October 11, 2012

Even if Obama thought first — or even only — about reelection, how could he have chosen to lie the way he did about Libya?

Mark Steyn writes:
The State Department has now conceded that there was no movie protest at all. and that it was, in fact, one of the most sophisticated military attacks ever launched at a diplomatic facilityBoth these very obvious points were surely known to Washington by 6 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday September 12, by which time the surviving consulate staff had been evacuated to Tripoli. Yet Ambassador Rice, President Obama, et al., were still blaming the video days later. Obama and Secretary Clinton always refer to Ambassador Stevens as “Chris” — Chris this, Chris that — as if he were a treasured friend or intimate. Yet they and the sad hollow men around them dishonor their “friend” in death.
Quite aside from the wrongness of lying, generally and specifically, in this case, and quite aside from the motivation to lie — I'm going to presume, without more, it was campaign politics — why did Obama think he could get away with this lie long enough, and why was he not daunted by the risk entailed in going on and on, doubling down on the lie, and even lying in a U.N. speech? How did he have the nerve to co-opt our U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, and subvert her credibility and honor? How did he get this millstone around the neck of Hillary Clinton, who has such a strong interest in her independent career and who knows a thing or two about the devastation of getting caught lying? (And this lie can't be waved away as as lie "about sex." It's a lie at the very heart of our trust in the President.)

Now, I have a few more questions, focusing on the choice to construct the lie out of that "Innocence of Muslims" video. Here's a montage of statements that were made about the video:
OBAMA:  I don't care how offensive this video was, it was terribly offensive and we should shun it.

HILLARY:  This video is disgusting and reprehensible.  It appears to have a deeply cynical purpose, to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage.

CARNEY:  Let's be clear.  These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region.

OBAMA:  You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character, an extremely offensive video.

CARNEY:  The unrest we've seen has been in reaction to a video.

OBAMA:  A crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.

RICE:  It was a spontaneous, not a premeditated response, a direct result of a heinous and offensive video.

OBAMA:  I know there are some who ask, "Why don't we just ban such a video?"  The answer is enshrined in our laws.  Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.
Was this just the nearest lame excuse, like the dog ate my homework? The President must have known that the truth about the attack on the embassy would eventually emerge. He couldn't have assumed that those called to testify in congressional hearings would commit perjury. Even if everyone would be willing to commit perjury, how could they think they could credibly pull off lies about protests — vivid public events — that never took place? Maybe Obama's only concern was that the truth not emerge before the election, but given the risk that it would, why wasn't he afraid of how bizarre and outrageous the video story was?

The video story, moreover, put Obama in a position where he had to present caring for the feelings of violent foreigners as something that challenges our commitment to free speech, as if it were a difficult matter to brood over. He made it sound as though he would ban the video — or take the proposal to ban it seriously — if only the Constitution didn't stand in his way. Was he interested in making a show of respect for constitutional law? It didn't come off as too respectful, especially when they arrested the filmmaker (who was, conveniently, on parole and thus arrestable). This was the worst sort of scapegoating. Obama called this man — this erstwhile nonentity — "a shadowy character."

And this inane and unnecessary display of concern for the feelings of Muslims depended on thinking about Muslims as a bunch of idiots and criminals. It wasn't respectful at all to promote this caricature of Muslims as people who look at a stupid video and lose their minds, take to the streets, and work themselves up into a murderous rage. The video story could only work as a cover for the truth if it could be leveraged on an offensive stereotype of Muslims. It is the story about the response to the video — far more the video itself — that has "a deeply cynical purpose, to denigrate a great religion"! Why didn't Obama care that he was insulting Muslims in this weird charade about caring for Muslims?

Why was any of this worth doing, even cynically? Even if you assume Obama put his own reelection first, how could he possibly have selected this lie and thought it was a good idea? Yes, the planned terrorist attack in Libya hurts the image he would like to have as the vanquisher of al Qaeda, but the truth about that has already come out, with 3 weeks left to go before the election. By handling the matter the way he did, we have — on top of the damage to the vanquisher of al Qaeda image — a glaring lie and plain evidence of extremely poor judgment.


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Anonymous said...

Charlie said...
Is the guy who made the video still in jail?

Yes, for a so-called parole violation for a petty crime that forbade him to ever use a computer outside his place of employment.

Seeing Red said...

The Muslim Brotherhood declared war on us a few months ago.

So they and AQ are now joined, eh?

jungatheart said...

Paddy, let me be clear. I suggested a false flag op on day one :)

But in retrospect it appears that the narrative would have been too hard to control this close to an election, and I can't think Obama would be that depraved.

Seeing Red said...

And do you think Hillary wants this on her record?

Hagar said...

I do not think Obama or his White House care a rat's behind about the effect the "war in Afghanistan" has on the economy; that is not where they are coming from.

Paddy O said...

Deborah, the narrative was indeed too hard to control... but there was definitely an attempt to control a different narrative.

Cosmic Conservative said...

This is very simple. When you have been able to lie with impunity on every subject imaginable for your entire career and have never once been called on it by a fawning, sycophantic media, you eventually think you can say anything you want, any time you want.

I can guarantee you right now that Obama feels utterly betrayed by the media for violating his "trust" in them.

Calypso Facto said...

Yesterday, garage came in here to parrot Chris Mathews' concerns (sincere I'm sure) about embassy funding. Today we learn that those critical embassy support funds were being spent on critical items like Chevy Volts and their expensive charging stations to prop up Gov't Motors. The Obama Administration: supporting the UAW over American security abroad. Classy.

McTriumph said...

We've elected the first Black President, unfortunately he is also the first Black Nixon.

mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dante said...

The press covered for this guy pretty well before. Including Rev. Wright, relationship to Rezko, the house purchase, the money Rezko didn't use to fix the slums, the use, probably by proxies, to get Jack and Jeri Ryan's child custody records unsealed, the use of the legal process to get his democrat competitors kicked off the ballot, etc.

A formal investigation takes time, and we've also seen how Obama has successfully used executive privilege when it comes to shutting down probes into Holder, how he has shut down implementation of laws such as not deporting certain illegals, etc. Where's the outrage in the MSM?

Paddy O said...

As for Obama being "depraved"

Depraved assumes a certain moral abandonment.

Obama, however, is much more in tune with the sort of actions we see in communist countries, the need to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

It's prioritizing the general good over particular people. It's a top down view of morality, not an absence of morality. Obama has shown that he certainly is willing to sacrifice people (Fast and Furious, or the less literal throwing of people under the bus), for the sake of his overall goals.

And he's also shown that he simply isn't actually very good about controlling the narrative in those ways. He doesn't have the power to disappear people, so the narrative breaks down pretty quickly. But, it does suggest the underlying philosophy at work, which again is not depravity but a very specific expression of modernity. He might even see himself as a version of Hegel's world-historical individual. Breaking the little flowers are just part of the process of getting to civilization.

Tamsin said...

It's not so much that Obama lied, as his administration has succeeded in letting people draw the wrong conclusions.

e.g. September 14, ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Maryland (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed on Friday that U.S. resolve would be unshaken by violent anti-American protests sweeping the Muslim world as he honored the return of the bodies of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed in an attack in Libya this week.

Leading a somber ceremony with the flag-draped caskets of the Libya dead laid out beside him, Obama pledged to "bring to justice the ones who took them from us" and to hold foreign governments responsible for safeguarding U.S. diplomatic installations now under threat.

"The United States will never retreat from the world," Obama told an audience of grieving family members, diplomats and dignitaries inside a vast aircraft hangar at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington.

Obama spoke as fury about a film that insults the Prophet Mohammad tore across the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world after weekly prayers on Friday, with protesters attacking U.S. embassies and burning American flags as the Pentagon rushed to bolster security at U.S. missions....

The obscure California-made film triggered an attack on the U.S. consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Tuesday, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 al Qaeda attacks on the United States.

That's Reuter's statement. Obama, Carney, Clinton were all much more careful to separate unrest/video/embassies from attack/Benhazi/consulate.

Mimi said...

It was neither poor judgement, mendacity or incompetence that caused Obama to lie. It was the reflexive lying that a child does to their parent's face even as they are standing there with their hand in the cookie jar. It is here that one can see the real manifestation of Obama's narcissism - his development (like most narcissists) is frozen at the level of the six-year old, who thinks that his self-serving and solipsistic view of reality is the one that everyone sees - because the entire world exists to facilitate him.

Btw - the real manifestation of his sociopathy can be seen in the fact of one peaceful night's sleep. Oh - and a trip to Vegas the next day.


Mimi said...

It was neither poor judgement, mendacity or incompetence that caused Obama to lie. It was the reflexive lying that a child does to their parent's face even as they are standing there with their hand in the cookie jar. It is here that one can see the real manifestation of Obama's narcissism - his development (like most narcissists) is frozen at the level of the six-year old, who thinks that his self-serving and solipsistic view of reality is the one that everyone sees - because the entire world exists to facilitate him.

Btw - the real manifestation of his sociopathy can be seen in the fact of one peaceful night's sleep. Oh - and a trip to Vegas the next day.


firstHat said...

I'm sure you have read Foucault. You should realize that our President is a Post Modern president who believes that the primary goal is the "true change" that can only be had when the marginalized occupy (note that word) the position of power.

In his eyes, he (as a part of marginalized society) has managed to occupy his seat of power and is now using that power structure to empower that other marginalized group who might overthrow that same structure. He believes in change as the only good. Anything that borrows power to transform that power is good.

Meanwhile, old leftist such as Hillary, who still believe that "civilization" can move FORWARD into some utopia, borrow his narrative for their own ends, mistakenly thinking they will control the narrative in the end.

In our President's view the Islamists' behavior cannot be seen as "good" or "bad" except in that it is "different"-- and anything "different" from the always repressive current structure of power is inherently good. So he would not expect us to judge their reaction as criminal, just "different." And as I said...different is good.

Here's hoping this post doesn't disappear into the ether as my first attempt did!

Mimi said...

sorry for the double-post.

mark said...

@Ann "why did Obama think he could get away with this lie ..."

What type of man is President Obama?

He is the type of man that knows the Stafford Act was waived for New Orleans. He was at the vote. He also knew it was in the news that it had passed.

And a week later he lying from a podium that it hadn't passed.

Does that answer your question?

He is a man afflicted with mythomania who also believes everyone else is an idiot.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
But yes, Issa's circus hearings outed a CIA operation and compound.

Complete & utter bullshit.

Anonymous said...

OMG, a false flag operation with the President of the United States willing to risk the lives or actually be in favor of sacrificing the lives of Embassy staff? For what? Next you'll be calling him the Antichrist, oh wait....

Yet, I am being called a "Troofer"? You folks would rather believe the President complicit in this attack and make the Coptic Christian felon filmmaker a martyr for free speech, not even willing to say he should be investigated, to see if HE is involved in a false flag operation.

Whoa, that's twisted. This place is getting too weird.

AF said...

I have a conspiracy theory about teh causes of Romney's goat fucking, but I'm still working out the details and it might be too far-fetched. I think it's fair to say that at this point, the reasons for Romney's goat fucking remain an unsolved mystery.

jungatheart said...

Thanks, Paddy, interesting insights.

Darcy said...


Why so crankeh? =)

Brian Brown said...

Calypso Facto said...
Yesterday, garage came in here to parrot Chris Mathews' concerns (sincere I'm sure) about embassy funding

Actually, garagie had no fucking clue what the issue was supposed to be. He just kept pasting a talking point.

Fat garagie could not possibly explain how a 0.0000002% proposed funding reduction would lead to the death of an Ambassador.

Conclusion: fat garagie is an abject imbecile.

Brian Brown said...

AF said...
I have a conspiracy theory about teh causes of Romney's goat fucking

You're a silly & bizarre propagandist.

Though it is instructive you simply can not bring yourself to acknowledge the Obama Administration lied.


mark said...

@Darcy: "Why so crankeh?"

Their goat ran away?

Brian Brown said...

This bears repeating:

It has been suggested that budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Miss Lamb,” said Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.). “You made this decision personally. Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which lead you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

“No, sir,” said Lamb.

AF said...

Darcy: I'm cranky because I'm confused. I just can't reconcile Romney's goat fucking with his Unbearable Greatness in last week's debate. I am trying to figure out the underlying causes, and it is taxing work.

Darcy said...


The polls were making me cranky too for a while.

AF said...

"Though it is instructive you simply can not bring yourself to acknowledge the Obama Administration lied."

Who says I can't acknowledge it? I just find Romney's goat fucking to be more in need of explanation.

Darrell said...

Inga, give it up. The State Department already admitted the initial story was wrong.

In a conference call with reporters Tuesday, two senior State Department officials gave a detailed accounting of the events that lead to the death of Amb. Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The officials said that prior to the massive attack on the Benghazi compound by dozens of militants carrying heavy weaponry, there was no unrest outside the walls of the compound and no protest that anyone inside the compound was aware of.
In fact, Stevens hosted a series of meetings on the compound throughout the day, ending with a meeting with a Turkish diplomat that began at 7:30 in the evening, and all was quiet in the area.

"The ambassador walked guests out at 8:30 or so; there was nobody on the street. Then at 9:40 they saw on the security cameras that there were armed men invading the compound," a senior State Department official said. "Everything is calm at 8:30 pm, there is nothing unusual. There had been nothing unusual during the day outside."


Brian Brown said...

AF said...

Who says I can't acknowledge it? I just find Romney's goat fucking to be more in need of explanation.

You indicate with each post you silly pedophile.

test said...

Inga said...
OMG, a false flag operation with the President of the United States willing to risk the lives or actually be in favor of sacrificing the lives of Embassy staff? For what? Next you'll be calling him the Antichrist, oh wait....

Yet, I am being called a "Troofer"? You folks would rather believe the President complicit in this attack and make the Coptic Christian felon filmmaker a martyr for free speech, not even willing to say he should be investigated, to see if HE is involved in a false flag operation.

Whoa, that's twisted. This place is getting too weird.

More proof Inga's incapable of or too dishonest to reason. One person throws out a possibility for comment, which no one supports, and she conclude "you folks" are nuts for believing it.

Remember this during her next junior high "you don't know me' freakout.

AF said...


The polls were making me cranky too for a while."

Well, the only one I look at is Rasmussen, and that has the race in the exact same place it's been in for the past month. It's the goat fucking that really gets to me. I know there is a Great reason for it, but it looks like poor judgment.

Brian Brown said...

Inga, give it up.

OH, you see, she can't.

She's going to pretend she's waiting for "facts" from the "investigation"

That allows her to continue the silliness.

Darcy said...

Well, okay, AF. But you were so even-keeled while your guy was ahead. Now there are goatfuckers everywhere?

Anonymous said...

AF, maybe he just likes goats.

Brian Brown said...

Inga said...
AF, maybe he just likes goats.

We know you surely like the ice cream, fatty.

garage mahal said...

Love how our resident racist house troll stalks every one of my comments. Must be hitting the mark.

Anonymous said...

Posted to wrong thread. So again: From the beginning, I figured it was a lie in the name of national security to minimize the "win" for the terrorists - in the same way they might publicize to their people that Osama bin Laden is still alive. Stupid, but then so is the whole situation.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It isn't a lie if Obama believed it. This is an example of the Left's blame America first mindset that Obama faithfully adheres to.

The noble savages cannot be inherently evil by definition. Therefore, when they commit an act of evil against us, it must be blow back for an act of evil on our part. So did the savages kill our ambassador and three others? Yes, but they only did it because despicable people blasphemed their "prophet". We had it coming, in other words.

Obama didn't lie. Rather, his rationalization for anti-American violence has been proven false.

AF said...

"Well, okay, AF. But you were so even-keeled while your guy was ahead. Now there are goatfuckers everywhere?"

I'm not upset about the goat fucking. I mean, sure, it's wrong.
But quite aside from the wrongness of goat fucking, generally and specifically, in this case, and quite aside from the motivation to fuck goats — I'm going to presume, without more, it was because he likes goats — why did Romney think he could get away with this goat fucking, and why was he not daunted by the risk entailed in going on and on, doubling down on the goat fucking, and even fucking a goat on national TV?

Anonymous said...

Jay, I'm a fatty? Just how would you possibly know this to be a fact, or is it another conspiracy theory?

Anonymous said...

AF, because he really really loves goats?

Brian Brown said...

Inga said...
Jay, I'm a fatty?


Was that unclear?

Anonymous said...

Love drives people to do strange things.

garage mahal said...

Jay, you've been calling Garage and myself fatty for several days now, is this supposed to mean something?

Jay is a pathetic child who is crying out for some attention. Either that, or he's suffered some sort of debilitating brain injury. Probably both.

Anonymous said...

OK sure Jay.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Love how our resident racist house troll stalks every one of my comments. Must be hitting the mark.


Hey stupidshit: why don't continue demonstrating you can't read and posting outright fabrications and then come back and pat yourself on the back, ok?

Brian Brown said...

AF said...
I'm not upset about the goat fucking.

Considering you touch children inappropriately, why would you be upset?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Jay is a pathetic child who is crying out for some attention.

Keep projecting dumbshit.

Brian Brown said...

Inga said...
OK sure Jay.

Why don't you go outside for a walk or something, fatso?

Anonymous said...

Garage, let's just pat him on his poor little dumbkopf and send him back to the room for special kids.

Brian Brown said...

Inga said...
Garage, let's just pat him on his poor little dumbkopf and send him back to the room for special kids.

Why don't you go outside for a walk or something, fatso?

Matt Sablan said...

Fun fact: The NYT -already- blew the CIA's cover in Libya.

Also fun fact: other higher priorities than keeping ambassadors safe.

Darcy said...

AF: Come on, now. Obama wasn't that bad in the debate. I wouldn't call him a goat!

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

"Uh, let's have a link for that little assertion."

Marinate three generations of Americans in that pabulum and it’s no surprise you wind up with unprotected diplomats dragged to their deaths from their “safe house” in Benghazi. Or as J. Scott Gration, the president’s special envoy to Sudan, said in 2009, in the most explicit Sesamization of American foreign policy: “We’ve got to think about giving out cookies. Kids, countries — they react to gold stars, smiley faces, handshakes . . . ” The butchers of Darfur aren’t blood-drenched machete-wielding genocidal killers but just Cookie Monsters whom we haven’t given enough cookies. I’m not saying there’s a direct line between Bert & Ernie and Barack & Hillary . . . well, actually I am.

Great stuff.

Well, this is nothing new. The humorless dick portion of your brain kicked in again. Oh wait, it's been on since conception. Carry on, tard.

garage mahal said...

I'd bet money Jay is on government disability.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Garage, and he is FAT, really, really fat, like 400 pounds kinda fat.

AF said...

"AF: Come on, now. Obama wasn't that bad in the debate. I wouldn't call him a goat!"

But he sure did lie about Libya a lot. As with Romney's goat fucking, the question is why?

Matt Sablan said...

AF: You're right. Obama did not lie about Libya. His administration just said a bunch of things that were not true when they knew them not to be the truth.

If only there were a convenient, shorter word for that.

garage mahal said...

Here is how I picture Jaytard

Anonymous said...

AF, it's one of life's little mysteries. Don't fret over it.

Anonymous said...

Garage, YES! We have had a mind meld.

Matt Sablan said...

On the bright side, so far, only Tapper is accusing them of shooting first, asking questions second. I kind of hope Ryan uses that line in the debate, or maybe they'll save it for the foreign policy debate so Romney can summarily deliver it to Obama.

AF said...

"AF: You're right. Obama did not lie about Libya."

When did I say that? I'm willing to call a spade a spade. When a presidential candidate inserts his reproductive organ into a bodily orifice of a Capra aegagrus hircus, I'm not going to mince words. That's goat fucking. But why?

Cosmic Conservative said...

It is always amazing to me how hard people work to make things complicated, including inventing bizarre conspiracy theories, investigating childhood trauma or otherwise speculating on deep emotional, psychological or even pathological explanations when Occam's Razor would suggest that the simplest explanation is the most likely on.

Obama lied about Benghazi because it never crossed his mind that the press would challenge him.

They never have before, and his lies are legion. He lies like most people breathe. He uses words only as a means to achieve his goals. He has only the most casual acquaintance with the "truth". Truth is irrelevant. Ideology is the goal.

It is remotely possible that Obama has finally crossed a line of mendacity and incompetence that even the media will not cross with him.

And that is truly saying something profound.

Toad Trend said...

Liberalism 101, Lesson 1:

Liberals lie.


And, if you'd like to see liberalism in its current glory, tune in tonite to see the colossal buffoon we have as a 'vice' president.

kcom said...

"Why would you not have security at our embassies in arab countries on the anniversary of 9-11. It seems the most obvious day to have increased secrity. The fact that we did not means Obama does not get the war on terror..."

And I have an even more fundamental question that I've asked once before and have never, ever seen anyone else ask, especially in the media?

What the hell was the ambassador doing at the consulate on that day? Of all days. Why was he there? According to the testimony at the hearing, pretty much everyone there knew there was a lack of adequate security in Benghazi. So why was the ambassador there, on September 11, unprotected when he could have been in the fortified US Embassy in Tripoli? Why? And why has no one that I've seen ever asked that question?

Michael said...

Inga and Garage have a love in on the Althouse chat room. Inevitable that the two dumbest people on the internet would intersect. How lucky are we to have been here when it happened.

kcom said...

"Obama lied about Benghazi because it never crossed his mind that the press would challenge him."

Perhaps he was also operating under the premise of the wildly inappropriately named AResonableMan (There is no evidence that Obama was lying. He wasn't in Libya.)

All the people he was trying to fool weren't in Libya either. Perhaps he thought he could tell them whatever he wanted because they weren't eyewitnesses. He could make up his own story.

X said...

Inga said...
Garage, YES! We have had a mind meld.

you two have been and always will be, idiots.

jungatheart said...

kcom, there was talk of them going to a safe house, the location of which had been compromised. I wonder, did Stevens have the authority to order a flight to Tripoli?

Griff said...

You make a fine (if incredibly obvious) observation about Obama's judgment, but you missed the real point: He knows that lies upon lies upon lies (with a little urinating on the Constitution for refreshment) and bad judgment won't matter to his supporters.

Anonymous said...

Jay is ALL yours, conservatives!

Own him.

mashu said...

@10/11/12 10:50 AM Garage Mahal wrote:

They probably didn't talk about that at the hearing, for good reasons? But yes, Issa's circus hearings outed a CIA operation and compound. NO BIGGEE THOUGH.

No, seeing that the NYT had already "outed" the CIA operation on 24 September, it wasn't:


garage mahal said...

Conservatives are real cranky today. I wonder why? Why today? Or maybe it's why tonight?

Baron Zemo said...

No explanation by the usual suspects about why Barry Soetero lied about the attacks from his co-religionists and made it all about you-tube bullshit.

It is not as though he wanted to distract us from his failures and negligence....squirrel.

Shouting Thomas said...

Jay is ALL yours, conservatives!

Inga, you come up with some really stupid verbal tics.

Every person on this board speaks as an individual, including you.

This meme you've adopted is as stupid as your continued insistence that we should adopt Sharia anti-blasphemy laws to appease the Jihadis.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, my God, Inga!

You're back to the video.

Jesus Christ, I thought you slinked away in disgrace.

test said...

Note that Inga and garage have accomplished their goal: deflect attention from Obama's and the left's failures and prevented anyone from participating in a meaningful conversation.

But those who like to defend these dishonest partisan hacks can no doubt explain how this improves the experience.

CWJ said...


You're not alone. I asked that same question on two other occasions on two other AA threads.

test said...

The Leftist, a 78-year-old woman, a New Berlin school bus driver, has been harassing a student on her bus route because there’s a Mitt Romney yard sign at his home. When the driver engaged the 12-year-old boy in a political conservation, he responded by saying that Obama is pro-abortion.

The bus driver allegedly said to the child, “Maybe your mom should have chosen abortion for you.”

Understandably, this really upset the boy. Other kids on the bus verified the boy’s account and are providing written statements.

The mom made her son’s school aware of the situation. She also went to Durham School Service in New Berlin [Wisconsin] and spoke to Michael Bennett, the manager.

UPDATE: The bus driver was fired after the report on Mark’s show.

Typical, bullying kids or those who can't / don't fight back. On the down side I guess garage is going to be around more.

Anonymous said...

It's the Obama MO to fabricate something of no substance geared to grab gullible votes. Then post election sweep the dirt under the carpet and act as if nothing happened. Oh if we all could only run our own lives that way and be successful at it.

Rusty said...

deborah said...
kcom, there was talk of them going to a safe house, the location of which had been compromised. I wonder, did Stevens have the authority to order a flight to Tripoli?

From what I've read there was a safe room with a steel door and windows with iron bars. The terrorist soaked the door with diesel fuel and lit it.
They were denied the use of a DC3 a week or so before.

I Callahan said...

Conservatives are real cranky today. I wonder why? Why today? Or maybe it's why tonight?

Can't speak for everyone, but maybe it's because there are two relatively intelligent people on this board who refuse to see the truth no matter what?

Anonymous said...

Crying Thomas slunk away just to show up here, he must be done licking the wounds Crack inflicted on him earlier today. That's nice:)

Shouting Thomas said...

Nah, it was just a dumb conversation.

Why waste your time with that bullshit?

Took a very nice 12 mile bike ride through the mountains.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, Inga, you get caught up in these one note fabrications. What's next.

First, it was that everybody who disagrees with you is hysterical.

Now, it's that anybody who disagrees with you represents all conservatives, and must be disowned by all conservatives.

Do you have anything to say that isn't just stupid horseshit?

Anonymous said...

Hope your ass didn't hurt too much after Crack kicked it, ST. I care about you, really.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack lost that debate, Inga.

He's lost forever in his New Age hysteria.

I won.

You're just not bright enough to know it.

What's the next single note meme you're going to harp on for a week or so?

Shouting Thomas said...

Are you still advocating surrender to the Jihadis, Inga?

Anonymous said...

Crack was the victor! Whaddya talkin' about?!

Shouting Thomas said...

No, I won that debate, Inga.

He started jabbering about his New Age obsession again.

It was too nice a day to sit around and pay attention to that bullshit.

He'll be back soon to insist that whatever we are talking about is caused by New Age.

Shouting Thomas said...

I left, rather than listen to the fool. It was a waste of time.

He's got issues he needs to resolve, and he's not going to listen to anybody.

So, I enjoyed the day instead of listening to his bullshit.

That's called victory.

Anonymous said...

Noooooo, I don't think soooooo...... Is your butt showing bruises yet? Poooor Tommy.

Shouting Thomas said...

You do tend to get sidetracked, Inga. You're not bright.

Let's talk about your continued desire to surrender to the Jihadis today.

Still on that track?

Shouting Thomas said...

But, now you're back to talking about my ass, Inga.

A day from now you'll be weeping about "sexual harassment."

Quit talking about your fucking ass and my ass, and you won't wander into the area where you're weeping about your butt hurt.

Anonymous said...

I'm going for a nice long walk around my lake, Jay thinks I'm fat, now I'm paranoid, gotta go walk of my homemade pumpkin chocolate chunk walnut scone, mmmmm that was so good with my coffee. You know a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips.

Shouting Thomas said...

Walks are good.

Enjoy the day. I did.

Leland said...

I'm happy for the appreciation of my thoughts on the rational. I do think there is an aspect of "dereliction of duty" and a cover up to it. The question is, why the dereliction? Why not provide the additional security requested by embassy staff? So I think the policy, thus the lie, starts further back than the events of 9/11/12. What does denying extra security say about the thought process of the Administration?

Anonymous said...

Lowcarb gluten free of course!

Paddy O said...

"Obama lied about Benghazi because it never crossed his mind that the press would challenge him"

Again, that's the weird thing to me. They wouldn't have challenged him had he just told the truth. So why lie?

And while the conspiracy thing definitely is just a comment more than me saying that's what happened, it really does take on more weight when we think of Fast and Furious, in which guns provided by the US government were used in acts of violence towards US agents (and many more Mexicans). So, clearly there is a political motivation at work that is willing to overlook the cost of lives for the sake of a bigger goal.

kcom said...

I didn't even see the conversation you're referring to but I'm certain Crack lost. He's been lost for awhile.

Matt Sablan said...

They told me if I voted for John McCain, the government would lie to me about the War on Terror, and they were right.

Amartel said...

Dear ST, GR FYI, with respect: Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

Matt Sablan said...

On the movie maker. You know what's sad? That we have that level of detail on him, but we're still just today piecing together how badly Libya's security was botched.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

They wouldn't have challenged him had he just told the truth. So why lie?

If he told the truth he would have had to admit he made a mistake in allowing the 9/11 attack to occur.
Jay, Susan and even Hillary will end up under the bus before this happens.

Epiphyte - said...

" . . . Was he interested in making a show of respect for constitutional law?"

No, he was interested in making a show of respect for shariah law, per promises made in the US version of the "Instanbul process" to internationalize and criminalise Res. 16/18's "defamation of religion" provisions (really only islam, of course). Recall, if you will, that HRC made a great show of stating that they planned to discourage such islamophobic conduct by "shaming" the perpetrators. And that's exactly what they did. To a lone, isloated, US citizen. On an internatinal stage. (Spit)

furious_a said...

Embassy Security Funding

Speaking of which...

"...President Obama's chief liaison to business, state and local governments and the political left." (aka 'Valerie Jarrett) has a multi-agent Secret Service detail (in addition to a personal staff of three dozen)...

...while an ambassador in harm's way received no security at all?


garage mahal said...

This is all very shocking and I am seriously outraged. Really.

furious_a said...

Yet, I am being called a "Troofer"?

Yes, Nurse Racket, you are. You and C4 pushing the "aQ-as-co-producer" nonsense.

Known Unknown said...

"If he told the truth he would have had to admit he made a mistake in allowing the 9/11 attack to occur."

People have an amazing capacity to forgive the truth.

Lies and obfuscations on the other hand ...

furious_a said...

: Garage, YES! We have had a mind meld.

At least one of you will end up with a brain cell.

Paddy O said...

"If he told the truth he would have had to admit he made a mistake in allowing the 9/11 attack to occur."

Have to admit to who? The press wouldn't have pressed him. When does the press ever press the president to take responsibility for something?

Trashhauler said...

A conspiracy to draw an attack upon ourselves in order to look strong only makes sense if - you do something in response.

This whole thing is a curious affair. Our people were undoubtedly victims of the Administration's wish to have as little impact and footprint as possible. This tendency to not respond strongly carried over into the slow response even by the FBI.

It seems representative of our entire foreign policy. The Administration carried out our withdrawal from Iraq in a timely manner - i.e., according to the Bush plan. We killed bin Laden when we found him, just as promised. But everything else seems geared to leave minimal US influence. Almost as if our leaders feared that any US contact will taint whatever area or process is of current concern. What a strange belief structure for our so-called leadership to follow.

Nonapod said...

Well, I guess the thinking is that if on day one Obama simply said: "A U.S. ambassador and 3 other Americans were murdered last night in a terrorist attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya." then his foreign policy wouldn't seem so awesome (especially after he bragged about killing Osama at the DNC a week earlier and saying that Al Qaeda was pretty much dead or dying).

Caroline said...

By handling the matter the way he did, we have — on top of the damage to the vanquisher of al Qaeda image — a glaring lie and plain evidence of extremely poor judgment.

Excellent analysis. Certainly the mind boggles as to why, if they were going to lie, they would choose such as bad lie.

That leads me to explore the possibility that Obama and Co. initially really believed the Libyan murders were due to Muslims being driven to rage over a video. How does a Harvard intellectual like Obama come to accept and run-with such a bone-headed conclusion, even after so many others could see that this was not true?

Easy: intellectuals have absorbed two "truths" that are unshakable- that certain groups, like minorities and blacks in particular, need their protection; and that liberals have moral superiority on all social issues, since conservatives as a group are "toxic and repellant". It can lead Obama and other eggheads in his administration to truly believe that the Muslims need their protection from the hate speech of the haters; so they push the meme of the video even after they knew it was false, because it was self-serving to their belief system. They assessed that the reliable media toadies would cover them through the election. Whether that will work is yet to be seen.

It is those same "truths" that lead intellectuals, who should have concluded immediately that a man with hidden intellectual credentials and no executive experience should not be trusted with a job as important as President of the US, to become enthralled with Obama; and feel the need to protect him against the "haters".

We "commoners"-- ie: those of us w/o Ivy League credentials-- expect ignorant and uninformed people to reach stupid conclusions. We should be able to expect better from the intellectually elite class. But unfortunately their ingrained biases are making them just as incompetent as the uninformed; only far more dangerous because they have decision-making power over us. These biases could well be the downfall of the Obama administration.

garage mahal said...

Is that too conspiratorial?

Nothing is too conspiratorial with Obama bro. Literally nothing. Have at it!

Paddy O said...

"Have at it!"


Did you know that the Obama campaign tried to pass off a smallpox infected blanket to Romney before the last debate? That's why Obama was so ill-prepared. He assumed Romney would be in the hospital by that point.

A conspiracy to draw an attack upon ourselves in order to look strong only makes sense if - you do something in response.

Good point.

kcom said...

"Nothing is too conspiratorial with Obama bro. Literally nothing. Have at it!"

So when is that Scott Walker indictment coming through? You know the recall election is any day now.

kcom said...

Ohh, and what's the latest update on that love child/abortion thing? Is that going to affect his chances?

Patrick said...

It's a media conspiracy against the President. They make it seem like somehow the Pres heard about the assassination of the US Ambassador, and then went to sleep. They're suggesting that he spent the next day in Vegas, and later went to party in NYC with some Big Names, and hung out with Letterman.

Why do they hate him so?

garage mahal said...

So when is that Scott Walker indictment coming through?

Hard to say. Walker's Chief of Staff in MKE County plead guilty today to a felony though. Tim Russell is next, so they're moving up the food chain, as they say.

Patrick said...

The Washington Post is trying to make "green energy" look like a scam to make the President's friends rich.

Fourteen green-tech firms in which Gore invested received or directly benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants and tax breaks, part of President Obama’s historic push to seed a U.S. renewable-energy industry with public money.

Wonder how he'll do in their eventual bankruptcies?

sdharms said...

Now, Ann, NOW will you vote for Obama?

Patrick said...

This is all very shocking and I am seriously outraged. Really.

Of course you're not. You've been well trained to follow the party line, every time. Forward!

Revenant said...

There is no evidence that Obama was lying.

Comedy gold.

Revenant said...

Hard to say. Walker's Chief of Staff in MKE County plead guilty today to a felony though.

I see garage has reached the "attempt to change the subject" stage of his walking-back process.

Robert Cook said...

"Is that too conspiratorial?"


garage mahal said...

I see garage has reached the "attempt to change the subject" stage of his walking-back process.

Hey, I was asked.

Cedarford said...

elkh1 said...
Charlie said...
Is the guy who made the video still in jail?

Yes, for a so-called parole violation for a petty crime that forbade him to ever use a computer outside his place of employment.

Guess what???
1/3rd of people going to jail in many states are probation violators.

Bitch about probation is that things you think all Americans deserve as Freedom Lovers!!! don't apply to people let out of jail early as long as they:

1. Don't go out and get caught celebrating the 2nd Amendment after getting early release from a 5 to 20 for armed robbery/

2. Don't use false ID papers and the Internet after committing bank and identity fraud. (Or were jailed for 3 months then set out on probation for a 10-year sentence for Internet child pornography) (Or were caught using the Internet to troll for underaged twiffle to hook up with)

3, Celebrate their God-given right to have a beer at a baseball game. Not when someone with a cell phone camera spots them and takes 2 dozen cell photos to put the Freedom Lover!! back in jail. Because he broadsided and badly hurt someone while DWI.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

DISGRACEFUL: Stephanie Cutter: Benghazi Is Only an Issue ‘Because of Romney and Ryan.’

Ouch: Reaction: “The campaign that spent the week talking Big Bird is attacking opponents for wanting to discuss national security.”

Related: Stephanie Cutter just said Team Obama belief aloud: 4 dead Americans are just fodder for political spin. Bumps in the road.

Almost Ali said...

Do you still think impeachment is beyond the pale?

Obama: Articles of Impeachment

bagoh20 said...

Robert Cook said:
"No wonder you're so wrong about so much, Bagoh"

I just wanted to rub that in everyone's face. I think that proves pretty conclusively that I know my shit. Try and beat that for gravitas, suckers.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Cookie's non-endorsement is gold!

Methadras said...

The president is a fucking idiot. No, he really is. He's not as smart as people give him credit for. He's a con-artist. Always has been because he learned from some of the best. One of the reasons he lost his ass at the debates was because he actually thought Romney was the caricature that was portrayed in the negative ad campaigns against him and when he met the real Romney, gets his ass handed back to him, the next day he goes out on the campaign and says, "This isn't the Romney we were looking for." Well, no shit Sherlock, because you and your cadre have lied for so long about him that when you were face to face with him, ooopsss, your attacks became instantly impotent because they were based on, you guessed it, lies. Just like how this administration has lied about Cairo and Benghazi. They couldn't stand the public knowing the truth because the narrative they painted of Urkel the great terrorist killer would have crumbled instantaneously. Well, not only are they all caught with their pants around their ankles, but the grip marks around their ankles are still there too.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
What "super-secret" CIA mission was blown, garage, by Issa's hearing?

They probably didn't talk about that at the hearing, for good reasons? But yes, Issa's circus hearings outed a CIA operation and compound. NO BIGGEE THOUGH.

Since you consider lying a virtue, I'm going to assume you're in your default mode and are lying.
With you it's the safe assumption.

ken in tx said...

Obama won't be impeached because Republicans don't want to be impeached when it is their turn. Every president after Calvin Coolidge has violated the Constitution or his oath of office. We need a reset button on this.

Saint Croix said...

This story's not going away. CNN and Washington Post are on it. This interview with the victim's mother is heartbreaking.

RigelDog said...

I wondered the exact same thing. Especially the immediate assertion that the video was the proximate cause. What is so freakin' hard about simply stating that the investigation is intensive and on-going, and we will release information as we develop and confirm it? Instead, they couldn't wait to grab a bunch of microphones and solemnly intone blatant, weird lies---all the while drawing attention to a video in a way that was guaranteed to generate further disturbances.

ALH said...

Radatz asked Ryan some very specific and difficult questions: what criteria would you have for putting US troops into Syria?

When Ryan finished, he should've insisted that Biden answer the same question .

jungatheart said...

Thanks Rusty, all,

"The site is the size of a football field surrounded by a nine-foot wall topped by barbed wire and other security upgrades.

Ambassador Stevens arrived in the city the day before, accompanied by a five-person security detail.

As it was the anniversary of 9/11, the American envoy decided to hold meetings inside the secured compound, fearing possible acts of violence.

Then, at around 8:30pm that evening, Stevens concluded his final meeting of the day and retired for the night, unaware of what was to come an hour later."


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