Click to enlarge.
The full headline is "GALLUP: WOMEN TURNING AWAY." I cut "gal" from "Gallup" to symbolize the loss of females. Just kidding. I cropped the screen-grab to tighten the view of the revelant photographs. The metaphor was accidental, I admit.
But I don't think the juxtaposition of these photographs was accidental. Women are turning away, and there are Hillary Clinton and Candy Crowley, each turning away. Hillary is taking responsibility for security in Benghazi. And Candy is going rogue on debate moderation.
Click the image above to enlarge. You see what Obama is doing? He's palling around — to coin a phrase — with a cardboard image of himself. (And that was not an accidental allusion (to another gal).)
Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man — a man who is in love with himself. And ladies turn away from a man who's completely shallow — shallow to the point of 2-dimensionality.
ADDED: Rereading this post and the previous one, I find myself ranting out loud: Speaking of women turning away! We could have had the first woman President! She was there, she deserved it, she would have been better! This man who was not ready and apparently not really willing to take on the responsibilities of the presidency wooed us away from her. He deprived us of the first woman President! That's another reason for women to turn away. We can see now that the woman would have been tougher, smarter, more dedicated, every step of the way.
Hillary is letting us see that now, as she takes responsibility as she takes responsibility for security in Benghazi. It sounds as though she's protecting Obama from criticism. Sounds, superficially. But she is really criticizing him. Put the pieces together. Go back to that 2008 speech, embedded in that last post. She made her taking-responsibility statement, and immediately afterward, that video clip pops to the surface of the web. Beneath these surfaces there are depths. Not everything is 2-dimensional.
I thought Barry was eye candy?
The NY Times, anticipating the Obama death spiral, attempts to trump this phenomenon with a War on Women editorial.
"Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man"
What a pile. Hillary and Bill have been married how long? Hillary signed on to be Obama's Sec-state? To provide him cover for four years?
Hillary is no lady.
Archie Bunker was quoted as saying, 'deep, deep down, he's shallow.'
Nice shot Drudge.
That pic shows Obama as a small pathetic actor standing next to the Sexually Magic Smile poster that attracted the ladies to him 4 years ago.
It's past time to turn out the lights on the Obama illusion.
Yeah, I second Curious George's remark. Many women are drawn toward narcissists. It's the equivalent fault, I suppose, of many men being drawn to horrible women who nonetheless have impressive assets, so to speak.
"Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man — a man who is in love with himself. And ladies turn away from a man who's completely shallow — shallow to the point of 2-dimensionality."
But the narcissism and shallowness were exceedingly self-evident five years ago.
Why did it take this long for people to figure it out?
...though I guess the Professor anticipated this, CG, by using the word "ladies". She's right, there.
Here's a Drudge story:
President Obama’s campaign once again attacked the methodology of Gallup just days after the polling group adjusted their methodology in a way that benefited the president.
This time, the criticism came this time from the Obama pollster who mocked the Romney team for debating about the reliability of polls.
After Gallup/USA Today released a poll showing Mitt Romney tied with Obama among likely female voters in swing states, Obama pollster Joel Benenson pointed to “deep flaws in Gallup’s likely voter screen” and dismissed the survey as an “extreme outlier.”
"Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man — a man who is in love with himself. And ladies turn away from a man who's completely shallow — shallow to the point of 2-dimensionality."
Oh. I see.
Women turn away from a hollow man. One with no core. No conviction. One that will lie to your face at the will of the wisp. I give you Mitten, the very essence of vapor.
Why you persist in Drudge as anything other than the saddest of shills is forever beyond me. It's like taking a Con Law course taught from a Classic Comic Book.
tell me please that you don't.
Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man...a man who's completely shallow.
Eventually. Eventually some do. After how many years of blind infatuation?
Isn't it fascinating that a high percentage of women (up to the first debate) "hated" Romney, the clearly substantial man, and went on "liking" Obama after four years of his cotton candy? Well, it's fascinating to me anyway.
Lynn Meadows, or the world turned upside down.
Women turn away from a hollow man. One with no core. No conviction. One that will lie to your face at the will of the wisp. I give you Mitten, the very essence of vapor.
I'm not really looking for "conviction" in a President. I'm looking for competence.
Gov. Romney has demonstrated business and executive competence.
Financial management is the most important task facing the next president. Convictions have very little to do with financial management. Pragmatism and competence is what is needed.
Yeah, and lots of women continue to let men abuse them, too.
Go figure.
But I had a similar reaction to Hillary's statement: As if she's saying, "Look, this is how it's done." I'm not a Hillary fan, but I think this can work for her. I certainly agree she'd have been a more effective president than Obama, but since that thought actually scares me, I'm just as glad we didn't get the chance to find out.
Is it anything like this for women drawn to Obama?
"Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man"
Yeah, but sometimes it takes years. Four. Years.
Just think -- we could've had the last four years with people screaming "sexism" instead of "racism".
Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man...a man who's completely shallow
That doesn't explain the continued infatuation with Bill Clinton.
The meme is that women are turning the election, but they are evenly split and Romney is far ahead among men. If Romney wins it will not be because of the women. It will be due to men and the use of reason over emotion and superficiality. The fact that women are split, and the ridiculous things they base it on are a major disaapointment. Have you noticed that the Obamaphone girl, the woman who thought Obama was gonna buy her gas, and most of the other examples of political retardation have something in common? I love women, but it's not easy.
Of course there are tons of very bright women, but you're split on these two guys? Really? Do you like your men to be failures, liars, and narcissists?
It's the extended adolescence thing.
Women turn Republican when they get married and have children. Until then, they want to live the Life of Julia.
The worst among them spend their entire lives as Julias.
I think you messed up, Professor. You put a bunch of new posts up, while this one could have gone on to 600+ comments. Now it's way down the blog.
Darn. Some of those comments would've been doozies. I'd have made a few mistakes myself. But now it'll probably just become a blog-comment Gilligan's Island: enticing, but with too few people.
"...we could've had the last four years with people screaming "sexism" instead of "racism""
And with women threatening to riot if Hillary lost reelection.
So Hillary is now more manly than Choom. Who knew ?
Hillary just 'gal'd up'
So now Obama can 'man up.'
Hillary is letting us see that now, . . . as she takes responsibility for security in Benghazi. It sounds as though she's protecting Obama from criticism. Sounds, superficially. But she is really criticizing him. Put the pieces together.
Not only that, she must feel that Obama is likely to lose. He loses because he won't take responsibility for anything, and she becomes the grown up in the Democratic party. It's the first step (and a big one) towards crushing whatever chance Obama might have to regain the White House in 2016.
I await the epic comment thread that will stem from this year's "How X Lost Me" thread, no matter who it is who loses her.
Ironically, what the "War Against Women" play has actually done is shown that it's the Democrats that have a retrograde view of women, who they see as little more than vaginas with votes.
"You put a bunch of new posts up"
Yea, I wish she wouldn't do that. If it's the same subject, just add updates to the one post, and let it run. She probably has her own reasons, but as a reader/commenter, it's frustrating and often gets me to walk away. Of course those are more productive days for me, so maybe not.
So does Newsweek.
When you've lost Tina Brown...
(you have a sigh of relief)
This is how Obama supporters play around with cardboard cutouts of politicians.
"So Hillary is now more manly than Choom. Who knew ?"
Anyone paying attention. The thing about her candidacy, like her or not, she didn't make it about being a woman. She had to play it like a man to have a prayer.
ADDED: Rereading this post and the previous one, I find myself ranting out loud: Speaking of women turning away! We could have had the first woman President! She was there, she deserved it, she would have been better! This man who was not ready and apparently not really willing to take on the responsibilities of the presidency wooed us away from her. He deprived us of the first woman President! That's another reason for women to turn away. We can see now that the woman would have been tougher, smarter, more dedicated, every step of the way.
If Hillary was responsible for security ... well ... FAIL.
Then she came out and lied about what happened and apologized for our First Amendment. What the hell is tough, or smart, or dedicated about that?
Hillary, another incompetent player in the Zero Admin.
Bag oh: It will be due to men and the use of reason over emotion and superficiality.
Dude, you are so sleeping on the couch. Or, at least, I'd be.
The real irony here is that Obama is hiding behind Hillary's skirt over the Benghazi cover-up debacle.
He's such a wuss.
Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man...a man who's completely shallow.
...a man who lets the Buck Stop with his Female Subordinates. Don't sit well with the wimmenfolk.
Hill baby may think she is simultaneously helping both herself and Obama (by building a firewall around him) but I don't see it that way. If she is FULLY responsible as she claims, why then doesn't she "man-up" (after all, she does wear pants, doesn't she?) and resign in the face of this unmitigated disaster?
And as for Obam/? Lets get real. If the State people were watching in real time, Hillery knew in real time, and if Hillery knew in real time does anyone with an IQ marginally into double digits not think that she would have immediately informed Obama? Hillery and Obama must really still believe that they can successfully hype the
the natives yet one more time..
I think multiple posts are better.
Once you get past 50 comments, the quality of the comments deteriorates dramatically.
Once the comments spill over into a second page, you're in raving loon territory.
Virgil: She couldn't've informed Obama. He was napping.
Ladies turn away from a narcissistic man...
Not really. Not until he's drunk up all the money and wrecked the car. And maybe not even then.
That's just what women say, sometimes.
Althouse herself is a case in point. Like bagoh2o @9:39, I remain baffled that Althouse has had so much trouble sorting out Obama's personality disorder.
Women elected Obama in 2008 by 14 points. Today that margin has narrowed considerably in the polls but women are still more for Obama than against him.
How could women NOT support the guy that used "Bro's Before Ho's" as his informal campaign slogan against Hillary--later resurrected against Palin?
Can we try the cardboard cutout as President for awhile?
"She deserved it."
Damn straight.
She was the wife of a President and she stood by and lied for him while he romped with bimbos and interns, and even raped a woman, and then went on to perjure himself.
Other than that she seems to be a garden variety left wing incompetent, amoral, and deadly ambitious pol, but she DESERVED to be President dammit!
--Virgil: She couldn't've informed Obama. He was napping.--
Now why did I think of Stalin & Hitler?
Was it Stalin's death & Hitler's not releasing the panzers? No one wanted to wake them up.
Multiple posts are valuable in considering the historiocity of the blog. That is, how the blog will look in a hundred years; what was selected for blogging, what lines of reasoning employed, etc.
Its funny, I was looking at Drudge today, and went to the link about Romney and rural voters. It was a link to NPR, and what was funny was that the image in their promo on the side of the story was its own juxtaposition/commentary. It was as if NPR were telling us exactly what they think of this story.
Since the ads rotate, it isn't always THIS Urban Hipster image, but it was for me. I caught it here:
If we had an even remotely neutral press the exposure of the Benghazigate coverup would have sunk Obama, Hillary, the whole lying crew by now.
The pro-Hillary rant is close to absurd.
We can see now that the woman would have been tougher, smarter, more dedicated, every step of the way.
How can see that?
In her role as SecState, she could have easily given those guys in Libya the Security they were asking for. Probably without even having to ask the President for permission.
Her failure to do so shows she's weaker, dumber, and less dedicated to her job than we thought.
And of course, if she did ask and was directly overruled or asked not to increased security by the President, then it makes her falling on the sword that much more a bunch of political hackery and that much less a noble sacrifice. If that were the case, the noble, responsible thing to do would have been to go to bat for the Americans she thought were being endangered.
Sure, buck stops with the president in an overall sense and her willingness to accept blame in light of his refusal is admirable, but blame and responsibility rightly falls on them both.
Yes, I want a president who takes responsibility. Even more though, I want a President who will act responsibly. This episode cements the fact that both Clinton and Obama have been tragically irresponsible and gotten people killed needlessly and pointlessly.
Candy's going "rogue" only in the sense that she's going to do everything in her power to tilt to her chosen candidate.
And if she is really responsible she should resign, not merely stand piously taking credit for it. I'm reminded of David Frye's imitation of Nixon: "I accept all of the responsibility...but none of the blame." Is she's responsible for this unprecedented fuck up, she should take it like a man and go.
Strelnikov said...
And if she is really responsible she should resign, not merely stand piously taking credit for it. I'm reminded of David Frye's imitation of Nixon: "I accept all of the responsibility...but none of the blame." Is she's responsible for this unprecedented fuck up, she should take it like a man and go.
This is the left's version of responsibility. Not only won't she resign, she'll get a trophy.
Don't forget, Obama did not WIN enough delegates to get the nomination. The super delegates, the grandees of the Democratic party, also had to break to Obama.
The leadership of the Democratic party cause the unqualified man over the qualified women.
But it's the GOP engaged in a "war on women".
Yes. It reminds me of the old 'if women were in power there would be no wars' --except when they are, and there are.
So, Hillary watches Obama in her rightful job and is now overseas, stuck with all the responsibility for the 3AM call. Obama sure is nice to women around him.
This man who was not ready and apparently not really willing to take on the responsibilities of the presidency wooed us away from her.could be considered "wooing".
If you are one of those people who falls into the battered wife syndrome type of voter or who is so completely willfully blinded to reality and wants to somehow overcome false white guilt by voting for the black guy.
Under what criteria did Hillary 'deserve' to be POTUS? What did she accomplish in the senate? What did she accomplish w/o her husband?
This is like Andy Reid firing his defensive coordinator. Dude! Obama should own up. Hillary (and Bill) knew he wouldn't. She stood out in front of the bus before she got thrown under it.
You would expect a good question about that tonight but I encourage you not to hold your breath.
"Other than that she seems to be a garden variety left wing incompetent, amoral, and deadly ambitious pol, but she DESERVED to be President dammit!"
I don't think she would have been a better president. She is at least as far left as Obama although without the mysterious supporters. Her experience is limited to Bill's wife, her one attempt at policy, Hillarycare, was a disaster, her Senate seat was the usual New York carpet bagger election.
She is tough, agreed. When Bill was president and she would walk through the West Wing, people were warned not to look at her. She is corrupt, as we know from cattle futures and the travel office.
The White House finally released the inventory of Clinton's term and the Lalique ash tray she threw at Bill was noted to be gone. They took all sorts of furniture with them when they left.
Yup, Democrat presidential material.
Totally agree with Ann. HRC's statement on the surface looks like it is intended to get Obama off the hook, while it puts him on a different hook...the one that asks, "Why is she the one assuming responsibility? You can't do that? She's tougher and more responsible than you are."
Could've had the first woman veep.
I'm sure you voted for that ticket.
Once again, Ann demonstrates that she is ruled by emotion, not reason.
Hillary "deserved" to be President, eh?
Because she endured years of being a doormat while her horny hubby treated dozens of women as sexual spittoons? Is that why she "deserved" to be POTUS?
We've all heard of "Pity Sex", but this is the first time we've come across the idea of a "Pity President".
Why is it that so many blogs start off just fine, and then slowly descend into Andrew Sullivan/Charles Johnson territory?
Hard to say if Hillary would have been better than Obama. I'd like to think so -- I'm still a registered Dem and I voted for her in the primary -- and "better than Obama" is a low bar to jump.
Hillary had far more political experience/exposure as a First Lady and as a Senator than Obama. Plus she could draw on Bill and his network. She was an Alinskyite but her father wasn't a hardcore socialist, her mentor wasn't an outright communist, and her pastor wasnt' a black power racialist.
Contra Obama, Hillary came from a stable, conservative, all-American family. She wasn't damaged goods like Obama. She was exposed to both sides of the political spectrum growing up.
We know that Bill could work across the aisle and pivot to the center, so it's reasonable to suppose that President Hillary could too, though we don't know.
On the minus side, she has been a mediocre or worse Secretary of State. I don't know how much of that can be chalked up to her having to work within the strictures of Obama's foreign policy and as a rival to Obama, rather than to her deficits as a leader.
He deprived us of the first woman President!
Yep. Barry has his faults, but he did save us from Hillary. Gotta give him props for that.
And by the way:
This man who was not ready and apparently not really willing to take on the responsibilities of the presidency wooed us away from her. He deprived us of the first woman President! That's another reason for women to turn away.
He deprived the women of America!
Wow! Did he deprive them of the right to vote?
Well, how'd he do deprive them then?
By wooing!
Come again? A politician deprived the women of America by asking for their votes!
Yes damnit!
Are you sure he hasn't deprived you of your senses?
I'm all for women voting (and gullible men too), but if I truly believed this represented the view of a lot of women I might have to reconsider. Ann... are you asking women to "turn away" from voting altogether? :D
The cardboard cutout has got to be a reference to the cardboard-cutout-of-Hillary photo, right?
Obama, in all his narcissistic splendor, unwittingly reveals who is really waging a war on women, men, and human being who would presume to oppose ambitions held by his kind.
The "war on women" is not waged by men and women who recognize the inviolability of evolutionary principles and the causal relation between devalued human life and premeditated termination of developing human life for reason of personal convenience.
Oh man, Obama is totally imploding.
“President Obama takes responsibility for the safety and security of all diplomats serving overseas,” said Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki during a Fox News interview Tuesday.
Time for popcorn.
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