২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

That Obama 2007 speech Drudge has been teasing all afternoon.

Here it is at the Daily Caller.

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১৬৮টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Every-One: I am begging you to NOT go to Drudge. If you love your country, if you love your future, then you will simply reject ALL attempts to harm our greatest and best POTUS.

Learn to do what experts do. You trust NYT, NPR, MSNBC, right? Well, they totally reject the Drudge and his attempts to shape the election.

Listen to our best reporters. They support the POTUS.

So, should you. Okey-dokey?

Tomorrow, we shall see each other at the National Press Club. Bring money; I get in free due to my connections with the WH, K-street, and NPC. I am the highest-paid consultant.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Validates what I have always seen in Obama- he is full of resentment. And a lot of it is racial resentment. It is not the mindset we should want in any president.

And mark my words - he will enact some type of tax on wealth if he gets a 2nd term. That is the only way he can continue to blow almost $4 Trillion a year.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

Barack Obama is divisive. And racist. We know this. It bothered me before. It still bothers me.

However, we are $16 trillion in debt, we're *printing* money like mad (everyone ready for inflation?), real employment is well over 10%, we appear to be about to dip into another recession, etc.

But Obama is soooo likable. And Cool. Not like that icky rich-y rich Mitt.

Jana বলেছেন...

Hey, Obama is cynical. Who knew?!

ALH বলেছেন...


Obama would speak and act differently depending on who he is talking to???

i already knew that he was a double speaking phony. This is nothing new. It will change nothing.

But...somebody call that pederast Harry Reid, because i think that video shows Obama speaking in a negro dialect.

steve বলেছেন...

Typical Obama. In a previous speech, he says we are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America, but the United States of America. Then in this speech, he essentially trashes that. When he speaks to struggling people, he talks about the rich, calls them fat cats. Then when he is around rich people he soothes them with talk about he really likes business people. All Obama wants is to be re-elected, fly around in that big jet, be called President, be the most interesting person in the room, eye candy on The View. He really doesn't like the business of actually, you know, governing.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I didn't hear anything the pop out at me.

At least nothing like Biden.

m stone বলেছেন...

Isn't it curious that much of flood-worn New Orleans is still unrestored and government, in this case the Obama administration, is again unresponsive to the needs of the people.

steve বলেছেন...

Typical Obama. In a previous speech, he says we are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America, but the United States of America. Then in this speech, he essentially trashes that. When he speaks to struggling people, he talks about the rich, calls them fat cats. Then when he is around rich people he soothes them with talk about he really likes business people. All Obama wants is to be re-elected, fly around in that big jet, be called President, be the most interesting person in the room, eye candy on The View. He really doesn't like the business of actually, you know, governing.

Pete বলেছেন...

We learned nothing from this video that we didn't already know about Obama.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

You, on the other hand, Althouse are a bit of a pussy with your lack of opinion or reaction to what you saw on the tapes. Analyze it with some passion - tell us is this what you want a president to say to special interest groups. Was Obama validating what Romney said -that many people like to act like victims. Hell, Obama said they were victims of the fed govt and white privilege.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I knew this about Obama and that is why I didn't vote for him. The only difference now is that I get the creeps looking at him.

If he goes into exile, Juan William,s should go with him to keep licking.

He won't though. All sorts of PC types will pay to see him speak.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

The Brittany letter...now this.

I'm starting to think the GOP is on to something.

The whole thing reminds me of our American chess champion, Hikaru Nakamura...lost FIVE games in London - so far! Virtually unprecedented for a GM at that level. Fortunately he won one today.

Why would that make me think of the GOP?

Go Nakamura!

Sue D'Nhym বলেছেন...

Very racist of them to be posting an unedited video, in full context, of Obama giving a speech.

Mr. D বলেছেন...

I'm more concerned about what he did and didn't do in re Libya. And F&F. And Lockheed Martin.

Synova বলেছেন...

Where was the "Never underestimate people's ability to ignore proof of what others have been trying to tell them for years."

ALH বলেছেন...

If i had a son that was a divisive, racist redistributionist...he would look like Obama

Wince বলেছেন...

The impact of the video will depend on which Obama voters expect will show up for a second term.

Once freed of reelection, might not voters expect the 2007 Obama to surface in a second term.

Sue D'Nhym বলেছেন...

I really like how he changed the '1000 years' at the end to be '300 years.' Clearly, premeditated race-baiting with the prepared text providing cover. It foreshadow's Biden's 'gonna put you in chains' remarks.

Beldar বলেছেন...

Those who regularly make excuses for the President will make excuses for this.

Those who find this troublesome probably had already decided to vote against him.

Anyone who's surprised by this wasn't paying attention in 2007-2008 or thereafter.

Christopher বলেছেন...

While I don't think this video is in any way a bombshell (Obama is a pandering liar who stokes racial discord for political gain....I'm shocked) I do think it has two effects:

1) It harms the "nice guy" image the media has gone to great pains to create.


2) It highlights the habit of the media to misleadingly edit video so as to benefit their guy.

Actually, looking at it now I think the video will have more of an effect on the media than Obama.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Once freed of reelection, might not voters expect the 2007 Obama to surface in a second term.

Right. Race war, huh?

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

I think this tape is important and newsworthy. But if Fox mentions it again then it is racist and I hope Romney loses.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

“They may need help with basic skills — how to show up to work on time, wear the right clothes, and act appropriately in an office."

Seriously? They're not learning this in the public schools we've provided for them? If one government program fails the people, hey, no problem. We'll just institute another expensive program destined to fail the people. And send the bill to our kids!

Dante বলেছেন...

It's only the typical racist crap that people in the middle accept of black people.

B বলেছেন...

We learned nothing from this video that we didn't already know about Obama.

True, but we aren't the intended audience. This is one more pressure point against the buffering that the media has done to protect Obama from a half dozen narratives that in the aggregate would nail the coffin shut on him. At some point, hopefully before the election when it will do some good, there may be enough pressure to make the buffering unsustainable. Libya may have been the start.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Somewhere between 1 & 2.

The real Barack Obama has finally been made to stand up.

I remember his little "shout out" to Rev Wright, which occasioned some raised eyebrows, but the speech as a whole was treated as, "nothing to see. move along".

But this is a glimpse of how an unscrupulous sociopath manipulates an audience.

After all, who knew he was raised in Bayou Barataria?

PS That smell that will be emanating from people like phx (and AF and Diamond and, of course, shilol) is fear.

The Messiah's patina is beginning to crack.

smarty বলেছেন...

White liberals are still going to be willing to kiss black ass to appear "hip" and un-racist.

Liberal talking heads are still going to lie right in your face.

The man is a known whitey-hater- this just confirms what intelligent and honest people knew already, and those that don't want to know will spin up yarns in their own heads to save their vision of the unicorn rider.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

This is as racist as noticing the Obamaphone.

Goddamned Romney; I blame Bush.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Welcome back to our workshop, How to Blow an Advantage. Okay, turn to page 13...

The man is a known whitey-hater- this just confirms what intelligent and honest people knew already

Steve Austin বলেছেন...

The dialect is what got me. He keep trying to break into "jive" like Barbara Billingsley in the movie Airplane.

It really made him sound stupid and unpresidential.

Andy বলেছেন...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

No no no no. It really is the economy, stupid.

caseym54 বলেছেন...

I watcched the whole thing. Fairly good speech for what it is.

It reveals a man who thinks that blacks, to this day, are poor because they are deprived of opportunity, and that this is entirely due to white racism. No thought is given to the role of family or cultural dysfunction -- in fact he thinks that mere counseling will be sufficient to overcome self-inflicted ills.

He has has a breathtakingly naive understanding of economics and business. He views everything as zero-sum. Lastly, he sees government as the main engine of change and opportunity.

About what you'd expect, plus some pandering and race-bating.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

This is only news to people who do news for a living, but they don't care anyway. So it will have no effect. The level of corruption, dishonesty and incompetence of the man in the job for the last 3 1/2 years is all one should need. The handling of Fast and Furious and the embassy attacks are each worse scandals than Watergate. Obamacare alone will probably be the most damaging policy since James Buchanan was getting some nasty.

Simple divisiveness, hypocrisy, and bigotry are just irritating tics by comparison. It's nothing. Besides he's a little bit Black, so it doesn't count.

caseym54 বলেছেন...

Full unedited video here:

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

So. Showing an actual video of Obama is race baiting.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears, is it true that the tree fell?

NO ONE will know about the Drudge-Daily Caller JournoList video. No One.

AM on the list-service that is telling all reporters to ignore the story. NYT will not cover. NPR will not cover. PBS will not cover. WashPost will not cover.

Ha. Ha. Ha. GOP, you cannot win. We have every exit closed. Ha. Ha. Ha.

LilyBart বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Cedarford বলেছেন...

Not a bombshell, but some pretty bad soundbites that can be extracted.

Like no money for those people in the suburbs to build roads but money instead for those who need it.

Saying "Our People" in a way the liberals and Progressive Jewish media people will hang any person making similar remarks to whites or evil oppressive Christianists.

3. Divisive slavery remarks, victimhood pandering after his purple America BS,

Steve Austin বলেছেন...

This does expose the media for their love affair with the secret "47%" tape. The video tonight proves that Obama can pander to his audiences as bad or worse than Romney.

On substance he talked a lot about the war in Iraq and the problems, death and costs there. Yet we've spent four years doubling down on Afghanistan with more costs, death, etc. And I don't have a clue what his strategy is there.

Why doesn't anyone in the media question him on the Afghan war? This thing is a mess.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting."

That's about as stupidly partisan as it gets. What do you think Obama did in that speech if not race baiting.

He lowered the bar and you blame his victims for jumping over it.

Valentine Smith বলেছেন...

The Dems are getting so desperate they leak a tape of a jive-talkin' Zero in hopes they can play the race card in a backlash scenario. Man, the internals must be terrible.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting

Um, I believe the Democrats dominant strategy is gender-baiting. Its a war on womens!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

you blame his victims


You always want to feel sorry for the victims.

caseym54 বলেছেন...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting.

It doesn't speak well of the Democrat Party that their dominant strategy this election is class warfare and handouts.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Andy R. said...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting.

Please, Hatman for the entertainment of us slobs, rationalize away the racism exhibited by Dear Leader in that video.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Definitely though. Go with the "We're victims of Obama's racism" meme.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Andy R. said...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting.

As in, "They gon' put y'all in chains"?

phx said...

No no no no. It really is the economy, stupid.

CNN said the same thing as the truth started coming out about Benghazi.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Nothing that we didn't already know.

TennLion বলেছেন...

Just watched Rachel Maddow dismiss this as nothing new and RACIST. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/10/02/maddow_on_obama_tape_right_wants_you_to_believe_hes_way_more_black_than_he_seems_to_you_now.html So I don't think it will change many minds.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups.

Huh? If he ever presented an "image of a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups" it was decades ago and lasted for milliseconds.

Andy বলেছেন...

Perhaps this is an effort to capture the crucial swing vote of blind people that don't realize our President is black.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

"But...somebody call that pederast Harry Reid, because i think that video shows Obama speaking in a negro dialect."

HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how he got away with that. I guess Democratic racism is okay :(

Oh shut up hat dude. I can admit two things; the president at his core is racially divisive and two most black people and some white liberals see no problem with it. Don't ignore this truth, own it.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Andy, you are such an evil fuck.

Obama launches a vile racist attack on whites.

And the problem is that whites are racist.

You are one evil, loathesome fuck. One of the worst I've encountered.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Guys- and y'all are guys- NO ONE CARES about this video, no one. Even NYT has rejected it. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has slammed it. The list-service was active via WH and K-street. I started the service.


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

23 million unemployed. Twice as many people on food stamps, The average American has lost over $4,000 in income. We all owe $16 Trillion.

I guess we could call ourselves "lucky bastards."

Besides "victim" is just leftist for voter. I thought I'd pull an Obama and speak in your dialect.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

The internal unpublished polls must be bad for Obama. Because there is this story out there. And we're talking about it.

Dems in disarray!

Keep it coming wingers, its a great losing show you're putting on.

#readthebill #tireguages #boom #breitbartishere #pigford

sakredkow বলেছেন...

It's all right. I'll always think of you as a victim.

Andy বলেছেন...

By the way, I think of racism as being done in conjunction with structured or systemic inequalities in society, so I wouldn't usually think of white people as suffering from racism by black people, but we probably don't want to turn this thread into a debate about semantics.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

You're an evil, no good fuck, Andy.

A worthless piece of shit.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Fast and furious will cost Obama at least 3% out of the 8% that is the Hispanic vote, but that's not the only reason he will lose, although it is enough. You will be seeing a lot of media bullshit pretending there is no problem there in the next week, because that's what happens when there actually is a problem.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Andy R. said...

By the way, I think of racism as being done in conjunction with structured or systemic inequalities in society, so I wouldn't usually think of white people as suffering from racism by black people, but we probably don't want to turn this thread into a debate about semantics.

I'm a magic liberal! I wave a wand and pffft! black racism disappears!

What are you going to do for your next trick, Hat?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"By the way, I think of racism..."

You could have stopped right there. I mean that was all there really was to you point, right?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Read Ann Coulter's new book for the definitive explanation of what that dumb fuck, Andy, is doing.

You can read the first chapter for free on Amazon.

You'll get the idea.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

I've been called a worthless piece of shit by Thomas before, Andy. The difference is that you deserve it for these piss-poor arguments.

Embarrassing. Are you 12?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"You're an evil, no good fuck, Andy"

I was under the impression that was his strong suit. That's too bad for him.

chickelit বলেছেন...

His affected accent affected me. His droppin' the g was beyond the pallor of anything Palin did.

Given the time frame and how relentlessly people went after Palin for the very same reason, it's no wuckin' funder it had to be suppressed until now.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

Andy learned that in college. I have a lot of black peers who believe only in structural racism. They believe that because black people don't have the power to oppress others they can't be racist.

The only thing this video can do is undo his image of being post racial and inclusive. I wish this video wouldn't have surfaced. This is not a winnable election issue.

Hagar বলেছেন...

What jumped at me was his tribute to the Rev. Wright, the same Rev. Who? that he never had heard the sermons of in 20 years of attending his church.

This guy lies as easily as Bill Clinton.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Geez chickelit...what's with the measured response?

Don't you know your civil rights are being violated? Can't you feel it?

The rest of these guys want to call the ACLU and you're worried about his affected accent.

You're getting soooo soft!

chickelit বলেছেন...

bagoh20 astutely remarks: Fast and furious will cost Obama at least 3% out of the 8% that is the Hispanic vote, but that's not the only reason he will lose, although it is enough.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how this playing out here. It's in the local newspapers--not just winger flapping.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@bagoh20: I think the mistaken notion on Holder's part was this assumption that Mexican lives were so worthless among hispanic immigrants in America. Colossal misjudgement.

Palladian বলেছেন...

If Andy R is evil then Arendt was right, evil certainly is banal...

Andy বলেছেন...

I'm not denying that black people can't be bigoted or prejudiced. Racial bigotry and racial prejudice are a thing and anyone can do them.

But I think at some point it is useful to distinguish between the systematic difference between a racially privileged class (whites) engaging in behavior that is part of entrenched and racially-marked economic, social, and political inequalities versus what oppressed people (blacks, others) are doing in America.

Some people think that there is no difference between racial prejudice by a white person and by a black person, which completely ignores the power differential that often exists between those two groups of people in America.

This often leads to absurd results, like white people who think that the racial calculation in America is tipped in favor of black people over them. Because someone called them cracker, or something.

I'm done for the night. Have fun y'all.

I'll check back tomorrow morning and respond to anything that would be productive.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Damn that was such an evil post no wonder he left.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Al Jolson
Al Jolson
Al Jolson

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Andy, I got the same fucking indoctrination in college.

That was in the mid 60s.

This is not new shit you're vomiting up here.

Listen to your elders, asshole. We got that stuff shoved down our throats in college, too.

We learned better through experience, you dumb fuck.

purplepenquin বলেছেন...

Obama, who was not using a teleprompter, deviated from his script repeatedly and at length, ad libbing lines

With a blatant lie like this in the article...after all, everyone knows that he couldn't ad-lip a fart a bean-eating contest...how can we be expected to beleive anything else they report?


sakredkow বলেছেন...

And I know we're supposed to be focused on the economy to help Romney win.

But two ideas that will help bolster that message are, "We are victims of Obama's racism" and "Obama is like Al Jolson."

Useful in Ohio and Penn.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Well now that it is official that Obama is a race man it's now OK to vote for your race.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Absolutely cubanbob. Spread the word.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

We need another poll. How many people believe that Andy R will someday grow up enough to understand that the USA in the 21st century is not Mississippi in the 1950's?

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

Obama is a racist? Who whuddda thunk?

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Andy is boring. That's exactly right.

Who thinks that dropping this goofy first-year seminar shit about "structural" racism is in any way useful?

author, etc. বলেছেন...

The words are one thing - politicians pander, and Obama is clearly pandering here. But the proverbial "gangsta" accent? Very odd, almost Freudian in its weird remove from what we've come to see as his fluid, erudite cool. People knock Romney as being alien or detached from regular folks - well, clearly Obama's the alien in this contest, the disconnected, thereless there. Who is this guy? How can we know, if he himself doesn't have a clue?

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

It doesn't speak well of the Republican Party that their dominant strategy this election is race-baiting.

You do irony well.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Just remember phx, Obama was raised by white people thousands of miles from where that accent lives. He's a fake, but you are obsessed with winning, so he could lie right to your face about anything or everything, and you would still want him to win. That's what happened last time, didn't it?
My choice may not win, but I won't be the sucker either way. You already are.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...

Andy, you learned that in school just like most of us did. I do have a problem with the way some white people complain of "reverse racism" and of course being called a "cracker" doesn't have the same sting as being called a "n"

This really is not a topic that the campaign needs to be centered around, jobs, national security, debt, energy independence...

Let Sean Hannity rant all by his lonesomem

sakredkow বলেছেন...

all right bagoh20, man to man...I really don't care that much who wins. I think the USA is bigger than any President, and we always survive them whoever. It's true the threats are bigger than ever, and this time we may not survive, but I don't think that's going to be up to Romney or Obama.

This stuff about Obama's accent, "Jolson Jolson Jolson!" - doesn't even measure a blip on my radar of "terrible things powerful people do to threaten me".

Yes, I'm partisan for Obama. But obsessed with winning? Nah!

You're obsessed with losing.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

That was pretty tight though, Magne. Invoking Al Jolson!

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Yes, I'm partisan for Obama. But obsessed with winning? Nah!"

I can understand that. The guy has done a great job. You're just being logical. You want 4 more years of this. Too bad we can't get this great performance from all of our Presidents. Even if the next President could only match half of Obama's record breaking accomplishments, I'd be happy. Very happy.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

You blame the President for our problems. I don't. I remember they were here before he stepped in.


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Well at least you don't expect much. That's a good way to avoid disappointment.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

I think Romney's going to do a worst job of managing this country, not better.

But hey, that's me. You vote for the Jolson you trust.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

I don't expect shit from anyone else ever. I trust myself.

And I'm never a victim, under any circumstances.

I accept the responsibility for myself, not for Obama, not for Romney.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

And they aren't responsible for me.

All right, my brother can have the last word for now, I'm out.

Revenant বলেছেন...

It *should* have been a bombshell during the '08 campaign, but that would require a news media that actually do investigative reporting on Democrats. :)

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Both men have a history. One has a very long history of managing big things successfully and, well, the other one does not, so your opinion is a little hard to understand.

By almost every measure Obama has done the worst job of managing a recession since the 40's, yet you find him not responsible, and assume Romney will fail, and of course then will be responsible. It seems a little unbalanced.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

By the way, I think of racism as being done in conjunction with structured or systemic inequalities in society, so I wouldn't usually think of white people as suffering from racism by black people, but we probably don't want to turn this thread into a debate about semantics.

Here's the problem with the systemic inequality argument --- how is systemic inequality immoral, and why should whites sacrifice their privilege to fix it?

The argument that racism is a matter of personal morality involves direct antecedents to standard Judeo-Christian moral precepts to treat all men as equally the children of the same God. To rid one's mind of racial prejudice is part of the moral improvement of one's conscience. It is a step in the way to sanctity or at least a moral life.

This moral admonition to eliminate racism binds ALL mankind, including the oppressed minorities, who are also bound to work to eliminate prejudice from their heats. Because, it is NOT the results of prejudice that are evil --- it is the intention itself.

The systemic inequality argument seeks change not at the level of the individual moral agent, but at a societal level. Why should any white person buy into it, when it seeks to lessen his power? It, unlike the moral view, doesn't say that the oppressed & the oppressor are each bound by the same moral law. A white person who agrees to it has no guarantee that his rights will be respected when the minorities achieve power parity or superiority. The moral view rests on the moral dictum that the personal conscience is the seat of morality. The systemic view rests on a much, to me, more dubious view that somehow individuals are embedded en masse in a moral social matrix, but yet as individuals they bear some moral responsibility for the outcomes that social matrix produces. It's not clear to me how individuals in that matrix have any moral agency at all.

In truth, the "systemic inequalities" argument is not spoken of honestly outside of lefty circles because it is simply an identity politics power play that parasites off of the misunderstanding that "moral" opponents of bigotry have that the Left speaks a common language.

Palladian বলেছেন...

One has a very long history of managing big things successfully and, well, the other one does not, so your opinion is a little hard to understand.

The thing that's really amazing is that the Obama campaign/administration (same thing, really) is able to get so many lefties to carry water in their leaking buckets, even though Obama has been a disastrous failure as a "progressive". He's expanded warrantless surveillance on American citizens, he's prolonged and expanded our involvement in Middle Eastern wars, he's shoveled money to various banks, investment firms and corporations at an alarming rate, Gitmo is still open, &c.

Nothing that has happened in the last 3.5 years has caused me to change my opinion that, for most people, politics is not about ideas, it's about tribalism.

David বলেছেন...

Alll in all, a plus for Obama because it diverts attention from his incompetent management of the government and of the nation's fiscal and foreign affairs. Diversion from the core issues always benefits Obama. This is diversion.

Tarzan বলেছেন...

Can't we all just get along?

Group shrug!


On second thought,


YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


...even though Obama has been a disastrous failure as a "progressive"

On my journey from the far Left to the (so far middling) Right, it saddens me to look around and see how few honest Lefties there are anymore. I mean, many of them from the 60's were batshit crazy, but at least they were consistent malcontents.

Now, you just get the impression that they want to suck up to get on some government or non-profit gravy train....

mtrobertsattorney বলেছেন...

"That tells me the bullet hasen't been taken out."

Nice rhetorical touch Barach.

Those white folks aren't only sneaky hanging on to all that money, they're downright mean too.

Chuck66 বলেছেন...

Young H.....Ralph Nader seems to be one of the few honest lefties around. He may have crazy views, but he is consistant. And the political left hated him in....was it 2004?....because they thought he would take votes away from Kerry.

rcommal বলেছেন...

Poor excuse of and for one of those proverbial October Surprise. We've reduced ourselves even in that way, it is manifest.

Carnifex বলেছেন...

Andy said--"Perhaps this is an effort to capture the crucial swing vote of blind people that don't realize our President is black.

I'm sorry, but that right there was fucking funny. Good job...Going for that Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, demographic no doubt.


Damn! Lookit' the big brain on this'un! Too bad y'er preachin' to the choir, son.


Strother Martin(Cool Hand Luke)--"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men." PHX...n'est-ce pas.

This video doesn't show anything we already didn't know. Zero is a big pander bear. What politician isn't? In other words, who cares.

More damning is what it shows about how far the liberal press will actually go to prop up their Boy King. This Sullivan character who claimed to have posted the transcript, but instead just used the prepared statements issued by the campaign...If I were his boss, I'd fire him on the spot. No. First, I'd make him write an apology to all the readers for lying, not misleading, not misspeaking, LYING, about what was said.

The other news services are almost as culpable, with their selective editing. It's like they really don't see how damaging to their own credibility is when they get caught doing this stuff. The saddest part is that they don't see what they've done wrong, because a "greater good" was served. That always works out well. Just ask any Jihadist, or Inquisitor. So when the legacy of Breitbart consumes them they will be left suffocating in the Eigth Circle, Second Bolgia.

MayBee বলেছেন...

My favorite tactic of the press is to hold back on reporting on something, and then when the story surfaces, declaring it "old news".

Why are the varying accents ok?

MayBee বলেছেন...

He's expanded warrantless surveillance on American citizens, he's prolonged and expanded our involvement in Middle Eastern wars, he's shoveled money to various banks, investment firms and corporations at an alarming rate, Gitmo is still open, &c.

That all makes sense if you consider Obama's main goal is to just not have any trouble for himself.
As long as he can do something on the QT, he'll do it. He wants a quiet space where he can perform his presidenting.

Nora বলেছেন...

Those who voted for Obama the first time around are most likely in denial anyway, so they would try to ignore all the uncomfortable truths of this clip.

It's "Pharaoh syndrom", the more you are proven wrong, the more you dig in. I think that Obama can win only for this reason. Those who voted for him were so much wrong, that it's hard to take in. So any "October surprise" will only work for Obama at this stage.

Hunter বলেছেন...

Andy R. said...

Some people think that there is no difference between racial prejudice by a white person and by a black person, which completely ignores the power differential that often exists between those two groups of people in America.

To try and put forward that well-worn argument in this context is just hilarious.

We are talking about video of a man who is currently THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. How much power does a black person need to have before his saying blatantly racist shit is worthy of concern and criticism?

Unknown বলেছেন...

Oh great, a bunch of white people yapping about racism. Riveting stuff.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Obama belongs on TV selling vegetable choppers.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Synova said...
Where was the "Never underestimate people's ability to ignore proof of what others have been trying to tell them for years."

All during the last pres. election I told people that they really didn't know what this guy-Obama- was all about. Do a little research into his state voting record. Do a little research into his community organizing. But no.
So now I just point and laugh because it really just comes down to the producers and the folks that want to keep their free stuff. The decievers.

test বলেছেন...

Very little electoral effect. People who don't know Obama doesn't feel this way already don't want o know.

The tape I want to see is held by the LA Times. It reportedly shows Obama praising a terrorism supporter.

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

With a blatant lie like this in the article...after all, everyone knows that he couldn't ad-lip a fart a bean-eating contest...how can we be expected to beleive anything else they report?

It's pretty effortless when you're speaking from your heart.

edutcher বলেছেন...

David said...

Alll in all, a plus for Obama because it diverts attention from his incompetent management of the government and of the nation's fiscal and foreign affairs. Diversion from the core issues always benefits Obama. This is diversion.

Maybe not.

Consider this piece from Roger Simon (the intelligent one).

Read it and see Ann Althouse furrowing her brow in "How That Lying Racist Sociopathic Small C Commie Mofo Lost Me" fashion.

Joe Schmoe বলেছেন...

Didn't watch it, don't plan to. The video was likely overhyped by Drudge, but the old network media won't go near it. If they saw a video of Barry stabbing someone to death, they'd just say the victim had it coming. It can't be repeated enough about what a disservice our 'free' press is doing to us.

I already know what I need to know about Obama. I work in the private sector, and I vote.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

My vote was "Big bowl of nothing." Another choice would be "Right-wing desperation."

I didn't see anything I didn't know already, except more proof the Right won't bother to look at Romney - just like the Left didn't bother to look at Obama - just like the people in Washington don't look at the bills they pass, so they're all deliberately screwing us, and the rest of you play along, pretending you're engaged in this thing called "politics," which no American has actually seen since probably Bush v. Gore.

The so-called "smart" kids on the Right - Drudge, Hannity, Reynolds, Malkin, etc. - are a clown car of idiots and liars.

Mitt Romney has said much dumber things than this and our assorted "trusted" news gatherers response?


Nuke 'em all - it's the only way to be sure,....

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Hearing Obama give a shout out to his long time pastor and "friend", the Rev. Wright, knowing that just months later he would throw Wright under the bus for political expediency, reminds us how much Obama is a typical politician: a shameless, self-serving, pandering chameleon who tailors his speech and manner according to his audience. If nothing else, this betrayal of Rev. Wright should have provided a clue to Obama's supporters--black or white--that they could not put any faith in Obama's integrity, courage, loyalty, or ability to stand fast in the face of public opprobrium.

No one who wishes to see the American status quo continue need have any fear of Obama. He is not going to impose socialism on us, or incite an uprising of the poor majority against the rich minority, or withdraw all our troops from abroad, or cut our war budget, or do anything that really needs doing; he is going to maintain the power of the elites, the same elites whom Mitt serves, and whether Obama or Romney wins in November, we will notice only a change in style and show, but almost none in governance, policies, or outcomes.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Don't bet the farm on it ,Bob.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Don't bet the farm on it ,Bob.

Did it feel good to say that, rube? Because that's all you rubes are going for now. You're children, screaming, "Tag, you're 'it'" and running away. Every one of you, a fool of epic proportions.

Do you seriously think your comment carries any more weight or substance than Cookie's? Can be any more trusted? That YOU can be any more trusted?

You're all rubes. Fools. Idiots. Morons.

The country's going down - not by socialism, but by a general state of stupidity,...

Green বলেছেন...

So, Anne - does this effect you the same way as your disingenuous outrage at the "obamaphone" video?

Shanna বলেছেন...

God, the fake southernn accent makes an appearance. I hate it when he does that.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

I didn't see anything I didn't know already, except more proof the Right won't bother to look at Romney - just like the Left didn't bother to look at Obama - just like the people in Washington don't look at the bills they pass, so they're all deliberately screwing us

CE: I get this. And my vote for Romney isn't because I don't see his flaws. Believe me I do. But Obama and his group and so ambitious about 'changing' America into something I cannot recognize. The are selling socialism, but we'll get something more like organized crime, I think. I just don't have the heart for 4 more years of this.

I think Romney will do less harm in the next term. And during that time, we need to think about what to do next - to save liberty and freedom. Because the path we're on won't just take our liberty - it will destroy us economically.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

My favorite parts were his snub of "media elites" in general and Anderson Cooper in particular. Also, saying the Bush administration did nothing for AIDS in Africa was pure genius.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

phx said...
You blame the President for our problems. I don't. I remember they were here before he stepped in.


What fucking idiocy and intellectual laziness.

You realize you're dumb, right?

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Steve Austin said...
The dialect is what got me

Yes, it is fun to watch the little Kenyan/Hawaiian/Kansas accent go all "street"

Note that the resident leftists can't even address this.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Andy R. said...

But I think at some point it is useful to distinguish between the systematic difference between a racially privileged class (whites) engaging in behavior that is part of entrenched and racially-marked economic, social, and political inequalities versus what oppressed people (blacks, others) are doing in America


The little queen actually believes "racism" is instututionalized in America!

Christopher in MA বলেছেন...

Big bowl of nothing to anyone who actually - oh, I don't know - did their homework before voting? The Chocolate Crackhead is s racist, resentful, thin-skinned asshole who couldn't run a hotdog stand.

But it's Rush who's racist for pointing out Obamaphone Lady.

You're all rubes. Fools. Idiots. Morons.

The country's going down - not by socialism, but by a general state of stupidity,...

Then kill yourself, Crack. Obviously the country doesn't deserve to have such a clear-eyed manly man among us.

You might as well change your avatar to Madonna - you're a one-trick pony peddling a worn-out shtick. You're not shocking, transgressive or cutting edge. You're boring.

(and yes, I know - I'm dumb, I'm a Romney ass-kisser, a fool, a diaper-soiling child. Save the pixels - I've heard the song before)

AllenS বলেছেন...

I'd sure like to hear a nice little story about how McCain lost me.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

You know what's sad though? The media spent more time in the lead up to this tape on Twitter trying to downplay and debunk it than they spent trying to find out why our ambassador died until they were scooped several times over by smaller outfits and international outfits. It wasn't until CNN went for the throat that the NYT and WaPo felt it was OK to hit the administration on intelligence failures that got people killed.

But, they did not even wait for the full video to release before deciding it wasn't worth talking about.

This is a video, mind you, they all had but did not report on. This is a story about the media falling down on its job. Where's the fact check of the speech that shows that Bush gave billions to New Orleans with no strings attached? That Bush has done more than anyone else to fight AIDS in Africa?

The reason no one cares to fact check this? Because it would be damning for Obama. It has nothing to do with race or racism, and all to do with the fact the man gave a terrible, fact-free speech.

Sal বলেছেন...

So...at the time, Fox covered this. How did we miss this the first time?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Smith: They only released small excerpts at the time.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

phx said...
Absolutely cubanbob. Spread the word.

10/2/12 10:55 PM

Decisions, decisions... who to vote for? Your guilt or my wallet? Do you even have to ask?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

I love the I'm-black-too accent.

DDfan1 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
furious_a বলেছেন...

The level of corruption, dishonesty and incompetence of the man in the job for the last 3 1/2 years is all one should need.

Same should have been true of '94 Midterms, but the revelations of rampant check-kiting and franking abuse put it in terms to which most people could relate and react.

Like, you know, "Hate Whitey!".

CBS' Jan Crawford was all over it this morning: "...veered from his prepared remarks...". Well DUH!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


CE: I get this. And my vote for Romney isn't because I don't see his flaws. Believe me I do. But Obama and his group and so ambitious about 'changing' America into something I cannot recognize.

That you think Romney and Co. aren't out to do the same thing is what bothers me - that you buy their line as well.

I put this quote here, yesterday, and it was ignored as it will be again today:

Marion G. Romney—a first cousin of George who was a former member of the First Presidency of the Church, its highest authority—famously related the instructions he’d received from the Mormon prophet:

“Always keep your eye on the president of the church, and if he ever tells you to do anything, and it is wrong, and you do it, the Lord will bless you for it.”

Now, knowing Romney is part of the "church" hierarchy, what part of that says "Romney's not going to change America into something we cannot recognize"? Nothing. It is just more evidence - deliberately held back by the Right - that he is the devoted follower of a proven con man, that you are putting your faith into yet another snake in the grass, for more "Hope And Change," when the problem stays the same:

You're, all, too damned trusting of liars.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


Yeah, I want to see the LA Times tape, hope it leaks.

And it's a little disingenuous to say this is old news when it wasn't played to death on the 24 hour news cycle. Every Romney "gaffe" gets too much coverage, Obama "gaffes" get none.

Priscilla বলেছেন...

I guess I could not be less surprised that Obama is a consummate fake and panderer.

_Jim বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
"That you think Romney and Co. aren't out to do the same thing is what bothers me -"

On the one hand, we have a self-professed 'community organizer' and on the other hand we have someone with a verifiable track record of bringing the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games back on track ... the decision should be clear, the 'community organizer' is the choice ...



_Jim বলেছেন...

Priscilla 10/3/12 8:37 AM said
"I guess I could not be less surprised that Obama is a consummate fake and panderer."

... and totally devoid of conscience and any real 'core' beliefs, except belief in his own importance (narcissism) and suppsed ability ... similar traits, I might add (I think) to A. Hitler.


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Christopher in MA ,

Big bowl of nothing to anyone who actually - oh, I don't know - did their homework before voting?

Wait - you fucking puss, are you actually claiming I haven't been on Obama's ass for more than his term? Boy, you must be, both, stupid and new around here. But - even worse - you don't even recognize I'VE BEEN ON ROMNEY JUST AS LONG. Your ignorant punk ass thinks all of this is new to me. Well it ain't - along with online ignorance, it's all old news.

The Chocolate Crackhead is s racist, resentful, thin-skinned asshole who couldn't run a hotdog stand.

Oh yeah, this is pretty funny to be posted by a racist. Compared to someone who'd call me a "Chocolate Crackhead" (where's Ann's passionate racial concerns now?) I'd say my hands are pretty clean in that regard.

But it's Rush who's racist for pointing out Obamaphone Lady.

Now you're seriously stupid - I'm the guy who challenged the Rush-is-racist argument, you idiot.

Kill yourself, Crack. Obviously the country doesn't deserve to have such a clear-eyed manly man among us.

No, I'm sending this post to Ann & Meade and suggesting they kill you instead - for your racism. How do you like them apples, dickwad?

You might as well change your avatar to Madonna - you're a one-trick pony peddling a worn-out shtick. You're not shocking, transgressive or cutting edge. You're boring.

And - hopefully - once Ann & Meade understand the gratuity of that "chocolate" reference, you won't have to deal with it any longer. Or, at least, won't be allowed to comment on it.

(and yes, I know - I'm dumb, I'm a Romney ass-kisser, a fool, a diaper-soiling child. Save the pixels - I've heard the song before)

Add racist to the list as well:

Heard THAT one, asshole?

gk1 বলেছেন...

I can imagine there will be all sorts of footage that will be uncovered if the jugged ear jesus gets safely re-elected. To me it just shows how differently someone with an (R) next to their name is treated in the press. This won't get nearly the air play it should by the legacy media but its always been this way as long as I can remember.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

similar traits, I might add (I think) to A. Hitler.

Does the evil of Barack Obama know no bounds?

As you guys have rationality on your side, you're sure to win.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I'd sure like to hear a nice little story about how McCain lost me.

Once upon a time there was a Presidential Candidate who, because of a bump in the Economy, suspended his campaign and went back to Washington DC and did exactly nothing. After days of doing nothing, he was back on the campaign trail. Nothing had changed.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


On the one hand, we have a self-professed 'community organizer' and on the other hand we have someone with a verifiable track record of bringing the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games back on track ... the decision should be clear, the 'community organizer' is the choice ...

"Back on track" from what? The Salt Lake City Olympic Games were a wholly-owned Mormon enterprise - what were the problems Mitt jumped in to solve? Let me help you out:

It started (started) with a oh-so-religious BRIBERY SCANDAL.

And guess what? Everyone involved in that is now giving money to Mitt's campaign - even the convicted - isn't that grand?

Sounds like we have more than one "community organizer" to deal with, here, hmmm?

Don't be a sap.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Once upon a time there was a Presidential Candidate who, because of a bump in the Economy, suspended his campaign and went back to Washington DC and did exactly nothing."

-- You're leaving out the part about Harry Reid and other Democrats specifically asking McCain to come back to DC (and not asking Obama, note), then, when he arrived, withdrawing from the meetings they had promised him and breaking off negotiations.

McCain was ill-served by believing that the other side had the country's best interests at heart and went back to D.C. to meet with them as they asked. They then stuck a knife in his back.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

How about a fifth item in that list of choices in the poll:

1. Should be a game changer, but won't be because only blogs and Fox News will report about it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Speaking of that Mormon bribery scandal, it just occured to me:

Mitt Romney's the only pure-as-snow religious leader I've ever seen who runs around on national television asking, "$10,000 bet? Wanna make a $10,000 bet?"

And yet, somehow, y'all don't see him for what he is.


machine বলেছেন...

such desperation....

furious_a বলেছেন...

Crack: You're all rubes. Fools. Idiots. Morons.

High praise from one who, in all credulity, likened Sarah Palin to George Patton and Winston Churchill.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


High praise from one who, in all credulity, likened Sarah Palin to George Patton and Winston Churchill.

Considering I'm into facts, and she has a solid record of continuing to pick winners and the charges against her (whether they be the charge she's "stupid" or corrupt) never appear to be true - along with the charge I'm a misogynist or hate religious people - I'd say, yeah, even Patton and Churchill would be proud to have her by their sides.

I wonder how they'd feel hearing Mitt Romney declaring Jesus is returning to Missouri, cold fusion is real, or knowing he's got convicted criminals backing his campaign?


damikesc বলেছেন...

The handling of Fast and Furious and the embassy attacks are each worse scandals than Watergate.

Gotta disagree. Having defense contractors violate federal law and stating he will pay their fines WHEN they are sued (not if, since a suit would be inevitable) is the worst. It is open and explicit corruption.

They believe that because black people don't have the power to oppress others they can't be racist.

That many believe that today is the really funny part.

furious_a বলেছেন...

Crack: she has a solid record of continuing to pick winners...

...of primaries, not elections. And a solid record of epic fails (O'Donnell, Angle) in the latter.

Don't think Patton or Churchill would want her by their sides during that edge-of-the-seat Couric exclusive...do you?

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


I'm not electing Romney to be the pope, just the president. He's human which means by nature he is fallible. The two major parties have a monopoly on the process, so next year the president will be Obama or Romney. For myself, when I look at facts and numbers, I choose Romney. And I will not give him a blank check, Bush lost my support for his pre-emptive war doctrine and his "compassionate" conservatism. If Romney fails to deliver results after four years I'll vote him out.

This current president is the very definition of a "tragic mulatto." This is not a man who had a typical black American experience. Because of his identity crisis he felt the need to join a black church and "blacken" himself up. He had no stable home life, and as a mother I do feel some empathy for that. I suppose that's a racist comment I just made, oh well.

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

Tucker already covered this in 2008- it is old news and another sign of how desperate the right has become.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

R/V: Incorrect. Small sections of the speech were covered, the entire video was not aired. In addition, for the future, the talking point is that the segments were available in 2007, not 2008. Just, so you know, you can parrot the right (but not accurate) talking point.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Madison Man, I agree with what Matthew Sablan said at 9 am. Funny though, that you couldn't remember that, but I'm not surprised. You hear only what you want to hear. Remember only what you want to remember.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

More damning is what it shows about how far the liberal press will actually go to prop up their Boy King

I went to Foxnews.com, cbsnews.com, cnn.com, and nbcnews.com. Exactly one site (guess which one) even showed it prominently. 2 of the other 3 didn't show it at all, and the one that did show it on the bottom right had the headline "Obama video: October surprise or old news?"

It's not even about propping up anymore. The media have completely gone to one side of the debate. How can we have a free country if the media are completely in the tank for one side?

machine বলেছেন...

Is Fox News part of the "media"?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...



I'm not electing Romney to be the pope, just the president.

Then you don't understand Romney or his "church":

“Always keep your eye on the president of the church, and if he ever tells you to do anything, and it is wrong, and you do it, the Lord will bless you for it.”

He's human which means by nature he is fallible.

Funny, but I - or my friends - don't seem to make nearly as many "mistakes" in our daily life, but nobody's desperately trying to elect us to anything.

The two major parties have a monopoly on the process, so next year the president will be Obama or Romney.

That's because you let them - that's my problem with all of you:

You don't understand the meaning behind Eastwood saying, "We own this country" - you think they do.

For myself, when I look at facts and numbers, I choose Romney.

What "facts and numbers"? I've shown you facts that he can't be trusted, and we know he's a rich guy who's still rich, so what are you referring to?

I will not give him a blank check, Bush lost my support for his pre-emptive war doctrine and his "compassionate" conservatism.

I will not even go there - stay on topic.

If Romney fails to deliver results after four years I'll vote him out.

Yeah, but the Mormon "church" will still have gained power - which is the real danger - just as if you'd elected Tom Cruise to office, Scientology would be.

This current president is the very definition of a "tragic mulatto."


This is not a man who had a typical black American experience.

Agreed again.

Because of his identity crisis he felt the need to join a black church and "blacken" himself up.

Three in a row.

He had no stable home life, and as a mother I do feel some empathy for that.

Same here.

I suppose that's a racist comment I just made, oh well.

I don't know where that came from - which is part of the problem:

Many of you don't even know where the parameters are,...

jungatheart বলেছেন...

"-- You're leaving out the part about Harry Reid and other Democrats specifically asking McCain to come back to DC (and not asking Obama, note), then, when he arrived, withdrawing from the meetings they had promised him and breaking off negotiations.

McCain was ill-served by believing that the other side had the country's best interests at heart and went back to D.C. to meet with them as they asked. They then stuck a knife in his back."

I'd forgotten. IIRC they voted down a bill he supported, that they implied they'd support, and left looking like a fool. Very humiliating.

MM, I hope you were being facetious about a 'bump' in the road. The media terrorized the public over that crash.

Christopher in MA বলেছেন...

Christopher in MA ,

Big bowl of nothing to anyone who actually - oh, I don't know - did their homework before voting?

Wait - you fucking puss, are you actually claiming I haven't been on Obama's ass for more than his term? Boy, you must be, both, stupid and new around here. But - even worse - you don't even recognize I'VE BEEN ON ROMNEY JUST AS LONG. Your ignorant punk ass thinks all of this is new to me. Well it ain't - along with online ignorance, it's all old news.

The comment was directed at Althouse, you solipsistic dumbass.

The Chocolate Crackhead is s racist, resentful, thin-skinned asshole who couldn't run a hotdog stand.

Oh yeah, this is pretty funny to be posted by a racist. Compared to someone who'd call me a "Chocolate Crackhead" (where's Ann's passionate racial concerns now?) I'd say my hands are pretty clean in that regard.

"Chocolate Crackhead" is my nickname for the clown currently infesting the Oval Office. As much as it may pain you to learn, Crack, not everything everybody says is about you.

But it's Rush who's racist for pointing out Obamaphone Lady.

Now you're seriously stupid - I'm the guy who challenged the Rush-is-racist argument, you idiot.

Kill yourself, Crack. Obviously the country doesn't deserve to have such a clear-eyed manly man among us.

No, I'm sending this post to Ann & Meade and suggesting they kill you instead - for your racism. How do you like them apples, dickwad?

You might as well change your avatar to Madonna - you're a one-trick pony peddling a worn-out shtick. You're not shocking, transgressive or cutting edge. You're boring.

And - hopefully - once Ann & Meade understand the gratuity of that "chocolate" reference, you won't have to deal with it any longer. Or, at least, won't be allowed to comment on it.

Fine with me. Between the nonsensical vomitings of you, shiloh, Jake, Retread and the execrable garage, this blog's beginning to stink like a Pakistani men's room.

(and yes, I know - I'm dumb, I'm a Romney ass-kisser, a fool, a diaper-soiling child. Save the pixels - I've heard the song before)

Add racist to the list as well:

Heard THAT one, asshole?

Yep. And from better idiots than you, jackwagon.

TexasVoter বলেছেন...


Romney's rich, Obama is rich, the Kennedy's are rich, how many poor men were elected to high office in modern America? Who cares, it's actually a plus to me. Maybe Romney will forgo a salary and save the taxpayers some money.

I know you aren't trying to bring up Romney's religion as if it exempts him from becoming president. Oooh spooky Mormons!! There is a scary Mormon in the senate, Romney was a Gov. and he managed fine. He has a record and I am okay with it. The majority view regarding Obama's faith is that it is off limits, bringing it up brought charges of racism.

I only made that comment about Bush because you seem to think Romney voters are sheep. I'm not even a Republican so I don't know if your comments were directed towards me I only wanted to respond. I have no label for my political ideology, I simply say it's center right. I started out as voting for Anyone But Obama, but now I am pro-Romney.

What facts and numbers did you show me?, I missed them. I am talking about how he governed his state, I am talking about his personal success. I'm talking about this current president abusing his election win and D majority by pushing through his new healthcare tax that we don't need. Also his class warfare rhetoric and hostile nature towards people who share his economic class. Why do people pretend as if he and his wife were living in squalor vs. Romney the fat cat? My husband and I could not afford his old Chicago neighborhood, Martha's Vineyard, or private schools. The difference between the president and myself is that I don't begrudge someone their success and legally earned wealth.

Third parties, you and I both know they have no chance in 2012. I believe they need to start at the bottom and build a loyal base in order to be taken seriously. You are talking fantasy and hypothetical, the reality is my support for a third party for the top of the ticket will make no difference. You go ahead and use your private vote for what you choose so you can place yourself above us "sheep" who aren't as awake as you are. We choose to work within the system that is available.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


I know you aren't trying to bring up Romney's religion as if it exempts him from becoming president.

If you can prove Joseph Smith found golden plates anywhere - after being repeatedly busted for that very scam - I'll say it's a religion. If you can't, it's a cult and, yes, I say we shouldn't allow their members to hold power.


Oooh spooky Mormons!!

No, it's "Oooh goofy Mormons!!"

There is a scary Mormon in the senate,...

No, there's some pickled asshole there, who helped Mitt Romney's bogus supplement business by writing a dishonest law (DSHEA - look it up). He also helped steal the downtown Salt Lake land where the main Mormon temple is - is that honest or what? God, I LOVE people who steal,...

Romney was a Gov. and he managed fine.

His state is now an economic basket case.

He has a record and I am okay with it.

Yeah - he wrote ObamaCare.

The majority view regarding Obama's faith is that it is off limits, bringing it up brought charges of racism.

I never heard a word about Rev. Wright, Obama being a Muslim, or him repeating he's a Christian for the last four years, right?

I only made that comment about Bush because you seem to think Romney voters are sheep.

No, I think they're cowards, which is kinda like a sheep but not as tasty.

I'm not even a Republican so I don't know if your comments were directed towards me I only wanted to respond.

Yeah, it's fun isn't it?

I have no label for my political ideology, I simply say it's center right.

I'm a conservative Republican. I wish there were more.

I started out as voting for Anyone But Obama, but now I am pro-Romney.

You must find flip-flopping REALLY ATTRACTIVE.

What facts and numbers did you show me?, I missed them.

I didn't show any - you said YOU were consulting them.

I am talking about how he governed his state, I am talking about his personal success.

His state is broke and he's rich.

I'm talking about this current president abusing his election win and D majority by pushing through his new healthcare tax that we don't need.

All based on Romney's, so what's your point?

Also his class warfare rhetoric and hostile nature towards people who share his economic class.

FINALLY you say something that makes some sense. Thanks.

Why do people pretend as if he and his wife were living in squalor vs. Romney the fat cat?

For the same reason the Ann Romney claimed they lived on tuna and noodles - I'm sure you'll be railing about her dishonesty real soon, huh?

My husband and I could not afford his old Chicago neighborhood, Martha's Vineyard, or private schools.

I can't afford to even be talking to you.

The difference between the president and myself is that I don't begrudge someone their success and legally earned wealth.

The difference between the president and myself is HE'S GOT MY JOB!

Third parties, you and I both know they have no chance in 2012.

Did somebody bring up Third Parties?

I believe they need to start at the bottom and build a loyal base in order to be taken seriously.

I believe you're talking about something no one ever brought up.

You are talking fantasy and hypothetical, the reality is my support for a third party for the top of the ticket will make no difference.

I believe you're off in La-La-Land.

You go ahead and use your private vote for what you choose so you can place yourself above us "sheep" who aren't as awake as you are.


We choose to work within the system that is available.

Because lately - used as you do - it's been serving us sooooo well,...