October 9, 2012

"You’re an unemployed black woman endorsing @MittRomney. You’re voting against yourself thrice. You poor beautiful idiot."

Twitter pushback against Stacey Dash, an actress who tweeted "vote for Romney. The only choice for your future."


Sorun said...

They said a lot worse to her than that.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, liberals, so tolerant it makes one's heart sing . . .

AllenS said...

Sorry, but blacks are the most racist people in this country.

LilyBart said...

Yes, because Obama has worked out so well for Black employment.

MayBee said...

That article is interesting because it didn't quote the racist attacks, it just quoted Sandra Fluke calling foul on racist attacks.

rehajm said...

Those of you who are pleased with these seemingly exciting new weapons to use in the fight to defeat Romney are losing perspective. You are not thinking about how you look to the people you need to convince. Here’s a clue: You look ugly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't step off the plantation, Stacey. The oh so tolerant democrat left will black list you, issue death threats, and key scratch your car.

All while they call what they do "democracy".

Brian Brown said...

I love when the left asserts you're "voting against yourself"


Curious George said...

"AllenS said...
Sorry, but Democrats are the most racist people in this country."


Franklin said...

The Democrats were so ugly to Stacey Dash. I'm DEFINITELY voting for Obama now.

"How Romney Lost Me"

Lyssa said...

Professor, I know I'm not near the first person to bring this up, but could you please explain why the racist attacks against Ms. Dash don't make liberalism look "ugly" and cause you to lean towards the other side, the same way that you said that the Rush flap did last week? Is there some sort of difference that I'm missing?

chickelit said...

Althouse double standard.

DADvocate said...

Yes, she should support the man who has put more people on food stamps than any other president. She should support the party that has created a world where 30% of black men go to prison, 73% of black children born out of wedlock, the government builds ghettos (called section 8 housing) for the poor and blacks to live in, and then tell you they're here to help.

chickelit said...

It's ugly for Romney supporters to point out the ugly, you understand.

Chris said...

How dare she walk off the plantation!

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's not "ugly ugly" when it comes from the left.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The point of media political bias isn't to convince people, it's to keep people convinced.

MSNBC, Fox News, talk radio, etc. doesn't change minds, but they prevent anyone from changing their minds back. That's the purpose.

This poor lady learned that the internet does it, too.

Althouse doesn't care, which is why I like her. She'll get raged on and keep on going.

MayBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cedarford said...

Liberals try playing the Jewish Bolshevik argument, refined by the Stalinists and later the Democrat Left - that one must be true to what "Leaders" (normally not elected but self-annointed)say about their only correct choices. What they, given they have been wisely led and educated by the self-annointed Head Negroes, Party officials, progressive Jews orchestrating academia curriculums - must "correctly" think and act on as proletariat, as blacks, etc. are - otherwise they are traitors to their class, race, gender, etc.

At least Stacy won't be hauled out and shot on orders of the Soviet Committee that deemed her counter revolutionary and a traitor to her proper identity and proper expression of views in society.

It's not really "liberal fascism"...as fascism was largely a reaction against the Red Terror. (Though the Nazis were deeply inspired by the State Terror structure, need to dispense with trials in the name of social justice, and the Gulag Camps the Russian and Jewish Bolsheviks created.)
It is communist and pomo communist progressivism at it's heart.

but I am a robot said...

It's good to see Fluke coming to her defense, but did she put a hashtag on "racist attacks?"

SPImmortal said...

lol that's some real chutzpah from Obama supporters, claiming that an unemployed person is voting against their interests by voting for romney.

Leftists don't understand math or irony.

DADvocate said...

I love when the left asserts you're "voting against yourself"

Yeah. That's the appeal to selfishness and greed that they claim describes Republicans.

chickelit said...

We only assume it happened because of Sandra Fluke, the Spokesman For All Women, mentioned racism.
It isn't ugly if you don't repeat it.

Saint Fluke did a good deed in Althouse's eyes and we need to acknowledge it. Duly noted.

TMink said...

Why are all these racist Republicans slagging her for endorsing Romney? Can't these racist conservatives recognize that she is trying to advance their cause?

Oh, these are Democrats making the vile, bigoted comments?

Never mind.


ndspinelli said...

chickelit, You remember the great line in the flick, Chinatown. "Forget it, Jack. You're in Chinatown."

Forget it, chickelit, you're in Althouseville.

bleh said...

I have seen far more vulgar and rude tweets pushing back against her. The kind of language that makes me feel protective towards Romney and inclined to vote for him to punish Obama.

Am I right?

Kirk Parker said...


Is there *anything* in Democratic political discourse that can't be explained as simple projection?

Kirk Parker said...


Is there *anything* in Democratic political discourse that can't be explained as simple projection?

David said...

"Shut up," they explained.

Renee said...

I try to stay away from Twitchy, it finds the worst of people. I really don't like reading tweets of people urinating on lawn signs. I take extra care that I'm never rude to a campaign volunteer, canvassing or phone banking.

MayBee said...

The article is also weird because it tells us Dash posted a picture of herself wearing a "tight red top". It does not include the picture or a link to the picture.

So we are led to believe the "tight red top" is an important detail, more important than the content of the racist attacks.

(So Sandra Fluke is, in unbiased terms, a "women's health advocate"? Really)

ricpic said...

Jews. Jews Jews. Jews. My point is...Jews. Jews. Jews Jews. The problem is...Jews.


DADvocate said...

Kirk - not that I can think of.

Wince said...

Lyssa said...
Is there some sort of difference that I'm missing?

To posit that playing a video of a candidate in his own words he said during a prepared speech comprises a racially charged attack requires elaboration.

The attacks against Dash speak for themselves.

garage mahal said...

Star of "Clueless". Yep, definitely a Republican.

read-it-watch-it said...
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Lyssa said...

I know that everyone wants to pile on Althouse for this, but I'm honestly interested in hearing her justification for the apparent inconsistency. I understand why it looks bad, but I'd like to hear her explanation as to why it make sense to her (assuming that she has one, which maybe she doesn't, since she's failed to respond to so many people bringing it up).

kcom said...

Lame as hell, Garage. You can do better.

Moose said...

Gotta herd those poor black people into the proper mindset..

Matt Sablan said...

Fun fact: I always get Clueless and Legally Blonde confused in my head when they come up. I guess the important thing is that, as far as I know, only one has a musical.

Dante said...

She's hot. I'm voting for Romney.

Sorun said...

Whites have the privilege in America of choosing their own political philosophy. Blacks, not as much. AKA "white privilege."

Real American said...

leave the plantation, Stacey, and never look back at the slaves who are afraid to leave their master.

Scott M said...

Lame as hell, Garage. You can do better.

Citations or it didn't happen.

Saint Croix said...

It really is ugly rhetoric.

Have a little sympathy for Althouse. She lives in a very liberal town, she voices moderate opinions, and she's villified all the time.

It's really brave to be a conservative voice, when you are surrounded by liberals. Because they will hate you. They will attack you, attack your family, attack your job, and in general will try as hard as they can to silence you.

In some cases, they will keep you from finding employment or seek to hurt you financially.

Free speech used to be a liberal ideal. It hasn't been for a long time. I applaud Romney supporters who speak out, but understand that it will cost you.

Romney bumper sticker? You car will be keyed.

I believe a lot of this is because Republicans are demonized in the mainstream media for being racist. If you vote for Romney, you're a racist. Or you hate women. Or you hate the poor.

I believe this is why a lot of Romney's support is underground. We want to vote for Romney, and we want to avoid all the racial attacks that the left piles on us. Defending ourselves from false allegations is boring and stupid and we would just as soon avoid the whole irrational conversation.

Methadras said...

She still looks hawt and at 46 to boot. Conservative leaning ladies are always hotter than their leftard shrill counterparts anyway.

Dante said...


She isn't telling us. Her position certainly looks like a double standard, where expressions of racism on one side are OK.

I have no idea how her position can be morally consistent. I'm sure there is some nuance in there that explains it, just like there is nuance in finding Abortions are legally guaranteed in the constitution, AA isn't a violation of the equal protection under the laws clause, the finding that illegals are entitled to taxpayers services by the 9th circuit court of appeals, etc.

Nathan Alexander said...

I think posting this is Ms. Althouse's way of acknowledging liberal ugliness.

She's a professor (She! A law professor!), so she probably prefers going for the subtle point than the brickbat to the side of the head.

Unless her emotions are up, like when she wants to vote for Romney but is off-put by GOP rhetoric.

Anyway, she had a revelation this past weekend. Our assumptions are now moot, one way or the other.

Chip Ahoy said...

You're mean spirited and ignorant and aggressively obnoxious, you're voting yourself thrice.

Revenant said...

It took a lot of courage for her to openly support Romney that way. I hope it doesn't damage her career too much.

Dante said...

Have a little sympathy for Althouse. She lives in a very liberal town, she voices moderate opinions, and she's villified all the time.

As a friend of mine points out, I'll have respect for her for going after the Union insanity. However, there is no reason to apply double standards, or even hypocritical standards.

Like, airing Obama stirring up racial resentment in that New Orleans rally is wrong, somehow. Sorry, but if you can't be consistent, then be silent on both sides.

Dante said...


Interesting point. Though I'm not one much for subtle/hidden meanings. Just say what you mean.

Saint Croix said...

Star of "Clueless". Yep, definitely a Republican.

Garage, it is one thing to spark up a doobie and get laced at parties, but it is quite another to be fried all day.

KCFleming said...

The moral righteousness inherent in leftism absolves all sins.

Saint Croix said...

Link above is broken, I'll try again. Your car will be keyed!

MayBee said...

Whites have the privilege in America of choosing their own political philosophy. Blacks, not as much. AKA "white privilege."

Sorun- the same thing happens to women. Is there any guy in the national spotlight named Samuel Fluke who is a "men's health advocate"?

tiger said...

If there was ever a group of intolerant, lock-step minded and racist people it is the group that lays claim to being the 'most' tolerant, 'most' free-thinking and 'least' racist: The Democrat Party/Leftists.

Ann Althouse said...

"Professor, I know I'm not near the first person to bring this up, but could you please explain why the racist attacks against Ms. Dash don't make liberalism look "ugly" and cause you to lean towards the other side, the same way that you said that the Rush flap did last week? Is there some sort of difference that I'm missing?"

You're missing that this post is implicitly calling it ugly.

Of course, it's not a big deal because it's just some Twitter thing somebody put up.

Birkel said...

implicit =/= explicit

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Another shining example of why the trolls get so nasty with Ann.

Shanna said...

I always get Clueless and Legally Blonde confused in my head when they come up. I guess the important thing is that, as far as I know, only one has a musical.

Also, Clueless is fifty times better (and based on a Jane Austen book)

Synova said...

"Whites have the privilege in America of choosing their own political philosophy. Blacks, not as much. AKA "white privilege."

Like MayBee said: Same with women.

Though it's more a case of they *try* and try really hard to make it a "woman" thing to want government daddies and state husbands and who to vote for because your "lady parts depend on it" and half of us roll our eyes and think about how stupid they are to try it.

It's not so easy, I think, when you're black. You don't have to stand up to half of "your" group being pushy and dictatorial, you've got to stand up to 80% or 90% in addition to all those outside of your group that are going to go all "concern troll" over your self-hatred.

The quote used for the subject title has it pretty good... it's whatever pressure to conform times three. You're supposed to want THIS three times over. What's wrong with you?

Maybe there is a whole lot of "white privilege" involved but it's not actually systemic... that sort of built-in favor that we can't do anything about but are supposed to feel guilty over... this is active.

There is something that can be done about it. People who are compelled to keep on trying to force people into their version of a proper minority can just stop.

MayBee said...

There is something that can be done about it. People who are compelled to keep on trying to force people into their version of a proper minority can just stop.

Very true.
I don't get why minority groups (and women) let themselves get boxed into this, either. What was the fighting to be seen as individuals all about, if we (or they) invite others to see us as having one group-approved opinion?

Colonel Angus said...

Par for the course from the so called party of tolerance and diversity.

ndspinelli said...

This woman was a co-star in Clueless. The star, Alicia Silverstone, is a vegan, PETA, Democrat. The other co-star overdosed.

Lyssa said...

Althouse said: You're missing that this post is implicitly calling it ugly.

Was it? You didn't even post to nearly the worst of it, nor did you imply or state that it would impact your vote, as you did in the Rush flap.

X said...

Star of "Clueless". Yep, definitely a Republican.

A male familiar with the cast and crew of Clueless. Yep, definitely a democrat. NTTAWWT.

Saint Croix said...

A male familiar with the cast and crew of Clueless.

Oh yeah? Well, you're a virgin who can't drive.

Sigivald said...

Ah, identity politics.

n.n said...

Perhaps she not only respects her dignity, but of other individuals.

Perhaps she agrees that involuntary exploitation (e.g. redistributive change) is a myopic and terminal vision of progress.

Perhaps she agrees with conservatives, that there should be a safety net. That it should serve to promote the general Welfare. That individual welfare should be replaced with rehabilitation, which is short-term, focused, and accountable. That entitlements are contributory, which ensures a vested interest to preserve their integrity and viability.

Perhaps she knows that denigration of individual dignity, progressive involuntary exploitation, and devaluation of human life engender progressive (i.e. cultural) corruption. That a selective rule of law engenders the same outcome.

Perhaps she appreciates the values enshrined by classical liberalism and understands the necessity for temperance promoted by Judeo-Christian principles and similar.

The only thing she likely doesn't know, and cannot possibly know with any certainty, is if Romney will hold true to his principles and stated positions. However, she does know that the most likely outcome will follow from a process which minimizes the differential between a starting and ending position.

n.n said...

re: "white privilege"

A message from Bishop E.W. Jackson

Overcoming a selective history is revealing.

It's my impression that a large minority of Americans do not appreciate the significance of prejudice and specifically "racism".

Bishop Jackson is part of a large and growing silent majority.

Anonymous said...

No, no don't give the "slut" Sandra Fluke any credit at all.


Synova said...

Okay... deliberate liar and assaulter of our Constitutionally guarenteed freedoms Sandra Fluke.


Take a Constitutional principle guaranteeing freedom of religion and conscience... note that contraceptives aren't covered by organizations who oppose them on 1st Ammendment grounds. Use this to insist that your college wants people to die if their medical condition requires something that is incidentally also a contraceptive, when this is a lie and treatments that aren't contraceptive in intent are covered.

And then, when the truth can't be denied the whole war on women whine fest has a hissy fit because someone DARES to make that determination and provides the contraceptive... this turns medical insurance companies wanting to determine if you are ILL into monsters who want to... determine if you are ILL. In other words, woman hating man-things who demand to know your reproductive condition.

Is there any other possible condition where you don't have to actually be diagnosed as sick to get your perscription? Any?

So getting diagnosed with "she is sick and needs oral contraceptives to treat her illness" is different how? It's not.

But whatever... vote like your lady parts depend on it. Just don't think about the Anti-1st Ammendment Fluke.

furious_a said...

If I had a daughter, she'd look like Stacy Dash...if I were black.

furious_a said...

Okay... deliberate liar and assaulter of our Constitutionally guarenteed freedoms Sandra Fluke.

Don't forget "...a ninny, a narcissist and a fool."

Cedarford said...

ricpic said...
Jews. Jews Jews. Jews. My point is...Jews. Jews. Jews Jews. The problem is...Jews.


Muslims, muslims, muslims. My point is Muslims. Muslims. Muslims. The problem is .....Muslims.

Ric-lick the ball-washer

If pointing out Jews as bearing heavy responsibility for historical things like the Red Terror and PC speech and Wall Street's Meltdown is bigoted...

Then any condemnation of Muslims as a historical bad player in terrorism, suppression of rights must therefore be cast as bigoted as well.

Saint Croix said...

If pointing out Jews as bearing heavy responsibility for historical things like the Red Terror and PC speech and Wall Street's Meltdown is bigoted...

Then any condemnation of Muslims as a historical bad player in terrorism, suppression of rights must therefore be cast as bigoted as well.

That's actually right. It's dangerous to lump individuals into large groups and say "X is like Y." You're talking about millions of people you've never met and you don't know. It's by definition idiotic.

Of course we do this all the time. It's pure laziness, a shutting off of our brain. You know you haven't met all those Jews, C4, and some part of your brain has to be warning you about the dangers of spouting off while in ignorance about the people you're talking about.

It's dangerous to talk about human beings in vague and general terms. It's sloppy thinking, particularly when you're drawing moral conclusions.

Of course there is such a thing as culture and ideology. And we can criticize cultures, and ideology, and thus criticize the people who subscribe to them. But we have to remind ourselves, always, about free will. And also about the limits of our own knowledge.

My first girlfriend was Jewish. She was awesome. I would sometimes have an irrational prejudice that the next Jew I ran into was going to be smart, funny, and cool as hell. It's a sloppy and ridiculous way to think about people. I was always cognizant that Jews are different than me. But of course everybody is different from me, as all individuals are unique.

Also, there's the matter of obsession. I obsess about abortion, Crack obsesses about cults, you obsess about the Jews. Obsession is a form of madness, but it's also obsessive people who change the world.

Althouse blogs every frickin' day! That's an example of a marvelous obsession, like an artist who's hard at work crafting a masterpiece. Obsession can be positive or negative. I believe obsession is critical to any success. But you want to be careful combining obsession with anger or a mean spirit. And I'm talking about myself as much as you.

Rusty said...

She's pretty.
There's a better picture of her over at AOS.
She has nice high beams.

What's ahe running for?

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