September 7, 2012

"The U.S. economy added 96,000 jobs in August, down from 141,000 in July, the Labor Department said today."

A breaking news email from CNN:
The report is well below forecast and another sign of a fragile economic recovery. Economists polled by CNNMoney were expecting 120,000 jobs to be added.

Economists say at least 150,000 jobs must be created each month simply to keep pace with the growing population.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.1% from 8.3%.
How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population? free polls 


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Matt Sablan said...

Unemployment is one of the weirdest things to see reported. The numbers get all twisted and bendy and make no sense. Discouraged/given up workers should be counted, but how do you do that fairly? How do you know someone gave up finding work because it is too hard compared to someone who gave up for different reasons?

Math is hard.

Curious George said...

For once the old NYT bit "Women and Minorities Hardest Hit" actually rings true. But hey, double down on stupid and pull the lever for Obama once again.

Brian Brown said...

How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population?

386,000 people give up looking for work.

That's how.

Brian Brown said...

Unemployment rate for teenagers is at 24.6%

Patrick said...

I was stunned to see the Star Tribune report announcing that the unemployment rate fell, but calling the number of jobs added "weak" and that it may slow momentum the Pres. hoped to gain from his Convention. Usually the paper is a blatant cheerleader.

Browndog said...

last month:

163,000 jobs created

150,000 removed from work force

Unemployment rate rises to 8.3%

This month

96,000 jobs created

385,000 removed from work force

Unemployment rate plummets to 8.1%

Steve Austin said...

We really look at the unemployment statistics the wrong way.

We should look at the total US population between the ages of 18 and 65. And then survey how many of them currently have a full time job or part time job.

That will tell you how bad the economy is and also account for those that have either dropped out or are now on the government dole.

They'll figure out a way to have the unemployment rate drop to "7.9%" on the report due Friday, November 2nd.

Tank said...

You can't look at this rationally. The first rule of gov't produced numbers is: we don't talk about gov't produced numbers.

Okay, I'll break the rule. They're all lies [and not just since Zero]. I predicted long ago that the umemployment numbers would magically go down by the election.

I'm standing by that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real unemployment rate is much higher that 8.1%.

Brian Brown said...

Browndog, the August numbers were revised down to 141,000

If labor force rate had just stayed same as last month, the unemployment rate would be 8.4%

Matt Sablan said...

Wait, nearly 400,000 people gave up this month?

... That's terrible.

Wince said...

If the stock market continues to go higher, Romney has to make two points:

1.) it's in anticipation of more Fed easing because of the anemic recovery, and

2.) Wall Street wins and Main St loses, again, under Obama.

Temujin said...

It's brilliant nuanced economic planning. If you get more people to leave the workforce, the unemployment rate will continue to move lower. The goal is to get everyone out of the workforce and declare a 0% unemployment rate.

Then you throw up your hands and walk away- ala Costanza- leaving on high note. "I'm outta here".

Joe Schmoe said...

AllenS, in the DNC liveblog you linked to a guy who does a standup routine as Obama. My favorite line from that bit applies in this thread: "I'm running for reelection because it would be stupid to give up a job in this economy!"

BarryD said...

All of the above are good and true observations.

There is a "labor force participation rate" stat that is meaningful. Even that is "seasonally adjusted" so there is a dose of bullshit. I mean, how do you "seasonally adjust" the number of people working divided by the population over age 16? Still, here it is:

Sliding downward from 63.8% in June, to 63.7% in July, and 63.5% in August.

That sounds more like what's really going on.

Also, if people "give up looking for work" that doesn't necessarily mean "forever". It means that, for the moment, they believe that the odds of finding work are so low that it doesn't justify the costs of looking (and/or they are better off, all around, just living off government assistance). The more people who have just "given up" for the time being, the worse things are. And yet, the official unemployment rate turns this into a positive thing? Sounds WAY off.

Matt Sablan said...

Want to know something funny? I learned all about labor force participation rates, "hidden" unemployment, etc. during my college years when Bush was president to try and make 5-6% unemployment sound scary. Now, during the news, I rarely hear detailed talks about these things to the same scope and level as I did while I was in college. Do they just assume that everyone knows these things now?

BigFire said...

There are lies, damn lies, and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

AllenS said...

I'd like to see a numbers report on how many people monthly are applying for and receiving Social Security Disability acceptance.

BarryD said...

There's BS, and then there's BLS.

AllenS, here you go. A lot of people have become disabled lately -- the acceleration of an existing trend.

rehajm said...

Reporting was pretty honest this morning but you know by tomorrow the msn will just be reporting the .2% reduction in the unemployment rate, and touting it as an example of 'progress'. And you can count on the unemployment rate dropping below 8% next month. Optics dont you know.

Known Unknown said...

This is why we should just measure THE EMPLOYMENT RATE.

Known Unknown said...

Then, whether you are actively looking for a job or not wouldn't matter.

BarryD said...

Looks like there are something like 80,000 new disabled people, per month.

240,000 now applying to get disabled status, per month.

Applications have gone way up since 2008, approvals only up somewhat.

ricpic said...

I wonder how Montana Urban Schmendrik, freder, shiloh and garbage will spin the disaster their god has wrought?

BarryD said...

Still, at this rate, we're looking at about 1 million new SSDI recipients per year.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Math is hard.
Lets raise taxes!

Bob Ellison said...

Math really is hard. Maybe it's good for the government to lie to us, though. If we all feel good about the economy, maybe that will help the economy. Right? And if we feel bad about it, that hurts the economy. So Browndog above, and Jay, and Matthew Sablan, are bad people! Because they said bad things about the economy and employment, even though true!

What was that old line? Fake, but accurate?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If the stock market continues to go higher, Romney has to make two points

Also....interest rates on (so called) 'risk free' investments is so low that money managers and individual investors have no place else to go to try to get ANY return on investment than the stock market.

As money managers you have to try to get a return with balancing risk.. Since bonds in muni's are now a high risk investment and even US Treasuries are a higher risk investment.....dividend paying stocks and reits are pretty much all that is left for income.

Thank GOD I'm not in the biz anymore.

As to unemployment. In addition to the numbers of people who are just NOT looking for work and are on SSI or welfare....the numbers of people working under the table and for cash at menial jobs or in day labor jobs are impossible to calculate. People are making do and trying to stay under the radar. Real unemployment in my little section of the world is probably well over 20%.

TMink said...

Lowest workforce participation in 30 years.

To be fair, that is a change.


BarryD said...

Also, there is another factor that I have seen and felt. It's VERY hard to measure, and perhaps impossible to measure accurately.

A huge quality-of-life impact for those who do have jobs, is the notion that one had best stay where he/she is. That means that there is a growing number of people who are happy to have a job, but not happy to go there each day.

Maybe the boss is a jerk. Maybe it's just time to move on. Maybe that well-deserved promotion has not come because of the economy, and the worker really is meant to have a higher-level position that isn't there. Maybe someone has wanted a career change for a long time, but since 2008 has been taking a "wait and see" approach, so she can still pay the mortgage. Maybe he's wanted to move to a different city for 5 years now, but figures it's best to stay where he at least has a job.

Whatever it is, this stuff can make people who DO have jobs feel trapped. Over time, I think this can have a real impact.

There's something about the odds of finding work that impacts even those who already have jobs, sometimes profoundly.

It's some part of a "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness index" that probably can't be measured, but is quite real.

MadisonMan said...

We should look at the total US population between the ages of 18 and 65. And then survey how many of them currently have a full time job or part time job.

Yes we should. Politicians would not agree to this however as they would have a harder time massaging the numbers.

AllenS said...

Barry, thanks for the info. I personally know quite a few who are doing this, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, except that they can't find a job, or a job that pays much. They are 30, 40, 50 years old. SS will go broke even faster than planned if this keeps up, and I suspect that it will.

BarryD said...

"a harder time massaging the numbers"

And by "massage" you mean, the kind you get at an "Oriental Health Spa", right?

JHapp said...

the phrase "given up looking for work" fits right in there with "pro choice", "women's rights", "net neutrality", "collective bargaining", ...

Known Unknown said...

And by "massage" you mean, the kind you get at an "Oriental Health Spa", right?

Does Obamacare ensure a Happy Ending?

Unknown said...

Another point about these stats that most folks don't understand is that the numbers in the monthly jobs report actually come from two completely different surveys. The "jobs added" number comes from what is called the payroll survey. It's a survey of businesses. Because it's a survey rather than a complete count, there is a significant error factor that is never reported. The unemployment rate info comes from a survey of households. The household survey has an implicit "jobs added" number that can be easily calculated, and sometimes it's way, way different that what the payroll number says. Over time, the two tend to converge, but on a month-to-month basis they can be dramatically different.

Shouting Thomas said...

Here's the NYT's take on it. Obama is a passive victim of circumstances.

Damned economy! Refuses to cooperate!

The Crack Emcee said...

How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population?

The same way you get religious violence when everyone's brothers and sisters under God:


Balfegor said...

Re: EMD:

This is why we should just measure THE EMPLOYMENT RATE.

But there's a hidden issue there with spouses who do not work, students, etc. They're performing a species of uncompensated work -- they're not like NEETs on the dole. I like having the variety of statistics we have, even if it does allow politicians/journalists to lie. Monitoring the working-age NEET rate (do we already do this?) would be a helpful addition to the existing statistics, though.

garage mahal said...

Obama should have pulled a sCOTT Walker and released a Kremlin style jobs report.

The official report will be available after the election!

traditionalguy said...

Rigging the outcome to cover up for the Obama Depression is the only job that the labor department takes seriously as the end nears.

UNEXPECTEDLY, trillions per year borrowed to create nearly nothing for job seekers will bear its intended fruit, which is to crash the US Dollar thus starting a crisis that only a New World Agency can pretend to regulate using Cap and Trade trillions sucked out of the USA to build their New World governance infrastructure and Army.

Why else are the USA's Federal Agencies all arming and laying in enough ammo to wage civil war on any opposition for several years to come?

That was a common sense observation.

BarryD said...

A lot of us don't think Obama is just a "passive victim of circumstances", and that his policies have had a negative impact on the economy.

That said, when a guy runs on "hope and change", even if he were just a passive victim of circumstances, his passivity as PRESIDENT would be sufficient reason to boot him out of office in November.

See Carter, Jimmy.

Bender said...

Clearly what we need to do is drastically increase taxes on employers. If they are not going to hire, then make them pay their fair share.

Make employers pay more to the government, then that way, with less money, it will be easier for them to hire people.

Oh, wait . . . huh?

Robert Cook said...

Shouldn't there be an option in the poll for "All of the above?"

Nonapod said...

Sometimes I think they should just use the civilian labor force participation rate. At least that's easy to understand.

Darrell said...

Obama should have pulled a sCOTT Walker and released a Kremlin style jobs report.

Only you would think he didn't.

Hagar said...

That is kind of what they have been doing the last several years. We get the quarterly reports on page 1 and then 2-3 weeks later a short article in the bottom left corner of page E-18, that on re-running the numbers, it was found that the GDP was not quite that good after all, and the unemployment was a little worse.

Patrick said...

In addition, jobs for June and July were revised downward by total of 45,000.

If only the stimulus had been EVEN BIGGER.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've known a lot of very successful businessment, CEOs and lawyers. Millionaire doesn't even begin to describe their wealth. (I'm just a lackey. Don't ask for a donation!)

Wealthy people are still people. People with feelings. Oddly, I think the majority I've known have been liberal Democrats.

Obama is coming to them and begging them for hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funding. In his public utterances, Obama is ratting them out and calling them blood suckers.

Business wants Obama gone. There are a lot of pragmatic, sensible reasons, but Obama has also poisoned the well.

Sloanasaurus said...

This is abysmal for Obama. If Obama gets reelected we will have 4 more years of this pathetic European style growth... and possibly 40 more years.

If you have a kid in high school or college - he is in trouble if Obama is reeleted.

CatherineM said...

My nephew has been out of work for 3 years. I am sure he doesn't still get unemployment benefits, so I am guessing he's not counted, right?

BarryD said...

Nope, CatherineM, he doesn't exist, for the purposes of the official Unemployment Rate.

That's what I was saying: the worse things are, the more people give up looking. If the odds of finding a job are low enough, the costs of looking for one are not worth it.

So, past a certain inflection point, the worse things really are, the better the number looks.

Rick said...

Your poll shows that most engaged voters understand the worthless of the unemployment figure. It is just like calculating "core inflation" by excluding energy and food. But, as we know, a huge percentage of voters are not engaged or even minimally informed.

AF said...

"How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population?"

There is only one answer to this question and it is "C." The unemployment rate is employment/people seeking work. There is no anomaly in having both a falling unemployment rate and a falling employment/population ratio; it simply means that the percentage of people looking for work is falling.

The other answers are just wrong (except "Math is hard," in the sense that math does appear to be hard for anyone who doesn't understand this). It's embarrassing for a law professor not to know these things or to pretend not to.

David said...

These are hard things to measure with precision. Plus there are all kinds of arcane seasonal adjustments which only the statistical geeks understand. It's not a numerical count but a statistical estimate, which at best can show trends. The trend is not good.

And so much for the feckless stories out yesterday that the numbers were going to be "much better" than expected and that Obama (who knows the numbers before we do) would have trouble containing the fact.

BarryD said...

AF, you need to learn something about rhetoric. Did you fall off the turnip truck yesterday or something, pointlessly insulting someone who is obviously a lot more intelligent than you are?

bagoh20 said...

A valuable number to track would be % of people who are NET tax payers. Use an average cost per person for government. The fact that someone has a job, but still pays less than they take out is still a weakness in the system not a strength. The important thing is how many people are pulling the wagon compared to sitting in it.

Big Mike said...

Someplace I read that more people applied for Social Security disability last month than found new jobs. I can't find the reference, but think it was on InstaPundit. Can anybody help?

Meantime, I think those OSHA folks need to get busy. That's a lot of people getting disabled all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

If there is a silver lining to the grim economic statistics, it is that the idiots who put Obama in, students and minorities, are really catching it in the neck. Strangely, they don't see it.

Carnifex said...

just have time for a quick comment...don't know if anyone made the point, but a lot of these jobs that were "created" this past month were teachers/janitors/principals etc, all start back at school. It is a damn it brain fart... anyway it was to be expected/predicted/but the overall effect is it deflates the number of jobless.

AF said...

"AF, you need to learn something about rhetoric."

BarryD, I appreciate your feedback. Please teach me something about rhetoric. Where did I go wrong?

edutcher said...

What Jay and TMink said.

Gallup is saying adjusted unemployment went up .1%.

At this point in 1980, Reagan accused Bucketmouth of "jimmying" the figures.

Barry's been Zeroing them for 2 years.

BarryD said...

By bringing a mental knife to a gunfight.

Bender said...

Someplace I read that more people applied for Social Security disability last month than found new jobs. . . . Meantime, I think those OSHA folks need to get busy.

It is hard to blame people who are in need of the money to live.

But increases in the number of people on government assistance is not that big a problem to the Obama folks. Instead, it is a plus -- they want people to be dependent upon government. Government is the only thing we all belong to.

Big Mike said...

@BarryD, I wasn't blaming them. I just missed being laid off myself not long ago. I blame the people who came into Washington asserting that they and they alone knew how to get the US back to prosperity.

Turns out that demonizing small business owners and a policy of continuous social science experiments foisted on the population at large doesn't work.


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bob Ellison,

Math really is hard. Maybe it's good for the government to lie to us, though. If we all feel good about the economy, maybe that will help the economy. Right? And if we feel bad about it, that hurts the economy.

But why else do we attempt to measure "consumer confidence"?

There's a Chesterton essay from some time in '30 or '31 about this "if we all just think that the economy is getting better, it will get better" mentality. He said that it was an American idea, and essentially identical to Christian Science. I think he was right.

Scott said...

a. glib
b. glib
c. one possible explanation
d. glib

test said...

AF said...
The other answers are just wrong (except "Math is hard," in the sense that math does appear to be hard for anyone who doesn't understand this). It's embarrassing for a law professor not to know these things or to pretend not to.

The professor gets it. And her question is: Why doesn't the political media get it?

Is it embarassing for them? Or for you as a lefty criticizing others about their cognitive ability?

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

I wonder how Montana Urban Schmendrik, freder, shiloh and garbage will spin the disaster their god has wrought?

Yes, the little animal is nowhere to be found since his wet dream finished the job Inspector Callahan started.

Anonymous said...

Lower unemployment but more people on disability and food stamps.

It's magic.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The story is told in Instapundit's perennial graph. Note the legend in green in the upper right-hand corner. If you go by the labor participation rate under Bush, the unemployment rate is 11%.

Methadras said...

In contrast to the lies told at the DNC convention, this news should be no surprise at the blatant lies they tell themselves much less to the rest of the country. Urkel is toast.

Cedarford said...

Right now, America is in decline precisely because we are lied to by both sides about critical economic matters.

1. Duplicitous stats about jobless rates falling as neglible jobs clearly do not match or exceed population growth plus Obama's amnesty for 1.4 million illegals to join the job seeking masses.

2. Constantly repeated Dem lies that borrowing trillions from China to fund government jobs and government contract jobs magically creates permanent, self-sustaining employment.

3. Republican lies that Free Trade that guts US industry magically grows the US economy and creates more jobs in America in the long haul. And EVEN BETTER PAYING JOBS THAN THE ONES LOST!!

4. Republican lies that tax cuts for the rich, started in 2001 by Bush and perpetuated by Obama - create jobs. Especially since the Rich are retitled "The Jobs Creators" by Republican bootlickers to wealthy donors.

5. Democrat lies that "investing" in McMansions for welfare mommas, economically unviable green energy, and in hiring more hero government employees - magically makes America more competitive and will grow our economy.

FleetUSA said...

AA, you tricked us by including the one absolutely right answer. Normally all answers are plausible and none are totally right.

Peter said...

Obama seems to think of himself as a latter-day FDR, yet the solutions that worked (if they did) in FDR's day won't necessarily work in ours.

In FDRs day, massive federal spending could be expected to increase aggregate demand in the USA, at least temporarily.

But in our of globalized trade, much of that aggregate demand is sourced from offshore suppliers, thus doing little for the USA's economy.

I realize that's an oversimplification, yet it's hard not to see Obama doubling-down on economic policies that are just not working.

And someday all this massive spending will have to be paid for. When interest rates finally return to historical levels (as they surely will), the cost of servicing the national debt will rise sharply.

When it does, it will have to be paid for either with massive tax increases or significant inflation of the currency, or both. Either of these will seriously handicap the long-term prospects for the U.S. economy.

So perhaps the question is, are we headed for a "lost decade," or will it be more like a "lost generation"?

Whatever it is, the cost of this profligacy will not be small. Considering the cost what, exactly, do we have to show for it?

Bob Ellison said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson, I don't know why we measure consumer confidence. I'm not in the polling business. It's like the "right direction / wrong direction" polls, and polls about which candidate you'd rather have a beer with. Silly stuff.

The economy does not care how people feel about the economy. How people feel about the economy does affect the economy, but far less than the party in power would like to think.

penelope said...

These monthly unemployment numbers always remind me of the joke about the three interviewees for an accounting job where the deciding question was “What does two plus two equal?”

The first candidate, Bill, answers “Of course the answer is four.” The next candidate, Jon, quickly responds “Everyone knows that the answer is four.” The last candidate, Curt, pauses for a second before he answers “What number would you like it to be?” Curt of course got the job.

AF said...

"By bringing a mental knife to a gunfight."

Oh, so it wasn't my rhetoric, it was my intelligence. Can you please explain what I got wrong? Thanks in advance.

JohnJ said...

The math is fairly straightforward, but we've been conditioned to focus on the unemployment rate and not on the measures that go into its calculation. Looking at the comments, it's clear that many here understand that the participation rate, which determines the denominator of the unemployment rate, is at historic lows.

Surprisingly, even the left-leaning blogs and papers this morning are acknowledging that the August jobs report is awful.

Lyssa said...

I've never understood the whole "gives up looking for work" thing. Assuming that you do need to work (like most people), who gives up looking? I know that some people will decide that they really can swing being a stay at home parent, or to take earlier than planned retirement, but those people must be very few. If you are out of work and not in either of those situations, aren't you always looking to some degree?

Rabel said...

We're in the very best of hands

The fact that Obama hasn't paid off his mortgage has baffled me over the past couple of years. He could do it with a small percentage of his wealth but he continues to pay interest on his home loan to his own detriment.

The story linked above is about Ben Bernanke. He did something very stupid with his personal finances.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Michael said...

BarryD: Because people are "trapped" in their current positions they have less negotiating leverage and thus have lower raises/bonuses than they would otherwise.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population?

The umemployed number comes from people collecting unemployment.
When those people are no longer eligible to collect unemployment, they go to unemployment limbo... They are no longer counted among the unemployed... but they are not employed either.

jr565 said...

Sarah Palin was right and Obama was wrong about everything.

His own words hang him completely. Two things that stick out though. One is his inherent loathing of capitalism. He cites the 9 months of job loss and mocks Mccainsposition that the economy was sound (though of course now is saying we need to be patient as the economy is on the right track despite atrocious numbers). But then he says such policies (bush,s policies/ conservative policies whatever he's arguing against) NEVER work, as if that 9 months of job loss was the norm for said Bush era policies. Up until the collapse the unemployment rate was in the mid 4% low 5% (which of course,he and other dems were demagoging as horrible numbers). Up until the bubble popped the housing market was gangbusters. It is simply not a act that such policies NEVER work.
Then he says we need to go back to the 90's when such policies DID work, I.e. Clinton.
This is doubly stupid because Clinton was the president who oversaw the deregulation of the banks that Obama claims caused the housing bubble. He also forced banks to loosen standards under CRA to those who couldn't afford traditional loans. He also pushed NAFTA etc etc. pretty much everything that Obama hates about conservative polices was what Clinton's economic policies were about. He and other dems seem to have this shallow notion of the economy that boils down to, it doesn't matter what the policies are, because clinto oversaw a positive economy and was a democrat, then because Obama is also a democrat whatever policies he puts out will produce the same result. Or that it doesn't matter if you even have the opposite policy of your predecessor, what matters is that you're of the same party and rtherefore can hang on to their coattails and get the same results simply by being a democrat.
Obama should have studied Clinton's presidency more and recognize that he initially governed from the left and tried raising taxes, but then after getting shellacked at the mid term elections pivoted to the center and ran the economy more from a centrist/conservative position.

That's Obamas problem. He never pivoted. Worse, he is telegraphing that he won't pivot. He's going to ride this lack of recovery to the end rather than adopt it that perhaps those policies he derided do in fact work.

It's also doubly bad because to get elected he had to pretend to pivot and suggest he was that centrist (which might be why people like althouse fell for his shtick and said McCain was worse on the economy). He said stuff like bush raising the debt to 4 trillion was both irresponsible and unpatriotic even. Suggesting that he understood that bloated govt was irresponsible for those rubes who believe that stuff. It wasn't true, but it was good enough to get people like Chris buckley to think Obama was reasonable.

Patrick said...


The "giving up looking for work" doesn't mean what it says. It refers to the unemployment figure which is a measure not of people who are not working, but of people who are receiving government benefits after being involuntarily terminated from their jobs. Those people in all likelihood are still looking for work, and remain in the "not participating in the labor force" figures.

furious_a said...

bagoh: The important thing is how many people are pulling the wagon compared to sitting in it.

Whatever it is now, when the latter number hits 50%+1 we're screwed. "Tipping point", I believe it's called.

For a glimpse of that future watch Californians via their initiative process enact tax increases on other people.

Notice how "millionaire" becomes "$250K/yr-over-four-years". Not long until it becomes "$125K/year-over-eight-years". And so on. Math isn't hard on this one.

Gabriel Hanna said...

@AF:The unemployment rate is employment/people seeking work.

Can't be. What if everyone but one guy is employed, and that guy is seeking work? Then the unemployment rate is 35 billion percent.

It's 1 - (people with jobs)/(people with jobs + people looking for jobs). When people looking for jobs is zero, the unemployment rate is zero, unless no one has a job AND no one is looking, in which case it's undefined. Which makes sense.

Gabriel Hanna said...

@Lyssa:Assuming that you do need to work (like most people), who gives up looking?

The operative phrase is, "assuming you need to work". Rich people don't, and very poor people don't.

wef said...

I know how the unemployment rate is counted. I also know (and have seen at work) how one can get what ends up being argentina-style hackery that makes fudge-factor "hard decisions" that get the numbers in the direction you want to move them. I vote "lying" on this one.

test said...

AF said...
Can you please explain what I got wrong? Thanks in advance.

I explained it for you here:

Marshal said...
AF said...
The other answers are just wrong (except "Math is hard," in the sense that math does appear to be hard for anyone who doesn't understand this). It's embarrassing for a law professor not to know these things or to pretend not to.

The professor gets it. And her question is: Why doesn't the political media get it?

Is it embarassing for them? Or for you as a lefty criticizing others about their cognitive ability?

9/7/12 9:56 AM

I love it when those completely missing the point insult others' intelligence.

furious_a said...

Garage: Obama should have pulled a sCOTT Walker and released a Kremlin style jobs report.

Well, Obama already is trying to strong-arm Kremlin-style Gallup polling.

"Kremlin", "Cook County Machine" -- same difference.

Michael Haz said...

This is shocking news. Shocking!

Based on what was said at the DNC convention I presumed that we actually had too few working-age adults for all the jobs that have been created in the past 3.75 years.

kcom said...

I forget, which "Summer of Recovery" is this one?

Michael said...

The job numbers are devastating. Any president with an ounce of empathy would at the very least have gotten the pipeline going from Canada to the Gulf, opened leases in the Gulf and expedited any and all energy exploration/drilling projects possible. It would not have made a big dent in these depressing numbers but it would have put a few hundred thousand people to work doing something of value that would have significant ramifications for the economy going forward. Instead we have a blow hard bull shit artist asking for a Mulligan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Noonan says:

..."But the Democrats convened in Charlotte seemed more extreme on the point, more accepting of the idea of government as the center of national life, than ever, at least to me.

The fight over including a single mention of God in the platform—that was extreme. The original removal of the single mention by the platform committee—extreme. The huge "No!" vote on restoring the mention of God, and including the administration's own stand on Jerusalem—that wasn't liberal, it was extreme. Comparing the Republicans to Nazis—extreme. The almost complete absence of a call to help education by facing down the powers that throw our least defended children under the school bus—this was extreme, not mainstream.

The sheer strangeness of all the talk about abortion, abortion, contraception, contraception. I am old enough to know a wedge issue when I see one, but I've never seen a great party build its entire public persona around one. Big speeches from the heads of Planned Parenthood and NARAL, HHS Secretary and abortion enthusiast Kathleen Sebelius and, of course, Sandra Fluke.

"Republicans shut me out of a hearing on contraception," Ms. Fluke said. But why would anyone have included a Georgetown law student who never worked her way onto the national stage until she was plucked, by the left, as a personable victim?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What a fabulously confident and ingenuous-seeming political narcissist Ms. Fluke is. She really does think—and her party apparently thinks—that in a spending crisis with trillions in debt and many in need, in a nation in existential doubt as to its standing and purpose, in a time when parents struggle to buy the good sneakers for the kids so they're not embarrassed at school . . . that in that nation the great issue of the day, and the appropriate focus of our concern, is making other people pay for her birth-control pills. That's not a stand, it's a non sequitur. She is not, as Rush Limbaugh oafishly, bullyingly said, a slut. She is a ninny, a narcissist and a fool."

Dante said...

Still, at this rate, we're looking at about 1 million new SSDI recipients per year.

Social Security is another form of welfare. Payroll tax is simply another form of Federal Income tax, and is quite regressive.

edutcher said...

Lyssa said...

I've never understood the whole "gives up looking for work" thing. Assuming that you do need to work (like most people), who gives up looking? I know that some people will decide that they really can swing being a stay at home parent, or to take earlier than planned retirement, but those people must be very few. If you are out of work and not in either of those situations, aren't you always looking to some degree?

It means your unemployment has run out.

You could be getting SS Disability or working in the underground economy, but you don't have any kind of recognized job and aren't drawing unemployment.

rehajm said...

bagoh said...

A valuable number to track would be % of people who are NET tax payers

The important thing is how many people are pulling the wagon compared to sitting in it.

There is a CBO report with data that speaks to this point for the population:

The most surprising fact to me was that the effective tax rate is negative for the middle quintile. According to the CBO data, this number was +14 percent in 1979 (when the data begin) and remained positive through 2007. It was negative 0.5 percent in 2008, and negative 5 percent in 2009. That is, the middle class, having long been a net contributor to the funding of government, is now a net recipient of government largess.

Calypso Facto said...

Nice employment graph, by president, posted by Dan Mitchell today. Ouch.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Lyssa said...

I've never understood the whole "gives up looking for work" thing.

The BLS standard is anyone who has not actively looked for work for four weeks, the so-called "discouraged worker". These are people who think job-seeking is a waste of time. I can relate, having been in a similar situation during the downturn in the early eighties. You get to a point where you've done everything you can reasonably do, so you might as well take a walk in the park.

Sheridan said...

When I first started watching the Academy Awards decades (epochs?) ago, I was always struck by the respect accorded the two members of the accounting firm who "guarded" the cards that displayed the award winners. Generally, those people and their firm were trusted, both by Academy members and the general public. I never questioned the validity of the votes.

But what mechanisms exist in the arena of labor data reporting that should ensure our trust in the monthly status reports? Is ADP trustworthy? Is the federal government? The Chambers of Commerce?

We all go bonkers every month over the data shown to us. People's responses range from elation to despair. And the parsing of the data is endless. Does anyone ever vett the data before over-emoting?

In business, there was once an old saying that "figures never lie but liars always figure". But figures can lie. While in business, I learned that the scope, timing and quality of the data deeply affected the usefulness of the data in re-directing and implementing business decisions.

Management did not just take what was given them, they spent time reviewing and qualifying the data. Only when it was clear, to the best of human knowledge that the data was accurate and that it spoke to and measured correctly the things that needed measurement (not undefined, peripheral issues)were we alloeed to publish our reports. And of course, even then we were oft-times wrong.

The point is this - why do we allow ourselves to be routinely whipsawed by this (unvetted?) data? What if all parties had real confidence in data that was clean, focused, accurate and timely? Wouldn't that help everyone?

The Crack Emcee said...

Don't celebrate, people, because you have to keep one thing in mind:

The American Right no better.

You just choose to fail in a different way,...

garage mahal said...

Another round of tax cuts would have prevented this.

Balfegor said...

Re: Sheridan:

Does anyone ever vett the data before over-emoting?

Sure. BLS do. That's their job. One can say they do a bad job of it, or they need to do more validation work on their model, or whatever, but we're not getting raw, unvetted, off-the-cuff numbers here.

cubanbob said...

But why else do we attempt to measure "consumer confidence"?

Consumer spending doesn't create jobs and consumer confidence is irrelevant. What does create jobs is investment and what ought to be measured is investor sentiment.

The stock market is up only because interest rates are so low that keeping your money in cash is a losing proposition leaving savers the only option of chasing yields and foreigners investing in the US as they flee an even worse disaster in Europe. If Europe was in better shape the dollar would have completely tanked by now and so would have the stock market.

Intelligent people make mistakes just like the stupid. The difference between the two is the intelligent persons learns from their mistake, the stupid don't. Setting aside rent seekers, there are a lot of stupid people in this country and they vote democrat. Anyone observing Obama bin Biden & Co. over the last 3 1/2 will conclude at best their IQ is room temperature.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fprawl said...

Did it rain last night in Charlotte

Sheridan said...

Balfegor said (@9/7/12 11:35 AMR)

Sure. BLS do. That's their job. One can say they do a bad job of it, or they need to do more validation work on their model, or whatever, but we're not getting raw, unvetted, off-the-cuff numbers here.

I understand that BLS's job is to present the numbers but they are clearly not infallible and that is the foundation for my concern that we overreact to inaccurate data:


Balfegor said...

Re: Lyssa:

I've never understood the whole "gives up looking for work" thing. Assuming that you do need to work (like most people), who gives up looking? I know that some people will decide that they really can swing being a stay at home parent, or to take earlier than planned retirement, but those people must be very few. If you are out of work and not in either of those situations, aren't you always looking to some degree?

No. That's where NEETs come from.

Colonel Angus said...

Another round of tax cuts would have prevented this.

Spending an extra trillion per year certainly isn't.

kentuckyliz said...

I was tweeting findings earlier this morning. If you want to look at the whole report, including the data tables, go here.

1. Be Asian.
2. Go into computers, management and technical consulting, or health care.

I don't know why the talking heads are saying the joblessness is worse for women--men's unemployment is still higher. It's a Mancession, Blackcession, Teencession, and Latinocession.

furious_a said...

Have the various news outlets dispensed with the pro-forma "unexpectedly" yet?

Brian Brown said...

age mahal said...
Another round of tax cuts would have prevented this.

We don't have a plan, but we know we don't like yours.


MadisonMan said...

Did it rain last night in Charlotte

Not at the airport. There was a thundershower there long before sunset that cooled things down a bit.

Alex said...

It doesn't matter. Most people think Obama's a nice guy and that Romney is a scary rich Mormon and we can't have him as President. Election is over.

bagoh20 said...

Rehajim, great link:
People should check it out - good stuff


Decline in income 2007-2009:
Lowest quintile: 5.1 percent
Middle quintile: 14.7 percent
Highest quintile: 50.8 percent

Share of tax burden paid by income:
Lowest quintile: 0.3 percent
Middle quintile: 9.4 percent
Highest quintile: 67.9 percent

Those rich bastards. How dare they lose half their income and still pay most of our taxes for us. They need to start paying their fair share.

alan markus said...

Crack, re Jennifer Granholm DNC Speech:

Oh-My-God (Could It Get More Obnoxious Than This?)

Think she was trying to riff on the infamous Dwight Schrute (The Office) speech? Now that I did a YouTube search, I had not realized how much the young folks emulate that speech in their graduation ceremony speeches.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ryan says "failed leadership".
That's generous.
I'd call it the failed ideology of radical leftism.

Colonel Angus said...

Obama seems to think of himself as a latter-day FDR, yet the solutions that worked (if they did) in FDR's day won't necessarily work in ours.

Well it might if Hillary can get China to launch a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Nothing like a worldwide conflagration to revive America's industrial might.

Michael said...

Garage:"Another round of tax cuts would have prevented this."

What, on the other hand, would the numbers be if our president had the political balls to have raised rates already? On millionairesandbillionaires making over $250,000.;

jungatheart said...

"It doesn't matter. Most people think Obama's a nice guy and that Romney is a scary rich Mormon and we can't have him as President. Election is over."

Is that the libertarian or the anarchist speaking?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when the hack media portrayed 5.2% unemployment under GWB as devastating?

Now 8.1% (or 15-20%) is the new normal. Come worship.

garage mahal said...

It's a damn good jobs report if you're a Republican, right? That's what the GOP was hoping for.

BarryD said...

Who doesn't need a job?

A lot of people can get by for a while. They can move to an employed relative's camper in the backyard, do odd jobs, sell stuff, etc. for a tiny income, and wait it out.

Again, they're not out of the labor force forever, but this is one way some people -- even those who don't qualify for SSDI -- get by. Have you not seen the lights on in campers, some, lately, in the 'burbs? Because I have.

How else can someone explain a labor force loss of hundreds of thousands per month? These people aren't all homeless. But they aren't doing well, either.

bagoh20 said...

Yes, if the driver is steering us into a ditch, then it is helpful that there is a report that says so. Some would prefer that the guys in the back seat yelling "watch out" would just shut up already.

Brian Brown said...

AprilApple said...
Remember when the hack media portrayed 5.2% unemployment under GWB as devastating?

Yes, adding 250,000 jobs a month was a "jobless recovery"

Wow, it really has to suck to know that the silly, hick Cowboy Bush did more for job growth than your Sort of a God President.

jeff said...

Paying your "fair share" of taxes is a constantly moving amount. Works out to be "more". Obama wants to be FDR? I have family who voted Democrat all their lives because of the WPA and construction jobs like Hoover dam. When Obama first proposed his stimulus, I reluctantly supported it because it was presented as another WPA project and I figured people could earn a living to bridge the recession, and we would get a lot of parks, streets and swimming pools out of it so there would be a tangible benefit from it. Instead the money was handed out to Obama supporters with nothing to show for it. Good job. And we want to do it again?

Colonel Angus said...

It's a damn good jobs report if you're a Republican, right? That's what the GOP was hoping for.

That's rather disengenuous. I think someone earlier mentioned the Keystone Pipeline project that would have created thousands of jobs, supported by the GOP and torpedoed by Obama.

We are finding out this nation is resource rich in energy which could provide tens of thousands of good paying jobs but for some reason, this administration would rather sink billions in pie in the sky green energy companies.

Nathan Alexander said...

Another round of tax cuts would have prevented this.

Well, you've proven that sarcastic comments and votes for Obama certainly didn't help.

Rabel said...

re Jennifer Granholm DNC Speech:

Granholm is a positive data point in Sigelman's stupidity-ugliness theory.

She has a show on Current TV. Caught it a couple of times and she is Olbermanlian in tone and content.

sakredkow said...

It doesn't matter. Most people think Obama's a nice guy and that Romney is a scary rich Mormon and we can't have him as President. Election is over.

Tight election. A lot tighter so far than I thought it was going to be.

Rabel said...

"It's a damn good jobs report if you're a Republican, right? That's what the GOP was hoping for."

You never let a serious crisis go to waste.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

It's a damn good jobs report if you're a Republican, right? That's what the GOP was hoping for.

Starting early, usually the Dems save the scorched earth material for after the election.

furious_a said...

I feel sorry for Pres. Obama.

If he gets re-elected imagine the mess he'll inherit from his first term.

garage mahal said...

Wow, it really has to suck to know that the silly, hick Cowboy Bush did more for job growth than your Sort of a God President.

Silly, hick Cowboy Bush left office with this country losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month and an economy in ruins.

SPImmortal said...

Wow, it really has to suck to know that the silly, hick Cowboy Bush did more for job growth than your Sort of a God President.

Silly, hick Cowboy Bush left office with this country losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month and an economy in ruins.


Not his fault, he tried to reign in Fannie-Freddie. But Demcrats cried about him hating the poor or some such nonsense and we got a bunch of worthless loans and worthless derivatives.

sakredkow said...

If he gets re-elected imagine the mess he'll inherit from his first term.

And it's a big improvement from the mess he inherited before that one!

Michael said...

Garage. It is a horrible report. There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that? Dude you have a problem. You are one sick fellow. You would certainly feel better about yourself if you lost weight. Maybe your view of mankind would improve and your sanctimony would diminish along with your waistline and you could fathom that others have as much or more empathy for the poor than you.

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

That's what the GOP was hoping for.

Just like each war casualty the Dems prayed for in 2008.

SPImmortal said...

If he gets re-elected imagine the mess he'll inherit from his first term.

And it's a big improvement from the mess he inherited before that one!


Not really we're in the same spot we were before. This is the very definition of an L shaped recovery, i.e. no recovery.

So we're as bad off as we were when the economy bottomed out, before Obama had done anything.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Silly, hick Cowboy Bush left office with this country losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month and an economy in ruins.


Um, in case you haven't noticed - hundreds of thousands are falling out of the labor force per month.

And, the U/E rate is higher now than when Bush left.

Brian Brown said...

Michael said...
Garage. It is a horrible report. There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that? Dude you have a problem. You are one sick fellow

He's just projecting.

They all do it.

He's actually hoping for bad news for the people in his own state so Walker loses.

It is so transparent & sad.

SPImmortal said...

Garage. It is a horrible report. There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that? Dude you have a problem. You are one sick fellow. You would certainly feel better about yourself if you lost weight. Maybe your view of mankind would improve and your sanctimony would diminish along with your waistline and you could fathom that others have as much or more empathy for the poor than you.


Well I'm happy that it hurts Obama.

Not much for people to do about it except kick him out in favor of someone that actually knows something about economics.

MayBee said...

This jobs report is a grim milestone.

Brian Brown said...

SPImmortal said...
Not his fault, he tried to reign in Fannie-Freddie. But Demcrats cried about him hating the poor or some such nonsense and we got a bunch of worthless loans and worthless derivatives.

Well, they weren't worthless to Franklin Raines. He left Fannie just before the accounting scandal hit with a $20 million dollar bonus.

Remember how outraged the Democrats were about that?


garage mahal said...

There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that?

Without a fucking doubt. You seriously expect me to believe that Romney/Ryan were hoping for an awesome jobs report? This is the same party that is happy with losing over 700k public sector jobs, and wanted GM and Chrysler to die on the vine, losing a million more jobs. Please, save it.

Roger J. said...

Colonel Angus--the keystone pipeline was also supported by both the AFL-CIO and the US Chamber of Commerce.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
, and wanted GM and Chrysler to die on the vine, losing a million more jobs

A. Nobody can say how many jobs GM would have lost had it go through normal bankruptcy

B. Going through normal bankruptcy is not "die on the vie" you ignorant, fat hick

C. GM will be going through a bankruptcy within the next 2 years anyway.

SPImmortal said...

There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that?

Without a fucking doubt. You seriously expect me to believe that Romney/Ryan were hoping for an awesome jobs report? This is the same party that is happy with losing over 700k public sector jobs, and wanted GM and Chrysler to die on the vine, losing a million more jobs. Please, save it.


It's not that we hope Obama will fail, it's just that we know he will fail. Socialism and central planning never work, never have, never will. You can look to Europe for plenty of examples of that. Why would you want to recreate those conditions here and overload us will debt until we keel over?

And Republicans didn't want GM to die. They wanted structural changes that would help GM be more competitive in the long run. And what did Obama push the courts to do? Screw the creditors and pay off his union clients. Now GM is where it was before, losing money hand over fist and withering away.

lemondog said...

How does the unemployment rate fall when you're only getting 64% of the new jobs you need to keep up with the growing population?

386,000 people give up looking for work.

That's how.

As usual, there are numbers and then there are numbers.

BLS Statistics

U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers.....8.6%

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force.....14.7%

Saint Croix said...

Labor force participation is really the killer graph.

It went through the floor when Obama took office.

kcom said...

Shades of Jimmy Carter and 1980.

1980 Election Myth 1: Reagan Always Dominated The 1980 Election.

As [late] as October 26, a Gallup poll had Carter ahead 47 percent to Reagan's 39 percent.


test said...

garage mahal said...
There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that?

Without a fucking doubt. You seriously expect me to believe that Romney/Ryan were hoping for an awesome jobs report? This is the same party that is happy with losing over 700k public sector jobs, and wanted GM and Chrysler to die on the vine, losing a million more jobs. Please, save it.

So by garage's logic Obama and Democrats were rooting for a banking crisis and the collapse of the US banking industry back in 2008. Were they rooting for American servicement to be killed in Iraq and Afghanistan also?

People making excuses for him are nuts.

Saint Croix said...

That's what happens when you demonize (and over-regulate) business and industry while simultaneously being the food stamp president.

Eric said...

Also, if people "give up looking for work" that doesn't necessarily mean "forever".

No, it doesn't, but statistically people who are out of work for a long time have a hard time reentering the workforce when the economy recovers. Some of them never do.

They had a segment on this on NPR a few months back. I don't remember the exact numbers, but the impression was as a society we're going to be dealing with pathologies relating to long term unemployment long after the recession is over.

Brian Brown said...

Saint Croix said...
Labor force participation is really the killer graph.

Totally normal for a "recovery"!

Michael said...

Garage. You project your sick shit on others. Not good.

If GM and Chrysler had gone through ordinary BK They would both be alive and well today with right-sized pensions and labor contracts. As it is we will bail one of them out again. Unlikely Chrysler will be given a third try. Many auto companies have gone out of business through the years. No one cries about, much less remembers, Hudson. Or Studebaker.

Every bad jobs number is just another reminder that what we have been trying, and promising, isnt working.

PS. I read that there are school districts in Wisc now enjoying a surplus. Why arent you cheering that?

I Callahan said...

It's a damn good jobs report if you're a Republican, right? That's what the GOP was hoping for.

No, we just knew it was going to be this way.

That's rather disengenuous. I think someone earlier mentioned the Keystone Pipeline project that would have created thousands of jobs, supported by the GOP and torpedoed by Obama.

Of course it was disengenous. If Garage was talking politics, that goes without saying. I think he's gone flat-out loon, unfortunately.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Let me help you out here, garage:

Major premise: Republicans want more unemployment.

Minor premise: George W. Bush is a Republican

Conclusion: Republicans are EEEVIL!

furious_a said...

Garage is just bitter -- he's had a bad week (see below). And a liar. Many-times-over proven. A bitter, many-times-over-proven liar. See "Janesville, GM", for starters.

Garage's Bad Week
1>Scott Walker still hasn't been indicted yet.

2>RNC got "Make My Day", DNC got "Pay My Way".

3>Wednesday night Bill Clinton sucked all of the oxygen out of the arena.

4>Thursday night Joe Biden gave a better speech than Obama did.

5>Friday DoL reported their employment numbers before Axelrod and Plouffe could "proofread" them.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Michael said...

No one cries about, much less remembers, Hudson. Or Studebaker.

I remember Studebaker! This is one bitchen automobile!

garage mahal said...

Garage. You project your sick shit on others. Not good.

Go ahead and keep pretending. You're not Jay level stupid, so I know at least you know it's true. The faux concern for the lives of 700k public sector workers losing their jobs is touching though.

I Callahan said...

I remember Studebaker! This is one bitchen automobile!

Golden Hawk. Nice!!

Before my time, but I toured the Studebaker museum in South Bend Indiana a few years ago. Very interesting piece of history, and some really cook cars.

I Callahan said...

COOL cars. Oof.

SPImmortal said...

Garage. You project your sick shit on others. Not good.

Go ahead and keep pretending. You're not Jay level stupid, so I know at least you know it's true. The faux concern for the lives of 700k public sector workers losing their jobs is touching though.


Oh yes, we want everyone jobless and on food stamps under President Choom.

Look up "Cloward-Piven" and then get back to us.

Patrick said...

Hudson Hornet

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Go ahead and keep pretending. You're not Jay level stupid, so I know at least you know it's true.


What's funny is that you think it is more true the more you repeat it.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
The faux concern for the lives of 700k public sector workers losing their jobs is touching though.

Remember how mad you were when Obama banned offshore drilling costing thousands of jobs?

Remember how mad you were when Obama announced he was delaying the Keystone XL pipeline permit costing 10's of thousands of jobs?

Your whole silly drivel here is all projection.

Anyone with a modicum of decency and self awareness would shut up.

You'll keep going.

Colonel Angus said...

I do appreciate the irony of the Democrats who laud the government bailout of General Motors as a great achievemrnt yet will scream from the rooftops that we must end corporate welfare.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Back when hitchhiking still seemed like a sane activity, I got picked up by a guy in a Golden Hawk. I was not immediately impressed. As we drove, the guy bragged on his Hawk in an understated way. As he drove away I drank in those lines with a slightly more appreciative eye. I've been a fan ever since. I haven't checked this out lately, but I believe there is a car dealer in Beverly Hills that deals only in restored Studebakers.

garage mahal said...

Remember how mad you were when...


Patrick said...

The faux concern for the lives of 700k public sector workers losing their jobs is touching though.

The question really is not whether republicans have compassion with those who lost there jobs, though. The question is what is the best way to show such compassion. Just re-hiring government workers, and sending the bill to the next few generations is not how I would show compassion.

I've been unemployed, I know what its like. Keeps you up at night, just about every night. You worry a hell of a lot. I feel bad for anyone who has lost their job - private or public sector. More of the same though, is not the answer.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

garage mahal said...

Remember how mad you were when...


You were asleep then, and you're asleep now.

Nathan Alexander said...

Andy Studebaker (yes, of the family that owned the car company) is starting for the Chiefs at OLB this Sunday.

test said...

Jay said...
Remember how mad you were when Obama banned offshore drilling costing thousands of jobs?

Remember how mad you were when Obama announced he was delaying the Keystone XL pipeline permit costing 10's of thousands of jobs?

You have to understand garage's priorities. Would these employees contribute to Union election funds and thus support the Democratic Party? If not, garage doesn't give a fuck about them.

Nathan Alexander said...

Your assumptions are wrong.

What does it say about you that you have to be 100% convinced of transparent lies in order to justify your political positions?

If you really believe that the GOP wants high unemployment to get Obama out of the White House, then you are admitting that Democrats think a fetus is a human from conception, but just enjoys the thrill of legal infanticide.

If you really believe that the GOP wants high unemployment to get Obama out of the White House, then you really want to impose communism on the US and put all dissenters into reform-through-labor-until-you-die camps.

Do you admit that you are truly that evil? Or do you admit that your assertions about conservatives is stupid and wrong?

This is truly a binary choice, it can only be one or the other.

garage mahal said...

If you really believe that the GOP wants high unemployment to get Obama out of the White House, then you really want to impose communism on the US and put all dissenters into reform-through-labor-until-you-die camps.

Camps for Conservatives? Oh hell yes.

I can't get anything by you.

kentuckyliz said...

How is this plan constitutional?
It sets racial quotas--for African Americans only.

Appalachians are disadvantaged in many ways, but because they're white, their diversity doesn't count.

So our college hasn't met its benchmarks, and we can't seek out state approval of new programs until we meet the Kentucky Plan race quotas.

They're discriminating against Appalachians.

When people ask for a program, or suggest that we should get a certain program, I am honest in explaining why that's not going to happen.

Do you think that makes the Appalachians happy?

Do you think it helps combat or perpetuate the racism they might have?

African American population is .45% of my county's population. There are half again as many Latinos as there are African Americans.

When we have had literal AFRICAN American (immigrant) faculty and administrators, they don't count. They aren't African American.

We have imported African American employees from wherever we could but most don't stay more than a few years.

So let's discriminate against the hillbillies. The coal severance tax financed the upbuilding of the cities away from coal country...and that's not good enough.

Michael said...

Garage: Great about those surpluses at Wisconsin public schools!! Who would have thought that possible with Republicans doing their best to hurt the children, to keep the teachers down? Surpluses.

Pleased to see you rooting for the children and applauding the reversal in the financial fortunes of those school districts with a surplus.

I Callahan said...

I do appreciate the irony of the Democrats who laud the government bailout of General Motors as a great achievemrnt yet will scream from the rooftops that we must end corporate welfare.

I just stole this and posted it on FB as my "Internet quote of the day". Props!!

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...


Note you can't square the silly hypocrisy.

Don't worry, nobody expects coherence from you, fatso.

Carry on.

Brian Brown said...

Marshal said...

You have to understand garage's priorities. Would these employees contribute to Union election funds and thus support the Democratic Party? If not, garage doesn't give a fuck about them.


garage mahal said...

Garage: Great about those surpluses at Wisconsin public schools!!

Really! Somebody forgot to tell our school district then, they're 1.2 million in the red.

It's just painful listening to conservatives these days. Stone dumb.

Balfegor said...

re: Michael:

No one cries about, much less remembers, Hudson. Or Studebaker.


Michael said...

Garage. YOUR school district is in the red? Why, how could that be?

You should give up those fancy boats and send your kids to private schools, Garage. They would have a fighting chance. But you wouldnt have the boat,then, would you?

DADvocate said...

No one cries about, much less remembers, Hudson. Or Studebaker.


Really. My father had two Hudsons when I was a kid. Great cars. The man who live 3 doors down from me as I grew up was president of the Studebaker Drivers Club. He kept about a dozen Studs on hand. The Avantis and Hawks were beautiful cars. He once offered to sell me one for $2,500. To this day I regret not buying it.

bagoh20 said...

"Somebody forgot to tell our school district then, they're 1.2 million in the red."

And Wisconsin Democrats are happy about that, aren't they?

Nathan Alexander said...

Garage. YOUR school district is in the red? Why, how could that be?

You should give up those fancy boats and send your kids to private schools, Garage. They would have a fighting chance. But you wouldnt have the boat,then, would you?

Actually, he should give up his boats and contribute to the unions directly.

It's only fair, right? No one should have a boat until all union teachers have the top-of-the-line boat.

Otherwise garage would just be another dishonest hypocrite, advocating for higher taxes for others while being a selfish skinflint with his own money.

Why don't you give more of your after-tax income to the teacher's unions, garage? It's for the children, after all.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Somebody forgot to tell our school district then, they're 1.2 million in the red.

And you aren't curious as to why YOUR school district is spending more than it brings in, while OTHER school districts have managed to accumulate surpluses?

Instead of trying to see what the problem really just want to stamp your 'ittle footsies, hold your breath until someone coughs up some more money. Right?

garage mahal said...

And you aren't curious as to why YOUR school district is spending more than it brings in, while OTHER school districts have managed to accumulate surpluses?

Yes I am curious. Show me your data of all these school districts with surpluses.

B said...

I believe that Garage's school district is one on the ones that rammed through new contracts without shopping for lower health insurance providers, having teachers pay into benefits etc, etc before the new laws went into effect.

That left them as one of the districts riffing teachers and still going red financially rather than one of the districts that changed their benefits, chose new health insurance providers, kept classroom staffing and went black financially.

And this, according to garage,makes conservatives dumb.

garage mahal said...

I believe that Garage's school district is one on the ones that rammed through new contracts without shopping for lower health insurance providers, having teachers pay into benefits etc, etc before the new laws went into effect.

Not sure how you would know, but no.

B said...

I believe you've mentioned that your district is either in Madison proper or just outside (which makes little difference).

Well. then when did they sign contracts?

Before the law changed and how long before and how long were/are they stuck with the contract?

Or after the law went into effect and ignored leveraging it's provisions?

There are districts that were projecting deficits that leveraged the law and now have or are projecting surpluses. And please do not play dumb and ask me to provide you the list etc. It's been beaten to death here on Althouse already.

Without being specific about your school districts actions - whether they took advantage of the lifeline Walker extended to them - your comment about the deficit in your school district was meaningless when considered in the context of the discussion.

Synova said...

I'm lazy. It's the truth.

But the numbers here are ones I actually figured out myself when we got the "jobs added" numbers for July.

I thought... wow, that's pretty low considering the population of the US is well over 300 million.

And I wondered... Hey, what is the number of babies born every month. I wonder how that would compare. So I looked up and found birth rates for 2010 for one year and divided by 12. Yes, people die, too, but they also immigrate.

Really rough number crunching and ball parking showed that the "jobs added" in July most likely held us even. At best.

The new normal.

Paddy O said...

There millions of people without jobs and you think Republicans are happy about that?

I think they were expecting that. Just as Democrats reveled in the war dead for so many years. I never thought they were monsters who wanted people to die, but they were expecting a bad end to the wars, which was precisely why they argued for alternatives.

At the end of the day, I genuinely believe that most Democrats and most Republicans want what is best for the country, but have different ways of pursuing that best.

For Republicans, it does help there is a bad jobs report now, because it would be worse to have a good job reports now but continued no growth and bad job reports all of 2013 and beyond, which is the expectation.

I do know that there millions of people without jobs and Democrats caused that.

I live in California and there is no other party to blame here.

garage mahal said...

It's been beaten to death here on Althouse already.

I must have missed it then. There are over 425 separate school districts in Wisconsin, each with their own unique challenges. You know this, it's not unlike where you live I bet.

Waukesha Cty is the most conservative county in Wisconsin:

Waukesha School District Staring at a $9.5 Million Budget Deficit

Two consecutive years of drops in state aid cause "painful" situation for district, superintendent says

A lot of conservative districts got big cuts, I think MSD actually got a very slight increase.

Michael said...

Paddy O: Well put. The truth is there were not, and could not, be any "good" jobs numbers given where we are and the metrics from manufacturing, retail, real estate, etc continuing to be anemic. We are talking about a lot more pain for people without jobs and the solution is not in grandiose promises but in boring steps that will have to be taken to make the turn. A good start would be to stop badmouthing business, stop turning one half of the country against the other, slashing regulations with a loud flourish. All of these things would serve to change the mood which will change the economy. Sentiment has to shift.

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