October 9, 2012

"Sesame Street has asked President Obama's campaign to take down its latest attack ad against Mitt Romney..."

"... which features footage of Big Bird.


Oh, no! Obama can't catch a break. Romney attacked Big Bird, and then Big Bird attacked Obama.


ndspinelli said...

Big Bird will be on someones Thanksgiving table in Chicago in a few weeks.

jr565 said...

Remember when Morning Joe put his head in his hands when he thought Romney asked the crowd to chant Romney Ryan when they were chanting Ryan's name only (when in fact they were chanting Romney's name and he tried getting them to include Ryan's name in the chants)?
He instead should be holding his head in his hands over this. Big Bird, Obama? Big Bird?

Dems should all be holding their heads in their hands a la morning Joe right about now

jr565 said...

Remember when Morning Joe put his head in his hands when he thought Romney asked the crowd to chant Romney Ryan when they were chanting Ryan's name only (when in fact they were chanting Romney's name and he tried getting them to include Ryan's name in the chants)?
He instead should be holding his head in his hands over this. Big Bird, Obama? Big Bird?

Dems should all be holding their heads in their hands a la morning Joe right about now

Revenant said...

The Romney campaign is probably praying that Obama doesn't listen to the Sesame Street folks.

That commercial is an excellent advertisement for how fundamentally unserious Obama is.

BaltoHvar said...


Anonymous said...

They later amended their request to include BOTH candidates from using poor Big Bird for political gain.

Tim said...

Good for CPB.

Bad for the rest of us, that the Obama campaign thought their pointlessly stupid ad with "Big Bird" would somehow move voters, but I do have to concede that the Obama campaign knows how to speak to their idiot voters far, far better than I do.

So maybe taxpayer funding for Big Bird is about as serious as Obama voters can get.

Patrick said...

AP: Who is calling the shots over there in Chicago? You need to get away from K street and head to Michigan Avenue and start taking names and kicking ass. Surely, it was not your decision to use a muppet (a rich one at that) as a campaign prop. Not when there are serious problems in the mid-east and at home.

Who made the decision to air that?

Also, maybe you know, AP, who had to tell Obama that he screwed up the debate? It was Plouffe, wasn't it. Just between us.

Patrick said...

They later amended their request to include BOTH candidates from using poor Big Bird for political gain.

Funny, only one of the was using the muppet in a commercial.

mesquito said...
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Anonymous said...

"Funny, only one of the was using the muppet in a commercial."

Barry says Big Bird is what matters to Americans. Then again, he didn't even realize he lost the debate so the man is clearly not all there.

pm317 said...

This is hilarious. Now Obama will gut the funding for Big Bird.

mesquito said...

Send us the ears of John Corzine and the bird keeps its subsidy.

Michael K said...

Big Bird needs to be on that list with Barnie Madoff. Billionaire !

Bob Ellison said...

I like Obama's Big Bird ad. It's funny and honest.

edutcher said...

Big Bird is a Republican?

I mean, we all knew Bert and Ernie were Demos because of, you know...

Seriously, this ad is something to go after the Anna Wintour vote, which Zero already has.

Most people aren't that enamored of PBS.

Anonymous said...

"I like Obama's Big Bird ad. It's funny and honest."

You do know he's not a real bird, right?

edutcher said...
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donald said...

Barry Obama has been catching breaks his whole life.

Sorun said...

"I'm Big Bird and I didn't approve this message"

Thorley Winston said...

Pity I was kind of hoping that the Romney campaign would have responded with an ad showing Obama on the Letterman show not knowing how large the national debt has grown since he took office while Count Von Count tries to help him count that high . . .

granmary said...

Meanwhile Obama fights to keep Big Bird on welfare. I wish he had shown concern for the welfare of the Libyan embassy staff who died,because their requests for security were turned down.

Sorun said...

Of course, the real issue is Boomer ladies are terrified that commercial-free Antiques Roadshow will go off the air.

Saint Croix said...

The Big Bird thing is like all the vacations the Obamas took. Utterly clueless to how unemployed people are feeling--or most of us are feeling--about this economy. Contrast Romney's brilliant ad.

Who's the empathetic one? And even if you want to say that Romney is posturing, at least he's smart enough to be aware that he needs to posture.

Obama's ad is utterly oblivious to the plight of the poor. What a stupid blunder! And the MSM is not helping him by coddling him like a baby. Yes, like an affirmative action baby. If the press would criticize Obama more vocally when he screws up, which is their job, then maybe he would pay more attention to his job.

He's spoiled rotten.

reformed trucker said...

I thought an executive from Children's Television Workshop(?) had issued a statement that they would be fine without the subsidies. Anybody who has ever walked into a toy store realizes that Sesame Street is a license to print money.

I would like to see that commercial with the Count. Six, six times Obama brings up Big Bird. Three, three times he brings up Elmo. Zero times he mentions the economy; zero times he mentions the Middle East.

Man, am I enjoying watching Zero and his band of thuglings flail away. That's a winning issue, boys! Full speed ahead!

Besides, Big Bird is a 1%er... I thought Oblunder didn't like them.

Anonymous said...


THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN IS THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS. He is the greatest and the best of all POTUS in World History.

The big bird is the "sting" that we are pulling on Romney. We are blind-sidding him, like a QB.

Remember: WE OWN THE WHITE HOUSE till January of 2017.

Deal with it. Accept it. We ain't leaving till we are secure in our next job - which for our POTUS will be either SCOTUS or UN (in Jan. 2017).

YoungHegelian said...



Well, AP, you may be right, considering it's only got one other campaign to compete against.

The question remains, no matter how good the sales job, if the dogs won't eat the dog food, you're back in private industry come January!

KCFleming said...

C is for Commie
It's good enough for me

C is for Commie
It's good enough for me

C is for Commie
It's good enough for me

Commie commie commie
Starts with C

Skyler said...

AARP had to disassociate themselves from Obama for similar reasons of protecting their pretend non-partisan status.

Heaven forbid we shouldn't see they have no clothes on.

wildswan said...

"THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN IS THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS. He is the greatest and the best of all POTUS in World History."
Yes, this is true. Potus knows best - he knows he won the debate using his special insight and if we all ask him nicely - he will do it again. Please Potus, don't listen to Axelrod and Co. - just be yourself, that's all we ask. Millions want this. And bring a Big Bird on stage with you to give away to a poor child in the audience. Sort of talk to it during the debate, like Clint and the Chair. Talk about your dreams. Ignore nasty Mitt and his big bad facts.

From: A Very Secret Admirer

Hagar said...

NBC had a very truncated clip from the ad, and Andrea Mitchell gave one of her more peculiar reports from "The Twilight Zone."

Fox News All-Star Panel had a field day, and Kirsten Powers (the nominal Democratic representative) gave the most scathing review; I think "scandalous" was her mildest adjective.

Saint Croix said...

And the liberal attacks on Obama's campaign have been so notable because this criticism was so missing during the four years Obama had the office. Yes, they are criticizing him now! In fact there's a danger for Obama that this criticism will turn into a deluge. When you've been biting your tongue for so long, when you finally let go, a whole bunch of negativity is going to spew out.

Sammy said...

Its mindboggling that the President's campaign would trivialize the Office of the President and the major problems facing the country running an ad knocking Romney for wanting to cut from more subsidies Sesame Newtwork that has assets upward of $ 289 million .

Just shows how desperate and vacuous the president is. Talk about a trivial agenda. What a clown show This is embarrassing, even for a liberal.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Clearly the President has not learned how to make puppets realize that he isn't toxic and repulsive to them.

Cedarford said...

Revenant said...
The Romney campaign is probably praying that Obama doesn't listen to the Sesame Street folks.

That commercial is an excellent advertisement for how fundamentally unserious Obama is
After Romney ripped "Boyfriend!!!" a new asshole and showed even the younger white women sparkle cows and black Faithful how lame the guy is.....
Rather than take his licks and move on and put as many days as possible between him and that debate debacle, the idiot Obama just had too much misplaced self-esteem and arrogant confidence.

He doubled down and has spent the last week personally putting the debate front and center.

In ridiculous ways, stupid excuses, relentless whining.
Stuff that just reinforces the public impression of the debate that Obama is a bad worker, lazy,haughty...and rather than admit he blew it on the job..is just like that worker that has to be replaced........
Exonorating himself to any manager or employee with endless, ridiculous excuses and blaming and even mocking others.

Paul said...

"Oh, no! Obama can't catch a break."


Obama makes Jimmy Carter look good. What is more I kind of wonder if Bill Maher was right, Obama did spend all his money on pot. Obama admitted in his book he was on cocaine for a YEAR while in college.

He might be at it again but nobody looked hard to see if he was high in the debates.

Seven Machos said...

Paul -- You poor, deluded soul. If Obama were on cocaine, he would not have acted the way he did in the debate. Cocaine does not make you morose and uncommunicative.

Matt Sablan said...

N is for nonpartisan.

Matt Sablan said...

Or maybe, this post is brought to you by the letter S, for schadenfreude.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the Republicans are waging a war on Muppets!


Automatic_Wing said...

Obama picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.

SunnyJ said...

I take exception to your statement that "Romney attacked Big Bird". He actually stated that he like him a great deal and then explained why PBS did not need govt funding.

Today, financials on Sesame Street were revealed..they do $515 million alone on merchandising for PBS. I think they should pay their "fair share" don't you?

Having worked and working in neuro rehab I have to admit that watching the debate that night, I felt Mr Obama had some obvious substance abuse behaviors and mannerisms...they can be seen when on the substanc and when coming off, and they can vary with individuals. Certainly the delusions(sic) of grandeur, per CBS, he told Axelrod he thought he had won the debate. The distraction, big eyes without blinking like startle response that is over the top, fidgeting feet and rambling are some signs. But a few are also present in him at any time. He was out of it, one way or another, and had no self perception when it was over. In neuro science we would expect substance or pathology of some kind.

Personally, politics aside, this man is candidate for psychotic break, due to detachment, stress, narcissm, and potential for world class flop that his ego will have extreme difficulty processing. Just an opinion, but an informed one.

gk1 said...

Wow, the obama crowd are really this desperate to think this has any traction beyond their liberal bubble. I can assure you the pissed off people I saw at the gas station today are thinking about anything but.

reformed trucker said...

"Obama makes Jimmy Carter look good."

At least Jimmy made home brewing legal, which is more of an accomplishment than anything we've seen over the last 4 years. And Habitat for Humanity.

Obama? Well, he... um, I think he...

Shit, the only thing that comes to mind is fucking up this country big time.

Carter LOVES Obama, because he took over the trophy for Worst. President. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Saint Croix: That really is a great ad. They should play that constantly in OH and PA.

Alex said...

RCP Electoral College:

Obama/Biden 251
Toss Ups 106
Romney/Ryan 181

'nuff said.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

To get his part on Sesame Street, Big Bird had to kiss a cockatoo.

reformed trucker said...

"Cocaine does not make you morose and uncommunicative." - 7M

Indeed, but a bowl of nuggs before the debate would.

OR... he could just be an intellectual hack partisan dumb fuck that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I'll be kind and presume it was just some really good weed.

AllenS said...

I'm getting this impression that everyone is bailing on Obama. You know what they say, when you've lost Big Bird...

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

That is hilarious.

Henry said...

From the New York Times:

"A new ad featuring Big Bird is part of a broader effort by President Obama and his team to reassure supporters that his campaign had not lost its intensity or focus."

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.

furious_a said...

"Brought to you by the number '57' and the letters 'F', 'A', 'I' and 'L'."

Say what you like about Disney's lawyers but they know a brand killer when they see one.

Anonymous said...

Henry, I guess Bill Maher's million bought weed for the whole campaign.

edutcher said...

Only somewhat OT:

This move may make more sense to some than others.

Frankly, I think the whole "No prisoners. No mercy" thing is the way to go on this. Take nothing for granted.

PS Check out the "Christmas card" in the sidebar.

reformed trucker said...

@ edutcher: Hopefully Wisconsin will be next on the list.

I couldn't find the Christmas card though, unless that was code for something I missed.

garage mahal said...

$That commercial is an excellent advertisement for how fundamentally unserious Obama is."

If it's so unserious why did Romney bring it up like 5 times, including in the debate in front of 70 million people?

edutcher said...

reformed, look for "I just got a Christmas Card from Romney" undern the blogads.

Revenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sammy said...

What a twisted world we live that Obama hasn't been run out of the White House and might win another term......... The Diplomats in Libya requested over dozen times for more protection, and the Obama adminsraitraion ignored them, even taking out in August the last remaining Special Forces ops..... So Obama and his gang didn't think the security of it's people in foreign hostile nations it sends American diplomats to is worth spending money on..... But a children TV show is.

Revenant said...

If it's so unserious why did Romney bring it up like 5 times, including in the debate in front of 70 million people?

I suppose one is sort of like five, inasmuch as they are both numbers. :)

Seven Machos said...

Some people say one is prime, like five, but they don't understand the meaning of prime numbers.

Much like Garage doesn't understand the meaning of all numbers.

Icepick said...

garage, Romney brought up Big Bird in the context of naming things he would cut from the budget, in this case funding for PBS. (He prefaced that statement with a list of things he liked about PBS, including Big Bird.) It's not a big budget item but it is what people in the business community call "low hanging fruit" - something so easy to do that you'd be an idiot to not do it.

I'd prefer that he also mention what he'd cut out of the Defense budget, but he wants to raise defense spending.

But ultimately Romney's message is to trim government. Obama's message is to talk about Big Bird instead of anything else, such as the fact that he keeps lying about the Fast and Furious program's genesis, the fact that an Ambassador was killed because Obama's State Department not only refused to provide additional security but actually reduced the Ambassador's security in the weeks before he was killed (despite, apparently, knowing the risks), Obama refuses to talk about the fact that the only good news he can summon on the economy is a statistical fluke of hundreds of thousands of PART TIME jobs being created, et cetera.

In other words, the whole Big Bird thing is a preface for a side line argument for Romney, but it is the central pillar for Obama. But I guess since he can't say that Romney is responsible for people getting cancer and dying anymore he's got to do something....

Gary Rosen said...

"showed even the younger white women sparkle cows"

Like your two imaginary "pain in the ass daughters" bwahahahaha

Carnifex said...

The NEW Obama Muppets!

Kermit the Fraud

Fozzy Math

Tingle My Leg Elmo

George Snufflegapolous

Anti-cookie Monster

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exhelodrvr1 said...

Great column by Ace:


Seeing Red said...

Garage is defending super rich Big Bird? For all he knows, Big Bird could have a Cayman Islands account.

gerry said...

Inga, read this.

What's the justification for arresting a filmamker for no good reason, again?

gerry said...

My apologies for the thread heist. I am pissed off.

exhelodrvr1 said...


"Andrew Sullivan's vanity is at stake too! So is the vanity of scores of other so-called journalists who surrendered all detachment to this fantasy figure with the perfectly creased pants who sent a thrill up their leg"

Minzo said...

"And the liberal attacks on Obama's campaign have been so notable because this criticism was so missing during the four years Obama had the office. Yes, they are criticizing him now!"

I read plenty of liberal blogs and watch quite a bit of TV- this simply isn't true. The likes of Glenn Greenwald and Jon Stewart provided more trenchant criticisms of Obama than those on the right with their 'Commie-Muslim' mantra. Even die-hard supporters like Andrew Sullivan have criticized Obama repeatedly.

"What's the justification for arresting a filmamker for no good reason, again?"

He violated his parole making that video. I know that's an inconvenient fact in the whole 'Obama sent thugs to arrest a man for insulting Islam' narrative, but that's what happened.

AllenS said...

Minzo, if that film maker has made a video criticizing Christianity, do you really think that he would have been arrested? His arrest was to appease Islamists and had he made a porno movie, nobody would have noticed or cared.

Matt Sablan said...

"He violated his parole making that video."

Which necessitated making a public spectacle of him, dragging him about in the middle of the night. Also, the video existed for months before hand and no one said boo. Had nothing happened, he would have kept on producing crappy movies under a pseudonym. He was dragged out to make an example of. Then, the White House had to ultimately admit: No. His movie didn't do anything.

Yeah, he may have violated his parole. But, the only reason he became a story is because the White House desperately didn't want people to find out some of the following:

* Repeated warnings were ignored
* Security was removed and denied
* The ambassador asked for more security
* The embassy had been hit with bombs in June and threatened recently
* Sept. 11 appears on pretty much every calendar everywhere and people know to be extra vigilant on that day

But, no. We squandered days we could have been conducting useful investigations on a video. The FBI lost nearly a week of time they could have been working on real leads if they had not been hamstrung by a vain executive branch trying to make it look like nothing could be done. The WaPo and CNN were able to get men on the ground to search the embassy, but we could not, because we were too busy blaming a movie by a guy who may or may not have violated his parole.

Instead of worrying about, you know, a dead ambassador and members of his staff.

Matt Sablan said...

"The likes of Glenn Greenwald and Jon Stewart provided more trenchant criticisms of Obama than those on the right with their 'Commie-Muslim' mantra."

-- That's a parody of a strawman. Most conservative criticisms I've seen involve things pointing out the failure of his economic policies. You know, the ones where he promised unemployment under Y rating in X months if we did Z, but we ended up with higher unemployment and debt, despite doing Z. Pretty much every metric for success Obama has laid out (lower healthcare costs, for example) has not been met. That's why he's a failure.

Minzo said...

"Minzo, if that film maker has made a video criticizing Christianity, do you really think that he would have been arrested? His arrest was to appease Islamists and had he made a porno movie, nobody would have noticed or cared"

Well, it probably wouldn't have gone viral so he would have had less chance of being caught! But this really isn't a mystery- thousands of people get arrested every year for violating their parole. I don't think the Obama Government is pioneering the system of strict enforcement of parole conditions.

Matt Sablan said...

"I don't think the Obama Government is pioneering the system of strict enforcement of parole conditions."

-- If you honestly think that the federal government is getting involved in every parole violation and exerting federal power to ensure they are enforced, you're living in a bit of a fantasy land. If he violated his parole, then he should be arrested. But, that's not what happened. What happened is the administration needed a scape goat, found one, and conveniently the scape goat was able to be punished. They got lucky.

Brian Brown said...

He violated his parole making that video. I know that's an inconvenient fact in the whole 'Obama sent thugs to arrest a man for insulting Islam' narrative, but that's what happened.

That's funny.

Note: the video had nothing to do with the attack on the US Embassy.

Minzo said...

"Also, the video existed for months before hand and no one said boo. Had nothing happened, he would have kept on producing crappy movies under a pseudonym."

If we found out that the Government knew this and did nothing about it, then you'd be right, but we don't know this do we?

I take your point that there are strong suggestions that Obama ignored warnings on embassy safety and should have provided a lot more security in that regard. No argument from me there. However I don't see how arresting the filmmaker distracts people from asking those questions though.

As for right wing criticism, maybe I'm reading more of the extremist right than mainstream right, but the likes of Hannity, Malkin and Limbaugh are NOT making those kinds of serious criticisms of Obama most of the time. Most of the time it's simply personal attacks and hilarious melodrama.

Matt Sablan said...

"However I don't see how arresting the filmmaker distracts people from asking those questions though."

-- Then you didn't pay attention, it is simple as that.

Matt Sablan said...

Hannity, Malkin and Limbaugh are as serious as Maddow, Matthews and Stewart. I don't understand why people pretend that they are mainstream, Conservative thinkers when they are clearly pundits at best, entertainers at worst.

AllenS said...

Minzo, this administration right from the get go, blamed the violent protests and eventual murders on this film maker and the crappy video he produced. Remember, the administration was the ones telling everyone this started with protesters that eventually spiralled out of control. All of those excuses were lies.

Matt Sablan said...

And lying about the presence of protesters is one of the many things that hurt our intelligence gathering. We thought that there were armed people ready to riot if investigators showed their faces. That was not the case. We left evidence growing cold because it was more important people thought a video touched off a riot than to level with the American people.

gerry said...

If we found out that the Government knew this and did nothing about it, then you'd be right, but we don't know this do we?

Are you referring to the movie, and thus suggesting that the government should have tried to suppress the movie (which it did, but YouTube defended our First Amendment rights, and told it to take a hike, thank heavens)?

Are you serious?

Calypso Facto said...

Mitt just wants to set Big Bird free from Big Brother's cage! Be free, Big Bird! Be free!

Nathan Alexander said...

Back to the Big Bird ad...

Notice what is missing from the list of Wall Street miscreants?

A conviction by the Obama Justice Dept.

It would be nice if they cared about the American People enough to charge Corzine, but we all know that will never happen, because he is a big money bundler for Democrats, and therefore immune.

gerry said...

Minzo. there has been an attempted coverup of the facts of the situation, an attempt to hide how this administration's incompetent foreign policy and state department management led to the deaths of an ambassador and others.

Do you care? At least Watergate didn't leave blood on the ground!

Minzo said...

gerry- I meant if the government had known from the beginning that he had posted the video under that false name but did nothing about that parole violation until the video went viral. I don't mean they should have suppressed his film. I have no issues with the film being out there and I think the Obama government pressuring Youtube to take it down was disgraceful.

Matt Sablan said...

"Notice what is missing from the list of Wall Street miscreants?

A conviction by the Obama Justice Dept."

-- ... That's a compelling point. Bush's administration sure was tough on Wall Street crooks, wasn't it?

Brennan said...

Big Bird should be the next Breitbart BIG site. If only it wasn't trademarked.

Big Bird and his fat cat salary get paid by borrowing from the children that watch him. What a sinister bird this is.

Nathan Alexander said...

Much tougher than Obama has been.

Which kind of exposes Robert Cook's "a pox on both their houses for being Wall Street puppets" claim as naive at best, flat-out dishonest at worst.

Brennan said...

The Big Bird ad from Obama is still hilarious. I loved the clip of Big Bird working from the top floor of the Government Motors building.

Thorley Winston said...

"Notice what is missing from the list of Wall Street miscreants?

A conviction by the Obama Justice Dept."

They’re too busy going after Gibson guitars.

And suing the Chicago public school system to make sure they give new teachers three weeks off.

Priorities man, priorities.

Sofa King said...

I know why the Big Bird sings.

roesch/voltaire said...

For a good laugh watch Jimmy Fallon's sent up of Mr Romney's Neighborhood, man he nails the character. ( Found it on YouTube)

Aridog said...

As compatriot AllenS has said, the government, our government lied through their teeth to us about Benghazi.

Do we like being lied to?

Or would we at least like to be kissed before we get f**ked by our own government? Before our representative foreign service officers are abandoned to die? Before our soldiers are bound by Rules of Engagement that assure they can barely defend themselves, let alone a major base like Camp Bastion?

Worse, they even had the hapless policy wonk General Martin Dempsey, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, call up the pseudo-pastor Terry Jones (he of the flock of 29 +/-) and ask him to back off support for a video that had been out for over two months.

Yep, that's it...funny face fearsome Terry Jones (last seen here running away from three Christian black ladies) and now ... Big Bird!

Saint Croix said...

Minzo, why did they release his name to the press? Why is Eric Holder speaking about this at all?

You want to pretend this is state officials, some low level issue that has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism? Bullshit! Your head is up your ass, son.

PatCA said...

PBS and many other "non-profits" do not want a public discussion of the whole profit thingy.

Why does a Big Corporation that makes millions of dollars need a taxpayer subsidy?

Calling OWS...

Unknown said...

lovely post i m waiting your next post.
Shades Blinds

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