October 26, 2012

Biden said "Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

... to the father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in Benghazi.
Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods... recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland...
“When [President Obama] finally came over to where we were, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a person who was not at peace with himself,” Woods said. “Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” he added. “He had no remorse.”

Beck said he wanted to give the president “the benefit of the doubt,” and asked Woods how he could be sure that Obama wasn’t just uncomfortable or nervous during their conversation. Woods said it was Obama’s “demeanor.”

Hillary Clinton’s comments to Woods raise even more questions about the White House’s official story on the Benghazi attack, which has already been extremely inconsistent.

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”
Charles Woods also read this statement:
“I want to honor my son, Ty Woods, who responded to the cries for help and voluntarily sacrificed his life to protect the lives of other Americans. In the last few days it has become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied. Apparently, C-130s were ready to respond immediately. In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with integrity and honor. My son was a true American hero. We need more heroes today. My son showed moral courage. This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my son’s life to stand up.”


Tom said...

My six year old can tell that Biden's a bullsh**er

Rusty said...


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

An appropriate response would be "No and fuck you."

Tom said...

Honestly, what is wrong with these guys?

mishu said...

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”

Good Lord, how clueless can you be?

Pastafarian said...

Biden always knows just what to say. The man has a gift.

granmary said...

Jennifer Griffen just broke the story that the 2 Seals called for military backup 3 times & were denied. They might be alive today if that backup had been sent.Obama has a lot to answer for. He will be removed from office for this. If not at the voting booth, through Impeacment. Our military protects us & it is Treason to deny them help or at least attempt to rescue them.

granmary said...

Jennifer Griffen just broke the story that the 2 Seals called for military backup 3 times & were denied. They might be alive today if that backup had been sent.Obama has a lot to answer for. He will be removed from office for this. If not at the voting booth, through Impeacment. Our military protects us & it is Treason to deny them help or at least attempt to rescue them.

bagoh20 said...

I'm getting the exact opposite impression of my country that Michelle Obama got when her husband was elected along with the only man openly foolish enough to make him look good.

Michael K said...

Why is Petraeus silent ? We've heard from everyone else. I assume he is unwilling to lie and also unwilling to resign as that would be telling the truth.

tiger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bryan C said...

Is Clinton claiming they already knew who had made that video, and had already determined that the filmmaker had violated the terms of his probation, thus giving them grounds for his arrest? What new crime will he be "prosecuted" for?

tiger said...

tiger said...
Gosh, I wish Joe "'JOBS' is a Three Letter Word' Biden was a Republican just to read the howlings of the MSM about his 'gaffes'.

Personally, I think he's suffered a series of TIAs and his brain is addled.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is not going away. The latest news is damning.

I figured Benghazi to be a continued drag on the Obama campaign, but it could well blow Obama up even before Nov. 6, especially since he is campaigning these days on "trust."

clint said...

God, I wish he'd decked Biden.

I assume Petraeus is under orders to keep his mouth shut, and is too honorable to leak his side. Of course, I could be giving him way too much credit. We'll know the answer sometime next year.

SteveR said...

Commander in Chief?

Curious George said...

Mr. Biden:

Have you always had a brain the size of a pea?

As for Obama, Clinton, and the rest....despicable human beings.

The Drill SGT said...

Here's the Story Granmary mentions:

Command Failure: Somebody voted "present"

gerry said...

Good Lord.

Original Mike said...

"According to sources on the ground during the attack, the special operator on the roof of the CIA annex had visual contact and a laser pointing at the Libyan mortar team that was targeting the CIA annex. The operators were calling in coordinates of where the Libyan forces were firing from."

Jesus Christ.

The Drill SGT said...

Glenn Reynolds also has a link to this story about the POTUS turning Hillary down on extra forces for Libya:

Obama voted NO!

edutcher said...

Barry's and Hillary's responses should surprise nobody.

And I think tiger is absolutely right about Joe.

Michael K said...

Why is Petraeus silent ? We've heard from everyone else. I assume he is unwilling to lie and also unwilling to resign as that would be telling the truth.

I've heard a theory he's laid down the law about leaks on this and expects everybody at the company to follow his lead.


Kelly said...

I'm beginning to think that the administration was saving the video for a special occasion. They had already written the script for anything that might happen on 911...It was going to be the videos's fault. The embassy in Cairo jumped the gun a little by tweeting out an apology even before any protests had taken place. That was easily taken care of and in fact it worked for awhile as a nice distraction for the media to go after Romney.

So Hillary was going to be the savior by going after....the video maker?

Patrick said...

This report, if true, would spell trouble for the President. Infuriatingly, however, there isn't even a link in it. The Blaze, if I'm not mistaken, is Glenn Beck's deal, so it should require some scrutiny. Nevertheless, the report (allegedly) comes from "legal counsel to Clinton."

However, the MSM needs to hold out only about 12 more days on this story. No doubt they will try.

Wince said...

Even Obama supporters would have to admit Obama's reelection would be a disaster for the country if he starts a second term with this hanging over his head.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't an independent group make some campaign ads with this stuff. These people cannot be reelected.

Something is very, very wrong with this. What is it? There is more under the surface.

SteveR said...

Forget the failure to provide adequate security beforehand or even the apparent failure to respond during the attack. These things have tactical explanations.

But everything since the attack has been an inexcusable failure of leadership, seemingly only designed to avoid jeopordizing the re-election. These people feel no shame.

wyo sis said...

Biden reminds me of George from Seinfeld. I think Biden needs to follow the advice from the episode where George did everything the opposite of how he thought it should be done or how he would normally do it.

Maybe every politician should do that for a year and see what happens.

The Drill SGT said...

Any doubts about how President McCain would have handled either the basic security issue or the request for Aid/support?

Any question that VP Palin would have handled the grieving family with more tack?

So much for the Elite wisdom on presidential fitness in 2008.

The 3AM phone call happened at 3PM and Bozo still couldn't deal with it

Methadras said...

EDH said...

Even Obama supporters would have to admit Obama's reelection would be a disaster for the country if he starts a second term with this hanging over his head.

Nope, inga and garage have already sold their souls to see this traitor as POTUS. They don't care, they've already sealed their fates.

X said...

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted

disqualifies her for future office

Fandor said...

Biden called Dick Cheney the "most dangerous vice president" of all time. Joe has got to be the stupidest ever to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. It's time for Obama and Biden to go!

MadisonMan said...

The only appropriate response to Biden would be a very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

Make him repeat it. Adopt a horrified countenance when he does.

rhhardin said...

Maybe cluelessness is part of their culture.

Let's have a little sensitivity.

The Drill SGT said...

WTF: Arrested the filmmaker?

All we need are grid coords on the cell phones of the people that planned this...

We doon neeed no stinkin arrests

tar and feathers in DC perhaps...

grid coords in Libya

techsan said...

For the first time in awhile, I visited ABC, CBS and NBC news homepages. All three continue to spiral into irrelevance by not reporting *anything* on Benghazi. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. It would be shocking were it not predictable. It's comical to see NBC puts "Breaking News & Top Stories" as the title of it's website. I think it should be "Breaking Liberal News & Top Liberal Stories".

wyo sis said...

"The only appropriate response to Biden would be a very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?"

Much too subtle for Biden.

Ann Althouse said...

"The only appropriate response to Biden would be a very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?"

That's like what an actor playing an upper-class character would do in a stage play.

Here is a man who's son has died after going to rescue his fellow countrymen and who was fighting off the enemy for many hours and the father knows the higher-ups were watching it all on camera and deying the back-up, like maybe they were hoping the fight couldn't last that long. But it did. 7 hours.

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

ooonaughtykitty said...

OMG! Did he really say that?

What a foul human being.

Christopher in MA said...

But remember, the filmmaker's only in prison because he violated his parole. Garage says so.

Can't wait to hear how this is all Romney's fault. Or Bush's.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TosaGuy said...

Dear Vice President Biden,

If I die on my next deployment, please do not visit my parents.

The Drill SGT said...

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

grasping the VP by the throat and throttling him, till his eyes pop out is what comes to me.


yeah, yeah, I know, the SS, etc. but one can always hope they are facing the crowd :)

Christopher in MA said...

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

A nod to the Secret Service detail with Biden, then a Mike Tyson-level punch right in his grinning face.

Anonymous said...

People need to be fired and prosecuted and fucking Impeached over this shit.



*Sorry left off the title.

alan markus said...

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted

disqualifies her for future office

I would think also disqualifies her for Supreme Court appointment by Obama in his "next term". Imagine the circus that Senate confirmation process would be. Just being skeptical that she "fell on her sword" in exchange for becoming Supreme Court Justice.

Sydney said...

I'm getting the exact opposite impression of my country that Michelle Obama got when her husband was elected along with the only man openly foolish enough to make him look good..

Yes. I was at a high school event last night which opened with the Star Spangled Banner. I realized I no longer feel sincere when I sing that last line - "Oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of the brave." The flag is still waving, but it's no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave.

William said...

If this is true, it confirms the appalling lack of discretion and intellect of VP Biden. What in the world could he have been thinking? Was he drunk?

Similarly appalling (but not quite as stupid) is Sec of State Clinton's reported comment that the video producer would be arrested and convicted -- as if that would comfort the grieving father.

Set aside the Constitutional Right of Free Speech, laying the blame on someone other than the perpetrators of the attack shows an incomprehensible level of incompetency.

It appears that the Administration knew that the video had nothing to do with the attack at the Benghazi Embassy at the time the bodies were returned -- yet the Secretary of State chose to perpetuate the myth.

An attack on a US Embassy is serious stuff. Our leaders either have no judgment whatsoever or they are completely without integrity. Either way, we have to "let them go".

TosaGuy said...

Dear Vice President Biden,

If I die on my next deployment, please do not visit my parents.

Balfegor said...

The new developments in this story, if they are borne out, make this a lot more shameful than I had thought.

Patrick said...

Here is a man who's son has died after going to rescue his fellow countrymen and who was fighting off the enemy for many hours and the father knows the higher-ups were watching it all on camera and deying the back-up, like maybe they were hoping the fight couldn't last that long. But it did. 7 hours.

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

The appropriate response would be impossible given the proximity of the secret service. The next appropriate response would be to give a loud tongue lashing to the VP, and embarrass him publicly.

Biden however, lacks the self awareness to be embarrassed.

Balfegor said...

Re: Seals calling for military backup, the part that I find most appalling is that the forces at the CIA annex were apparently directly instructed not to help the consulate. They disobeyed orders to go rescue people from the consulate.

Kansas City said...

I wish Ann would have said what would have been the appropriate response.

This is all very disturbing. You don't know whether to react with anger or tears. I guess both. Those brave guys lost their lives, but perhaps they have further served their country by helping to get these wretched [sp?] people out of power before they do much greater harm.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Yahoo ain't interested in the story again today.

Yesterday, Yahoo's main interest in the story was Sarah Palin's awful PC stumble about "shucking and jiving," which was supposedly racist.

Which is a lot worse, I guess.

Baron Zemo said...

Woods continues: “Apparently even the State Department had a live stream and was aware of their calls for help. My son wasn’t even there. He was at a safe house about a mile away. He got the distress call; he heard them crying for help; that’s why he and Glen risked their lives to go that extra mile just to take care of the situation. And I’m sure that wasn’t the only one received that distress call—you know, come save our lives … I’m sure that other people in the military, in the State Department, in the White House, received that same call that he would receive. And I’m sure that most military people would jump at the chance … to protect that life [and] not leave anyone behind.”

Shouting Thomas said...

Benghazi incident is a non-story in the NY Times today, too. At least on the front page above the fold.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

I suspect that what many would like to say about the despicable Biden and his boss, would get them a visit from the Secret Service.

Haiku Guy said...

To paraphrase the Vice President, "This is a Big F___in' Deal".

Obama, Biden and Clinton have revealed themselves, and people are not going to like what they see.

This is going to be a blowout elecion. The Democrats are going to be crushed.

techsan said...

Ann "Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?"

I think the words "Yousonuvab***h" would have been more appropriate. A knee in his cue balls would not have been too out of line, either. Jerk.

Larry J said...

The 3AM phone call happened at 3PM and Bozo still couldn't deal with it.

When the proverbial 3AM call came in, Obama voted "present". As a result, 4 men died.

Toad Trend said...

Boy, this whole mess created by our fantastic regime' just looks better and better all the time.

But, Mr. Romney is the bullshitter.

Tell us, liberals, does the alternative universe you live in include air conditioning???

wyo sis said...

There isn't much greater harm. Maybe much more of it by volume, but leaving your people to die and denying them help is about as harmful as it get.

Larry J said...

The 3AM phone call happened at 3PM and Bozo still couldn't deal with it.

When the proverbial 3AM call came in, Obama voted "present". As a result, 4 men died.

Nathan Alexander said...

Has Obama done anything about the murder of Ambassador?

Why not?

Is campaigning for re-election more important than addressing a murderous attack on US sovereign soil?

Christopher in MA said...

58 comments and not one of our regular cast of trolls has shown up to defend Biden's remarks or spin the CIA story.

It must be hell on them not yet having their talking points which instruct them all to blame this on Romney.

Sammy said...

So these are the ways this administration chose to thank the family of a true American Hero

From Number
1, a cold far off stare with a wet fish hand shake and insincere apology. Not to be outdone Number 2, moronic inappropriate praise. And the icing on the cake from Number 3, a misleading promise of vindication.

America needs to be rescued. OHIO rid us of this nightmare

Hagar said...


Haiku Guy said...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

I suspect that what many would like to say about the despicable Biden and his boss, would get them a visit from the Secret Service.

10/26/12 11:43 AM

You want to hurt these guys, take away the only thing they care about. Kick them out of office next Tuesday. That will be the worst fate that can befall them.

Toad Trend said...

"Yahoo ain't interested in the story again today."

Yahoo is competing with the Onion for credibility these days. Fluffy garbage, that anyone with half a brain would ask, 'who gives a shit'?

Welcome to our 'boxers or briefs' vacuous culture.

wyo sis said...

There is a way to donate to Woods wife and child. A child he never saw. If you were thinking of giving to a campaign, it would do a lot more good going to Woods child's future.

Kansas City said...

Another issue for the MSM to embarass itself about. This may be so huge as to force them into action, but I have my doubts.

It also perhaps provides the explanation for the video cover up. Both the white house and the cia needed the cover. The cia to cover incompetence and Obama to get re-elected, knowing that he would lose the election if it became known that refused to provide military support. It almost worked. He got to 12 days before the electionl. He compounded his disgusting behavior by bragging about how he immediately ordered steps to protect embassies. Politics makes some people very bad.

Michael said...

Professor: I am afraid that the appropriate response to the vice president was robbed by the father's astonishment that his son was being referred to in that way. It is such a jaw droppingly wrong thing to say. Had the father spit in Biden's face it would not have been as indecent.

The Drill SGT said...

I've been saying Romney 300+. Perhaps it's time go higher. 11 days is too long to keep this off front pages...

MadisonMan said...

the father knows the higher-ups were watching it all on camera and denying the back-up, like maybe they were hoping the fight couldn't last that long. But it did. 7 hours.

Did the Dad know that when he was visited by Biden? (that is: What did he know and when did he know it?)

Biden's statement is so far beyond what I'd be expecting in that situation -- regardless of what I know -- that I'd be hard-pressed to think of anything to say at all.

Maybe I'd have the presence of mind for You're an idiot before fleeing.

Chip S. said...

Oh dear. Are you wingnuts trying to politicize foreign policy again? How dare you question this great man and his hard-working team of blame-shifters?

Issob Morocco said...

Kelly is right.

Why did we condemn a video for riots that had not yet happened?

This was coordinated political setup that Al Qaeda used to take out our Ambassador.

David Axlerod what did you know and when did you know it?

dreams said...

Romney is going to win by a landslide, the American people are sick of these incompetent clowns. The Dems can't be entrusted with the national security of our country. It seems we have to keep relearning that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my son’s life to stand up.”

Does this mean Benghazi has a face?

Or is Charles Woods another Cindy Sheehan?

X said...

a lot of this coming out explains the disgusting and amateurish attempt to cover it up by blaming a video.

but why the decision to not supply support?

Amy said...

Just gotta let Joe be Joe, right?

This is absolutely horrific. Not the kind of October surprise any of us would have wished for. But now that it has happened, please God let this be the final straw for this abominable administration.

Can we have the grownups in charge again, PLEASE?

Chip S. said...

58 comments and not one of our regular cast of trolls has shown up to defend Biden's remarks or spin the CIA story.

When they do show up, we're guaranteed to get a variant of this: But we don't have any idea what Romney would have done, so it's unfair to criticize Obama.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whoever advised Woods to talk to Beck did him a disservice.

I'm sorry, thats the way I feel, and I think I'm right.

Original Mike said...

"Why did we condemn a video for riots that had not yet happened?"

Is this right? What's the timeline there?

Quaestor said...

tiger wrote:
Personally, I think [Biden has] suffered a series of TIAs and his brain is addled.

A good testable hypothesis, though there is an obvious problem: Biden has always been like this, or at least since his first run for the White House in '84. The man's actions are completely unrestrained by any evident sense of propriety. He acts and talks without any forethought, even to the extent of double-checking mentally what state he's in, thus we have him in Virginia thinking he's in North Carolina, and lately we have in Ohio thinking he's in Iowa.

If Obama has any respect and concern for his countrymen, their welfare and safety (we are his countrymen, aren't we?) he must replace Biden now with someone mentally fit for the job.

Anonymous said...

Nope, inga and garage have already sold their souls to see this traitor as POTUS.

Inga is in a difficult spot. After going on and on about the supreme importance of protecting American lives overseas, she now has to deal with the fact that President and his administration knew Americans were under attack, didn't send them aid, and in fact told troops to stand down rather than give aid, and then told misleading stories about it for weeks on end and still have not come clean.

I guess she can keep blaming the filmmaker, but that can't possibly excuse the Commander-in-Chief who is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad.

I'll be curious to see how she handles this conflict, assuming she does.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Obama Biden thugs are going through Mr. Woods garbage and records to discredit him if he makes these allegations anywhere but in the right wing blogosphere.

The networks will ignore this. Shocka.

If Ryan misquotes a marathon time from 10 years previous he's characterized as Satan incarnate.

Baron Zemo said...

There is no way to defend this.

But the Liberal trolls will find a way.

Wait and see.

Luke Sneeringer said...

Biden is being, well, Biden.

The description of President Obama's behavior is more interesting to me. I have no love for the man (I'm a libertarian-leaning conservative and a staunch Romney supporter). However, I want to offer an alternative theory on this particular issue. Please hear me out.

I have Asperger's Syndrome (look it up on Wikipedia if you're not familiar with it), and I almost never look people in the eyes. I rarely even look my wife in the eyes. I have had a theory for awhile that President Obama may be a Aspie (albeit a more mild one) as well. It would explain a lot about how aloof he can come across as being, and some of his other communication struggles (although his biggest communication struggle is, of course, that his policies are atrocious).

Furthermore, every Aspie I've known, myself included, not only can't look people in the eyes comfortably, but *also* tends to look over people's shoulders when they speak to them.

I have no love for the president, as I said, and have enthusiastically voted against him. But in this case, I think there's a chance he might just be a little bit non-typical in how he relates to people, and that came across especially badly in this case. If that's true (and it may or may not be), I would argue that we should give him the benefit of the doubt on this.

Besides, there's plenty of policy to criticize.

William said...

Sorry for the cynicism here folks, but the stonewalling clock continues to tick. Only five more days. They’ve got this one in the bag.

They'll be saved by the news cycle, in this case Hurricane Sandy. Rather than talk about the massive and deliberate failures in Benghazi, CBS, ABC, and NBC can spend all of their time blathering about Sandy. As Rahm Emanuel said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

It’s a damn sad state of affairs.

bearing said...

It strikes me as nearly as disrespectful to say what Clinton said: "To avenge your son's death protecting American interests, we plan to go after somebody for exercising his right to free speech."

Curious George said...

"wyo sis said...
There is a way to donate to Woods wife and child. A child he never saw. If you were thinking of giving to a campaign, it would do a lot more good going to Woods child's future.

I understand your position, but I have to disagree. A lot more lives are at stake. 300 million.

Anonymous said...

Lem said...
Whoever advised Woods to talk to Beck did him a disservice.

I'm sorry, thats the way I feel, and I think I'm right.

Maybe no one else would listen?

Sharon said...

I'm just finishing reading the book, Last Men Out, about the MSG's in Saigon when it fell. I guess we will have to read accounts like this to understand how far afield this Administration is from our former protocols when it comes to evacuating Americans under siege while working for our State Department.

Michael Haz said...

Wait wait wait!!!

Donated Voter Virginity!! Vaginas!! Abortion!! Free birth control!! Ladypartz!!

These are the realissues!! Don't confuse it that other Navy SEAL stuff, you horrible right-wingers.

Original Mike said...

Eleven days, William.

Rose said...

Lem, I usually agree with you, but not this time. The Dad wants people to hear him - and it is obvious the NYT is not going to breathe a word.

People love to hate Beck, but in fact he always has the documents, and the facts on his side. He uses the recorded, documented words of the people in question - and puts them in context.

His schtick may be designed to break through to people who aren't usually paying attention, but it is serious stuff. Even if it irritates those of us who are paying attention.

If it wasn't for Beck and Lars Larson, who the Dad also called, would you even be hearing about this today?

There's something very wrong - with the media, with the partisans, and with this entire country. I hope they come out of this fog. Before it is too late.

gloogle said...

Where is garage?

Where is Inga?

Where is Ritmo?

'smatter, guys? Nothin' to say? No words to defend your puny god?

You are just as reliable as your master....

gloogle said...


Isn't it funny how the MSM certainly had time to sell Cindy Sheehan's story for months before the 2004 election, but now?


Christopher in MA said...

Inga is in a difficult spot. After going on and on about the supreme importance of protecting American lives overseas, she now has to deal with the fact that President and his administration knew Americans were under attack, didn't send them aid, and in fact told troops to stand down rather than give aid, and then told misleading stories about it for weeks on end and still have not come clean.

I guess she can keep blaming the filmmaker, but that can't possibly excuse the Commander-in-Chief who is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad.

I'll be curious to see how she handles this conflict, assuming she does.

Democrat party uber alles.

From Inwood said...

Biden has a brain the size of a ball in a ball bearing.

BTW, I agree with you on the "excuse me?" response, but what do you feel would've been an appropriate response?


How about this along the lines of Welch to McCarthy:

"Until this moment, Mister Vice president, I think I never really gauged your crudeness or your bumptiousness. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Mister Vice President. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

Or would that be too theatrical?

Anonymous said...

"Inga is in a difficult spot."

So would be garage and Shiloh and the rest. However, liberals don't reason like normal people so I have no doubt they will manage to twist this into a plus.

When all else fails - BOOOSHHHHH!

Amartel said...

It's not the vulgarity, it's the oblivious narcissism, the grotesque delusion that Biden is a Great Man and that the little people, this common little man with the dead son, would be charmed by coarse, solideresque, manly man bluster coming from such a great and powerful statesman.
Ahoy polloi.

If Obama is Oz, the great and terrible, Biden's the doorman at the gate of the Emerald City.

edutcher said...

gmama3 said...

Why doesn't an independent group make some campaign ads with this stuff. These people cannot be reelected.

Something is very, very wrong with this. What is it? There is more under the surface.

I don't doubt that for an instant.

The Drill SGT said...

Any doubts about how President McCain would have handled either the basic security issue or the request for Aid/support?

Any question that VP Palin would have handled the grieving family with more tack?

Sarge, to ask the question is to answer it. It also speaks volumes about the much-ballyhooed concern for people the Lefties tell us they have.

Ann Althouse said...

The only appropriate response to Biden would be a very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

That's like what an actor playing an upper-class character would do in a stage play.

Here is a man who's son has died after going to rescue his fellow countrymen and who was fighting off the enemy for many hours and the father knows the higher-ups were watching it all on camera and deying the back-up, like maybe they were hoping the fight couldn't last that long. But it did. 7 hours.

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

Flattening the VPOTUS is not protocol.

Not to mention doing it to a doddering (we can agree on this?) 70 year old man certainly isn't cricket.

Doing it to a 51 year old man would be a lot more acceptable.

test said...

X said...
a lot of this coming out explains the disgusting and amateurish attempt to cover it up by blaming a video.

but why the decision to not supply support?

Two reasons: First, they couldn't bring themselves to believe the magnitude of the threat. The left has spent their lives minimizing the malevolence of everyone except Republicans, so it's not exactly shocking they they cannot accurately assess threats. You might say they systematically misunderestimate them.

So partly because of the above they were more concerned about dead Libyans giving the enemy a PR victory than they were about our guys.

test said...

gloogle said...
Where is garage?

Where is Inga?

Where is Ritmo?

'smatter, guys? Nothin' to say? No words to defend your puny god?

You are just as reliable as your master....

Let's quit looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Chip S. said...

Now, what's the appropriate response?

Vomiting. Carefully aimed vomiting.

Hagar said...


What do you make of a person who would pick such a man as his Vice-President?

Anonymous said...

Lem said...
Whoever advised Woods to talk to Beck did him a disservice.

I'm sorry, thats the way I feel, and I think I'm right.

Sorry, Lem, but it was (retired attorney) Mr. Woods' idea:

"When he joined the program, Woods explained that he had been a fan of Glenn’s radio show, but hadn’t listened for several months. The other day he happened to tune in and heard Glenn reviewing the available intelligence that the White House had access to in regards to the attack, as well as the evidence that the administration did not do all they could have done to rescue the four Americans killed. Woods decided he needed to speak up. He first called into Glenn’s program but could not get through, and so he tried Lars Larson where he first told his story."

He obviously contacted the people he believed would listen to him.

Quaestor said...

Ann wrote:
[What's] the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

The complete unvarnished vertitas would do for starters.

BIDEN: Mr. Woods, er... Judge Woods, how do you do? I'm Joe Biden. Words cannot express my sorrow for your loss. Your son Tyrone was an exemplar of courage and virtue all American would do well to emulate. But I must also tell you something that will haunt you until you draw your dying breath: Tyrone and the other victims of the Benghazi attack died in vain. They died because this Administration was too concerned with shoring up the myth that with the death of Osama bin Ladin was also the death of his terrorist army. In that effort requests for enhanced security, for more personnel and weapons, at the Benghazi consulate were denied, not by me personally, by that lady over there (pointing to Clinton) acting under orders from our boss (pointing to the President). When the attack finally came on 9/11 their requests for back-up were ignored. I should have protested. I should have told the President, either you do something to rescue those brave Americans serving their country, or I'll go to the press and blow the whistle on this whole damned cluster-fuck of an Administration. We're all goddamned deserters under fire, and we deserve exile into the Outer Darkness.

Bruce Hayden said...

Starting to look worse and worse for the Administration here. Apparently, an AC-130U Gunship was On-Scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire. There was a laser painting the mortar, the AC130 was flying circles above the fight, and the Obama Administration refused repeated requests to allow the gunship to fire. There were also two separate Tier One Special operations forces (including Delta Force operators) ready to go and told to wait.

Still, the important thing here is that the two former seals were apparently killed by mortar fire from the mortar being painted by the laser for the AC-130U circling above, and permission to fire was repeatedly denied.

MayBee said...

Luke Sneeringer - I agree about the possibility of Obama being Aspergers, or on the spectrum.

He doesn't seem to relate to people at all. I think that's why he needs to be so heavily TOTUSed.

MayBee said...

So we would fire on Libya to save Libyans, but not to save Americans?

Rabel said...

Also this:

"Fox News has also learned that Stevens was in Benghazi that day to be present at the opening of an English-language school being started by the Libyan farmer who helped save an American pilot who had been shot down by pro-Qaddafi forces during the initial war to overthrow the regime."

If correct, this could explain why we haven't learned the reason for the ambassador's presence in Benghazi. The loss of an American plane was not previously known.

traditionalguy said...

The snake now occupying the POTUS office could never sincerely apologize for a white Christian's death at the hands of Islamic warriors valiantly fighting Jihad.

Of interest, this coming out is a way to destroy the Clinton duo, Panetta and the rest of the Clinton organisation.

What hath God wrought?

David said...

Did Clinton really say they were going to arrest the filmmaker? Is there any reason to doubt this man's account? Will anyone ask Secretary Clinton if his statement is true? Or maybe just ask Jay Carney. He's always such a reliable source of information.

Remember the days when the president's press secretary was supposed to guard his or her own credibility?

The Drill SGT said...


In the old days, a pilot would yell that they were taking ground fire, let'er rip and make a case for self defense.

David said...

Michael K said...
Why is Petraeus silent ? We've heard from everyone else. I assume he is unwilling to lie and also unwilling to resign as that would be telling the truth.

He's supposed to be silent. It's part of his job.

He does have the power right now to bring down the President. I doubt he will use it, and I do not mean that as a criticism of the General.

Methadras said...

MadisonMan said...

The only appropriate response to Biden would be a very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

Make him repeat it. Adopt a horrified countenance when he does.

Stop being a weak-kneed spineless jackass. You think that is an appropriate response? Really? I'd have beat the shit out of him for as long as I could if I was in his position. Stop projecting your cowardice.

Icepick said...

The only possible defenses to be mounted against Mr. Woods' accusations would be to claim (a) that the man claiming to be Mr. Woods isn't really Mr. Woods but someone else, (b) in his grief Mr. Woods misinterpreted the statements of others or (c) that Mr. Woods is using the death of his son for partisan political gain.

Option (a) should be pretty easy top clear up. Using (b) would be tricky but doable, if you had good communications people. The Administration is completely incompetent in the communications area, however, so that can't work.

So we'll see if they've got the balls to go with option (c), assuming this story gets any traction and has to be addressed at all. If Woods' description is true ... Sweet Baby Jeebus, I have trouble fathoming just what kind of people we have running the country.


And I must say, can anyone imagine someone meeting either GW Bush or Bill Clinton under these circumstances and not making a human connection with them? I'm not a fan of either of those other two men, but good Lord, a President should be able to do these things.

The Drill SGT said...

David said...
Michael K said...
Why is Petraeus silent ?

He's supposed to be silent. It's part of his job.

I understand that thinking.

where was he that night, when his guys were calling for aid?

exhelodrvr1 said...

This is the type of situation significant enough that some combination of SecDef, SecState, Clapper, and CIA should resign; without making public statements if they prefer. I'm disappointed in all three of them, especially in Petraeus, for not doing so.

traditionalguy said...

I believe our Inga said that her daughter is a Marine in Afghanistan.

I expect this shameful incident will push her into voting the "anybody but Obama" category.

Amartel said...

Poor Petraeus. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Methadras said...

Can we finally saw altogether that we have a traitor as POTUS? How much more unfathomable circumstances are we going to have to see before we call it what it is. I've already called it. I just don't see you guys doing it.

rhhardin said...

This was all obvious in 2008, except for the estrogen floods.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Glenn Beck characterization. The media has painted him as a complete nut. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, the mere suggestion he was a listener to Beck prior to his son's death will be the "story", not the actual truth.

It's all Alinksy playbook, and unfortunately he's made it easy. How I wish he offered to be live on some CNN, ABC, CBS show and went off what he told them he'd say.

Patrick said...

MSM has now started to cover Biden's comment, as well as the new information about Benghazi.

I strongly suspect that if Jake Tapper told me his political views, I would disagree with him. I give him kudos however, for being the only member of the Press to stray even a little bit off of the party line.

Drago said...

This whole sordid episode had to be covered up as it destroys the only positive campaign angle that the dems thought they had wired.

As the onion gets peeled back, layer upon layer, and the extraordinary incompetence becomes manifest, the obama-ites have no choice but to double down and ride out the storm.

Politically, it's too late to change.

To paraphrase Don Rumsfeld, "You go into a campaign with the candidates and strategy that you have...."

Chip S. said...

I expect this shameful incident will push her into voting the "anybody but Obama" category.

I doubt it. After all, Hillary has vowed to keep the real perp locked up. Maybe they'll send Video Guy to Gitmo.

Issob Morocco said...

Original Mike-The US Embassy in Cairo released the first Condemnation about 4 hours prior to any gathering of folks at the Embassy in Cairo. It is well documented and you can find numerous sources to that timing.

There is also communication that day between Larry Schwartz the PAO at the Embassy in Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood, that gives the impression they had had earlier discussions in regards to this video. That is why it is important to find out who told Larry about the video? MB, WH, David Axlerod?

Again why was the video condemned prior to anyone even gathering to start causing a ruckus. Seems like this was a set up and we know the MB and the WH had been talking. Was there a quid pro quo going on, that Al Qaeda used as a ruse to kill our Ambassador on Sept. 11th?

Rusty said...

Baron Zemo said...
Woods continues: “Apparently even the State Department had a live stream and was aware of their calls for help. My son wasn’t even there. He was at a safe house about a mile away. He got the distress call; he heard them crying for help; that’s why he and Glen risked their lives to go that extra mile just to take care of the situation. And I’m sure that wasn’t the only one received that distress call—you know, come save our lives … I’m sure that other people in the military, in the State Department, in the White House, received that same call that he would receive. And I’m sure that most military people would jump at the chance … to protect that life [and] not leave anyone behind.”

Hence the honor. Those men were too good for the people they served,but you'd never be able to convince them of that. Their honor left them no choice.
Something the Whitehouse will never understand. They have no honor.
Probably why the usual suspects aren't chortling at us.

Christopher in MA said...

I believe our Inga said that her daughter is a Marine in Afghanistan.

I expect this shameful incident will push her into voting the "anybody but Obama" category.

I'll take that bet.

Baron Zemo said...

Nothing that the Jug Eared Jesus could do would stop the liberal trolls from loving, protecting, defending and voting for him.

This will mean nothing to them.

They just won't show up in this thread.

Anonymous said...

The 'cue balls' remark alone would be enough to keep me from voting for this dishonest and dishonorable pair.

Nathan Alexander said...

I'm not sure I understand why Clapper should resign.

He's Director of National Intelligence.

There is no indication the intelligence chain screwed anything up. You can't hold Intel responsible for briefings the POTUS didn't attend.

DADvocate said...

Old Joe may be suffering from the early signs of dementia.

PatCA said...

These cretinous, vulgar ward heelers.


edutcher said...

traditionalguy said...

I believe our Inga said that her daughter is a Marine in Afghanistan.

I expect this shameful incident will push her into voting the "anybody but Obama" category.

Dream on.

The Drill SGT said...

Nathan Alexander said...
I'm not sure I understand why Clapper should resign.

a. he should have been on the call where nothing was done.

b. they were intel people, CIA people in harms way. Here I'm assuming it was Clapper there not Petraeus.

test said...

Methadras said...
Can we finally saw altogether that we have a traitor as POTUS?

No. Even if it's true Obama denied security, which is still undersourced at this moment, his ideology led him into a fuckup. That's incompetence, not treason.

Nathan Alexander said...

a. he should have been on the call where nothing was done.

b. they were intel people, CIA people in harms way. Here I'm assuming it was Clapper there not Petraeus.

No. Intelligence Officers are not Operators.

Intelligence tells you what the enemy intends, is capable of, or is doing.

Is there any indication that the reporting of the issue failed to meet legal requirements?

Not that I have seen.

Is there any indication the wrong information/common operating picture was extremely wrong?

Not that I have seen.

This wasn't an information flow problem.

It was a command decision problem.

techsan said...

@Patrick "MSM has now started to cover Biden's comment, as well as the new information about Benghazi."

Well...not really....on ABC News...

This story gets a picture and is above the fold: "Suggestive 'First Time' Pro-Obama Ad Riles Conservatives"

This was filed under U.S. topic (implying 'real' news): "Obama Takes Campaign to MTV".

This was filed under Politics:
"Father of Official, New Report Raise Questions About Benghazi Response".

Still nothing above the fold.

No, I'm afraid they just can't yet see thru the liberal sludge on their rose colored glasses.

bgates said...

Sarah Palin would have said that she was deeply moved by his son's sacrifice and heartbroken over his loss, and she may have even ventured that she found comfort in the belief that the fallen warrior was now in the presence of a loving God - but she would have said it in that twangy accent.

Michael said...

Odd but our progressive commenters are not on this thread

WineSlob said...

As Ol' HairPlugs With His Hands in His Pockets
Faked a Smile and Played With His Cocklet
Grieving Dad Was Appalled
White Veneers and Cue Balls
A Fluke-ey Eight Ball In the Biden Side Pocket.

Chip S. said...

Odd but our progressive commenters are not on this thread

I don't think they ever have something to say until they've read HuffPo, and there's absolutely nothing there about this. Among the stories they see as more important are a new phony Koch "controversy" and two bits of race-baiting. The big story, of course, is the weather.

Lance said...

Why aren't Rubin, Parker, Krauthammer, and Will at WaPo writing more about Benghazi? I get why nobody else there is writing about it--the editors just endorsed Obama after all. But why are the conservatives burying it in the third, third, and fifteenth paragraphs of their latest columns? And as far as I can tell, Will hasn't brought it up at all.


Chip Ahoy said...

Koala bear playing a bass nickels flying out. I'm told I babble.

Nakoula Bassley Nakoula

How is it possible this name is not on the tip of your tongues?

Caroline said...

This gets worse every day. This is beyond incompetence. I am starting to think there is something dangerously wrong with these people.

From Biden's increasingly bizarre comments and behavior at the debate, to Hillary talking about arresting a filmmaker, while knowing he had nothing to do with the deaths in Libya, to Obama's detached "shit happens" indifference to 4 dead Americans.

And then we have the "liberal" media establishment destroying whatever shred of credibility they have left by ignoring this story. The behavior of all these people is very disturbing. These are the elite who have power and control over us. And they are acting as if they are completely disconnected with reality.

Is this what happens to people when the world view they constructed for themselves crumbles before their eyes?

Michael K said...

I don't know if Obama's coverup can hold when information like the presence of a C 130 on scene gets out. The SEALs were painting the mortar men with a laser designator so either the C 130 was there or the drone was armed. This gets steadily worse and the legacy media keep losing credibility as this goes on.

CWJ said...

Is sob Morocco @1:26 and others earlier

There is a logical explanation for the premature condemnation of the video by the Egyptian embassy.

My understanding is that the video had been featured on Egyptian TV with arabic translation the weekend before 9/11. With that in mind, the embassy may have decided that a prophylactic apology before the mob got too worked up was in order. Of course, we saw how well that worked.

I'm not defending any of this. I'm just saying that you don't need a conspiracy theory when apparent cowardice will suffice.

CWJ said...

Issob not "Is sob". Seriously is there any way to turn off the auto(in)correct feature in blogger?

Anonymous said...

Biden? Class asshat? Who knew?

Lisaocean86 said...

So awful! NOTHING on this on the MSM web sites. So sad! If Bush had been President this would be the headline of every major news station. Mr. Wood be invited to speak on Hardball and Chris Matthews would be handing him Kleenex. Here's a thought, LESS LABIA and MORE LIBYA!!

Kirk Parker said...


"He does have the power right now to bring down the President. I doubt he will use it, and I do not mean that as a criticism of the General."

He could resign. That would speak volumes, without a single word being uttered in criticism of the administration's actions.

Paul said...

Buffoon Biden is the WORST, I mean WORST, VP we have ever had. Makes Al Gore look like a champion statesman.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is the Land of the Brave, but the Brave died waiting for their back up. It's a horrible story, with each day's revelation even worse than what we knew before. These good men served the USA, not the Obama administration. Don't make the mistake Obama did, thinking that it's "all about him." That is the root cause of the -- well, I started to write "inactivity" but this is even worse -- they had to actively stand down the automatic response of the SOF teams in Sigonella (one Delta Force and one an in extremis extraction team). That action, stopping the rescue or deployment of help is what is so strikingly cold-blooded and evil about Obama.

Methadras said...

Michael said...

Odd but our progressive commenters are not on this thread

They are all together coordinating their proper responses and will join in later to deluge this thread with this misbegotten nonsense.

Unknown said...

Why would they blame the filmmaker? Even if it were a true motive, which it obviously never was.

Rusty said...

Unknown said...
Why would they blame the filmmaker? Even if it were a true motive, which it obviously never was

Because it's easier than taking responsibility.

Dr Weevil said...

Just how bad do you have to be to be the worst VP ever? Worse than Aaron Burr, that's how bad, and Biden has done it.

jr565 said...

Why would Biden EVER think that was appropriate? What a doofus.

Issob Morocco said...


You are correct the Muslim Brotherhood had put this out in the media, and while your assessment is no more right nor wrong than mine, that is why we need to know who, what, when,why and how they put that condemnation out. Because it is the thread to the whole Adminstrations reaction to and push back on the situation both in attacking Romney right afterwards thru the Sunday Rice Video Tour on the Pundit Shows. For two weeks the clung to it.

If conversations did happen with the Egyptian Government, er, I mean the Muslim Brotherhood, about potential riots, and it was meant to pro actively disengage Muslim rage, why was the message turned down by the State Dept. and Larry Schwartz still put it out against their orders and later against the WH orders?

I don't want to tread beyond that which is known, but those question have to answered now.

Why was the video condemned early and then often by the WH and surrogates as the cause, when we know they knew the seriousness of the Libyan situation within two hours?

Why cling to video for so long knowing how disasterous it would be?

Who directed the Tweet to be made?

Read the media accounts on the web in the days just after and see what you find. Most of it relates to Romney, condemning him for attacking Obama's apology to the Terrorists. Complaining of "politicizing" the situation.

In my opinion, the video and ensuing riots were meant to be political against Romney by WH and unknowingly were a set up to attack our Ambassador in Libya under the guise of a Muslim hating video. Speculation, you bet. But Obama needs to answer the questions and then we will know the truth

Why the Video?

Nov. 6th.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Now, what's the appropriate response? A very befuddled look and I beg your pardon?

Drill Stg saig: grasping the VP by the throat and throttling him, till his eyes pop out is what comes to me.


yeah, yeah, I know, the SS, etc. but one can always hope they are facing the crowd :)

And does anyone wonder why we are hearing about drunken Secret Service people all the time now? You would drink too if you were charged with defending these horrible human beings with your life.

Entirely understandable.

Hagar said...

Fox News w/ Bret Baier was on this today, at least as far as Hillary's words to Woods, and I think the President, but were not ready to tackle Biden's yet.
O'Reilly also partial.

CBS and NBC - crickets!

JohnJ said...

“Personally, I think he's suffered a series of TIAs and his brain is addled.”

Google “disinhibition syndrome.” Then, consider Biden’s 1988 operation that repaired bilateral carotid aneurysms, one of which was bleeding. Biden’s son, Beau, apparently suffers from a similar condition.

I’m a little surprised this hasn’t been more of an issue.

DEEBEE said...

Yes we can has become no I cant

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