is, "don't have children, and don't join the military. The nation's future will be worse than its present, and it would be cruel to make your children pay for our current mistakes. Nor will America be worth risking your life fighting for it. It's time for the free-riders to inherit their mess."

Tim said...

America's future, arriving now: Democratic Rep: Amend Constitution To Allow Control Of Speech; Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth.

This will not end well.

And anyone who thinks it will is a fool.

garage mahal said...

Reading these comments I can't help but think that you guys would be a real hoot at dinner parties.

"Would you like a drink?"

"No. What's the point? We're all going to DIE soon anyways".

chickelit said...

garage, I'll take that drink.

test said...

In a video obtained by the website, Johnson asserts that “corporations control … patterns of thinking. They control the media. They control the messages that you get,” he added. “And these folks … are setting up a scenario where they’re privatizing every aspect of our lives as we know it. So, wake up! Wake up! Let’s look at what’s happening.””

Revealing article Tim. Summary of Democrat Nut in the US House of Representatives:

-Oh my god, a part of society exists outside of government. This is a crisis, government must immediately rectify this!-

But don't call him socialist! The expectation that the government should control everything isn't socialism because the don't actually own the shares. They merely believe government has the power to decide when you have "enough" profit. And change management. And decide when your business practices are sufficiently to their liking. And take out dividends, I mean "fees".

Hmmm, I guess now that I think about it they believe government already has the power to enforce the benefits of ownership. So why aren't they socialists? Call it "Modern Socialism" if a distinction is necessary.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

garage, I'll take that drink.

The glass is only half full, and you'll chip a tooth taking a drink.


test said...

I can't help but think that you guys would be a real hoot at dinner parties.

And garage reveals his priorities. Let's not pay attention to the looming fiscal disaster because: dinner parties yea!

A Bread and Circus reference seems to be required.

chickelit said...


mccullough said...


I'll have four-fingers of Old Fitz, no ice. Thanks

garage mahal said...





Toad Trend said...

"A Bread and Circus reference seems to be required."

The modern democrat party exemplifies the 'grain dole' practice of Roman times.

History repeats.

test said...


Revealing that garage thinks this is what we're up against. Back in reality we're broke, entitlements are stacking up faster than anyone can control. And instead of dealing with it the Democrats are cheering on those who believe the appropriate response is to forgive past student debt and add university edcuation to the entitlement plate.

But everything's fine since those people Democrats hate lost the election. I guess that was the circus.

Cedarford said...

My own theory is that Romney would have won easily had he run in another cycle.

There are some serious ideological problems Republicans have that come from blindly accepting 30, 40 year old ideology - and failing to understand that false vision leads voters seeing failure galore in the Holy Tenents of Supply Side, Dereg, Fundies - going for fairness and a Democrat safety net.

1. Tax cuts for the rich, justified for 12 years on grounds that they would enable the rich, renamed the "Jobs Creators, Economy Growers" - failed to do that. Despite the Holy Screed of Saint Reagan.

2. Free trade for Freedom Lovers - believed by Republicans to be a jobs creation engine - instead caused collapse of wealth creating , value added jobs in the US as low cost global labor pools of lowest bid went outside the US.

3. Reagan honestly believed the Jewish financiers, the CEOs, the insurance giants would all self-regulate better than evil gummint did.
He was wrong.

4. Republicans failed to understand that the average American sees an evolution-denying , rape baby loving Fundie as a scary prospect.

5. Neocons and their idea of Repunlicans as a Part of Eternal War and nation-building was a cancer on Republicans.

6. Same with the cancer of Grover Norquist. Who basically represented maximum wealth allocation to the Richest Elites - even those destroying US jobs.

7. Insane Republican fetus-worship over the woman.

To win, Romney had to reject at least 4 of the 6 debunked old school Republican myths. But had he done so, the evangelicals, rich Jews, and militarists would have voted against him in the Prinaries.

garage mahal said...

Pre-election: The 716 billion in cuts to Medicare was horrible. Just awful.

Post-election: To prove he is serious, Obama must agree to even more cuts!

Tim said...

"No. What's the point? We're all going to DIE soon anyways".

The thing that is hilarious about this is, no one is more surprised, and less equipped to cope with collapse than the leaches.

They stupidly destroy the host, governed by nothing more than their unlimited appetites.

One not need look any further than the collapse of the housing bubble due to Clinton/Raines/Dodd-Frank Fannie/Freddie backed subprime loans. It hurt everyone, but those who subscribed to the loans they never would have been offered under a normal regime, worst of all.

Hooray for Liberalism. Exacting revenge and wreckage everywhere it goes, but most of all on it's presumed beneficiaries.

How's that "War on Poverty" going?

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...





It is, and, when the lights do go out, no one will be crying louder than guys like garage.

Tim said...

garage mahal said...

"Pre-election: The 716 billion in cuts to Medicare was horrible. Just awful."

All but the idiots (yes, agreed, a majority now, so hooray for you and the other idiots) know what is horrible about the Medicare cuts is that they were double counted.

To make it clear, Obama lied about the cuts.

That you and the other idiots happily think things are A-OK only adds to the fun.

Toad Trend said...

"That you and the other idiots happily think things are A-OK only adds to the fun."

I think this properly captures the place I have found myself, watching all the goings on...I can only laugh anymore, I save the crying (snoring) for my wife's chick flicks.

I tell my liberal friends and family members just how fantastic this will all be! They relate well to feigned enthusiasm, after all.

shiloh said...

Well, Althouse con lemmings are makin' some progress as they have moved past stage 2 ~ anger to stage 4 ~ depression!

Baby steps to be sure lol.


somefeller said...

Ted Cruz will do just fine. He will be a good advocate for a particular sort of conservatism in an otherwise liberal age. Sort of like Joe McCarthy, for example.

garage mahal said...

That you and the other idiots happily think things are A-OK only adds to the fun.

I don't know man, Republicans don't seem to be good with math and numbers. Sadly, I'm pretty hesitant to trust their arithmetic these days. How is it possible they thought Romney was a lock to win? I kept asking that question: where are you getting your data? Romney and Ryan's math just did not and does not add up either. On seemingly everything.

Nah, best to leave this all to the grownups, for now, and go find yourselves. Gonna be a long walk, I fear!

chickelit said...

As a Kabuki Character, Cedarford would be more convincing as a proto-Nazi if he only capitalized Nouns as is German.

That's the thing about German--it's tough to fake.

Known Unknown said...

He will be a good advocate for a particular sort of conservatism in an otherwise liberal age. Sort of like Joe McCarthy, for example.

Stay classy, somefeller.

bagoh20 said...

What shiloh and Garage don't understand is that the rich will be fine - they have options. For those of us who actually care about everyone else, it is a disaster. For those who's concern is only political, you are "winning!"

We knew that was all you were about all along, and now it's showing. I have heard nothing out of the left since the election other than basking in their one high profile win this round. No talk of what to do now, only avoidance of the subject of responsibility and action. Suddenly "Forward" ended on election night.

test said...

garage mahal said...

Nah, best to leave this all to the grownups

It's so cute when the children play dress up.

Mo5m said...

I've met Ted Cruz and he is not a large man but is certainly not diminutive. It's the perfect time for Cruz and I think the left is worried about him.

Mo5m said...

I've met Ted Cruz and he is not a large man but is certainly not diminutive. It's the perfect time for Cruz and I think the left is worried about him.

garage mahal said...

. No talk of what to do now, only avoidance of the subject of responsibility and action.

Bro, we have all kinds of ideas! Why would we share them with you though?

See this is what I was talking about. Do I need to take you under my wing and show you how to do this?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bagoh said..."It's really pathetic that in 2012 we still care mostly about blood lines. It's like everything we claim to stand for is just a facade. We're just a big fancy dressed up bunch of tribalists pretending to be enlightened people for the kudos."

Right on.

Anga2010 said...

I voted for Cruz and when the exit poller asked me who I voted for, I said, "T Cruz. He was awsome in Top Gun!"

bgates said...


We can still afford cheap and reliable incandescents, at least the smaller varieties that haven't been outlawed yet. Even the slow, ugly, poisonous, expensive, burnout-prone CFLs the statists insist are the way of the future aren't prohibitive.

It's the electricity, the price of which Dear Leader hopes to make skyrocket, that worries me.

reformed trucker said...

"not a fork clinked on a plate of overcooked steak drenched in melted brie"

This couldn't have been in Texas; I think you would be shot if you tried to serve this there. The in-laws were on vacation down there and the father in law made the mistake of ordering his steak well done. They actually brought out a smoldering boot on a plate; he said he was never so embarrassed in all his life (I say he had it coming for doing that to a perfectly good steak).

reformed trucker said...

"The glass is only half full..." - garage

Then I'll have two. Craft beer, thank you.

Tim said...

"I don't know man, Republicans don't seem to be good with math and numbers. Sadly, I'm pretty hesitant to trust their arithmetic these days. How is it possible they thought Romney was a lock to win? I kept asking that question: where are you getting your data? Romney and Ryan's math just did not and does not add up either. On seemingly everything."

Trolls are gonna troll.

Holmes said...

Much as I hate giving Althouse pageviews since, you know, she thinks conservatives/libertarians are all basically racists, I had to follow the link from Instapundit for the comments here.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...





For some it will be. The accounting is coming at us like a freight train. Everybody id going to take a hit on this one unless some across the board cuts are made to spending. Painful cuts.

Micha Elyi said...

My advice to my own, soon-to-be adult children is, "don't have children... The nation's future will be worse than its present, and it would be cruel to make your children pay for our current mistakes."

Strange, my advice to young-uns is just the opposite. Have children and lots of them. The nation's future won't be taking care of you in your old age, better make a future of your own.

TheManagement said...

chickelit said...

"This where push back and citizen involvement come into play. The media is still a market, and consumers are still buyers."

Not if Barry decides to bail them out as an "essential government agency" as a thank you.

RebeccaH said...

Second best tries harder, and at this point, there's nowhere to go but up.

TheManagement said...

chickelit said...

"This where push back and citizen involvement come into play. The media is still a market, and consumers are still buyers."

Not if Barry decides to bail them out as an "essential government agency" as a thank you.

Almost Ali said...

Obama makes perfect sense when you view him through the lens of reparations.

Tom of the Missouri said...

I have been reading a lot about the conservative smart articulate up and comers in the Republican party. Where are the smart articulate moderate up and comers? I ask this of the moderates that thought Romney was the man when the rest of us were yearning for a real conservative who could actually make a case for his election.

Strelnikov said...

When the economy completely collapsing in the next couple of years, which it will, he'll be in position to lead the vanguard out of the mess. Cruz Ahkbar!

Dan said...

"See this is what I was talking about. Do I need to take you under my wing and show you how to do this?"

Dude, you're just plain creepy.

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