October 11, 2012

Live-blogging the big VP debate.

6:45 Central Time: Get ready!

7:18: "Paul Ryan's very attractive to a lot of women," opines David Gergen on the CNN pre-show. I have the DVR set to play the debate on CNN, but I'm thinking of changing because they're going to display focus group reactions on screen — colored lines — through the whole thing. I want to form my own opinion!

7:47: CNN commentators are finding a hundred different ways to say that the debate will be affected by having the candidates sitting and physically close together. Somehow, it will be harder to fight, at least in a personal way.

8:03: Game on. First question is about Libya and the absence of protests. Biden goes first, not focusing on the question asked, the massive failure of intelligence. Ryan takes notes.

8:06: Biden talks about tracking down terrorists to the "gates of Hell," as Ryan smiles. Ryan immediately attacks the President for blaming the YouTube video. We should have had a Marine detachment protecting Chris Stevens. We've been "projecting weakness abroad." We're witnessing "the unraveling of Obama foreign policy."

8:09: Biden is being rude, laughing and mouthing words.  And Ryan is talking about serious national security matters. Biden mutters an interruption. When Biden is given a turn, he calls what Ryan said "malarky." Biden stutters and falters and has to say "uh" about 5 times before he can come up with the word "Iran."

8:12: "We weren't told they wanted more security," Biden says, and now it's Ryan who laughs — a little scoff.

8:13: Should the U.S. apologize? Ryan says "yes" re urinating on Korans — which the moderator (Raddatz) mentioned — but not "for standing up for our values."

8:15: Ryan is speaking earnestly about preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons, and Biden is chuckling toothily, his body shaking like Santa Claus. Biden says if Republicans had had control of the sanctions, the rest of the world wouldn't have followed us. These were "the most crippling sanctions." Biden goes on and on assuring us that Iran is far from being able to deliver a nuclear bomb. He accuses the Republicans of "loose talk."

8:19: Biden talks to "Bibi" all the time and so does Obama. What Ryan says is "a bunch of stuff." When Ryan speaks, Biden is laughing clownishly again. It looks just awful. Ryan isn't rattled by it. I think he knows Biden looks foolish.

8:23: Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!

8:25: Economics. Biden grabs the opportunity to push the 47% theme. He's "had it up to here," he says, with wealthy people not paying their fair share.  He sounds really cranky and angry. Ryan: "Joe and I are from similar towns." And in Janesville, his home town, unemployment has gone from 8.5% to 10%. Biden busts out another big grin.

8:29: "The Vice President very well knows that the words don't always come out the right way," Ryan says, getting a laugh, defending Romney from the 47% charge. Instead of taking this graciously, Biden mutters something about how he believes everything he says. Ryan tells some stories about Romney's charity toward the unfortunate, which includes someone that was in a car accident, and Biden takes the opportunity to remind us that his own wife died in a car crash, which is sad, but oddly misplaced.

8:33: Ryan talks about "green pork" in the stimulus, and Biden gets all cranked up about how Ryan sought stimulus money for his district. Biden continually interrupts Ryan in a way I find incredibly annoying.

8:36: While Ryan is talking about Medicare helping his mother and grandmother, Biden sighs long and loud. Sighing! Remember when Gore got in no end of trouble for sighing? How can Biden not know that?!

8:39: "They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, turning Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare," says Ryan. Biden interrupts. Ryan says: "Mr. Vice President, I know you're under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think everyone will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other." I love the politeness of "if we don't keep" — we — when Biden has been an interruption machine and Ryan has barely interrupted and only occasionally has talked over to keep from losing his turn. The moderator, Martha Raddatz has done nothing at all to control Biden, who is, I think, hurting himself. Biden says: "Well, don't take all 4 minutes then." He should have said, "All right" or something reasonably conciliatory.

8:51: The stress level is rising. Biden is so angry. Why is he yelling? Ryan needs nerves of steel not to lose his cool. I'm impressed that Ryan, when he gets his turn, is able to speak in an even, natural voice. It's hard to concentrate on the policy itself, because the emotional static is so strong.

9:11: Biden has been yelling at Martha Raddatz for the last 15 minutes (as the subject is war). It's so inappropriate!

9:21: They're asked to talk about how their Catholicism has informed their position on abortion. Ryan isn't pro-life "simply because of" his Catholicism. It's also about science and reason. He talks of seeing his bean-shaped unborn child on a sonogram. Biden says "My religion informs who I am." He accepts the Catholic position on abortion that life begins at conception, but he refuses to impose that on others.

9:27: The last question is about negative campaigning. Biden rambles. Paul Ryan attributes the negativity to Obama's failures: he has nothing to run on.

9:34: Wait. That wasn't the last question. There's a question about character: What do you bring as a man? Nothing particularly interesting was extracted by that question.

9:35: Now, closing statements.

9:48: That debate was so annoying! Some of the CNN commentators are talking about how Biden did what he came to do, to fire up the Democrats. "This was not for the independents," says Van Jones. Okay, well, but independents were watching, and Biden was horribly rude. He created this disturbing atmosphere of anxiety.


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Shantastik said...


pm317 said...

Bring it on!

pm317 said...

OMG, look at Drudge's pic of Biden..

IggyRules said...

I predict a win.

Matt said...

Local news in Lansing Michigan reporting that Obama campaign HQ is shut down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jcjM27is2g&feature=youtu.be

Shouting Thomas said...

Fox News is featuring the incessant pre-debate spin from both parties.


Yankees game is on.

Gotta watch O'Reilly, too.

garage mahal said...

Will Rich Lowry see starbursts again tonight?

IggyRules said...

Ha! Glenn Reynolds cites the liberal Boston Herald and Ann Althouse in the same link. ZING!

Lyle said...

Stephanie Cutter said something terribly stupid about Benghazi a little while ago. I hope Ryan impales VP Biden on it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Talk about economic injustice!

You can hit .221 these days and become a millionaire!

Matt said...

And then immediately corrected. Aaaand local news station was wrong. Corrected.

Simon Kenton said...

Biden is one of those few, those fortunate few, for whom the act of speech veritizes. He is thus incapable of lying, because lying requires intent to deceive, and an understanding of what exists, so you can falsify it. For Biden, anything he says is by definition instantly true. A genial and forgiving media generally nods at these created-and-therefore-reified Biden-truths by noting that they may, just may, be contrary to fact, but it's just Joe being Joe. These gentle animadversions are delayed a few days, until no one can remember what the remark was, which handily disposes of their twin obligation as journalists to find the facts and to forward the Democrat narrative. I will be interested to see how Ryan handles these generated truths, because he will be presented with a blizzard of them.

Shouting Thomas said...

Cutter really put on a fillibuster, didn't she?

The Obama admin was just being super careful about vetting the events in Benghazi!

Nobody ever said nothing about no steenkin' video!

Romney and Ryan callously politicized this lamentable tragedy!

Cutter took one for the team!

Shouting Thomas said...

O'Reilly suggests that he will interview Romney.

chickelit said...

The RCP Electoral Map is starting to look like:

(IL) <--Coastal states and Illinois

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mesquito said...

I literally think this will be the best VP debate I'll see this week.

Anonymous said...

It is OVER for Ryan. Biden wins. Obama wins. Stephanie Cutter is the BEST. I love her devotion to the greatObama.

virgil xenophon said...

America's Politico is a national treasure--BEYOND parody! We MUST protect and nuture him!

garage mahal said...

Ryan insists on being called "Mr. Ryan" tonight. What a baby.

Evidently not at all proud of his work in Congress. Hopefully Biden ignores.

rcommal said...


Anonymous said...

Stephanie and me are one now. We belong together. After reelection, my west wing office mate.

Baron Zemo said...

Pay attention to David Gergen. He is pretty much a woman so he knows what he is talking about.

Bob Ellison said...

Joe Biden is a treasure.

mesquito said...

Will the president of the United States Senate be asked why that body hasn't offered a budget since Michael Jackson was alive?

Baron Zemo said...

I haven't heard about Stephanie since she left "Full House."

Hey America's Politico can you ask her if it is true that Uncle Jesse copped her cherry?

Shouting Thomas said...

O'Relly's response to Cutter...

"That's more baloney than you can fit on any sandwich!"

rcommal said...

This one will fascinate, in particular.

Patrick said...

I love that. Moderator asks Ryan how he wants to be addressed. "Uh, Mr. Ryan, I guess" he says. To Garage, that's "insisting."

The silly season will soon be over, but not in Garage-land.

rcommal said...

Sharp-eyed Althousers with a sense of history ought know why.

Bob Ellison said...

garage mahal, you should have said "I hope Biden abides."

Comments here seem to be carefully scrutinized. I could've sworn I posted a comment a minute ago, but now it's gone. But I'm a bit of a scatterbrain, so maybe my bad.

john said...

Go Rosanne! AP, Florida is important, can you get behind her?

granmary said...

If you want to form your own opinion watch on C-Span. Best & only way to go.

roger said...

Drudge's pic of Biden looks like Biden is possessed or having a seizure. Looks like a madman.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meagan Kelly details the candidates' pre-debate dinner from Spin Alley.

edutcher said...

Good for Ann not wanting to hear the focus groups (didn't somebody call them Luntz's dunces?).

Actually, I think people may be underestimating Ryan as far as his debating abilities, but, if this is going to be a blow out, it will be because Joe does it to himself.

Last time out, even he had to smile at the way Miss Sarah won it; now, people are starting to wonder if all the synapses are still firing. If he gets nasty or tired (or cocky), that will be when the fireworks start.

Simon Kenton said...

Biden is one of those few, those fortunate few, for whom the act of speech veritizes. He is thus incapable of lying, because lying requires intent to deceive, and an understanding of what exists, so you can falsify it. For Biden, anything he says is by definition instantly true

You're describing a pathological liar.

Willie is another.

gloogle said...

his one will get ugly, real fast...

Tim said...

Not watching.

The last four years have been persuasive, much more persuasive than the next 90 minutes (or even the last 12 months of campaigning) ever could be, that Obama-Biden need to be voted out of office.

I'm sure, though, some will find some thin reed to hang their hats on, for doubling down on failure.

Oh well.

It's only once the greatest nation ever. The Founding Fathers gave us the power to destroy it, so we might as well, right?

gloogle said...


Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Ryan has to be really careful since Biden is so much older. It matters. But because Biden can't help himself, he will self-destruct with Ryan standing there calmly presenting a sane alternative.

Ryan doesn't have to do anything but show up and be himself. He should probably bail the buffoon out a time or two just to make sure no one thinks he is picking on him.

chickelit said...

gloogle said...
[T]his one will get ugly, real fast...

Perhaps we'll see elements of ugliness, repulsion, beauty and attraction.

I'm going to listen to it first on the car radio driving home and then watch it.

Sydney said...

Wasn't this thing supposed to start at 8:00? Reading these comments, it appears it hasn't started yet, except to find out that Paul Ryan wants to be called Mister.

rcommal said...

Indeed, chickelit, indeed.

Eric said...

It's all about Martha from the start. Ryan will have to battle two opponents. But at least he has that Michigan, ooops, I mean Wisconsin pluck (like Althouse).

john said...

They should have put Martha Radditz to the side,not with her back to the audience. Looks weird, and you can see the black roots.

It's been interesting all the prep stage work and intros on cspan.

john said...

That was not a racist observation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mike check!

1 2 3

Portia said...

Watching on Cspan; some woman just introduced Joe Biden as Dr. Biden, or did I hear that incorrectly?

Is he, or isn't he. ???

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The blue walls favor democrats.

Tim said...

Seeing how gas prices have more than doubled since Obama took office, here is where you can find the cheapest gas in your area.

Good luck.

Scott M said...

Somehow, it will be harder to fight, at least in a personal way.

Yeah, if your grandma's present. I don't get this line of reasoning. There's zero fear that pissing the other person off is going to result in them jumping up and trying to slug you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pay attention to body language.

Alex said...

Yawn. Ryan will wipe the floor with plugs.

Penny said...

"L" yeah, gloogle!

Zuckerberg recommended you.

He "hinted" something about competition being ... ?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok allready lets get the show on the road!

john said...

Biden at least has to realize he has to carry the ticket tonight. He will have to come out very assertive and, my guess, belligerent.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Martha Raddatz will be MR from now on.

Pastafarian said...

Ooo, a gargoyle. I love ancient architect...oops, that's the moderator.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Got a little waive to the family?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bengazy first!

Pastafarian said...

Getting this out of the way. Nice leading question to Biden.

john said...

He really does look like Pugsley Addams.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bidens goes off topic

Chip Ahoy said...

Double finger point. You instantly lose. Doubly.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

CNN commentators are finding a hundred different ways to say that the debate will be affected by having the candidates sitting and physically close together. Somehow, it will be harder to fight, at least in a personal way.

Fox's guy is saying the same thing, but it's nonsense.

How close can 6 guys get to each other over a poker table?

That's where it was important to have a fast draw.

Pastafarian said...

Bin laden, take a drink.

Shouting Thomas said...

Biden refuses to answer the first question and launches into a fillibuster about overall foreign policy.

rasqual said...

Intelligence failure? No, intelligence succeeded in determining the threat. State and the White House didn't seem to care.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Son of a bitch, we killed bin laden again.

john said...

Biden started answering the Libya question before it was finished. Sure looks like he got that question in advance.

Didn't answer it, tho.

garage mahal said...

Ryan sounds like a hummingbird.

Pastafarian said...

Why is Biden grinning like an idiot?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ryan is hitting it out of the park!

Pastafarian said...

Interrupting rudely, before Ryan was done.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden is getting pummeled!

LoafingOaf said...

Biden's strategy is to smirk and laugh while Ryan's talking? Not good....

Paddy O said...

Biden is doing what he needs to do so far.

Pastafarian said...

Umm, uhhh, ummm....

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joe is stammering!

Lyssa said...

"It's never too early to speak up for our values."

I'm Full of Soup said...

This is a guy...this is a guy....Vote for this guy!

Methadras said...

Let the lies begin. Biden is already flubbering.

Phil 314 said...

Joe as attack dog.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joe sounds like hes selling something!

Methadras said...

Mr. Vice President, please be specific. Um, uh, um, devastating, um, uh, um...

Paddy O said...

Biden's job isn't to tell the truth, it's to establish, strongly, a particular perspective on reality.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If the Dems have lost Loafing Oaf......

Lyssa said...

The president's done everything that he promised to. Really now?

jr565 said...

Biden says everything ryan says is malarkey then proceeds to outlay nothing but malarkey.

Methadras said...

The governor was holding a press conference. Did you see that presser Mr. Vice President? did you see what he said? Nope. You flubbering tool.

LilyBart said...

Biden's strategy is to smirk and laugh while Ryan's talking? Not good....

Looks small.

Lyssa said...

Is "we had no idea what was going on" really a viable argument?

Michael said...

Biden appears to be getting his ass handed to him.

bagoh20 said...

If what Biden is saying is true of our intelligence agencies, they are worse than useless, but I don't think it's true, because he's part of this administration which means it got to be a lie. Besides, even my German Shepard knew it was a terrorist attack.

Pastafarian said...

Moderator interrupts Ryan, nice.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

MR to the rescue!

Paddy O said...

Ryan cut off mid-sentence.

john said...

I think Martha started this off with a bang. Kudos to her.

Methadras said...

She cut him off. He should have plowed through her on Iran.

LoafingOaf said...

AJ Lynch, Obama and the Dems lost me about a month ago. My only question now is whether I'll vote for a third party, vote for no one, write in someone for the hell of it, or vote for Romney.

gadfly said...

ist question - advantage Ryan. Obama has to answer for his screw-ups. Plugs wants to talk about budget cuts instead of no security.

They pulled security for God's sake.

virgil xenophon said...

Hell, Bagoh20, our Black Chow knew it too--and she's Chinese!

Diogenes of Sinope said...

The moderator seems to want to be the focus of the debate, she has cut off ryan twice

LoafingOaf said...

Obama lost me over the Libya thing, and stomping on the First Amendment rights of the guy behind the YouTube.

LoafingOaf said...

And I don't like Biden grinning over the issue.

Chip Ahoy said...

No Garage, por contrario, hummingbirds go like this:

hmmmmmmmmmm vvvvvvvvvvvvv hmmmmmmmm vvvvvvvvvvvvv around your head. There's a little doppler thing happening there depending on their position to your ear. hmmmmmm vvvvvvvvvvv hmmmmm vvvvvvvv

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Period period!

Shouting Thomas said...

Biden's more polished than I expected.

rcommal said...

Just a thought: It'd be quite possible to cut security costs by reducing that security which is largely--beyond the core, bare necessity--ceremonial security in such places as Paris while ALSO increasing it in places where it is truly *urgently* needed.

Never underestimate the ability for the darning needle to be moved, much the less the yarn that's supposed to be threaded through it.

Think critically, both of you! Do better. Will you? That's to both of our veep candidates.

More generally...well...it's directed more generally.

pauldar said...

joe Biden is embarrassing himself in front of God and everyone else

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Iran is a good way away?

Paddy O said...

Biden's goal is to laugh at Ryan's comments--making it look like he is shocked at Ryan's apparently comments.

Biden's trying to play the older statesman in the room with the young man role. And he can play that role well. Doesn't at all mean he is right or wrong. But he's good at projecting the part.

pauldar said...

Wife just said "how did he become VP" I just said people fell hook line and sinker for "hope and Change"

virgil xenophon said...

The Vodkapundit drunk-bloggers think Martha Baby is enabling Biden too!

john said...

I think Biden did well on the Iran nuclear question.

But maybe because my expectation is low.

Anonymous said...

Smirk on Ryan's face, he's in over his head. Ryan coming off as naive.

bagoh20 said...

Oaf, Vote for me. I'll make you an ambassador..........in Libya.

Paddy O said...

Ryan on one side,
Biden and moderator on the other.

She's actually arguing with Ryan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bidens mocking laughter.

Shouting Thomas said...

Neither of these guys has a really engaging personality.

Biden is a blowhard.

Ryan is kinda pedantic.

Chuck said...

Watch the C-Span dual-screen feed. Biden is grinning like a madman.

john said...


Ryan is on the right side. The smirks are all on the left side.

You must have started late and didnt see where they sat down.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden is in the position of defending Iran.

Nicely done!

Hagar said...

Biden kind of make me wonder what "intelligence community" they were talking to.

Anonymous said...

This is easy for Biden.

Matt Sablan said...

"You're acting like they don't one." The best zinger may come from the moderator tonight.

LoafingOaf said...

Sorry, Biden laughing like this doesn't work for me.

garage mahal said...

Ryan is really getting taken to the woodshed

I'm Full of Soup said...

This is like a cocktail party and it is time to take my leave of the innane babbling of two kooks named Joe and Martha.

john said...

Inga said...
This is easy for Biden.

He's wearing his depends.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden stands up for Iran!

bagoh20 said...

Whew! Thanks Joe. I feel much better now. It's all cool with Iran. Joe says he talked to Netanyahu, and I guess Bidi told him Iran is not threat. I can buy that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, war should be the last resort. Why does Romney want war with Iran, fool.

Lyssa said...

I do hope to see some GOP commercials that heavily feature Job Biden laughing, laughing at the possibility of Iran gettng nukes.

JAL said...

I guess the Biden prep focused on accusing Romney and Ryan of "loose talk."

It seems Martha is allowing an awful lot of interruptions of Ryan by Biden -- and herself.

I saw another review of Martha's style years ago and it's all about Martha?

Will Biden stop using the world "fact" and give some?

And for heaven's stake who wants the smiling buffoon in charge of anything?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Blame Bush Mode!

Shouting Thomas said...


Anonymous said...

Biden looks like a SCHOLAR and a STATESMAN.

Ryan is a KID. He is a FOOL. He does not know Foreign POlicy.

Biden is the BEST. I love Stefanie Cutter.

rcommal said...

Is it trute that Benjamin Netanyahu became good friends with Joe Biden starting in 1972? In case I just misheard: Did Benjamin Netanyahu became good friends with Joe Biden starting in 1982?

Methadras said...

There it is, the 47%.

LoafingOaf said...

I can't believe some of you don't see how terrible it comes off that Biden is grinning and laughing through this. Horrible strategic decision.

Paddy O said...

47% !

virgil xenophon said...


You shouldn't be surprised by Biden, he's a practiced BS artist and liar--it comes naturally to political hacks..

Anonymous said...

Haha, 47%, my neighbors! Biden has fire in the belly!

LoafingOaf said...

Remember, this is about swing voters.

Methadras said...

The attack dog comes out. ROFL!!!

Paddy O said...

Biden does righteous indignation well.

JAL said...

I am soooo tired of people thinking they are doing me a favor by "leveling the playing field."

Get out of my life.

Balfegor said...

8:23: Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!

There are probably like 10 cameras there for him to mug at. How can you expect him to resist?!

Shouting Thomas said...

Biden lays out a litany of the standard lines.

Methadras said...

Ryan is letting him draw this out.

LoafingOaf said...

Wasn't Biden the one who wanted to carve up Iraq into a bunch of other countries?

pauldar said...

Poor Biden is getting taken, and left at the woodshed. 8 of us watching and all are laughing at Biden. Seriously, lobama would have better luck with Goofy than this ole fool

Emil Blatz said...

Biden is looking very bad, as you would expect. What an asshole!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We are getting buried!

jr565 said...

Biden the demagogue. I take back what I said about him being so dumb he's endearing.
Joe, you had a chance at a stimulus. Instead of energizing the middle class and instead gave out sops to the unions and various lefty interests.

Shouting Thomas said...

The smirking and laughing thing that Biden is doing is pretty annoying.

Paddy O said...

Ryan hits Biden below the belt. Scranton unemployment.

Ryan has specifics.

edutcher said...

Glad to see Ann sees what I do.

Joe is making an ass of himself with all the smirks.

Axelrod must be screaming.

Inga said...

Yes, war should be the last resort. Why does Romney want war with Iran, fool.

We can presume Oop will say it wasn't ours to interfere when the the dinner jacket finishes what (Godwin alert) started.

Then again, maybe Oop is waiting for the crazies to detonate a weapon here.

PS Ryan should have nailed Joe on the possibility of a radiological, rather than exclusively nucular, weapon.

Blue@9 said...

"Yes, war should be the last resort. Why does Romney want war with Iran, fool."

We don't, but generally you don't avoid war by shrinking from the possibility. Superpowers prevent war by projecting strength and showing a willingness to go to war when necessary.

bagoh20 said...

"This is easy for Biden"

Remember, last time Biden couldn't do better than a tie with Palin (the purported dumbest woman on earth) just 6 weeks after she was chosen by McCain. 6 weeks vs three decades of preparation. They don't call him Slow Joe for nothing.

john said...

Biden is chuckling so much it seems his upper plate came loose.

Methadras said...


the co-owner said...

Someone please slap the smug off of Biden's face!

rcommal said...

Oh, come off it. Dumb statements and conceptions of middle-class all the way around, primarily due to shifting definitions which--I do understand--both campaigns employ.

Just don't ask me not to guffaw over it, even as I accept the reality. As we've accepted the reality. And then moved on.

Chuck said...

Biden the punch line.

Pastafarian said...

Ohh, Ryan just kicked poor old Joe in the nuts.

Anonymous said...

Sassy Ryan.

Methadras said...

The Gaffe Maker shoved back in his face. ASSHOLE!!!

Shouting Thomas said...

Ryan stings Biden with a bit about his tendency to misstate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Waht a bomb!

The 47% tie into Bidens - Sometimes words dont come out the right way!

rhhardin said...

Iowahawk "America slowly backing away from Biden, trying not to make any sudden moves "

gadfly said...

Its all about Plugs and his personal tragedy!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Fucking brilliant!

Shouting Thomas said...

Biden talks about bankruptcy as if it meant that the car companies would disappear.

That's just not true.

Anonymous said...


I love Stefanie Cutter.

BIden is the best. He will be the POTUS in 2016, after being VPOTUS from now till then.

gabriel said...

Biden looks like the Cheshire Cat!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden is subdued!

Blue@9 said...

With sound off:

Biden is laughing so much he's turning bright red.

Ryan looks kinda young, almost too young.

virgil xenophon said...

Biden is black-topping Ryan & Romney with gen unsupported BS--Ryan MUST respond and not let Biden run with it!

Anonymous said...

Debit card.

Methadras said...

There goes the crazy uncle act.

SukieTawdry said...

Biden's an asshole and Ryan is too tentative and halting. This is giving me a headache. I'm going back to the ballgame.

Anonymous said...

Bank of China.

gadfly said...

Plugs forgets that Obama has been in control for 4 f'n years

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Biden interrrups!

Bart DePalma said...

The smirks and snarks will not endear Biden to women and Indis.

LoafingOaf said...

What Biden is doing is pleasing Obama's base while disgusting the swing voter. IMHO.

bagoh20 said...

This is the guy who gives like $300 to charity annually saying to the ticket that gives millions "stop talking about how you care about people and show me."


Anonymous said...

Stimulus money LMAO!

exhelodrvr1 said...

War is best avoided by being prepared for it, and by your potential enemies believing that you are willing to go to war if necessary.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

They told Biden to go out and be an asshole, and he's happy to oblige.

furious_a said...

Biden is smoking weed about Iran. They don't need a device to deliver a weapon -- a cargo container would do.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden looks rattled.

Biden is defending Solyndra!

LoafingOaf said...

Ryan should tell him to wipe the grin off his face and stop laughing because people are struggling.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yep, he had his SS, to hell with anyone else.

Anonymous said...



edutcher said...

Ryan asks where are the 5 million green jobs and Martha quickly changes the subject.


And obvious.

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