October 9, 2012

"Barack Obama in his old community organizer role," doing "what community organizers do... rub people's emotions raw to hype their resentments."

Thomas Sowell writes the pithiest thing that I've seen about the speech Obama gave on June 5, 2007. Remember, Obama told the predominantly black audience that the federal government — motivated by racial prejudice — would not waive the Stafford Act requirement that a city chip in 10% of the amount it would receive in federal disaster aid.
[L]ess than two weeks earlier, on May 24, 2007, the United States Senate had in fact voted 80-14 to waive the Stafford Act requirement for New Orleans, as it had waived that requirement for New York and Florida. More federal money was spent rebuilding New Orleans than was spent in New York after 9/11 and in Florida after hurricane Andrew, combined.

Truth is not a job requirement for a community organizer. Nor can Barack Obama claim that he wasn't present the day of that Senate vote, as he claimed he wasn't there when Jeremiah Wright unleashed his obscene attacks on America from the pulpit of the church that Obama attended for 20 years.

Unlike Jeremiah Wright's church, the U.S. Senate keeps a record of who was there on a given day. The Congressional Record for May 24, 2007 shows Senator Barack Obama present that day and voting on the bill that waived the Stafford Act requirement. Moreover, he was one of just 14 Senators who voted against -- repeat, AGAINST -- the legislation which included the waiver.


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AaronS said...

Now that is a LOL.

Unless you're crying.
Then it's a COL.

Franklin said...

Ugly, ugly, ugly.

FloridaSteve said...

Are you going to believe the president or your lying eyes. sheesh!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sowell is obviously an ugly racist or an Uncle Tom and he undoubtedly hates the Sesame Street characters too.

deepelemblues said...

So, did the speech make the Professor uncomfortable at all?

Or is she saying here, "My disagreement with Obama's speech is on the substance, not the racially charged theme," because, you know, those who dance to the left can go that way without making the Professor feel creeped out.

Is this the best the Professor can do to make up for her nervous breakdown of a few weeks ago? Is this the Althouse Olive Branch?

edutcher said...

Dr Sowell understands the term "community organizer" is a euphemism for rabble rouser.

Sorun said...

Fanning the flames of racial resentment is kind of ugly, isn't it?

Farmer said...

deepelemblues demands answers!

hombre said...

The polls suggest that people are catching on to Obama, the liar. As Sowell put it a different column: There are two Obamas, the talker and the doer, and they aren't the same man.

That is why it has been so important for the Obama Campaign to project "lying" onto Romney and Ryan.

Patrick said...

The mendacity goes even deeper. The waivers included the "areas affected by Hurricane Katrina," in other words, lots of areas that aren't New Orleans. Lots of areas that aren't primarily minority.

The President was race baiting. The issue itself was a lie, whether he voted against the waiver or not.

Rich B said...

The President's record is a target-rich environment. But only if you open your eyes and look.

kcom said...

Remember, that wasn't private citizen Barack Obama giving that speech. It wasn't even candidate Barack Obama giving that speech. It was sitting senator Barack Obama giving that tawdry speech.

JackOfClubs said...

Wow! That should have been pointed out when the original clip was released. If I had know that, it would have changed my whole view of the importance of that revelation.

test said...

The left's primary electoral tool is hate. Why would it surprise anyone its star excells at stoking it?

dandean said...

Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Hagar said...

Also, iirc, much more money was voted for New Orleans re-construction than the city actually was able to absorb. The last I remember, I think was 8 billion allocated and 4 billion spent, and that was like about 2010.

Larry J said...

Remember how many in the Press tried to downplay that video as "old news"? Now you know why. They were in full Obama protection mode at the time.

Tank said...

Wait a minute. This is the likable guy, isn't it?

Lyle said...

What would Martin Luther King Jr. think?

alan markus said...

Memo to Obama Campaign Headquarters:

Less Cowbell, more Big Bird! Stat!!

gerry said...

The I.R.S. will be hauling Dr. Sowell before a tax court soon.

Dante said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dante said...

I'm so tired of people propagating this race card crap! Taking ghetto indeed. Isn't community organizer a racist code word? Now I'm more likely to vote for the Obamao.

OK, Ann, hope you have a sense of humor =)

I promise I won't do it again, unless the horns on my head get itchy again.

cubanbob said...

Community organizers organize against something. Obama's problem now is he is reverting to being community organizer and that leaves him only with organizing against the United States.

It was said back in '45 when the iconic photograph of the flag over Mt. Suribachi was taken that that photograph will guarantee that there will be a marine Corp for the next five hundred years. Obama's Administration will guarantee (especially if reelected) that after him there won't be another progressive president for another fifty years. Four more years of Obama and Herbert Hoover will look positively excellent.

Saint Croix said...

wow. just wow.

AllenS said...

Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are two of the smartest men this country has ever produced. Too bad that the MSM never listens to them. Let's change the subject. I would like to hear a nice story about how McCain lost me.

Anonymous said...

But Ann's still voting for Obama again, right?

traditionalguy said...

I read that too and wondered if you would see it.

It sums up why the Americans are at each other's throats theses days... Obama wants it that way.

Obama first causes mini wars and offers tho settle things for a surrender that makes us into Socialist Eunuchs. Many are so dumb that they accept peace at any price.

Sorun said...

This is also shows the current state of the "civil rights movement": A bunch of racists trying to get back their victimhood mojo using lies about others.

Brennan said...

Oh snap. Surely that bill included tax breaks for gazillionaires.

kjbe said...

So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story – here’s
the rest it…if you’re interested. If not, by all means, carry on.

traditionalguy said...

Race is an easy stand by to politically divide and conquer us. But that is yesterday's problem.

It has become the the 99% and 1% division, the unions and the right to work division, and the energy independent and energy starvation taxes division that Obama specializes in.

Ann Althouse said...

"Wow! That should have been pointed out when the original clip was released. If I had know that, it would have changed my whole view of the importance of that revelation."

The Daily Caller did a lousy job of its revelation. The fact Sowell highlights -- so clear and so devastating -- completely transforms the story for me.

Obama lied, blatantly and for the purpose of making black people feel discriminated against. That's evil.

Chip S. said...

You could have learned this a while ago by reading the comments on your own blog.

McTriumph said...

Prof. Althouse, you have led a sheltered life, what do you think black community organizers do?

Hagar said...

Cubanbob is onto something there; the only thing Obama knows is to run against City Hall, and that is what he is still doing.

Note also that Hoover really was not all that bad, but his history has been written by his enemies.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Of course, there were no other signs pointing in that direction when it came towards determining Obama's real beliefs. So this one item not being reported correctly takes everyone who was fooled off the hook.

Anonymous said...

Went to speak at career day at a local high school. The kids were discussing the debate before I got started, and one girl claimed that Romney was planning to "outlaw tampons". This was true because she read it in an article.

I'm guessing she never heard of Fast and Furious, Libya, monetary policy, Solyndra, etc., however, her ladyparts were under assault by evil Romney who as she put it "will make everything suck".

ricpic said...

In reference to the irreligious areligious comments earlier, ya think Obama is amoral? Or put another way, in light of this info is it possible to think he's anything other than amoral?

damikesc said...

He voted AGAINST it --- and then claimed opposition to it was racist?

Heck, he is up there with Clinton in his pathological capacity to lie to your face brazely.

And to save you the time, Kit's link has Obama's claim that he voted against it because it didn't include a timetable to leave Iraq.

So, he voted against it because it didn't include an utterly irrelevant thing that had nothing to do with the bill in the first place.

Brian Brown said...

Ann Althouse said...

Obama lied, blatantly and for the purpose of making black people feel discriminated against.

I'm not at all clear why this fact surprises you given his associations with Rev Wright & Ayers.

Brian Brown said...

McTriumph said...
Prof. Althouse, you have led a sheltered life,

Understatement of the year.

Jake said...

Kit said:
"So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story – here’s
the rest it…if you’re interested. If not, by all means, carry on."

You miss the real point - Obama knew the Federal government approved waiving the Stafford Act requirements when he gave his speech. He voted against the ultimate bill and thus had ACTUAL knowledge of the fact his speech statements were NOT TRUE. This is regardless of why he voted a particular way on a particular vote.

KCFleming said...

There are lies, damn lies, and communists.

Brian Brown said...

Kit said...
So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story

Hysterical bullshit.

Note: Nothing in your link disputes the fact Obama voted against the bill which passed.


Your "whole story" is a patehtic attempt to mitigate Obama's race baiting & hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

I agree, if that would've been released with the video it would've had far more effect on liberals such as myself. That bit of information is damning to Obama and makes him look every bit the panderer that Romney is.

As far as I'm concerned I don't give a rats ass who wins this election, they are the same, politicians who are
owned by Wall Street who will say anything that fits the agenda of the moment.

The only real difference in the two are social issues, Romney will sign personhood bills, not that he cares about abortion at all, but he will need his Republican Congress members. As for health care, he may sign a bill into law repealing Obama Care, but will replace it with RomneyCare, not much difference. Ho hum.

I may do as Father Fox and Crack, sit this one out.

Original Mike said...

"Moreover, he was one of just 14 Senators who voted against -- repeat, AGAINST -- the legislation which included the waiver."

Holy fucking crap.

Yet, upon reflection, I'm not surprised.

Hagar said...

Actually, the myth of Hoover as the "heartless oppressor of the poor," probably owes more to the necessity of hyping Roosevelt and hide the fact that Roosevelt's conversion to "liberalism" came after his election to office. In his campaign he ran rather to the right of Hoover on a platform of "balance the budget," economy in Government," etc.

Wince said...

So, Obama voted against the Stafford waiver and held Katrina victims hostage in order to derail Bush's Iraq Surge?

At the time Obama opposed one version of the bill because it did not contain a timeline for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. In a May 24, 2007, statement explaining his vote against the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, Obama said: "With my vote today, I am saying to the President that enough is enough. We must negotiate a better plan that funds our troops, signals to the Iraqis that it is time for them to act and that begins to bring our brave servicemen and women home safely and responsibly."

Anonymous said...

I read about Obama voting against the funding which he knew was in place after the video was released. However, if the Romney campaign uses this it will be deemed racist, even though Obama's words and actions show him to cravenly stir up false allegations of racial injustice to suit his purpose.

Obama = Tawana Brawley

Dante said...

The Daily Caller did a lousy job of its revelation.

How? There were some additional facts, pointed out in your own blog post, that mentioned Obama had voted against the giving the extra $1. But it didn't take any of that. It only took listening to the video to understand that Obama was intent on cementing racial resentment in the people he was talking to.

And furthermore, there was NO advantage for him to do so. This is Obama.

Funny, in my exchanges with Crack, I mentioned how devastating the video was, and he said "Hell, I already knew that was what this guy is, I didn't need to see the video, and it isn't going to change any minds."

Well, Ann? Can you vote for a person who behaves this evilly?

Shantastik said...

Well my faith in Professor Althouse is restored with this revelation she's had.

"Obama lied, blatantly and for the purpose of making black people feel discriminated against. That's evil."

The fact is most of us knew Obama was playing on racial fears and we didn't need Mr. Sowell to tell us Obama's a bad guy. Sowell is great, don't get me wrong, but anyone who's been paying attention knows the entire Obama presidency is built on division -- class and racial.

I'm glad the good Professor gets it. My faith in college professors improves from 1% favorable to 1.5% favorable.

She's right... Daily Caller could have been better. But hey, at least they broke the story.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher said...

The Daily Caller did a lousy job of its revelation. The fact Sowell highlights -- so clear and so devastating -- completely transforms the story for me.

I agree. There are two or three other key points as well that they muddied up through incompetent storytelling.

Anonymous said...

Kit, I just read your link, it's truly disgusting that the truth is being so mangled, twisted, shredded, who to believe?!

I understand Obama's reasoning for voting the way he did, but I wish he wouldn't have spoken about the Stafford Act to the Congregation if he knew how he would be voting.

Sammy said...

So Anne was uncomfortable with the speech because of the racial overturns, blamed it on Hannity and Drudge for daring to highlight the race baiting demagoguery of Obama

Who made the speeches racial overturns ugly , wasn't the right it was Obama ... he not only lied to gin up black resentment for their country... But did it premeditatedly, voting against the bill a few weeks early, all the while pretending as if the amendment didn't even exist.

Whites who voted for Obama feel uncomfortable , when anyone on the right shows video or interviews of Obama race baiting, racial demergogy..

they need to keep believing and are offended by any evidence contrary to thier beliefs that Obama isn't just a whiter, smarter of how he agitates black resentment against their country and exploits white guilt then.... Jesse Jackson

So all you on the right stop bringing reality into the feel good religion that was " hope" and "change " , transcending race, the tropes Obama used to gain power.

Tank said...

Why anyone would be surprised by this is beyond me.

Con man. Con man gonna con.

Have I posted that comment 1,000 times?

He is a serial liar, distorter, false alternative maker, user of strawman, ie. a con man. Every day of his life.

Lyssa said...

Regarding Kip's link, how asinine is it that a bill regarding financial assistance to a US city that had faced a natural disaster would be in any way associated with a timetable for ending a war? Sounds like Obama voted for a timetable to end the war, and couldn't have cared less about the Katrina issue.

In TN, we actually have a constitutional provision that says that bills have to be about one subject and one subject only. How much better would the federal government be if we had that rule?

campy said...

I'm glad the good Professor gets it. My faith in college professors improves

Don't get too excited. She still hasn't announced who's getting her vote.

Ralph L said...

I read last week that the Stafford waiver was attached to a supplemental for the Iraq war. Obama's only possible excuse is that since he came out against the Surge, he shouldn't vote to fund it. Still no excuse for the deceit or the racial stoking. Would white centrists have voted for him in 2008 if they'd heard this speech?

Seeing Red said...

NOw if they can pry the alleged Muslim Brotherhood tape from the vaults of the LA Times.........

Seeing Red said...

--As for health care, he may sign a bill into law repealing Obama Care, but will replace it with RomneyCare, not much difference. Ho hum.---

Not necessarily, they could finally bust Health Care wide open.

Individual accounts & leaving the extra to your heirs, catastrophic insurance, crossing state lines to purchase insurance.........

There are a lot of ways this could go.

mccullough said...


Obama's speech was 2 weeks after he voted against waiving the Stafford Act. He probably just forgot. He was busy running for President at the time.

Anonymous said...

I think more people are realizing what being a community organizer is all about.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Inga said...

I understand Obama's reasoning for voting the way he did, but I wish he wouldn't have spoken about the Stafford Act to the Congregation if he knew how he would be voting.

Inga- you miss the point and confuse the timeline. When he spoke to the congregation, he had already voted. But the main issue is not how he voted, but the fact that the measure passed, overwhelmingly.

Which means that he was lying to the congregation about the government not waiving the Stafford act, and thus lying about racism being the motivation.

jungatheart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirby Olson said...

Big Bird is a mutation and is a non-native species to boot. For ecological reasons alone we need to trim that bird's wings.

jungatheart said...

"Sounds like Obama voted for a timetable to end the war, and couldn't have cared less about the Katrina issue."

Not really. He determined he'd get more political mileage voting because of an Iraq timeline. (He had voted for the Katina waiver on the previous bill.)

Christoph Dollis said...

The Daily Caller did a lousy job of its revelation. The fact Sowell highlights -- so clear and so devastating -- completely transforms the story for me.


I thought it was weak tea. And now I think it's a big story. That no one cares about now because The Daily Caller, etc., mucked it up.

Go Thomas Sowell and Ann Althouse.

I hope some other writers pick this up.

Tim said...

"Obama's true believers may not want to know the truth. But there are millions of other people who have simply projected their own desires for a post-racial America onto Barack Obama. These are the ones who need to be confronted with the truth, before they repeat the mistake they made when they voted four years ago."

He is, of course, correct on this.

QUESTION: "What is the quotient of the irreducibly stupid voters in America?"

ANSWER: Whatever share of the vote Obama gathers on Election Day, November '12.

Sydney said...

--As for health care, he may sign a bill into law repealing Obama Care, but will replace it with RomneyCare, not much difference. Ho hum.---

Not necessarily, they could finally bust Health Care wide open.

Individual accounts & leaving the extra to your heirs, catastrophic insurance, crossing state lines to purchase insurance.........

There are a lot of ways this could go.

Let us hope. Let us hope.

Larry J said...

Inga said...
Kit, I just read your link, it's truly disgusting that the truth is being so mangled, twisted, shredded, who to believe?!

I understand Obama's reasoning for voting the way he did, but I wish he wouldn't have spoken about the Stafford Act to the Congregation if he knew how he would be voting.

Inja, you're missing the timeline. Obama cast that vote two weeks before giving the speech. He knew the Stafford Act had been waived by overwhelming margins and lied his ass off in that speech. Even if he had reasons for voting against it, he knew that he was lying. No amount of Media Matters spin can change that damning fact. Obama was in full race hustler mode in that speech.

That's why his protectors in the media tried to discount the video as "old news."

furious_a said...

Inga- you miss the point...

That happens alot. Her grasping at Media Matters' straws to rationalize it only adds poignancy.

mccullough said...

Obama was just trying to make the point that blacks in America had been so discriminated against that they are ignorant and easily duped by predators trying to take advantage of their ignorance.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Then, yes, it was unconscionable. I won't vote for him, nor will I vote for Romney, who is no better.

Anonymous said...

Ralph, I heard that too, but why lie and say it didn't pass?

He could reasonably claimed that he voted against it because of funding for Iraq, however, he chose to not only misrepresent his bill, he cast the whole senate racist for something they didn't even do. Just to make some black people angry at racists. It is manipulative.

However, those same preachers he lied to never stood up and called him on it although I'm sure some know the truth. it would be great if Sowell some other group sent them proof of the truth and asked for statements.

JackOfClubs said...

@Kit: You raise an important point but I don't think it saves Obama. He may have had what he thought were good reasons for voting against the waiver, but he implies in his speech that others who voted against could only have bad motives. That is hypocrisy no matter how you slice it. Furthermore, he was lying when he said that the waiver did not pass, which is the substance of his speech.

@Dante: "It only took listening to the video to understand that Obama was intent on cementing racial resentment in the people he was talking to."

Yes, but we already knew that from his "my Grandmother is a typical white woman" comments. That attitude was maybe relevant in 2008 when we didn't have much to base our opinion on, but now we have his whole record of the last 4 years as president. Bringing up his racial panderining from 2007 distracts from real issues, but catching him in a lie, no matter what the subject, is always relevant.

test said...

This counts as a revelation? Everyone else knew this the first day. The third comment to your "ugly" post notes that Obama lied in the video to stoke racial resentment, what did you think that meant?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Obama was acutely aware of his own race-baiting. He found it necessary to sanitize the speech for publication, which MSM toadies were more than happy to help him with.

From the Daily Caller:

In the prepared version distributed to reporters, Obama’s speech ends this way:

“America is going to survive. We won’t forget where we came from. We won’t forget what happened 19 months ago, 15 years ago, thousands of years ago.”

That’s not what he actually said. Before the audience at Hampton, Obama ends his speech this way:

“America will survive. Just like black folks will survive. We won’t forget where we came from. We won’t forget what happened 19 months ago, or 15 years ago, or 300 years ago.”

He changed "black folks" to "we" and "300 years ago" to "thousands of years ago." Obama was blowing hard on dog whistles only "black folks" can hear, but he knew it was race-baiting, so he changed it for public consumption. I think that's called in criminal law "consciousness of guilt."

Anonymous said...

(If this is from the speech clip I'm thinking of) I actually really enjoyed him going off on (paraphrase) "of course rich people want peace and love, they don't want you to come take their stuff."

Which if you think about it, is a shot at limousine liberalism more than conservatism. That line is probably the most I've ever been made to like him.

Ann Althouse said...

"You could have learned this a while ago by reading the comments on your own blog."

I read some but not all of the hundreds of comments and this was not the general theme presented. What I saw was a lot of people disagreeing with my advice not to purvey ugly racial material. Sowell has sliced out and presented the truly material part of the story. If other people were saying this at the time of the Caller's original revelation, I didn't see it.

janetrae said...

So, according to Kit's comments, Obama voted for the bill before he voted against it. Where have I heard that before?

virgil xenophon said...

Most of us here instinctively knew that it was intuitively obvious that Obama was a Charlatan par excellence from day one. Althouses' shit-detector has been on the blink for a loong time--glad to see Dr. Sowell has pointed her in the direction of a good repair shop--about time..

test said...

That’s the same Stafford Act he lied about in his 2007 Hampton speech, the waiver that had actually occurred several weeks before he made the speech, the waiver that he voted against.

Posted at 6:50 pm by Glenn Reynolds

Here's an Instapundit comment proving the lie on 10-3 (the day it hit the news). Similar posts were made elsewhere including on NRO.

Anonymous said...

"Who is no better"

You are completely and utterly deluding yourself, but I suspect you need to delude yourself to keep your self-image and world view intact.

Ann Althouse said...

Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

I'm trying to help conservatives with their communications problems, and the pushback I received confirmed my opinion that they have a problem.

I continue in that belief. It's even enhanced by my experience with Sowell's near-perfect presentation of what matters here.

Michael K said...

"Blogger Kit said...

So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story – here’s
the rest it…if you’re interested. If not, by all means, carry on.:

OK, So he voted for it before he voted against it.

That always works well.

Got it.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
janetrae said...

So, according to Kit's comments, Obama voted for the bill before he voted against it. Where have I heard that before?

Nathan Alexander said...

Inga said:
I won't vote for him, nor will I vote for Romney, who is no better.

Even though I disagree with your characterization of Romney, your pledge to not vote for Obama is good enough for me.

I hope you hold to that promise.

By the way, it is this nature of Obama that I saw back prior to and during the DNC. Your over-the-top criticism of the RNC, combined with your apparently giddy statement of enjoying the DNC so much, was what made me think you were embracing the low-integrity character of Obama and his campaign, and caused me to think less of you.

If you can see this, now, and it makes you determined to not vote for Obama, my opinion of you is restored.

Anonymous said...

Your President, Althouse: a whitey-hating liar.

Good job.

chuckR said...

cubanbob said
"Four more years of Obama and Herbert Hoover will look positively excellent." Comparing Obama and Hoover is a joke (I know you made the comparison as one). Hoover had a distinguished career before and after being President. I know Obama had no accomplishments before blundering into the Presidency and I suspect he won't after he leaves (I hope in a short while).

I suppose you could draw a parallel between Hoovervilles and the OWS pig stys which should have been named Obamavilles.

jungatheart said...

"Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us."

Freeze the enemy. Witchiepoo is stirring the pot again.

Patrick said...

In TN, we actually have a constitutional provision that says that bills have to be about one subject and one subject only. How much better would the federal government be if we had that rule?

Nothing would get done. So, quite a bit better.

Anonymous said...

No Deborah, Althouse is right, the ick factor is in play when we see comments like Whore's and Limbaugh's. It is ugly and repulsive.

SteveR said...

Alpha Liberal-silent
Garage-silent but furiously making shit up

test said...

Ann Althouse said...What I saw was a lot of people disagreeing with my advice not to purvey ugly racial material.

You may have interpreted this, but it isn't what you "saw".

Rumpletweezer said...


Something you might want to consider: When the family member of one of Romney's associates went missing, he shut down the office, moved to New York, and searched until she was found.

When the BP oil spill happened, Obama went on a fact-finding tour to find out "whose ass to kick."

Who do YOU want in charge when the next disaster occurs?

X said...

althouse is right that we need to allow them to save some face. it's not easy admitting you were duped when you spend all day congratulating yourself on how smart you are.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Kit said...

So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story – here’s
the rest it…if you’re interested. If not, by all means, carry on.

This is a misrepresentation of facts bordering on an outright lie. Obama voted for H.R. 1591, a version of the bill which contained a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq and was vetoed by President Bush. The Stafford Act waivers were resurrected in H.R. 2206, which passed the Senate 80 to 14. Barack Obama voted no. This proves two things: First, Obama lied when he told his black audience that the waivers had not been granted, and second, that he himself didn't care enough about Katrina victims to vote for the waivers.

Larry J said...

Ann Althouse said...
Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

I'm trying to help conservatives with their communications problems, and the pushback I received confirmed my opinion that they have a problem.

I continue in that belief. It's even enhanced by my experience with Sowell's near-perfect presentation of what matters here.

After years of having liberals call conservatives "bigots", "racists", "homephobes", Nazis and more vile names, we're the ones who have to be considerate of the other side's feelings? Bullshit.

donald said...

Hopefully you are just a naive 60 odd year old Anne.

You are programmed that right of center means mean and racist. It is your baseline emotion.

I don't believe that you only caught one line of response to your post. There is the frickin video. He race baited and he lied. Perhaps you couldnt see that. Perhaps, it was just another division driven in between Americans by a race hustler looking for a bigger pay day. At least that's what I got out of it. The first time.

Tim said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us."

Funny, my teenage daughter says pretty much the exact same thing.

Never thought I'd have to dumb down and patronize moderates and liberals to converse with them, but I suppose if that's what you want...you now have an explanation as to why Obama spoke to that African-American audience the way he did.

Adult truth isn't good enough.

Hagar said...

So, Profeeessor. How is negotiating with the current leadership of the Democratic Party different from negotiating with the Taliban?

(See the post above.)

Anonymous said...

Ann, don't you think it is ironic that liberals can make up lies but any comment on that lie by Republicans is somehow toxic?

However, mainstream liberals can call female Republicans c--nts and tw--ts, lie to inflame racial or sexist tensions, call Romny a felon, claim Republicans want to see children starve, and any refutation makes Republicans toxic? Perhaps then Democrats are all about emotion, with no logic.

At least when Rush Limbaugh call Sandra Fluke a slut he was reacting to her over inflated claim that she spends 3K on birth control, which is completely insane, according to a report in US News, BCPs or a patch cost around 150-$600 year. Condoms are free at some clinic and cost between 20 cents and 2.50 each (the most expensive would cost $915 for daily sex). Fluke would need to have sex more than 3 times daily to spend 3K on condoms.

Why is not uglier to lie to congress to get other people to pay for your stuff than calling someone out for it?

Anonymous said...

I do not understand how you think that conservatives become "toxic", but liberals never do. Mitt Romney causes cancer! Ha ha! Liberals trivialize racism -- which is obviously something you claim to care deeply about -- by claiming every conservative position and statement is racist (up to and including comments on Obama's fondness for golf). Tee hee, no toxicity there!

You know the vitriol heaped on you and Meade over at the Isthmus and other liberal web sites. You know the false allegiance the left has to "toleraance" and "civility."
You seem to shrug all of that off with a laugh. But where conservatives complain that Obama is a race-baiter associating with those who undermine racial progress and personally engages in the same behavior -- we are toxic.

I'm calling "toxicity bullshit" on this whole topic.

Lyssa said...

At least when Rush Limbaugh call Sandra Fluke a slut he was reacting to her over inflated claim that she spends 3K on birth control, which is completely insane, according to a report in US News, BCPs or a patch cost around 150-$600 year. Condoms are free at some clinic and cost between 20 cents and 2.50 each (the most expensive would cost $915 for daily sex). Fluke would need to have sex more than 3 times daily to spend 3K on condoms.

Actually (and, oh, hey, let's revisit that controversy!), he was commenting on the fact that she wanted to be paid for her sex life, paid to put out, that is. He was likening her to a prostitute, not commenting on the numbers. (I think that he should have said "whore", not "slut"; he just got mixed up.)

Alastor said...

Kit at 1:28 - an interesting link ... it is a pity that it is not a link to an article by a person exercising simple journalistic skills ...

Take a look here for simply-researched greater detail which refutes the patent attempt to justify Pres'ent Obama (then Senator Obama) in his race-baiting demagoguery ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That right there should put an end to Obama's political career.

BarrySanders20 said...

For very smart people, it sucks when you realize you're not the smartest kid in the room and that other kids, not as smart as you, figured it out long ago because they did not react emotionally but actually examined the facts independently and came to their own conclusions.

There were some pithy responses that said the same thing Sowell did, just not as well. Sowell is where he is, and we are where we are, for a reason.

Nathan Alexander said...

Inga and Ms. Althouse point to Sowell's article, and use this to blame other conservatives for not knowing how to talk to liberals, how the way we speak is ugly, disgusting, etc.

Here is the opening sentence of Sowell's article:
When President Barack Obama and others on the left are not busy admonishing the rest of us to be "civil" in our discussions of political issues, they are busy letting loose insults, accusations and smears against those who dare to disagree with them.

The irony is rich. Or maybe I'm the only one who feels that way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Romney - turn this truth that the MSM will not report - into an ad.
Make is a 2 minute ad.

Game over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama will lie about anything and everything and the media will cover for him.
What a disgrace.

Lyle said...

There is no nice way to talk about subculture black America's problems.

This says something about liberals not conservatives.

Moderates get the problem and I think they like when it is talked about openly.

AllenS said...

Ann Althouse said...
Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals

I'm not sure about how to talk to moderates or liberals, but how would you like to be talked to? Like you were a child?

test said...

Here's Powerline's first post on the subject, highlighting the exact issue Althouse claims "conservatives" can't communicate. The issue was all over the non-leftist blogs.

October 3, 2012 by Paul Mirengoff in Barack Obama, Iraq

The boundless dishonesty of Barack Obama

I noted yesterday that in his 2007 speech in Hampton, Virginia, Barack Obama falsely claimed that the Stafford Act had not been waived for relief money appropriated to help New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Stafford Act requires that, absent a waiver, localities match a percentage of the money they receive in federal assistance.

Obama’s claim was false. A few weeks before Obama gave his Hampton speech, Congress had waived the Stafford Act in connection with $6.9 billion in federal aid for New Orleans.


Chef Mojo said...

Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

Uh, no. Leftists need to just fucking listen. Everything was there, Althouse. You chose to respond with emotion as opposed to actually reading what an awful lot of people were saying.

Is the fact that Sowell is black man giving him credibility in your eyes? Giving you an out, finally, for your deplorable reaction to Obama's speech? He's saying everything others were saying on this subject. He's certainly erudite about it, but that's Sowell for you; he makes his living writing like a public intellectual, because he is one. Tucker Carlson is a journalist, and holding him to Sowell's standard is unfair and disingenuous.

Now you think you can weasel out of this by blaming the messenger; that it was his burden to communicate to you. Well, he did. You chose not to listen in lieu of your manufactured outrage.

Hagar said...

As late as 1939 there was a lot of people that said Herr Hitler was a reasonable man and everything would be fine if we just would speak to him in a civil manner.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Nathan Alexander said...

Inga and Ms. Althouse point to Sowell's article, and use this to blame other conservatives for not knowing how to talk to liberals, how the way we speak is ugly, disgusting, etc.


The key here is that their epiphany was delivered by another black man. Any white observer of the obvious would have no credence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hombre said...
The polls suggest that people are catching on to Obama, the liar. As Sowell put it a different column: There are two Obamas, the talker and the doer, and they aren't the same man.

That is why it has been so important for the Obama Campaign to project "lying" onto Romney and Ryan."


Lyle said...

This is how civil, fact based conversation goes with liberals about the failures of subculture black America.

From Bloggingheads and Professor Amy Wax.



Seeing Red said...

Sowell can talk like that because he's your peer?

We dregs are too blunt? Hurt feelings?

Sometimes the truth is ugly.

This was all out there 4 years ago, it didn't have to be this way.

Is the lesson hard and we're not to rub noses in it?

We can be ground down daily, threatened, etc, but WE have to play nice?

If anyone should have run from wanting to have anything to do with a "progressive" label, it should have been Inga and her family, but they wear it proudly.

Progressivism or "Forward" murdered 100 million people in the 20th century alone.

Mr. D said...

Damascus, next 5 exits.

Tim said...

Interestingly, the DNC faces cash shortfall on eve of 2012 election.

Seems the DNC doesn't know how to talk with it's donors, either.

"What we've got here is, failure to communicate."

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty and & NBC:

Report: Shake-Up in Works at Obama Campaign Headquarters

traditionalguy said...

Sort hand version of Althouse: The art of listening to and affirming other speakers but then adding some perspective that raises the real issues that are operative ones is a skill set that needs to be learned over time with a skilled teacher.


garage mahal said...

" So, whenever there’s a story about a vote, I like to look a little more into it. This didn’t take long. It seems that Sowell’s not telling whole story "

The whole story doesn't fit inside their fantasy world so it just isn't allowed to enter in.

Obama did vote for the waiver? Why.why no he didn't!!

Bryan C said...

"As far as I'm concerned I don't give a rats ass who wins this election, they are the same, politicians who are owned by Wall Street who will say anything that fits the agenda of the moment."

The transition from an Obama voter to a Romney supporter is a difficult one, Inga. You've conquered the denial, exhausted the impotent anger, and moved past the useless bargaining. Things seem dark now, but acceptance isn't far off. Be strong.

Michael Haz said...

Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

Repulsive and toxic? You cannot be serious. After two years of what we all saw from liberals at the State Capitol you think that conservatives need to learn how to talk to you without being toxic and repulsive?

Utter delusion.

Patrick said...

But it wasn't racist was it, Garage? New Orleans was not the only area affected, and there were no waivers that excluded New Orleans.

He was race baiting. Pure and simple. You look foolish if you try to deny it. But, then the facts don't fit into your fantasy world, so they're not allowed to enter.

John said...

I for one will commend you for bravely making a 180 on this issue. Sowell does make a effective argument.

mccullough said...

Obama's attitude in the 2007 speech shows why his policies aren't helping blacks.

Take a good look at him.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Mr. D said...

Damascus, next 5 exits.

10/9/12 3:25 PM

Yes, but Damascus is 376 hard miles ENE of da Nile.

Seeing Red said...

The Hillbuz article was realy interesting, and it goes along with what my child told me about what happened in school.

Couple that with the poll that younger people don't think Affirmative Action is necessary and America is growing up, some are kicking & screaming and will continue to do so, but that's always the case.

I wonder how long it will take Europe?

Seeing Red said...

This isn't about Romney at all.

Hagar said...

Obama: I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message:

Narrator: Bernie Madoff. Ken Lay. Dennis Kozlowski. Criminals. Gluttons of greed. And the evil genius who towered over them? One man has the guts to speak his name.

Mitt Romney: Big Bird. Big Bird. Big Bird.

Big Bird: It's me, Big Bird.

Narrator: Big. Yellow. A menace to our economy. Mitt Romney knows it's not Wall Street you have to worry about. It's Sesame Street.

Romney: I'm going to stop the subsidy to PBS.

Narrator: Mitt Romney, taking on our enemies no matter where they nest.

Please comment civilly.

chickelit said...

Michael Haz wrote: After two years of what we all saw from liberals at the State Capitol you think that conservatives need to learn how to talk to you without being toxic and repulsive?

But Michael, she did hold a mirror up to them to show them how ugly they were.

But here’s something she didn’t do: Four years ago, when Sarah Palin was hung in effigy in west L.A. by angry gays, the deed was objectively ugly. Yet Althouse remained conspicuously silent. If a gay person, say Andrew Sullivan, had spoken up and said: "That's really ugly and going too far," perhaps she would have noticed.

Silence is tacit acceptance of the ugly and repulsive, no matter if it's foisted by the right or left.
Didn't Simon and Garfunkel write a song about that?

test said...

Patrick said...
But it wasn't racist was it, Garage? New Orleans was not the only area affected, and there were no waivers that excluded New Orleans.

You should understand the "he didn't vote for it" is a dodge. Obama lied when he said the waiver wasn't granted. Garage is desperately trying to pull attention away from that in any way possible.

Anonymous said...

Count me along with others who assumed that Althouse had done her homework and knew the story to the 2007 Obama video. Sowell did not break any new ground.

Thus her complaints about racism, on the heels of all her "cruel neutrality" talk, registered as a complete intellectual disconnect.

Tim said...

"Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us."

So, I guess that means we can't deface Obama signs like liberals are: Romney signs defaced with excrement in Virginia.

Any chance we can have consistent standards for both liberals and conservatives?

You know, like we used to have for adult behavior and discussion?

Pastafarian said...

I wonder if this will actually hurt Obama.

Will it work in a 30-second ad that will be comprehensible to low-information swing and still-undecided voters?

I sort of don't think so. Too inside-baseball. But maybe it's worth a shot.

Show Obama telling his lie in his speech, then show the date of the roll call...then show Obama as one of just 14 voting against it.

You'd really have to polish the hell out of that to get it into 30 seconds in a way that will hold attention and convey the necessary information to the people so stupid (sorry, low-information) as to be still swayable.

And I'll agree with Althouse, to this extent: You'd want to be very careful with that ad, so it doesn't appear to pander to Billie Joe Jimbob and create blow-back. An African American narrator might help. Maybe Sowell himself would be a logical choice.

Shanna said...

they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us

The problem is that conservatives are used to being villified merely for existing as racist, evil folks who hate the poor and the homeless and women and whatever else. Sometimes you can't make people like you, no matter what. So things like 'you look ugly' don't even register (unless coming from someone unusual) because they are so damn common and usually based on nothing more than admitting they are a conservative or voting republican (as Ms. Dash found out recently).

Not that I don't agree that some tactics are more persuasive than others when hunting for votes, but internet commenters and blogs are not just carrying the party line but expressing a personal opinion. Sometimes people are going to be harsh.

Revenant said...

I think people just need to take Ann's background into consideration. Art student at UMich, adult life in NYC and Madison, professional academic -- she has spent a good four decades *surrounded* by little other than leftists.

A video showing a black person in a negative light makes her spaz out because she has lived her life in an environment where (non-conservative) black people are immune to criticism. At the same time, violent and hateful rhetoric against conservatives doesn't move her because such rhetoric is an ordinary part of her everyday life.

She is the equivalent of a middle-class white resident of Alabam, circa 1950, who could easily see the evils of communism but took little notice of the evils of Jim Crow. Fish don't notice the water.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse,

The Daily Caller did a lousy job of its revelation. The fact Sowell highlights -- so clear and so devastating -- completely transforms the story for me.

Obama lied, blatantly and for the purpose of making black people feel discriminated against. That's evil.

This is rich:

I told you I didn't agree with you - but supported your dig at Reynolds and The Daily Caller - and I've said, a number of times, Thomas Sowell was my choice for president.

I feel vindicated - again.

Where's that "Crack Was Right" tag?

Tim said...

From Politico:

Mitt Romney, speaking to a crowd of about 1,200 on a farm here in Van Meter, Iowa, criticized President Obama's recent focus on Big Bird on the campaign trail.

"You have to scratch your head when the president spends the last week talking about saving Big Bird," he said. "I actually think we need to have a president who talks about saving the American people and saving good jobs."

But maybe talking about Big Bird is all moderates and liberals can understand these days.

Advantage: Obama.

yashu said...

Bernie Madoff. Ken Lay. Dennis Kozlowski.

Jon Corzine.

Cue the Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the others..."

Alex said...

I find it interesting that Ann demands conservatives not be "toxic" and "repulsive" but does not put the same demand on liberals.

Anonymous said...


Ken Lay...seriously? How about Corizne who got off scot free? How about all the cronies of Obama making money off stimulus and Obamaphones (turns out a bundler got lots of Obamaphone contracts).

How about friends of Angelo...?

yashu said...


Hagar was quoting an actual Obama ad. Really.

I know, my mind is boggled too.

The Crack Emcee said...

I've been backing Sowell for a long time - even against attacks from my fellow anti-NewAgers - so none of this surprises me. He's the world's smartest black man.

Next to me, of course,...

Tim said...

"The perfect "Althouse Political Ad," on tone, tenor, and substance. It like hitting the trifecta.

Obama for President.

Because it's time to talk seriously about serious things.

Tim said...

"Hagar was quoting an actual Obama ad. Really.

I know, my mind is boggled too."

One prays, that for normal people, it is an epic fail.

One fears, for people who think "Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us," it is the perfect ad.

Sums up everything about Barack Obama's America, and his voters.

mark said...

@garage "... fit inside their fantasy world ..."

Yeah. That fantasy world called the real world. That place where real logic happens and we work to make things better.

It's that place progs like you avoid at all costs because it makes your head hurt.

Rather, progs like the world where you KNOW that the vote to wave the Stafford Act passed. You know because you voted against the bill that it passed in.

And a week later in your fantasy world of butterfly pooping unicorns it DIDN'T get waved because the white people hate black people. You know ... Obama's World.

Alex said...

can a liberal tell me what I'd have to do in order to gain their respect?

Brennan said...

Wait. You think the Big Bird talk helpsObama?

Tim said...

In the last few days, Obama has mentioned Big Bird eight times, and Elmo five--and Libya not at all.

Serious man, for serious problems, during serious times.

Save Sesame Street!

Vote Obama!

Relive your nursery school days, no matter how old you are!

Vote Obama.

Tim said...

Alex said...

"can a liberal tell me what I'd have to do in order to gain their respect?"

Become a liberal.


Curious George said...

"Ann Althouse said...
Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us."

Yo uwant to know what a steaming pile this is?


"garage mahal said...
The whole story doesn't fit inside their fantasy world so it just isn't allowed to enter in."

Reaaly, what form of communication is necessary to get through to those that have self honesty at all?

Alex said...

I can only figure Ann is 100x more embarrassed by conservatives on this blog then by garage/Ritmo/Alpha types.

Alex said...

A liberal once said - "I'll respect you once you stop lying". That implies liberals are the final arbiters of TRUTH. Only they are fit to decide what are the facts and how to analyze them into proper conclusions. What else can I glean from the millions of spewing from Ritmo?

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hagar - LOL

The Crack Emcee said...


can a liberal tell me what I'd have to do in order to gain their respect?

I'm not a liberal, but I'll tell you (all) what you can do to gain mine:

Stick to reality.

Face it:

With the exception of bagoh20, most of you were backing The Daily Caller - and attacking Ann - for the wrong reasons.

I told bagoh, if The Daily Caller had labeled the video, they would've been on firm footing but they fucked up. (THAT was the reason for Ann's confusion and why the "Bombshell" story didn't have legs.) I was trying to thread the needle, based on what I had to work with, and you guys attacked me for it as well - but I was right every-step-of-the-way. My point:

Though I'm the one always being accused of leading a one-man witch hunt, it's the rest of you who are the angry, unthinking mob with torches, looking for someone to burn.

It's great to finally see Ann admit she fucked up - there's a first time for everything and it's VERY welcome - but can the rest of you be as honest? You weren't right then, and - with the exception of bagoh - you can't claim to be right now:

None of you show a respect the truth, then or now,...

Anonymous said...

Sorry Hagar,

Wow, they really are running against Bush.

As for Big Bird, why is he hiding his tax returns ? I hear he makes more than Romney. He's a little like the woman in the news who won the lottery but kept collecting welfare.

Hagar said...

Actually, PBS is a lot like that woman.

They do collect "welfare" while also claiming to be a "non-profit charitable organization," and they are fully aware of the rules also requiring such organizations to stay out of partisan politics.

MayBee said...

Althouse:I read some but not all of the hundreds of comments

Perhaps you should all of the comments left here, at your own blog.
It wouldn't take long, and you'd learn what people are trying to tell you.

Anonymous said...

Bryan C, no chance that I will be voting for Mitt Gantry... um, I mean Romney either.

Patrick said...

You should understand the "he didn't vote for it" is a dodge. Obama lied when he said the waiver wasn't granted.

Yes. Garage and the other lefties have little interest in facts that don't support their beliefs. Unfortunately, the Talking Points aren't that good.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

The whole story doesn't fit inside their fantasy world so it just isn't allowed to enter in.

Obama did vote for the waiver? Why.why no he didn't!!

Hey dipshit, which part of the "whole story" did Obama reveal in his whitey hating speech where he lied?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PBS admits it doesn't need tax payer money. Big Bird, Elmo and Sesame street make billions.

The democrat party wastes so much of our money and they want to take and waste more via tax hikes (Biden wants trillions in tax hikes!), why can't we consider and discuss making budget cuts that don’t even hurt?!

Brian Brown said...

It is hilarious to watch fat allie/inga try and pretend to criticize Obama.


Michael K said...

"Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us."

Thomas Sowell's brother is an angry black nationalist'

I guess he doesn't know how to talk to him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's time for team Romney to make the Jon Corzine-Obama ad.

Anonymous said...

Jay, "fat Allie"? I'm fat at 135 pounds and 5'6"? I don't believe I have ever met you, thank goodness. It's hysterical to see Jay reveal that he is the epitome of the "ugly" conservative that so repels and disgusts liberals and moderates.

jungatheart said...

Okay. I recalled a memory the other day. Back in the early Nineties, when I was in my early thirties, and liberal. Dick Armey and Trent Lott were on the screen, tight head shots, discussing welfare reform, and I was steamed, thinking along the lines of 'you smug, self-righteous bastards.'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So Obama is blaming Romney for Bernie Madoff. Yeah - sure. Red meat for the off the rails base.

Hagar said...

Actually, come to think of it, with respect to PBS, that should read "corporate welfare."
For "Sesame Street" one could also add some comments about "corporate fatcats," etc.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us"

Moderates and liberals need to learn to listen to moderates and conservatives, and not be repulsed by logical arguments.

test said...

Hagar said...
Actually, come to think of it, with respect to PBS, that should read "corporate welfare."
For "Sesame Street" one could also add some comments about "corporate fatcats," etc.

I just read this on NRO:
anyone with a total income of $343,927 or more as of 2009), based on their salaries.

At Corporation for Public Broadcasting, according to the CPB’s 2011 tax forms:

Patricia De Stacy Harrison, president and CEO $361,895

At PBS, according to 2011 tax forms:

Paula Kerger, president and CEO $669,260

Michael Jones, chief operating officer $477,296

Barbara Landes, chief financial officer, treasurer, and senior vice president $402,355

Katherine Lauderdale, senior vice president and general counsel, $381,855.

At Sesame Workshop, according to 2011 tax forms:

Gary Knell, president and CEO of Sesame Workshop until October 2011, $988,456

H. Melvin Ming, current president and CEO, $584,572

Lewis Bernstein $406,387

Terry Fitzpatrick $439,741

Myung Kang-Huneke $389,005

Sherrie Westin $463,892

Susan Kolar $401,425

Miranda Barry $397,175

Maura Regan $379,733

Joseph Mazzarino $556,165

Caralynn Sandorf $354,476

Anita Stewart $455,369

And while the actor who plays Big Bird (Carroll Spinney) doesn’t have a salary that puts him in the 1 percent, he’s not far off: Spinney makes $314,072.

And who’s funding this? Well, in part, taxpayers: the federal government gave the CPB a grant of $444.1 million in 2012.

But those government types are all selfless sacrificers to the common good, while anyone in private enterprise is a greedy racist.

Nathan Alexander said...

It's hysterical to see Jay reveal that he is the epitome of the "ugly" conservative that so repels and disgusts liberals and moderates.

If you set out to look for ugliness on one side, and ignore it completely on the other, I guarantee you will find what you seek.

Why doesn't the horrible ugliness, callousness, racism, sexism, and evil on the part of progressives ever bother you 1/100000000000000000000th as much as an anonymous conservative being slightly rude on an internet forum?

garage mahal said...

" Hey dipshit, which part of the "whole story" did Obama reveal in his whitey hating speech where he lied"

As if you care about lies, racist troll.

Alex said...

Oh boy Ann really dug herself a hole on this one. From here on out we will all be mocking her with - "Hey Ann did we talk to you correctly?".


MayBee said...

Althouse takes pride in being able to hear things as BOTH a moderate and a liberal. Why not complete the trifecta and learn to hear things as a conservative, too? Then you'll hear, without prompting, how repulsive it is for politicians to tell a lie to convince a group they are being discrimined against, to serve some political goal..

Cedarford said...

Althouse - Obama lied, blatantly and for the purpose of making black people feel discriminated against. That's evil.

The liberal and progressive Jewish puppeteers of the media covered it up for the 2008 Election.
And be sure that they will cover it up this cycle as well.
And McCains oppo research was too lame to pick up on McCains Fellow Senator was race baiting blacks with a false story. And neglecting to mention he was one of the few of McCain's colleagues who voted against waiving the Staffrd Act requirements.

Patrick said...

Hey dipshit, which part of the "whole story" did Obama reveal in his whitey hating speech where he lied"

As if you care about lies, racist troll.

Not exactly an answer though, is it?

chickelit said...

sCredarford said...
The liberal and progressive Jewish puppeteers of the media covered it up for the 2008 Election.

Actually, I blame the liberal Progresso stews: Axelrod's perceived gravitas comes from an overindulgence in canned soups and phrases.

Tim said...

"...Mitt Gantry."

No doubt this passes as acceptable to moderates and liberals.

Civility bullshit. Squared.

jungatheart said...

No man worth his sea salt will make canned soup.

Tim said...

"Not exactly an answer though, is it?"

Ease up. It's the best he can do.

Patrick said...

"Racist troll" is a good insult though. Not quite as good as "doucherocket" from last week, but pretty good.

Tim said...

Patrick said...

""Racist troll" is a good insult though. Not quite as good as "doucherocket" from last week, but pretty good."

Except, I'm guessing he read "douchrocket" off the package label.

chickelit said...

@deborah: You're a regular Morton Sahl.

Cedarford said...

Tyrone - "This is a misrepresentation of facts bordering on an outright lie. Obama voted for H.R. 1591, a version of the bill which contained a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq and was vetoed by President Bush. The Stafford Act waivers were resurrected in H.R. 2206, which passed the Senate 80 to 14. Barack Obama voted no."

So the basic facts are:

1. Obama voted FOR the Stafford Act waiver before he voted against it. How Kerry-like. Hope that comes up in the 3rd debate.

2. With two votes on his record, he then went out and agitated a black audience claiming Whitey and the Republicans hated blacks in NOLA and wouldn't give a waiver.

3. The liberal and progressive Jewish pupetteers of the media covered it up and refused to report this despite having the videos and numerous reporters covering the event.
McCains oppo research either fucked up or had McCain pull any comment by the campaign as unseemly in showing a Fellow Senator lying his ass off.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh Tim, didn't call him a slut.

Dante said...

Conservatives need to learn how to talk to moderates and liberals, and they especially need to learn how to not feel repulsive and toxic to us.

Let's clear the deck first. No one is going to waste time trying to reach religious leftist liberals. There is no way to change the true believers, including a dismal record over 50 years of any progress using the same old formulas, the same old rhetoric.

Insofar as these two incidents are concerned (too much audio of "got my cell phone, gonna vote for Obama) and a video of Obama cementing in place racial resentment, you made it clear this was your PERSONAL reaction, to make you less likely to vote "R". Whether or not your arrogation of representing the views of the middle is correct, or merely massively egotistical, is a matter open to debate.

However, the idea that facts and the way they are presented ought to matter a jot compared to the substance in them is in my view childish for one of your erudition.

If you had been dispassionate, and stated "people in the middle might find this offensive," that would be a completely different animal.

I'm going to have to make another rhyme about people in the middle. Something about toilets, golden shits, and sweat smelling farts.

garage mahal said...

McCains oppo research either fucked up or had McCain pull any comment by the campaign as unseemly in showing a Fellow Senator lying his ass off.

If it were a story it would be a story and you can bet Romney would already be pushing it. But outside the lizard brain demographic there is no 'there' there. And Sowell wouldn't feel the need to lie about it to get his point across.

Dante said...

It's great to finally see Ann admit she fucked up - there's a first time for everything and it's VERY welcome - but can the rest of you be as honest? You weren't right then, and - with the exception of bagoh - you can't claim to be right now:

I was right then and I'm right now.

chickelit said...

Liberals need to learn how to talk to moderates and conservatives, and they especially need to learn how to feel attractive and nontoxic to us.

jungatheart said...

"Liberals need to learn how to talk to moderates and conservatives, and they especially need to learn how to feel attractive and nontoxic to us."

To that, all right thinking people will agree.

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