October 17, 2012

At the Equine Dentist Café...

... take the scenic route home.


Unknown said...

I didn't realize UW had a midweek homegame.

Go Wolverines.

Ann Althouse said...

It's just the practice field.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Look at it this way... isn't better to know who Candy was pulling for?

She didnt pretend to be neutral.

I think that's admirable in a way.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm also feeling a little guilty enjoying all the jokes at her expense... a little itibiti bit.

wyo sis said...

Check the transcript Candy. I loooooove walking in the rain.

Steve Austin said...

Rumors running on twitter tonight that woman who asked assault weapons question is Obama campaign worker.

Guy who claims he is outing her also thinks up to five others in "undecided" voter audience were O campaign workers.

Not sure whether this rumor pans out but worth watching.

bagoh20 said...

Ann, your voice sounds so young and adorable. How do you keep it that way?

Meade said...

Ahem. And my voice, bags? Sounds, what? Old and detestable?

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Oh, were you talking?

Anonymous said...

It's pouring here now, kind of nice to be in bed with a cup of tea and my iPad and the cat.

edutcher said...

We'll be getting that rain tomorrow and a bit on Friday.

Today, we drove out to Sharon PA for The Blonde's annual leaf ride. Gorgeous day for it, too.

I also noticed, as Ann was talking about sousaphones, her voice is a lot like The Blonde's BFF, Becky.

That same soft, gentle quality.

PS Good band.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meade, it is what it is, as long as you two stay young at heart. Makes me think of Forever Young, Dylan's version.

bagoh20 said...

It's 8:30pm and a balmy 77 degrees here at the ocean tonight. Very nice, and I hope summer just keeps dragging on. I'll enjoy firing up the fireplace during the rainy winter nights, but no hurry, just hang with me a little longer old friend.

Patrick said...

Jake Tapper linked to Bruce Springsteen's explanation of why he is again campaigning for the President.

It is almost completely self refuting.

Right Now...

bagoh20 said...

Eductcher, Sharon PA.? I went to U of PA at Slippery Rock for three years and drove to Sharon often. Beautiful leaves this time of year.

Patrick said...

Plus, he recycled lyrics from "Long Walk Home" that he used last time round. Come up with something new, for God's sake!

MadisonMan said...

Biked home in the rain. Not a fan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And my voice, bags? Sounds, what?

like Carl Dean?

just kidding Meade.

wyo sis said...

You still have green leaves! Ours are all but gone.

bagoh20 said...

It is one of the most disappointing aspects of my middle age to learn how foolish many of the artists I've like for so long have turned out to be. Like Springsteen, they wrote songs that were inspirational, although often only because I never really analyzed the lyrics closely.

I try to ignore it so I can still enjoy it, but it is very hard when they support dishonest, freedom destroying policies and people. It just seems so counter to what I saw in them, when I wasn't looking closely. I suppose I was often just played for a consumer, and they knew what sold to us suckers.

Still, that was then and this is now, and thankfully the world is rich with new artists with many free to expose their work without the need of corporate filters.

chickelit said...

Just bought a Black & Decker combination bustduster/blower from the Althouse Amazon link.

Christopher said...

So dogs, dishes, binders, and big bird?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just bought a Black & Decker combination bustduster/blower from the Althouse Amazon link.

It doesn't go by Amazon anymore..

Its the Candy Crawly link now.

Phil 314 said...

why do so many college buildings look the same, regardless of campus?

Dante said...

Listened to a report on how campaigns are using data-mining to get out the vote. The claim is that thousands of stats on individuals are used to make two values: likelihood to vote for me, and likelihood to vote. These percentages then route dollar investments.

KCFleming said...

Equine Dentist

It is indeed amazing, although the hooves make it hard to hold a drill.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

"So, do you brush and floss every day?"


chickelit said...

@Lem LOL, I see what you did there.

wyo sis said...

Phil 3:14
I thought the exact same thing!

chickelit said...

Never look into the mouth of a gift horse.

My daughter used to ride at a stable which had only older, "past-their-prime" animals. Some of them were retired race horses; some were former horses of private owners; but all had outlived their best years. The horses all found second careers as therapy animals for disabled kids and veterans which is the primary mission of Ivey Ranch. We go to their fundraiser every year. The biggest private donor? Darrell Issa.

Peter Hoh said...

Looks like that Obama plot I uncovered snared another victim.

Chip Ahoy said...

The wind was blowing violently last night, banging things all over the place, tin cans rattling annoyingly, constant battering, except for occasional intervals, when it suddenly and momentarily stopped and the streets fell silent, (for it is Denver where this weather occurs) rattling along the open terraces and knocking all their contents about, and I'm thinking, man, this would be a bad time to have a bunch of silly glass hummingbird feeders out here.

So I put on my windbreaker, which is a light waterproof jacket sewn from modern materials that goes swishswishswhishswish with every arm movement so much that you go Jesus Christ this jacket is noisy but all that racket is subsumed by the wind and disappears once I stepped out into the ally through the first level garage. Whereupon I realized a distant noise was getting louder behind me audible through the howling wind, and I turned and realized I was being followed down the alley, which is right next to the art museum the gigantic cows are, by a street cleaner and I'm all what? A street cleaner in the alley? When it's like a tornado already out here? That's crazy! No wait, what? The wind was obviously confusing the order of civic things because none of this was making sense, but boy, that alley sure is spotless and I came to the conclusion through all of that best to have goggles for walking around in the wind.

Chip Ahoy said...

The mac laptop is experiencing a slow desultory agonizing moribundity and dragging me with it. It's such a good friend, like a dog. Honey, what are you reading?

A book on euthanasia, and I can't put it down.

It has it's good days and bad days, but sometimes it's in obvious pain, like a faithful old dog, have to decide the moment.

This always happens. I end up getting something even thinner and lighter and far more powerful and faster for a lot less money even so much as half. But I still hang on. That's right, Baby, still hang on. *pet pet pet* It's a thing.

I get over myself quickly when I read the one girl mocked for saying she dropped her macbook pro on her other macbook pro. It's kind of like that.

wyo sis said...

I don't get you, but I love you anyway. Have a great night/day.

Carnifex said...

It just stormed here. Lightning and thunder, not a fall storm, a sprong storm. I prefer the spring storms because they are so much warmer. The cold hard rain is coming soon enough. While driving this afternoon I passed under some Walnut trees, and the walnuts were falling like rain. I passed under them with no damage thank goodness.

Cats make good snuggle buddies if you haven't got a real one there. But they can be dicks...oh hell admit it, all cats are dicks. But we love them inspite of their dickish behavior. Until they pee on the floor.

Anyways, we have a tradition of hot chocolate and popcorn on cold rainy nights, but it wasn't cold so I just had popcorn. Not the same.

Anyway, on a dark and stormy night, I've got a dark and stormy story. This one is absolutely, I swear on a stack of Bibles, a true story. Nothing embellished about it, and you can prolly figger out what my real name is if you're within 3 degrees of separation.

Emil Blatz said...

What in the hell are they doing to the Memorial Union? All I can recall on that spot was bicycle racks. But not that much space, unless they demo'd some of the old structure.

Carnifex said...

When I was younger my uncle and his best friend bought a boat dock together on a lake here in Kentucky. I should more properly say marina and campground for that's what it was. My uncle, who is a snake in the grass(no secret), and his best friends wife moved there to work the bait shop, set up and then the rest of their families would join them after getting established.

That plan was rescinded when my uncle and his buddies wife had too much energy at the end of each day, and started well...you know.

My dad buys out the ex-best friend rather than loose a brother(after a well deserved ass kicking). But that left too much work for my uncle. He had to run the bait shop, but he couldn't keep up maintainence on the campground so as the youngest unemployed unarried male left in the family I was sent to do that.

Maintaining the campground wasn't hard work. It mostly involved cutting grass. 1,000 acres of grass. With shade trees, and picnic tables, and grills, and electrical outlets, and out houses, and yadda yadda yadda. So you couldn't just mow straight through. You had to dodge and veer and avoid all these obstacles, while shards of cans and bottles where thrown at the back of your head from the bush hog. Yeah...good times...good times.

And to top it all off, it was hot. No! Not hot...It was unbareably hot. Like melt your tires to the road hot. Like you get up in the morning at 5 am and that's the nicest part of the day, and you're still sweating, hot. I've been to Phoenix...that hot, only with humidity.

How often do you have to cut 1,000 acres of grass per week? You don't. You just cut grass. Seven days a week. From sun up til sun down. Every day, all day, cutting grass. (ready to buy your own campground now?!?) The only reprieve is when you run out of gas, so you drive to the gas pumps, grab some gas and a coke, take a pee, and go back to mowing.

The bathroom breaks were spectacular. The outhouses were infested with spiders, brown recluces and black widows to name a few. Snakes would often shade themselves there also. Rattlers, copperheads, racers, what ever. Did you know that you can smell copperheads? Before you see them. I found that out. But the worst part is what the people would do. How drunk do you have to be to get shit on a ceiling? I don't know the answer to that, but apparently it's a common occurrence. And the men's room was the nice one!

As an aside I have cleaned up womens restrooms all over this country as a part of doing carpentry work. You women should be ashamed of yourselves. By far, the nastiest bathrooms are the womens. I think you get some sick glee out of knowing someone else has to clean up the bloody tampons stuck to the ceiling(I have seen this) Men just generally miss, nothing malicious. Women do things that are just for fun.

Carnifex said...

So, mowing, cleaning poop, hot, snakes and spiders, sun up til sundown.

And then it rained. And rained. And rained. and when it was through raining, it rained some more. I loved it.

No mowing, cleaning, etc. Just sit in the bait shop and watch it rain. Get up in the morning and watch it rain. Pull ticks off the dock dog and flick 'em in the lake for fish to eat and watch it rain. Watch it rain while watching it rain. We even had people calling, and again this is 100% true, to ask us if it was raining at the lake. Noah got nuthin' on me!(apologies to Denzel)

We had boats that weren't under covered slips fill with rain water and sink. So we started pumping out boat for the customers. And if you thought mowing from sun up till sun down was fun, just stay up all night, moving from boat to boat, bailing the water out.

About that time the Corp of Engineers decided to use the lake for what it was designed for...flood control. Because all that water has to go somewhere right? So they closed the gate of the dam to keep the farms downstream from flooding. The lake and upstream? Not so much.

So the lake level rose, and it rose, and it rose. 32 feet the lake rose over its normal level. People were launching their boats from the road leading to the boat ramp. Our parking lot was under water. Dead animals would come floating out of the darkness, drowned farm animals. you know who got tagged with dragging them away. Lovely, just lovely.

There was one problem though.(did I say one?) The baithouse and dock floated so that was fine. And it was held in place by cables anchored to the ground underwater, so that was fine.(though we also had to monitor the cables all night long too. Too tight, and they would pull us under, too loose and we would drift away) So the dock stayed just about where it always did.

The problem was the shore was getting further and further away because of the rising water. So more dock sections were purchased, and added as needed.

Hard to believe all that was just lead up. Sorry. Had to set the scene...It was a dark and stormy night...

Carnifex said...

And I was ferrying dock sections into place. They had just arrived and we were desperate to re-establish access to the shore. So I putt putt over to the launch road grab some dock sections, drag them into place, and high tail it back to the covered slips, because it was raining, and lightnening. And it was night(see true story). Remember I mentioned the parking lot being under water? What's in a parking lot? Yes, cars, very funny. But what else? Did you guess parking light? Did you guess utility poles? Do you know what runs from utility pole to utility pole? Wires! Black wires. And remember when I mentioned that the lake was 32 feet higher than normal? Did you know utility poles and their wires are 35' high?

So a young boy was in a dark rain storm rushing to get out of the lightning. He doesn't realize that he's in the parking lot, his mind is thinking he's on a lake. His shoes are in 2-3 inches of water already, and he's soaking wet even though he has a rain suit on. And suddenly, inches from his eyes, he see's something black, like a wet tree branch. All he thinks is to not let it hit him in the eye's. So he, I, grab it.

It was the line supplying electricity to the bait house, I actually only remember a popping sound. My uncle, standing at the baithouse said fire shot 4 feet out of the front of the boat, I woke up about 10 seconds later. Both shoulders blasted out of their sockets. My uncle thought I was dead, and by all rights I should have been. Scared me a little.(mebbe' more than a little). The fun part is when my shoulders snapped back into place. You guys can back me up on that, right?

Anyway, I survived. Never been able to wear a digital watch since. What's really neat is I can lay my finger on a compass, and the north needle will follow it.

There's no moral to this story, other than you can survive a lot of shit, even being electricuted, just don't press your luck. And my uncles a snake...don't do business with him.

Not the end...of me at least.

Chip Ahoy said...

Allow me to discourage you from attempting little hamburgers by convincing you it's quite impossible, deceptive to begin with, and ultimately not worth the trouble.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Loved the video.

pm317 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

Poor Meade, Ann does not let him talk. What is with all that interrupting when he tries to say something? Sounds so much like Obama in the debate.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Eductcher, Sharon PA.? I went to U of PA at Slippery Rock for three years and drove to Sharon often. Beautiful leaves this time of year.

That's why we always go. And the leaves were better this year than the last couple of years.

Bob Ellison said...

One of the top stories on The Today Show this morning is the audio from a radio interview with Tagg Romney. Asked what it feels like to hear the POTUS call his dad a liar in debate, he laughed and said that he wanted to jump up and "take a swing at him", but that's not possible for a variety of reasons. The Today Show reassures us that the Romney camp says Tagg was merely joking. That's a relief! TaggGate may not have legs.

Bob Ellison said...

Also, there's a news stury about an arrested city councilman in Alburtis, PA. NBC did a man-on-the-street interview with a guy named Al Stubits.

As in "Hi, I'm Al Stubits from Alburtis." I wonder whether he ever gets it backward.

pm317 said...

Bob Ellison said...

Michelle Obama said she wanted to claw Bill Clinton's face/eyes when asked about how it feels in primary 2008 campaign and this was in a high profile NYT/NYorker type long interview. And she illustrated with hand gesture while her aide looked on in horror. So much for class.

Chip Ahoy said...

Thally ithn't particularly clever with acathia thornth.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It's still in the high nineties without a drop of rain here in South Texas. Thanks for the vicarious ride through--how you say--a season...?

Also, thanks for treating us to the bit of band practice. I showed my kids, who are all up-and-coming band nerds. The eleven year old plays piano, cornet and French horn, but keeps talking about the sousaphone (all 73 pounds of her).

Bob Ellison said...

Erika, my son plays the sousaphone. He loves it. 73 pounds does seem small, but I hope she takes it up. It's far and away the most visible instrument in a marching band, and a band without good bass just ain't the same.

ooonaughtykitty said...

Omg, memories of marching band practice.

wyo sis said...

That was great. Glad you survived.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Candy Crawler.

Hagar said...

It would have been quite OK for Obama to answer with, "It is not appropriate for me to give out names because ... yada, yada, yada," and then go into his song and dance, but that is not what he did.

If they are going to have moderators at these things, one thing the moderator should do is call the pols on this "Hello, man" "Axhandle!" stuff and tell them to please answer the question asked!

Known Unknown said...

Today, we drove out to Sharon PA for The Blonde's annual leaf ride. Gorgeous day for it, too

I was born in Sharon, PA. Just another notch on the Rust Belt.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
Candy Crawler

Incredible Edibles Creepy Crawlers.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, your voice sounds so young and adorable. How do you keep it that way?"

1. Don't smoke.

2. Don't repress yourself... let your thoughts flow into words...

3. Don't lapse into "creaky voice," which involves the unnatural lowering of the pitch.

4. Have an empathetic interlocutor like Meade.

virgil xenophon said...

Back in the early 60s when Slippery Rock was a stand-alone school the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate always had one entire page full of nothing but football scores in its Sunday edition. SQUARE IN THE EXACT MIDDLE outlined by a square of THICK, BOLD BLACK INK was the Slippery Rock score. LOL, there is something about that name..

ndspinelli said...

Did I see Meade stop over the white line crosswalk??

Known Unknown said...

Back in the early 60s when Slippery Rock was a stand-alone school the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate always had one entire page full of nothing but football scores in its Sunday edition. SQUARE IN THE EXACT MIDDLE outlined by a square of THICK, BOLD BLACK INK was the Slippery Rock score. LOL, there is something about that name..

Beach shops in Myrtle Beach, SC and similar destinations would sell Slippery Rock sweatshirts and such.

Also, U of Michigan reports the Slippery Rock (if SRU is playing) score every game.

Unknown said...

Nice thought I like you thought I also tell you something. Standing or tie stalls need to be wide enough for a horse to lie down in comfortably. Depending on the size of the horse they should be at least 4ft to 5ft (1.5m) wide and 8ft (2.4m) long. There is usually a manger for hay at the front of a standing stall, so the width of this should be considered. A pony will need a shorter and narrower standing stall than a larger draft breed.Horse Stables

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