But they're somehow very happy with the "accomplishments" of the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted, despite their abysmally lower record approval rating of less than 10%.
None of it matters. It only used to matter. Now, all it it is bullshit. The four relevant witnesses are dead...I'm sure to the relief of many in f'ing DC.
Not true. 15-18 other Americans were there in the action, and got away. Plus a host of Libyan guards.
The US witnesses who escaped from both attacks flew out of Benghazi and were immediately debriefed. Many were filing reports on what they saw, heard long before. While under attack, while waiting for the flight out, during the flight to meet debriefers.
Our General bought and paid for Petraeus is sitting on most of the debrief material. He is playing ball with the Obamites.
But largely by the witnesses data, the CIA concluded it was a (1) organized terrorist attack, (2)that the Prophet defamation video was a motivator with many of the attackers and shouted out about. (3)From the survivors the details of the 2 attacks they witnessed were divulged, the attire, accents, enemy tactics, who was shouting about the Prophet blasphemy. All that info went up the chain of command to State, the Military, CIA, White HOuse. Then in more general term as background info to journalists.
...the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted...
Yes, they've certainly prevented him from running trillion-dollar deficits, about as well as they've been able to make him enforce laws he finds it politically expedient to oppose.
But they're somehow very happy with the "accomplishments" of the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted, despite their abysmally lower record approval rating of less than 10%
The "do-nothing Tea Party Congress" has submitted a budget the last two years, while the Democratic Senate under President Obama hasn't produced one yet. The last budget that President Obama submitted was such a joke that it didn't get even one Democratic vote in support in the Senate.
And as for the favorability rating, everyone hates everyone else's Congressman, and loves their own.
There really isn't much the WH can do but stonewall. It might have blown over but it appears that Mrs. Clinton will not be tossed under the bus. Various in the intelligence community appear to be "helping" keep this story alive. There is nothing more the MSM loves than leaks, multiple leaks from various agencies. This isn't going to go away. It might have had it been played less clumsily but too many careers are on the line. The politicians never quite get how they can get supremely fucked by the bureaucrats.
Yes, they've certainly prevented him from running trillion-dollar deficits, about as well as they've been able to make him enforce laws he finds it politically expedient to oppose.
So (if I read correctly through the sarcasm), you're saying that they've failed at their biggest goals?
Sounds like the "bipartisan gridlock is good" excuse, common among moderates, is finally failing even the ultra-partisans who seem most intent on it.
Doesn't sound good for Republicans. You're screwing over the moderates who usually tolerate their shenanigans as some kind of arbitrary "check and balance".
Inga says Obama derangement syndrome is what drives Romney supporters. Garage Mahal asserts/implies that it's all racism. How to square that circle--that discrepancy from the two most vocal anti-Romney voices?
How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?
How can you trust someone who runs on the promise of closing Gitmo but then keeps it open?
How can you trust someone who promises to curtail wiretap surveillance of American citizens and then continues and codifies it?
How can you trust someone who promises to try to balance the budget and can't even get one passed?
How can you trust someone who swore to preserve and protect our constitution and shreds the first amendment because the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam?
Some people change with the wind and don't follow through on what they claim are their principles and beliefs.
You fools just don't realize who that person is in this election.
Somehow Cedarford, they won't believe anything that doesn't fit the Nakoula as a free speech martyr scenario. They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
It's the difference b/w necessity and sufficiency.
And if Romney fails at his 33% chance of becoming president, then what? Obama presides over the upcoming faster phase of recovery and proves beyond a shadow of the doubt just how meddlesome and irrelevant the agitating Tea Partiers really are?
I'll rely on your friends, Ritmo--simple declarative sentences.
Electing a congress that will enact a responsible budget is a necessary condition for getting a responsible budget. It is not a sufficient condition for getting a responsible budget when the Senate is controlled by Democrats. It is also not a sufficient condition for getting such a budget signed by this president.
Got it now? I'll give you less credit for cognitive ability in the future if that will help.
Strong military, peace through strength, small limited government, cutting spending and working toward a balance budget and free enterprise capitalism so we can grow jobs that will help everyone especially the poor. Unleashing our energy supply, fixing the regulatory mess the Dems have brought us which is hurting our economy and oh yeah, doing away with Obamacare but the liberals can't figure out what Romney stands for.
Are liberals dumb, uninformed or just liars? Even the Washington Post pretends to not know what Romney stands for and I'm getting sick of reading that liberal crap.
The closing of GITMO is a non issue, who cares? Liberals were more upset by the extension of the Bush tax cuts. I don't trust Obama either, no politician should be, how foolish. BUT, Obama hasn't changed positions like he changes his underwear, as does Romney. The theme for today was nothing, Romney stands for nothing.
Ritmo: That is a nice turn of phrase: "the upcoming faster phase of recovery." Hilarious. You are aware, are you not, that we appear to be in what you might call a "slowing down phase of a tepid recovery" are you not? You do have access to financial news I hope. If so you should avail yourself of it to avoid thinking we are on the very edge of "the upcoming faster phase of recovery." Wow. Just. Wow.
I got it. THat's why I retracted the comment and posted one analyzing the likelier "counter-"-factual.
One of the cool things on that Yahoo site was the financial channel with analysts who couldn't find economists or even many CEOs attesting to a budget balancing scenario that excludes revenue. You should check it out.
The fact that Obama changes his position more than his underwear doesn't mean jack.
It is only Romney, Romney, Romney like his is Marcia Brady for fooks sake.
Romney is the Rhinoest of Rhino's. You will be much more pleased with Romney than the die-hard conservatives will be as time goes on. The claim that he is a crazy conservative is just plain bullshit.
Like everything else that comes out of the Jug Eared Jesus's mouth.
Ritmo: I assume you are a kid or a student. You don't know what you don't know and you give yourself more credit for your ideas than they deserve. It is useful to mix it up with people with more experience but you would be wise to not fall in love with your bullshit
Doesn't sound like that came from someone providing succor for the party that never tires of Reid hatin' and Pelosi bashing.
Really? You're going to attack Republicans for picking on Reid and Pelosi? They are two of the most arrogant and aggressively partisan "leaders" we've had in my lifetime.
But ignoring your attempt to change the subject to an attack on Republicans, I would be the first to admit that the majority of people who live in reid's and Pelosi's districts do indeed "love" them, and the majority of the rest of us do indeed "hate" them.
"How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?"
Do you think it is important for the administration to answer questions so we can be sure they did not lie? There is a lot of contradictory information out there, much of it going against what the administration has been saying.
Four Americans are dead, and it is at LEAST plausible the administration dropped the ball. Why shouldn't the administration answer questions about that?
And of course Romney changes his position more than his underwear. I mean those are magic underwear and has to wear the same ones for a long time. It is part of his religion or something.
You should ask the Crack Emcee. He can tell you all about it.
It is useful to mix it up with people with more experience but you would be wise to not fall in love with your bullshit.
Give me some facts and a decent foundational context for them and I'll take your supposed words of "wisdom" as just that. Until then, they sound like the sweet nothings being whispered by just another card-counting card shark throwing dice at the casino capitalism table.
...a budget balancing scenario that excludes revenue.
I don't dispute that there is none. But a revenue-neutral (or nearly neutral) cut in tax rates, combined with eliminating the large disincentives to employment and investment contained in the ACA and Dodd-Frank, can easily produce a rate of economic growth that would mean a rapid decline in the debt-to-gdp ratio.
We absolutely have to get that ratio down and figure out what we're going to do about SS and Medicare. I see no discussion of any of that in Obama's new "plan" for his second term.
Ritmo:"BUt you work in a field where long-term and short-term distinctions are not made, as I understand it. How's that working for your integrity?"
You understand it very wrong. Long and short term distinctions are exceptionally important to investors. My integrity is intact for among other things I do not make conclusions of people's character based on the industry they work in. That would be both boorish and wrong and, bluntly, stupid.
My integrity is intact for among other things I do not make conclusions of people's character based on the industry they work in. That would be both boorish and wrong and, bluntly, stupid.
It is not merely your industry that leads me to that conclusion but the brevity of thought with which you seem interested in judging what goes on in it.
But I do wish to be enlightened on how a guy like you maintains his integrity despite what I'm sure must amount to a certain amount of pressure against one's integrity. IN that vein, tell me what you think of the practices of Goldman Sachs, and possibly Greg Smith's take on them.
Inga said, Yes Edward all questions should be answered, how about letting the investigation be completed, so we get accurate info?
Wait for what? We can't ask questions while an investigation is being done?
What kind of investigation would it be if we don't ask questions?
Why can't the questions be answered as part of the investigations?
Who is doing these investigations that you so highly tout? Is the Obama administration investigating itself?
If you are cheerleading Issa's investigation, why can't President Obama and/or Hillary Clinton answer these questions, since they aren't seeking classified information to answer?
The point being, "wait for the investigation to run its course" is a dishonest dodge.
The questions we and Issa are asking, and the press should be asking, are the investigation.
The govt is accountable to us, not to itself only.
garage, Why does the possibility that a Libyan may be harmed in reprisal bother you more than 4 US citizens being killed and the President lying about the cause?
Nathan, you should want accurate info, as the investigation is ongoing new info comes in, isn't that the way investigations go? As new information streams in, a clearer picture forms?
Ask away, but then don't get bent out of shape when the current information isn't accurate. If you're too impatient to implicate the President in some wrongdoing, and jump to conclusions prematurely, you end up looking foolish, like Romney did.
"Yes Edward all questions should be answered, how about letting the investigation be completed, so we get accurate info?"
Because the questions are pretty serious, and as I am sure you are aware, a common ploy for those in authority who are in difficulty is to say they are "investigating." The fact is that the administration has already put out statements which newer information contradicts. Since they have already put out statements why should we wait for an investigation to resolve the controversy? The admin says "a", and later more information comes out which is "not a"--it seems some clarification from the admin is in order before the "investigation" and yes, before the election. Why not?
"Why does the possibility that a Libyan may be harmed in reprisal bother you more than 4 US citizens being killed and the President lying about the cause?"
"Nathan, you should want accurate info, as the investigation is ongoing new info comes in, isn't that the way investigations go? As new information streams in, a clearer picture forms?"
Then the administration can turn over all pertinent documents to Issa's constitutionally authorized, official investigation.
I'm still looking forward to Michael's edifying and intellectually incisive answer on how he judges the integrity of actors within his industry. You know, seeing as how anything less would be boorish and stupid.
But for all I know, he's probably immersed in something, only to reappear hours later to brag about a huge windfall he made, and how that makes him a better person than anyone wasting time at this comment board (other than himself, of course).
That would fit the expected pattern, and be so utterly incisive, intelligent, and brimming with good character.
Romney said it exactly right. The Jug Eared Jesus had his first and overriding impulse...."The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
First amendment be damned. Do you really think he really believes in the Constitution and the sacred bill of rights handed down by our founders?
The only amendment he cares about is the Fifth amendment.
Ritmo: Your questions betray the thin waters of your understanding. Which part of Goldman Sachs would you like me to opine on? Trading? Of what type? Investment Banking? Principal Investing? All that I have dealt with at GS have been professional and trustworthy; they have acted as they said they would, sometimes when they could have done otherwise. The man you refer to wrote a damning letter about the entire firm. He had been with GS for 12 or 13 years. He was a Vice President which indicates he had been passed over for Managing Director/Partner more than once. I expect he got fed up. He writes about the culture of the firm which I have no insights into other than as described above. There are a number of interesting books on GS that recount its history and practices. I would recommend "The Partnership" as a straight forward history without an ax to grind. Read Smith's book if you are looking for that.
Because the questions are pretty serious, and as I am sure you are aware, a common ploy for those in authority who are in difficulty is to say they are "investigating." The fact is that the administration has already put out statements which newer information contradicts. Since they have already put out statements why should we wait for an investigation to resolve the controversy? The admin says "a", and later more information comes out which is "not a"--it seems some clarification from the admin is in order before the "investigation" and yes, before the election. Why not?
I am sure that the investigation will dwell on when did Obama know about the attack? Did he know when he went to bed that night? Did he know when he jetted off to LA to a fundraiser the next day? When did he know that the attackers were using RPGs and mortars, and using them apparently fairly effectively? Who in the Administration refused to deploy the assets that were standing by ready to launch in Tripoli, Italy, and the Med? If he didn't know, then why not? Why didn't he know what was going on in his own situation room? Or did he? And, did he authorize his press secretary and his UN ambassador to lie through their teeth to the American people? (At least with Jay Carney, it was a pretty blatant lie - claiming that there was "no" evidence that it was a terrorist attack, despite all those emails, drone videos, etc. to the contrary).
Or, is the "investigation" merely looking for a convenient scapegoat?
Can't claim to be as expert as you in the vagaries of the bureaucratic organization of investment firms, but the unground axe you wish to place in Greg Smith's hands doesn't seem to be there. NYTimes identified his position thus:
Greg Smith is resigning today as a Goldman Sachs executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Perhaps you can use your wisdom of market management to explain how this is not at odds with your take on his position as a VP and "not a director".
Jeez I step away for an hour of practice and the thread is run up by the whole cast of clowns vomiting out their cliches and mindless talking points. I actually read garbage's posts because they are mercifully brief (he's lazy, and no doubt slouched down with brewsky in hand) and his boneheaded idiotic "logic" is good for a chuckle once in awhile. This Ritmo character is a definite SOB (scroll on by). Just a boring garden variety troll. And Inga is the sad spectacle of the aging crone still trying to act young and girlish, so that's a trainwreck one wishes to avert one's eyes away from.
And thus the whole thread deteriorates into the Sisyphean task of good people trying to rebut and reason with bad faith morons.
Mark Twain said never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Yep. Just like they turned over all pertinent documents on Fast & Furious.
They'd never do anything like invoke executive privilege to cover their ass, now would they.
I think that pretty much everyone here, even maybe Ritmo, understand that the Administration invoked Executive Privilege, then most recently moved to dismiss the suit by Congress on political question grounds, to be close to legally frivolous. Nixon tried the same sort of thing, making similar arguments, and those arguments were rejected. The difference then, versus now, is that then the arguments and assertions were somewhat new. Now, there is precedent rejecting them, which is why they verge on being legally frivolous.
But, they achieve their purpose, allowing the Administration to punt Fast and Furious beyond the election next month. And, yes, that is exactly what they are trying to do with Benghazi too.
Ritmo: You will note that the "title" in the NYT article is not capitalized because that was not his title. "Goldman Sachs says that Smith, before he resigned, was denied a promotion and a $1 million pay package he had sought. The firm also says that Smith was the lowest-paid among the vice presidents who started in the same training class, and that a third of those classmates had been promoted to managing director."http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-19/goldman-sachs-s-cooper-disputes-greg-smith-s-account.html
I did not describe bureaucratic "vagaries" of the investment bank but rather discreet operations within the bank. Trading, investment banking, principal investing are just a few of the separate activities conducted in an Investment Bank and specialists for the most part are involved in those silos.
Greg Smith is your man if you want to get a lot a bad talking points about GS but it would help you if you knew something about the firm. Reading "The Partnership" would be a good start.
Hey Paul, make sure to fuck yourself when you're done extolling the virtues of your response-free, dissent-free posts -- which are also devoid of any topical content. You must be proud of yourself, as a member of an elite crew of self-identified non-trolls, to come up with the one post on a thread that does nothing but spew ad hominem caricatures of people you disagree with.
How do accomplish such a feat?
Someday I hope to become as self-unrighteous as you.
Inga said... Somehow Cedarford, they won't believe anything that doesn't fit the Nakoula as a free speech martyr scenario. They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
================ Not quite right Inga. The attack was not caused by Nakoula's video...but it was a factor in deciding to go then while US security was also dealing with 11 other attacks in other countries that were caused by the video, as security, even in Tripoli, was under obvious instructions to keep the security at the embassies in place and the US was unsure if US military was needed for the overrun Tunisia and Cairo embassies, the Yemen one under attack, or the other emerging attacks.
As I mentioned, the attack may have been planned, but the leaders that had set it up over days, weeks, months - would be fools not to tell all the fighters that the Muslim world was now aflame over American Prophet defamation - and they could each help make the American infidels they would soon attack pay for the disgusting and libelous smear on their Prophet.
The inaction of the mainstream press on this issue is sickening. The interview with the father, if shown on 60 Minutes, would end any chance of Obama's reelection.
I did not describe bureaucratic "vagaries" of the investment bank but rather discreet operations within the bank.
You contradict yourself as you were the one to raise Smith's position within the firm, and still have a whole paragraph on it in your latest response. To that end, I'll definitely say that it was "discrete" of Goldman Sachs to release certain, choice, self-serving facts about how he measured up in the ranks, but not an entire tenure of unblemished, by some accounts even stellar, reviews.
Yes, I understand that different activities are handled by the same firm and appreciate your recommendation as advice for a neutral source - even if that gets us very far away from the topic of how you yourself define integrity in your professional career.
You're not trying to sidestep that answer, are you? It seems many people are interested in that nowadays, and not without political ramifications that could affect how your own career is regulated.
With the arrival of Ritmo, this blog has reached Retard Critical Mass! Look for the appearance of a Higgs Boson Corpseman particle, also known as a Shiloh!
Ritmo: Where the fuck do you get off calling other people's integrity into question. What do you do? Who the fuck are you? From what source do you derive your sanctimony?
Did you come up with that all by your role-playing game self, Carny? It has the stench of a D & D jerking circle and the idiocy of someone who knows merely enough of pop science to name a fashionable particle.
But please, surely you must have something substantive to contribute to the debate. YOu wouldn't want to be underappreciated or anything.
Where the fuck do you get off calling other people's integrity into question.
My, my. Getting a bit touchy, all of a sudden like that, too. Did you not realize that this was what the entire digression was about? In case you missed that freight train of a concern, when discussing financial services in 2012, regulating professional integrity is kind of a big topic. If you disagree, you do so at your own peril. But you don't have to have a Trump-size head about it and take it personally, if that would help. Maintaining the integrity of professional services is actually something that can be discussed in the abstract - if avoiding conflicts of interest interested you in the least.
What do you do? Who the fuck are you?
Well, I believe the first part gives a better basis for response than the second. As far as my parents' fucking goes, you'd be best off asking them. But suffice it to say, I myself work in a field that is undergoing regulatory reform no less significant than yours, and I don't find discussions of that, or the way to maintain or enhance professional integrity in the face of it, a threat to my own ego. Why is that?
From what source do you derive your sanctimony?
This sounds decidedly rhetorical. It is hot and steamy, reminiscent of an "E.R." episode if not entirely "Mad Men". I'll step around it as it does nothing to resolve the discussion, or the voters' thirst for hearing it.
With the arrival of Ritmo, this blog has reached Retard Critical Mass! Look for the appearance of a Higgs Boson Corpseman particle, also known as a Shiloh!
No, he's hiding.
Not only did the train wreck turn out to be his Messiah, but all those states he said would come through for Choom are coming through.
Michael: Read between the lines and figure it out. And keep in mind that ACA is at least as politically hot a regulatory topic as is Dodd-Frank.
Or try it this way: What do you want to talk about and in what way would you not find discussions of financial regulatory reform to be some kind of personal/psychological threat to you?
I want an honest discussion of avoiding conflicts of professional interest in the financial services sector. My goal is not to lambaste or expose you so much as to see if you care to play a helpful role in that debate. Why is that threatening? An why is that a bigger concern given the economic environment bequeathed by 2008's crisis?
Ritmo: You don't decide the topic. I am more interested in why you won't say what you do for a living. Are you ashamed? Is it secret? I expect your fixation on other people's integrity derives from the lack of same in your business. But how would we know because you are too coy. Coy. Are you over qualified and ashamed or under qualified and ashamed? Shame appears to stalk you but why? Are you in IT? A nurse? Why would you be ashamed of what you do? Nothing wrong with those careers. Let us know will you?
Inga means an investigation like we had with Fast and Furious. The Zero, with the collusion of the lapdog MSM, delay, obfuscate, lie, and stonewall until everyone gets fucking tired and goes home. Then they come out proudly announcing their innocence, and everyone who wanted answers on why hundreds of Mexicans, and 2 Americans, and now 4 more, are racist.
But to answer your question, Inga, yes, I want accurate information.
But you don't have to wait for an investigation to be finished before you can get any confirmed information.
In fact, when the people who have the information refuse to disclose it, they should be pressured to disclose the information they have.
So "waiting for the investigation" is nothing more than defending incompetent and possibly criminal behavior.
I really don't want to make this personal, but your willing partisanship makes it necessary:
What if your daughter was killed or even just raped, because her requests for protection from a clear threat were denied by her chain of command? Would you be content to not ask questions, not talk to anyone, and not put any pressure on the military until they finished investigating their own actions in, say, 2-5 years, when the people responsible had already retired from the military?
Michael: You are trying to change the topic. Deliberately?
ACA affects me no less than Dodd-Frank affects you. Again, figure it out if you're so darned interested.
Or if you prefer, continue playing psychological games until you have worn yourself out. Non-personal discussions don't demand personal details, but I give my take on things that I have professional or other experience in. Never shied away from that on this blog, either.
Also, I do decide the topic when you but into my posts with some kind of supposed expertise on the matter. You addressed an economic issue - I responded by requesting your clarification on economic conflicts of interest in the sector most determinative of them. I don't demand the answer be personal.
But you seem to prefer it that way. Why? Your response would seem to be the one stalked by shame, as you lack the ability to depersonalize it.
Perhaps this marks the problem with financial services generally - a lack of willingness to discuss conflicts of interest due to narcissistic fixations and fears of losing revenue under a more honest regulatory scheme.
Again, if you disagree, feel free to explain in as personal or impersonal/detached a manner as you prefer. Or not. But refusing to make it impersonal tells me that you feel you have something to lose by detailing your thoughts on professional financial-services integrity. It makes your position, whatever it is, as obfuscatory in even identifying the problem, look incredibly weak.
This is the one and only time I will address you so lean in real close...You are a fool who doesn't know he's a fool. He thinks he's the smartest one in the room, but he's not. I wish I could teach you something but it is beyond anyones capability to do that. Except for one thing. Life. Life isn't the greatest teacher you'll ever know, but by God, she is the bitchiest.
So one day, you'll be laying on deaths door, as I have several times, and you will pray to God to save you. We all do it. We beg, we plead, we bargain. But does any of it work? Who the fuck knows. But when you are laying on deaths door, and you are begging for God to give you one last breath, you will come to realize just what a douche you have been, and maybe God is tired of your shit. If you survive, you'll be changed. None of this name calling will mean shit to you...I can guarantee I've been called a lot worse by a lot better people than you. So do you really think I give a shit what you say beyond making an interesting argument?
Have you seen Chip Ahoy? Probably the sweetest, nicest guy on this site. I wish I was half as nice as him. I've seen Chip call you out. Trust me, when the nice guys call you out, you need to sit your ass down and rethink your position.
Or go back under your doctors care. I really don't give a fuck. I mean it too. You, your family, your city, whatever could vanish in a nuclear fireball, and I ain't gonna loose any sleep over. I can't say the same for anyone else on this site. Even Alex. I would miss him. But you...Nah.
Nice how you touch peoples lives there kid. Now go grow up, and never ever address me or anything I say again.
Ritmo: But why won't you just tell us what you do for money. You do work don't you? I am not in the least bit affected by Dodd-Frank, it doesn't touch what I do. But you are in the medical industry which is known to be filled with criminal elements: scammers that rip off Medicare and Medicaid, hospitals that are germ factories, botched record keeping, the lot. Integrity? In your industry? Dude, you should be embarrassed to question any industry's integrity.
I have tried to be reasonable and help you out with the financial services industry but you aren't interested. You are above knowing. Too bad.
I have tried to be reasonable and help you out with the financial services industry but you aren't interested. You are above knowing. Too bad.
Nope. You are above believing that the word "integrity" has any concrete meaning when it comes to financial services. It's just to be thrown around, like "Amen". Meaningless. Just something you say for advertising purposes. Look who should be embarrassed. Someone who can't point to anything concrete he's done for any client but derides modern medicine as a hoax -- apparently in favor of folk healing, pre-antibiotic infections, and faith.
Massive projection of the highest order. Feel free to poll the public on what they think of how much trust they put in what you do (wherein you fail to even address how to define integrity) as opposed to what modern medicine does for them.
What a charlatan. He can't even understand why people trust doctors to do the right thing more than they do Wall Street traders. There is a reason for this, and its name goes by "Michael" - and all in his field who are just like him.
What a phony, narcissistic schmuck. It was there all along. He only pretends to think anything of acting decently, as he clearly lacks the capacity to know anything about it.
The public is right to roast people like him. Now I know why stockbrokers, (at least in the '30s), had the integrity to jump out of windows for what they did. But Michael's ilk would rather blame their theft of AMerica on AMerica.
Rabel said... John mentioned the interview with the slain SEAL's father. Here's a writeup.
Absolute moral authority
The inaction of the mainstream press on this issue is sickening. The interview with the father, if shown on 60 Minutes, would end any chance of Obama's reelection. ===============
The problem when you confer Total MOral Authority on any relative of any celeb Victim - is that the hero relatives of Victims that speak with "utter truth and moral authority born from their Suffering and Need For Closure.....
Is that all the fuckers are rarely on the same page.....
Some 9/11 Victims Families declared with absolute moral authority that Bush was the American Churchill...and they were challenged by the Jersey Girls, who spoke with total moral authority for John Kerry and Cindy Sheehan. Then we had the firefighters with total moral authority slugging cops in public, because the cops, also with inlimited correctness in all their views, had got Giuliani to back them and say the Herohood of cops was higher than firefighter Hero creds and the cops could control access to "The Sacred Hallowed Place".
Now we have the father of one dead SEAL at odds with the father of the slain Ambassador - in a clash of total moral authority and unlimited correctness in both Victim Families. One things Obama is a dirtball, the other loves Obama. And in a clash of inner family Victimhood moral authority pecking order, the Dem activist MOther of the 2nd Fallen Hero ex-SEAL thinks Romney was a self-serving asshole for mentioning he met him, and he was a great young man. While the Wife, in the Oprah scale of Victimhood as high-ranking as the Holy Madonna Mother of the dead....loved that Romney went out of his way to call her and to publicly praise her deceased husband as a delightful man to meet.
Oh, but I will address someone so unhinged as to fantasize about nuclear holocaust for the whim of it, Carny. Don't think your imploring me to "lean in close" means that I won't kick you in the teeth -- I'll just stay far enough away to avoid the stench of your breath while doing it.
Yes, there are very nice people out there who are very complacent and passive in the face of evil. All the "Good Germans" during WWII come to mind. You go ahead and feel superior for going about perpetuating immorality and evil in "nice" ways. I'll understand that what you really did was to spend your life masturbating away on manners what you should have spent on moral reason.
I don't have to wish you (or people you know) death. I'm not crude enough for that approach of yours. Rather, your own existence in the here-and-now is enough of a glaring abomination to reasonably moral people everywhere to speak for itself.
But even saying something that strong is more of a distinction than you're worth. Like Hannah Arendt wrote in describing the banality of evil, you're not much more than a roadbump on the road to a moral existence. Easily avoided, even if the intensity of your emotional shortcomings are not.
Do your best not to inflict them on the morally interested.
Shouting Tommy, are you afraid of Cedarford? You never confront him on his opinion about Nakoula, even though it is similar to mine. I think you seriously are scared silly to confront Cedarford. Funny.
Are you trying to take credit for Michael and Carny blowing away? That's awfully pig-headed of you, especially given the heavy lifting I had to do to make it happen.
You resent other people doing the actual work that you'd prefer to lazily take credit for, don't you?
Tommy prefers a more "self-centered" form of affirmative action, apparently. All for himself!
Shouting Tommy, are you afraid of Cedarford? You never confront him on his opinion about Nakoula, even though it is similar to mine. I think you seriously are scared silly to confront Cedarford. Funny.
Nobody pays much attention to Cedarford, because any good ideas he might have are completely obscured by his raging anti-semitism.
Considering any ideas of Cedarford's is like diagramming whoresoftheinternet's sentences: sure, you could do it, but why bother?
Who said anything about considering?. She said confronting.
And it's not all that hard. I just reminded him one night that he was dependent upon a medium invented and/or developed by several Jews - especially Sergey Brin and Larry Paige. His head just about exploded trying to ponder the (alternate)-universe-defying implications of that fact.
Like I said in describing the banality of evil, once you accept and identify its source of banality, destroying it ain't that hard.
But Tommy, like the other "notably well-mannered" shining lights that Carny identifies, are too lazy. They think the greater evil is calling out wrongdoing. It rocks the boat too much and they find that unforgiveable.
Inga, Maybe, but his anti-semite reputation is well-known. So if someone doesn't respond to him, it may be that, like me, they don't even read his stuff on the off-chance that there may be something worth reading in it.
They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
Nakouly can be prosecuted for crimes he commits or has committed within the framework of law of the United States of America.
He should not be tried in the court of public opinion over his first amendment rights - which he has been by this administration. At the UN and other countries abroad.
Whether or not the man is a scumbag is irrelevant. We have a beautiful history of protecting scumbag speech. I would have it no other way.
The man is neither a hero nor a martyr. He is just a man who deserves the same protections we all do regarding our speech.
There's a reason the freedom of speech is first. It's the most precious of all to mankind. Without it, no other 'freedoms' really matter. And I will never apologize to anyone anywhere about extolling that freedom.
Do yourself a favor Inga. If you have not seen the film The Lives of Others, please do so as soon as possible.
In my neck of the woods Ritmo is what is known as a "shit stirrer." Pure and simple--and he's good at it..congrats, Ritmo, at least you manage to excell in something...unlike some who fail at everything...PROUD to be a shit stirrer, we are!!!
Below is a link to a chilling account that reports the two contractors (presumably CIA?) were killed when hit with a mortar shell six hours after the attack started when they were manning a machine gun on the roof. The point is that we had military assets that could have been dispatched and would have arrived much earlier than six hours and someone made the decision not to send military support. We did send 16 [I think} security personnel from the Tripoli embassy, who arrived at the Benghazi airport after about four hours but I don't think they had sufficien firepower to relieve the American under attack.
Well Virgil, as long as certain people cease shitting on good sense, I will refrain from flinging it back at them. But glad to know that you agree I can at least do it with style. Pizazz. Razzamatazz.
Nathan Alexander said... Inga, Maybe, but his anti-semite reputation is well-known. So if someone doesn't respond to him, it may be that, like me, they don't even read his stuff on the off-chance that there may be something worth reading in it.
============== The Jewish tactic of shunning. Part of it comes from the arrogant belief of being so clever and right they will not listen to the opinion of others, even as they work night and day to influence those people, to change their opinions to the proper ones, in Jewish eyes.
Another vexing trait of the Jews that helps explain why, since the days of the Ptolemies, they wear out their welcome and get tossed or purged from country after country.
Moving on to the next nation with no long experience with them wanting in, self-rationalizing the people that once welcomed them and came to dislike their machinations and puppeteering - "only envy us" and are "affected with irrational feelings for the people that came to justly dominate sectors of industry and organs of government and influencing others".
You see the same erosion in the perceptions of Israel. Once, most nations liked and supported Israel. Little by little, over 60 years, they alienated more and more nations. Now they are down to less educated American Christian Zionist goobers...and a few remote Pacific Islands the US bribes to vote with them in the UN on Israel matters.
Another vexing trait of the Jews that helps explain why, since the days of the Ptolemies, they wear out their welcome and get tossed or purged from country after country.
Better than getting erased and forgotten, as yours apparently did.
Cedarford's "respect for others' opinions" apparently means fitting them into an alternative reality where The Bible, Christianity, and polio vaccines don't exist. And without a nuclear weapon to end the war on fascism or a nuclear arms race to end communism.
Believe me, you're mistaken in thinking that you're a fount of intellectual depth.
Just out of curiosity, which thinkers/authors, etc. do you consider intellectually "deep"?
Which of them should have avoided the reality-based refutation of C-Fudd's bullshit assertions? Or should letting those warts fester be everyone's goal?
When did he know that the attackers were using RPGs and mortars, and using them apparently fairly effectively?
Mortars? Maybe the military guys here can straighten me out, but don't mortars have to be set up and sighted in? That takes more than a little preparation and foresight. If mortars were really used then this act was far from spontaneous.
Maybe the military guys here can straighten me out, but don't mortars have to be set up and sighted in? That takes more than a little preparation and foresight. If mortars were really used then this act was far from spontaneous.
Not exactly.
Mortars don't have to be sighted in. They do have to be set up, and they usually require at least a 3-man crew to move, because the baseplate and barrel are so heavy.
Once they are set up, however, you do need someone who can see where the rounds hit, and be able to communicate back to the mortar crew to adjust the aim.
So they don't have to be sighted in before hand, but even more damning to the "spontaneous" line of bs is that you must have a well-trained distance coordination capability.
Which you don't find in spontaneous demonstrations.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 383 of 383The only ship he knows nothing about is leadership.
His salesmanship is wanting too. But he dislikes commerce.
Voters are tired of America's failed president.
But they're somehow very happy with the "accomplishments" of the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted, despite their abysmally lower record approval rating of less than 10%.
#Coherence fail.
Romney lets polls drive his policy and thinking?
Someone must be thinking about Obama and projecting.
Good thing censorship and citizenship never came up in the debates. Althouse's stats would have pegged.
It's impressive how quickly Inga picks up the new talking points. She'd make an excellent parrot.
@Inga "How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?"
You mean Obama? He is Mr. Poll/Teleprompter-Man.
Of course he can't do anything past 7th grade math anyway. So we should all stop picking on him.
Aridog -
None of it matters. It only used to matter. Now, all it it is bullshit. The four relevant witnesses are dead...I'm sure to the relief of many in f'ing DC.
Not true.
15-18 other Americans were there in the action, and got away. Plus a host of Libyan guards.
The US witnesses who escaped from both attacks flew out of Benghazi and were immediately debriefed. Many were filing reports on what they saw, heard long before. While under attack, while waiting for the flight out, during the flight to meet debriefers.
Our General bought and paid for Petraeus is sitting on most of the debrief material. He is playing ball with the Obamites.
But largely by the witnesses data, the CIA concluded it was a (1) organized terrorist attack, (2)that the Prophet defamation video was a motivator with many of the attackers and shouted out about. (3)From the survivors the details of the 2 attacks they witnessed were divulged, the attire, accents, enemy tactics, who was shouting about the Prophet blasphemy.
All that info went up the chain of command to State, the Military, CIA, White HOuse. Then in more general term as background info to journalists.
@Chip: Inga's arguments are usually more Spirograph than Etch-a-Sketch.
...the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted...
Yes, they've certainly prevented him from running trillion-dollar deficits, about as well as they've been able to make him enforce laws he finds it politically expedient to oppose.
He's utterly hamstrung.
But they're somehow very happy with the "accomplishments" of the do-nothing Tea Party Congress devoted to blocking everything he's attempted, despite their abysmally lower record approval rating of less than 10%
The "do-nothing Tea Party Congress" has submitted a budget the last two years, while the Democratic Senate under President Obama hasn't produced one yet. The last budget that President Obama submitted was such a joke that it didn't get even one Democratic vote in support in the Senate.
And as for the favorability rating, everyone hates everyone else's Congressman, and loves their own.
Speaking of graphs, Chickie, you should check out this yahoo story on Edison's phonograph.
Inga's arguments are usually more Spirograph than Etch-a-Sketch.
Circular or Agnewstic?
Inga said...
How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?
Obama derangement syndrome is what drives these people.
I have yet to hear anyone effectively rebut, "Everything Barack Obama says has an expiration date".
Oop knows Choom is caught in his own lies, but can't do anything but lie for him, as well.
There really isn't much the WH can do but stonewall. It might have blown over but it appears that Mrs. Clinton will not be tossed under the bus. Various in the intelligence community appear to be "helping" keep this story alive. There is nothing more the MSM loves than leaks, multiple leaks from various agencies. This isn't going to go away. It might have had it been played less clumsily but too many careers are on the line. The politicians never quite get how they can get supremely fucked by the bureaucrats.
Yes, they've certainly prevented him from running trillion-dollar deficits, about as well as they've been able to make him enforce laws he finds it politically expedient to oppose.
So (if I read correctly through the sarcasm), you're saying that they've failed at their biggest goals?
Sounds like the "bipartisan gridlock is good" excuse, common among moderates, is finally failing even the ultra-partisans who seem most intent on it.
Doesn't sound good for Republicans. You're screwing over the moderates who usually tolerate their shenanigans as some kind of arbitrary "check and balance".
Since I get paid a pretty penny by the DNC, I have to make an appearance daily. A girl's gotta earn a living.
Holding public hearings within 30 days = stonewalling.
Accepting responsibility = scapegoating.
That's your mind on Fox.
And as for the favorability rating, everyone hates everyone else's Congressman, and loves their own.
Doesn't sound like that came from someone providing succor for the party that never tires of Reid hatin' and Pelosi bashing.
you're saying that they've failed at their biggest goals?
It's the difference b/w necessity and sufficiency.
Garage: Did you watch those public hearings? The press didn't, but did you?
There were Senate hearings about Watergate, so apparently Nixon didn't stonewall either. #garagelogic
Inga says Obama derangement syndrome is what drives Romney supporters. Garage Mahal asserts/implies that it's all racism. How to square that circle--that discrepancy from the two most vocal anti-Romney voices?
How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?
How can you trust someone who runs on the promise of closing Gitmo but then keeps it open?
How can you trust someone who promises to curtail wiretap surveillance of American citizens and then continues and codifies it?
How can you trust someone who promises to try to balance the budget and can't even get one passed?
How can you trust someone who swore to preserve and protect our constitution and shreds the first amendment because the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam?
Some people change with the wind and don't follow through on what they claim are their principles and beliefs.
You fools just don't realize who that person is in this election.
But then that is par for the course.
Which is the Presidents major accomplishment.
He really improved his golf game.
Somehow Cedarford, they won't believe anything that doesn't fit the Nakoula as a free speech martyr scenario. They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
Holding public hearings within 30 days = stonewalling.
Who's the subject to the verb "holding" there, garage? Who held those hearings?
(Who held the Fast & Furious hearings?)
Are you positing that the Obama administration "held" those hearings?
Seems to me you're terribly confused, either grammatically or factually.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Speaking of graphs, Chickie, you should check out this yahoo story on Edison's phonograph.
That was cool! I like the flat/cylindrical puzzle they solved.
It's the difference b/w necessity and sufficiency.
And if Romney fails at his 33% chance of becoming president, then what? Obama presides over the upcoming faster phase of recovery and proves beyond a shadow of the doubt just how meddlesome and irrelevant the agitating Tea Partiers really are?
to CHickie
I'll rely on your friends, Ritmo--simple declarative sentences.
Electing a congress that will enact a responsible budget is a necessary condition for getting a responsible budget. It is not a sufficient condition for getting a responsible budget when the Senate is controlled by Democrats. It is also not a sufficient condition for getting such a budget signed by this president.
Got it now? I'll give you less credit for cognitive ability in the future if that will help.
He really improved his golf game.
Does Romney even play golf? I've never seen a photo. That will be a welcome relief.
Strong military, peace through strength, small limited government, cutting spending and working toward a balance budget and free enterprise capitalism so we can grow jobs that will help everyone especially the poor. Unleashing our energy supply, fixing the regulatory mess the Dems have brought us which is hurting our economy and oh yeah, doing away with Obamacare but the liberals can't figure out what Romney stands for.
Are liberals dumb, uninformed or just liars? Even the Washington Post pretends to not know what Romney stands for and I'm getting sick of reading that liberal crap.
The closing of GITMO is a non issue, who cares? Liberals were more upset by the extension of the Bush tax cuts. I don't trust Obama either, no politician should be, how foolish. BUT, Obama hasn't changed positions like he changes his underwear, as does Romney. The theme for today was nothing, Romney stands for nothing.
Ritmo: That is a nice turn of phrase: "the upcoming faster phase of recovery." Hilarious. You are aware, are you not, that we appear to be in what you might call a "slowing down phase of a tepid recovery" are you not? You do have access to financial news I hope. If so you should avail yourself of it to avoid thinking we are on the very edge of "the upcoming faster phase of recovery." Wow. Just. Wow.
Got it now?
I got it. THat's why I retracted the comment and posted one analyzing the likelier "counter-"-factual.
One of the cool things on that Yahoo site was the financial channel with analysts who couldn't find economists or even many CEOs attesting to a budget balancing scenario that excludes revenue. You should check it out.
BUT, Obama hasn't changed positions like he changes his underwear
Utter willful blindness.
Wow. Just. Wow.
Yes, Michael. Wow. How amazing that I have the ability to notice that a current trend can actually be distinguished from a trend in a few years.
BUt you work in a field where long-term and short-term distinctions are not made, as I understand it. How's that working for your integrity?
/Casino capitalism fail.
Plame? LOLOL Who was interviewed on radio and said it was known for years on the cocktail circuit what her status was?
That was no secret.
Ritmo, I'm a slow typer on this keypad.
The fact that Obama changes his position more than his underwear doesn't mean jack.
It is only Romney, Romney, Romney like his is Marcia Brady for fooks sake.
Romney is the Rhinoest of Rhino's.
You will be much more pleased with Romney than the die-hard conservatives will be as time goes on. The claim that he is a crazy conservative is just plain bullshit.
Like everything else that comes out of the Jug Eared Jesus's mouth.
--How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?---
It was the video, no wait, it was a terrorist attack.
"None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all."
Inga, you better than that, read and become familiar with the facts. The video is part of the cover up. Let the Dem spinners do the spinning.
Ritmo: I assume you are a kid or a student. You don't know what you don't know and you give yourself more credit for your ideas than they deserve. It is useful to mix it up with people with more experience but you would be wise to not fall in love with your bullshit
Doesn't sound like that came from someone providing succor for the party that never tires of Reid hatin' and Pelosi bashing.
Really? You're going to attack Republicans for picking on Reid and Pelosi? They are two of the most arrogant and aggressively partisan "leaders" we've had in my lifetime.
But ignoring your attempt to change the subject to an attack on Republicans, I would be the first to admit that the majority of people who live in reid's and Pelosi's districts do indeed "love" them, and the majority of the rest of us do indeed "hate" them.
"How can they trust someone that changes stances by putting his finger in the air to see which way the wind blows?"
Do you think it is important for the administration to answer questions so we can be sure they did not lie? There is a lot of contradictory information out there, much of it going against what the administration has been saying.
Four Americans are dead, and it is at LEAST plausible the administration dropped the ball. Why shouldn't the administration answer questions about that?
No politician should be trusted blindly.
You do have access to financial news I hope.
FInancial news or financial punditry? I make the distinction here that many casino capitalists generally fail to make.
And of course Romney changes his position more than his underwear. I mean those are magic underwear and has to wear the same ones for a long time. It is part of his religion or something.
You should ask the Crack Emcee. He can tell you all about it.
Yes Edward all questions should be answered, how about letting the investigation be completed, so we get accurate info?
"The closing of GITMO is a non issue, who cares?"
It a non issue now that a Dem is in the white house.
It is useful to mix it up with people with more experience but you would be wise to not fall in love with your bullshit.
Give me some facts and a decent foundational context for them and I'll take your supposed words of "wisdom" as just that. Until then, they sound like the sweet nothings being whispered by just another card-counting card shark throwing dice at the casino capitalism table.
...a budget balancing scenario that excludes revenue.
I don't dispute that there is none. But a revenue-neutral (or nearly neutral) cut in tax rates, combined with eliminating the large disincentives to employment and investment contained in the ACA and Dodd-Frank, can easily produce a rate of economic growth that would mean a rapid decline in the debt-to-gdp ratio.
We absolutely have to get that ratio down and figure out what we're going to do about SS and Medicare. I see no discussion of any of that in Obama's new "plan" for his second term.
Ritmo:"BUt you work in a field where long-term and short-term distinctions are not made, as I understand it. How's that working for your integrity?"
You understand it very wrong. Long and short term distinctions are exceptionally important to investors. My integrity is intact for among other things I do not make conclusions of people's character based on the industry they work in. That would be both boorish and wrong and, bluntly, stupid.
Inga: Not as well as you do stupid.
Naw, Michael you do that very well, give yourself some credit man.
Inga said...
Michael, you do pompous ass so well.
Not nearly as well as you do shrill harpy.
And to anticipate your reply, I decline to kiss your ass.
Chipper, not as well as you do dick.
My integrity is intact for among other things I do not make conclusions of people's character based on the industry they work in. That would be both boorish and wrong and, bluntly, stupid.
It is not merely your industry that leads me to that conclusion but the brevity of thought with which you seem interested in judging what goes on in it.
But I do wish to be enlightened on how a guy like you maintains his integrity despite what I'm sure must amount to a certain amount of pressure against one's integrity. IN that vein, tell me what you think of the practices of Goldman Sachs, and possibly Greg Smith's take on them.
Inga said,
Yes Edward all questions should be answered, how about letting the investigation be completed, so we get accurate info?
Wait for what?
We can't ask questions while an investigation is being done?
What kind of investigation would it be if we don't ask questions?
Why can't the questions be answered as part of the investigations?
Who is doing these investigations that you so highly tout? Is the Obama administration investigating itself?
If you are cheerleading Issa's investigation, why can't President Obama and/or Hillary Clinton answer these questions, since they aren't seeking classified information to answer?
The point being, "wait for the investigation to run its course" is a dishonest dodge.
The questions we and Issa are asking, and the press should be asking, are the investigation.
The govt is accountable to us, not to itself only.
You should know that.
Why does the possibility that a Libyan may be harmed in reprisal bother you more than 4 US citizens being killed and the President lying about the cause?
Obama lied.
People died.
What has been done about the murder of the Ambassador?
Why isn't President Obama doing anything about it at all?
Why is getting re-elected more important to him than keeping US citizens safe when they work overseas in our national interests?
Has he done anything as a President in the last 4 months?
Chipper, not as well as you do dick.
If you'll let me quote you, I'd like to have this put on a business card. I think it would really open up some interesting career paths.
What has the US done in response to our embassies/consulates being attacked and overrun in several Muslim nations?
Besides buying an advertisement apologizing for the video, that is?
Hey he has taken three strokes off of his game.
Now that is something he can be proud of no matter what you say!
That's not fair, Chip. Allie's only shrill when she doesn't get what she waaaants.
I think she's not getting enough plumber, Ritmo.
Nathan, you should want accurate info, as the investigation is ongoing new info comes in, isn't that the way investigations go? As new information streams in, a clearer picture forms?
Ask away, but then don't get bent out of shape when the current information isn't accurate. If you're too impatient to implicate the President in some wrongdoing, and jump to conclusions prematurely, you end up looking foolish, like Romney did.
Ritmo, I usually get what I want.....eventually.
"Yes Edward all questions should be answered, how about letting the investigation be completed, so we get accurate info?"
Because the questions are pretty serious, and as I am sure you are aware, a common ploy for those in authority who are in difficulty is to say they are "investigating." The fact is that the administration has already put out statements which newer information contradicts. Since they have already put out statements why should we wait for an investigation to resolve the controversy? The admin says "a", and later more information comes out which is "not a"--it seems some clarification from the admin is in order before the "investigation" and yes, before the election. Why not?
"Why does the possibility that a Libyan may be harmed in reprisal bother you more than 4 US citizens being killed and the President lying about the cause?"
"Nathan, you should want accurate info, as the investigation is ongoing new info comes in, isn't that the way investigations go? As new information streams in, a clearer picture forms?"
Then the administration can turn over all pertinent documents to Issa's constitutionally authorized, official investigation.
I'm still looking forward to Michael's edifying and intellectually incisive answer on how he judges the integrity of actors within his industry. You know, seeing as how anything less would be boorish and stupid.
But for all I know, he's probably immersed in something, only to reappear hours later to brag about a huge windfall he made, and how that makes him a better person than anyone wasting time at this comment board (other than himself, of course).
That would fit the expected pattern, and be so utterly incisive, intelligent, and brimming with good character.
Romney said it exactly right. The Jug Eared Jesus had his first and overriding impulse...."The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
First amendment be damned. Do you really think he really believes in the Constitution and the sacred bill of rights handed down by our founders?
The only amendment he cares about is the Fifth amendment.
Ritmo: Your questions betray the thin waters of your understanding. Which part of Goldman Sachs would you like me to opine on? Trading? Of what type? Investment Banking? Principal Investing? All that I have dealt with at GS have been professional and trustworthy; they have acted as they said they would, sometimes when they could have done otherwise. The man you refer to wrote a damning letter about the entire firm. He had been with GS for 12 or 13 years. He was a Vice President which indicates he had been passed over for Managing Director/Partner more than once. I expect he got fed up. He writes about the culture of the firm which I have no insights into other than as described above. There are a number of interesting books on GS that recount its history and practices. I would recommend "The Partnership" as a straight forward history without an ax to grind. Read Smith's book if you are looking for that.
Maybe we will get lucky and Bert or Ernie will ask Barry to explain what happened.
I know his next appearance will be on Sesame Street.
He is just too busy to be on "Meet the Press" or something like that.
But then again we might have to wait for the incisive questioning of Andy Cohen on "Watch What Happens Live."
Can't believe there isn't a discussion here yet about Obama's new ad.
Then the administration can turn over all pertinent documents to Issa's constitutionally authorized, official investigation.
Yep. Just like they turned over all pertinent documents on Fast & Furious.
They'd never do anything like invoke executive privilege to cover their ass, now would they.
Because the questions are pretty serious, and as I am sure you are aware, a common ploy for those in authority who are in difficulty is to say they are "investigating." The fact is that the administration has already put out statements which newer information contradicts. Since they have already put out statements why should we wait for an investigation to resolve the controversy? The admin says "a", and later more information comes out which is "not a"--it seems some clarification from the admin is in order before the "investigation" and yes, before the election. Why not?
I am sure that the investigation will dwell on when did Obama know about the attack? Did he know when he went to bed that night? Did he know when he jetted off to LA to a fundraiser the next day? When did he know that the attackers were using RPGs and mortars, and using them apparently fairly effectively? Who in the Administration refused to deploy the assets that were standing by ready to launch in Tripoli, Italy, and the Med? If he didn't know, then why not? Why didn't he know what was going on in his own situation room? Or did he? And, did he authorize his press secretary and his UN ambassador to lie through their teeth to the American people? (At least with Jay Carney, it was a pretty blatant lie - claiming that there was "no" evidence that it was a terrorist attack, despite all those emails, drone videos, etc. to the contrary).
Or, is the "investigation" merely looking for a convenient scapegoat?
I may be naive, but guess is the latter.
clint said...
Can't believe there isn't a discussion here yet about Obama's new ad.
The one up on Instapundit & Powerline?
Can't claim to be as expert as you in the vagaries of the bureaucratic organization of investment firms, but the unground axe you wish to place in Greg Smith's hands doesn't seem to be there. NYTimes identified his position thus:
Greg Smith is resigning today as a Goldman Sachs executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Perhaps you can use your wisdom of market management to explain how this is not at odds with your take on his position as a VP and "not a director".
Jeez I step away for an hour of practice and the thread is run up by the whole cast of clowns vomiting out their cliches and mindless talking points. I actually read garbage's posts because they are mercifully brief (he's lazy, and no doubt slouched down with brewsky in hand) and his boneheaded idiotic "logic" is good for a chuckle once in awhile. This Ritmo character is a definite SOB (scroll on by). Just a boring garden variety troll. And Inga is the sad spectacle of the aging crone still trying to act young and girlish, so that's a trainwreck one wishes to avert one's eyes away from.
And thus the whole thread deteriorates into the Sisyphean task of good people trying to rebut and reason with bad faith morons.
Mark Twain said never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Yep. Just like they turned over all pertinent documents on Fast & Furious.
They'd never do anything like invoke executive privilege to cover their ass, now would they.
I think that pretty much everyone here, even maybe Ritmo, understand that the Administration invoked Executive Privilege, then most recently moved to dismiss the suit by Congress on political question grounds, to be close to legally frivolous. Nixon tried the same sort of thing, making similar arguments, and those arguments were rejected. The difference then, versus now, is that then the arguments and assertions were somewhat new. Now, there is precedent rejecting them, which is why they verge on being legally frivolous.
But, they achieve their purpose, allowing the Administration to punt Fast and Furious beyond the election next month. And, yes, that is exactly what they are trying to do with Benghazi too.
So says Paul, as he sits in his mother's basement in his three day old underwear.
As for my age I'm proud to be 60! I wear it well because I lived a good life, clean, wholesome and virtuous.
OMG! I am so late to this thread, and have no idea what has gone before, but OMG.
Ritmo: You will note that the "title" in the NYT article is not capitalized because that was not his title. "Goldman Sachs says that Smith, before he resigned, was denied a promotion and a $1 million pay package he had sought. The firm also says that Smith was the lowest-paid among the vice presidents who started in the same training class, and that a third of those classmates had been promoted to managing director."http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-19/goldman-sachs-s-cooper-disputes-greg-smith-s-account.html
I did not describe bureaucratic "vagaries" of the investment bank but rather discreet operations within the bank. Trading, investment banking, principal investing are just a few of the separate activities conducted in an Investment Bank and specialists for the most part are involved in those silos.
Greg Smith is your man if you want to get a lot a bad talking points about GS but it would help you if you knew something about the firm. Reading "The Partnership" would be a good start.
Hey Paul, make sure to fuck yourself when you're done extolling the virtues of your response-free, dissent-free posts -- which are also devoid of any topical content. You must be proud of yourself, as a member of an elite crew of self-identified non-trolls, to come up with the one post on a thread that does nothing but spew ad hominem caricatures of people you disagree with.
How do accomplish such a feat?
Someday I hope to become as self-unrighteous as you.
Inga said...
Somehow Cedarford, they won't believe anything that doesn't fit the Nakoula as a free speech martyr scenario. They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
Not quite right Inga. The attack was not caused by Nakoula's video...but it was a factor in deciding to go then while US security was also dealing with 11 other attacks in other countries that were caused by the video, as security, even in Tripoli, was under obvious instructions to keep the security at the embassies in place and the US was unsure if US military was needed for the overrun Tunisia and Cairo embassies, the Yemen one under attack, or the other emerging attacks.
As I mentioned, the attack may have been planned, but the leaders that had set it up over days, weeks, months - would be fools not to tell all the fighters that the Muslim world was now aflame over American Prophet defamation - and they could each help make the American infidels they would soon attack pay for the disgusting and libelous smear on their Prophet.
John mentioned the interview with the slain SEAL's father. Here's a writeup.
Absolute moral authority
The inaction of the mainstream press on this issue is sickening. The interview with the father, if shown on 60 Minutes, would end any chance of Obama's reelection.
A bad thing happened. Obama and his team knew what happened and why. They spent two weeks lying about it.
This is not, as Romney sang, rocket science. Obama didn't kill Chris Stevens. Terrorists did that.
Obama and his crew flailed, and then they lied about it. C'mon, people. This isn't rocket science.
True enough Cedarford, that's a fair assessment.
I did not describe bureaucratic "vagaries" of the investment bank but rather discreet operations within the bank.
You contradict yourself as you were the one to raise Smith's position within the firm, and still have a whole paragraph on it in your latest response. To that end, I'll definitely say that it was "discrete" of Goldman Sachs to release certain, choice, self-serving facts about how he measured up in the ranks, but not an entire tenure of unblemished, by some accounts even stellar, reviews.
Yes, I understand that different activities are handled by the same firm and appreciate your recommendation as advice for a neutral source - even if that gets us very far away from the topic of how you yourself define integrity in your professional career.
You're not trying to sidestep that answer, are you? It seems many people are interested in that nowadays, and not without political ramifications that could affect how your own career is regulated.
With the arrival of Ritmo, this blog has reached Retard Critical Mass! Look for the appearance of a Higgs Boson Corpseman particle, also known as a Shiloh!
Ritmo: Where the fuck do you get off calling other people's integrity into question. What do you do? Who the fuck are you? From what source do you derive your sanctimony?
Did you come up with that all by your role-playing game self, Carny? It has the stench of a D & D jerking circle and the idiocy of someone who knows merely enough of pop science to name a fashionable particle.
But please, surely you must have something substantive to contribute to the debate. YOu wouldn't want to be underappreciated or anything.
What a hypocrite you are Michael, how many times have you done the same in your pompous sanctimonious style?
Inga: Point to a comment of mine in the last five years where I have questioned someone's integrity based on their occupation.
Where the fuck do you get off calling other people's integrity into question.
My, my. Getting a bit touchy, all of a sudden like that, too. Did you not realize that this was what the entire digression was about? In case you missed that freight train of a concern, when discussing financial services in 2012, regulating professional integrity is kind of a big topic. If you disagree, you do so at your own peril. But you don't have to have a Trump-size head about it and take it personally, if that would help. Maintaining the integrity of professional services is actually something that can be discussed in the abstract - if avoiding conflicts of interest interested you in the least.
What do you do? Who the fuck are you?
Well, I believe the first part gives a better basis for response than the second. As far as my parents' fucking goes, you'd be best off asking them. But suffice it to say, I myself work in a field that is undergoing regulatory reform no less significant than yours, and I don't find discussions of that, or the way to maintain or enhance professional integrity in the face of it, a threat to my own ego. Why is that?
From what source do you derive your sanctimony?
This sounds decidedly rhetorical. It is hot and steamy, reminiscent of an "E.R." episode if not entirely "Mad Men". I'll step around it as it does nothing to resolve the discussion, or the voters' thirst for hearing it.
Carnifex said...
With the arrival of Ritmo, this blog has reached Retard Critical Mass! Look for the appearance of a Higgs Boson Corpseman particle, also known as a Shiloh!
No, he's hiding.
Not only did the train wreck turn out to be his Messiah, but all those states he said would come through for Choom are coming through.
They're just coming through for the Romster.
Devastating interview with the father of one of the dead Seals.....
Ritmo: What do you do for a living?
Michael: Read between the lines and figure it out. And keep in mind that ACA is at least as politically hot a regulatory topic as is Dodd-Frank.
Or try it this way: What do you want to talk about and in what way would you not find discussions of financial regulatory reform to be some kind of personal/psychological threat to you?
I want an honest discussion of avoiding conflicts of professional interest in the financial services sector. My goal is not to lambaste or expose you so much as to see if you care to play a helpful role in that debate. Why is that threatening? An why is that a bigger concern given the economic environment bequeathed by 2008's crisis?
Jesus Tim wait till the game is over to drool all over the pitcher like that.
Okay, I'll play, what is the truth that needs to come out before election day?
"So says Paul, as he sits in his mother's basement in his three day old underwear."
What a devastating riposte there you old battleaxe! Did you think of that all by yourself?
Being a liberal means never having to have one original thought in one's head. Ever. Just the safety of the herd. Shoulder to shoulder. Face to rump.
Nice job leading the comment thread into personal attacks, Inga.
Ritmo: You don't decide the topic. I am more interested in why you won't say what you do for a living. Are you ashamed? Is it secret? I expect your fixation on other people's integrity derives from the lack of same in your business. But how would we know because you are too coy. Coy. Are you over qualified and ashamed or under qualified and ashamed? Shame appears to stalk you but why? Are you in IT? A nurse? Why would you be ashamed of what you do? Nothing wrong with those careers. Let us know will you?
Inga means an investigation like we had with Fast and Furious. The Zero, with the collusion of the lapdog MSM, delay, obfuscate, lie, and stonewall until everyone gets fucking tired and goes home. Then they come out proudly announcing their innocence, and everyone who wanted answers on why hundreds of Mexicans, and 2 Americans, and now 4 more, are racist.
But to answer your question, Inga, yes, I want accurate information.
But you don't have to wait for an investigation to be finished before you can get any confirmed information.
In fact, when the people who have the information refuse to disclose it, they should be pressured to disclose the information they have.
So "waiting for the investigation" is nothing more than defending incompetent and possibly criminal behavior.
I really don't want to make this personal, but your willing partisanship makes it necessary:
What if your daughter was killed or even just raped, because her requests for protection from a clear threat were denied by her chain of command? Would you be content to not ask questions, not talk to anyone, and not put any pressure on the military until they finished investigating their own actions in, say, 2-5 years, when the people responsible had already retired from the military?
Michael: You are trying to change the topic. Deliberately?
ACA affects me no less than Dodd-Frank affects you. Again, figure it out if you're so darned interested.
Or if you prefer, continue playing psychological games until you have worn yourself out. Non-personal discussions don't demand personal details, but I give my take on things that I have professional or other experience in. Never shied away from that on this blog, either.
Also, I do decide the topic when you but into my posts with some kind of supposed expertise on the matter. You addressed an economic issue - I responded by requesting your clarification on economic conflicts of interest in the sector most determinative of them. I don't demand the answer be personal.
But you seem to prefer it that way. Why? Your response would seem to be the one stalked by shame, as you lack the ability to depersonalize it.
Perhaps this marks the problem with financial services generally - a lack of willingness to discuss conflicts of interest due to narcissistic fixations and fears of losing revenue under a more honest regulatory scheme.
Again, if you disagree, feel free to explain in as personal or impersonal/detached a manner as you prefer. Or not. But refusing to make it impersonal tells me that you feel you have something to lose by detailing your thoughts on professional financial-services integrity. It makes your position, whatever it is, as obfuscatory in even identifying the problem, look incredibly weak.
Oh God, this thread has descended into comment hell.
Inga is still flogging the video thing, a week after the Obama admin abandoned it. She must be drunk.
Ritmo is busy constructing his elaborate strawmen and beating them to death. The usual surly denunciations.
Total waste of time.
Total waste of time.
Topped off by your own predictable appearances and pronouncements.
This is the one and only time I will address you so lean in real close...You are a fool who doesn't know he's a fool. He thinks he's the smartest one in the room, but he's not. I wish I could teach you something but it is beyond anyones capability to do that. Except for one thing. Life. Life isn't the greatest teacher you'll ever know, but by God, she is the bitchiest.
So one day, you'll be laying on deaths door, as I have several times, and you will pray to God to save you. We all do it. We beg, we plead, we bargain. But does any of it work? Who the fuck knows. But when you are laying on deaths door, and you are begging for God to give you one last breath, you will come to realize just what a douche you have been, and maybe God is tired of your shit. If you survive, you'll be changed. None of this name calling will mean shit to you...I can guarantee I've been called a lot worse by a lot better people than you. So do you really think I give a shit what you say beyond making an interesting argument?
Have you seen Chip Ahoy? Probably the sweetest, nicest guy on this site. I wish I was half as nice as him. I've seen Chip call you out. Trust me, when the nice guys call you out, you need to sit your ass down and rethink your position.
Or go back under your doctors care. I really don't give a fuck. I mean it too. You, your family, your city, whatever could vanish in a nuclear fireball, and I ain't gonna loose any sleep over. I can't say the same for anyone else on this site. Even Alex. I would miss him. But you...Nah.
Nice how you touch peoples lives there kid. Now go grow up, and never ever address me or anything I say again.
chickelit said...
@Chip: Inga's arguments are usually more Spirograph than Etch-a-Sketch.
Inga, the human cycloid. Orbiting, rotating, and undulating her way into wrapping her lips around Urkel wand.
Ritmo: But why won't you just tell us what you do for money. You do work don't you? I am not in the least bit affected by Dodd-Frank, it doesn't touch what I do. But you are in the medical industry which is known to be filled with criminal elements: scammers that rip off Medicare and Medicaid, hospitals that are germ factories, botched record keeping, the lot. Integrity? In your industry? Dude, you should be embarrassed to question any industry's integrity.
I have tried to be reasonable and help you out with the financial services industry but you aren't interested. You are above knowing. Too bad.
Michael... Ritmo is a professional idiot.
He's good at his job.
Jeebus. Every day the Dem-o-Trolls get more pathetic. With each passing day the reality sinks in a little deeper, and they give up a little bit more.
O Ritmo, where art thou?
I agree ST. I'll not read it anymore. Screw this name calling bitch fight.
I have tried to be reasonable and help you out with the financial services industry but you aren't interested. You are above knowing. Too bad.
Nope. You are above believing that the word "integrity" has any concrete meaning when it comes to financial services. It's just to be thrown around, like "Amen". Meaningless. Just something you say for advertising purposes. Look who should be embarrassed. Someone who can't point to anything concrete he's done for any client but derides modern medicine as a hoax -- apparently in favor of folk healing, pre-antibiotic infections, and faith.
Massive projection of the highest order. Feel free to poll the public on what they think of how much trust they put in what you do (wherein you fail to even address how to define integrity) as opposed to what modern medicine does for them.
What a charlatan. He can't even understand why people trust doctors to do the right thing more than they do Wall Street traders. There is a reason for this, and its name goes by "Michael" - and all in his field who are just like him.
What a phony, narcissistic schmuck. It was there all along. He only pretends to think anything of acting decently, as he clearly lacks the capacity to know anything about it.
The public is right to roast people like him. Now I know why stockbrokers, (at least in the '30s), had the integrity to jump out of windows for what they did. But Michael's ilk would rather blame their theft of AMerica on AMerica.
Jesus, Ritmo, to think that you actually spent a few minutes of your life typing that bullshit!
Rabel said...
John mentioned the interview with the slain SEAL's father. Here's a writeup.
Absolute moral authority
The inaction of the mainstream press on this issue is sickening. The interview with the father, if shown on 60 Minutes, would end any chance of Obama's reelection.
The problem when you confer Total MOral Authority on any relative of any celeb Victim - is that the hero relatives of Victims that speak with "utter truth and moral authority born from their Suffering and Need For Closure.....
Is that all the fuckers are rarely on the same page.....
Some 9/11 Victims Families declared with absolute moral authority that Bush was the American Churchill...and they were challenged by the Jersey Girls, who spoke with total moral authority for John Kerry and Cindy Sheehan.
Then we had the firefighters with total moral authority slugging cops in public, because the cops, also with inlimited correctness in all their views, had got Giuliani to back them and say the Herohood of cops was higher than firefighter Hero creds and the cops could control access to "The Sacred Hallowed Place".
Now we have the father of one dead SEAL at odds with the father of the slain Ambassador - in a clash of total moral authority and unlimited correctness in both Victim Families. One things Obama is a dirtball, the other loves Obama.
And in a clash of inner family Victimhood moral authority pecking order, the Dem activist MOther of the 2nd Fallen Hero ex-SEAL thinks Romney was a self-serving asshole for mentioning he met him, and he was a great young man. While the Wife, in the Oprah scale of Victimhood as high-ranking as the Holy Madonna Mother of the dead....loved that Romney went out of his way to call her and to publicly praise her deceased husband as a delightful man to meet.
Ah, so many Victims! So much Moral Authority!
Oh, but I will address someone so unhinged as to fantasize about nuclear holocaust for the whim of it, Carny. Don't think your imploring me to "lean in close" means that I won't kick you in the teeth -- I'll just stay far enough away to avoid the stench of your breath while doing it.
Yes, there are very nice people out there who are very complacent and passive in the face of evil. All the "Good Germans" during WWII come to mind. You go ahead and feel superior for going about perpetuating immorality and evil in "nice" ways. I'll understand that what you really did was to spend your life masturbating away on manners what you should have spent on moral reason.
I don't have to wish you (or people you know) death. I'm not crude enough for that approach of yours. Rather, your own existence in the here-and-now is enough of a glaring abomination to reasonably moral people everywhere to speak for itself.
But even saying something that strong is more of a distinction than you're worth. Like Hannah Arendt wrote in describing the banality of evil, you're not much more than a roadbump on the road to a moral existence. Easily avoided, even if the intensity of your emotional shortcomings are not.
Do your best not to inflict them on the morally interested.
Jesus, Ritmo, to think that you actually spent a few minutes of your life typing that bullshit!
Trust me, it wasn't as hard as the strain you put yourself through in moving your lips to sound it out.
Trust me, it wasn't as hard as the strain you put yourself through in moving your lips to sound it out.
Stick with the one-liner insults, Ritmo. You're almost readable when you do that.
The airhead intellectual shit, interspersed with the wild hyperbole is dreadfully unreadable shit.
Stick with the one-liner insults, Ritmo. You're almost readable when you do that.
The airhead intellectual shit, interspersed with the wild hyperbole is dreadfully unreadable shit.
Translation: I'm too simple and uneducated to stand reading more than one sentence at a time. Big thoughts hurt brain!
Dude, not my problem.
Who the hell died and made you a literary critic?
Thank, God, Ritmo, I've succeeding in diverting you from your endless end of the comment thread dissertations.
Now, you've just doing the blowhard thing.
Big improvement!
Can I help you in any other way?
Shouting Tommy, are you afraid of Cedarford? You never confront him on his opinion about Nakoula, even though it is similar to mine. I think you seriously are scared silly to confront Cedarford. Funny.
Me Big Kimo Sabe, Inga!
I see you're still carrying on about the video. How much do you drink?
Only chocolate tonight Tommy.
What's YOUR excuse?
Can I help you in any other way?
Are you trying to take credit for Michael and Carny blowing away? That's awfully pig-headed of you, especially given the heavy lifting I had to do to make it happen.
You resent other people doing the actual work that you'd prefer to lazily take credit for, don't you?
Tommy prefers a more "self-centered" form of affirmative action, apparently. All for himself!
Shouting Tommy scared shitless of Cedarford! LMAO.
Shouting Tommy, are you afraid of Cedarford? You never confront him on his opinion about Nakoula, even though it is similar to mine. I think you seriously are scared silly to confront Cedarford. Funny.
Nobody pays much attention to Cedarford, because any good ideas he might have are completely obscured by his raging anti-semitism.
Considering any ideas of Cedarford's is like diagramming whoresoftheinternet's sentences: sure, you could do it, but why bother?
Inga employs the tactics of a stupid 15 year old girl.
And expects me to take up the challenge.
Cedarford is an enigma, I don't need to agree with him in EVERY aspect to respect the truth when he speaks it.
Considering any ideas of Cedarford's...
Who said anything about considering?. She said confronting.
And it's not all that hard. I just reminded him one night that he was dependent upon a medium invented and/or developed by several Jews - especially Sergey Brin and Larry Paige. His head just about exploded trying to ponder the (alternate)-universe-defying implications of that fact.
Like I said in describing the banality of evil, once you accept and identify its source of banality, destroying it ain't that hard.
But Tommy, like the other "notably well-mannered" shining lights that Carny identifies, are too lazy. They think the greater evil is calling out wrongdoing. It rocks the boat too much and they find that unforgiveable.
Maybe, but his anti-semite reputation is well-known. So if someone doesn't respond to him, it may be that, like me, they don't even read his stuff on the off-chance that there may be something worth reading in it.
ST, big brave ST when it comes to Inga, when he gets a chance to confront Cedarford on the same issue he retreats. Ha!
They totally excuse his crimes and parole violation. None of it matters, even the CIA info showing that the attack was caused by the video and the demonstrations in Egypt over the video after all.
Nakouly can be prosecuted for crimes he commits or has committed within the framework of law of the United States of America.
He should not be tried in the court of public opinion over his first amendment rights - which he has been by this administration. At the UN and other countries abroad.
Whether or not the man is a scumbag is irrelevant. We have a beautiful history of protecting scumbag speech. I would have it no other way.
The man is neither a hero nor a martyr. He is just a man who deserves the same protections we all do regarding our speech.
There's a reason the freedom of speech is first. It's the most precious of all to mankind. Without it, no other 'freedoms' really matter. And I will never apologize to anyone anywhere about extolling that freedom.
Do yourself a favor Inga. If you have not seen the film The Lives of Others, please do so as soon as possible.
Geez, that's far fucking out, Ritmo!
Like I said, stick with the one liners. Your profundity gambit is incoherent.
Nathan, there is plenty worthwhile reading in his comments, recognize the pearls and discard the dreck.
Inga does become possessed by strange obsessions, doesn't she?
Strange obsessions, hmmmmm. Coming from you Tommy? Don't make me remind you.
Your profundity gambit is incoherent.
Your over-simplifying gambit is lazy.
Just tell me how many brain cells you have restricted to reading. Don't want them to get in the way of whatever else you're doing with them.
Obama derangement syndrome is what drives these people.
Reality is driving me.
Tommy might be one of the only parents or grandparents who are given Dick and Jane books by their progeny. It's supposed to work the other way around.
Now you're doing it, Ritmo!
Believe me, now you're playing to your strength! You are even moderately entertaining when you stick to the one line insults.
Go with what you've got!
In my neck of the woods Ritmo is what is known as a "shit stirrer."
Pure and simple--and he's good at it..congrats, Ritmo, at least you manage to excell in something...unlike some who fail at everything...PROUD to be a shit stirrer, we are!!!
Below is a link to a chilling account that reports the two contractors (presumably CIA?) were killed when hit with a mortar shell six hours after the attack started when they were manning a machine gun on the roof. The point is that we had military assets that could have been dispatched and would have arrived much earlier than six hours and someone made the decision not to send military support. We did send 16 [I think} security personnel from the Tripoli embassy, who arrived at the Benghazi airport after about four hours but I don't think they had sufficien firepower to relieve the American under attack.
Well Virgil, as long as certain people cease shitting on good sense, I will refrain from flinging it back at them. But glad to know that you agree I can at least do it with style. Pizazz. Razzamatazz.
I won't debate with Ritmo.
He assumes the worst motivations of his opponents as a baseline.
Aw leave Ritmo alone, he's like a son to me ;)
He assumes the worst motivations of his opponents as a baseline.
He doesn't "assume" motivations. He "fabricates" them.
He's good at that, too.
I should manage your commenting career, Ritmo. I could keep you focused on maximizing your potential.
He assumes the worst motivations of his opponents as a baseline.
Nahhh... I actually assume the best. I want to assume they can reason like a champ.
Sadly, I often run into people who think reason is like a tool of the devil or something. Studiously avoided.
Putting at least as much effort into reason as many do into avoiding it is what keeps us cool...
Nathan Alexander said...
Maybe, but his anti-semite reputation is well-known. So if someone doesn't respond to him, it may be that, like me, they don't even read his stuff on the off-chance that there may be something worth reading in it.
The Jewish tactic of shunning. Part of it comes from the arrogant belief of being so clever and right they will not listen to the opinion of others, even as they work night and day to influence those people, to change their opinions to the proper ones, in Jewish eyes.
Another vexing trait of the Jews that helps explain why, since the days of the Ptolemies, they wear out their welcome and get tossed or purged from country after country.
Moving on to the next nation with no long experience with them wanting in, self-rationalizing the people that once welcomed them and came to dislike their machinations and puppeteering - "only envy us" and are "affected with irrational feelings for the people that came to justly dominate sectors of industry and organs of government and influencing others".
You see the same erosion in the perceptions of Israel. Once, most nations liked and supported Israel. Little by little, over 60 years, they alienated more and more nations. Now they are down to less educated American Christian Zionist goobers...and a few remote Pacific Islands the US bribes to vote with them in the UN on Israel matters.
I could keep you focused on maximizing your potential.
Involving hyperlinks to Amazon.com and everything else in them? Yeay!!!
Another vexing trait of the Jews that helps explain why, since the days of the Ptolemies, they wear out their welcome and get tossed or purged from country after country.
Better than getting erased and forgotten, as yours apparently did.
Cedarford's "respect for others' opinions" apparently means fitting them into an alternative reality where The Bible, Christianity, and polio vaccines don't exist. And without a nuclear weapon to end the war on fascism or a nuclear arms race to end communism.
You are one ignorant pig-fucker, aren't you?
See Tommy, Ritmo's not afraid of Cedarford, that's how it's done.
I'm sure Cedarford is unphased by Ritmo.
You're so cute when you act stupid, Inga!
Pig-fucker is so fetch.
Believe me, you're mistaken in thinking that you're a fount of intellectual depth.
Just out of curiosity, which thinkers/authors, etc. do you consider intellectually "deep"?
Which of them should have avoided the reality-based refutation of C-Fudd's bullshit assertions? Or should letting those warts fester be everyone's goal?
I like the two-pronged approach. ;-)
This thread has totally gone to shit.
I like the two-pronged approach. ;-)
You prefer the double headed dildo? That's what I imagined.
EMD, I like the sound of "goat fucker" better.
Yes, it has, but quite interesting and titillating being surrounded by so much testosterone!
This thread has totally gone to shit.
Granted, But, it's an improvement over where Ritmo was going, which was to type a 5,000 word thesis on a comment thread.
Kind of like in the Roman Arena, thumbs up life, thumbs down death!
You prefer the double headed dildo? That's what I imagined.
Nah. Prongs don't diverge 180 degrees from each other. Double-headed dildos do.
ANyway, I only prefer that if there are more than two women around. If there are any less then one of the prongs has to be, er, my own.
How about you?
Yes, it has, but quite interesting and titillating being surrounded by so much testosterone!
For an Old Dawg, my gonads are still pumping it out!
Ugh, now they're agreeing on their gonads, boring, back to the bloody battle!
Sometimes silence is deafening.
Would you even believe their answer if provided?
Time to broom out this band of power hungry Socialists!
Nov 6th!
When did he know that the attackers were using RPGs and mortars, and using them apparently fairly effectively?
Maybe the military guys here can straighten me out, but don't mortars have to be set up and sighted in? That takes more than a little preparation and foresight. If mortars were really used then this act was far from spontaneous.
This story was covered by my local paper, The Record, in NJ, in a small article on page A9.
Who, besides me and three other people, read A9?
Maybe the military guys here can straighten me out, but don't mortars have to be set up and sighted in? That takes more than a little preparation and foresight. If mortars were really used then this act was far from spontaneous.
Not exactly.
Mortars don't have to be sighted in.
They do have to be set up, and they usually require at least a 3-man crew to move, because the baseplate and barrel are so heavy.
Once they are set up, however, you do need someone who can see where the rounds hit, and be able to communicate back to the mortar crew to adjust the aim.
So they don't have to be sighted in before hand, but even more damning to the "spontaneous" line of bs is that you must have a well-trained distance coordination capability.
Which you don't find in spontaneous demonstrations.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Michael: You are trying to change the topic. Deliberately?
ACA affects me no less than Dodd-Frank affects you.
You're a patient?
Just going by your profile.
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