We talked about this topic 3 weeks ago, when Nate Silver speculated about it (and noted that the constitutional method for producing an outcome is quite likely to give the election to Romney). At the time, Silver said it was "quite unlikely":
Of the 25,001 simulations that we ran on Monday, a 269-269 tie came up in 152 model runs, or about 0.6 percent of the time.I have no idea what the probability is now, but I'm sure Silver could run thousands of simulations and wow us with a very specific number. I'll just note that last night, using my intuition, it was the most likely outcome.
Still, this probability has roughly doubled from a few weeks ago, when the chances had been hovering at about 0.3 percent instead.
Here's what the 12th Amendment says about determining the winner:
The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote...
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296Oh for cripes sake.
Gave the guy two hummers, and he can't *hear* me?
That sucks. :P
I am expecting a landslide, a gigantic but quiet landslide with the popular vote, your accumulated anecdotes about signs and attendance convince me of that, but this post reminds us how the Electoral College protects us from our fundamentally uninformed selves. And I am so comforted in the knowledge that whatever stupid choice I make that others a lot more smarterer than me will intervene on my behalf.
I sacrifice this post in appeasement offering to the karma typo grammar gods.
I'm expecting a landslide only in those areas from which I've seen reports of an overwhelming number of Romney/Ryan signs.
That, and some unstable areas in the Rockies. Careful out there.
Dang Penny you gave him two Hummers?! You are very generous!
"...an hour before your polls close Dan Rather has already..."
Dan Rather - hah! 2004 called and it wants its anchorman back.
As to what the polls mean and who will win I always trust the Doris Day Poll the most, with its usual findings:
Que será será. Whatever will be will be. The future's not Nate Silver's to see. Que será será.
As to what will happen if one candidate wins the popular vote and the other candidate wins the Electoral College, here are my predictions:
Case 1) Democrat wins popular vote but loses EC: Democrats whine and gnash their teeth and blame the Electoral College.
Case 2) Republican wins popular vote but loses EC: Republicans whine and gnash their teeth and blame their candidate.
"It would be interesting if Biden had to break a 50-50 tie."
Would it really surprise anyone if Biden accidentally voted in Ryan?
Next he's gonna tell me he's dumb and blind and his name is Tommy.
"Romney will have well over 300 electoral votes."
I agree, the America people aren't going to be fooled again.
Looking in the weeds a little on Time's OH poll today reveals.....
1) 9% more DEMs than REPs in the sample
2) Of the DEMs sampled 35% were male and 65% were female
3) Of the REPs sampled 50% were male and 50% female
4) Of the FEMALES sampled 48% are DEMs, 28% are REPs and 24% are INDs
5) The poll reports that Obama has a 16% advantage from FEMALES
Takeaway from this poll......it's unadulterated nonsense. They way oversampled Democrats and then split the Democrat sample based on gender to create a greater bias in favor of Obama.
The good news is the reality in OH is the race is tied or Romney is slightly ahead. The bad news is this bogus poll gets repeated as if it's reality by all the MSM outlets. This is the MSMs version of voter suppression.
That's right about the time I flip the channel in my head to Pink Floyd.
Just LOVE them.
"All in all ... you're just ... another brick in the wall."
Hi, Inga!
VERY generous! And you too, sister!
Takeaway from this poll......it's unadulterated nonsense
We're back to skewed polls :(
The way I figure it?
We need more "bricks" in the wall.
"Camping" is fun, for sure.
But always nice to have a roof over your head, and a few friends to share your good and bad times.
It is easy to create a poll in OH that shows Romney winning by landslide proportions. The objective of polling though is to poll a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE of likely voters.
9% more Ds in OH and a D sample that is 35% MALE and 65% FEMALE is NOT a representative sample of OH likely voters.
just sayin......
What's more revealing of Obama's trouble is the blame game has begun...
At the New York Times
"How Bill Clinton May Have Hurt the Obama Campaign"
I'd invite you into my brick house, Inga.
And I think you know damned well that I wouldn't retract that offer based on your vote in the upcoming election.
RE Father Martin says "So here's a scenario: the Republicans control enough delegations to tip the election to Romney; however, the Democrats have enough members to absent themselves to prevent a quorum".
Not likely. The 12th says: "a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice."
So, if the Dems walk out out, if a state has at least 1 Repub house member, that states counts as being present for purposes of calculating quorum.
Re Christy who wrote: "What happens if, Heaven forbid, Biden has a heart attack Jan 30th? Who picks the replacement VP?"
Assuming Obama/Biden wins and Biden dies, upon vacancy of the VP Office, Obama would nominate a successor and the senate would confirm.
If you are really asking what happens if Obama/Biden win and Biden dies on something like 12/30 so at inauguration time the office is vacant, Obama after the start of term #2 would nominate a successor to Biden and the senate would confirm.
I think the most likely scenario is though if Biden dies on 1/30 is that President Romney and VP Ryan will speak at his funeral.
Chip, I certainly enjoyed the Canadian harvest video. Sorry to hear about your friend's wheat crop. The drought has been brutal.
If it came down to a Romney/Biden administration, if I were Romney, I'd insist that Biden bring his own coffee and danish to our joint executive review meetings. Or hire a "taster".
In one swoop the first debate changed everything. The Obama demigod balloon popped and more important the picture of Romney so painfully put together by the Dem/MSM complex as some kind of sinister Daddy Warbucks evaporated as millions got to see a confident commanding executive in action. None of the following debates moved the needle more than a notch or two. What the first debate did was make it possible for a substantial majority of the undecideds (by definition unhappy with the incumbent) to vote comfortably for the challenger. When you add to that the crawling over glass commitment of ABO voters compared to the lack of excitement in all those disenchanted first time around Obama voters...well, it's gonna be a landslide.
Something with a LESS than 1% chance of happening is now viewed as a distinct possibility?
Fark allah, find something more important to worry about.
This could lead to a President Gary Johnson:
Pandoval is pounding that ball.
It's unlikely a tie would go to Romney.
Why? Simple: The threat of black rioting.
Blacks have taken to twitter en masse to state that if Obama loses, they will attack white people and riot.
Meanwhile, with the horrid economic times left-wing government has given us, many young male blacks are out of work, giving them ample reason to do so.
And let's not forget blacks have used Twitter and Facebook to organize "random" mob violence against non-whites the last few years.
All you need is a heat wave.
Finally, current left wing leaders have should no problem with stirring black violence to get the election won. Al "The Liar" Sharpton started two race riots, Obama has told audiences to "punihs his enemies" and fanned the racial hatred lies of the Trayvon case; Valerie Jarrett is a confirmed Irish-hating racist; Ski Gates blames whitey for everything; Plagiarizing Joe has told blacks that if Romney wins, they go back into slavery...
What will happen is what happened with Obamacare: the left will find some Benedict Arnolds (like John Roberts was then) and not only buy them off, but convince them that the country will burn if Mein Obama doesn't get a second term. They, like John Roberts, can even lie to themselves and state that they're "keeping the peace" by selling out.
The left prays for a tie, knowing its likely this scenario, or else the cities burn and the left can go 4-8 years blaming Romney for black people rioting.
Because to lefties, the ends justify the means, and it's never darkies fault.
Verlander did not start things well for the Tigers. Surprising.
Hey Althouse: you really ought to take five minutes and check out the website that belongs to Whores o' the Internet.
Once you understand that it's real, disgusting racism and not some over-the-top parody, you'll be amazed.
This character besmirches your blog. He's bad company to keep.
Patrick said...
"Verlander did not start things well for the Tigers. Surprising."
Surprising, true.
This year, it's feeling magical for the Giants.
Verlander is so clearly the Tigers best pitcher. They're doing to him what they did to Halladay and Lee in '10. Just amazing.
Explain again how the judiciary stole one election? I believe that liberal shill rag the NYT's vote count even came out for Gore. If I remember correctly, Al Gore only wanted to count counties that were heavily Democrat, not the whole state, so in effect he desired to disenfranchise all the other counties.
However, libs love their phony alternative history.
...sorry ...came out for Bush.
And another one goes over the wall!
I expect that Tim will be in a very good mood. Babe, Reggie, Pujols and now Pablo.
I love baseball.
What is the possibility of splitting the electors in Maine. I read somewhere that Romney may be leading in one of the congressional districts. Maine apportions its electors by the congressional districts. That one elector could make it 270-268
The one time I'm going to agree with Seven Machos, Whoresoftheinternet is for real. He may be a troll, but he's no Moby.
Whores is for real, but he's about 40, lives in his Mom's basement, weighs about 350 and hasn't showered this week.
In short, a loser. No wonder he hates everyone. Everyone is better than him.
Bad move taking Zito out so soon.
Agree Lem.
I already looked up these teams in the Great Encyclopedia of Amazon Leather Wallets and was disappointed with results.
Detroit Tigers should be a tiger innit. But it's not a tiger, it's a D. Instead of a fierce tiger all you get is a D. A dumbass gothic D.
And Giants should be a giant. Like Jack in the beanstalk giant or like Paul Bunyan the lumberjack or Polyphemus Cyclops in the Odyssey or André Roussimoff, but no, just NY or SF. Just letters. So I cannot recommend those leather wallets for lack of inspiring logo.
San Francisco could be a 49'er sourdough.
You know the word sourdough applies first to the miners not the bread dough. That came later. The miners, especially the Alaska miners kept starter in a pouch on their bodies to keep it from freezing. They smelled like fermenting yeast. Townspeople noticed when they came into town. Take a bath whydontcha already, why not? She was Jewish prostitute, but that's irrelevant.
Mine is a star and that's inspiring and worth showing around, hey look at my wallet! Are you a Dallas fan? Uh, no, I just liked the star and Dallas is a rather nice place to visit, although there is this gigantic airport between Dallas and Ft. Worth that is a veritable ocean of concrete as viewed from the cockpit of a small aircraft running low on fuel due to headwinds the whole way and the men in the tower were not nice at all and the fees they assess just for landing and parking an hour are astronomical and you do want to get out of there fast as you can, but other that, and the cockroaches at the first hotel, but other than those two things Dallas is a mighty fine place to visit. So yes, I'm a Dallas fan.
And the Denver one is a horse. A really cool horse.
Valverde should be shelved.. the guy has a bad case of the chokes.
Coincidentally Nova just had a segment on that... whats happening in the brain of a person that causes choking.
I was going back and forth.
I'm sitting here looking at triple crown Cabrera, looking out of shape.. remembering a DUI in the off season.. and Lance Armstrong crosses my mind.
Just a thought.
The 12th Amendment reads like a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Eustace Chilke said--"Seven Machos is exactly on point about the value and purpose of the Electoral College.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then. I need an example of someting that rages more than a blind pig but I'm too lazy to think of it
Joe Biden in a debate? Candy Crowley at the drive through window of McDonald's? Ahhh...Lawrence O'Donnel at Fight Club!
1. "She was Jewish prostitute, but that's irrelevant.". Um, WTF?!?!?!
2. Do you mind explaining your whole ADD shtick with the hummingbirds and whatnot? Especially the sign language thing. Are you deaf?
3. If you want to babble randomly about something, I have valued many of your cooking stories. Please feel free to bring more of those.
I got 255 for Obama and 283 for Romney.
I'm going on the record.
Tim said--"Consolation Prize: Face on the nation's first $1 Trillion Bill, to commemorate his Administration for being first with a $1 trillion deficit.
You think I'm joking?"
Zimbabwe printed a 100- trillion dollar bill...no joke, google it.
And what if Northern Maine splits for Romney? 270-268. There you go.
Lem said--"Google knows all... so I asked Google "Romney is going to"...
And I got an answer...
Google is all over the map."
I didn't see ban hair weaves, ban tampons, or enslave black people...What's wrong with Google?
Zimbabwe printed a 100- trillion dollar bill...no joke, google it.
I own one. I have a $50 trillion one also. I use them when I teach the kids about inflation. I have a silver certificate and a gold certificate I use also.
Lem said,
I got 255 for Obama and 283 for Romney.
Giving Romney Pennsylvania and Obama NH doesn't seem right.
So give Obama Pennsylvania, Romney NH and one vote from Maine.
That gives Obama 270 Romney 268.
Romney needs Iowa or Ohio. I also don't seem him winning NV, but if he wins Iowa and Wisconsin or Ohio it doesn't matter.
You spend too much time splitting hairs.
It won't happen.
Mad as Hell said--"You spend too much time splitting hairs.
It won't happen"
Easiest way to split hairs is with a stick of dynamite.
Garhie said==I own one. I have a $50 trillion one also. I use them when I teach the kids about inflation. I have a silver certificate and a gold certificate I use also."
Please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on it...get a job with the FED! They have no idea how inflation is caused!(or they just don't care)
@Penny--For you...the Commodores Brick House...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5EmnQp3V48
@Inga--Wanting to ban someones free speech again? You know, you don't actually have to give Whore's any credence? Just treat him as we do Shiloh. You should realize that even asking for him to be banned feeds this kind of trolling. Just do not acknowledge him, he will finally realize he isn't getting the feedback he wants from you, and will move on.
Patrick said...
"I expect that Tim will be in a very good mood. Babe, Reggie, Pujols and now Pablo.
I love baseball."
Lol. Easiest call of the night.
Indeed I am.
Lem said...
"Bad move taking Zito out so soon."
10/24/12 9:17 PM
Patrick said...
"Agree Lem."
No, Bochy was right.
He's been watching Zeets for years now. He could tell he was leaking air.
And Timmay proved him right.
Carnifex -- Althouse has a brand. She understands that she can be torn down by her opponents because of what people write in her comment threads.
Shiloh is on a totally different plane than Whores o' the Internet. No one will tear down Althouse because Shiloh is a persistent douchebag. But people will tear down Althouse -- and have done so -- if racists rant here.
Sure, the nutroots can wage guilt-by-association war against Althouse; they've been doing it for years. I expect them to continue to do so.
But one of the reasons *why* it is easy to laugh them off is that Althouse does virtually no policing of her comments to weed out the ideologically suspect. If she starts doing so, then she becomes accountable for every nut she doesn't censor.
Given that she's on blogger and there is literally nothing stopping the Whores types from repeatedly showing up under new aliases, she'd be signing herself up for an endless and fruitless task of policing the ideology of her commenters. Terrible idea.
The appropriate response to those people is to ignore them to death.
Someone above said a tie would be cool. No. It would be utter chaos. Think Florida 2000 squared.
Rev -- Solid argument. I suppose, as Inga said above and as Althouse alludes in her fixed comments lecture, moby-ness matters. Whores is a moronic racist in good faith, and that's a major distinction.
Point taken.
Someone above said a tie would be cool. No. It would be utter chaos. Think Florida 2000 squared.
I agree... we dont need that.. even if Romney should prevail, a bitter contest would poison the good will Romney is going to need in Congress to help get us out of the fiscal mess we are in.
Well there is not going to be a split in the EC. North Carolina is reporting that they have 832 people over the age of 112 registered to vote in this election. 758 have already cast ballots. The democratic party is a fucking disgrace, and someone is going to go postal on their ass. I can see it coming.
They deserve it.
Carnifex -- Do you have a cite for that? Or am I missing obvious sarcasm?
I ask because I know people who can get that in the news. But it can't be true, right?
I hadn't even read the commenter seven and Ellie are talking about because I presume (this is just me, I dont recommend you to try this at home) anyone using that as a pseudonym would most likely have nothing to say to me.
Speaking for myself, thanks for spotting that seven... we have to stay vigilant on the ugly... yes ugly. we know it when we read it.
Did I ever tell you the story about the legendary crossword puzzle with the Election of 1996 as its theme?
Well, it's legendary innit.
I cannot tell you about it because that would ruin the surprise, but that site I linked will, it's not topical anymore anyway, but still, you might want to try your hand at solving it. Take a little trip down memory lane and recall those halcyon days of innocence. The thing of it is, it has two solutions, and the brilliant thing is the whole thing has to maintain the same pattern but with alternate fill in order to accommodate the prejudice of the solver. The next day chaos ensued across the NYT solving universe as perfectly legitimate alternate solutions appeared all over the place both versions 100% correct. Such a clever trick to play on us all at once. The solvers at the NYT crossword forum maintained a self-imposed rule at the time to not discuss the day's puzzle until noon. A relic of print, there was no good reason for such a rule except for a few old fuddyduddy martinet types, who happen to be doctors, and cw constructors, and lawyers, and old, exceedingly intelligent, did I mention old? and very heavy-handed bullshitters all. They all solve those puzzles in minutes. Their times are shocking. Ridiculously fast. Faster than speed-filling a doctor's form. Think of the most boring form you can imagine filling with the most mundane information possible and they solve the puzzles faster than that. It's not even challenging. At all. Why even bother, I don't know.
Nichevo, I recommend you skip my posts.
You spend too much time splitting hairs.
I don't know how she does it.
Romney is going to win the popular vote. An EC tie would not be a problem. Romney would have won the most votes. Only hardcore Dems would complain.
elkh1 said... Oh boy, how many tiny states that have only one representative? Most probably all Republicans, and all for Romney.
The single Representatives from Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming are Republicans. Those from Delaware and Vermont are Democrats.
Of the five two-member delegations, three (Hawaii, Maine, and Rhode Island) have two Democrats; two (Idaho and New Hampshire) have two Republicans.
So the split in the twelve smallest states is 7 R - 5 D. Big whoop.
Control of the ten largest delegations is as follows (in order): California (53) - D, Texas (36) - R, New York (27) - D, Florida (27) - R, Pennsylvania (18) - R, Illinois (18) - R, Ohio (16) - R, Michigan (14) - R, Georgia (14) - R, North Carolina (13) - D. That's 7 R - 3 D. (The sizes are the post-2010 apportionment; control is as of the 2010 election and might change.)
So the system doesn't appear to favor either party.
There are currently exactly 269 comments. I'll be the tie-breaker!
So there!
Chip, I enjoy even your drivel, I am not complaining, and Palladian tells me I must avoid even a hint of what he calls "struggle sessions," but I did not think you were so stuck up to as to resent being asked for some explanation from time to time. And for requests, e.g. more food porn.
Perhaps I expressed myself inaptly. I'm sure we would all be interested to know what makes Chip Ahoy the man that he is. Just like Trooper York's posts were enhanced by knowing a little bit about TY's life and times. Food is universal, PhotoShop is big; but crosswords, ASL, hummingbird feeders, farm videos?
And in the nicest possible way I have to beg of you a clarification on the prostitute thing. Could not follow your syntax. Which is not usually the problem with you :).
I've wondered if Chip Ahoy is stuck up as opposed to shy. Late at night when insomnia hits and I'm bored and lonely, I've indulged myself with Chip's food porn.
Mmmmm, it makes my mouth wet, watery with longing. I lust over the bread, the dough rising ever higher. His meat makes my stomach growl for it, spicy, hotttttt. The desserts, sweet ecstasy, lord help me father, sinful.
A visit to his food blog always gets me sooooo hungry, my eyes ravaging those closeups, appetite out of control, drives me mad with desire for gastronomical delights.
Could not follow your syntax. Which is not usually the problem with you.
Sometimes I believe Chip writes in a stream of consciousness. It writes just the way it comes to mind. We are lucky to have Chip here. I wish I could write like that but I'm too scared and chickenshit to risk it and offend somebody therefore I'm always pausing and going over what I just wrote for clarification and this and that... and spelling and all is for not because everyonce in a while an asshole comes along and tries to be an asshole... I'm not saying thats you... of course not... you are swell... you are like a baby Obama picks up for the photo op.
I've wondered if Chip Ahoy is stuck up as opposed to shy. Late at night when insomnia hits and I'm bored and lonely, I've indulged myself with Chip's food porn.
Ellie... Ellie... Ellie...
I've gone ahead and assumed that Nichevo is a guy... and you are... a lady.
Synova likes you and thats good enough for me.
Here ya' go 7. Look all the way to the right side of the tracking data. See the spike? Further details are found with digging.
Michael K said...
Romney will have well over 300 electoral votes."
I guess if he runs again and they do an overall total.
Stop watching Fox News.
Lemmy, I'm no lady, I'm a womb-man.
Inga said...
"Mmmmm, it makes my mouth wet, watery with longing. I lust over the bread, the dough rising ever higher. His meat makes my stomach growl for it, spicy, hotttttt. The desserts, sweet ecstasy, lord help me father, sinful."
Then again there is always the pizza delivery guy fantasy but my husband doesn't want to hear about that - I think he prefers that I eat what you are eating.
Chip wrote a post recently that was fronted (meaning Althouse made a post out of it... she took it out of the haystack and said look it here)
I dont know... I think it takes courage these days to be nice.
I could go on and on about this but thats not the reason why I'm here... the reason why I'm here is that my bank woke me up to alert me to suspicious charges on my account... I wasant going to pick up, but I looked to see who it could possibly be and it was a good thing I did.
Lesley, good wholesome food, keeps a womb-man young.:)
Also Lem. Don't misunderstand me, I'm in love with Chip's delectable offerings, food and comments, I just want to eat them up!
I love both Chips. But, I confess that Chip Ahoy sometimes confuses the heck out of me. The thing is, of the comments I can figure out, I find they're worth the effort. That was poorly stated, but you get my drift. Either I'm trying much too hard to find the meaning or he makes some very subtle, sly piercing observations. I'm betting on sly.
Chip A.'s posts don't mean — they just are. Asking for an explanation would be like smashing a butterfly with a hammer.
Chip A.'s posts don't mean — they just are. Asking for an explanation would be like smashing a butterfly with a hammer.
I can't stop thinking about Debbie Wasserman's hair!
boing boing boing
.....yaya...!...and so many ways to lick the plate clean
I have to agree....I've sorted through the Chip postings....wow.
Further: anyone who wants the Electoral College abolished must — must! — want the Senate abolished as well. After all, how can we possibly have Rhode Island having as much say in federal law as California in one of our legislative bodies? That's not democracy.
The electoral college could be reformed or abolished by an ordinary constitutional amendment.
The Senate's role in the legislature and its organization of two by state cannot be altered without all the states unanimously acquiescing. Constitution, Article V: “no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”
If it is a tie and Romney wins the presidency and Biden the VP, I would hope Romney stations Biden in Alaska to keep watch of the Russians.
Funny! But actually the President can't “station” the Vice President anywhere, unless he (the latter) wishes to go or do that. The Vice President of the United States is not under the President's command.
It's rather like Inga's demanding that Romney “send his sons” to fight the nation's wars: they may want to do so, and may indeed do so (or they may not), but he can't order them to (or not to).
Nichevo said...
Chip, I enjoy even your drivel, I am not complaining, and Palladian tells me I must avoid even a hint of what he calls "struggle sessions," but I did not think you were so stuck up to as to resent being asked for some explanation from time to time. And for requests, e.g. more food porn.
Perhaps I expressed myself inaptly. I'm sure we would all be interested to know what makes Chip Ahoy the man that he is. Just like Trooper York's posts were enhanced by knowing a little bit about TY's life and times. Food is universal, PhotoShop is big; but crosswords, ASL, hummingbird feeders, farm videos?
And in the nicest possible way I have to beg of you a clarification on the prostitute thing. Could not follow your syntax. Which is not usually the problem with you :).
It's art.
Just let flow.
Enjoy it for what it is.
wyo sis said...
I love both Chips. But, I confess that Chip Ahoy sometimes confuses the heck out of me. The thing is, of the comments I can figure out, I find they're worth the effort. That was poorly stated, but you get my drift. Either I'm trying much too hard to find the meaning or he makes some very subtle, sly piercing observations. I'm betting on sly.
If you wander around his websites it becomes more apparent.
It doesn't make any more sense, just more apparent.
Explain again how the judiciary stole one election? I believe that liberal shill rag the NYT's vote count even came out for Gore. If I remember correctly, Al Gore only wanted to count counties that were heavily Democrat, not the whole state, so in effect he desired to disenfranchise all the other counties.
Part of what is forgotten after the Supreme Court decision is that by that time, Gore wasn't going to win, unless they, by chance, announced him the winner. The basic problem was that the Sec. of State had already certified Bush, and if the Florida SC had forced a win for Gore, they would have essentially forced the certification of another slate of electors.
The problem for Gore then was that the House gets to decide which set of electors to seat, and the House then was similar to what we have now - a Republican majority, and an even stronger Republican majority when each state gets one vote. At that point, there was no way that Gore electors were going to be seated and allowed to vote, given that Gore had only demanded recalls in only 3 counties, one of those counties was counting "intent" as the Dem majority of the election commission determined, and the Dems had disenfranchised a lot of overseas military by (illegally) challenging their absentee ballots, as long as the Republicans had some leg to stand on, which they did with the Sec. of State certification.
This time around, the more likely problem, if there are very close state votes that would swing the election one way or another, at least to the majority Republicans in the House, is likely voter fraud (enabled by AG Holder and his DoJ and their attempts to prevent photo ID requirements), along again with active military disenfranchisement. Why should the Republicans allow Holder and the Dems to steal the election, esp. since Holder's moves to facilitate voter fraud were so blatantly political?
Should be interesting.
Inga said...
Lesley, good wholesome food, keeps a womb-man young.:)
Inga addressed Lindsey Maddow as Lesley.
Oops sorry, that should be Lynn. It was early, actually the middle of my night, with no coffee. I don't understand why Chickelit finds it so humorous though.
Ah, I think maybe I didn't read the text closely enough. Thanks for pointing that out.
RE: changing our system...
Leave it alone. It works pretty well.
A popular-vote system would be a disaster.
Ah, an Aspie, I see. Carry on. Again I must thank you for that recent chili recipe with pork shoulder. Though I don't seem to understand one chili or one salsa from another, it was very well received by my company.
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