October 22, 2012

At the Autumn Reflection Café...


... it's a place for everyone who doesn't want to talk about the debate.


Emil Blatz said...

Pond water!

Bob Ellison said...

I've given up on the debate at 10:19 EST.

The reflections here are pretty autumnal. The dogs are asleep, and the hens are thinking about the eggs they must lay tomorrow morning.

Portia said...

Title: I think you meant 'Autumn. ):

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

I voted at the Racine City Clerk's office this morning. I got there at around 10:30 a.m. and was surprised that there were about 50 people in line. Several workers remarked that it had been extremely busy all morning.

Since I was always voting for Obama's challenger nothing discussed tonight could have changed my mind.

great Unknown said...

magnificent deep blue. photoshop?

pm317 said...

Let us all reflect on the debate.

reformed trucker said...

Hey Ann, I know you're live bloggin' and all (the debate sucks so far; Obama figures if he talks out his ass forcefully enough it will have merit) but did you hear about the UW Whitewater student that got his face pounded in by two guys that tried to steal his Romney sign?

Early Friday morning he noticed them swipe his sign, and stepped out and said "I think you have my sign." They said, "Oh, sorry", and came and put it back. Then they jumped him, and strangled him while they pounded in his face, uttering anti-Romney and pro-Obama comments.So bad he needed to go to the hospital.The student was state Senator Kedzie's son Sean, but I'm sure the attackers didn't know that; they were just pounding on him because he supported Romney/Ryan.

I thought things were bad during Capitol Chaos, but this is unfuckingbelievable. The new "civility".

This story is just breaking; heard the interview live this afternoon. They have a link to the conversation at Belling.com. It's worth a listen; I think you'll feel a blog post coming on..

wildswan said...

After the debate I come here and dive in the water reflection and forget for awhile.

edutcher said...

Dare we assume that, among those "who doesn't want to talk about the debate", is Mrs Cruella Neutrality herself?

I do sense a weariness in you, Madame.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Why thanks professor.

ricpic said...

Ah, water. Especially backwater, wherein we can lose
The screeching din of, "Me!" "No, Me!" You've got to choose!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Cards have two innings to turn things around.

Irene said...

The colors in this photo are brilliant. I see a sweater inspiration in it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Scutaro should get the MVP award.

Clyde said...

Sometimes things are not what they seem. They are reflections, illusions, tricks of the light. You see things that aren't there, while missing the things that really are there hiding beneath the surface.

The debate didn't go how I thought it would have. I expected (and hoped for) Romney to go after the administration's lies on Benghazi, but what he did may have been the smarter choice that will appeal more to the low-information voters who remain undecided. Charles Krauthammer said something similar. Romney was the bigger man, while Obama came across as very, very small. It's not just what you say, it's how you say it.

Patrick said...

Based soley on the comment priduction, (quantity only), this debate changes nothing. By that, I mean the President has failed to stop Mittmentum in his final opportunity to do so.

Due to his lack of interest and preparation for the first debate, the President could not address the undecideds in the second. He had to fire up the base. Although the President "won" the second debate, he looked like a partisan, not a President. Mitt passed up opportunities in this and the previous debates to "score points." Those points would have scores well with the base, but that is not the group Mitt was trying to reach.

It came down to hubris. The President was a better debater than his debate partner. So confident was he that he blew off the work, and went sight-seeing.

Anonymous said...


What a victory.

To-night we DESTROYED the GOP and the Romney candidacy.

No woman who watched tonight would EVER vote for Romney.

No minority who watched tonight would EVER vote for Romney.

Every dual-citizen, international (or US citizen of the world) would EVER vote for Romney.

Tonight the GOP died. Tonight was Romney's waterloo.

He is crying, crying, and crying.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

Seven experts were jailed in Italy for failing to correctly estimate the damage of an earthquake, and communicate the danger to the public. Three hundred people died in the quake, and the experts were given multi-year sentences.

Four more years of Obama, and.....

Christopher said...

I assume that AKB is just a less entertaining version of America's Politco and a less effective version of Alex.

Either way I'm debating what type of laptop to get, any suggestions? I play some games, but not too many, and I'm not looking for video editing capabilities.

LoafingOaf said...

Romney has had two debates in which to hit Obama on Benghazi. In the first debate Romney fumbled because he was not sure he had his facts right. In the second debate he passed.

If Benghazi is a legit issue, tell me why that wasn't proven in two consecutive debates?

I found it disgusting to witness a debate where the President talked about how he felt when he saw where missiles had hit near where children slept in Israel but both of them were in total agreement about supporting the drone attacks. The drone have been hitting innocent civilians, funerals, and medical workers. What an immoral country I live in where the Democrat incumbent and the Republican challenger sat there and praised this evil done in our names.

Patrick said...

AKB is America's Politico. His blogger profile said AKB untilnhe recently changed his name. Part of his shtick.

LoafingOaf said...

I apparently live in an evil country and I couldn't give a shit who wins between Obama and Romney.

ricpic said...

He is crying, crying, and crying.

Hey Ali, one crying is good enough in non-hysteric America. This not walla walla walla land and never will be you overheated muzz.

Christopher said...


He passed on Benghazi because his entire goal was to not make waves, which is why he was so agreeable. Romney's entire goal this debate was to front run which, judging by the lack of consensus on Twitter, he seems to have achieved.

The damage to Obama as a result of Libya is already done, and harping on it could potentially backfire (at least thats what I assume was the belief).

Christopher said...

"AKB is America's Politico. His blogger profile said AKB untilnhe recently changed his name. Part of his shtick."


Well, he seems to have lost some of his charm in the transition.

rhhardin said...

I check the news from Radio Japan at the end of each day.

They're lefties on global matters but it never touches anything the US MSM obsesses on.

Anonymous said...

No, I was banned to use my name, AP. Someone contacted Politico and they banned me. My account is deleted. BUT, do not worry.

POTUS Obama is back.
Reid is back.
Pelosi is back.

Where is Romney? No where.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A downpour in San Francisco.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Giants are one out away..

Patrick said...

Oaf- I think that Romney figured there was no point in belaboring Benghazi. He is speaking to undecideds who won't go into the weeds on that. No upside.

RE: Your other point: Who would've thougjt that the darling of the left would so aggressively use the military? Not what the left sigmed up for 4 years ago. I hear you bring it up, and Robert Cook. The rest of the left pretty much rolls over becaise they care more for power. I commrnd your principle.

The group that consistently bashes this sort of thing is libertarian.

Christopher said...

Also people I'm thinking of unfollowing anyone who uses the words: boom, epic, and badass.

LoafingOaf said...

He passed on Benghazi because his entire goal was to not make waves, which is why he was so agreeable. Romney's entire goal this debate was to front run which, judging by the lack of consensus on Twitter, he seems to have achieved.

The damage to Obama as a result of Libya is already done, and harping on it could potentially backfire (at least thats what I assume was the belief).


If Romney couldn't challenge Obama on Libya face to face then it must not be a legit issue. I'm reminded of Mondale trying to hit Reagan on 200 marine being killed in Lebanon in a debate. If Romney had strong points to score he should have brought it, but he was afraid.

What is most disturbing is that both Obama and Romney agreed on drone strikes that kill medical workers, blow up funeral services, and murder civilians. I can't say I live in a moral nation. I'm afraid I might be living in an evil country. And as for domestic policies, the bipartisan establishment brought us to the brink of a Depression, so they should go fuck themselves. I' not impressed by anyone in charge of America. America is a sinking ship.

Patrick said...

They banned you AP? THAT'S BULLSHIT!!

Clyde said...

Is the sudden downpour in SF a metaphor for something? I have to think that if it wasn't the ninth inning, the umps would have put the tarp down already. I know that don't want to delay the celebration for a couple of hours, but for heaven's sake, let's not have anyone get hurt.

By the way, this blowout Game 7 brings to mind the last anticlimactic game of the 1985 World Series when the Royals beat the Cards, 11-0, behind rookie Bret Saberhagen. It was a game that got out of control early and was great for the home fans in KC the entire way. Seems like a similar vibe in SF tonight.

Patrick said...

Not afraid, Oaf, just no point. He had no need to do it.

It is raining like crazy in SF. Crazy.

Patrick said...

One strike away

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bizzare game in a pond being played in SF.

Christopher said...

Don't let it get you down AP. This site just isn't the same without you confusing the hell out of commenters.

LoafingOaf said...

The bipartisan establishment is destroying America at home and doing evil overseas. Why would anyone vote for either of these two? My city is impoverished and fucked up beyond belief (I live in Cleveland) and the rest of the country is following. What a joke. Two fucking assholes, Romney and Obama. America is a sinking ship, sorry!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Game over.

The Giants win the pennant!

The Giants win the pennant!

Synova said...

Loafing Oaf... Cleveland effed up Cleveland, California effed up California, Chicago effed up Chicago...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Ali Karim Bey seems like an anagram, only I'm not smart enough to figure out what it means.

Like Lisa Simpson when the extra-smart girl moves to town and Lisa plays at her house and they play anagrams with the dad, and the dad says to the extra-smart girl, "Alec Guinness" and she says "Hmmm.....genuine class!" and then he's all, "Lisa, your turn, Jeremy Irons," and Lisa timidly says, "Jeremy's.....Iron?"

I'm great at analogies; terrible at anagrams.

Clyde said...

@ Loafing Oaf

And you have the Indians and the Browns. Life sucks, then you die.

LoafingOaf said...

We heard all this stuff about Benghazi, but when Romney was face to face with Obama he had nothing to say.

Christopher said...

"Lisa, your turn, Jeremy Irons," and Lisa timidly says, "Jeremy's.....Iron?"

Mm hmm, well that's...very good...for a first try. You know what? I have a ball. Perhaps you'd like to bounce it?

LoafingOaf said...

The Cleveland Browns have a new owner now and he is Dawg Pound Approved.

Bob Ellison said...

Christopher: Macbook Air.

Patrick said...

Oaf: Consider that the shlibs that run the country got i ti the game because the Government provides money and power. Do you think that will change by increasing the power and scope of the government? People are bastards and will take what they can as long as the government has it. Give the government more, you get more people manipulating and seeking special favors. Why else would they spend so much on campaign contributions?

LoafingOaf said...

Synova, the whole country is effed up, and the bipartisan establishment is to blame. And now they're trotting out a choice between two losers again.

LoafingOaf said...

Oh, Romney wore a bigger American flag on his lapel, I guess that was the big difference!

Michael K said...

"f Benghazi is a legit issue, tell me why that wasn't proven in two consecutive debates? "

Obama is too slippery on Libya. He lies and it takes hours to prove he did so. The "terrorism" comment in the Rose Garden speech were an afterthought; unless you are an Obama partisan in which case they are definitive.

Romney has an election to win. He can't be bothered debating Obama's snarks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Marko Scutaro wins MVP.

I called it.

Tim said...

Lem said...

"Game over.

The Giants win the pennant!

The Giants win the pennant!"

Indeed it is; indeed they did!

Amazing team.

So resilient.

Never gave up, never quit. Suffered setback after setback, only to step up and win. Very impressive.

It's a credit to the players, of course, but Bochy and his coaches too. Great job.

Now, to face down the Tigers.

I expect more Torture!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Scutaro hit 500.

Amazing... when he was with us... just a few short moths ago... he couldn't buy a hit.

Tim said...

"And now they're trotting out a choice between two losers again."

Maybe so, but empirically, we only really know one, the incumbent, is a loser.

The challenger may surprise.

KCFleming said...

Candidate Obama tried very hard against President Romney, but failed to rattle the CIC.

Known Unknown said...

Amazing... when he was with us... just a few short moths ago... he couldn't buy a hit.

Scutaro is a very good player who thrives on consistent playing time.

He was also hurt earlier in the season.

As an aside, the Cards' patchwork lineup finally let them down. (Kozma/Descalso/M.Carpenter)

Smilin' Jack said...

...a place for everyone who doesn't want to talk about the debate.

Obamney v. Robama. Yeah, who cares?

Julie C said...

My son and I were driving back from a doctor's appointment (in his car). He insisted on listening to the debate and at one point, as I listened to Obama speak, I had an almost uncontrollable urge to jump out of the moving car. I ended up sticking my fingers in my ears, as though I was twelve years old.

I can't stand listening to him speak anymore. Not that I loved it before, but now it just makes my skin crawl.

So we watched the Giants game when we got home!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


You think with those salaries a baseball player could afford a pair of shoes.

KCFleming said...

Reflections of My Life by The Maramlade, 1969.

john said...

- small college town (check)
- 2AM Saturday morning (check)
- Wisconsin bars closing time(double check)
- red headed male (triple check)
- odds of drunken altercation at this time: +-100%
- Romney sign used in fight (possible check).
- good opportunity to go with thug/sign story (check).

Remember where you heard it first.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My son and I were driving back from a doctor's appointment (in his car). He insisted on listening to the debate and at one point, as I listened to Obama speak, I had an almost uncontrollable urge to jump out of the moving car. I ended up sticking my fingers in my ears, as though I was twelve years old.

Such is the maturity level of the haters.

About as much could be expected.

Synova said...

"Synova, the whole country is effed up, and the bipartisan establishment is to blame. And now they're trotting out a choice between two losers again."

Oh, everyone has it hard. But not everywhere is Cleveland. Not every state is California.

You can say that the bipartisan establishment is to blame for some level of overall suckitude, but the extra special suckitude does seem to concentrate itself in areas that are long term and not the least bipartisan. Or even if it was a joint effort it's a LOCAL joint effort.

It's sort of funny (or not) but in one of my English classes our assignment was to research and write up a proposal of how to spend more of other people's money either on campus or at the city level (and our next assignment is the same only expanded to the State level) and because the rubric and learning outcomes specifically asked for an ethical evaluation I gave it. I said that the fundamental assumptions of the assignment itself were unethical.

And if your city has been operating under that same unethical assumption that it is a good and useful thing to learn how to finagle ever more money out of government, it's not the fault of Washington.

Synova said...

"Such is the maturity level of the haters."

Like no one ever complained about Palin's voice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The egg sandwich recipes are nice, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like no one ever complained about Palin's voice.

No country ever voted the welfare state governor into national office.

Respect your country.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

mccullough said...

The Cardinals must really miss Albert Pujols now. The Giants and Tigers should be a great World Series

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Why do red states take so much more from the federal gov't than they give? Shouldn't "decreasing the size of gov't" start with decreasing the benefits that those particular states receive?

They're the ones supplying the votes against benefits.

We should let the red state elites deal with them -- especially once they're up in arms throwing them out of state capitols.

Good times. At the Althouse swamp photo cafe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And good night.

Think about that answer Synova and make sure to get back to me in the next round on it.

Da Perfesser has stated that this is a thread for NON-politics.

We should stick to that.

Synova said...

"Why do red states take so much more from the federal gov't than they give? Shouldn't "decreasing the size of gov't" start with decreasing the benefits that those particular states receive?"

Which red states are those and how much of their resources are controlled, and denied them, by DC?

Tim said...

"Amazing... when he was with us... just a few short moths ago... he couldn't buy a hit."

Rockies fan, Lem?

Anyway, Scutaro fits in with these Giants.

I can't tell you why - he just does.

He appears to have a calming influence on Sandoval too, which is good.

Love this team. They play has a team, and just do not quit. No moment is too big for them.

The Tigers seem ominous, but so too did the Reds and then the Cards.

So, we'll see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here you go, Syn-Syn.

Texas seems to be the one red-state exception.




Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Blue states are federally subsidizing red states!

This should end!

Finally something conservatives and rationalists should be able to agree on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I want the money that the red state people have taken from me. It's rightfully mine!

Tim said...

"Which red states are those and how much of their resources are controlled, and denied them, by DC?"

It's a bullshit question, so don't bother answering it.

The underlying premise of the question is dishonest, especially in light of the federal government's progressive income tax rates scheme. No point in responding.

Synova said...

Cute Ritmo...

It's not possible to "hate" Palin's voice because she wasn't elected last time around?

You get to accuse people of being haters, directed at Obama, implying racists, and then just deflect when given a simple counter example?

You're a jerk and dishonest and just a hater yourself and you don't care that you are. You don't care who you slander or accuse.

Periodically I do try to be civil to you, to engage your ideas. You never return the favor.

Forget my other reply to you. I ought to just delete it anyway.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My decision to define and not clarify, for more than just the short term, has been influenced by William F. Buckley Jr.

I am ashamed my spoutings have not been influenced by him or others to such an extent that they would be able to help advance conservatism in America. With failure comes understanding if not only bitterness.

LoafingOaf said...

"The Cardinals must really miss Albert Pujols now. The Giants and Tigers should be a great World Series"

What is great about that World Series? The Tigers were an average team all season and got into the playoffs because they were in a really weak division and because the White Sox choked in the last two weeks. In the olden days, when this was a proper nation, average teams like the Tigers would never sniff the playoffs. Now they can win the World Series by being hot for a few weeks.

Baseball is a sport where teams are revealed over a long season with the law of average kicking in. The Tigers were mediocre all year long. The Tigers have a crap infield defense, a weak bullpen, and a suspect starting rotation outside Verlander.

The Giants were a team that rode steroid abuser Melky Cabrera for much of the season and still are playing steroid abuser Guillermo Mota out of the bullpen. Not good for a team that backed Barry Bonds.

There's no reason to tune in to the World Series. The best teams aren't playing. It's just a bullshit event, not the best teams of the AL and NL facing each other.

Palladian said...

Aside from being a character in the Bond film "From Russia With Love", the internet character "Ali Karim Bey" has been around for a hell of a long time. Do a Google search and you will find familiar-sounding comments and attributions from as far back as 2003 on Jeff Jarvis's site and even Instapundit.

Tim said...

"It's just a bullshit event, not the best teams of the AL and NL facing each other."

So who are those best teams of the AL and NL, that didn't lose in the playoffs?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They're also historically worse at managing their own state's budgets.

I wanna my-a-money back! Waaaahhh!

LoafingOaf said...

Everything in America is bullshit nowadays, from our sports to Wall Street to our politics. No wonder it's a sinking ship.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Please cite one hateful thing I've ever posted about Governor Palin.

I just reminded you that Alaska (like most red states) takes more from the federal government than it gives.

No need to delete anything.

Tim said...

LoafingOaf said...

"Everything in America is bullshit nowadays, from our sports to Wall Street to our politics. No wonder it's a sinking ship."

Your answer certainly is...the rest, well, that depends.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

WHere have I dishonestly or uncivilly engaged any challenge that the very civil Synova has brought forth?

I always commend you on your civility and thoughtfulness.

I don't think Palin is as civil or thoughtful, but I don't hate her for that.

I don't see why you are projecting your concern for her onto yourself. I clearly show no hatred for either and always comment on how much better behaved you are than a lot of commenters here.

You might just be upset about Romney's performance tonight. I don't know.

I argue honestly by being respectful. Sometimes I take rhetorical liberties, it's fun. But I never go out of my way to insult someone who tries to be nice - as you do.

Don't lump me in with whomever you're mad at tonight... That's not fair.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow, the wallet for the Cardinals is bee-you-tea-full. The one in red is. The Giants, not so much. There seems to be some confusion in Giant wallet land There's two, San Francisco and New York. They're both ugly. Don't buy one

I cannot actually put my attractive Dallas cowboy wallet with a star emblazoned on it in my back pocket. That's a ridiculous idea, actually. I'm so skinny if I sat on it I'd tip over, so I would need two if I did that, one for each glute. Which apparently is any of three large skeletal muscles comprising the human bum, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medeius, and gluteus minimus, which suggest to us where the word glutes comes from. But then having two wallets would elevate me too high to fit in the truck.

LoafingOaf said...

"So who are those best teams of the AL and NL, that didn't lose in the playoffs?"

In baseball, any team can lose to any other team in one short series. You put the Houston Astros in the playoffs and they might win the World Series. That's the nature of the game of baseball and why it takes 162 games to reveal the truth about teams.

The best teams in baseball are the teams with the best records over 162 games, period. In the olden days it was the best team in the AL vs the best team in the NL.

The Detroit Tigers were the 7th best team in the AL and the Giants were tied as the 3rd best team in the NL (if we consider the Giants legit despite their roiding). Neither team would have had a shot at the World Series when baseball and America were conducted properly.

Chip Ahoy said...

Detroit tigers wallet is a gothic D and not a tiger. It's ugly. Don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

You are a mean one Mr. Grinch.......

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The underlying premise of the question is dishonest, especially in light of the federal government's progressive income tax rates scheme.

Progressive taxation that is preponderantly levied on the progressively richer patrons of the richer, blue states.

U mad 'bout that?

No point in responding.

No point in conceding the argument when you implied as much with a loud rally to silence.

LoafingOaf said...

"Your answer certainly is...the rest, well, that depends."

Oh, well, I don't even hear anything in the debates about the real problems in America. For example, this country calls itself the land of the free and has 25% of the world's prisoners. DISGUSTING...but not a topic for debate in our pathetic country's presidential politics.

America's going down the tubes and you wanna pretend otherwise. Whatever. Romney wore a bigger American flag on his lapel than Obama -- only difference.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Red State! Gimme my money!

I'm a coming to collect!

furious_a said...

The pond reminds me of bayonets and horses.

wyo sis said...

When Synova has had it with you...You're toast.

rcommal said...

As God is my witness, there is no way I will pay what that moving bid came in as. No. WAY.

I, an elder adult, am the child of my younger self when it counts, and I know how to find all sorts of options, including both the ones where I just haul ass and do it myself--

and also the ones where I store stuff away and just cope with delayed gratification

...for however long that takes.


And after that's all done, they'll wish they'd come up with a better bid, given what was itemized.

Silly asses.

Unknown said...

"She made me like Jimmy Carter in five minutes with an anecdote."

Prayers needed tonight for Morrison.

Chip Ahoy said...

I am totally grooving on things in cream.

I like to start something with butter in a pan and heat spices in it like mustard powder and white pepper and chile flakes. Then a splash of wine. That's the start. Then some kind of liquid and now my favoritestest is cream. All of that goes together great.

Tonight was homemade fettuccine because I had a craving for big fat fresh noodles in hot cream with mustard flavor and nutmeg. Shut up, it's delicious beyond human comprehension. So comprehend this BANG!

But first I start out dinner rolls for tomorrow because we cook types like our breads to go slowly, then we go WAKE UP! Party time woohoo BAKE.

Chip Ahoy said...

Man, my linkage didn't go. I mustard a did it wrong.

Anonymous said...

For example, this country calls itself the land of the free and has 25% of the world's prisoners. DISGUSTING...but not a topic for debate in our pathetic country's presidential politics.

Sorry we failed to be worthy of you. Hope your next country works out better.

Toad Trend said...

For this debate, I chose to watch the ball game.

I just read a series of debate reviews.

Predictably, after reading direct quotes from each candidates' responses/retorts, the agitator-in-chief did not disappoint.

Since when did it become fitting for a president to bluster and snark his way through a debate?

No class and no clue.

Maybe that's what the O'Biden ticket should be called.

Toad Trend said...

"There's no reason to tune in to the World Series. The best teams aren't playing."

I hear this exact thing from Yankee fans all the time.

Here's your mental crying towel - deal with it.

edutcher said...

LoafingOaf said...

I apparently live in an evil country and I couldn't give a shit who wins between Obama and Romney.

If that were true, he wouldn't be here bellyaching about it.

PS It seems "bayonets and horses" will be the "binders full of women" for this week.

The Romster, as I think it's being made incumbent on everyone, simply leaned back, made his point about being mature enough to be C-in-C, and just let Barry be his usual, petulant self.

One thing that impressed me about him in the debates during the primaries, though I supported other people, was that, after having watched him long enough, you knew who the smartest person in the room was.

He showed that again this month.

AllenS said...

“We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them,” Obama cheekily informed Romney. ”We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.”

I was in the Army, but a ship that goes underwater, is a ship that is sinking. Submarines are boats, you dumb fuck.

Anonymous said...

The idea that the size of your military doesn't matter provided your weapons are modern enough actually has quite a respectable pedigree. A very smart guy by the name of Donald Rumsfeld was big on it a few years ago. Wonder if he still is?

Joe Schmoe said...

Why so glum LoafingOaf?

Rusty said...

What is most disturbing is that both Obama and Romney agreed on drone strikes that kill medical workers, blow up funeral services, and murder civilians.

Shhhh. Don't tell anybody but The Taliban and AlQeda, etc. ARE civilians.
Keep it to yourself.

Freeman Hunt said...

Judging by the higher than average number of long, solemn and sanctimonious posts endorsing Obama on Facebook, I think Romney just might be winning.

KCFleming said...

I think the DNC better change its strategy from GOTV to "Get out the Franken votes".

I calculate they'll need about 200 Franken units per voting center in the swing states (1 trunkful of ballots = 1 FU).

KCFleming said...

Better make it 300 FUs.

KCFleming said...

If only the Obama overseas credit card donors could vote in their fake zip codes.


Michael Haz said...

Judging by the higher than average number of long, solemn and sanctimonious posts endorsing Obama on Facebook, I think Romney just might be winning

Same here. I couldn't help but laugh at the angst that appeared in some FB postings last night.

And the guy who exclaimed "Neither of these guys know a damn thing about foreign policy!" cracked me up. Or maybe I'm just fortunate to have a relative possessed of deep understanding of foreign affairs.

MadisonMan said...

Reflections on the way life used to be.

MadisonMan said...

Oops. Of, not on.


Aridog said...

Obama's fewer bayonets and horses line was cute, but not entirely true. The US Army bayonets were dropped under his administration in 2010. The USMC still trains for conventional rifle-bayonet fighting, for itself and for its value motivationally.

The US Army now teaches knife fighting techniques in hand to hand combat courses, and had to back off the *no bayonets* stance promulgated in 2010 to allow for bayonets or other knife weapons as a side arm for hand to hand, plus the undeniable handiness of an edged weapon when operating or surviving in the boonies. Reason: soldiers were bringing their own knifes to combat zones, whether trained or not. Army decided training was a better solution.

When ever **Pentagon Rangers** take a break from eating cake, the concepts and ROE's they devise are seldom useful to the health and welfare of US troops.

Fact is soldiers have been bringing personal combat knives to war since at least Vietnam. The Randall No. 1 fighting knife, or variations on it, saw extensive service. Didn't occur to the Pentagon Rangers to just ask ordinary combat vets that "knife" question.

As for horses, I'll leave it at the photo linked. Not regular use, but Special Forces does use them....so, yes, it is "fewer."

I believe the President meant the line as a snarky "gotcha" citing items he thinks are obsolete and no longer used. Wrong. And AllenS's remark about submarines not being "ships" but "boats" is right on the money. Obama, the man, knows little or nothing about his own military.

As for Obama's war fighter *rep* vis a vis drones...I've spoken before about how killing by indirect involvement is actually easier on a conscience. I don't buy his pacifist concerns for his troops when under his watch our losses in Afghanistan have doubled, in less than 2 years.

ricpic said...

Well, I for one am glad the prez let Romney and me know we have aircraft carriers.

campy said...

I think the DNC better change its strategy from GOTV to "Get out the Franken votes".

I calculate they'll need about 200 Franken units per voting center in the swing states (1 trunkful of ballots = 1 FU).

Don't worry, that's always been the strategy.

PfMoen said...


Feds own most of the west, almost none of the east.

PfMoen said...

The feds own most of the west and almost none of the east.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Patiently awaiting your upcoming "civility bullshit" post, Professor.

rcommal said...

Paul Zrimsek, at 6:46 a.m. yesterday:

The idea that the size of your military doesn't matter provided your weapons are modern enough actually has quite a respectable pedigree. A very smart guy by the name of Donald Rumsfeld was big on it a few years ago. Wonder if he still is?

Excellent question. I wonder that, too.

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