So, really, who do you want to have sex with, ladies? That is the question. Oddly, that was a big topic on the Rush Limbaugh show today.
CNN had to pull a story that they had on their website after reader backlash. "Following a firestorm of negative feedback, CNN hastily deleted from its website late Wednesday virtually all mention of a study about the effect hormones have on women’s political preferences. 'A post previously published in this space regarding a study about how hormones may influence voting choices has been removed,' a message posted on the website at 8:15 p.m. read. 'After further review it was determined that some elements of the story did not meet the editorial standards of CNN...'..."
Just lie back and think of Obama.
To repeat:
The first time Romney governs you, he might scare you a little. Because he's a Republican, and he knows how to do things...
Someone over at Legal Insurrection noted the similarity to a Vladimir Putin ad:
Красотка гадает на первый раз
Since I'm post menopausal, these issues don't affect me at all. I just had a dark chocolate peanut butter cup, made with the finest Belgium chocolate on the market and only 4 carbs, it was a big one.
Better than sex.
Here is the blog that showed the link in February 2012:
Putin Campaign Ad Likens Virginity To Voting [VIDEO]
That's just creepy.
Not surprising though.
Tell me again how the Republicans haven't got a prayer with women.
Carbs are carbs, Inga. That's more than 4g.
This is going to play well with middle aged voters, they really want to imagine their tattooed daughters getting screwed by middle aged politicians.
Obama wants your daughter's virginity. Waaaait isn't that racist, because you know, black guys, white women?
Honestly... 18 year old girls will probably like this ad a lot. Maybe they even did market research.
Problem is... it's not just going to be 18 year old girls who see the ad.
"The first time Romney governs you, he might scare you a little. Because he's a Republican, and he knows how to do things..."
You know what's really funny? My flaming liberal Classics professor last year said she went out with a Republican once and that's pretty much what she said. ;-)
(It was Greek Mythology so we talked about sex a lot, but I forget what this particular story was supposed to illustrate.)
Obama, the plagiarist strikes again. He really has no smart ideas of his own and he is mediocre even when he is stealing someone's better idea.
At least Putin's girl is beautiful.
Modern American culture at its best.
Most of the girls in that demographic aren't virgins, and for lots of them the first time was a big disappointment, especially if they slept with a guy everyone else was sleeping with too.
Romney...he won't give you the clap.
Is she going to articulate Obama's policy towards the SALT Treaties and nuclear proliferation?
Nothing looks better on a pasty white chick than an armful of tatoos.
Wow. That is awful.
I'm not a woman, but I can't imagine that making me want to rush out and vote if I were. How did these Democrats claim the mantle "party of women" again?
Could he have picked a woman that depicts all that is bad about today's young adults?
Tatted up, over-weight, bad hair-cut, a herd mentality and with a narrow view of what's important(me!me!me!)?
Plus the commercial is crass and vulgar, but then why would I be surprised?
So is Obama saying he is fucking us?
Joe Biden probably pointed out the Putin ad to Obama.
"Now who deserves the credit,
And who deserves the blame,
Nikolai Ivonovich
Lobachevsky is his name. Hey!"
love her. really love her. Since I work with the Obama campaign, I am never alone. I just cannot wait to be in the WW corner office in the 2nd term.
GOP is going lose baby.
I don't know, but I suspect this "Obama like Putin" (Obama ad copied Putin ad concept) meme might grow some legs. I think it is gaffe-worthy. Several blogs & news outlets are already showing the video links side-by-side. Imitation (by Obama) sincerest form of flattery (of Putin)? He already promised flexibility after the election.
Can this possibly work, that is, net more voters than it turns off?
This is a profoundly unserious ad that seems to insult everyone, women or men, young or old, with a brain.
Who you gonna vote for? The nerdy, fatherly guy with a record of making things work, or the cool, kinda sexy guy in favor -- as of a few months ago -- beautiful, complicated gay weddings, as well as free birth control?
If we were on an economic upswing like when the Beatles popped, I can maybe see this working, but surely even twenty-something women know better.
I'll take Synova's word that it would probably work for 18 year old girls.
So, I hear she's supposed to be funny - is that true? I thought she was just reading her high school FB postings...
Lean Forward
Obama's promising a jar of petroleum jelly for everyone who votes for him.
Even if Obama squeaks by, which I doubt - this last minute desperation stuff is going to haunt his second term.
If - big if - he get reelected, the country will hate him with an absolute passion when it is all over.
I just had a dark chocolate peanut butter cup, made with the finest Belgium chocolate on the market and only 4 carbs, it was a big one.
Is this a metaphor?
Well scratch another HBO show off the "to get" list.
Some funny comments at Powerline.
Biden said this to the dad who lost his son in Benghazi:
Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”
Vagina, er.. virgin, balls, bullshitter, leaders of our great country.
Erick Erikson said "We do live in a fallen, depraved world destined for the fire."
Fish on!
Nope Bob, it's not, it's made with 90% dark chocolate, which is very low carb, and sweetener not sugar. The center is made of unsweetened peanut butter, whey protein isolate powder and again sweetener, as opposed to sugar. Made them myself, I know the exact ingredients and carb counts.
Inga - here's your gold star. Now go and play with the other little girls while the adults talk.
She's supposed to appeal to girls, not boys. Sort of... I'm not a sex pot but I totally have a sex life and you can too. I mean... imagine the same ad with Jessica Alba. The 18-22 year old "first time" demographic would be ready to scratch her eyes out by the end of it.
But again, the target demographic isn't the only people who will see the ad.
That is horrifying. Are you sure that's true?
If so, Biden is worse than I imagined, which is pretty bad.
Woods also said Obama wouldn't look him in the eye and he was told "they'd arrest the guy who made the video".
Well, since Michelle is so big on healthy food and healthy lifestyles, you'd think they would want to associate their campaign with abstinance and monogamy, not casual sex. Casua sex means birth control which means putting all of those artifical hormones in your body--even worse then BGH in milk plus they can cause you to gain weight. And then multiple sex partners means STDs, possible complications from abortions,low self esteem, etc., which isn't healthy either. Voting should be more like having your first child after you are married--it is a big responsibility but you are prepared for it.
If I was 19 and Obama had pot sure???
But they're such a liability. You're trying to also move along in your own life in college while experimenting, and you want someone who has their sh!t together.
Obama so casual, but long term four years of Obama?
There are guys you hook up with, man you bring home to mom and dad. Hooking up gets old, indeed you begin to feel used hoping that friends with benefits may turn into a real boyfriend that may buy you flowers on February 14th.
FYI I actually think as a husband and father, the President is great. So is Romney.
I'm just thinking like a 19 year old woman, and I'm voting for the first time.
This is the most juvenile campaign ever run.
Alex, isn't there a Moby conference you need to attend?
And seriously... maybe Romney is different in person but I find him not even a little bit appealing *in that way*. Same with Bill Clinton. Did I ever have to take his supposed sex appeal on faith! Yuck. And Obama? Seriously? I know people say he's so good looking but I think they've all been breathing fumes or something. Ryan? Actually, I can see the appeal of Ryan but not because he's particularly good looking.
(My celebrity crush, at the moment, is the guy playing Oliver on "Arrow". I've always been a sort of "Sean Connery" kind of girl.)
@gmama3 --
here is the link to what Biden said to the murdered son's dad.
Inga said...
Alex, isn't there a Moby conference you need to attend?
Looks like Oop needs a ride, but don't worry; he/she/it always comes across on the way home.
I don't see the charm in any of those guys, either. I would add to that list Al Gore. Remember when the press made a big deal about how sexy he was? And that kiss he gave Tipper after being nominated. Ewww.
Better than sex
Lena and the Swoon
A little blow: the great wings beating still
Above the swaggering girl, her thighs caressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her tattoo'd breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push
The pink-feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that pink rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken home, burning sensation,
tower of glower,
And Armageddon dread.
Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of Air Force One,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?
Wait. This commercial suggests "My First Time" should be with an older married man who has two kids?
Isn't that how Barack Obama came to be?
Once chocolate is >75% cocoa, it just tastes chalky to me. 90%? Ugh. Maybe the peanut butter smooths things out.
The ad, of course, is ridiculous. I wonder whose daughter it is. Who's paying for her birth control?
chicklit, I believed with all my heart that all poetry is a scam where people who claimed it was art got to imply that people who didn't get it were lacking, somehow.
But that was brilliant. Incredible allusion to Zeus and I'm certain the middle bits were profoundly naughty.
I think Romney is sexy because he is nerdy and nice, and of course, very easy on the eyes.
It is like all those very smart low key detectives who melt our hearts in the way they treat the bad guys they catch -- kind of like Maigret. I had a serious crush in Bruno Cramer for a long time and still do.
--This is going to play well with middle aged voters, they really want to imagine their tattooed daughters getting screwed by middle aged politicians.--
They loved it when the former rapist-in-chief did.
It's private, between the families, don'tcha know.
This ad, Obama's appearances on TV talk shows but no press conferences or Sunday shows, the "Romnesia" campaigning, the "bullshitter" interview on Rolling Stone magazine, all come across as desperation -- the total failure of Obama and his supporters to defend the previous four years or to present an agenda for the next four years.
Will Americans really elect this guy in November?
“It should be with a guy with beautiful…”
Honestly, is any serious citizen going to miss the disorienting prominence of hipster culture in our political dialogue when Romney is President?
Let's just divide the country in two parts and get it over with.
If Lena the skank draws Wisconsin, that's fine. I can learn to enjoy the scenery and weather in the Dakotas or wherever us conservatives need to migrate to.
Madison Man, Callebaut chocolate, with coconut oil melted in with it, plenty of vanilla, and sweetener to taste, nothing at all chalky about it.
@Synova: Hee. The pink parts were supposed to be an allusion to POTUS' pink flamingo stance discussed a week or so ago in these very august pages.
Thanks, though!
I'm pretty sure that in 2008 America collectively dropped the soap.
@Synova: And "tower of glower" refers to an enraged FLOTUS.
If this appeals to the youth vote, we need to raise the voting age. Oy.
I lost it to George W. Bush, but I was thinking of Reagan the whole time. Salacious!
I saw her show on HBO. It was pretty good. It was all about a young girl whose life was an unbroken series of bad choices. This ad is in keeping with her persona on the show.
Since I'm post menopausal,..
Too much information! Way too much.
Ah well, I still feel all smug for getting the "swan" part. ;-)
I also hate the delivery of this monologue. It's so blasé and dull. Why would I listen to this piece of driftwood? Some pale, pudgy, probable dyke wants to lecture me on the perfect man to take my flower? Sorry, honey. I don't have the jungle fever, a. And, b, if the man screwing you every night was an exact manifestation of your ideal form of government, he'd be an overbearing, controlling, domineering jerk. He wouldn't let you spend your own money on the things you want, he'd be telling you what to eat because you're a FAT PIG with high CHOLESTEROL and WE CAN'T AFFORD THAT ANYMORE.
CNN may think it is my hormones talking but I find the simple fact they made this ad, the fact Obama thought a six-year -old would say bullshit, the Benghazi debacle, and Joe Biden in general very, very depressing.
Culture in decline.
Meanwhile, Romney continues to behave like an adult. That makes me believe he will govern like an adult.
Nothing to do with sex, but...
The first time I voted, it was at a polling place that used some crazy machine where you pulled small switches for all of your candidates and bond measures and whatnot, and then you pulled a big lever on the side when you were done to print or punch or somehow make your vote. It was strange and disorienting. It made voting seem even more mysterious.
"It seems mysterious because it is!"
Then I moved back to civilization where there were pencils and paper.
As for the ad, it's an announcement that there is a children's candidate and an adults' candidate.
Let's see, what does her boyfriend say on the show?
"You're a dirty little whore, and I'm gonna send you home to your parents covered in cum!"
Well, that's how Obama makes me feel, especially after watching that ad.
Well, LilliBart, since I've said I'm 60 years old, it stands to reason I'd be post menopausal.
It's a simple biological fact.
@LilyBart: Inga may be post menopausal, but there's been no pause in her "men-posting."
How old is Lynn Meadows?
Nice tattoo!
Now I know that she is intelligent!!
Just showed it to the Middle School Boy:
"First Obama makes a desperate grab at Big Bird and misses, now he's sunk so low, he's below sea level. Somebody get me a bucket."
I love my kid.
Freeman, I've voted with those mechanical machines, all the levers making satisfying clicking noises as you vote, then the big lever to record the votes and open the curtain all at once with a big ka-chunk. Highly satisfying.
The optical scanners Madison uses just beep as you feed them into the machine. Not quite the same.
America is . . . well, America is just awesome.
Remember how just yesterday you were sitting around thinking how now that Donald Trump had weighed in with his checkbook and Gloria Allred showed up with an unsealed divorce proceeding things just couldn't get any classier?
We did not even have to wait 24 hours to spruce up the joint way more than it was yesterday.
Cannot wait to see how we lift our game tomorrow.
She will want the government to pay for her tattoo removal.....because Julia can't be a tattoo'ed Mommy
Voting is like...baking a lasagna. I just made one that I thought was going to be divine--simply divine!--but it was a mediocre disappointment.
I have felt the left's sorrow. I shall never make fun of them and their adoration of Obama again. D e s p a i r .
I have always, always wanted to vote with one of those lever-type voting machines with the big curtain. I remember, when I was little, accompanying my mother when she voted and watching her go in there. They were still in common use as I approached legal voting age and I assumed I'd finally get the chance to use one but wherever I voted that first time had already switched to another system (I don't remember which). I still held out hope, but the next time was also a bust. And as the years went on it was obviously a fading possibility. Now I think the odds are near nil (unless I move to some out-of-the-way Hooterville that still uses them). I just want to pull that big lever once! Is that too much to ask?
My first presidential vote was for Reagan.
I think that I voted two years before that, though. I must have. I was an alternate delegate to the district convention when I was 17 so I'm sure I voted that year when I was 18. And I would have been 20 in 1984.
This ad just leaves me speechless. Or as close as I can get to speechless anyway. Which isn't very close.
There are levels and levels of sophomoric, clingy, idol-worshiping creepiness going on in this ad. Not to mention pandering and unintentional condescension.
I don't care if it's a copy of a Putin ad. This ad makes me want to go take a shower. It literally made my skin crawl. The sheer shallowness and grotesque conflation of sex and politics reminds me of certain pagan religions that conflate sex and religion.
I suppose that's in part because for many, if not most, liberals, politics IS their religion.
Repeal the 26th amendment.
It doesn't surprise me that someone would think this kind of ad clever. It does seem shocking that it was released by the campaign of a sitting US President.
President Gonorrhea.
Poor Althouse, Obama the boyfriend was hanging around your house, but now he's down the street hanging around with a pack of young, tattooed, hipster virgins, trying to break 'em in.
What can I say? Vote for Obama (your first time or any other time) and you're screwed.
A woman named Dunham alluding to having had sex with a man named Obama? Really??
Heavens, what an embarrassment. I suppose the idea is to prod the 20 year olds to get to the polls. Might work.
Oh, and Carrie, your comment is excellent and I agree entirely.
I didnt think it was possible to overestimate how far the Obama campaign could sink in its slime--"I'm Barack Obama and I approved this ad" What a scumbag. While perhaps not the worst thing I have seen in politics in 50 years, its damn close.
The worst ad, BTW, in my 50 years of voting was the LBJ Daisy ad, although this tripe gives it a run for the money.
Well if you voted for Obama you did get fucked. Sadly, if you didn't vote for Obama you also got fucked.
A woman named Dunham alluding to having had sex with a man named Obama? Really??
OMG hows did I manage to be married and have a bunch of sex for many years and have less than a handful of children without Obama paying for my birth control!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1111!1111!111111!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am waiting with bated breath for the guy's ad --- especially where Obama is paying for the condoms.
Non-discrimination and all that.
@Chip: Garage eludes allusion.
A gazillion people have said it already, but this is not what you run when you are trying to position yourself as "the adult in the room." I haven't seen anything quite that repugnant in the way of a political ad in a long time, and I'm talking decades here.
The worst ad, BTW, in my 50 years of voting was the LBJ Daisy ad
How can you call it bad when you still remember it 50 years later? No memorable ad is bad.
My first time I'll admit I didn't really care about her getting health insurance. Ten again, I do t think she cared about whether I was getting health insurance either. The topic never actually came up. I probably assumed that if she joined the work force she would get insurance through her company, so it never really became a topic of conversation. I must have been a bad boyfriend.
I bet that made Inga wet.
Garage too.
Probably wetter than Inga.
Also, she kind of looks like a dyke.and yet she's talking about the first time you should be doing it with a great guy. This commercialism awfully hetero centric. Gays should be offended.
Madison Man--are you suggesting that something one remembers after fifty years (actually 48) is not bad? Or are you speaking as an adman rather than a mad man
Vote Obama.
'Cuz all these fatuous fat chicks with tatoos and dyky haircuts need the taxpayers to buy them Hitachi Magic Wands...
Because some of the "jobs Americans won't do" won't be done by lawn and pool boys either.
The ad has already worked judging from the comments on this thread.
Dangle catnip at wingers and send them into a confused state of tizzyness talking about lady parts to drive up the women vote.
Get young voters to polls.
How can you call it bad when you still remember it 50 years later? No memorable ad is bad.
That's not so. An ad for a new product that makes you remember the name of the product even while the ad itself struck you as silly or vulgar or otherwise distasteful might still be counted a success if it got you to remember the name of the product.
In both the LBJ "daisy" ad case and this one, we are talking about an advertisement for a sitting President. If your audience doesn't know the brand name already, it's not really likely to show up and vote. And if the ad is irritating enough, like this one, it might cost you more votes than it gains you, not so much in people who switch sides as in people who wouldn't have voted at all, except that this mewling puerility was really beyond endurance.
Garage--indeed this slime has worked, but I have already cast my ballot for Romney--and if I hadnt, this ad would certainly do so again if only for its tastlessness--I dont think this will work as you suggest (although you did say get people to the polls and not who to vote for)
Since it's the women that do not use hormonal contaceptives that tend to vote Obama. Why Obama's campaign threw so much money on the free contaceptive schtick?
O well, Obama in his usual incompetent best.
"Dangle catnip at wingers and send them into a confused state of tizzyness"
It's interesting how Obama's had to radically revise his ad strategy because his negatives have shot up in several states.
Apparently your goal of angering people is not a smart way to be reelected. Think about your attitude and how people react to you, and reflect on why Obama lost, come election night.
Also, consider reading Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People". If you're trying to influence the discussion with your years of apparent disgust with good folks who happen to disagree with you, you're doing it wrong. If you've spent all this time here for some other reason, you're even more misguided.
Michelle D-T--your comments points out that Madison Man should stick to Academe, rather than advertising.
garage mahal said...
The ad has already worked judging from the comments on this thread.
What are you talking about, dude? Inga's the only one who said she liked it. And she's an unlikely hook-up for POTUS.
I thought her detailed explanation of Obama's second term plans were excellent. That ought to really motivate Obama votes, big time.
Oh, sorry.
That wasn't there.
It isn't anywhere.
Oh, no matter.
Vote Obama.
Because the only thing better than a four-year shit sandwich is another one!
Oh-Bah-Muh, Oh-Bah-Muh!
"And she's an unlikely hook-up for POTUS."
We can only reasonably expect so many sacrifices from Inga's president.
I would support him in this.
Oh-Bah-Muh, Oh-Bah-Muh!
What are you talking about, dude? Inga's the only one who said she liked it
Inga was talking about baking peanut butter cups. Some you guys are talking about slutty sex.
Anytime a Republican is talking about females and sex that is a net plus for Democrats.
Belmont Club
--Lena Dunham Signs Book Deal for More Than $3.5 Million
Random House has acquired a book by Lena Dunham, the 26-year-old writer, actor and filmmaker, in one of the most heated auctions of the year.
The debut essay collection, “Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She’s Learned,” was hotly pursued by publishers after Ms. Dunham, the writer and star of the HBO comedy “Girls,” circulated a 66-page proposal with color, illustrations and a humor that publishing executives predicted could produce another best seller like Tina Fey’s blockbuster memoir, “Bossypants.”--
Wouldn't you love to see how she organizaes her biz for tax purposes?
chickelit, I think this is the garagelogic at work:
Commenters here are mostly boomers, and they think the ad sucks. 20-somethings think differently from boomers. Therefore, the ad's a success.
I first heard about this ad tonight from a 30-something single woman who described it as an incredibly stupid ad featuring an ugly fat chick.
Sure, it's a sample size of only 1. But that's one more data point than garage has.
Drive up the women vote....
Workin pretty good, Garage? Reminds me of ads that win awards but sell nothing. Like Obama's peace prize come to think of it.
Hey! I did not say I liked it.
I also like how she says you shouldn't vote for people who think that gay people should have complicated weddings like the kind you see on TLC. First off, isn't that playi g to stereotypes? What about gays who don't have complicated weddings that look like the ones on TLC. Must all gays be viewed like Jack on will and Grace?
More importantly though she voted for Obama the last time. And he DIDN'T believe then that gays should have those big complicated weddings. (Well he may have believed it, but he certainly didn't state it as policy). So how good was that first time, hypocrite?
You know what he doesn't seem to believe in? Those big complicated weddings for polygamists like the kind you see on HBO and Big Love. That may or may not be a good thing to her.
But I'm thinking about the big complicated weddings like the kind you see on tv. Is Obama for some complicated weddings but not others? That's kind of alike daring the guy who's enlightened enough to say nice things a bout black people but still thinks the Jews are mongrels. It's even worse, considering when she actually was screwing him for the first time (or voting) he was still not convinced that blacks weren't 3/5ths human. (Blacks being the stand in for gay marriage in the analogy in case there are some questions about the point).
In short, this is actually her second time. And the first time he was against gay weddings. Ad made all these promises about what a rear guy he was and all the great things he was going to do.
Isn't that typical of some women? She opens her legs up to the guy who gives her the most banal promises and he just uses her as a sperm receptacle. And she thinks he loves her. He said all those nice things! He's a playa, and you got played.
And now she's counseling to women that they should fall for the same routine. What a twat!
Dangle catnip at wingers and send them into a confused state of tizzyness talking about lady parts to drive up the women vote.
garage: Your usual brainless sniping you believe this ad will net more votes for Obama than it drives away? Why?
It is my guess that this ad will turn off more people that in will influence to pull the level for Mr Obama. I will defer to the female gender as to their opinion.
Damn Creely23--you beat me to it by one minute.
No one will be swayed one way or the other.
I first heard about this ad tonight from a 30-something single woman who described it as an incredibly stupid ad featuring an ugly fat chick.
Sounds like a real winner you have on your hands there.
Garage, let's take your argument as if it had actual merit.
This ad might possibly encourage young, silly, hyper-sexed females who think the government owes them free contraceptives to vote.
This ad almost certainly offends every other segment of the population.
The only conclusion possible is that Obama is seeing such erosion in his primary base of support that he feels it is necessary to risk offending people who have not yet decided to vote in order to make a desperate attempt to coerce his core constituency (again, just to remind, that would be young, silly, hyper-sexed girls who feel the government owes them free contraceptives) to please, PLEASE, OMFG PLLLEEEAAASSEEE go to the polls and VOOTTE FOORRR MEEEEEEeeeeee!!
I fail to see how that is a net win for Obama. The Romney campaign brain trust has got to be howling with laughter over this ad.
It simply reeks of desperation.
Inga said...
Hey! I did not say I liked it.
I read your mind.
Inga--if this election is as close as some suggest, you dont have to persuade a lot of people to influence the outcome--just my opinion--and Id dont think this ad will be the ticket.
Sounds like a real winner you have on your hands there.
You're a sad, small man.
Roger, I think everyone's mindis probably made up by now. Both sides should just canvass neighborhoods and get voters to the polls.
Inga--agree-we are in the final ground game at this point. Hail Marys arent going to work (Thanks to Tosa Guy for the football analogy)
Bingo boards tattoo'd in situ.
@Eric Jablow:
"Now who deserves the credit,
And who deserves the blame,
Nikolai Ivonovich
Lobachevsky is his name. Hey!"
Joe Biden might add:
"Plagiarize. Let no one else's work evade your eyes." Remember why the good Lord made your eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize..."
Sorry, I don't know anybody that talks like that after seeing an ad.
"Yea I seen this ad by a fat ugly chick"
Or maybe those are your words. Either way, issues dude.
By the way, I have a daughter who is dead center in this demographic. She and every single one of her friends finds this ad to be absolutely horrific.
But then again they are nice, decent girls who were raised with self respect and dignity.
I think I know exactly what sort of girl this ad would appeal to.
I guess the question is whether there are enough of those sorts of girls to make this ad worthwhile.
I know there weren't when I was that age.
Honestly, haven't watched it. And may not.
I enjoyed the first season of her show, and if I watch this I figure the show might be spoiled for me. It may have been already.
(Though William is right that "it was all about a young girl whose life was an unbroken series of bad choices. This ad is in keeping with her persona on the show." Viewing this as her character might work.)
I know Judd Apatow, her partner/ producer on the show, is a big Obama supporter. I figure his influence played a role here. I still love Freaks and Geeks (and for that reason have avoided reading/ listening to articles on Apatow & Obama).
I am still trying to wrap my head around this: the President of the United States approved this ad.
Darn it...
Looks like I missed a fun tread.
I guess it's a telling bookend to a campaign kicked off by that infamous Anna Wintour/ Sarah Jessica Parker ad.
Roger, I think everyone's mindis probably made up by now. Both sides should just canvass neighborhoods and get voters to the polls.
Inga: Most people's minds have been made up for some time, though not all.
A woman I went to high school with just changed her mind two days ago to vote for Romney over Benghazi.
Many people put off the decision until the last minute. Althouse told us that was her plan, though she recently seems to have decided for Romney.
Anyway these are the people who will decide this election. These are the people whose minds have been changing since we got within a month of the election and have shifted the polls towards Romney.
Consequently neither side has given up trying to persuade voters and put all their money into GOTV.
Therefore, if this ad annoys more people than it appeals to, it can hurt Obama.
The Lilly Ledbetter Act...?
I had to look it up.
And this ad is aimed at 18 year olds?
What about the Dingell Norwood bill?
I'm very glad that video was rare when I was a virgin, although there are some letters sent to newspapers back then that were a little cringe inducingly naive. Luckily, all the papers I wrote in high school disappeared in a bong fire in 1979.
I hope this girl isn't too embarrassed by this when she grows up, but then some never do.
I am still trying to wrap my head around this: the President of the United States approved this ad.
Roger: Likewise. Though that's my reaction to so many of Obama's moves, like appearing on a radio show titled, "Pimp with a Limp" or jetting off to a Vegas fundraiser while Americans were being killed in Libya on the anniversary of 9-11.
When Obama loses, as I believe he will, people will look back at this campaign and wonder, "How could anyone have taken Obama seriously?"
If you want to see someone change their opinion of the Lilly Ledbetter act, let them get sued by some unemployable woman who they barely remember a decade after they fired them for missing work too much. Of course this person was underpaid relative to her male counterparts before she got fired for rarely showing up.
creely, one of my first blog posts ever about Barack Obama was about the "Unserious candidate."
There are lots of words that describe Obama. Incompetent. Ideologue. Demagogue. Amateur.
But the one I find myself going back to time and time again over the years has been "unserious."
""How could anyone have taken Obama seriously?""
I'm no fan of hers, but Hillary would never have done most of this guy's parade of embarrassments. I mean can you imagine her sending The Queen of England an ipod of her speeches?
Wow, that's stupid.
Cosmic Conservative: Nice blog!
bagoh20: Hillary would have governed from the left, I'm sure, but I can't believe she would have been so boneheaded either.
Perhaps we are lucky to have had such an arrogant amateur as president. President Hillary would have been nearly impossible to dislodge this year.
I'm amazed at how hard it's been to vote out Obama.
bagoh20: I keep wondering.
Is your id, "bag-o-water" or "bag-oh-twenty"? Or none of the above?
Water, but I screwed it up by typing a zero instead of an O way back in ancient times. Now I'm stuck with it.
My first time was very disappointing - I voted for Carter. I felt dirty and ashamed - and he never called. Men are pigs.
Sleep with him, vote for him, it all turns out the same. Your daughter is fucked by someone who doesn't care about her.
the President of the United States approved this ad.
That would have been beyond creepy, if he came on and said, "I'm Barack Obama, and I approved this ad."
The weirdest thing about this campaign is how bad it is. Truly awful. Maybe the worst campaign I've ever seen in my life. Axelrod is an idiot.
Axelrod also stated that his job as Obama's chief campaign strategist in the 2012 campaign will be his final job as a political operative.
Boy, you got that right.
Come on, Romney at 65 is still a really good looking man..... In his younger days he had model looks
Sorry never saw the appeal of Obama... Looks wise...
The only thing he had going for him was his smile... Reminded Americans of all thier favorite black actors Will Smith , Cosby ... No need to wonder why Americans voted so overwhelming for a unknown black junior senator with such a shady past.
Americans conflated Obama with their favorite black actors, who have charmed them these many years with voting for a President.
That's why Obama's campaign looks and acts as if Obama's trying to win American Idol instead of the Presidency of the most power military , largest econmy in the world and last remaining superpower.
Are we sure Karl Rove didn't put this ad together?
So, Obama campaign is now more or less admitting that voting for him is like getting screwed.
The Obama MyFirstTime ad made me throw-up a little in my mouth... That's not supposed to happen, right?
You don’t want your first time to be with Obama because his stimulus package didn’t deliver as promised
How awful to imagine any of the President’s daughters watching that MyFirstTime video, and knowing the chick is talking about their dad.
Unlike losing your virginity, Obama's second term is going to hurt way more than the first .
This ad is interesting because they obviously aren't even going for the young straight male demographic with it.
If they were, they would have been more like Putin and used an attractive woman.
They are desperate for the young female vote. They already tried to get the rest of us to buy that vote for them (with the contraception mandate). That apparently wasn't enough. I guess that makes me hopeful for the future of Obamacare mandates, if using them to buy votes isn't successful maybe they will stop doing it.
I just remembered the big "white women rape fear" controversy of the last election.
Supposedly, McCain showing Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an Obama ad (accusing him of being an empty celebrity) was racist because white men think black men want to rape white women.
So where's the rape controversy/fear here? Won't this inspire white men to vote against Obama because this ad makes Obama seem all rapey?
Obama is beginning to remind me of Michael Jackson in that Jackson's "friends" and "advisers" at the end never seemed interested in helping him. They were all in it just for what they could get. And it all got more and more childish like Obama now - (Big Bird loves Mr. President and u shld 2)- and sycophantic and distasteful and sad and like Charlie Sheen - remember "winning"?
I heard this on the Mark Levin show last night. Just listening to it creeped me out. Comparing voting to sex, or even the suggestion of sex is typical of Obama's party. They have this odd obsession with 'down there' with women instead of what's above the neck. This ad just shows exactly that the left have an obsession with women's privates and not their brains. Ads like these are what turned me away from the Democratic Party and back to the GOP.
And this is what women have as a role model/spokesperson for an ad? Looks like a man, tattooed, watches TLC, talks like she's still in high school?
I commented there, reposting here:
"On the other hand, ladies, don't let your second time be with the guy who gave you the 'social disease' the first time! Learn from your mistakes!"
What Blatz said
This add is so lame I'm embarrassed for the Obama campaign and this actress. I was even more embarrassed watching CNN and they were discussing how this add might be offensive to some older conservative voters because apparently the double entendre of first time voting and getting your cherry popped, as an 80 year old conservative might have referred to it back in 1960, might give them a case of the vapors.
The oversexualization of everything was tiresome by 1972. That's why the Austin Powers spoofing of an anachronistic Brit spy who talks like this when he's unfrozen in the mid-1990s, was somewhat amusing.
But this ad isn't even parody, which itself would be tiresome. I think it's funny she talks specifically about how Obama cares about contraceptives. Voting for this guy has consequences. If she cared about contraceptives, she would be telling nubile voters to mark your ballot for Obama for the pleasure of it but don't print your ballot and turn it in. Because voting for Obama is like having unprotected sex. There is no morning after pill or a clinic you can visit to unelect this guy. You will live with it the rest of your life. Like that silly tattoo on your arm, which would have been cool 15 years ago but is really lame now.
Vote like your lady parts depend on it, or something.
Erick Erickson at RedState had a good take on the Obama sex ad...
"About the only honest bit of innuendo in the ad is that the people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 have been screwed — economically. The problem for Barack Obama is that many of those people believe their vote for him was a one night stand that they’d prefer to forget. Additionally, we know now that Barack Obama, like that one night stand, probably won’t call you back. Just ask the American Consulate in Benghazi."
Well-said Erick.
"The worst ad, BTW, in my 50 years of voting was the LBJ Daisy ad"
At least that was over quickly. This just went on and on.
@chickelit - great Yeats parody. (Golf clap)
The parody possibilities are numerous. But I guess the dems are so desperate they'll take the chance.
Does sex with Obama cause Obamavaginitis? Obamavenereal Warts? Cervical Obamahypertrophy?
ObamaUterine Prolapse (only in the final stage of a campaign, of course)?
"Voting is like having sex... says the Obama campaign."
Well, from the party arrogant enough to claim that people voted "against their own interest", it's obvious that they only went there so they can now start saying "You're doing it wrong".
This was interesting, until she made a face at people "not being ready yet", like waiting to lose virginity is a bad thing. This seems definitely aimed at Christian Conservatives.
What about waiting for a man who wants to pay for your birth control himself, who if you do get pregnant, will be there physically, emotionally, and monetarily throughout the entire process, and then stick around for life with undying devotion?
creeley23: This is a profoundly unserious ad that seems to insult everyone, women or men, young or old, with a brain.
Yeah, but people with brains make up a demographic group small enough to be safely ignored by election strategists.
It's like a form of sexual harassment, we wouldn't tolerate this in the workplace or in the classroom, it shouldn't be coming for our President.
Maybe young women are just use to their male peers talking like this to them?
Also it makes the assumption, the only time people vote is during a Presidential election.
As someone who loves civics, well at least I use to love it, I participated in local elections two years prior to a Presidential election. Not just state, but town/city. We have such low voter turn out in these elections, yet local elections have the most direct impact in our lives.
Isn't it true (chanelling Perry Mason here) that Bam has this demographic locked up? So why the ad? Stupidity? Incompetence?
Renee--I have gotten talked to a lot like that when I was dating (I am 25 now). And then men would leave me when I didn't want to sleep with them. Once I started dating men outside of church, that's what happened. I shouldn't stereotype, but there was a clear distinction in how men voted and how respectful they were of chastity.
AEH, I'm a decade older then you, coming from a very progressive background. I use to be all cool with guy speaking like that, because I sexually liberated.
It gets old really fast. And women are lucky if we make it out one's 'slut phase'/'sexually liberated phase' abortion and STD free. We move on, and hopefully if it isn't too late we find someone that respects us.
I have no idea what it was like back when everything was so sexually oppressed, but in my life I've seen multiple of 50th wedding anniversaries so there must of been some positives to it.
I have no idea what it was like back when everything was so sexually oppressed
It really wasn't.
People just didn't advertise the hell out of it.
Voting is like having sex... says the Obama campaign.
On average, I've had sex maybe once every few years, and I've always cried afterwards, so I'd have to agree with that.
Water, but I screwed it up by typing a zero instead of an O way back in ancient times. Now I'm stuck with it.
No you're not.
Allie was Oop then Inga.
Free yourself from your avatar prison!
An accomplished single woman who doesn't blush at the mention of sex, and watch the frothing begin.
...not that it's hard to figure out how to push cons' buttons.
God! We will never recover from this trash!
I remember my first time. It was with Walter Mondale, but I was thinking of Geraldine Ferraro.
schmidt wrote: An accomplished single woman who doesn't blush at the mention of sex, and watch the frothing begin.
This is supposed to be a campaign for President, you moron, not a campaign for stud duck of the neighborhood.
BagOh punningly refutes this ad:
I screwed it up [my first time] and got a zero instead of an O...
Best line:
Andrea Chapman: "You don't want your first time to be with #Obama because his stimulus package didn't deliver as promised."
It's a good thing BO's daughters are not of voting age. The first time shouldn't be your Dad, don't you think?
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