Robert Reich hyperventilates. There's a lot of that going on lately from the Obama side, and it's hard not to read that as a sign that Romney will win.
AND: Speaking of desperate... look! Obama goes to church with his lovely daughters. No Michelle though. Otherwise, I got a vibe like this.
and it's hard not to read that as a sign that Romney will win.
Conveniently, the polling data shows a comfortable, if not insurmountable lead for Obama. How much is Romney losing by in Ohio today?
If all eligible voters were to actually vote, the Democrats would win every time. So you gotta scare the poop out of apathtic voters and promise free goodies to the gullible voters.
Robert Reich...the last living Umpa-Lumpa. If in fact Obama does lose, what level of violence will be displayed by the so called progressives? Murders? Riots? Mass vandalism?
I gave up reading after about four paragraphs.
Whew! What a statement of belief in government as religion!
This is the part that wore me out:
The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, the rabid Republican right, CEOs and Wall Street titans who want to entrench their privileges and tax advantages...
All appeals to the evil Koch brothers send me packing.
Who has entrenched the privileges and tax advantages of the Wall Street titans? Who has enshrined "Too Big to Fail"? Who has turned the SEC into a joke?
I'll give you a hint; they have been in office for the last 3+ years.
"Regressives". How nice.
"Conveniently, the polling data shows a comfortable, if not insurmountable lead for Obama. How much is Romney losing by in Ohio today?"
Dude, you are deluded. Where is this polling data exactly?
Stock up on beans rice and bullets! Walmart special from now until the election! Hurry!
"If all eligible voters were to actually vote, the Democrats would win every time. So you gotta scare the poop out of apathtic voters and promise free goodies to the gullible voters."
Well, that does perfectly describe the platform - scaring and bribing the gullible into voting for them.
Obama's daughters are beautiful. Too bad he uses them for props.
"We almost had it last year in the Occupy movement. We had the arguments and the energy. What we lacked was organization and discipline.
If a former Rhodes Scholar and cabinet member isn't capable of organization and discipline, then who the fuck is? Just like a progressive, always passing the buck and finding others to blame.
"Stock up on beans rice and bullets! Walmart special from now until the election! Hurry!"
Conservatives already have plenty of both. I wouldn't want to be a liberal in a big city though if it were to happen. Unarmed as they are save for the rich ones who have private guards. Not that I think it will happen, but if it did, they'd be fucked.
If you lived in Woodstock, which is run by progressives you would see the problem in this government as religion business.
The progressives do indeed distort their entire lives to engage in "political activism." Many of them live on SSI in order to do so.
People who have ordinary lives to lead don't do this.
The fanaticism that Reich suggests is an extremely ugly thing. It produces nut cases like Andy.
Ann I don't know where to tell you this but I'm getting pop-up hijacking ADs from your site on my Android phone from "luckiest tickets"
Church? Obama? Where, at 'God Damn America' Wright's church?
Well he had better pray cause his arse is in a vice and soon he will be on the unemployment list.
There are no atheists in a foxhole, and I guess that goes for flailing political campaigns as well.
No Michelle? I guess they didn't have a service in Klingon.
"Conveniently, the polling data shows a comfortable, if not insurmountable lead for Obama. How much is Romney losing by in Ohio today?"
Ummm...49% to 49% with a D+3.
But hey...keep hope alive.
The head popping is commencing a little ahead of schedule.
Reich has been growing ever more hysterical -- in print, not in person -- for the last year. Krugman, ditto. (When either shows up on, say, "This Week," they are all measured, calm, sane.)
As for Sasha and Malia, let's just say that while they both look terrific, that is not how I'd dress for church. What's with the black tights business?
When you read Reich's histrionic rant, you might think that he must represent the loony hard left fringe of the Democrat party.
Then you go down and read the comments and... whew!
Let me tell you all, if that crowd ever gets control of this country, we are in for a bad, bad time.
Shorter Reich: Just vote for Obama and you'll get endless free ponies paid for by the evil rich bastards.
Steve said...
Robert Reich...the last living Umpa-Lumpa. If in fact Obama does lose, what level of violence will be displayed by the so called progressives? Murders? Riots? Mass vandalism?
Actually, Turncoat Charlie Crist is also an Oompa-Loompa. He looks like somebody dumped a case of Lawry's Seasoned Salt on him.
And I'm guessing that the very least we can expect if Zero loses is mass defecation on police cars.
My theory is that, it being election season and Obama is on teevee a lot, a critical mass of Americans is just now realizing that the Presient of the United States is a dick.
Michelle doesn't like losers and I'm thinking the election results will cause her to again have that feeling of not being very proud of our country. Plus, she isn't going to be very proud of you know who.
African Americans for Mitt Romney:
"Step two: Starting Election Day, regardless of who's elected, commit at least three hours every week to political organizing and mobilizing."
That's why I hate these people. They never ever shut the hell up. Like fucking zombies, they do not stop.
It's the usual problem with socialism, beyond eventually running out of other people's money, is that it takes up too many evenings.
As it stands, even in my little neighborhood we spend way too much time fighting off the lefty bastards. Fuck them all, and damn you to hell, Reich, for encouraging more of it.
MDT, seriously? You're going to criticize the girls for wearing black tights? This is not proper attire for church?!
I think Robert Reich probably can do that to himself.
Uhm, both of my daughters and my wife wear black tights, a wool skirt and a sweater over a turtleneck to Church every Sunday from about now until about mid March. They looked just fine for Church to me.
FWIW, I go to a business-suit or slacks and blazer Church.
The Official Response from the WH, NYT, Wash-Post, Huff-Post, Daily-Beast, NPR, MSNBC, etc. on "Benghazi" is ---
Go F*** Yourself.
(adapted from the new movie, Argo)
" You keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin' "
(from Nancy Sinatra, These Boots Are Made for Walkin')
Adorable kids! I don't think they know how dire their dad's situation is though, as opposed to Chelsea.
He is a good husband and father--let us pray that is his sole occupation come November 7.
Reich was Willie Whitewater's roomie in college, so do the math.
But, yeah, when this goes down, the Clinton wing as well as the Zero wing goes with it.
Andy R. said...
and it's hard not to read that as a sign that Romney will win.
Conveniently, the polling data shows a comfortable, if not insurmountable lead for Obama. How much is Romney losing by in Ohio today?
Get your nose out of Ned Silver and slide on over to Ras or Gallup.
Tied in OH, MI, MN, and numerous other firewalls.
Don't look here, it's a dirty picture.
PS The older girl is the image of her father, for better or worse.
PPS I have a feeling, if Barry loses, Moochelle will be movin' on up like Hillary.
That's why I hate these people. They never ever shut the hell up. Like fucking zombies, they do not stop.
That's what I mean by the "religion of politics."
Reich fights cynicism in Luther
Er ist auf Erden kommen arm,
Daß er unser sich erbarm',
Und in dem Himmel machet reich
Und seinen lieben Engeln gleich.
He is come upon the earth poor
in order to have compassion on us,
and in heaven he makes us rich
like his beloved angels.
Edutcher, I suspect "the Blond's" ass is bigger than "Moochelle's ".
My theory is that, it being election season and Obama is on teevee a lot, a critical mass of Americans is just now realizing that the President of the United States is a dick.
I liked that so much I am reposting it.
The older daughter certainly got BHO's long lean look.
Do I have to say it? that Puff Host style page barfed me out.
See some of President Obama's precious moments with Michelle Obama!
And, by the way, wasn't Sarah Palin's paramount sin using her children for "political purposes"?
I forget on what occasion Clinton went to church with an extra-big bible in hand, but Rush noticed it.
Going to church is a sign of desperation? LOL
What a great looking family though eh? So normal. So am I going for....American as Apple Pie?
It does read like a pre-mortem, with an exhortation to then rise from the dead.
Love the term regressive. Reich's devolving to garage level with the cutesy insults and scary bogeymen.
"We had the arguments and the energy. What we lacked was organization and discipline."
Yes, by all means. that's who we want in charge.
The Elaine Benes campaign: Obama's Slogan Moves from "Forward." to "Forward!"
So the Obama campaign felt they needed an exclamation point in their slogan two weeks from the election… !
Heh. Heh!
"Step two: Starting Election Day, regardless of who's elected, commit at least three hours every week to political organizing and mobilizing. Connect with other progressives in your city and state. Help find and recruit new progressive candidates to run against Republicans in swing states, and against conservative Democrats. Support the members of the progressive caucus in Congress. Raise money. Raise a ruckus."
Raise a ruckus??? I'm a religious person, and I between prayer/mass I give about three hours, and I don't openly proselytize.
You can see how the Democratic Party is filled with individuals who are not affiliated with any religious belief, their religion is their party.
What's Michelle up to these days? She missed the Al Smith dinner, now missing church. Is she healthy?
Ah. What did we ever do before the answer to every question was right at our finger tips?
Yesterday, she did fundraisers in southern California. Seems odd to be raising funds in a locked-down state a week before the election. I thought the campaigns were into "Spend Everything!" mode already. Tonight she's staying in Chicago, and will be campaigning in Iowa tomorrow.
Interesting that Obama and the girls are in D.C. and Michelle will be doing the campaign stops solo. But I guess it's the new standard -- Ann's campaigning in Michigan while Mitt's headed to Ohio.
When did candidates' spouses start going on their own separate campaign tours?
And the idea of pushing out the Conservative Democrats is sad. Especially at the state level, I always support them here in Massachusetts.
A conservative Democrat always wins against a liberal Republican.
"Reich was Willie Whitewater's roomie in college, so do the math."
Oh man, can you imagine the wedgies Reich must have endured? He still likes Willy though. I think the realization that he was being bullied went right over his head.
I went to Puff Ho to read the article first hand. Wow, I forgot what a cesspool that was.
Michelle isn't a politician, she's a spouse. Sorry if she needs/wants to not be in the public, due to whatever, she has every right to without judgement.
You've got to go all in, people.
The personal is political.
We'll never use our politicians children as show ponies or targets. Class it up.
Renee said...
Michelle isn't a politician, she's a spouse. Sorry if she needs/wants to not be in the public, due to whatever, she has every right to without judgement.
10/28/12 7:48 PM
You missed the rest of my post. She actually is out campaigning -- "in the public."
Also, no judgement either way. Just noticed the absence and wondered.
And who could forget the infectious energy of "LAMAR!"
But the imperative "Forward!" sounds creepy to me.
A little too Bataan death marchy.
Forward March!
Obama has a great looking family and it is nice to see them going to church together. It is too bad this is newsworthy, the going to church together.
Forward!, courtesy of The People's Cube.
Scroll down to the second one, the red and blue one featuring Lenin and Obama.
Leftards do a good job of making their positions look and feel normalized while utterly demonizing the right as the unhinged Taliban. Little do they realize that this tactic never works no matter how hard they try. The problem is, is that there are plenty of leftards that believe their bullshit their ideology impugns on them. Calling a leftard narrow minded is nothing in terms of what they really are. They are fascists.
This Reich is so over the top with this article. I wonder if he actually believes this return to the 19th century stuff. Are progressives so stupid as to believe something so spectacularly silly?
"Step two: Starting Election Day, regardless of who's elected, commit at least three hours every week to political organizing and mobilizing."
zombies, freaking zombies.
You should just post a huge line every day on your blog stating, "everything any liberal or democrat says is disgusting and gross and horrible and everything a republican says is amazing incredible and the best.
It would save you from typing your crap bitch.
You are so predictable and incredibly boring.
Be spontaneous.
Thank God, as a gay man, you are not my mother. I would be hurt and devastated. But my mom is not a narcissist.
"We almost had it last year in the Occupy movement. We had the arguments and the energy. What we lacked was organization and discipline."
Sentence 1: Delusions of grandeur.
Sentence 2: Well, they were argumentative and (ahem) energetic.
Sentence 3: Understatement of the century.
That is not Titus.
That is not Titus.
Yes, it's been clear for some time that we have a Titus imposter on our hands.
Your mom may not be a narcissist, Titus, but your president is.
Just sayin'.
Or "Faux Titus" as the case may be.
Someone tell Reich to relax. The side graphic for his article has Obama at 277 in the EC already.
"We almost had it last year in the Occupy movement. We had the arguments and the energy. What we lacked was organization and discipline."
Sentence 1: Delusions of grandeur.
Sentence 2: Well, they were argumentative and (ahem) energetic.
Sentence 3: Understatement of the century.
Hey cut 'em some slack. They were exceedingly efficient at torching cars, smashing windows, and defecating on stuff. This argues a high degree of coordination.
Inga said...
Edutcher, I suspect "the Blond's" ass is bigger than "Moochelle's ".
This from someone obsessed with his/her/its own, but I can tell you it's rounder, firmer, and a Hell of a lot better-looking than Moochelle's, and probably Oop's.
rhhardin said...
I forget on what occasion Clinton went to church with an extra-big bible in hand, but Rush noticed it.
The Sunday after we found out about Monica.
Renee said...
Michelle isn't a politician, she's a spouse.
No, like Elizabeth Edwards and Hillary Rodham, she's a wannabe politician who's so fanatical and unlikeable, the only way she could get near power was to marry a sociopathic empty suit.
The sign of belief in defeat will be when you see progressive jews in the media like Reich and in NY Times, Washington Post management step on the other side of the Benghazi White House stonewall.
For now, all of them, and the liberals, have faith in the Ohio Firewall to enable them to maintain the Benghazi Al Qaeda attack coverup.
edutcher said...
Reich was Willie Whitewater's roomie in college, so do the math.
But, yeah, when this goes down, the Clinton wing as well as the Zero wing goes with it.
There are many Republicans that want the Clinton's gone from political viability, but like Bill, in particular and see him as a real player and a person with many admirable well as his well-known flaws..
HW Bush likes Bill a lot. So does Bob Dole, GW Bush.
Romney has expressed admiration of some things Bill has done. And if Romney does win, a person with the successful Presidency of Bill Clinton would be incredibly valuable if Romney wants to do the hard cutbacks he has said need bipartisan support.
I also honestly think Bill and Hillary would be happy to have other paths of influence than Hillary running for President again - her path would be:
1. About as hard as Condi Rice trying to run after 8 years of stalwart loyalty to Bush in 2008, if Obama is elected and the next 4 years suck as much under that preening dirtball.
2. If Romney is elected - HIllary would have to fight the preening dirtballs 98% black loyalty in the Primaries, and then face Romney. Or Romney, successful or not, just might be the odd duck in politics that leaves after 4. If he got enough done and leave it to Paul Ryan, Rubio, Christie, Ayotte, Martinez and Portman to have a more tranquil Primary season than Romney got with the Fundie panderers and self-indulgent train wrecks like Newt, Perry and Santorum.
The sign of belief in defeat will be when you see progressive jews in the media like Reich and in NY Times, Washington Post management step on the other side of the Benghazi White House stonewall.
For now, all of them, and the liberals, have faith in the Ohio Firewall to enable them to maintain the Benghazi Al Qaeda attack coverup.
edutcher said...
Reich was Willie Whitewater's roomie in college, so do the math.
But, yeah, when this goes down, the Clinton wing as well as the Zero wing goes with it.
There are many Republicans that want the Clinton's gone from political viability, but like Bill, in particular and see him as a real player and a person with many admirable well as his well-known flaws..
HW Bush likes Bill a lot. So does Bob Dole, GW Bush.
Romney has expressed admiration of some things Bill has done. And if Romney does win, a person with the successful Presidency of Bill Clinton would be incredibly valuable if Romney wants to do the hard cutbacks he has said need bipartisan support.
I also honestly think Bill and Hillary would be happy to have other paths of influence than Hillary running for President again - her path would be:
1. About as hard as Condi Rice trying to run after 8 years of stalwart loyalty to Bush in 2008, if Obama is elected and the next 4 years suck as much under that preening dirtball.
2. If Romney is elected - HIllary would have to fight the preening dirtballs 98% black loyalty in the Primaries, and then face Romney. Or Romney, successful or not, just might be the odd duck in politics that leaves after 4. If he got enough done and leave it to Paul Ryan, Rubio, Christie, Ayotte, Martinez and Portman to have a more tranquil Primary season than Romney got with the Fundie panderers and self-indulgent train wrecks like Newt, Perry and Santorum.
Obama's daughters are cute girls, and it is so nice to see teen girls dressed stylishly yet appropriately for church.
I think I might spend a little too much time at Althouse if I, too, was all, Titus?! That doesn't sound like Titus!
So Edutcher, how do you know "Moochelle's" ass isn't firm? I doubt the Secret Service would let you anywhere near her to feel it.
Regressives - those nasty people who actually Like The Constitution.
Oh yeah, that's our Titus, he lets the mask slip now and then.
It's all good, he's just working on some of his "mommy issues".
All 4 main IA papers endorsed Mitt, so does Iowa lean Mitt now?
So Edutcher, how do you know "Moochelle's" ass isn't firm?
I wonder if Moochelle can shake her ass at incredibly high speed? That's a special skill some of the black girls possess.
Booty Shake Booty Overdose. Of course, some of the white girls do well, too. Who am I to discriminate?
I think that's the first time I've heard the expression "regressives" used to describe anti-progressives.
Robert Reich hyperventilates. There's a lot of that going on lately from the Obama side, and it's hard not to read that as a sign that Romney will win.
Ann's right. It's hard not to read most of what we see from the Obama campaign these days as a sign that Romney will win.
I just hope garage's obese ass and Inga's merely overweight ass have the decency to show up on November 7th to get the taunts and verbal abuse they so richly deserve.
that Puff Host style page barfed me out.
According to one of the commenters, Mitt's 5 hot sons (they didn't call them hot) are 'draft dodgers'. I don't know what the hell that is about.
The kids looked perfectly appropriate for church although I'm not mad about those particular outfits. Man the youngest one has grown up in four years.
I confess, yes, I want to regress, all the way back to the principles enshrined in our founding documents, written by those brilliant men.
the regressives who want to take this nation back to the 19th century win it all.
It's possible he has some economic point in mind. Monopolies, maybe?
But the immediate reaction I had is that he's making a slavery comment without being as crass as Biden.
I just hope garage's obese ass
Why do the right wing men commenters on this blog his a fascination with my ass? Pervs!
Enjoy diabetes, fatass.
Under President Romney, I won't be paying for it.
Also, when is Walker getting indicted?
Man the youngest one has grown up in four years.
Kids do that. (sigh)
Sometimes I miss my former cuddlers.
Regressives - 60 million voters?
Barry promised to fundamentally change America and Robby's pissed voters don't like the progress Barry's made?
Poor baby.
Wonder what sock puppet "President-Mom-Jeans" is?
Really clever pseudonym too! Bet that one took a while to come up with. About as clever as "President Leading from Behind"
Garage, could it be our Baby Huey look alike Jay?
Christopher in MA and Methadras would be likely suspects.
They can't even get their insults straight. They think I have diabetes. LOL
Hey, didn't Chickelit always say "President leading from Behind"?! Why yes he did!
Robert Reich is more "Communist" than third reich "Nazi".
You may now return to usual global positioning systems.
"Inga said...
MDT, seriously? You're going to criticize the girls for wearing black tights? This is not proper attire for church?!"
No it isn't. It is disrespectful and shows that the girls' parents either don't know any better or don't care.
Being a politicians kid must be a special kind of hell. I mean, what kid that age holds their parents hand without some kind of bribary? Even then, I doubt my 14 year old would willingly walk in public holding mine or my husbands hand.
Poopli, disrespectful to wear black tights to church? What do you wear to church? Skirts down to your ankles and bonnets?
Ah, the noble father of a fine family. It was part of the image that anchored so much hope.
Now a refreshing relief, an Eye candy. Regal Carnival. Ah.
And, no disrespect, but Do Michele and Barack bring home the advice they foisted on other young women, did they share Lena Dunham with the girls?
And is bullshitter OK a word for a father to use around children? What about "out-niggering" assuming, of course, it is used around academe and is written by a black person?
I do pray they are keeping their poison away from their daughters.
Dressing up for church is anti-Christ. Just sayin'.
Ditto that ST on the progressive activist lifestyle. Living in Seattle there is a lot of public sentiment for....
Aside from some actual socialists, communist sympathizers, redistributionist faux revolutionary-types it means being a professional agitator.
Religion=bad, oppresive, something to overthrow
Gender norms=socially imposed by the patriarchy
Budgets=expendable and imposed by the patriarchy and secondary to the ideas
Freedom is next, and freedom means rights, and rights are given out by the benevolent folks in charge who adhere and promise the "right ideas" to the people.
Equality is actually going to be achieved, and the passion and commitment for the cause is the measure of your worth. Homelessness, inequality, racism, environmental harmony are all POSSIBLE.
It's a little nuts, and you can imagine the level of discourse.
I hear you, my man.
PaddyO, I think the girls were dressed up for church. Or are you addressing Poplicola?
Or are you saying we don't need to dress up for church?
I should say homelessness, inequality, racism environmental imbalance are problems to be solved with the right eco science and advocacy, social science and advocacy, the right ideas and government.
Mostly it translates to a lot of lesbians raising chickens in their yards, pale hipsters and cool kids, crusty former hippies, working folks and a lot of union support, and constant talk of the "community" i.e...commune.
The budget is a mess,
In our church, you can show up in a bathing suit. It's what is taught from the pulpit that counts.
When I remember what I wore when I was their age back in the 60's, who am I to criticize what children these days are wearing. I don't particularly like what they are wearing. So what. Styles change and these are kids. Let them dress in a way that "they" feel stylish.
It is a sad thing, however, that what should be a personal moment and an unremarkable event.....a man going to church with his exploited and is a big deal.
Another dog and pony show with the kids as props.
See also:
The Bay Area
Bushwick and Williamsburg, The East village, The New School
Madison, Wisconsin
Laguna Beach, Santa Monica parts of LA and the Left Coast
Portland OR
Big Cities and Big Labor, the old Boston and Northeastern Democrat Establishment
Liberal Academia where ideas are the measure of your worth
Democracy Now on the radio
Radio Pacifica which is now NPR...
which is mainstream but still equality over free markets, climate change over industry, old Jewish white guys deconstructing jazz, the New Left, The SDS, feminists and Neo-Marxist race theory, arts and government and the educational industrial complex
the poor folks, the and the white liberal elites.
Sorry for the rant. I'll stop now.
I don't see anything wrong with the girls' outfits for church. They seem to be both modestly and appropriately dressed. It beats shorts and flip flops. I don't doubt for a moment that Obama is posing, seeing as how he has hardly stepped foot in church since his election, but I don't blame his daughters for that.
In the late seventies it became okay to wear jeans to Mass.
Erika, I have spent too much time here, and Titus does have his mean streak days.
President Mom Jeans...I think I know who you are...
Malia, the oldest is cute, and I predict will become a knock-out.
Forget that I haven't hung out in a church for a while.
What I DO know is I've been hanging out at Althouse too long!
Cf was typing about "Michelle and Barack", and in my head I'm thinking he misspelled Moochelle's name ... again.
I also think that the older daughter--very pretty at the moment--is going to be stunningly beautiful in about five years.
"Going to church is a sign of desperation? LOL"
Sure it is - when you only go right before an election.
Normally, Barry prefers to spend his Sunday mornings perfecting his drive. Come to think of it, the golf course is also where he prefers to be rather than attending intelligence briefings.
Personally, I don't care if he goes to church or not. It's the obvious insincerity of it that is a sign of desperation.
But it warms the hearts of the rubes and suckers. Like garage.
Yeah, like the overscheduled people of this world really have 3 hours a week they can devote to political activism, the original black hole of time suck whose chasm is deep and endless. So what he means, realistically, is
Vote for Obama.
Another sign of desperation: Two of the Obama ads I saw during the WS were basically begging (young) people to get up off their asses and vote, because if they don't, terrible, awful Romney will win and gee, won't they feel bad then?
Believe me, the GOP doesn't have run ads urging their base to vote.
I find it hard to believe based on Ann's last few days of posting that she's going to do anything BUT vote for Romney. She won't put a post of "how Obama lost me", she'll just vote for Romney and not tell us.
Malia must get trips like the one to Mexico last year in exchange for having to hold her dad's hand for the cameras. At 14!
MayBee said...
Malia must get trips like the one to Mexico last year in exchange for having to hold her dad's hand for the cameras. At 14!
Sometimes when we're out walking together both my girls will hold my hands. One is.....well, over 30 and the other just turned 20.
They love their dad. And dad, being the big, dopey, sap that he is, just eats that stuff up.
Not being a particularly "churched" guy, somehow I dont think God much gives a damn (not that God would damn anyone except in Wrights's church) what anyone wears to church. YMMV of course.
As to the "my first time" ad--would love to see Mr Obama explain that one to his daughters.
back to the nineteenth century...
Yep. Regressives want to take away all cars, electricity, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dryers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, airplanes, laptops, cell phones, iPods, iPads, dvrs, televisions, radio, central air and heating...
They'll also take away weekends! 40 hour work weeks! Kids'll have to work again! There will be no minimum wage and everyone will have to work for pennies!
I think Reich and the "Progressives" really do think their constituencies really are that dumb. That they really believe that...
Going to church is a sign of desperation? LOL
Depends on the history of the person in question.
How often has Obama attended church since November 2008?
What about during 2004-2008, while he was Senator?
What about while he was State Rep, 1997-2004?
Did he appear to attend for political reasons, or because he likes communing with God and man?
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