October 28, 2012

Will rising sea levels affect the election?

Sandy's coming, and the waters may flow up into the low-lying East Coast cities. If coastal cities flood and the people there — who are disproportionately Democratic — get distracted by their personal difficulties or find it hard to get to the polls, then the upstate folks — who may be more Republican — will have greater power to tip the state's electoral votes to Romney.

I'm thinking in particular of Pennsylvania, a swing state with 20 electoral votes, where Obama's been polling ahead. Sandy may hit Philadelphia hard. Look at the county-by-county results from the 2008 election. You can see that upstate, Republicans had the majority. Sandy's waters could suppress the coastal vote and leverage upstate power.

It was 4 years ago that Obama gave that grandiose "this was the moment" speech where he said "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow...." What irony if the rise of the oceans thwarts his reelection!


Going with the flow, Venice-style.


PatCA said...

What irony if the rise of the oceans thwarts his reelection!

Too funny! God must be a Republican.

chickelit said...

Republicans and Tea party types will swim to the polls if need be, so I think this will help Romney.

David said...

It could be the opposite in Pa.

These kinds of storms cause huge flooding in the central part of the state, which is mountainous and full of small rivers, streams and valleys. These are Republican areas and will be even slower to recover than the cities.

Hagar said...

The Great Storm will also give the MSM an excuse to totally ignore Libya until Nov. 7.

Sorun said...

Obama is going to be on TV non-stop trying to act like he's in charge of all of the storm recovery stuff.

Original Mike said...

You really think liberal judges won't meddle? They'll decree the polls stay open however many days it takes.

CitizenEgg said...

It would be a karmic justice that would sway even the flightiest undecided voters still left.

J.P. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

The Hurricane of independence providentially is coming north like the last such super storm did in September, 1775.

AaronS said...

I don't think it is irony. I think it is poetic justice.

garage mahal said...

Setting aside human misery for the moment: could this help Romney?

1775OGG said...

My concern about Sandy is that Obama and our highly vaunted media (Just kidding about that highly vaunted part!) seem to be suggesting that our November 6th election be postponed or delayed.

With Sandy bearing down on our East Coast, realize that never in the history of our country have we postponed national elections due to war, 1812, 1864, 1944, nor due to national disaster or major crisis.

So, when our highly vaunted media starts to suggest that our November 6th election might be delayed, there’s something rotten in the air and possibly in our government.

The conditions under which the national election of 1864 were held might have been the most trying of any such election, with that of 1944 perhaps the next most critical time, yet our country voted and went onward from there.

Paul said...

All they have to do is vote early.

I did yesterday. I voted for Romney.

dbp said...

I think the opposite will happen: Whatever Obama does, it will be portrayed by the MSM as statesmanlike leadership. He will get a boost from swing voters and possibly win when he wouldn't otherwise have had a chance. It will be the polar opposite of what the MSM did to Bush over Katrina.

chickelit said...

Sorun said...
Obama is going to be on TV non-stop trying to act like he's in charge of all of the storm recovery stuff.

No. He will appear small and ineffectual as per usual. I'm reminded of his iconic image slumped in his chair, appearing even too small for his clothing in the situation room when the bin Laden assassination was going down. The man just doesn't know how to rise to occasions.

Anonymous said...

The storm is a wildcard.

Legal folks: What procedures are required to delay an election?

1775OGG said...

My concern about Sandy is that Obama and our highly vaunted media (Just kidding about that highly vaunted part!) seem to be suggesting that our November 6th election be postponed or delayed.

With Sandy bearing down on our East Coast, realize that never in the history of our country have we postponed national elections due to war, 1812, 1864, 1944, nor due to national disaster or major crisis.

So, when our highly vaunted media starts to suggest that our November 6th election might be delayed, there’s something rotten in the air and possibly in our government.

The conditions under which the national election of 1864 were held might have been the most trying of any such election, with that of 1944 perhaps the next most critical time, yet our country voted and went onward from there.

Shanna said...

All they have to do is vote early.

Indeed. (although with the caveat that that option may not be availble in all locations).

Isn't this thing supposed to hit soon? There should be time for things to get normalized (provided this doesn't turn out to be a whole lot of nothing).

madAsHell said...

"because this was the moment when the rise of the oceans, and the planet began to heal"

...and then the tide washed over King Canute's feet.

I mean, can't obama piss a rainbow, or fart a unicorn, and save us from Sandy??

pm317 said...

It was 4 years ago that Obama gave that grandiose "this was the moment" speech where he said "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow...." What irony if the rise of the oceans thwarts his reelection!

Karma, baby! Unfortunately he is not the miracle man he thought he was to slow the rise of the oceans.

madAsHell said...


"when the rise of the oceans slowed"

edutcher said...

Philadelphia is sheltered by Delaware Bay and the 'burbs tend to be more Conservative than the city.

And the flooding inland usually isn't that bad.

The Republicans will come out, the grafters will head for high ground.

Cedarford said...

Hard to predict the dynamics -

It could be like NOLA in the worst black Underclass areas - Philly, Anacostia DC, Camden, Newark, S Bronx. Lots of anarchy and looting. Putting Obama in a tough spot if it happens.
Be sympathetic like he was to the NOLA "troubled yutes" - or be law and order?

Without looting and other Halloween festivities - it could be an opportunity to get Obama free Federal help in taking "distressed inner city residents" to the polls in Federal, Nat Guard transportation while ignoring difficulties in suburbs - because every vote must count, and "if resources permit, I, Obama, will have The Heroes get the suburbs to the vote after the cities have been accomodated, city people being in the greatest need!"

Looting by Obama supporters may make more white women and hispanics go Romney's way.

Then again, it might not be a factor at all on Nov 6th. That's more than a week away and power will be on again in most areas and roads open.

Yes, it gives Obama and the liberal/progressive jewish element of the media a perfect reason to ignore all mention of Benghazi...

wyo sis said...

"Setting aside human misery for the moment: could this help Romney?"

By all means let's not politicize an event where people's lives are at stake. That would never do. I'm sure Obama will rise to this occasion and put the evil right wing nut jobs in their place.

Anonymous said...

The storm is a gift to Obama. It gives him a chance to duck Benghazi and a chance to look presidential after the past month of looking asleep, nasty or crazy.

KCFleming said...

"The White House says President Barack Obama is canceling campaign appearances in Northern Virginia on Monday and Colorado on Tuesday so he can monitor Hurricane Sandy."

Eerily similar to McCain suspending his campaign to monitor the financial collapse in 2008.

Saaaaaay, isn't that when McCain lost Althouse?

DADvocate said...

Even Poseidon and Zephyr oppose Obama.

DADvocate said...

Obama will use the storm as an excuse to impose martial law on the coast and stuff the ballot boxes. But, what about the rest of the country.

Titus said...

Coastal East Coast Cities fabulous. We pay for all those Southern States you know. We are givers and not takers. But those republican southern states are big time moochers.

But Althouse, the whore, and her minions hope and wish we are not able to vote, because we are not real Americans.

I am not going to vote anyway.

Voting on the East Coast, where it is totally fab, is boring.

You feel better, people from the East Coast may not be able to vote because of Hurricane? Happy Needy and Althouse...of course you are.

We still have the ocean and fabulousness and you live in the middle of nowhere and work for the "state" and do not work at all.

Peter said...

OT: check out these follies in a Vietnamese restaurant in Toronto.

Synova said...

I'm doing calling and some of the other people in the office (for a different but related organization) were calling Virginia today and they stopped making calls to that state out of respect to people who were getting ready for the storm.

Who knows if the storm will have an impact on the final results. At least for those doing get-out-the-vote campaigns there's a question of reaching people or pissing them off doing it.

Titus said...

I know you married Needy because he inherited money but doesn't it bother you at all that he did not earn it by himself?

Needy is so absolutely horrible.

On his "spare time" and in his 60's he video tapes fat hideous Madison protesters to put on a blog which is "edited" by the tramp he met.

How utterly and totally depressing and "gross".

If that is what my life is like in my 60's kills me.

chickelit said...

Titus writes:
Coastal East Coast Cities fabulous. We pay for all those Southern States you know. We are givers and not takers. But those republican southern states are big time moochers.

Titus sounds like a Northeasterner in the time of Lincoln, with the labels D and R reversed. He probably thinks Obama is like Lincoln.

chickelit said...

Why so uptighty tonighty, Tity?

Synova said...

"The White House says President Barack Obama is canceling campaign appearances in Northern Virginia on Monday and Colorado on Tuesday so he can monitor Hurricane Sandy."


Cancelling Virginia makes sense. Of course it does. Why cancel Colorado?

It's not as though the President can really do anything about the disaster past answering State requests for Federal aid. It's not like he's got to be on hand to authorize military action over someone elses sovereign airspace to save the governor of New Jersey or something.

chickelit said...

Titus wrote...
I know you married Needy because he inherited money but doesn't it bother you at all that he did not earn it by himself?

Needy is so absolutely horrible.

On his "spare time" and in his 60's he video tapes fat hideous Madison protesters to put on a blog which is "edited" by the tramp he met.

David said...

Hey Titus. The 60's aren't so bad. I've lived through them twice and enjoyed it both times.

MadisonMan said...

Eerily similar to McCain suspending his campaign to monitor the financial collapse in 2008.

That's when McCain lost hope of getting me. It wasn't that he suspended his campaign to deal with it, it's the fact that after suspending he did exactly nothing.

So if Obama suspends his campaign and does exactly nothing about Sandy, then it will be eerily similar (although he's already lost me).

Synova said...

What is it? He got criticized for taking off to a fund raiser before and by golly he's not going to look like he's having a party while people are in danger this time?

Michael K said...

A friend of min, checking into a hotel in Venice, was standing on the three foot high duckboards and looking down at the desk clerk who wore hip boots at the desk. I've seen the duckboards but, thank God, have never had to use them.

chickelit said...

As someone said in the comments to this video, Sandy is coming back to Asbury Park.

KCFleming said...

All Obama can do now is get in the fucking way of people who need to do their jobs.

Automatic_Wing said...

Titus, you sound like a fucking loon.

Take some prozac or something, dude.

KCFleming said...

Dunno if TItus has ever done a loon before.


Astro said...

It was 4 years ago that Obama gave that grandiose "this was the moment" speech where he said "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow...." What irony if the rise of the oceans thwarts his reelection!

Ha! Funny and clever.

bagoh20 said...

It would be pretty ironic to have to swim to vote for the guy who said he was gonna stop the oceans from rising. That's why my motto is: "Under-promise and over-deliver."

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My concern about Sandy is that Obama and our highly vaunted media (Just kidding about that highly vaunted part!) seem to be suggesting that our November 6th election be postponed or delayed.

Jeeze you guys act like the east coast is the be all end all of the country and that the rest of us don't exist.

Don't get me wrong. I hope that everything is not as bad as it is being hyped up to be and that the property damage is minimal and no one dies.

HOWEVER. There is a whole rest of the country out there. Just you guys being inconvenienced in voting doesn't mean that the rest of our votes should not count. You don't get a "do over" because you chose to live in an area where there are hurricanes.

Whenever there is "weather" in the east it is a big fucking deal. When we are dealing with sub zero weather out here.....crickets.

chickelit said...


You read Sully Wully, right, Tity, Whitey? He's got big screed posted up right now showing how Romney's southern state support tracks the old Confederacy. Of course Sullivan's subtext is that you're racist if you support Romney.

Shameless idolatry

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Plus. The military ballots are lost, destroyed, not sent out in time. So our military men and women are being denied their right to vote.

Somehow this man made discrimination doesn't seem to bother the MSM and others who are rooting for Obama to be re-elected. Let a few democrats living in the path of a natural disaster.

Seriously??? The storm is hitting now, we have a week and a day before the polls. People used to have to walk or take horses to get to the polls.....in the snow, uphill, both ways.

What a bunch of whining wimps. You [those who want to cancel the election] make me sick.

bagoh20 said...

"He's got big screed posted up right now showing how Romney's southern state support tracks the old Confederacy."

He got slapped down for this today by George Will on TV. I can't believe people pay any attention to Sullivan. Today was the first time I ever saw him speaking. He does not seem too bright to me.

bagoh20 said...

I got a little sunburn today. I don't know if I'm gonna make it.

chickelit said...

I can't believe people pay any attention to Sullivan.

Considering that some of the most antagonistic leftist here routinely parrot Sullivan (Ritmo, Allie), I find it interesting to see where they get their talking points.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Chickelit, I don't read Sullivan and so I don't know how I could possibly parrot him unless.....I am Sullivan!

Anonymous said...

Obama is going to DC to figure out how he can exploit the crisis. He knows he's lost Colorado so he's not bothering to make the trip.

Best case scenario, Sandy is mild and no one is injured/killed and damage is minimal. If there is widespread damage The liberal judges will keep the voting going until they have enough to win.

Anonymous said...

I was just kidding, Ritmo is Sullivan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Storm Drama.

chickelit said...

@bagoh20: I just watched that take-down by Will. Sullivan's problem is that he lacks peripheral vision: he literally can't put things in context like George Will can. He should stop wearing those horse blinder eye glasses and open-up his perspective a bit.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
I was just kidding, Ritmo is Sullivan.

That was my theory a year or so ago. LOL

JAL said...

If BHO's re-election is "thwarted" it won't be because of Sandy.

He owns it all himself. As well he should.

JAL said...

I think Inga's on to something. That explains Ritmo's obsessive bursts of posts (look at the last 200 of the 400+ Benghazi thread below).

Who else has that kind of time and nastiness?

I'm Full of Soup said...

If there are damaging floods in PA, the areas most vulnerable to floods are the NE parts of the state like Wilkes Barre and Scranton. Those areas are big supporters of Senator Bob Casey so he could be hurt a bunch.

chickelit said...

@Inga: I made a similar visual comparison of German ethnicity and the Wisconsin judicial election a while back: link.

Was my subtext that those voters were Nazis? Some people whom Althouse interviewed around that time and who compared Walker to Hitler might agree. :)

Mark said...

I'm getting the impression that the Proprietress has lost that loving' feeling for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I must be an outlier.

Anonymous said...

Ritmo can be very sweet when he wants to, JAL.

Anonymous said...

Just guessing of course.

CWJ said...

Huh. I thought Hatman was Sullivan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My impression is that in the past, it was not only a modest oversight (for the lack of a better description of what is coming to mind) as much as a prayer that destruction could be postpone, but an acceptance that some things are beyond our control.

Now... its like a storm is a PR scripted event... I wish I could say that instead of a prayer, a script is better... but it doesnt feel that way.

gadfly said...

Sandy provides a conundrum from which Obama cannot escape. First of all, there is the “ghost of Katrina” that hangs with every new hurricane striking land here. Tropical Storm Isaac was to be a sure-fire Category One hurricane when it was heading for the Republicans in Tampa but wind speeds and surge dropped off when it finally struck New Orleans. In 2010 Tropical Storm Irene was declared a hurricane even as it plowed into the Outer Banks with wind speeds far less than hurricane force – but that didn’t stop NOAA from saying it was. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” said the Tiny Dancer.

But the Obama regime has a history of blowing up when a crisis occurs and Barry cannot get past Benghazi let alone answer to civilian casualties from Sandy. Then, of course we have the possibilities of the east coast population centers shutting down when power outages occur.

Mayor Bloomberg is shutting down the subways because he has no submarines and the electric LI trains with their subterranean track will not be visiting Manhattan Island if the power goes out and the Big Apple gets some storm surge. I hope that everyone listens to Lindsey Lohan who tweeted: “WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i’m calling it Sally)..?”

Similar stoppages can be expected in Philadelphia and Washington, DC where electric utilities are predicting outages for as long as seven days after the storm. Not only will predominantly Democrat voters in these cities have to use paper ballots, they will have to want to endure the transportation dilemma just to vote. Then there is the problem of no early voting permitted in many east coast states. “Hold me closer, Tiny Dancer! Count the headlights on the highway.”

jungatheart said...

Hatman and Ritmo are too reasonable to be Sullivan.

Clyde said...

Giants win the World Series. I knew that the Tigers were screwed as soon as I heard that Obama was picking them to win. As Romney said, Obama picks the winners and the losers, only he just picks the losers. Just like Solyndra, A123, etc. Everything he touches, however peripherally, turns to crap!

harrogate said...

RE this post and what it conjectures: I have little doubt that would make lots of people here happy. Seems like the blogger is one of them.

Hyphenated American said...

1.If there are any troubles, the federal government will surely screw things up. They cannot do anything right.
2. People will be unhappy. Will unhappy people vote for the guy in charge? Unlikely.

KCFleming said...

Geez, harrogate, must it be spelled out for you?

The storm contradicts Obama's most outrageous claim from 2008, that his election would herald "when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".

I mean, irony like that's tough enough, but the timing is so exquisite that one must conclude that God does indeed have a great sense of humor.

harrogate said...


For those able to read anyway, it's not like this element of "karma" or "irony" or whatever that you all think you have identified, contradicts at all what I wrote above.

Phil 314 said...

Obama Agonistes.

KCFleming said...

Sure it does.

You want to blame Althouse and her commenters for the crime of "wanting" the hurricane to harm the election, when in fact they are merely enjoying the irony.

That's just cheap-shot bullshittery, my man.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Whenever there is "weather" in the east it is a big fucking deal. When we are dealing with sub zero weather out here.....crickets.

You think that's bad....I used to live on Guam and in December of 2002 the island had a direct hit from Supertyphoon Pongsona. Maximum wind gusts of 175 miles per hour, sustained winds approaching 150 mph, the entire island without power/water/phones (in some neighborhoods for months following the storm), 8500 homes damaged or destroyed, more than $700M in damage overall on an island that's only 200 square miles. There might have been a blurb or two in stateside papers but for the most part no one's ever heard of it.

KCFleming said...

And I speak for many in saying that nothing in politics makes people happy. In any sense of the word.

harrogate said...

Both are happening, actually, Pogo. To anyone who would read.

Although it is worth it, for the comedic effect of watching middle-school level discussions of "irony" taking place among (supposedly) adults.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carl said...

I don't think so. Philadelphia isn't on the coast, and it's not that low-lying. Even hurricanes can't push enough water up the Delaware to flood Philadelphia. It's coastal New Jersey that will get walloped.

Others have commented that central Pa is more likely to experience nasty flooding, and that is true in a general sense, since they have steep valleys that channel the water, but then hurricanes tend to wear out rapidly as they go inland, and I think this one is headed northeast anyway, as they usually are.

Look for a lot of rainy 6-12 inch flooding in Philadelphia, lots of trees down and power out, a lot of incompetence in the Philadelphia mayor's office. Not quite New Orleans, since that's a special case, both in feet below sea level and both city and state incompetence.

KCFleming said...

Nope, no one wants harm to come to the East Coast, except in your imagination of how non-Democrats vote.

Sorry to disappoint.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

DBQ & Erika,

I hear you about weather reportage. If it's not on the coasts (or near Chicago, or another large inland city), it's somehow less real. "Flyover country" isn't just a joke; for a lot of reporters almost the entire interior of the continent might as well not exist.

That said, I'm fretting about this one, because my parents are on the MD Eastern Shore, and the storm surge may be really nasty. Even now that landfall proper looks to be further north, this thing is incredibly wide, and there's going to be a lot of damage round the Chesapeake. If you happen to be living alongside a creek that feeds into it ... let's just say that they anticipate downed trees, and are just hoping that they don't include the one the bald eagles like to perch on. Partly because they love the eagles, and partly because that's the one tree that could seriously damage the house.

Peter said...

I will risk being called raaaaacist!!!!!!111!!!!ELEVNTY!!for voting against the Donks but it isn't because of race, I don't like Biden either. This crowd could break an anvil with a feather duster. and they try to keep more secrets than the Nixon Admin.

McTriumph said...

Obama is the BLACK NIXON.

JAL said...

My brother-in-law lives on the water on a little side spit off the Chesapeake Bay. They recently put in a house generator and a 500 gallon propane tank. Think they will be there -- or with some of her kids who are also in that area.

Also some nephews -- one right outside DC, one between Delaware and Philly.

Hubby and I grew up outside the City (NY, for those in flyover ;-) ). Our home town will probably flood (again).

So no, we aren't rooting for bad things to happen.

But it seems a bit odd, doesn't it?

bagoh20 said...

I was over at Daily Kos, and they are in another universe that does not include Benghazi. One comment, I saw which is fitting was: "Nobody cares about Benghazi, except Republicans."

They don't seem interested at all in the impossibility and conflicts of the various statements coming out, but only want to mention the ones like today where the White House denied that they refused any assistance to the defenders. They seem to believe thats all they need to put this behind them. W.H. said it's all good, so it's all good.

Question authority, don't you know.

Petunia said...

Erika, I used to live on Guam too! Was on my way out there the day Typhoon Omar hit in 1992. Ended up staying in Hawaii for ten days until they got the airport open to regular flights. No power at my friend's house when I got there.

Then four more typhoons in two months that autumn, then an 8.2 earthquake in August 1993. Multiple typhoons and earthquakes, including Supertyphoon Paka in December 1997, before I left island in 1999.

And I agree...the mainland coverage was almost non-existent. No doubt the fact that the islanders are generally pretty well-prepared for natural disasters had something to do with that...not enough drama for the media types.

Anonymous said...

harrogate, I don't see anybody here anticipating Sandy with the glee your fellow lib, Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott welcomed a hurricane hitting Florida in 2004:

"I root for hurricanes. When, courtesy of the Weather Channel, I see one forming in the ocean off the coast of Africa, I find myself longing for it to become big and strong--Mother Nature's fist of fury, Gaia's stern rebuke. Considering the havoc mankind has wreaked upon nature with deforesting, stripmining, and the destruction of animal habitat, it only seems fair that nature get some of its own back and teach us that there are forces greater than our own. "

Of course, Wolcott cheers for hurricanes when they hit rednecks in Florida. I would wager he's not quite as thrilled about "Gaia's stern rebuke" when Gaia's rebuking Manhattan rather than Jacksonsville.

Cosmic Conservative said...

The reality of Sandy is that if it has any effect on the election, that itself is a major indictment of Obama, whether it helps or hurts him electorally. Right about now, if I were Romney, the RNC or any of the Super PACs I'd be preparing a bunch of ads about the trillion dollars Obama supposedly threw at "shovel ready" jobs. Guess what Obama listed as some of his top priority shovel ready jobs? Repairing dams, strengthening bridges, fortifying our power grid and beefing up those parts of our infrastructure that are supposed to allow us to survive things like "weather."

But what is actually likely to happen is that no matter what happens with Sandy, it has a far likelier chance to help Obama than to hurt him. Because it's a media controlled event and the media are so far up Obama's rectum that they can tell you how much sugar he puts in his coffee.

Anonymous said...

But what is actually likely to happen is that no matter what happens with Sandy, it has a far likelier chance to help Obama than to hurt him.

CC: That's my take. The hurricane will be a welcome diversion from Obama's sorry stretch of campaigning for the past month, as well as from Benghazi.

Carnifex said...

What freakin' retard named the hurricane Sandy? What happens when we get hurricanes Gidget, or Muffy? Pffft.

Katrina. A good Nazi bitch name for a hurricane.

Camille. French harlot will cut your heart out.

Hugo. Just saying it makes your mouth evil.

Sandy. Underwhelming.

Alex said...

Inga is just as obsessed as Ritmo. That ignorant slut.

Anonymous said...

Here's a shocking animation of Sandy's projected path of the eye tearing straight through New Jersey and Pennsylvania through Tuesday. However, the storm is so large that New York and Massachusetts will be hit by seriously strong winds too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Cindy means a chance to do a CSO study... Combined Sewer Overflow.

I was there one time... looking at people exited about the prospect of getting "good data". Data that would in some ways sink or swim the "dry runs"... or something.

The name of the model was SWIM... I dont remember what it stood for, nor if that is the correct spelling, but I do remember the creator lived in Australia... and it was difficult to get in touch with him... but we had to because there were some things about the model that only he knew how to work out.

The essence of that work was to improve predictive techniques... witch only could be tested with the real thing.

The elusive real thing... I never went back.

DEEBEE said...

Dems have already voted early. The jeopardy is only to voting often.

smith said...

awesome post i like it..

tools of love

Humperdink said...

No early voting in available in Pa.

Lauderdale Vet said...

They're probably going to be without power on Election day. I imagine the usual routines will be disturbed, which will make it easier to "find ballots", etc.

edutcher said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My concern about Sandy is that Obama and our highly vaunted media (Just kidding about that highly vaunted part!) seem to be suggesting that our November 6th election be postponed or delayed.

Jeeze you guys act like the east coast is the be all end all of the country and that the rest of us don't exist.

DBQ, it is obvious you have never lived east of the Alleghenies.

Anonymous said...

This storm is going to linger for a while over a large area so flooding will be greater than just storm surges on the coast. Sewer backups, subway flooding, wind caused damage to structures, trees and power lines.

It will keep plenty of people from going out to vote I'd say. Dem or GOP I don't know but if I had to bet I would say more Dems would stay home than GOPs.

Unknown said...

What could be more damning than voter turnout could be the reality of Mitt's historical "you're on your own" mentality. A lot of these newly dislocated or homeless people may now somehow believe they're "victims" and accordingly, be looking for some type of government assistance in their hour of need, you know, maybe think they’re entitled to a cold cut sandwich or a bottled water, maybe a spare if-it-fits-it-ships postal box for a makeshift umbrella or something. “We can’t do that” says Romney. To fund disaster relief without cutting the budget elsewhere says Mitt, “It makes no sense at all”. I mean, we got $5 trillion in tax cuts for NASCAR owners and such to consider.

Anonymous said...

"What could be more damning than voter turnout could be the reality of Mitt's historical "you're on your own" mentality. A lot of these newly dislocated or homeless people may now somehow believe they're "victims" and accordingly, be looking for some type of government assistance in their hour of need, you know, maybe think they’re entitled to a cold cut sandwich or a bottled water, maybe a spare if-it-fits-it-ships postal box for a makeshift umbrella or something. “We can’t do that” says Romney. To fund disaster relief without cutting the budget elsewhere says Mitt, “It makes no sense at all”. I mean, we got $5 trillion in tax cuts for NASCAR owners and such to consider."

Umm, did you forget to refill your prescription before the storm hit?

Tom said...

I assume that Obama-bots will sue to keep the polls open in Philly and other affected Dem areas indefinitely (or until Obama wins the area, whichever is longer). Nothing beyond this guy.

Roger J. said...

I thought Forrest Gump summarized the situation: Shit happens

D. B. Light said...

First of all, Pennsylvania does not allow early voting, so that option is out of play. Second, while there are flood threats in the northeast of the State, the area most heavily affected will be the Susquehanna valley, which is not Casey territory. Third, there is a real problem with electric power in rural areas. A big storm can leave vast stretches of the State without power for days. Fourth, the Philadelphia machine will get voters to the polls [whether they are physically present or not].

Matt Sablan said...

Obama makes gutsy call to do his job; skips campaign event to monitor hurricane. Gee, if only he'd shown this sort of leadership earlier, we might still have an ambassador to Libya.

KCFleming said...

For the planet to begin to heal, one must make the planet begin to heel. But it never listens, and aims to misbehave.

Stronger laws against the planet are clearly needed. Maybe the Obama can get the Trial Lawyers Association to start some class action litigation and sue the bastard into submission.

It worked against those tobacco bastards.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

What could be more damning than voter turnout could be the reality of Mitt's historical "you're on your own" mentality. A lot of these newly dislocated or homeless people may now somehow believe they're "victims" and accordingly, be looking for some type of government assistance in their hour of need, you know, maybe think they’re entitled to a cold cut sandwich or a bottled water, maybe a spare if-it-fits-it-ships postal box for a makeshift umbrella or something. “We can’t do that” says Romney. To fund disaster relief without cutting the budget elsewhere says Mitt, “It makes no sense at all”. I mean, we got $5 trillion in tax cuts for NASCAR owners and such to consider.

I'm remembering someone here--might have been Freeman Hunt--musing that sometimes when other people open their mouths, it seems like one lives in an entirely different reality than they do.

Anonymous said...

The military ballots are lost, destroyed, not sent out in time. So our military men and women are being denied their right to vote.

Do you have any evidence of this other than your fevered imagination?

bleh said...

Some of the angriest people will be those who have evacuated on orders from Bloomberg if the storm turns out to be a dud. So yes, I'm hoping for a dud rather than an opportunity for Obama to look like a hero for doing nothing more than giving a speech amid the destruction.

Seeing Red said...

..TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Federal officials say that absentee ballots being sent to U.S. military serving in Afghanistan may have been burned in a plane crash.

A top official in the Federal Voting Assistance Program this week notified election officials across the nation that a transport plane crashed at Shindad Air Base on Oct. 19.

The crash resulted in the destruction of 4,700 pounds of mail inbound to troops serving in the area.

Federal officials in their email to state election offices said they did not know if any ballots were destroyed. They also said the lost mail was limited to one zip code.

But they recommended that election officials resend a new ballot to anyone who requested one since the first ballot may have been destroyed in the crash and fire....

Seeing Red said...

--What could be more damning than voter turnout could be the reality of Mitt's historical "you're on your own" mentality--

They'd actually have to build things?

Seeing Red said...

As Hurricane Sandy approaches the northeast United States, the left is attempting to politicize the storm, attacking Republican nominee Mitt Romney and his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), for wanting to shift more responsibility for disaster relief from the federal government to the states. They ignore the fact that President Barack Obama's proposal for the upcoming budget sequester would cut nearly $900 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including disaster relief, food and shelter, and flood management at both the federal and state levels. The cuts, detailed on pages 94 through 96 of the White House's sequestration proposal....

roesch/voltaire said...

There is a rising tide against Romney as more folks begin to understand what he is really about. Joseph Stiglitz's article where he points out that the Romney-Ryan economic plan would be devastating: it would slow growth and increase unemployment while eliminating protection for the least well-off-- see Sunday Review section for full article.

Rusty said...

roesch/voltaire said...
There is a rising tide against Romney as more folks begin to understand what he is really about. Joseph Stiglitz's article where he points out that the Romney-Ryan economic plan would be devastating: it would slow growth and increase unemployment while eliminating protection for the least well-off-- see Sunday Review section for full article.

Your so cute when you start talking about economics.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
The military ballots are lost, destroyed, not sent out in time. So our military men and women are being denied their right to vote.

Do you have any evidence of this other than your fevered imagination?

The plane crashed.
Google it.

Seeing Red said...

I knew I should have saved the link to all the EPA regs waiting until after the election to be applied and their cost.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Freder Frederson said...
The military ballots are lost, destroyed, not sent out in time. So our military men and women are being denied their right to vote.

Do you have any evidence of this other than your fevered imagination?

Washington Times

Stars and Stripes

And a whole lot more.

Really, how hard can this be to get these ballots to the military? There are also electronic measures that would suffice.

Our voting system is a huge steaming pile of excrement. No checks on the identification of who is voting. Rampant voter fraud. Forged absentee ballots. Voter fraud aided and abetted by the likes of ACORN and campaign officials Denying the military the right to vote. Voter intimidation [Black Panthers]. Computerized voting machines suspiciously programed to default to Obama. Bags of ballots miraculously found in trunks of cars. Cartoon characters voting. Inconsistent voting methods not only from state to state but within districts.

The whole thing is a mess and I absolutely doubt the veracity of the results. When you know that the elections are rigged by the crooks who bought and stole their way into power ...why bother obeying any of the self serving laws and regulations that they pass?

Screw 'em.

Anonymous said...

Yes it pisses me off that Wisconsin and Michigan with Republican administrations are screwing our troops out of their votes. This did not happen when we had a Democrat for Governor.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Yes it pisses me off that Wisconsin and Michigan with Republican administrations are screwing our troops out of their votes. This did not happen when we had a Democrat for Governor.

Right. As if Scott Walker is suppressing the military vote. You sound desperate.

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