(Click to enlarge.)
"'HE'S A BULLSHITTER'" goes to a Weekly Standard item, quoting Obama:
As we left the Oval Office, executive editor Eric Bates told Obama that he had asked his six-year-old if there was anything she wanted him to say to the president. … [S]he said, ‘Tell him: You can do it.’ Obama grinned. … ‘You know, kids have good instincts,’ Obama offered. ‘They look at the other guy and say, “Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.”’Nothing wrong with the word "bullshitter" in casual speech, and nothing special about a politician characterizing another politician as a bullshitter. It takes one to know one, and these politicians are all bullshitters. How could they be otherwise? What major-party candidate has ever not been a bullshitter?
But it is odd to imagine a 6-year-old child thinking "Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell." He was paraphrasing. Come on.
There's nothing here!
Now, quit pointing.
Quit pointing at nothing.
My first thought exactly, who thinks of a six year old child and uses the word bullshitter!
Well, I think there is something here. Obama has made this entire campaign about trying to disqualify Romney rather than promoting his own accomplishments, desire for, and fitness for the job. When Obama reacts that way to a 6 years old's hope in him, it reveals a very insecure, petty man.
He can't accept a compliment from a 6 year old without attacking Romney? That's pathetic.
Obama clearly loathes Romney. Although Romney is an affable guy, I think he's learned to return the loathing in kind. What do you do with a guy who accuses you of deliberately giving old ladies cancer?
The leftist tactic of calling all opposition to their ideas "bigotry" has metastasized into a political cancer.
What do you do with political opponents who insist that you are motivated by incoherent, baseless hatred? Not much to do but to return the hatred in kind.
There's nothing left to do with the left except to say: "If you're going to punch me in the face like that, you can expect a kick in the nuts in return!"
In a matter of hours, CNN published and removed a story about how hormones influence women voters, one that made claims about how women tend to lean liberal when ovulating because they “feel sexier.” — More.
When historians look back on this time, this stuff just writes itself.
I heard a host on the Radio here in California say he was gonna vote against all the propositions on the ballot, because that way he doesn't have to worry about anything changing. That's the genius that I have my vote wasted by out here in the most dysfunctional state in history.
It's also the genius of the national election where people think four more years of this, starting out more broke than we were back then, is a safe bet
Actually, I think it's just another example of his colossal vanity shining through.
PS The Hildabeast thinks she can survive at State?
Huma better start tasting her food.
Speaking of "nothing", wonder what will come of this:
Mitt Romney
Judge UNSEALS Docs,
Allred Gets Shut Down
Supposed to be live press conference at that site.
Obama thinks like a 6 year old; perfectly displayed in the last debate.
Speaking of Bullshitters, Allred got the testimony released from the Staples divorce, but the gag order on her client was released. Too bad the judge could permanently gag Gloria Allred.
Obviously the media will focus on this all important testimony in a 20 year old divorce case, and keep ignoring Benghazi.
That's not even the right quote. "That's a bullshitter" is supposedly what he said.
If bullshit was an instrument politicians would make up the biggest brass band in history.
"There's nothing here!"
Perhaps, not.
But can you imagine Romney saying such a thing?
"When Obama reacts that way to a 6 years old's hope in him, it reveals a very insecure, petty man."
Here's what his thought process was (I imagine):
1. A child believes I can do it.
2. Children instinctively understand things and get things right.
3. She likes me, so she doesn't like Romney.
4. What would she think of Romney that would make her not like him?
5. She'd think what I really think about Romney if she was getting it right, the way kids do, since I'm getting it right.
6. What's the main thing I think? He's just a big old bullshitter.
150 million Americans are thinking exactly that about Obama, perhaps he got the message but was confused as to who the correct target is.
If you listen closely, liberals will TELL YOU what they are thinking. They project ALL THE TIME.
So, here's a little gem from the Bullshitter-in-Chief:
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America 's
debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the
US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we
now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign
countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.
Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and
internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.'
Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices
today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.
America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
Americans deserve better."
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
To call anyone else a bullshitter... truly projection from Obama, he needs a shovel on the ready from all the bullshitt that comes out of his mouth.
It's the only shovel ready job that Zero can name that's happened under him.
Alred says she has been "double-crossed" by Boston Globe. Damn that MSM!
alan markus said...
Speaking of "nothing", wonder what will come of this:
Mitt Romney
Judge UNSEALS Docs,
Allred Gets Shut Down
Stand back! She's gonna blow!!!
Ann is projecting again.
There is definitely something here. Besides the continued un-Presidential behavior, this is yet another indication of the shocking level of contempt Obama has for ideological opponents. A lot of people think that Obama has something personal against Romney. I don't think that's true. Obama has something personal against anyone who does not share his collectivist, redistributionist, neo-fascist world view. Romney just happens to be the person who is frustrating Obama's goals to turn America into a clone of Greece. And that drives him crazy.
6 year olds are just cute photo ops. 6 year olds don't think for themselves--they just say things to please their parents and teachers.
6 year olds are just cute photo ops. 6 year olds don't think for themselves--they just say things to please their parents and teachers.
Hey, where's the "civility bullshit" tag?
Gloria Alred, "best lawyer evah" (according to her according to Obama).
Blame Bush.
Big Bird.
Blame Bill.
Obama campaign still stuck on the B's, I see.
No, his thinking was more likely this:
1) Hey that's my cue to attack Romney with a kid giving me gravitas.
2) What's my main theme of attack today?
3) Romney is a liar, but I already said that a thousand times. How can I put it today that's sounds new, and will get someone to notice?
4) He's a bullshitter.
All politicians are bullshitters, but Mitt takes it to another level. Obama isn't exactly the first person to point this out.
If anyone knows bullshit, it's Obama. He's been spreading it around for several years now.
I guess that he learned the word while he was here on a foreign student visa.
He's such a modest man, he didn't want to say what he was thinking: "But I am the world's all time king of bullshitters!"
Immediately followed by this thought: "This is the last time to illegal aliens can vote for president, I wonder if there's a way I can get six-year-olds slipped in to get a vote for me? I know! I'll call the Black Panthers and have them work it out for me!"
Six year-olds would be a great voter demographic for Democrats. They'd promise kids all kinds of free stuff with full confidence there's no critical thinking going on. Not completely unlike some other Dem constituencies.
What do you do with political opponents who insist that you are motivated by incoherent, baseless hatred?
Marginalize them by beating them like a drum every election cycle, then invite the sane ones to switch parties.
I'm surprised that people aren't talking about another Obama attempt to buy the elderly vote--the elimination of the requirement that stroke patients, etc. must be making progress to continue to have their physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. covered by Medicare. That rule was a huge cost containment rule and eliminating that rule is going to be very expensive. Obama is bullshitting when he says that he wants to keep medical costs in check.
So does this mean he has raised his girls to be foul-mouthed haters? Surely this projection is because this is what he hears/heard at home.
Obama hates Romney for the same reasons a lot of academics hate successful businessmen. The businessman scares them a little, because he's a man, and he knows how to do things.
It's not bullshitting to state the obvious: "most of the 47% will still cling to their guns and religion"
Owebama has a deficit problem, a deficit of duplicitous Dems ready to vote for the King of Bullshitters. Owebama - a one term mistake.
Ohhh, the death panels are starting to be chosen.
Am I the only one that thinks that the quote under Obama's picture is Drudge's opinion of Obama, expressed in a not-so-subtle way? The pot calling the kettle Barack?
AF said...
All politicians are bullshitters, but Mitt takes it to another level.
Ah, another nutty leftist flailing accusations while fresh off supporting the most vacuous presidential campaign in history. You'd think at some point they'd become aware that their hypocrisy on this topic ruins their credibility on all topics. But as we've discussed one of the most important qualifications for leftim is a willingness to prove yourself a fool in public.
Classy with a K, as we say Chez MadisonMan.
"Obama hates Romney for the same reasons a lot of academics hate successful businessmen. The businessman scares them a little, because he's a man, and he knows how to do things."
And Romney throws like a man too. Other Barry resents that.
Pettiness all around today!
Cosmic Conservative said...
Ann is projecting again.
There is definitely something here. Besides the continued un-Presidential behavior, this is yet another indication of the shocking level of contempt Obama has for ideological opponents. A lot of people think that Obama has something personal against Romney. I don't think that's true.
Have to disagree with that last point.
I think Barry hates the Romster for one all-compelling reason.
He's everything Barry really wanted to be and isn't.
Local Boston Editorial: Mitt Romney is not Satan.
Blame Bush.
Big Bird.
Brochure. (aka “full-scale, multiplatform organizational effort”)
Blame Bill.
Obama campaign still stuck on the B's, with only 13 days to go.
‘They look at the other guy and say, “Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.”’
It's kind of disturbing if it's true that Obama said "the other guy."
The context may well have implied he was referring to Romney but the generality of the reference allows the inference that Obama was referring to anybody who happens to be his electoral opponent.
IOW, a child (or any right-thinking person, I guess) will always prefer him to his opponent.
That borders on delusional.
Obama clearly loathes
anyone who doesn't worship him.
Bullshitting doesn't start until age nine.
It's poopyheads until then.
"He's everything Barry really wanted to be and isn't."
What? Have two degrees from Harvard?
Obama compared to the rest of us, is accomplished. And even despite disagreeing with on many issues, I praised him on the issue of fatherhood, until a few months ago.
Obama is reminding my of Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Two years ago I voted for Brown, knowing I didn't agree with everything. Today he can't balance the negativity, and his campaign is assuming because I'm a woman I'm pro-choice and targeting me with the fact he is pro-choice and failing to address the religious liberty concerns I have.
From the perspective of the reader, they're all pointing rightward.
Omens and portents, and all that.
Speaking of Bullshitters, Allred got the testimony released from the Staples divorce, but the gag order on her client was released. Too bad the judge could permanently gag Gloria Allred.
Obviously the media will focus on this all important testimony in a 20 year old divorce case, and keep ignoring Benghazi.
And, as Legal Insurrection pointed out, while the Globe is erady to go to the mattresses on this, they have never yet gone to court to unseal any of Faucahontas' Harvard records.
All politicians are bullshitters, but Mitt takes it to another level. Obama isn't exactly the first person to point this out.
Provide concrete examples, or go crawl back into Barry's mom jeans.
don't tread -- good catch. Should be in a tv ad.
LOLOLOL Allred didn't cover all her bases:
Here’s the TMZ live feed:
7:10 AM PT — The judge has agreed to release Mitt’s transcripts to the Boston Globe — but Gloria’s client is not allowed to talk about the case.
7:02 AM PT — Gloria is grasping at straws … but it’s clear, the judge is not gonna cut her a break. Gloria vows to return to court after she files a motion.
6:55 AM PT — It looks like Gloria is getting shut down because she never made the motion to ungag her client. The judge said the matter is not before the court.
6:53 AM PT — We’ve made up our minds — the judge is, in fact, hot.
6:51 AM PT — The judge seems to be saying that Gloria didn’t make the proper motion to ungag her client.
6:38 AM PT — It seems they have AGREED to release the transcripts.
6:37 AM PT –Romney’s lawyer says the Gov. has no problem having his testimony made public.
It appears that the Judge didn’t lift the gag order because Allred had not actually filed a motion to lift the gag order. The only motion was by The Globe for access to the transcript.
Why, exactly would it take one to know one?
Chris, I think we're just use to it, living in Massachusetts.
The only motion was by The Globe for access to the transcript.
The Globe had another motion to lift the gag order, they withdrew that this morning - blindsided Gloria Alred on that. Hence, her statement that she was "double-crossed" by the Boston Globe.
She is concerned that us plebes need the ex-wife's comments to understand the "context" of the transcripts.
Well what the heck; another case of projection by the Prezzy.
Chris, I think we're just use to it, living in Massachusetts.
Perhaps it's because I'm not a native, but I'll never get used to it - it was galling when I first moved here; it's galling now.
"Today he can't balance the negativity, and his campaign is assuming because I'm a woman I'm pro-choice and targeting me with the fact he is pro-choice and failing to address the religious liberty concerns I have. "
And someday, hopefully, you might realize there is more to life than the function of your female body parts.
Rocketeer, It's the only thing many of us know, we're born into it like our parents.
a 30 year old divorce that is not
about Romney himself. Desperation.
This comment is brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion.
Don't Tread, I made a typo, I'm pro-life.
Argh.. how embarrassing.
obama is angry and desperate. I love how drudge patches it all together
furious_a said...
Obama campaign still stuck on the B's, with only 13 days to go.
C-words are banned
D-words runneth over like a cup
E-words are not the ticket
F-words are "forBiden"
Someone's hoping for a Romney sitdown at The Globe.
Althouse can wish they would quit pointing but she doesn't have control of Drudge, Trump. One vote just doesn't give you much control, no more than any of us. Obama does and says a lot of stuff that I don't like but all I can do is vote and that is all she can do.
She can vent her anger but so can we.
Its not as much fun pretending to be cruelly neutral when your Obama vote is for the losing candidate and that loser of a candidate is going to lose Wisconsin too.
What? Have two degrees from Harvard?
Obama compared to the rest of us, is accomplished. And even despite disagreeing with on many issues, I praised him on the issue of fatherhood, until a few months ago.
Romney is a successful business man...Obama is a community organizer. I know that seems to send thrills up legs around some of the crowd around here, notably the owner of this blog, but in the big picture it is irrelevent to the world.
And having met Romney in person in private I can tell you that he is quite an impressive person. Obama, not so much.
If you are older than six years, and believe Obama has a plan that can work, you might be an idiot.
"My first thought exactly, who thinks of a six year old child and uses the word bullshitter!"
That is what is bad about it, it makes Obama look bad. Romney wouldn't say something like that.
"Romney is a successful business man...Obama is a community organizer."
Can anyone point to any success Obama had as a community organizer, in which a community he organized benefited from the fact he organized it?
I'll be around, so just let me know.
Thank you.
The 'point' is.....projection.
Liberals project out of insecurity.
Just look at all the name-calling they do. The ad hominems.
It is not surprising to me to see this entire neo-fascist construct of the progressives crashing down around them.
When you build your house on quicksand...
Shouldn't the parents wash the six years old's mouth with soap?
The real bullshitter was the one who bullshitted the bullshitter bullshit.
Feels like someone is in a panic.
""My first thought exactly, who thinks of a six year old child and uses the word bullshitter!"
That is what is bad about it, it makes Obama look bad. Romney wouldn't say something like that."
Yes, exactly. This is exactly what I said to my father not more than an hour ago. Its proof that this president is desperate. The lies and bullshittery and too much to support, even with the help of the MSM.
"In a matter of hours, CNN published and removed a story about how hormones influence women voters, one that made claims about how women tend to lean liberal when ovulating because they “feel sexier.” — More."
The next time they show Obama on TV campaigning, look at the faces of the young girls behind him. When I see them I see lust on their pretty faces.
"Hey, where's the "civility bullshit" tag?"
It's not appropriate.
That tag refers only to the bullshit surrounding the topic of civility.
Not bullshit about bullshit or bullshit per se.
Renee said...
He's everything Barry really wanted to be and isn't.
What? Have two degrees from Harvard?
Obama compared to the rest of us, is accomplished. And even despite disagreeing with on many issues, I praised him on the issue of fatherhood, until a few months ago.
The Romster earned his degrees, took both his JD (LLB) and MBA together.
Barry doesn't want us to look at his transcripts.
The Romster has a wife that loves him passionately.
With Moochelle, you wonder if it's another one of those "partnerships", like the Clintons or the Edwardses.
The Romster has pretty much succeeded at anything he's ever tried. On his own.
Barry is pretty much a failure, except for Affirmative Action.
Romney is white.
Barry wishes her was - he dresses acts, speaks, and eats like Mr Country Club Whitebread Suburbia.
Do the math.
The Executive Editor of Rolling Stone using the words of his child to give the President a pep talk. That's real rock n' roll.
Obama is "pointing" at Romney, in a sense, with his "Bullshitter" comment, which directs us to Romney.
Romney's pointing directs us to Hillary. Hillary is pointing at the mic as if to say "all the words on Benghazi were bullshit."
I don't think they're pointing at nothing...
Kerry joins Gore in blaming high altitude for Obama's bad debate in Denver
I can't keep up with the stories.
Oh, come on.
This "bulshit" puts the bullshit in civility bullshit.
Oh, come on.
This "bulshit" puts the bullshit in civility bullshit.
I've notice that the Romney surge has brought out the parent personality in Althouse. No, don't you do it. Stop it Trump. Stop it Drudge.
Ann, how is the President being deliberately uncivil not qualify for civility bullshit? Since Obama won over a bunch of voters in 2008 by pretending to be post-partisan and inclusive (including, according to things you've said here before, you) I would suggest that virtually every comment Obama makes qualifies for the "civility bullshit" tag.
"Not bullshit about bullshit or bullshit per se."
That is bullshit.
Just outside the screenshot - down and left - Joe Biden is pointing as well. Pointing at links to comments of his and the president's comments... perhaps to indicate that if you want to see some bullshit, look over here.
The irony is the bullshit of the idea of 6 year olds being able to tell when people are bullshitters.
The guys driving the white vans who need "help looking for my puppy" know otherwise.
Off-topic: maybe they'll settle on Dick Romney.
Someone commented there: 'I think Romney really DOES have core beliefs. One of them is that's ok to lie when expedient. But on traditional "social" issues, he's never believed in any moderate position for a single minute. He KNOWS queers deserve death, abortion is always wrong, women belong in the home, and God wants white men to be in charge.'
So sure about what's in Romney's head. I'm not sure what's in Obama's head. (I'm not sure there's much more than a cymbal-banging monkey in Biden's head.)
"What's the main thing I think? He's just a big old bullshitter."
Liberals do have a projecting problem.
Romney is pointing directly at Hillary.
Biden is pointing directly at Bill Clinton.
If I subscribe to the theory that Drudge has some brilliant subliminal message here, I would conclude that he is suggesting that Hillary is full of bullshit, and that Biden/Obama are setting Bill Clinton up for the fall guy.
In other words, the Clintons are becoming the target for all of the Obama failures.
Definition of "bullshitter" -
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." --President Bill Clinton
One of the things that continues to amuse me is how many liberals confuse their inability to understand Romney's actual points with Romney flip-flopping or lying.
Hell, even David Letterman realized that Obama was the liar in the GM exchange in the debate. But no doubt most liberals still think Obama was telling the truth and Romney was lying.
The same is true of the $5 trillion "tax cut" issue. Liberals' seeming total inability to recognize the difference between a "tax cut" and a "tax RATE cut" is turned into Romney lying.
Now Romney's position on abortion has definitely shifted over the years. But if you want to see real laughable flip-flopping on an issue, check out Obama's positions on gay marriage, executive privilege, drone killings, rendition, deficit spending...
Oh heck, the videos of Obama's flip-flops are all over Youtube now. Go watch them.
Cosmic Conservative: "Oh heck, the videos of Obama's flip-flops are all over Youtube now. Go watch them."
There's not time for watching youtube videos now that obama has turned our economy around and provided "millions of green energy jobs" to Americans.
Yep, we're just too busy now...
"But if you want to see real laughable flip-flopping on an issue, check out Obama's positions on gay marriage, executive privilege, drone killings, rendition, deficit spending.."
Apparently, Obama really likes Israel too.
are they sure he didn't say Bushitler?
Has anyone told Obama that six-year-olds can't vote? What with that whole Big Bird thing and the appearance on Nickelodeon.... Break it to him gently, ok?
Kids are actually terrible judges of truth or falsity. Even (especially!) smart kids. They instinctively operate on an ad-hominem basis, and will happily believe all sorts of counterfactuals out of simple ignorance and inexperience.
Just curious, is anyone here undecided?
Bryan C: "Has anyone told Obama that six-year-olds can't vote?"
obama is from Chi-town.
You are being naive....
Shouting Thomas -
The leftist tactic of calling all opposition to their ideas "bigotry" has metastasized into a political cancer.
One of several cancers:
1. The proclivity in recent decades to refuse to make decisions, defering to lawyers dressed in robes to make the big calls. With the judiciary the least nimble, least fit part of government to run the country.
2. The Republicans being in thrall to the twin cancers of evolution-denying, rape is God's Will Fundies - and Grover Norquistians that think nothing justifies more taxes. Not wars, not debt, not paying off in good times what was borrowed in Recessions.
3. Both Parties bribing people to vote with borrowed from China money. Bush had K Street corrupticans, free drugs for the elderly, 100s of billions in untracable money lost in two wars. Obama borrows for unions, ObamaPhone Mommas.
4. Obama's liberal and progressive jewish influencers successfully dividing America along race, class, and gender lines...fulfilling the old Alinsky, Marcuse, jewish-led American Communist party dream.
I still think the Republicans need to hit Obama hard in the last week.
The meme I would use is the likable bullshitter suffering from Obamarrhea.
For ads to spotlight the inability of the preening narcissist that thinks he is the smartest person on the planet - to control the flapping of his mouth and the crap dribbling from it.
4 years of BS. Want 4 more? Inability to deliver on a host of promises made, BS about LIbya and his personal involvement in getting bin Lade, BS about Mitt Romney as a cancer-giving man of low character and integrity.
2. The Republicans being in thrall to the twin cancers of evolution-denying, rape is God's Will Fundies - and Grover Norquistians that think nothing justifies more taxes. Not wars, not debt, not paying off in good times what was borrowed in Recessions.
Damned right, nothing justifies more taxes. Not until there are actual, identifiable, painful cuts in spending. This, however, would require good faith from Democrats.
But as these are the same slime who told GHW Bush "sure, we'll cut spending if you agree to these teeny-weeny tax hikes," then proceeded to shaft him, the lesson ought to have been learned. No tax hikes on anything, ever, until Democrats are dying in the streets from spending cuts. Hyperbole, yes, but the point should be obvious.
And as far as your vomit about evolution-denying, rape is God's Will Fundies, I suspect you know as much about "fundies" as you do Jews - which is to say, nothing.
carrie said...
I'm surprised that people aren't talking about another Obama attempt to buy the elderly vote--the elimination of the requirement that stroke patients, etc. must be making progress to continue to have their physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. covered by Medicare...
Me too. Is Obama "bullshitting" again? Effective 01 Oct 2012 under ACA patients admitted to hospitals or outpatient treatment programs, such as physical therapy, must be evaluated periodically, and if in PT, a new prescription for further therapy, in effect a "re-admission" for which a hospital will owe a $125,000 penalty (for re-admission inside of 30 days of discharge).
How do I know? I am a Medicare parts A and B dude, with a very good supplemental coverage plan.
I can read and I was in a formal PT program, evaluated on 03 Oct 2012, and dropped from it, and told to apply for the "drop down" program for 90 days where I can use the facilities without guidance. At the end of that (90 days) I can re-apply for formal PT again through the Sportsmed-Orthopods who sent there in the first place.
Where this might apply to the stroke victims cited (which I am not one of)is in what I was told verbatim..."your issue is one that takes 12 to 24 months to resolve on average and no one can expect coverage for that long."
Which is it, eh?
Me, personally, I don't mind the "unguided" drop down idea...I know what I am doing and can improve just fine without more guidance. Instead of 2 sessions per week I can go every day. But I do need access to the muscle and joint specific machines. So in 90 days, what happens to this average 12 to 12 month rehab issue? My plan, go back to Sportsmed and get another 3 week Prescription for twice a week sessions, then tell the evaluator in the PT department who does the "re-Eval" to discharge me again, for 90 days on my own again. Rinse and repeat.
When your leaders bullshit and force your health care providers to bullshit, then you must bullshit too.
Shouting Thomas said...
Obama clearly loathes Romney. Although Romney is an affable guy
It is like Homer Simpson hating Ned Flanders, because Ned shows Homer his inadequacies.
Same thing afflicted various Republican candidates who think they paid more dues, had "naturally had more scandal as Real Men", than Mr. Goody Two shoes rich boy.
You Know, I Actually Believe My Own Bullshit." -- Captain Bullshit in 2009.
You are a bullshitter.
My opinions evolve.
It seems to me that Allred's client was already talking about the case. Is there some degree of specificity that has to be met before she's in violation?
Damned right, nothing justifies more taxes. Not until there are actual, identifiable, painful cuts in spending. This, however, would require good faith from Democrats.
More Republican crap. As John McCain said before he voted to authorize 95% of the spending - Republicans are spending borrowed money like drunken sailors. This has to cease!"
You know, back in the glory days of Dubya and his new entitlements, 2 trillion in elective wars fought on the Bank of China credit card. K Street. Tom DeLay, Billy Tauzin, Bill rubberstamp Frist, Denny Hastert, master porkmeister.
You could argue that abandoning the idea that revenue has to pay for spending because Grover NOrquist said No! - actually liberated Republicans to indulge in the fiscal recklessness and spendthrift ways that nearly destroyed the economic system and paved the way for even worse - Obama and his crew.
Typical lib trick..."they are all alike"
Bullshit! Name another president who watched Americans DIE, went to bed, flew to Vegas...and lied about it???
You are one SICK lib "lady"
What's the point?
By far the best pointer in this election cycle is Elizabeth Warren. She is lecturing the Massachusetts folks with an accusing finger that strangely resembles a Cherokee Eagle Clan god.
Seems to me that a sitting president calling someone a "bullshitter" is the height of incivility ... and demonstrates that Obama's prior calls for civility on the name-calling front were bullshit. So "bullshit civility" tag is appropriate. But hey, it's your blog.
The finger points back to himself. He's the bullshitter. This is the point. This is why Hillary is present. President Bullshitter P. Benghazi, presiding.
This on the morning that the CBS news story about what he was saying a day or so after the Benghazi attack, and the obfuscatory bullshit that followed for the ensuing 2 weeks... he's a bullshitter. How could one conclude otherwise? At a minimum, his Press Secy is a lying bullshitter.
And as for pointing at nothing, like I said, his finger points back upon himself. As Glenn Reynolds mentioned earlier this week, the administration has been "a show about nothing" for quite awhile, now.
Drudge is so damned meta!
But it is odd to imagine a 6-year-old child thinking "Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell." He was paraphrasing. Come on.
It was also odd when he paraphrased a 4-year-old speaking of "closure" as a result of killing bin Laden.
On the other hand it is clear from his demeanor and activities as President that he is channeling children!
Didn't someone from one of those focus groups after a debate say he was tried of Obama and all of his "bullshit".......
And anne is projecting... That 6 year old was used by Obama as prop to call agian Romney a liar ...
So "hope" and "change" has been refused to, big bird, binders, and bullshit..... Aren't democrats just so proud of their candidate .... Obama is a disgrace, can't wait to get his stink out of the White House.
When George McGovern ran against Nixon and was losing, he told a heckler at a campaign stop to "kiss my ass". That's what this reminds me of. As others have pointed out, Obama once said that "I believe my own bullshit". Maybe that's what he was referring to.
Obama's has no class and this further shows it.
"It was also odd when he paraphrased a 4-year-old speaking of "closure" as a result of killing bin Laden."
-- That's a misunderstanding on your part; the person he was talking about was 4-years-old on 9/11/2001.
Has anyone done Elizabeth Warren in the iconic "HOPI" poster?
If not, why not?
When George McGovern ran against Nixon and was losing, he told a heckler at a campaign stop to "kiss my ass".
As I recall that story from "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail," McGovern whispered it into the heckler's ear, not said it aloud about his opponent to a reporter for publication.
That was late in McGovern's campaign, when he knew that he was going to lose. Probably the same for Obama.
I love it.
I hope to see it.
She'll probably win anyway, but the topic is a gold mine of snark.
Madison man also brilliant.
Christy said...
Just curious, is anyone here undecided?
Not me. I'm voting for Romney-Ryan by absentee ballot early next week. Obama and his crew have lied repeatedly to me and my former federal and military services is how I know that beyond a shadow of doubt.
This year our ballot is a long bastard, so to retain some sanity on it I decided to vote absentee. Four longer than legal pad sheet pages 2/3 of which are "non-partisan" judgeships (yeah right) and various gore your gut bloody state proposals or referendums. All have to be looked up, researched.
I would say that president Obama is a bullshit artist, but he isn't really good enough at it to earn the artist title. Not through lack of trying though.
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