Too much of nothing
Can turn a man into a liar
It can cause one man to sleep on nails
And another man to eat fire
Ev’rybody’s doin’ somethin’
I heard it in a dream
But when there’s too much of nothing
It just makes a fella mean
"I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’ How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds?"
'Nothing' is sacred.
Ahhh, desperation in the morning smells so sweet . . .
How does this hurt Romney, exactly?
He's not running on ideology -- he's running on competence.
Pointing out that he's not a right-wing ideologue is hardly going to hurt him with swing voters.
Say hello to Valerie (Jarrett)
But who the heck is Vivian?
Their denial of the utter emptiness of Barack Obama, so completely devoid of real world experience, the least experienced man ever nominated and then elected president would be shocking but for the fact of who they are.
This morning on CBS Colin Powell gave the most reasoned response on why he will stick with the steady progress made by the Obama administration, and rightly pointed out that Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought-- in other words nothing from a nice guy.
Look at the man's life. He's never been anybody else. Some of us have changed enormously over the years, been liberals, stupid risk takers, lazy, promiscuous, wasteful or stingy, brave or cowardly, religious or not, married or not; and then later completely reversed such qualities. Mitt has been boringly consistent for a lifetime.
The left is simply unhappy about having to attack who he really is, since he's neither severely conservative enough to hate nor liberal enough to be a Democrat.
Barack Obama is an empty suit walking around as an emperor with no clothes.
"This morning on CBS Colin Powell gave the most reasoned response on why he will stick with the steady progress made by the Obama administration, and rightly pointed out that Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought-- in other words nothing from a nice guy."
Colin Powell was a weak sister of a General and never really a conservative. He still holds a grudge against Bush and Cheney. He's also black and like the vast majority of blacks in our nation, that carries more weight than anything else when voting.
As to his "reasoned response" well, what nonsense. He's wrong and demonstrably so about progress and foreign policy. Hell, he seems to be unaware that Barry has attacked other nations.
He's also black and like the vast majority of blacks in our nation, that carries more weight than anything else when voting.
Was waiting for that. Came a little sooner than even I thought. Nice work.
I thought the left loved candidates who are a screen on which to project whatever you like.
Nothing they are throwing at Romney is working, even on the low info people. The best chance they have is trotting out people like James Taylor or Colin Powell to give the low infos something to cling to. This allows them to say: Hey I'm an idiot, so I'll just vote for the same person that guy did twice" The fact that it was clearly a mistake the first time is too much info for them to digest.
Thanks, Garage. It certainly wrong to stereotype people as if they acted as chattel slaves to the Democratic Party.
Viva Black independence! Our diversity is our strength.
And I said "Nothing, I'm feeling Nothing"
And he said "Nothing could get a gal trans-ferrred!"
They all felt something, but I felt nothing
Except the feeling that this bullshit was absurd.
"Was waiting for that. Came a little sooner than even I thought. Nice work"
And I was waiting on someone to quote me on it. Betting on you or Shiloh.
You saying it isn't true?
Remember Colin Powell didn't support Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry or Hillary Clinton. All three more qualified and moderate than Obama. The Republican, Powell is clearly voting on racial grounds, and that's sad. Should we all do that, Mr Powell?
Nice State you have up there in Wisconsin
I mean, I'm just following Chris Matthew's lead about how voting against Barry automatically means you're a racist.
Isn't that fair, garage?
Bagoh: I think Powell is more voting on "Bush's people screwed me over" grounds (or, quite possibly, what I really think is the case, is that his domestic policies have always been center-left, and he's accepted, like a lot of other people, that most foreign policy is simple continuation of the previous administration's policy, so you should vote based on domestic policies more than foreign, but doesn't want to explain that.)
I'm no expert on polls, but nothing I've seen shows that the Democrats' "war on women" thing is working at all. Didn't the President have a massive lead among women in '08?
Seems that women are not as dumb as the Democrats presumed.
Paul Waldman deserves credit for getting six paragraphs out of nothing.
House under water, Family members cannot find work, my unborn grandchild owes almost 60,000 dollars as part of his/her debt but since Colin Powell says he supports Obama .......
You should comment on CNN's brief foray into the war on women. Who knew sexually aroused women prefer Obama because he promises free birth control?
The base is motivated over Mourdock, equating what he said to Akin.
Sucks, because I think may will work.
Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know I read the whole quote, as a Catholic we hold a strong belief in 'free will'. Rapist was responsible for their actions, and I don't think Mourdock was implying the rapist was doing God's Will. The term God's Will was incorrect.
As a pro-lifer, the rape circumstance is the most difficult. Even the Catholic Church allows Plan B, when it comes to rape and there is no evidence that that conception has occurred.
As I put it to a relative, this is why rape is so heinous. It takes the act of love, and makes it violent. The act that creates life, into a position of a burden for the woman. No doubt the troubling idea of a woman carrying a child conceived from rape for nine months, and giving birth. Conflicted, because indeed that is her child as well. But abortion isn't a pie-in-the-sky alternative, either. It is her child as well. For the pro-lifer we shouldn't be answering rape with abortion. The same way I'm against the death penalty. We don't respond to violence with violence.
As for the women who do carry to term a child conceived from rape, they point of view does hold some value. Their view shouldn't be undermined, when victims of rape are faced with damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. I wish this issue would be more respected, and not used as a 'gotcha' moment by liberals.
The Pill kills your libido.
Obama has been acting less and less rational by the day. While I am still discouraged by the polls, I am getting more and more encouraged by Obama's desperate flailing and thrashing as he desperately tries to find some way to tear down his opponent. Having nothing to run on himself, and having no strategy other than destroying his opponent, it is painfully obvious that he is getting increasingly frustrated as his desperate attempts to paint Romney as a monster are failing because people can see the real Romney and contrast with the laughable caricatures that Obama is painting.
Judging simply based on Obama's actions this past week, I can only conclude that the Obama team is getting very bad news in their internal polls.
The Zero's campaign song should be "I got plenty of nothin'."
"Should we all do that, Mr Powell?"
Some things are so obvious, it is painful to point out to the idiots.
But even then, they deny the obvious.
That's one reason they're idiots.
But who the heck is Vivian?
I actually got that very question in an English class here in Norway in the 80's. The best answer I could come up with then was that it rhymed with "oblivion".
TS Eliot's wives were named Valerie and Vivienne, so perhaps this was a nod to the Wasteland" ?
Nothing vs. Zero.
I like that.
Zero is zero, but Mittman is not really nothing. He's the same highly competent, highly successful, pro-business, big gov't moderate/liberal he's always been.
This morning on CBS Colin Powell gave the most reasoned response on why he will stick with the steady progress made by the Obama administration...
"Steady Progress", just to name a few:
Anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world is certainly making steady progress.
Iran's nuclear program is making steady progress.
Russia's pushback against Hillary!'s reset buttion is making steady progress.
"Was waiting for that. Came a little sooner than even I thought. Nice work."
Ah the tolerant oh-so-not-racist garbage. How much you want to bet in his lily white world the closest he gets to black people is his TV screen?
As someone who works often in a mixed or predominantly black environment I can assure you that black people support Obama because he is black. Period.
" that Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought"
As opposed to Obama's?
Garage's peeps have been calling Mia Love a "House N*****" for most of her campaign.
Why do we even read his shit--besides to point out things like this.
I'm gladly stack up Romney's beliefs in Capitalism, God, Family, the Nation, good works and charity, etc. against Barack's any day of the week. Bring it on.
The Pill kills your libido.
Not sure what you mean here, but consider this:
Being raped kills your libido.
Killing an innocent child kills your libido.
" that Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought"
Kind of like our Middle East ambassadors, running for their lives to not-so-safe safehouses.
Obama is the most elitist self absorbed than any president in history. All that matters is that you worship him with blind faith.
Barack Obama's "steady progress" is to progress what "stage four cancer" is to long life.
Cosmic Conservative said...Judging simply based on Obama's actions this past week, I can only conclude that the Obama team is getting very bad news in their internal polls.
That would be my take also. Obama has lost the election and knows it. If he were any sort of leader in his party, he'd be redirecting at least some part of his campaigning and also shifting the appeal for donations to the DNC with the idea of shoring up some of the down ballot Democrats in trouble. Not going to happen as it's all about Barry and always has been.
As far as I know, any money left over after all the campaign bills are paid and that was directly given to his campaign belongs to him if he loses - whatever he doesn't spend in the next two weeks along with any new donations. Appeals for donations to his campaign rather than the DNC at this point is asking people to further subsidize his retirement.
Or his settlement with Michelle in a couple of years.
Where was this sort of introspection of Obama in 2008? Oh yeah, I bet they were too busy investigating whether or not Sarah Palin had a baby.
"Being raped kills your libido.
Killing an innocent child kills your libido"
I totally agree.
where is the evidence that Barack Obama is actually the number zero?
/Robert Cook
X said...
where is the evidence that Barack Obama is actually the number zero?
/Robert Cook
How much you want to bet in his lily white world the closest he gets to black people is his TV screen?
So tell me what I need to know.
If I lived around a lot of black people, ______________________.
Romney is a nothing because he doesn't have Sarah Palin's uterus.
Everyone is saying Obama lost, but what will happen on Wednesday if Obama does win?
As they say on Instapundit, "Don't get cocky."
"So tell me what I need to know."
Not enough hours in the day jackass.
But if you actually interacted closely with black people...had them as co-workers, friends, etc., frequented predominantly black establishments, and if you were even the slightest bit honest (make me laugh) you would see that black people loves them some Obama.
Because he is black.
And he isn't really very black at that, but still...
roesch/voltaire said...
Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought-- in other words nothing from a nice guy.
Revealing how the nutty left applies standards to Romney / Republicans but cannot manage to apply even the standard they current claim is relevant to Obama/ Democrats. In addition to this nonsense I recall fondly the Democrats attack on Palin's "lack of experience". Apparently they a VP with limited experience was somehow disqualifying but a President with no experience was not. The nuts latch on to whatever they need to support their position. Every day the reasons will be different, but the conclusion will be the same. That's how you know they're full of it.
I got plenty of nothing
And nothing's plenty for me
I got no car - got no mule
I got no misery
Folks with plenty of plenty
They've got a lock on the door
Afraid somebody's gonna rob 'em
While there out (a) making more - what for
I got no lock on the door - that's no way to be
They can steal the rug from the floor - that's OK with me
'Cause the things that I prize - like the stars in the skies - are all free
I got plenty of nothing
And nothing's plenty for me
I got my gal - got my song
(I) Got heaven the whole day long
- Got my gal - got my love - got my song
Obama is a pyromanic in a field of strawmen of his own construction. After the first debate, he went on the road saying how the Romney in the debate wasn't the real Romney. No, he wasn't the Romney stawman that Obama and his campaign had constructed. In the debate, millions of people got to see the real Romney unfiltered by the Obama spin. Apparently, a lot of people liked what they saw and Romney's support has grown ever since.
Now, the question is this: does Obama actually believe his rhetoric or not? If he still believes that the strawman is the real Romney, then he's a fool. If he doesn't believe what he's saying is true, he's just another lying politician who'll say anything to get reelected.
Oprah told us he was The One.
We found out he wasn't.
In computing, if it isn't one, it's zero.
Ergo, Barry is Zero.
virgil xenophon said...
The Zero's campaign song should be "I got plenty of nothin'."
Or "Nothin' From Nothin'".
Not enough hours in the day jackass.
I think you're full of shit.
garage: "If I lived around a lot of black people, ______________________." ......
Let me help you: "If I lived around alot of black people then you would know that 98% of them will be voting for obama even though they openly admit his policies haven't worked because he is black and these voters really don't have a problem with stating that up front."
This is actually a "duh" moment. Nothing very controversial or surprising or unexpected.
This is from the discussions I've had with alot of my friends/associates who are black and many of whom I've known for most of my life (I grew up in and attended majority minority schools in the Bay Area and San Diego and spent many years serving with many minorities in the military and later in the corporate world.)
I do have to admit there are quite a few african american professionals who do not like what obama has done in regards to the cultural issues and several will not be voting for him this time.
However, overall, still 9 out of 10 will pull the lever for obama.
"I think you're full of shit."
Of course you do. Because if what I say is true then your fantasy of the noble black man in his righteous struggle against the evil white oppressor is shot to hell, and black people are just as racist as white people, if not more so.
But it is you who is full of shit because all you have is speculation built out of steaming pile of left wing lies, while I have real world empirical data.
So,given that blacks feel the same sort of pride for obama that the irish felt for Kennedy, I'm now forced now to quote Rod Steiger from "In the Heat of the Night":
"Boy, you're just like the rest of us."
That about sums it up.
Does Oprah even exist anymore? She's been really quiet this time round.
There is a reason that Obama continues to attack the strawman he has created instead of dealing with the real Mitt Romney.
Obama said it himself, in the single most truthful thing he has ever said in public.
"I believe my own bullshit."
That is Obama. And it explains pretty much everything you see about him.
Garbage is so stupid he thinks blacks vote for Obama because they've so prospered under his stewardship!
Red, Oprah is being quiet this time because her open sycophantic adoration of Obama pretty much killed her career as the most powerful woman in America. Immediately following the election conservative and moderate women who had been watching Oprah religiously for years simply turned the TV off and found other things to do.
Once burned, twice shy.
Beta's do stick on the "B"s.
She sat for a few years in Wright's church, too. She left, tho.
Garbage is so stupid he thinks blacks vote for Obama because they've so prospered under his stewardship!
You're just a run of the mill shit talking racist. The internet is full of 'em.
As predicted, the race card will be played the rest of the way to the finish line. It's the liberal version of surrender.
garage: "You're just a run of the mill shit talking racist."
There it is in one simple statement: The entire obama reelection "strategy".
garage: "You're just a run of the mill shit talking racist. The internet is full of 'em."
Reverend Wright is back on the internet?
This morning on CBS Colin Powell gave the most reasoned response on why he will stick with the steady progress made by the Obama administration, and rightly pointed out that Romney's foreign policy seems to be a moving target that doesn't show any depth of thought-- in other words nothing from a nice guy.
Funny how a war criminal can turn into a reasonable man on a dime when he confesses his sins and does penance by endorsing the Bullshitter-in-Chief, eh, RV?
garage, when you see Mitt Romney, do you think "White Devil"?
How about "Ice People"?
garage, when you see Mitt Romney, do you think "White Devil"?
No, I'm not a weirdo like you.
Garage's peeps have been calling Mia Love a "House N*****" for most of her campaign.
Why do we even read his shit--besides to point out things like this.
Darrell, I respect your sensitivity to our hostess in not spelling the word out, but I would encourage you to. Those are garage's people. He supports them. He cheers them. Make him own it.
They think he's a nihilist? Really? How can that possibly sync with their portrayal of him as a religious nutcase or the scourge of feminists? He is everything and he is nothing. He contains multiples.
When I think of nihilism, I can't help but think of the Dude...out there, takin' 'er easy for all us sinners.
Yeah I'm a racist who works and plays with black people, is held in high regard by them as a musician, and has spent my entire adult life in their company. It's been quite a trick hiding my racism from them!
Face it garbage, you're just a phony and wannabe. Even your name garage mahal is a blatant ripoff of a band's name you fantasize you could be in. If you had any talent or skills. You imagine you're fighting the good fight for the oppressed black man but trust me they'd see through your phoniness in two seconds, and you would bore them silly.
Wait! Are you saying that white people weren't invented 6600 years ago by a black mad scientist?
What have we told you about spreading those cracker lies here chez Althouse?
Seems that women are not as dumb as the Democrats presumed.
Grocery shopping, balancing the budget, and worrying about their jobs and spouses jobs, women are in no way disconnected from the economy. If Obama gets them to think only about abortion, some people are swayed by that, but most known that the economy is pretty damn important.
For the pro-lifer we shouldn't be answering rape with abortion.
I think everybody knows that is a compromise type situation, not a logical extension of the pro-life position. The baby is still innocent. I’m conflicted about it too, I think Plan B or emergency contraceptives make the most sense.
That Murdoch guy at least tried to give a thoughtful answer.
Me (age 4-5) to my mom: "What's in the sack?"
"I want to see nothing."
The writer wants to see nothing, and boy is he successful!
Christopher in MA said...
Funny how a war criminal can turn into a reasonable man on a dime when he confesses his sins and does penance by endorsing the Bullshitter-in-Chief, eh, RV?
To the left political reliability erases all other sins.
It's been quite a trick hiding my racism from them!
Yea I bet that ain't easy.
Let's test your theory. Even someone is dim as you should be able to figure this out.
Herman Cain is running against a white Democrat for President. Would blacks overwhelming back Herman Cain, just because he is black, over the white Democrat?
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
You gotta have something
If you want to be with me
I'm not tryin' to be your hero
'Cause that zero is too cold for me
I'm not tryin' to be your highness
'Cause that minus is too low to see, yeah
-Deep thoughts from Billy Preston, deceased undecided voter and soldier in the War on Poverty.
better to believe in nothing than be the sort that will believe anything.
YoungHegelian: "What have we told you about spreading those cracker lies here chez Althouse?"
You and your rules don't worry me none Mr. Establishment!!!
The Winds of Change are blowing!
The Answer my friend is blowing in the wind!
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind is blowing!!!
Bottom line: There appears to be alot of excess wind.
Garage! Herman is not black you dumb fuck. Again you betray your stupidity.
garage: "Would blacks overwhelming back Herman Cain, just because he is black, over the white Democrat?"
That's actually a fair question given the our proposition that blacks almost universally support obama because he is black.
It has to be recognized and acknowledged that now, as opposed to 40 years ago, there are layers of cultural and other reasons why blacks vote in large numbers for white democrats.
However, in this case (the case of obama running for reelection under the burden of such massive economic failure), blacks are openly stating that they are supporting him because he is black (half!) while admitting that he has not helped them in the least.
Again, not in the least bit surprising.
Hey, remember not too long ago when lefties called Colin Powell a "house n*****"?
Good times, good times....
Drago said...
garage: "Would blacks overwhelming back Herman Cain, just because he is black, over the white Democrat?"
That's actually a fair question given the our proposition that blacks almost universally support obama because he is black.
A better question would be "Would blacks overwhelmingly support Obama over a white candidate with the same positions". And we don't have to look far for the answer, since Dennis Kucinich was probably the candidate closest to Obama's positioning during the campaign.
Do we even need to look up the relative level of African American support?
Is it nothingny now or is it nothingmnesia? I'm getting my mitt romney name derivation put-downs all mixed up. Yeah, those will win the election for Urkel. I can just feel it.
"Yea I bet that ain't easy."
Since I'm not a racist and enjoy the company of my black brothers it's not an issue asshole.
"Let's test your theory. Even someone is dim as you should be able to figure this out.
Herman Cain is running against a white Democrat for President. Would blacks overwhelming back Herman Cain, just because he is black, over the white Democrat?"
Of course not stunod. He's a house nigger! An Uncle Tom! A traitor! Damn sonny, WTF is wrong with you?
You can smell the desperation in the air.
First they tried to paint Romney as an evil right winger who was the guy with the monocle from the Monopoly box.
After the debate when everyone saw that he was a normal sane moderated Rhino....they had nothing left.
So that's what they are going with.
It is the Seinfeld campaign.
You know who would have been a much better President than Obama?
George Jefferson.
He was a small businessman who had to make a payroll. And he was honest and up front about his racial animosity. So you knew what you were getting.
And Weezy would have been an all time great first lady.
Now we would be in good hands if Romney turned out to be like Steve Douglas.
Of course he has five sons instead of three.
But he seems to have a Fred MacMurray thing going on.
You know who Obama always reminded me of when he got all pissy?
You're just a run of the mill shit talking racist. The internet is full of 'em.
I read this as rascal at first and thought---well, how about that garage has learned a new word.
Sadly, on second reading I see he hasn't.
Now I think every President bases or shapes his Presidency after famous characters that he knew from TV or the movies. It's natural. They try and shape the narrative to fit the images that are instantly recognizable but not explicitly stated.
For example it is well know that John F. Kennedy always saw himself as James Bond. A super cool guy who banged every chick in sight and had a license to kill.
Lyndon Johnson saw himself as a Western Hero. Like the Duke or Randolph Scott.
In fact he and Walter Jenkins used to play Randolph Scott and Cary Grant every once in awhile until Bobby got caught in that unfortunate thingy in the YMCA.
Now Dick Nixon saw himself as Henry Fonda in Young Mister Lincoln.
Which pretty much made Henry puke.
The reality of Dick Nixon was that he was really Fonda's character in Mister Roberts. He was a junior office in WW2 who wasn't in a glamorous combat role but was one of the underappreciated rear echelon workers who did so much to help win the war. He didn't have a publicty machine to turn a disaster in a heroic adventure. He was everyman from the "Greatest Generation."
But it didn't work out that way for him in the end.
Gerald Ford was Ward Bond after he fell and hit his head.
Jimmy Carter was Boss Hogg with a pituitary problem.
Ronald Reagan always thought he was Ronald Reagan.
He knew how to play that part.
That is why it worked out so well.
George HW Bush thought he was Jimmy Stewart.
And he was in real life. He was an hero pilot who was a honest and decent American.
But he turned into Ralph Bellamy.
One man's flip/flop is another man's nuance. Note that when Obama "flip/flops" it's called "evolving".
There's a case to be made in favor of the "flip/flopper": Extremists on either side love an uncompromising "dictator", who never waivers or compromises; as long as it is their guy. I'm an independent- no one party represents me completely. Therefore I don't want a President from any party who thinks he/she deserves to dictate their belief systems onto the opposition. I want a person who respects the voice of the opposition; because there is a good chance that voice will be mine.
A key difference between Romney and Obama, is that Romney has shown he is willing to work with his opposition in Congress. Obama and Dems in general do not believe in the idea of a loyal opposition. They believe that only their progressive belief system is the correct one. They express contempt and animosity towards their opponents, and smear them as racists and haters.
I'll take my chance on the "empty flip/flopper". I've had my fill of Mr. "I won".
Now Bill Clinton idolized JFK but he knew he couldn't pull off the James Bond thing. I always thought that he tried to be Burt Reynolds. You know the Southern good old boy who got all the babes.
But in the end he turned out to be a slightly smaller Fatty Arbuckle.
I have, immediately at hand on my Kindle Fire, Romney's plans. He goes into some detail, and then in an appendix he lists his plans as 59 things. Each one is a single clearly understood sentence. You need not agree with these plans, you can argue they are vague (some are, some aren't), but you can't argue the thing doesn't exist. It is freely available, and has been available for over a year. You can tell a lot about what Romney believes in by reading those 59 sentences.
George W Bush always seemed to see himself as "Dirty Harry" vintage Clint Eastwood. He wanted all those brief pithy sayings to leave our enemies quaking in their boots. But they never seemed to work out for him.
Instead of being Clint Eastwood he turned out to be Clint Howard.
Of course Barack Obama thinks he is Linc in the Mod Squad. With Rahm as Peter and Hillary as Julie.
But everybody knows he is Urkel.
He should just embrace it.
This is basically true ... which makes Romney an incomparably better candidate than the President.
Obama clearly believes in something: that you didn't build that (whatever it is), that it's (whatever it is) likely America's fault, that the Keynesian "experts" are right, that man is a scourge on the planet, etc. Acting on these beliefs has caused his failed presidency. It will undoubtedly be better to have someone that believes in nothing, than the man who believes in these.
Someday, we will have candidates that believe in correct ideas: that the government's role is to protect individual rights, that America, while flawed, is the greatest country in the history of the world (because of its founding ideals), that the best way to protect the environment is to allow the maximum amount of innovation within a system of carefully defined and protected property rights ...that each person's life is an end in itself, not a means to ends devised by government "experts".
Until then, the best we can do is elect people that do not have strong beliefs, in the hope that this will slow our approach to the abyss sufficiently to let the culture improve enough so that people with good ideas can be elected.
That's the strategy which will determine my vote this year.
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