October 18, 2012

Tagg Romney would like to jump out of his seat and "rush down to the stage" and "take a swing at" President Obama...

... or so he said, laughing, when asked how he felt when Obama called his dad a liar. 
"But you know you can’t do that because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that’s the nature of the process."
The most troubling thing about Tagg's remark is:
pollcode.com free polls 


Dark Eden said...


If Romney win this election, he might as well wear a shirt that says "Assassinate Me Bitch"

Yall ready to assasinate romney ?

Romney make me wanna hop through the tv & just assasinate his ass

I'm gonna murder Romney right now


Shouting Thomas said...

The girly hysteria of the left over a punch in the nose has become its own self-parody.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

E. It's perfectly natural for a child who loves his father to want to protect his father. Esp. when some failed punk ass liar president lies to your face.

Pierre said...

Hell I thought Mitt was going to take a swing at him. What was fantastic was watching Mitt stare directly at that bastard, I knew exactly what he was thinking...just give me a minute to knock that silly ass grin off your dumbass face.

Back when men acted with honor the result of that debate would have seen them in a duel.

Patrick said...

Way back when, Bill Clinton said he wanted to punch someone in the nose, after (whoever it was) made some comment about Hilary. I think it's fine, no one sane thinks Bill Clinton or Tagg Romney is going to hit someone.

Wince said...

Context is important. He made the statement in response to a "feel" question.

North Carolina radio host Bill LuMaye had asked Romney what it felt like “to hear the president of the United States call your dad a liar.”

Sounded metaphorical. Imagine if he said slap Obama with a glove and challenge him to a duel.

wyo sis said...

But---did he start audience applause at a huge lie his dad told?
Michelle did that about her hubby though.
That's really the way it works.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile - Obama supports want to murder Romney.

Pierre said...

Maybe just a slap across bummers face would have been perfect.

Hey Althouse you still going to vote for the leftist marxist?

Mogget said...

Hey! It was Romney that told his supporters to bring a gun to a knife fight, right? Right?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's comforting to know that Tagg Romney's a tough guy.

Paddy O said...

Similar to Michelle Obama's clapping during the last debate.

Of course, she was clapping for Candy Crowley who did in fact physically and verbally move to protect Obama. So, while Tagg is a normal guy wanting to take on the other guy, Obama and Michelle like the idea of Obama hiding behind another woman.

Robert Cook said...

Mitt's son is a normal guy in taking offense at insults to his dad, but he really needs to wake the fuck up and realize his dad is a liar.

Julie C said...

Obviously Tagg is a racist.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meanwhile - Obama supports want to murder Romney.

Well, you gotta remember, their motives are good! In fact, the best!

wyo sis said...

O's wife is a normal gal in taking offense at insults to her husband, but she really needs to wake the fuck up and realize her husband is a liar.

Calypso Facto said...

Nice memory, Patrick:

"President Bill Clinton to once say that he wanted to punch Safire in the nose. That statement surfaced after a Safire column described Hillary Clinton as a congental(sic) liar"

Robert Cook said...

"O's wife is a normal gal in taking offense at insults to her husband, but she really needs to wake the fuck up and realize her husband is a liar."

Has anyone ever suggested she does not know her husband is a liar?

Shouting Thomas said...

Mitt's son is a normal guy in taking offense at insults to his dad, but he really needs to wake the fuck up and realize his dad is a liar.

The usual crap.

This is such deadly predictable stupidity, Cookie, that it makes me long for your insane commie rants.

Shouting Thomas said...

Has anyone ever suggested she does not know her husband is a liar?

Oddly, although I probably will vote for Romney, I think that Obama is also a man of good will.

He just happens to disagree with Cookie the Commie.

Robert Cook said...

And if Michelle does not know her husband is a liar, then, yes, she needs to wake the fuck up, too.

KCFleming said...

Not to worry; Crowley's skirt is big enough to protect Obama from both Mitt and Tagg.

Shouting Thomas said...

And if Michelle does not know her husband is a liar, then, yes, she needs to wake the fuck up, too.

This is the problem with commies. They don't know that they are sinners, too.

Jesus, Cookie.

Robert Cook said...

"...although I probably will vote for Romney...."

Shouting Tom! Are you one of those pusillanimous "undecideds," at this late date?

Say it ain't so, bro!

Curious George said...

You know Obama would fight back with girly windmill slap punches.

brian said...

My vote along with 95+% of the rest is that he is a refreshingly normal guy. I have only one additional comment: What the heck? Did Sarah Palin name this Romney kid?

Curious George said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
Oddly, although I probably will vote for Romney, I think that Obama is also a man of good will."

I suppose if you ignore everything known about him you could come to that conclusion. He is a nasty piece of work.

Tank said...

Curious George said...

You know Obama would fight back with girly windmill slap punches.

No, Zero would get his favorite baseball player to help him out ... if he could remember the name of even one of players on his favorite team. Or where they played.

Robert Cook said...

Tank, not that I care for Obama, but since when is knowing anything about sports indicative of manliness or whatever other quality it is that you mean to impugn in Obama?

Tank said...

The point is:

Con man.

Always with the con.

Even about sports.

And a joke. Like Obama's record.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shouting Tom! Are you one of those pusillanimous "undecideds," at this late date?

I'm undecided about whether the identity of the next President is of overwhelming importance in my life.

I suppose if you ignore everything known about him you could come to that conclusion. He is a nasty piece of work.

We all have to get our hands dirty to make a living. My girlfriend in college was Jewish, and her father related this bit of Jewish folk wisdom to me: "Never judge a man for what he does to make a living."

Robert Cook said...


Okay, I can't argue with you there.
Point taken.

Brian Brown said...

Isn't it funny how the left is always mocking the right for not getting their "jokes" can't seem to grasp he said this while laughing?

Shouting Thomas said...

Tank, not that I care for Obama, but since when is knowing anything about sports indicative of manliness or whatever other quality it is that you mean to impugn in Obama?

Knowledge of sports is the first indication I look for in a civilized man.

This virtue indicates that a man knows that the best thing to argue about is sports, because you can scream and cuss at other men, and still remain friends.

Politics, not so much.

garage mahal said...

You know Obama would fight back with girly windmill slap punches.

LOL. Obama would drop Tagg like a sack of potatoes. I would surprised if Tagg even knew how to make a fist. Might mess up his manicure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For someone claiming to defer to "the nature of the process"... Tagg showed a little ignorance of it with that remark... if indeed he made it.

Doesn't Tagg know the teams are not playing by the same set of rules?

Thats elementary.

Shouting Thomas said...

That was the best post you've ever written, garage.

More, please!

Robert Cook said...

"Never judge a man for what he does to make a living," is a pretty good credo, but there are limits.

Banker, mafioso, and politician are three occupations that compel disdain.

(BTW, I believe the sentiment behind the credo is directed more at laborers and other humble working people more than at those of higher station.)

Robert Cook said...

"Knowledge of sports is the first indication I look for in a civilized man."


Shouting Thomas said...

I just explained, Cookie.

Men can, and do, argue endlessly about sports as a form of friendship and entertainment. And, you can do this without punching one another in the nose, and still remain friends.

Thus, men of breeding and high intellect stuff their minds with knowledge of sports. Women, too.

Robert Cook said...

"...a man knows that the best thing to argue about is sports, because you can scream and cuss at other men, and still remain friends."

Why would one want to scream and cuss at one's friends?

Shouting Thomas said...

Banker, mafioso, and politician are three occupations that compel disdain.

I've known plenty of each of those classifications.

They run the gamut, from people I thought were worthwhile friends, to brutal thugs.

Just like any other profession.

Robert Cook said...

Put another way, why would one want to be friends with those one is screaming and cussing at, and being screamed and cussed at by?

Robert Cook said...

Shouting Tom, don't you recognize my mild irony in my remark about bankers, politicians and mafioso?

Shouting Thomas said...

Why would one want to scream and cuss at one's friends?

The presence of women, family and alcohol.

Overt displays of male competitiveness are healthy. It's called honesty.

The members of my band ridicule one another mercilessly. It's fun.

Curious George said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
We all have to get our hands dirty to make a living. My girlfriend in college was Jewish, and her father related this bit of Jewish folk wisdom to me: "Never judge a man for what he does to make a living."

Doubling down on dumb. What someone does for a living is not the same as how one goes about it.

Can you think of a single fact regarding Obama's non-work life that makes you think he is a person of good will.

Bob Ellison said...

"don't you recognize my mild irony" is classic. I plan to use it in future conversations.

Larry J said...

Actually, I can relate to Tagg's impulse. Whenever Obama comes on TV, I change the channel or hit the mute button. He's so damned annoying that I can't stand the sound of his voice anymore. The sooner he's out of office, the better. Election day can't come soon enough. After that, we'll have to stomach Obama until Jan 20th. After that, I predict he'll be an even worse former president than Jimmy Carter.

As for Joe Biden, he's even worse.

Robert Cook said...

I'd bet Obama thinks he is a person of good will.

But then, many violent criminals also think they are men of good will.

We all lie to ourselves to greater or lesser degree.

Shouting Thomas said...

Can you think of a single fact regarding Obama's non-work life that makes you think he is a person of good will.

He made the best out of the bad situation that was dealt to him... being Stanley Dunham's son!

How would you like to have been born to that crazy Red Diaper mom? She left him completely adrift and set out in search of bigger, more exotic dick, and the campaign to Save the World.

Robert Cook said...

"'don't you recognize my mild irony' is classic. I plan to use it in future conversations."

I'll expect a credit, if not a small royalty, for each use, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Robert Cook, where were you at last night's meeting brother?

I nominated you for Council Chair:

"The revolution's true son, our gregarious leader and true comrade Red Robert could not be with us tonight. As many of you know, Robert is as comfortable on the battlefield as he is in parsing Marxist dialectic. He asks the right questions and gets to the heart of things. He is a leader to the people!

He also brings Domino's pizza and makes sure the pens and pamphlets are available at every meeting, as well as bringing the overhead projector and securing the Library meeting room at the appropriate time due to his business acumen.

All Hail Red Robert!

Hear! Hear!

Unknown said...

Has the secret service called on him yet?

krshorewood said...

A two-fer! I thought Obama was getting under Mitt's rather thin skin but it looks like this entitled son-of-a-bitch Tagg has gone along for the ride.

Last I read we fought a revolution to overthrow an aristocracy. Now it seems like a bunch of you want to reinstall it.

clint said...


Big Bird. Dishwatergate. Bindergate. And now Angry Tag.

Someone needs to tell the Obama campaign that when you've scraped through the bottom of the barrel and dug yourself into a hole beneath it... it's time to come up with a substantive agenda.

edutcher said...

Nice to see somebody who isn't a girly man.

That he didn't shows he was raised right.

krshorewood said...

The last four years was a substantial agenda, partially bidy blocked by the economic traitors in the GOP Congress with the help of assorted blue dog Democrats.

Mitt and Eddie have plans. Smashing yourself in the face with a frying pan to cure a headache is a plan.

bagoh20 said...

This is an outrage approaching "binders" level of outrageousness.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is an outrage approaching "binders" level of outrageousness.

Reality is starting to sink in. The Obamaphiles are beginning to grasp the fact that they might well lose.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the mugs on Ann and Tag during the debate? Worse than anything I've seen on Michelle's face. Simply murderous...... Kidding don't punch me.

Seriously it must be rough sitting so close to the action, next debate they'll be seated in the nose bleed section. Pun intended.

X said...

I like the new troll

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That statement surfaced after a Safire column described Hillary Clinton as a congental(sic) liar"

"I want to cut his [Obamas] nuts out."

Rev Jesse could say something like that. No problem.

KJE said...

One rule I operate by is that *I* can talk all the shit about my family I want.

But you better well stand and deliver if you *you* talk shit to me about my family.

Anonymous said...

If Obama does lose, I expect to see a lot of "tolerance" and "civility."

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga attempts humor! God, that's good!

Did you see the mugs on Ann and Tag during the debate? Worse than anything I've seen on Michelle's face. Simply murderous...... Kidding don't punch me.

Can't imagine why they's be pissed at Obama. After all, Obama's only called their dad a compulsive liar, suggesting that Romney lives to put people out of a job and starve them, and that Romney has the magical power and cunning to infect old women with cancer.

Anonymous said...

Back when men acted with honor the result of that debate would have seen them in a duel.

This is perhaps the stupidest thing I have read in a long time. Killing each other is certainly an honorable way to settle a dispute.

Shouting Thomas said...

... economic traitors in the GOP Congress...


Republicans, mainly Tea Party guys, elected by their constituents for the express purpose of stopping Obama's tsunami of spending and borrowing.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna murder Romney right now

Need I remind you that recently on this very site, a commenter made a "joke" about killing Obama.

Patrick said...

Why would one want to scream and cuss at one's friends?

Because they like the DH rule, for one.

Patrick said...

LOL. Obama would drop Tagg like a sack of potatoes. I would surprised if Tagg even knew how to make a fist. Might mess up his manicure.

What, are you in second grade?

Kev said...

(the other kev)

Why is my first thought about that lineup to slap the hysterical woman on 'Airplane?'

Darrell said...

Obama looked plenty manly trying to negotiate that garden gateway with his open umbrella. Smart, too.

Robert Cook said...

"...suggesting that Romney lives to put people out of a job and starve them...."

It's a mistake to assume Romney (or any other predator capitalists) "live(s)" to starve people or put them out of work. This assumes they even consider the lives of other people than themselves.

Rather, they live to acquire as much wealth as they can, by whatever means they can, and they simply don't care what harm their actions will bring to others.

brian said...

As to the name Taggart, which is very Palinian, it appears to be the title of a Louis L'Amour western. It is also a common last name and the (family) name of a company in Big Rapids Michigan.

X said...

I'm sorry baby. It's this entitled son-of-a-bitch Tagg and this goddamn war.

Darrell said...

Obama has an irrational fear of potatoes.

Too many eyes, he says. Unnatural.

edutcher said...

garage mahal said...

You know Obama would fight back with girly windmill slap punches.

LOL. Obama would drop Tagg like a sack of potatoes. I would surprised if Tagg even knew how to make a fist. Might mess up his manicure.

Now that's projection.

Freder Frederson said...

I'm gonna murder Romney right now

Need I remind you that recently on this very site, a commenter made a "joke" about killing Obama.

As always, Freder is behind the curve.

To recap, that was a tweet from one of many Choom supporters after the debate.

Shouting Thomas said...

Rather, they live to acquire as much wealth as they can, by whatever means they can, and they simply don't care what harm their actions will bring to others.

It's human nature to do what you have to do to make a living, and to do so to take care of your family.

You undoubtedly do the same thing, although you are obviously incapable of the self-awareness necessary to understand this.

This is why religion is good, Cookie. We are all sinners. You are rebelling against this knowledge and making yourself stupid.

The devil is tempting you by flattering you about your intellect. And, it's working!

TexasVoter said...

Michelle Obama said she wanted to scratch Bill Clinton's eyes out. This is all faux outrage about little things. Obama doesn't want to talk about the issues, I wonder why...

Rumpletweezer said...


Don't you get the dynamic? If we had duels wouldn't people behave differently? Harry Reid would have to drastically change his behavior or he'd surely be dead by now. Would Debbie Wasserman Schultz hide behind her husband?

It's just fun to think about.

John said...

I wanted to get in the line of people waiting to express that special thanks to Obama, but the line was just too long.

X said...

It's all laughs and jokes until Jesse Jackson cuts your nuts off.

Christopher in MA said...

A two-fer! I thought Obama was getting under Mitt's rather thin skin but it looks like this entitled son-of-a-bitch Tagg has gone along for the ride.

thin skin? If the Zero's skin were any thinner, he'd be translucent.

economic traitors in the GOP Congress

Interesting to see lefties reacquaint themselves with the concept of treason after eight years of undermining the troops and cheering every death and "grim milestone."

ricpic said...

In Cookieland all but Cookie lie and lie helplessly, except for Cookie, Keeper of The Truth.

edutcher said...

Duels didn't necessarily insure a politer society.

Andrew Jackson fought several, as an example, all part of the Southern Code of Honor.

Northerners just wrote a letter to the editor.

But, it would be interesting to see the look on certain politicians' faces, after having lied about someone, to have them answered with, "I shall see you, sir, over pistols at dawn".

The libel and slander laws were somewhat superfluous in them thar days.

Bryan C said...

Tagg's full first name is Taggart. I assume it's a family name and not a reference to dear Dagny.

BTW, I see Tagg's Wikipedia page has already sprouted a new "Debate Controversy" section covering his awful threat.

Shanna said...

Last I read we fought a revolution to overthrow an aristocracy.

Which do you think is better for the country: for our politicians to go into office rich or to come out of it rich?

I know which one I vote for.

Shanna said...

I bet Tagg had fun in first grade.

Tagg you're it! Every day. Followed by giggles.

cold pizza said...

The primal impulse is for fight or flight. The evolved human exercises self control and does not act on primal impulses--unless they're posting snark. In which case, let's get ready to rrrrrrrummmmmmm-bllllllllle! -CP

Curious George said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
Can you think of a single fact regarding Obama's non-work life that makes you think he is a person of good will.

He made the best out of the bad situation that was dealt to him... being Stanley Dunham's son!

How would you like to have been born to that crazy Red Diaper mom? She left him completely adrift and set out in search of bigger, more exotic dick, and the campaign to Save the World."

So I should mark yo udown as a "no". Got it.

Comanche Voter said...

Laughing my head off at the poll results here. Over at Salon, Joan Walsh (dialing in from a distant planet far far away) allows as how Tagg's comments "are sympomatic of the contempt held for the President by conservatives".

While the Walsh statement is a little over the top, she may be on to something. There's a lot in this President's record that one can legitimately be disdainful, not to say contemptous, of. (Probably bad grammar there, but I am ever the knuckledragger.)

Now as for folks getting their tighty whities in a knot over the Mittster's phrase "binders full of women". I've heard two lines of attack. (A) It was disdainful of women; and (B) the effort to find women for slots in the Governor Romney administration had already started before Mittens asked for the binders.

Geez Louise---this is living proof that no good deed goes unpunished. He wants to bring more women into high level slots in state government, he makes the effort to look for female candidates for those positions--and hires them. Then the feminist left dumps on him for doing so.

Known Unknown said...

Can you think of a single fact regarding Obama's non-work life that makes you think he is a person of good will.

He seems to be a decent family man.

Cedarford said...

I imagine, if Janna or Paul Ryan are asked after the election what they really wanted to do to remove the clownish smile from Biden's face, they will be fairly honest.

Fortunately for us, Republicans seem bound by more politeness and decorum than Democrats in a public debate setting.

Mainstream Democrats have adapted the tactics of the Jewish Bolsheviks who aped the Jacobins, the fascists that emulated the Reds, the tactics of New Left and Alinsky - that shout down and demonize the opposition.

And the young radicals and firebrands grow up, and as 69 year old Biden and 51 year old Obama - are so habituated to that mentality they are unable to act other than as immature college age punks.

Outside a debate setting, Ryan and Romney would just walk away when Obama or Biden acted poorly and went to insulting behavior and language vs. sticking to factual arguments.
In a meeting off-camera, where it would be inconvenient to just walk away, Romney would likely invite Obama to be constructive or just shut up. Ryan would use more colorful language.

krshorewood said...

"It's this entitled son-of-a-bitch Tagg and this goddamn war."

Not to mention Mitt's buddies Bolton and Senor want to cook up more wars that fortunate son's like Taggart can avoid and send others.

Mitt lied his ass off. We are certain you are smart enough to know it and we are smart enough to know that it is bugging the crap out of you that Obama would have not of it.

Romney might have gotten the first one off employing Gish Gallop. But you only get one chance for this work, and Herman failed to recognize that little problem.

krshorewood said...

Cedarford, you seem to think we can't read what the right wing writes or watch video.

So it is fine when Romney does it but somehow uncivil when the President responds the Romney's torrent of lies?

Cedarford said...

EMD said...
Can you think of a single fact regarding Obama's non-work life that makes you think he is a person of good will.

He seems to be a decent family man.

Yes and no.
The Obamas display a behavior replicated by kindly Soviet leaders that doted on family and others off at their summer dachas. While being callous and brutal to those outside the inner circle.

British aristocracy, with similar entitlements, were wonderful family people with deep values of loyalty and honor - while indifferent to the masses of a lower station in life.

In the balance, you can argue that while caring and living people in their inner circles or "with people like us" - the sum of the Soviet or Brit nobles lives as exercised on the masses and their attitude towards the masses makes them less than warm and noble overall.

I put Obama in that category. His family is within the sphere that he cares about and has tender emotions and respect of. Certain friends and mentors he has assiduously cultivated - the same. But the masses outside that sphere? I sense a coldness in Obama.

With Romney, the only coldness is of what I consider coldness of necessity. In operating at times in the cold, heartless world of business, where if revenue doesn't merit sustainability, companies are closed and lives adversely affected based on the unsentimental lines on balance sheets.
But in his personal life, he seems to extend his warmth and kindness of actions, donation of his money, and his personal time - in helping a far broader array of people than Obama does.

Michael said...

kshorewood: Is it effective rhetoric in your world to sling the words "lie" and "liar" into every paragraph? Do you do that to avoid having to actually articulate what you believe to be lies and thus any requirement to support your position or do you do it in imitation of another lefty "writer?"

krshorewood said...

Michael, you can easily harvest that information about Romney's lies off of Google.

To paraphrase Lauren Becall, "You know how to Google don't you?"

Cedarford, you must be the most clueless person on earth. Everything you claim about Obama richly applies to Romney, as illustrated by his douchebag son.

Cedarford said...

krshorewood said...
Cedarford, you seem to think we can't read what the right wing writes or watch video.

So it is fine when Romney does it but somehow uncivil when the President responds the Romney's torrent of lies?

I think the tactic of demonizing Romney as a lying liar who lies has run it's course, kshorewwod. Romney now stands revealed to the public not as Obamites spent 200 million dollars to brand him - but as a decent, bright guy. Someone they may agree 80% with and have some confidence based on his long life's record in dealing with others, the Olympics, Massachusetts, and in hundreds of business ventures his reputation and intregrity to get future business rested on - that he will do his best to do what he says he will do.

Guy might exaggerate some political points, but how is that any different from 23 broken promises Obama made??
All the BS Obama said in the last 5 years.....Lies??

Rather than call Obama a lying liar who lies!!! in the smashmouth, over the top manner of KosKidz and Code Pink school of the democrat left - the folks at Univision and elsewhere, like Republicans - simply state facts.

Obama said he would do X, he didn't. Obama stated X on Libya, when later we find it was really Y.
No need to scream Liar!!
Let the voters and Univision audience assess Obama's past credibility against what he will do in the next 4 years.
Let voters assess Obama's words to Dmitri Medeved that he cannot talk openly about what he wants to do with Russia until after voters reelect him, then he will have lots more "flexibility".

Cedarford said...

kshorewwod - "Romney might have gotten the first one off employing Gish Gallop."

That is sort of a giveaway that you are a KosKid, shorewood.

Having no idea who Gish Gallop was, I looked it up, and most of the hits were posts by Kos Kidz screaming about some Fundie preacher by that name who lies!

Not being that much into Lefty innuendo, I prefer to keep it at the level of BS.
How much bullshit and deceitful promises has Obama made over the last 5 years in his "soaring orations of Hope&CHange"?

Weighed against:

"How much of what Romney says seems to be BS given his past actions and followups on promises made"???

I happen to be a populist and neocon hater that embraces some views from the right, and some from the Left.
I voted for Obama last time because I thought he was a better chance for a better America than the economically clueless, war-thirsty McCain.
He has totally disapointed me, kshorewood, as the full volume of Obama's bullshit quotient became obvious.
I think Romney will do more to fix things, with far less bullshit, than Obama will if he is relected.

I consider Obama a failed President in the way of Jimmy Carter and for the most part, GW BUsh...though Dubya looks better than Obama and Carter in the club of bad Presidents.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Back when men acted with honor the result of that debate would have seen them in a duel.

I've already made that suggestion.

Rumpletweezer said...


I'm a lovely French model. Would you like to date me?

cold pizza said...

If I say I can climb Everest and you call me a liar, I need only climb Everest to prove you wrong. It helps if I've been scaling mountains my whole life.

If I promised 4 years ago to climb Everest during the next year, and didn't make any attempt, well, I was a liar then, especially if all I did was golf, bowl, and shoot some hoops.

Obama has demonstratedly KNOWINGLY lied to us. He talks a big game but his actions are spectepic failular! Bless his heart.

Give 1 instance where Romney has KNOWINGLY lied.

Krshorewood, welcome to the house. I promise you I will up my game if you will up yours! -CP

Robert Cook said...

"It's human nature to do what you have to do to make a living, and to do so to take care of your family."

There's a difference between making a living and continuing to do whatever one can to amass ever more and more riches beyond that which one can ever need or spend, even when one's actions are harming others.

There's eating, and there's gluttony. One is a necessity; the other a sin.

krshorewood said...

Barack Obama as Virgil Tibbs and Mitt Romney as Endicott #intheheatofthenight #debate http://ht.ly/eAhPJ

Are you in Mitt's binder Rumpletweezer?

Robert Cook said...

Among the choices of Carter, Bush, and Obama, Carter is far and away the superior--or least bad--choice.

Bush and Obama are neck and neck for badness, with Obama probably edging out Bush, because who Obama pretends to be--and who his supporters believe him to be--is so at variance with who his actions reveal him to be that he is a greater deceiver of his partisans than Bush ever was, while sharing equally in Bush's criminal behavior.

Michael said...

Kshorewood. It is already evident that you are over your head here. I recommend you lurk for a while to get the hang of the level of discourse and decide if you want to willingly humiliate yourself.

krshorewood said...

Wow Michael, if this is what passes for the height of conservative discourse.

I'll fetch my smoking jacket and brandy snifter.

"Proceed Governor."

Michael said...

k shorewood: I'll fetch my smoking jacket and brandy snifter"

Ha. Ultra clever. On the other hand you own neither so I guess that makes you a LIAR. Or, in progressive parlance, a lying liar who has told us a lie.

Call Candy, Candy will help you out here.

krshorewood said...

Wow Michael, not only are you short, short, since I am in over my head, which must make me at least six inches tall, but you are literal as hell.

Methadras said...

krshorewood said...

Wow Michael, if this is what passes for the height of conservative discourse.

I'll fetch my smoking jacket and brandy snifter.

"Proceed Governor."

Why, so you can continue the effect of looking and sounding like an effete douche? Then by all means, carry on.

cubanbob said...

krshorewood said...
Cedarford, you seem to think we can't read what the right wing writes or watch video.

So it is fine when Romney does it but somehow uncivil when the President responds the Romney's torrent of lies?

10/18/12 10:53 AM

In the alternative universe you reside in those things might be true, but not in this universe.

Nathan Alexander said...

kshorewood is what Soros sends us to replace shiloh in the shill/troll rotation?

Man, quality control is slipping on the lefty side. I never dreamed that "even worse" was in the realms of possibility.

Michael said...

kshorewood: So now you are saying you didn't mean to have a brandy in your smoking jacket? You are lying again? Have you no shame?

Ralph L said...

British aristocracy, with similar entitlements, were wonderful family people with deep values of loyalty and honor
Well, except for sending their adolescent sons off to get buggered in boarding school.

Cedarford said...

Ralph L said...
British aristocracy, with similar entitlements, were wonderful family people with deep values of loyalty and honor
Well, except for sending their adolescent sons off to get buggered in boarding school

Truth is I had the same thought in mind about the British gentry as I wrote my post about the fine home values of the proper Englishman.

That the one great exception to their idyllic family life besides their haughty, snotty, insouscance to the lesser classes including the help.

That would be sending off the sons to get beaten into men at private schools. Caning, buggery, keeping a stiff upper lip. Odd hallmarks in the making of the English Gentleman and commander of men and colonial troops.
(To be fair, the French and German upper classes and the Japanese all had more than their share of accepted but bizarre brutalities that were considered de rigeur proper child rearing.)

Michael said...

Cedarford: As to the Germans, look up the word "mensur" of "mensur fencing" and check it out on utube as well. The German fraternities and drinking clubs had a tough streak

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