Four Americans died while the Obama national-security team and our military passively watched and listened. The administration is being criticized for ignoring security needs before the attack and for falsely attributing the assault to a mob. But the most severe failure has gone unnoticed: namely, a failure to aid the living.
October 22, 2012
"The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and numerous military headquarters monitored the entire battle in real time via the phone calls from Benghazi and video from a drone overhead."
"Our diplomats fought for seven hours without any aid from outside the country."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 253 of 253I mean it Inga: it's cute.
Rocketeer, you're cute.
@Inga the Obama Whore:
lol. Lying about reality won't help your worthless spawn:troops went for McCain 70% to Nobama's 23% last time.
How much they gonna go not for Obama this time, considering how he's insulted them, ruined the economy, and then embarrassed America in Libya?
Your worthless traitor of a daughter better pray Romney wins. Otherwise, The great and wonderful O just might sacrifice her neck on the altar of pissing on the US flag.
P.s. Inga: Now what do you feel knowing Nobama lied about the filmmaker causing the Libyan massacre, but had him arrested anyway? Still against free speech, cuntrag?
Gawd, there are some weirdos in this thread today.
Inga - back in 1972, I served alongside a KANG (Kansas ANG) troop who voted for Benjamin Spock. Service people do not vote monolithically.
Sheridan, I agree. I didnt say they were ALL voting for Obama.
Note how Inga the lying Obama whore avoids the main question:
Inga: Now what do you feel knowing Nobama lied about the filmmaker causing the Libyan massacre, but had him arrested anyway? Still against free speech?
Inga - LOL - Touche
I don't talk to weirdo's Whore, no, no, no. My mama said avoid weirdos.
J Scott said: I'm really surprised to find out that there wasn't a MEU anywhere in range to assist. That's what they do, that's what they train for.
It's not like we have dozens of them spread about the world on 24/y depoyment, or teleportation technology.
An MEU is not a an airborne commando unit - they're a "rapid response unit", but not on the "hours" timeframe, more like the "weeks or a few months" span.
I'd give even odds about a useful Special Forces unit being deployable there in that timeframe, unless one was prepped in advance.
(I saw it suggested elsewhere that they try a low-level demonstration flight with an F-18, but the question is where you'd get one there from?
If there'd been pre-planning something could have been based at NAS Sigonella, in Sicily ... but it's normally a transport hub, and doesn't have fighter/bombers or assault helicopters and troops to speak of.)
Oky Doky, Mary.
Some people have misconstrued my statement earlier. My point is that any action we could/should have taken would be used to batter us even more in the press. In case you missed it, only Zero gets a pass by the MSM, by dint of his color and party affiliation.
The UN would have a field day slapping the US around for sending F-18's or a B-2 into another countries airspace, and then blowing the shit outta; the poor innocent natives raping and killing our ambassador. Then the Zero would surrender even more US sovereignty than he already has.
Now, because of his inherent spinelessness, he has to eat the shit sandwich of his own making. Not optinal for the dead Americans, but even the MSM can't save "Puff the Magic Negro" now.
The can ignore Benghazi, or lie about Benghazi, to the loss of their own credibility. But the story is getting out there except o the brain dead O-bots, and both Zero and the MSM are looking like idiots. A win/win in our column.
If I had been president, there would have been a Benghazi to start with, because #1) I would have turned the ME into glass at the start of my administration. It would have been my platform. Bomb 'em all except Israel into the biggest piece of glass in the galaxy. And #2) Any survivors from #1 would be bombed again. Islam is a cancer on this planet and needs to be eradicated totally.
You don't negotiate with cockroaches or Arabs. Well, maybe cockroaches.
That's it for now.
Gotta go watch my teams win.
Yes, Nathan, my daughter is a Democrat and will vote for Obama, as will many of the Marines and Navy troops she works with. Sorry Nathan it is what it is.
I don't doubt you when you say your daughter will vote for Obama.
But either she is lying to you, or her co-workers are lying to her when they say they will vote for Obama. A few will, sure. But I really doubt enough to be called "many".
Most people in the military are smart enough to see when they are being betrayed by bad leadership.
Lets say that word got out, leaked to ESPN, that way before the world found out about Michael Vicks extra curricular activity, a drone came upon a dog fight at the back of Michael Vicks place... and videoed dozens of people cheering, ranting and raving while a dog fight took place... and lets further stipulate that nothing was done... if anything, a cover story went out to try to explain why where there so many people at the house when a loud music 911 call was responded to.
Should the drone surveillance people not, at the very least, loose their job?
49er's Helmet said....
Gotta go watch my teams win.
If you go to the Open Secrets web site and then under Occupation/Employer of Donor and type in Army, then under Recipient type in Obama or Romney, you'll see that hardly anybody is donating to either of them. Yes, Obama generates more, but there isn't that many people donating. Saying that the majority of people in the Army supports Obama is a stretch to say the least.
Nathan, my daughter is very intelligent and has been ahead of her peers when it comes to promotions. It's quite narrow minded to believe that most military will vote one political party over the other overwhelmingly. They are a microcosm of society outside of the military and vote the way we civilians do, pretty close to 50/50, within a few percentages one way or the other. It's those percentages that determine who wins, no?
Inga said...
It's quite narrow minded to believe that most military will vote one political party over the other overwhelmingly.
It's been 2 to 1 at least, Republican over Democrat as long as I can remember.
Saying that the majority of people in the Army supports Obama is a stretch to say the least.
I never made that claim. Nor anyone I've read for that matter.
Nathan, my daughter is very intelligent and has been ahead of her peers when it comes to promotions. It's quite narrow minded to believe that most military will vote one political party over the other overwhelmingly. They are a microcosm of society outside of the military and vote the way we civilians do, pretty close to 50/50, within a few percentages one way or the other. It's those percentages that determine who wins, no?
Not true at all.
And I'm not saying people in the military are stupid to vote for Democrats.
1) It isn't stupidity at all. It's about what you are doing, and why, and what ideology holds your deepest/strongest loyalty.
2) The problem isn't Democrats, it is Obama.
The way he went about the surge and the fecklessness of his response to the worsening situation there (hey, golf and fundraising to get another term are more important to President Obama) show that he is a horrible leader.
In the military, horrible leadership can get you killed.
But even worse (and you have to be in the military to serve your country to get this), is that horrible leadership can get you killed for no reason
I don't know your daughter. I do know people join the military for all sorts of reasons. Some selfish, some for career advancement, some because there is no other way to achieve life goals.
But for those who genuinely join and continue to serve because they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the idea of freedom, the lack of leadership over the last 4 years is appalling.
This isn't just me speaking.
But aside from all that, yeah: active duty military votes for the Republican candidate by more than 2 to 1, on average.
I have a feeling it is going to be an even greater disparity this year.
I have no beef against your daughter for voting for Obama.
If she is.
The way you go about ignoring anything that doesn't fit your worldview, and using her presence in AF as the ultimate in moral authority, even over those who have actually personally served in a combat zone multiple times, tells me that she may see no value in disabusing you of your expectations that she thinks like you do.
27 Army personnel donated to Obama.
18 Army personnel donated to Romney.
Can we keep this in perspective? Out of how many people in the Army, 45 made donations in this election cycle. Earth-shattering news from garage and Inga.
Don't disturb the meme.
Sure there are a whole bunch of people in the military who love Barrack Hussien Obama.
That is all they have going for them as the Jug Eared Jesus goes down in flames.
The point of this thread has been lost.
Obama did nothing as US foreign service workers lost their lives. While his administration watched on TV and didn't even try to do something to stop it.
That is what is important.
Let's hope it comes up in the debate.
Obama donations came from people who claim as an occupation, Army Corps of Engineers (those are actually civilians), ARMY HEALTH FACILITY PLANNING AGENCY (what the hell is that?) ARMY AND UNITEDHEALTHCARE (WTF?), Army Audit Agency (that ain't exactly front line troops), ARMY WIVES (not really in the Army), ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY (not a grunt), ARMY/SUPERVISOR, (I doubt if this person is in the Army).
Nathan, my daughter is 40 years old and is a lifer in the Navy. When she was stationed at GL, before Pendleton, we attended the Wisconsin protests together on a few of her weekends off. I know my daughter quite well and we share many of our world views, politically and socially.
As I said, sorry if it doesn't fit your narrative, it is what it is and I'm incredibly proud of her and what she does over there.
Sigivald: "An MEU is not a an airborne commando unit - they're a "rapid response unit", but not on the "hours" timeframe, more like the "weeks or a few months" span."
Thats not entirely accurate.
The primary caveat is that a MEU has to be within a reasonable sailing range of a target/objective and/or refueling capabilities have to be available.
As an example, the USS Kearsarge (24 MEU) was not "in the barrel" for Combat SAR during the Scott O'Grady shootdown/rescue in Bosnia in '95. However, given that the Air Force pukes who were supposed to be on tap for that time period balked, and the combined Blue/Green team stepped up, turned around the task force on a dime and launched the rescue within 10 hours.
49er's Helmet, who is really Tim, who expects his team to win, good luck to you and your team.
Are you aware you can have a finely crafted sturdy and attractive leather trifold wallet with your team's logo cleanly embossed on the front? Well, you can. Have a look if you please.
These wallets receive outstanding reviews on Amazon and that's unusual. All of the other wallets, ALL of them get at least a few negative reviews for some reason or another but not these. Five stars all the way. That's nothing to brag about actually given reviewers are often weirdos and it's what makes them interesting, but still, you'd expect at a least one.
Ah! My screen is showing 49ers matches with San Francisco. That does make sense now that I think about it.
Now don't take this wrong, I'm just trying to be helpful here and I realize not everybody is, but, given it's San Francisco there's a significantly larger chance I think you might want that same 49er sport team wallet in a more colorful variety, less staid than the first, more aggressively out as it were, if you know what I mean, as a fervent team supporter is how I mean.
These links are just for show. I'm sure you'll want to own one of these, and if you already have one remember they do make fine gifts, and you'll be tempted to buy one or two or three on the spot, but resist that urgent temptation, back out and re-enter through the Althouse-Amazon porthole and show your support painlessly and spread around your love.
Speaking of support, Amazon has athletic supporters too. Here's the kind that someone could kick you in the nuts and it won't even hurt.
garage mahal said...
Saying that the majority of people in the Army supports Obama is a stretch to say the least. My words.
I never made that claim. Nor anyone I've read for that matter. Your words. You have a very, very short memory.
garage mahal said...
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama
10/22/12 2:51 PM
Inga said...
Armed forces show overwhelming support for Obama
10/22/12 5:25 PM
I bought some Callebaut chocolate on Amazon, to make my lowcarb peanut butter cups, OMG, they turned out amazingly scrumptious. I'm going to have four of them during the debate, mmmmmm.
Allen, "I" didn't say that, it was the headline of the article I linked to. As I said, don't kill the messenger.
You quoted someone, Inga, which means you said it, and agreed with the message.
"There are no tanks in Baghdad." Don't blame the messenger. -CP
As I said, sorry if it doesn't fit your narrative,
I don't have a narrative.
Democrats with bylines have a narrative, like this so-called overwhelming support for Obama in the military.
The truth is something different.
But there are always exceptions. That's what I love about the US, and what I love about being conservative: you have the freedom to do what you want, no one is trying to force thoughts or speech codes on you, and you are free to evaluate truth by your own observation.
I'd hate to be a liberal and have to repeat whatever talking point gets handed to me by the democratic operatives w/ bylines that day, regardless of how utterly ridiculous it is.
"It was the result of a video!" Don't blame the messenger. -CP
Really Allen, so if someone links something it automatically means they agree with it? Hmmmmm. I didn't say I agreed or disagreed.
It is what it is.
Chris Stevens could not be reached for comment. -CP
Cold Pizza, what was the info the CIA gave to the Obama administration in the first few days after the attack?
Sorry, again it is what it is. You folks get so angry when things don't go your way.
Inga said...
Armed forces show overwhelming support for Obama
Don't kill me, I'm just the messenger.
10/22/12 5:25 PM
Blogger Inga said...
Oh I see Garage beat me to it, LOL!
LOL!!! Isn't it cool when you troll through the same shit swamp of leftards to bring us the same nonsensical news. Go you.
Inga said...
Armed forces show overwhelming support for Obama
Don't kill me, I'm just the messenger.
10/22/12 5:25 PM
Blogger Inga said...
Oh I see Garage beat me to it, LOL!
LOL!!! Isn't it cool when you troll through the same shit swamp of leftards to bring us the same nonsensical news. Go you.
Inga you make as much sense as whoreoftheinternet, or whatever his/her name is.
Still all this time later and the only person brought to justice is the film maker who is still in jail in violation of his first amendment rights on a trumped up parole violation.
The murderous barbarians who led this attack are giving interviews and laughing up their turbans.
It is just a joke.
Like this freckless administration and it's apolgists.
Inga said...
I'm just the messenger.
Translation: Oh, don't listen to me, I didn't say that I agreed with what I said.
Joe Klein, Tom Friedman and George Stephanopoulos say it is a non story, never mind four dead Americans. They feel that way because we have a Dem in the white house, no, I'm sure they would feel the same way if Bush was still president.
Romney just fell on a weak close--
How can there be a winner in a debate where the two sides agree on everything but rhetorical flourishes taken in the past. Obama wants to swaddle his neo-conservativism in apologetic twaddle, Romney wants a little bellicose cowboyese thrown in.
"Who knows John, I may make up my mind on the way to the polling station, like Althouse !"
We aren't shopping for shoes here girls.
Snark from a theoretician is not presidential. It is not leadership, either.
The jive turkey was naked, again.
So, so wrong.
Time to fire the affirmative action hire!!!
roesch/voltaire said...
Romney just fell on a weak close--
That's OK. He's still going to be our next president.
This "inaction" seems akin to how Fast and Furious was "botched."
Same recipe:
1. GOVUS creates conditions;
2. Conditions lead to violence and death;
3. Remaining silent about 1, GOVUS blames civil rights exercised under Constitution for violence and deaths.
The time that the decision was made to blame speech would show much.
garage mahal said...
Of course, a lot of that is illegal foreign money on Obama's part.
Conservatism in a nutshell these days. One giant pointy Tin Foil hat.
Gonna be a long 4 more years
You really can't see it, can you?
At any rate you'll be spared from enduring four more years.
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