“Two bearded armed men stopped our school van and asked for Malala and opened fire from behind the van,” the girl, named Shazia, said from the hospital where she and Yousafzai were first taken.The concern about "negative propaganda" is too disgusting to be funny.
Ihsanullah Ihsan, chief spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, said in calls to the media that the militant group targeted Yousafzai because she generated “negative propaganda” about Muslims.
“She considers President Obama as her ideal. Malala is the symbol of the infidels and obscenity,” Ihsan said.
Note: Yousafzai is not dead, at least not according to this report.
The war against women exists in Middle Easter Muslim theocracies.
In fact women are seen as a lower form of animal life in those cultures.
And if anyone frees a woman from their slavery, they will kill you! The message in not nuanced at all. They will kill you!
Hey, don't worry. The US embassy in Pakistan can always issue a statement apologizing for the girl's behavior that so provoked the innocent locals. That should settle them down. The main thing to keep in mind is that these particular Muslims definitely do not represent Islam.
This is what a "war on women" looks like. Does anyone see anything even remotely comparable happening in the US?
And you can buy your own contraceptives.
The concern about "negative propaganda" is too disgusting to be funny.
Droll but lofty planet.
-- Lautreamont
Shooting ninth graders.
So heroic.
Not to worry the President is negotiating with the Taliban. No problem.
When are the rest of the Muslims going to stand up for themselves?
President More-flexible will, uh, um, uh....
Elmo will die unless he's re-elected!
That is one sick culture.
Another sad story from Swat Valley. It wasn't anything like this in 1995 when I spent a good bit of time there.
When the Afghan war wound down, we stopped our money faucet - but the Saudi/Wahabi money faucet kept going, building madrassas and re-educating the village mullahs.
The Taliban quickly grew out of that, but a more insidious creeping fundamentalism percolated in Pakistani society. As corruption and grinding poverty slowly erode any hope, the desperate cling to fundamentalism.
Civil society has broken down completely in many parts of the country, the tenuous hold the military and ISI had has evaporated ... and there are few places better armed on the planet.
Blogger Marshal said...
"When are the rest of the Muslims going to stand up for themselves?"
In 1932 most of Europe was asking "When are the rest of the Germans going to stand up for themselves?"
Many of the core tenets of the religion of Islam are completely antithetical to everything we in the West hold dear. It's impossible to be tolerant of intolerance.
The concern about "negative propaganda" is too disgusting to be funny.
Professor I know Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are friends of mine... Professor Althouse you are no Jon Stewart ;)
"Does anyone see anything even remotely comparable happening in the US?"
Nope. On the other hand, the US has women who seriously believe Mitt Romney's going to outlaw tampons. So if we grade "war" on a curve...
And millions of American feminists will say nothing. It's Bush and Romney that are the problem!!! 9 million women in Afghanistan can now read thanks to W.
Arab Spring(field)!
I think it was triggered by Obama's visit to The View.
He is just continuing to rub the salt in Wahabbi wounds.
Bryan C said...
On the other hand, the US has women who seriously believe Mitt Romney's going to outlaw tampons. So if we grade "war" on a curve...
I don't believe this. There are nuts who will say it and nuts who will pretend to believe it. But the entire act is an in-crowd grooming ritual. They all know it's a lie. This is why a primary qualification of lefty activism is the willingness to look like an idiot.
Arm women in Pakistan.
Cowardly Taliban come onto a bus, and are shot.
"Does anyone see anything even remotely comparable happening in the US?"
The Obama ad about Big Bird is about comparable to the Taliban here, when it comes to having a real knack for PR. But it doesn't involve shooting anyone. So, no.
Not savages, but bone-through-the-nose savages.
That young lady should have thought about the risk to which she was putting others (Troofer Allie) and the propaganda coup she was handing our Muzzie enemies (C4).
And the Obama administration would sit down at the table and negotiate a kind of peace with these people.
"And the Obama administration would sit down at the table and negotiate a kind of peace with these people."
"My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds." - some British guy whose name has become almost impossible to say without sneering
And we still give money to this nation?
Lara Logan,CBS War Correspondent “I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a major lie being propagated . . .” There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two years,” Logan said. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,” who claim “they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban,” she added sarcastically. “It’s such nonsense!”
Lara Logan,CBS War Correspondent “There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two years,” Logan said. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,” who claim “they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban,” she added sarcastically. “It’s such nonsense!”
Two men armed with automatic weapons shoot an unarmed girl, a child, in the back...and they can't even kill her.
Yes, these people are evil sadistic scum. But Jesus Christ on horseback -- scratch that sacrilege, make that:
Mohammed on a Ritz cracker, are these jihadists ever a bunch of cowardly, feckless, incompetent, bumbling, limp-dicked ninnies.
Don't judge other cultures by your western imperialist standards. We need to reach out and seek common ground with them.
Besides, this sounds like they have a gun problem, mostly.
How do tax cuts solve that?
This is fundamentalism and it's spreading like wildfire in the Islamic world. I worked with many Bosnian Muslim women, there was NO similarity, none, to these fundamentalist Muslims.
Inga, for once you and I are in complete agreement.
Not another thin dime. Call it Malala's law if it helps it sail through congress.
Wasn't Logan the one who was, ahem, greeted, by those enthusiastic Arab Spring-breakers in teh sterrts of Cairo?
And we still give money to this nation?
They have nukes...
BTW.. Factor that into your thinking as to why it might be in our interest not to allow Iran to make nukes.
teh sterrts = evidence of drunkenness
The poor ladies of Afghanistan are in trouble once NATO pulls out.
Oh the horrible world we live in.
BarryD said...
"And the Obama administration would sit down at the table and negotiate a kind of peace with these people."
"My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds." - some British guy whose name has become almost impossible to say without sneering
10/9/12 2:24 PM
Indeed. An extra added bonus is the historical fact of the BBC suppressing programming regarding the liquidation of opposition political figures, Jews, and intellectuals, because they didn't want to appear 'anti-German'. The Times of London spiking stories and photographs of the desperate plight of those who escaped since it would endanger 'peace in our time'. Fleet Street even more pusillanimous than Chamberlain.
Disgusting similarities.
Women's right to vote: one of the many things that have led to the present sorry state of affairs.
Blogger Inga said...
This is fundamentalism and it's spreading like wildfire in the Islamic world. I worked with many Bosnian Muslim women, there was NO similarity, none, to these fundamentalist Muslims.
10/9/12 2:32 PM
and just like the 'good' Germans, they won't be complaining too loudly.
The Taliban shot this girl in the back of her head so she wouldn't get stoned to death in her twenties for being a rape victim.
And day in which Islam is compatible with the modern world is postponed, yet once more.
What happened to, you shoot my sister, I shoot you?
Her assailant's representative said...
“She considers President Obama as her ideal. Malala is the symbol of the infidels and obscenity,”
My, my...how is that Obama foreign policy re-set working out for ya?
When you display weakness, and emphasize it repeatedly, you draw hostile action...you give energy to the fundamentalist wackos and place the ordinary observants in danger. Do this often enough, and Obama & minions have done so, soon the ordinary peaceful observants will join the fundamentalists and attack you.
It actually started with Gates who was appointed by Bush, regrettably. Obama has merely doubled down on the insanity. Take a look at the last two Chairman, anointed by Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff: Mullen, a Navy Admiral to oversee a land combat war, then Dempsey, an Army General equivalent to a professorial academic...his only MACOM command was TRADOC, e.g., "Training & Doctrine."
Hillary is no better, she who all but "telegraphs" when it is prime time to attack a Consulate, and a few Embassies. She had virtually no experience in foreign policy outside of the philosophy course she took in college...but she is Secretary of State.
We truly have mastered how to butt screw ourselves.
Inga at 2:32 ... I didn't think it was possible that I could agree with you on anything, but in that post you are correct. Experience made you so.
I live among Muslims, about 50,000+ of them as neighbors, literally, and what you've said is correct....and mirrors what I've said several times here and elsewhere.
My way of thinking is if I have criticisms to make of Islam, I';ll make them face to face with Muslims. Then I'll listen. Then I will argue if necessary. So far I'm not dead, but I don't give the aura off that I'm "easy" either. Funny how respect works between different cultures.
Many of us learned it in Asia, S.E. and Central, ... unfortunately, almost no one in government bothered to take note.
Well hopefully Obama is finished in Nov. But he might have accomplished one great thing, exposing Hillary Clinton as a idiot. Hopefully Hillary's political career is over.
"these aren't the terrorists you're looking for" move along
It's appalling that the Left isn't up in arms about this.
Let's all hope no one makes a movie about this girl's life and death..it could set off world-wide violence and attacks on US embassies.
I wonder when Inga is going to come in and defend the muslim nazi party to our face since we can't talk badly about them lest they riot for being offended.
Tiger, of course the left is up in arms about it, every bit as much as conservatives. Why wouldn't we be?
Inga said...
This is fundamentalism and it's spreading like wildfire in the Islamic world. I worked with many Bosnian Muslim women, there was NO similarity, none, to these fundamentalist Muslims.
That is because that is the only form of islam you there is, you twit. There is no such thing as a moderate islam.
Does anyone see anything even remotely comparable happening in the US?
Yes. Honor killings bu Muslims happen in the US. They are sometimes followed by idiot judges considering the adaptation of sharia law in sentencing.
Have you been following what is hapening to the population in Dearborn, MI? Or in Rochester, MN? Or in central TN? Or in any number of other places in the US where Muslim immigrants have settled and are becoming the majority population.
Pay attention. They want all of America to be a Mulslim land, governed not by our lowas and copsntitution, but by sharia law.
There are no moderate muslims, by the way. That is simply a convenient myth. If you believe that, please tell me when did Islam have its reformation?
Aridog said...
Inga at 2:32 ... I didn't think it was possible that I could agree with you on anything, but in that post you are correct. Experience made you so.
I live among Muslims, about 50,000+ of them as neighbors, literally, and what you've said is correct....and mirrors what I've said several times here and elsewhere.
My way of thinking is if I have criticisms to make of Islam, I';ll make them face to face with Muslims. Then I'll listen. Then I will argue if necessary. So far I'm not dead, but I don't give the aura off that I'm "easy" either. Funny how respect works between different cultures.
Many of us learned it in Asia, S.E. and Central, ... unfortunately, almost no one in government bothered to take note.
You live in Dearborn, MI?
Methadras, you did you not read Aridog's comment @2:57PM?
It wasn't like this in Pakistan when George W Bush left office.
Must be another one of those Obama "foreign policy successes" that phx prefers to a peaceful Pakistan.
It wasn't like this in Pakistan when George W Bush left office.
Dear stupid Nathan probably means when W was IN office. Nevertheless, his assertion that religious extremism was born the day Bush left office is undoubtedly true because he believes it to be true. No need to examine facts or apply reason.
Since 2009 the general opinion of the U.S. in Pakistan has steadily gotten worse (not that it was that high to begin with). In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure.
By the way... the Obama Administration has been in "peace talks" with these animals for some time.
Nonapod said...
"In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure."
you got a poll to that effect that puts the onus on the President for anything other than killing OBL and showing the Pakistani government to be just a bunch of ineffectual scaredy-kats or just the one sticking out of your ass?
the lengths you jackels will go to blame the President for the mess over there is beyond me. I thought you were Americans. I guess not.
Interesting how the Pakistani Taliban has a "chief spokesman."
Jason said...
By the way... the Obama Administration has been in "peace talks" with these animals for some time."
hey Jason...Islam 101 test here:
That is the difference between the Taliban and al-qaeda? bet you don't know.
Here's a quick abstract of a poll from the Arab American institute.
Michael Haz said...
Does anyone see anything even remotely comparable happening in the US?
Yes. Honor killings bu Muslims happen in the US. They are sometimes followed by idiot judges considering the adaptation of sharia law in sentencing.
To those who wish to immigrate to America legally, welcome. If you kill someone according to your custom, we shall kill you according to ours.
And any American judge who implements any form of Sharia Law should be immediately impeached. That is a complete negation of the concept of equal justice under the law as well as violating the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment.
Lindsey Meadows said...
I thought you were Americans. I guess not.
10/9/12 3:52 PM
For a time the left's favorite dodge was claiming some criticism of their positions was "questioning their patriotism". Since they seemed to deem that a defense logic dictates they considered that unacceptable. But the left has no reservation with making the accusation outright.
Just one more leftist hypocrisy to outline how fundamentally dishonest and disgusting the left is.
Larry J said...
" They are sometimes followed by idiot judges considering the adaptation of sharia law in sentencing."
I'm just dying to read this...please list a couple of the judges and the cases...
But remember, the Tahleebahn are misunderstood moderates.
That's what Choom says. Choom, of course, also thinks he knows more than the troops about how to fight a war.
Jake Diamond said...
It wasn't like this in Pakistan when George W Bush left office.
Dear stupid Nathan probably means when W was IN office. Nevertheless, his assertion that religious extremism was born the day Bush left office is undoubtedly true because he believes it to be true. No need to examine facts or apply reason.
Diamond continues to be Althouse's answer to Bob Beckel, witness his projection through use of the line, "No need to examine facts or apply reason".
The Taliban was in retreat when Dubya left office, but Choom decided he'd show everybody how to fight the war and promptly loused up everything.
We passed the 2000 dead mark in A-stan, but you wouldn't know it from the media.
I'm just dying to read this...please list a couple of the judges and the cases...
Shariah In American Courts
Took me all of 3 seconds to find this. And if you weren't in high dudgeon mode, and unafraid to come out of your comfort zone, you could have found this just as easily.
Lindsey Meadows, there is this new invention called "google" if you go there and insert the words "judge using sharia law" it will return about 5 million results.
"It's appalling that the Left isn't up in arms about this."
Out of curiosity, how many left-leaning blogs do you read? Because this story got a hell of a lot of attention on the blogs I read. It was also the main story on the online version of the Guardian today.
"Since 2009 the general opinion of the U.S. in Pakistan has steadily gotten worse (not that it was that high to begin with). In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure."
Kind of hard to square this with the whole 'Obama is an appeaser' narrative some on the right are pushing.
Minzo said...
Kind of hard to square this with the whole 'Obama is an appeaser' narrative some on the right are pushing.
Since appeasement doesn't work proof of it not working is not proof it wasn't attempted.
Apparently not so tough.
"Since appeasement doesn't work proof of it not working is not proof it wasn't attempted.
Apparently not so tough."
I'd argue that if Obama was going for appeasement, all those drone attacks (and the hundreds of people they killed) kind of sent a mixed message.
Minzo said...
I'd argue that if Obama was going for appeasement, all those drone attacks (and the hundreds of people they killed) kind of sent a mixed message.
Then you should have made that argument instead of the silly one you asserted in its place.
Speaking of "negative propaganda".
Minzo said...
Since 2009 the general opinion of the U.S. in Pakistan has steadily gotten worse (not that it was that high to begin with). In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure.
Kind of hard to square this with the whole 'Obama is an appeaser' narrative some on the right are pushing.
Any sign of weakness is considered unmanly over there.
Methadras aasked... do I live in Dearborn.
Answer: Yes, I live in Dearborn,Michigan, in the far east end of town...and have for 30+ years. My "profile" says as much for those who've looked at it.
But don't mistake my views about everyday Muslims for advocacy of radicals, who threaten both my kind of bleach white Christian as well as their own Muslim families.
Just as in Southeast Asia long ago, not everyone was Viet Cong, the majority, in fact, figured "freedom" was a full day without being shot at or having their buffalo killed, by either side. The productive efforts of the USMC CAP program, village by village, and the original Special Forces efforts worked. They, however, were not popular with MAC-V and thus came the utterly moronic "Strategic Hamlet" program that proved once and for all that Americans as a governed group were the enemy so the nationals sided with the folks most like them. Not us. A few that left RVN still keep in touch with a few of us who served there...and they are right wingers to a man.
The media and our idiot President and his minions have almost no knowledge of the Muslim community, here or abroad, so they publish the dramatic acts of a few fascists, which in turn provides power to those fundamentalist fascists....who seek power for their own personal gain and prestige, not for any spiritual purpose. CAIR is a classic example of the organized idiocy...which imparts fear in their purported own people and makes liberal whitey feel all guilty.
The Taliban or Al Qaeda are no more representative of the Muslim whole than Al Capone, or the Tony Soprano caricature, was of all Italians.
The crimes and issues mentioned by some others here actually do occur, and they are prosecuted. A recent matter that I am close to, involved with peripherally, that is still unfinished is the story of a young local woman who had been treated under her husband's idea of Sharia Law. She has been freed with the combined efforts of her church and the US Government and has returned here incognito. I can't tell the story now because there is still a threat to her (I will tell it when I can in time)...but I know that among those Muslims who know the story there is a renewed faith in non-Muslims and the US Government to provide equal protection under the law, and do it right here, in their community...which is my community. I believe in face to face, always. I'll not leave here other than toes up.
Minzo said... Kind of hard to square this with the whole 'Obama is an appeaser' narrative some on the right are pushing.
Oh, really? If some fawns over you and blatantly kisses your ass, do you respect them? Why should Arab Princes and Egyptian Imams respect a man who bows and grovels before them?
"I'm telling ya, I came from a tough neighborhood. Why, at my school, after we sacked the quarterback, we went after his family!"
- Rodney Dangerfield
Since 2009 the general opinion of the U.S. in Pakistan has steadily gotten worse (not that it was that high to begin with). In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure.
Hmmm. When the general opinion of the United States in European countries worsened shortly after W took office, the Republicans thought it was absolutely swell that our allies in "Old Europe" didn't like the "new sheriff in town" and his dumbshit policies.
It reminds me of the countless lame excuses Republicans offered for the Bush deficits when W was in charge, but as soon as Obama became president, there were NO acceptable reasons for a deficit.
"Mohammed on a Ritz cracker"? That's the sort of blasphemy that we simply will not tolerate around here. Thou shalt not take the name of thy Ritz, your cracker, in vain.
Any sign of weakness is considered unmanly over there.
edutcher is the self-appointed resident "expert" on "the Arab world."
Funny and sad.
I think this was caused by the Mohammed video.
Dear stupid Nathan probably means when W was IN office. Nevertheless, his assertion that religious extremism was born the day Bush left office is undoubtedly true because he believes it to be true. No need to examine facts or apply reason.
There was the point where President Bush stepped down, and Obama was inaugurated and took over the Office of the Presidency.
I'm sorry you have to resort to insulting me for factual statements before repeating your self-comforting lies, but I do have a responsibility to only tell the truth: the history is there for anyone with the balls to face up to it.
Which apparently excludes you.
Jake Diamond said...
Any sign of weakness is considered unmanly over there.
edutcher is the self-appointed resident "expert" on "the Arab world."
Funny and sad.
The only thing funny is Diamond has no real comeback.
The only thing sad is he knows I'm right, but can't admit it.
Weak leaders don't last long in that part of the world.
Pick up a history book and have someone read it to you.
I do have a responsibility to only tell the truth
Sure you do.
One thing you can count on: liars will lie about their lying. It's what they do.
In your case, either you're a pathetic liar or you're truly delusional. At the moment I'm inclined to believe the latter explanation.
The only thing sad is he knows I'm right, but can't admit it.
I bet edutcher used that same sad excuse when he failed his high school classes. "My teachers knew I was right but they couldn't admit it."
edutcher seems to have hit upon a fantastic method for convincing himself of his infallibility in the face of being regarded as a dumbass. He simply asserts that everyone knows he's right but just can't admit it.
Weak leaders don't last long in that part of the world.
Weak leaders don't last long in any part of the world.
Jake Diamond asserts: He simply asserts that everyone knows he's right but just can't admit it.
That actually sounds more like Crack these days than edutcher.
@Jake Diamond: Can I hear your Shiloh impression again? It's actually pretty good!
edutcher said:
Weak leaders don't last long in that part of the world.
Pick up a history book and have someone read it to you.
Please find me a reference to where anyone with knowledge of the area suggested Asif Zardari ever held any power as Prime Minister?
Then tell me about Nawaz Sharif and Benazir ... Pakistan hasn't had a strong leader for decades, unless you consider the army stooge Musharraf something other than puppet.
Men who can't shoot straight are intimidated by little girls.
(And yes, it is too disgusting to be funny.)
"Since 2009 the general opinion of the U.S. in Pakistan has steadily gotten worse (not that it was that high to begin with). In fact in the Arab world in general the U.S. has become even more hated during Obama's tenure."
"Kind of hard to square this with the whole 'Obama is an appeaser' narrative some on the right are pushing."
How so, Minzo?
Do you assume that if Obama *was* an "appeaser" they'd like us better?
Even in the West someone who doesn't stick up for themselves or their "tribe" is despised. And we're not talking about the West where we value the strength of humility, we're talking about honor cultures based on visible strength and machismo.
And the thing is that a whole lot of us explained this four years ago when so many people were all excited about how Obama would make the world *like* us.
Also, please... Pakistan had a political meltdown, a change of government, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, almost as a response to the election of Obama, timing-wise. This was not a slow slide that began while Bush was president, it was a huge upset.
Jake Diamond said...
The only thing sad is he knows I'm right, but can't admit it.
I bet edutcher used that same sad excuse when he failed his high school classes. "My teachers knew I was right but they couldn't admit it."
edutcher seems to have hit upon a fantastic method for convincing himself of his infallibility in the face of being regarded as a dumbass. He simply asserts that everyone knows he's right but just can't admit it.
Diamond is the last one to call anyone dumbass. As I say, Althouse blog's answer to Bob Beckel.
And I still see no rebuttal except some lame ad hominem.
And everyone knows I'm perfectly willing to admit I'm wrong -
when given some facts to show it.
Diamond's say-so counts for nothing.
Mark said...
Weak leaders don't last long in that part of the world.
Pick up a history book and have someone read it to you.
Please find me a reference to where anyone with knowledge of the area suggested Asif Zardari ever held any power as Prime Minister?
Then tell me about Nawaz Sharif and Benazir ... Pakistan hasn't had a strong leader for decades, unless you consider the army stooge Musharraf something other than puppet.
If a leader doesn't project an image of strength in the Islamic world, he's dead. That's been proven too many times.
Now, granted, as Mark notes, some are front men for a junta - Musharraf - and are only as strong as the junta's support..
Some appear strong, but fold when tested.
And some may be perceived as weak, but show surprising strength of well - Pencil Neck Assad.
But, name one that was overtly weak and survived for any length of time.
s/b strength of will.
Kirby Olson said...
And millions of American feminists will say nothing. It's Bush and Romney that are the problem!!! 9 million women in Afghanistan can now read thanks to W.
Hate to tell you, fool...but those girl schools will be shut down shortly when the Taliban take over from the corrupt Karzai Clan - whom they will hopefully lynch before they can escape the country with their embezzled billions.
Like the Soviets, we were fools to think we could nation-build and convert them to our way of thinking.
Cedarford, so right. The moment we leave that hell hole of a country, the Taliban will be in central power within months. And yes I pity the poor Afghan women and children, especially female children. Just how long do we keep our troops there to protect the female population? How about other nations in which females are 2nd class citizens? Should we invade those countries too? How many wars can we possibly involve ourselves in with a voluntary military and a broke economy?
Again, armchair warriors are so brave.
Like the Soviets, we were fools to think we could nation-build and convert them to our way of thinking.
Except some were and still are concerned with that miserable patch of earth once again hosting a launch pad for worldwide Jihad. I suspect that some of their goals align with yours, but fortunately you are in a minority in this country.
It's long past time to deal with Islam once and for all. Nuke Mecca, Riyadh, Teheran, Qom, and Fallujah. seize the coastal oil fields in the Persian Gulf, and expel the inhabitants into the desert. form a foreign legion to suppress Muslim response. rinse and repeat.
@ Inga Tiger, of course the left is up in arms about it, every bit as much as conservatives. Why wouldn't we be?
Ummmm. Maybe we have trouble believing that because of the abysmal SILENCE of lefty women about the horrendous violations and oppression of women in the Middle East by Islamists.
They are too concerned about having everyone pay for their sex lives and cons making war on their sacred "lady parts."
JAL, that's simply not true.
L said...
"Maybe we have trouble believing that because of the abysmal SILENCE of lefty women..."
The Taliban doesn't for a minute consider what we think of them. We mean nothing to them and are not worthy of any consideration.
Note that I did draw a clear distinction between the Taliban and the GOP.....
don't give JAL another thought. He/she/it doesn't think at all anyway.
chickelit said...
Like the Soviets, we were fools to think we could nation-build and convert them to our way of thinking.
Except some were and still are concerned with that miserable patch of earth once again hosting a launch pad for worldwide Jihad. I suspect that some of their goals align with yours, but fortunately you are in a minority in this country.
Sorry, but the democratization an "nation-building" strategy has cost us 4 trillion when the last interest payments are made to Saudi Arabia and China fr the money Bush and Obama borrowed.
And that is for just two shitty little Islamoid hangouts - with another 18-22 places "harboring Jihadis" at present. Many far more populous and powerful nations than Afghanistan or Iraq.
Not to mention the only real fruits - once all the "hero's girl schools close, and planned statues to the American Churchill never to be built there" - is 7,000+ dead American troops and contractors, 2500 dead NATO troops lost in the folly, and over 70,000 casualties on our side.
You Neocons have to get your heads out of your asses.
We can'
"She has been freed with the combined efforts of her church..."
So, no longer a Muslim?
"Oh, really? If some fawns over you and blatantly kisses your ass, do you respect them? Why should Arab Princes and Egyptian Imams respect a man who bows and grovels before them? "
Well let's see. General opinion of the US has steadily gotten worse. Do you think it's because
a) Obama has been 'grovelling' and 'bowing' before them.
b) Obama has repeatedly launched drone attacks on their Country and killed hundreds of their people, most of them civilians
Gee, I wonder which of those two it could be....
Minzo, I'm sure many here will think it's option "A".
I vote for all of the above.
"A" would be enough without "B" and "B" would be enough without "A".
But we knew Obama would do that, too, before he was elected because he announced to the world that HE wasn't going to let Pakistan off the hook like Bush had. Because he was trying to posture like a tough-ass to cover his whimp-ass.
Kirk Parker said...
So, no longer a Muslim?
Correct. But not a product of proselytizing efforts.
My guess is that the reason the girl isn't dead is because Muslims are generally lousy shots.
It comes from firing all those shots off into the air. Gun control is hitting your target. The air is not a target.
This is also why Muslim countries always lose wars to Israel, by the way.
Lem said...
The concern about "negative propaganda" is too disgusting to be funny.
Professor I know Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are friends of mine... Professor Althouse you are no Jon Stewart ;)
Lem, you need to get yourself some better friends! ;)
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say, "not a product of overt proselytizing efforts"? She did find out about Christianity somehow...
For a porn star, cigarette smoking girl is pretty annoying, but I guess they are all pretty crazy in real life anyway.
Kirk Parker said...
Aridog ... Wouldn't it be more accurate to say, "not a product of overt proselytizing efforts"? She did find out about Christianity somehow...
Semantics. Of course she did, living in a community with 7 Mosques and 60 odd Christian churches from Primitive Baptist, to Presbyterian, to Catholic and Orthodox, and everything in between, it isn't difficult to hear of and then visit a church...or a different Mosque for that matter, of which there are three basic varieties locally.
What does matter are the people of whatever faith, even no faith, who lead by example, face to face, side by side, not publicity and evangelizing. Judging by your website, I presume you know this.
But this may just be my concept of things. YMMV....
Minzo ... Obama has repeatedly launched drone attacks on their Country ...
I'm fairly blood thirsty and certainly have no issues with whacking Islamist fanatics with Hell Fire missiles. However, doing so from a drone is wholly without accountability, is it not...e.g, and how do you or we know who is actually killed? Have you seen any posted videos from a drone attack that verify the target?
We have only the government's word on who they whack. That, and you seem not to get it...that bowing and groveling is seen as weak, PLUS attacking them with drones as hostile. You couldn't write a better invitation for violent attack if you tried.
Nobody likes a bullshitter, and after Benghazi, just what would you call our current government?
Well, I haven't *got* a website that I know of! :-)
And while I certainly agree with the value of what you're describing, on the other hand I would not ever rule out respectful evangelism--nothing at all wrong with saying "Hey, we've got something we think you might be interested in." When the JW's or Mormon missionaries come to my door, I just give them a quick "no thanks" and they go on their way.
Kirk Parker said...
Aridog ... Well, I haven't *got* a website that I know of! :-)
Okay, a "blog" then? Your Blogger profile lists a specific blog for your name...related to a Presbyterian ministry.
No matter, "respectful evangelism," to use your words, bothers me not a bit. Unfortunately many are not "respectful" and are just rude noisy disturbances come to town. They contribute nothing positive, while trying hard to start a fight.
Oh! You can see how often I look at my own Blogger profile; I didn't even realize that was visible there! :-)
Yes, I'm involved in that ministry, and as a "tech guy" helped set up the blog. But I don't write for it and almost never look at it, since I already know what we're doing.
If they'd only strangled an infant this could be a story about women's rights.
Or something.
Kirk Parker ....
Your involvement is what gave rise to my comment, whether or not you write for the blog. The effort, or ministry, whatever you chose to call it, appears to be one of "doing" instead of just yelling, hollering, and picking fights. It appears to be one of immersion in the culture you serve. If all that is so, then it is something good afoot in the world.
My life's experiences have taught me that while determined soldiers are necessary, so are the peacemakers. Sometimes they are a combined element.
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