October 11, 2012

"The candidates weren’t kind to Jim Lehrer in the first presidential debate."

"The veteran moderator was talked over, interrupted, cut off and ignored. Would they dare to do the same thing to a woman?"


Baron Zemo said...

Wait....Jim Lehrer isn't a woman?

The Crack Emcee said...

"The candidates weren’t kind to Jim Lehrer in the first presidential debate. The veteran moderator was talked over, interrupted, cut off and ignored. Would they dare to do the same thing to a woman?"

Sure - the question is will she take it?

X said...

if romney wins the election martha raddatz's husband and ex husband lose their jobs, so she's probably conflicted.

Curious George said...

Candy Crowley is a woman?

Known Unknown said...

I'm off to invent the robot moderator.

Paddy O said...

They just have to wait until she gets the vapors and then can talk directly to each other.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pfennig said...

When I first read the link, I thought the Post Style section was creating a new word for a woman moderator: a "moderatoron."

furious_a said...

Would they dare to do the same thing to a woman?

Does Rachel Maddow count?

Anonymous said...

God I am sick of the gender thing. My guess is that Ryan will treat her the same. You never can tell what Biden will do.

In order to maintain respect perhaps the moderator can don one of Code Pink's Ladyparts costumes.

furious_a said...

Peggy Noonan nails it

Jim Lehrer has been criticized as an inadequate moderator. He was old-school and a pro. He didn't think it was about him. How quaint. He asked questions, allowed a certain amount of leeway to both candidates, which allowed each to reveal himself, and kept things moving. Most of the criticism seems to have come from those who hoped Mr. Obama would emerge triumphant. Mr. Lehrer should not take it personally. Every shot at [Lehrer] was actually a warning shot aimed at the next moderator, Martha Raddatz. She's being told certain outcomes are desirable.

Mr. Lehrer got out of the way, made it about the candidates instead of about him. Put another way, he made Pres. Obama carry his own water and introduce his own talking points. Old school.

Methadras said...

Bob Ellison said...

Eye of the sparrow.

Yeah, that was total win.

Patrick said...

I heard an interesting interview of Jim Lehrer yesterday. He said that the debate commission had wanted less moderator involvement, so he specifically did not push the candidates much, that was his plan. To me it seemed that he tried to control it more, but did not succeed, but I take him at his word. I will say that the effect was good - more talking by the candidates less by Mr. Lehrer. He also said that the idea of debates without moderators was appealing to a certain extent.

It seems Ms. Raddatz has a history of asking these rinky dink personal questions that ultimately are designed to focus attention on her, not to illuminate candidates policy positions.

As far as Raddatz's conflict - well I just assume that she, like most reporters is biased even without the conflicts. Just go in prepared and answer the tough questions - it's probably the best way to connect with the undecideds. It's not fair, but as I tell my kids - life ain't fair.

Amartel said...

The fact that this is phrased as something one would have to "dare" to do tells you everything you need to know about whether poor widdoe Marfa needs your sympafwy.

Biden will call her "honey" or something Bidenesque (his condescension toward Ryan will slip its tracks and go hurtling off in the direction of the mod) and everyone will be all "oh that's just Joehe'saniceman"

Ryan will raise and eybrow at a stupid question (and I guarantee there will be at least one spectacularly stoopid question from Martha) and everyone will be all ssseeeeexxxiiisssmmmm.

Lyssa said...

From the article: But today, you can see evidence of a backlash to women’s success in many fields. . . . Men have no hesitation taking on a woman who disagrees with him. They don’t use sexual innuendo as much. They attack verbally. And unfortunately, it seems neither women or men care. What I see now is, ‘Game on.’ ”

It is, apparently, backlash to treat women the same way that they would treat men. Because, you know, equality and stuff.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"The candidates weren’t kind to Jim Lehrer in the first presidential debate."

Oh oh.. Althouse is going all "protective" on the moderator..

Too bad she ain't running.

Dan in Philly said...

When I was a boy, it was considered harassment to treat a woman like a woman. Now it seems to be harassment to treat a woman like a man.

garage mahal said...

Seeing a lot of squawking already from righties about tonight's moderator. Interesting. Must be nerves.

Baron Zemo said...

Because Lehrer was Mitt's bitch.

Baron Zemo said...

Just like Crack is Xenu's bitch.

Amartel said...

"Althouse is going all "protective" on the moderator.."

I was going to say that's not necessarily the case just because an article was posted on the topic but then i remembered Althouse felt protective of Sandra Fluke.

Bender said...

He didn't think it was about him. How quaint. He asked questions, allowed a certain amount of leeway to both candidates, which allowed each to reveal himself, and kept things moving.

I didn't watch the last debate -- and won't watch any of the others -- partly because of what a farce it is, especially with the moderators thinking that it is their show, that they are in charge. You can just see guys like Peter Jennings sniffing with arrogance and self-importance, insisting that the debates are not about candidates informing the public about their views, but about candidates bowing down to the gods of TV.

Again, I didn't see the debate so I don't know how Lehrer really was. But speaking of exploding heads, as we did yesterday, can you imagine how many heads would explode if someone like Brian Lamb were to moderate a debate? Someone who really did just get the ball rolling and then got out of the way.

I ran into Brian Lamb one day at the old Pentagon City Borders bookstore. Unassuming nice guy in person, just as he is (was) on CSPAN all those years.

Rick said...

Who gives a shot if the flaming liberal "moderator" is womin?

Shanna said...

It is, apparently, backlash to treat women the same way that they would treat men. Because, you know, equality and stuff.

Seriously, Lyssa. What the hell?

Anonymous said...

I am so amazed at the contention on the left that Leher favored Romney,

Obama was given more speaking time.

Leher tried a few times to direct Obama how to answer the question.

Leher tried to give Obama the last word, and Romney asserted his right to respond as Obama started the question.

I guess Democrats think unless it is two on one it is unfair, given the weakness of their arguments I can see why they need help.

cold pizza said...

Seriously, if she asks one of those "list the total amount of your private assets" questions, I HOPE Ryan would have the acumen to look at her, raise one Vulcan eyebrow and say "What the HELL does that have to do with anything remotely connected to National policy or what America wants to know?" Literally. -CP

Amartel said...

This article was written and published to alert you (yes, you, stupid) that there might be sexism. Watch out! Otherwise sexism might have occurred and you would never have seen it. Sometimes it has to be anticipated and pointed out in advance or you don't even realize it has occurred.

The left blamed Lehrer for not controlling the Obama-Romney debate. That won't happen again. As in The Hunt for Red October, the left is now removing the safety features on all their weapons. Ryan will be debating both Biden and female moderator Martha. Because fairness n stuff. I can only hope it blows up in the faces. Arrogant asses.

rhhardin said...

The debates are about attracting the votes of women, and god knows what women will conclude about anything.

bagoh20 said...

So in 2008 we had an Obama debate moderated by a woman who just wrote a book that was a love letter to him, and now we have his running mate in one moderated by a woman who had Obama at her wedding.

Remember this lefties when someday Rush Limbaugh is the moderator. Then you can show us how conservatives should have reacted about having a referee who wears one team's uniform.

Seven Machos said...

Has Obama given up on the tranny vote? I think this is a mistake, given the way he's polling lately.

bagoh20 said...

I suggest Ryan take off his shirt half way through, so we can get that SNL Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley thing happening.

edutcher said...

Given how far in the tank she probably is, maybe they could have some special guest questioners.

Like Lara Logan

Sharyl Atkisson

Ann Coulter

Michelle Malkin

Maybe even our own Miss Ann (what would she ask, one wonders?)

garage mahal said...

Pretty sad when you're announcing ahead of time that Ryan is going to get his ass kicked by a woman?

C'mon, he climbs 14,000 foot mountains and runs marathons in world class times. Have a little faith!

bagoh20 said...

I thought the Lehrer debate was very well moderated. And I've read that Obama talked 5 minutes longer than Romney. Despite that, as I watched on MSNBC, Rachael Maddow's first complaint was that Romney dominated the time.

I also read that Lehrer actually got more words in than the average of the 2008 debate moderators.

Strelnikov said...

Yeah, that was the problem.

bagoh20 said...

Couldn't they find that old lady in the wheelchair that Ryan pushed off the cliff? Now she would be the left's idea of fair and balanced.

wyo sis said...

I noticed the list of female news people with gravitas included only liberal women. The answer is the candidates only have to concern themselves with how they are perceived as treating liberal women. Gloves are off if any of the Fox women show up.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Look for Ryan to use the word "buried" more than one time.

Patrick said...

Gloves are off if any of the Fox women show up.

Although that doesn't really apply, because the President has already said that he's too afraid to debate on Fox.

No wonder Putin wants him to win.

Tim said...

"Would they dare to do the same thing to a woman?"


Who cares?

Those who do, are Obama voters, no doubt about it.

Those who obsess over race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., aren't America's friends.

They seek division instead of unity, grievances instead of healing, lies instead of truth.

They make matters worse rather than better.

And no, "just to be clear," this isn't about giving a pass to bad manners or real discrimination.

victoria said...


What makes anyone think that Ryan will treat Martha better than Biden. That's just stupid.

Vicki from Pasadena

Tim said...

"Maybe even our own Miss Ann (what would she ask, one wonders?)"

She'd ask, "When should I announce "How Romney (and Rush Limbaugh, The Daily Caller, "Obama-phone," et al) Lost Me?""

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Using the word "buried" more than a few times could be seen as disparaging towards morticians.

Ryan has to be very careful.

Ned said...

Better question...is she competent? probably not. Will she moderate a fair debate? Unlikely. Is she biased? Undoubtedly. Will she vote for obama? Definately.
Oh...but she's a WOMAN...yup.

victoria said...

I think it could be fatally dangerous for Ryan to underestimate Biden. If Ryan approaches these debates like he does other things, with that smarmy smug look on his face and hubris on his lips, he will get smacked down.

Wish i didn't have a meeting tonight or i would love to watch the smackdown.

Vicki from Pasadena

Seven Machos said...

Poor Vicki from Pasadena. What a tool.

David said...

Candy Crowley. Yeah she's a real shrinking violet.

Somehow I do not worry about Candy Crowley being intimidated. Raddatz I don't know much about, but it's an insult to Crowley.

Seven Machos said...

Candy Crowley eats shrinking violets for breakfast.


Baron Zemo said...

Clueless Joe is not a hill you want to die on.

Ryan will demolish him with one adverb tied behind his back.

Let's just hope that Clueless Joe doesn't stroke out on us when his head explodes after it overheats.

Blue@9 said...

From the linguistics professor in the article:
"People noticed Obama’s and Romney’s dismissive treatment of Lehrer in part, she says, because it was unusual; men at such high and visible levels rarely converse like that."

Seriously? Maybe she should get out into the real world, because men do this to each other all the time. It's women who get shocked and offended because they're not used to asserting themselves.

Also, wouldn't it be sexism if the candidates show her more deference than they did Lehrer? I thought the keyword was 'equality,' not 'chivalry.'

KCFleming said...

I wish I could watch, but I am taking a class onThursday nights.

My prediction is that Ryan will look very competent. That will be sufficient.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Does everything have to come down to male versus female?

Comanche Voter said...

Other than out of a need to at least simulate polite interest in other people, I don't give a rat's fanny what Jim Lehrer thinks. On the other hand I was interested in what Obama and Romney had to say, and I was glad that Lehrer got out of the way and let them go on about their business. [Well Romney at least "took care of business"--The Bamster not so much].

And I give even less of a flip about what Candy Crowley thinks. She ought to get up, introduce the candidates and throw a Milkbone out on the stage and excuse herself to go powder her nose or something. Slow Joe and Paul Ryan can take care of business on their own.

Shouting Thomas said...

The pre-debate debate!

Amazing what this internet has wrought!

It's been a gas working at startups and being involved in the tech end of this phenomenon.

Been at it since 1994!

cold pizza said...

"The first as tragedy, the second time as farce." -K. Marx.

Biden, as veep (second), is just another old farce. That leave the "first," (the "One,") as tragedy. How fitting. -CP

Penny said...


Referred to SO much in this article, it can only be assumed she is nearly like Cher or Madonna....

Except she goes by her last name.

Penny said...

So what other famous women go by their LAST name?

victoria said...

Seven machos

Better a tool than an ignoramus, just saying.

Vicki from Pasadena

cold pizza said...

Comedy tonight! Woot! -CP.

Penny said...

Course, what other famous woman is even distantly related to Homer?

I'll give you a pass, Carole Simpson. ;)

Shouting Thomas said...

Just saw Stephanie Cutler on Fox.

Will be interesting to see whether and how Ryan answers her story during tonight's debate.

Cutler says that Romney and Ryan are irresponsibly politicizing the incident in Benghazi.

The Obama admin was just waiting and patiently sorting out the evidence. That's what she says.

Darrell said...

Candy Crowley eats shrinking violets for breakfast.


That's because Crowley is vegetarian and practices Transcendental Meditation, according to Wiki.

Penny said...

As for the anonymous scribe of this article?

All I can say is that I detect an "overbite".

Penny said...

When you go with SUBTLE feminist anger, you'd best get the "details" down.

Penny said...

SO, anonymous?

Your choice really.

Subtle? Pay attention to the facts.


Ha ha

It's only about that drum beat.


ndspinelli said...

Candy Crowley is a vegetarian? Must be on a all Hostess diet.

Baron Zemo said...

I think she likes fish.

Cedarford said...

edutcher said...
Given how far in the tank she probably is, maybe they could have some special guest questioners.

Like Lara Logan

Sharyl Atkisson

Ann Coulter

Michelle Malkin

Maybe even our own Miss Ann (what would she ask, one wonders?)

I wouldn't put partisan hacks like Malkin and Ann Coulter "there" with Atkinsson, prima donna Logan, or even cruelly neutral Althouse.

Malkin, along with dumb as dirt Hannity - is the conservative analogue to Keith Olbermann.

Coulter is slick enough that she would laugh and laugh if anyone asked her to be a debate moderator.

Oddly enough, Bill O'Reilly would likely be an excellent moderator as long as he agreed to have someone there to Taze him if he started plugging his books or his "premium" O'Reilly site.

Baron Zemo said...

C4 would only be happy with Leni Riefenstahl as the moderator.

You can bet she would get the optics right.

Cedarford said...

Seven Machos said...
Candy Crowley eats shrinking violets for breakfast.


But unfortunately for Crowley, only one course in her 15-course breakfast.

Penny said...

Soooooo, Anonymous author...

Do you aspire to the Fourth Estate or Fifth Estate?

LincolnTf said...

Oh joy. Another Democrat of proven low character (plagiarism used to be considered serious, especially in politics) will get up on stage and lecture all of us about how hard he tries, how evil his opponents are, etc.
At the end of the day he's still the same lying shitbag who resorted to intellectual theft in order to dupe the American electorate into voting for him in 1988. And at the end of the day, the same lowlifes who excused his fraud then will vote for him now. It's what they do.

Penny said...

"Aspire or Expire"

Shouting Thomas said...

I've never really listened to Ryan. Is he a good speaker?

He really pissed off Obama at that one meeting. Obama gave him the bird.

chickelit said...

Stop dissing Candy Crawley's gravitas!

Penny said...

I just said that cause it "sounded good".

Boom Boom Boom!

Baron Zemo said...

Paul Ryan is Mr. Wizard.

Joe Biden is Honey Boo Boo.

Anonymous said...

I've seen Ryan on plenty of Sunday morning talk shows, being grilled by Dem pols and hostile interviewers (both male and female) and he more than holds his own. He always polite, but I've never seen him be overly deferential to a woman just because she is a woman.

Victoria said:

"If Biden approaches these debates like he does other things, with that smarmy smug look on his face and hubris on his lips, he will get smacked down."

Oh, you did mean Biden, didn't you? Ryan had to be a typo. Because I can't think of a smarmier pol in DC than than "the intellect of the Democrat Party."

Anonymous said...

Better a tool than an ignoramus, just saying.

Vicki from Pasadena

10/11/12 5:56 PM

Actually, Vicki, being one does not cancel out the other.

I'd put you in the "both tool and ignoramus" category.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm going to try to watch the Yankees on TV and the debate on my iPad.

We'll see if that's possible.

Cedarford said...

Baron Zemo said...
C4 would only be happy with Leni Riefenstahl as the moderator.

You can bet she would get the optics right.

Curiously enough, I would love to see us break out of the mindset that only a journalist can moderate a debate.
In other debate settings, you see the moderating duties done by a retired judge, a distinguished university Provost, a retired general, and so on.

And a debate moderated by an imaginative, visually inclined, brilliant film maker that is of course able to divorce their ego and political inclinations from the job could well be a fascinating debate because the questions would be directed at character, how a candidate visualizes an certain future path and what course of action needs to be taken.
Not a glorified "press conference" with a Great Journalist spooning out predictable questions.

BTW , uber-Zionist Baron Zemo...that snide comment you had on "letting a black anywhere near a computer", directed at Crack Emcee when the two of you had a snitfit going - was racist as hell.

ricpic said...

Brian Lamb would make a great moderator seeing as how he'd be scrupulously neutral.

Baron Zemo said...

My dear Cedarford, I take my clues on racial sensitivity from you just as soon as when I am ready to take my cues on religious tolerance from the Crack Emcee.


Baron Zemo said...

Progressive Jews......Boo!

edutcher said...

Have to see it the Baron's way.

Coulter, Malkin, and Atkisson would, at least step on some toes.

Logan. OTOH, has earned her shot.

Anonymous said...

Headline from Reuters via Drudge

"Democrats Hopes rest on Biden in High Stakes Debate."

That is thin gruel.

I almost feel sorry for the Democrats. I wonder when they will start complaining that Ryan cheated by being smart.

chickelit said...

No way was Leni Riefenstahl racist--at least not later in life. She was way deep into the Nubian men and women, or vice versa.

granmary said...

Why the hell shouldn't they treat her the same? Isn't that what the libbers claimed they wanted. Of course they were lying. They want to be victim's & I for one woman am sick to death of feminists bringing such disgrace on my gender.

granmary said...

Why the hell shouldn't they treat her the same? Isn't that what the libbers claimed they wanted. Of course they were lying. They want to be victim's & I for one woman am sick to death of feminists bringing such disgrace on my gender.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I almost feel sorry for the Democrats. I wonder when they will start complaining that Ryan cheated by being smart.

I think you may expect that within a few hours.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Curiously enough, I would love to see us break out of the mindset that only a journalist can moderate a debate.
In other debate settings, you see the moderating duties done by a retired judge, a distinguished university Provost, a retired general, and so on.

OMG, I agree with Cedarford! Yes, that's the only way to do it -- though, naturally, news organizations can't imagine anyone but journalists moderating.

Penny said...

Gotta love that BOOM BOOM BOOM!

Penny said...


Turn back the sound.

SDN said...

What a sexist question! /feminazi

You want equality, better put on the big girl panties....

Matt Sablan said...

Well, after last night, we know the answer to this question.

Strelnikov said...

So, now that Biden did that (i.e.,interrupt,berate, etc.) to a woman, will this be an issue? Of course not. That was a rhetorical question.

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