October 6, 2012

"Like-A-Hug is a wearable social media vest that allows for hugs to be given via Facebook, bringing us closer despite physical distance."

"The vest inflates when friends 'Like' a photo, video, or status update on the wearer's wall, thereby allowing us to feel the warmth, encouragement, support, or love that we feel when we receive hugs. Hugs can also be sent back to the original sender by squeezing the vest and deflating it."

Ha ha.

Via Jezebel via New York Magazine, both of which seem to assume it's a real device intended seriously. I say seem because I acknowledge the possibility that Jezebel and New York Magazine have a drier sense of humor than does Melissa Kit Chow. Judging from the clunky sarcasm Jezebel and New York openly aim at Chow, I'd say the possibility that there's an underlayer of subtle humor is low.


Paddy O said...

Remember when people used to poke each other on Facebook?

That would probably be a popular device too.

My experience with being poked (on Facebook!) would probably translate to hugs. It's the weird creepy friends that you don't really like but feel compelled to keep and always comment on every post that would most likely be the huggers.

Tim said...

Pet Rock, 2012 style.

Not everything in the "future" is progress.

Tim said...

How come we can't have the "Gangnam Style" dancing robot instead?

That seems much more timely.

Megaera said...

They market something like that for dogs. Is this progress?

edutcher said...

Phineas Taylor Barnum smiles.

It's always gratifying to be vindicated.

Wince said...

The Chinese have the Japanese beat on this one.

Aridog said...

EDH ... so early, yet EDH has the thread winner!

Now who will hook that machine up to wymen's panties? Or guys' tighty whities for that matter.

Would give a whole new meaning to a Facebook "Poke."

William R. Hamblen said...
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Michael K said...

We are coming pretty close to the "feelies" of Brave New World.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, can somebody invent a device for responding to the lefty idiot who starts screaming BIGOT! and RAACIST!

The proper device would simultaneously scream "Fuck off and die bastard!" and deliver a crippling kick to the nuts (or the ovaries, as applicable).

The rule of Lemnity said...

Garage should get one of these.

Tim said...

Lem said...

"Garage should get one of these."

He'd never know if it worked or not.

Anonymous said...

I need such a device like a need a bag of d***s.

Methadras said...

Stupidest invention ever!!! I thought it was a jap invention and then I looked that it was an MIT invention and then I was sad.

Rusty said...

Tim said...
Pet Rock, 2012 style.

Not everything in the "future" is progress.

thread winner

Sam L. said...

Question: Is it cumulative? (If real.) Would it become like a boa constrictor?

MY GOD! Killed by Facebook "friends"!

vbspurs said...

Wow. And I thought the boyfriend pillow was creepy and pathetic...


rick rogers said...

I just took the LSAT yesterday, and I could use a hug. I am pretty sure I did well, but I doubt well enough to get into Yale or Harvard, which was my dream.

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