September 12, 2012

"The US ambassador to Libya is among four Americans killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi..."

"... President Barack Obama has confirmed."
"Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi..."
Said Obama, calling the attack "outrageous attack" on the facility in Benghazi. "Chris" is J. Christopher Stevens.
The film that sparked the demonstration is said to have been produced by a 52-year-old US citizen from California named Sam Bacile, and promoted by an expatriate Egyptian Copt...
This is a "low-budget movie" that can be seen on YouTube. 


Carnifex said...

So proud of the guy running for re-election. So proud.

The Drill SGT said...

RIP Ambassador. It's good to see somebody in the State Department understand that when your troops are under seige, the only honorable thing to do is call for back-up and saddle up.

Unlike Cairo apparently...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

I blame Bush.

Colonel Angus said...

The film that sparked the demonstration is said to have been produced by a 52-year-old US citizen from California named Sam Bacile, and promoted by an expatriate Egyptian Copt...

It certainly doesn't take much to rile these excitable lads up does it.

I wonder what it will take when the world concludes that this so-called religion is nothing more than a glorified death cult.

Tim said...

Did anyone catch Thomas Friedman commenting on how neat the "Arab Spring" is now that it's killed the US Ambassador to Libya?


The Drill SGT said...

One wonders if the three diplomats were really diplomats given the local situation. I expect that there is a high ratio of military attaches, and sheep-dipped cultural staff, etc. All of which are familar with Fy Bragg.

Unknown said...

Obama has neutered America to the point where we are not feared.

rhhardin said...

The usual narrative at this point calls for rising tensions.

Christopher in MA said...


Not "Ambassador Stevens." Not even "Christopher Stevens."

What a classless piece of trash this coke-snorting asshole is.

Colonel Angus said...

The Carter parallel here is almost eerie. I'm wondering if Axlerod will speculate that this is some kind of Rovian conspiracy to sway the election.

Lauderdale Vet said...

Is this the movie?


Tim said...

Christopher in MA said...


Not "Ambassador Stevens." Not even "Christopher Stevens."

What a classless piece of trash this coke-snorting asshole is."

Nothing in Barry Soetoro's life would suggest he'd do any different.

Tom Spaulding said...

Coming soon: "I could be a better Ambassador to Libya than our Libyan Ambassador" - President Better-Than-You

p.s. I am also a better speech writer, campaign director and policy advisor. Just ask me. - PBTU

Sorun said...

It's almost like the Muzzies are insecure about their religion or something.

Tim said...

Colonel Angus said...

"The Carter parallel here is almost eerie. I'm wondering if Axlerod will speculate that this is some kind of Rovian conspiracy to sway the election."

No doubt.

Any moment now, I expect to read that Paul Ryan was spotted in a flight suit, headed off to board an SR-71 to go negotiate the release of the hostages...or something.

The Drill SGT said...

CBS is saying the Libya attack was because of our drone strike in Yemen.

Instapundit says this stuff doesnt make page 1 of the NYT

Brian Brown said...

Ambassador Stevens was a victim of leading from behind.

I'm sure knowing that Obama is so cool and as he told an Iowa audience he is “a surprisingly good pool player” will make his family feel better.

Happy America?

Brian Brown said...

This is just like 1979.

Clueless, impotent, embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

This Administration is more and more like the Carter years every day. No one, especially this culture, respects weakness. Much less loves it. And Obama is certainly the weakest president since Carter. The fact that half our nation still sees anything positive in this man is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

"This is just like 1979.

Clueless, impotent, embarrassing."

Also, infruiating and sickening. I remember those years well.

God help us is this man is reelected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No worries. Instead of meeting with Netanyahu, Obama will be on the Letterman show. David and Barack will give each other a tongue bath.

Tim said...

TWM said...

"This Administration is more and more like the Carter years every day. No one, especially this culture, respects weakness. Much less loves it. And Obama is certainly the weakest president since Carter. The fact that half our nation still sees anything positive in this man is beyond me."

But he killed Osama! He kills more terrorists with drones than Bush ever did! the Left-tards will loudly protest here in 3, 2, 1,...

Hagar said...

Things like this do not just happen; they are planned and organized from somwhere, and something needs to be done about it beyond expressions of "regret."

roesch/voltaire said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

test said...

We should be vary careful about what we say. If we hurt any Muslim feelings it could provoke an international incident.

Brian Brown said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

You're a fucking pansy.

test said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country

Actually Mitt is putting the country first. For an example of a politician putting his own interests in front of the country see Obama telling the Russians he can water down American interests after the elections.

Anonymous said...

"Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country."

Pray tell, how exactly could this unfold in any positive way whatsoever?

Colonel Angus said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

By wait and see, do you mean let's not do anything until we have a higher bodycount?

Brian Brown said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

No they didn't.

And your silly lies and inability to criticize the feckless dipshit you voted for demonstrates you're projecting.

Sorun said...

"Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds..."

Yeah, take a lesson from Obama: Wait and see how it unfolds.

Nathan Alexander said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

Are you dizzy from all that spin?

Our ambassador is killed because the current POTUS has been feckless and irresolute in defending the nation overseas, after appointing an incompetent SecState and sending the wrong signals to the Islamic sphere, and you consider it a political issue to point this out?

We need a President who will correctly identify and protect our national interests for the good of the nation, not for what impact it may have on his election or re-election prospects.

You shame yourself with that statement.

SPImmortal said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.


It's always good to "wait and see" when people are getting murdered.

Are you for real?

Christopher in MA said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

How many ambassadors should be killed before we've finished seenig how it unfolds, R/V? Can you give us a number?

And it's incredibly galling when a devotee of the party that enganged in sedition, slander and outright treason throughout the entire two terms of Bush's presidency has the nerve to stand up on his hind legs and whine about "putting politics before country."

TosaGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TosaGuy said...

I anticipate that by the end of the day the administration and its media minions will find a way to state that this was America's fault...or at the very least, not Obama's.

Known Unknown said...

Welcome to World War III.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought Hillary! had the whole world under her magic spell.

edutcher said...

The Axelrod campaign has "disavowed" the squishy statement sent out by State, but, besides Zero, the other guy panicking this morning is Willie.

That statement went before the Hildabeast as well as Commandante Zero. Bye bye '16.

Christopher in MA said...


Not "Ambassador Stevens." Not even "Christopher Stevens."

What a classless piece of trash this coke-snorting asshole is.

Well, he was a close personal friend, of course, because Choom "cares".

Be glad he didn't refer to him as a corpseman, or something.

PS Where are all our little trolls this morning, telling us how great Little Zero's leadership and foreign policy are.

Or is this what shiloh or Hatman (they're starting to sound a lot alike) would call Conservative whining?

Roger J. said...

The Drudge Photo of the raghead (minus rag) carrying the body of an American Ambassador was ghastly--My condolences to the Ambassador's family--what a tragedy to see his remains paraded around. And let us not forget, according some news reports, that two US Marines and an unnamed fourth person were also killed. Mr Obama has reaped the whirlwind.

kcom said...

Here is Tim Blair's headline on the story:


Kelly said...

I heard clips of the movie yesterday. It's laughably awful, campy even. I give it 4 bombs down.

edutcher said...

EMD said...

Welcome to World War III.

IV, actually, and it started the day Bucketmouth threw his weight behind the ouster of the shah.

Roger J. said...

Rest assured, terrorists are marking the US response to this atrocity. As the Romans said, we dont care if they love us, as long as they fear us. We are neither in the Arab world. Obama's foreign policy is on par with his economic policy. A total waste of oxygen.

rhhardin said...

What you never see is US Muslims deploring it.

Why is that?

1. They're as stupid as the Middle Eastern versions of themselves, or

2. Islam is ruled by thugs, being run like organized crime rings. Just pay your protection money and keep quiet.

MayBee said...

I'm watching Robot Hillary speak.

Cedarford said...

Keep in mind the main reason the coordinated Islamoid attacks occured on Sept 11th was not some Utube movie, but because it was Sept 11th.

SPImmortal said...

The sick irony here is that this would have never happened with Quaddafi in power(at least not the cowed version of the last decade).

So much for the Arab spring.

Known Unknown said...

IV, actually, and it started the day Bucketmouth threw his weight behind the ouster of the shah.

I stand corrected. You're right. This would be IV.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds...

One point that this episode demonstrates is that Obama has neither the interest nor the ability in influencing "how it unfolds".

Sofa King said...

I anticipate that by the end of the day the administration and its media minions will find a way to state that this was America's fault...or at the very least, not Obama's.

Clearly, it's Bush't fault. I mean, he left Obama this touchy geopolitical situation! It's not fair to expect that Obama be responsible for anything that has happened! Who do you think he is, the President?

Roger J. said...

I for one would love to see the State Department's intelligence cables on this atrocity. Apparently no one saw it coming--C4's comments on the timing is on point.

Big Mike said...

Does it occur to anyone besides me that if Gaddafi was still in power Ambassador Stevens would still be alive?

This administration has sowed the wind ...

MayBee said...

Hillary's statement was pretty good, even if robotically delivered. Why are her people in the state department issuing stupid statements about not hurting Muslim feelings? Is that the way they talk when there is. I spotlight in them? If so, that's on Hillary.

Tim said...

roesch/voltaire said...

"Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country."

Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you meant the first clause ("wait a bit to see how it unfolds) seriously, so please give us an example of what one (or, you, to the point) might expect by waiting a bit to see how it unfolds, and how might that shape one's (or, you, to the point) reaction to this, what would you call it?


Act of War?


Terrorist attack?


Political protest?




Free Speech?

SPImmortal said...

Does it occur to anyone besides me that if Gaddafi was still in power Ambassador Stevens would still be alive?

This administration has sowed the wind ...


Yeah, I wrote basically the same thing above.

Cedarford said...

edutcher - Your obsession with Obama saying corpseman or 57 states is tiresome.

The latter was a funny brainfart...and besides Obama, the record is replete with other pols saying some dumb things. Like Romney introducing Ryan as the Next President.

The former is quite understandable - even to those of us who have served in the military. I have seen not just outsiders, but those within the ranks struggling with corpsman, ensigns, for AF, trying to both say the Navy term "Boatswains Mate" while being clueless on what a "Bozun" does.
All sorts of acronyms butchered , taken to mean something entirely different, even by officers and senior enlisteds not familiar with that separate part of the military.

I give Obama total passes on corpsman and 57 States.

Lord knows he has enough other stuff to be hammered on.

Tim said...

MayBee said...

"Hillary's statement was pretty good, even if robotically delivered. Why are her people in the state department issuing stupid statements about not hurting Muslim feelings? Is that the way they talk when there is. I spotlight in them? If so, that's on Hillary."

It is important for Americans to realize, once and for all, that people do not join the Foreign Service to represent America to the world; they join the Foreign Service to represent the world to America.

Not all of them, of course, but far, far too many of.

Comanche Voter said...

Ann perhaps its not your fault, since you cite to a story that doesn't mention it. But you omitted Obama's apology to Islam for folks criticizing their religion. Of course the The Bamster was simply following the line taken by the cookie pushing diplomats in Cairo earlier in the day.

Big Mike said...

@SP, I was typing while you were posting. Sorry.

Roger J. said...

The Department of State has always had a robust "Arabic wing." Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost.

Known Unknown said...

Does it occur to anyone besides me that if Gaddafi was still in power Ambassador Stevens would still be alive?

If you're intellectually honest, you probably opposed Gaddafi all those years, and any other tinpot dictator who oppressed the shit out of his people.

The only problem with foreign policy is trying to project or understand "what happens if ... "

Maybe we're dealing with another "failure of imagination."

X said...

garage mahal said...
Reading stories like this one just makes me want to thank President Obama for keeping us safe these four years. Nobody thought it could be done! THANK YOU.

Cedarford said...

Roger J. said...
I for one would love to see the State Department's intelligence cables on this atrocity. Apparently no one saw it coming--C4's comments on the timing is on point.

The movie is just a smokescreen. These attacks are planned by the Islamoids to happen in a certain time period, and they try to pick an auspicious date.

9/11 fits the bill nicely, the start of Ramadan is a favorite day for Islamoids to bomb a marketplace..

Then the Islamoids doing the attack need to find a smokescreen - what is the latest "Offense Against the Religion of Peace" they can claim was a justified reason to kill infidels. A UTube movie few have seen or care about? Yes, praise Allah...that will be perfect!

And while blood is still dripping from dead American bodies, they will get craven Obama State Dept people to apologize for some jerkwad's video!!

Roger J. said...

Not that I am adovcating it, but isnt the invasion, sacking it, and killing four Americans a causus belli under international law?

Known Unknown said...

Like Romney introducing Ryan as the Next President.

He was talking about 2020, dude. ; )

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SGT Ted said...

The Nations message to barbaric Muslims killing our Ambassadors and storming our Embassies should NEVER be "We apologize for offending you".

It should be "We're gonna let you sweat for a couple of days before we bomb the hell out of your infrastructure."

Obama is worse than Carter. Carter wasn't CINC of two shooting wars with Muslims before the Iranian Revolution and he did mount a raid afterwords, failed tho it did. Obama will do nothing, except apologize to his apparent co-religionists. It's obvious that his heart isn't with his own nation.

Icepick said...

Colonel Angus, this isn't Carter-like at all. I don't recall that Carter helped overthrow governments and installed new ones that then killed our ambassadors and paraded their dead bodies around like prizes won at the county fair. This is so much worse than Carter.

edutcher said...

Cedarford said...

edutcher - Your obsession with Obama saying corpseman or 57 states is tiresome.

Up yours.

I'm on record here as saying the 57 states thing was the result of a long campaign week, but corpseman was pure disrespect, like his oh-so-subtle giving of the finger first to Hillary and then McCain.

Either that, or his colossal ignorance of basic things, like the location of Hawaii.

Darrell said...

I don't recall that carter supported the overthrow of US friendly governments

Sure he did--Carter suported the overthrow of the Shah of Iran on the advice of his informal spiritual advisor, a clown that was editor of The New Christian Century magazine and who used to appear on Nightline frequently at the time. The spin was that these people were just getting back to their fundamentalist roots, just like Christians were doing in the US. And it couldn't be stopped because "everyone" was for it. A more ignorant person on Iran you will never meet. Yet Carter bought into the BS.

Cedarford said...

Colonel Angus said...
The film that sparked the demonstration is said to have been produced by a 52-year-old US citizen from California named Sam Bacile, and promoted by an expatriate Egyptian Copt...

Not quite accurate. Though the movie was just a smokescreen for two, likely long planned for the anniversary of 9/11 Islamoid attacks.
Sam Bacile is a dual citizen Israeli that wants to stoke the fires to rile up Muslims by defamatory propaganda. Israel itself had its censors shut down Bacile when he tried to make other media stuff designed to provoke Muslims inside Israel. The Israelis shut him down as a troublemaker that wanted to incite people to violence, possibly.

Israeli-American Sam Bacile has directed and produced the blasphemous movie. Bacile, 52, is a real-estate speculator living in southern California and a sworn enemy of Islam.

He has assumed responsibility for the film, which he said was made thanks to Jewish donations totaling $5 million from 100 donors, as he told the WSJ .

No Copts were involved.

SGT Ted said...

I voted for Reagan over Carter in 1980 specifically because of his lack of response to the Iranian act of war.

At least Carter didn't apologize to the Iranian hostage takers for hurting their feelings. The Obama asskissers here make me sick.

paul a'barge said...

I didn't even know about the movie before this.

Now, I'll go watch and enjoy it.

Thanks Muslim fanatics. 'ppreciate it. Always up for a good movie.

SGT Ted said...

yea so what C-4? Jews arent responsible for violent Muslims. Muslims do that all on their own, like the Nazis.

paul a'barge said...

@roesch/voltaire: Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country.

How many people would have to die in a dirt courtyard before you figured out what is unfolding?

And what would have been your reaction to @USEmbassyCairo immediate statement apologizing for some unknown movie?

Hint: these are rhetorical answers. We really don't want you input on them.

edutcher said...

Darrell said...

I don't recall that carter supported the overthrow of US friendly governments

Sure he did--Carter suported the overthrow of the Shah of Iran on the advice of his informal spiritual advisor, a clown that was editor of The New Christian Century magazine and who used to appear on Nightline frequently at the time.

Don't forget his support of Danny Ortega and the Aquinos.

Jim said...

This isn't the first movie with a body count. See:

Does anybody else remember the riots when Martin Scorcese made Last Temptation? Or when Andres Serrano made P!ss Cr!st? I didn't think so.

cubanbob said...

Where is Harry Truman when you need him? One or two Curtis LeMay fire bombings will teach the animals the lesson they need to be taught. If that fails to get the message accross the there is Truman's Plan B. The Japanese who were far more fanatic, vicious and capable learned their lesson rather well.

cubanbob said...

Where is Harry Truman when you need him? One or two Curtis LeMay fire bombings will teach the animals the lesson they need to be taught. If that fails to get the message accross the there is Truman's Plan B. The Japanese who were far more fanatic, vicious and capable learned their lesson rather well.

Cedarford said...

but corpseman was pure disrespect..

I had airmen and airwomen with two years in ernestly calling it the Marine Corpse.

Interacting with civilian and Navy ships bringing our stuff in during and after the Gulf War, I heard Navy people butcher AF jargon and AF people clueless on how to say Boatswains Mate, including myself.
And an airwoman who asked why the Navy TAD'd a Phamacist Mate to medical when what they asked for was a medic. And my fucking CO colonel, who thought CINCPAC was the designation for Navy supply ships - as in "When are those 3 CINCPAC-style ships bringing in JP5 supposed to arrive?"

Cedarford said...

SGT Ted said...
yea so what C-4? Jews arent responsible for violent Muslims. Muslims do that all on their own, like the Nazis.

As I said, the movie was just a smokescreen..but it is curious that with State and Obama people making the UTube movie a cause...the film maker becomes an American and his donors are sanitized in the media into being Christians and Copts.

Roger J. said...

Agree with C4--look at the date. and I suspect, but of course do not know, these were coordinated with terrorist elements. And they had major impact. Lays bare the impotence of current American foreign policy. No wonder Bibi will do what is necessary without US interference.

Seeing Red said...

Timing is everything. The Muslim Brotherhood just might have handed the election to Romney. TMB declared war on us a few months ago.

It loathsome we're handing our childen the world we grew up in and then some.

Strelnikov said...

We should be at war today with Egypt, at least. The ruling MB's response has been to call for wider protests on Friday. It's clear it is the sponsor of an attack on US territory, which all embassies world wide are. Amazingly, it looks like Obama will follow Carter's disastrous course of "strongly condemning" and then complaining that there is no one to attack. Had Carter acted decisively in '79 at the the start of the crisis, history would have been changed for the better. On the other hand, can we at least cancel all foreign aid? I'm sure he will not do that as it would engender ill will in the area.

Michael said...

We should, of course, carpet bomb the internet with copies of this absurd movie just as every paper in the civilized world should have published the Cartoons. We will not. The Princton University Press published a book on the cartoons in which none of the cartoons appeared. We no longer observe these obscene ironies these billboards of our cowardice in the face of barbarians.

Seeing Red said...

Romney should pull a reverse Tip O'Neill.

They went to Moscow to tell Brezhnev or Andropov, whoever was in charge to ignore Ronnie, they'll work with him.

They should tell them ignore Obama.

Balfegor said...

Given that these attacks occurred on 9/11, and some of the "protesters" were shouting "We are all Osama!", a slogan we have heard before, it is hard for me to believe that this is really prompted by some insulting video posted to youtube. In Libya, too, the Libyan security team apparently betrayed our ambassador to the protesters.

Strelnikov said...

"Rather than wait a bit to see how it unfolds, once again Mitt and the Republicans put politics before the country."

(1)No problem. Carter waited 444 days and it finally unfolded with his landslide loss to Reagan.

(2)I'm glad Roosevelt didn't take this position after Pearl Harbor.

Balfegor said...

We should immediately terminate all consular services other than helping Americans leave the country, in Egypt and Libya. No visas, no student visas, no tourist visas, no re-entry visas, nothing, until the security situation changes dramatically.

Melissa said...

Re Roger J @9:09, 'nobody saw it coming'--I think they did...they apparently just chose to do nothing:

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The movie is not a cause. It's an excuse for what the enemy wants to do anyway. There's no point talking about it- clearly they wanted to attack our embassies, then went on the internet to find a reason.

Isn't this obvious? Coordinated embassy assaults are not caused by youtube.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lyle said...

Well... democracy in North Africa is bearing fruit. Without the despot's jackboots on top of them the people there are showing what they're really about.

Allahu Akbar!!!

Roger J. said...

Melissa--thanks for the link. Unfortunately the dolts in the State Department didnt do much research.

Methadras said...

As I said. This is what leading form behind looks like. You can now pile on the word cowardice to Urkel's repertoire` of responses. Killing a US ambassador is an act of war. Period. End of story. Gosh, I wonder how long the triangulation back to Iran will take with more gosh darned sactions. Yeah, that'll learn them.

Hey Urkel, how are those nobel peace prize skills working out for you?

Methadras said...

Lauderdale Vet said...

Is this the movie?


Yup, that's the one that religion of perpetual outrage is mad about. So I guess they give it zero stars?

roesch/voltaire said...

This is a measured response, not the shoot from the hip stuff of Mitt, and I quote:"While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said.

Clinton also denounced the attack, calling it "vicious and violent."

Nomennovum said...

You know? I beginning to think Muslims are barbarians.

William said...

The dynamics of the Middle East are so fucked up that there is nothing that anyone can do that will make things better. I suppose it's possible to make things worse and different scenarios have different body counts, but there is no scenario with a happy ending.....Perhaps with sufficient fracking, we can make this part of the world irrelevant, but we can never make it harmonious.

SPImmortal said...

This is a measured response, not the shoot from the hip stuff of Mitt, and I quote:"While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said.

Clinton also denounced the attack, calling it "vicious and violent."



Obama has made a total hash of things in North Africa, helping to kick out Mubbarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood and getting rid of Quaddafi in favor of god knows what.

But he's got some kinda tough talk for those nasty terrorists, whose actions he "opposes".

SPImmortal said...

The dynamics of the Middle East are so fucked up that there is nothing that anyone can do that will make things better. I suppose it's possible to make things worse and different scenarios have different body counts, but there is no scenario with a happy ending.....Perhaps with sufficient fracking, we can make this part of the world irrelevant, but we can never make it harmonious.


Muslim fundamenlalists will not stop. They will have to be stopped.

The means by which they will be stopped will be horrific.

edutcher said...

SP, add A-stan to the mess Zero's made over there.

Things were nowhere near this bad 4 years ago until Choomie decided to "fix" them.

MayBee said...

The problem for Obama is no, "we" don't all condemn theses attacks. The people who committed these attacks on our embassies did them because they like this kind of attack. So what I want from the President is some clarity in who did it, some words to Libya and Egypt to get their acts together, and an investigation to make sure they know what is the intention of these "mobs".

Nomennovum said...

You know? Maybe people like Derbyshire were right. We simply don't have the thousand years (or trillions of dollars) that it will take to Westernize the Muslims. Maybe the neo-cons *were* wrong with this nation-building idea.

Send in a Predator drone or two to Benghazi.

Rubble doesn't make trouble.

The Godfather said...

So far, I haven't been able to find a single Muslim spokesperson who has condemned the murder of the American ambassador and others in Libya. All I find are condemnations of the "movie" -- actually a YouTube short.

Anybody seen or heard anything I missed?

Balfegor said...

Re: roesch/voltaire:

This is a measured response, not the shoot from the hip stuff of Mitt, and I quote:"While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said.

Clinton also denounced the attack, calling it "vicious and violent.

On the contrary, the President should have gone beyond Romney's denunciation. He's the President, of a country whose embassies have just been attacked. He's not just some bystander who can get by with mere rhetorical denunciation. Civilisation itself demands it! The ancient custom of hospitality to embassies, born of the still more ancient duty a man owes to his guests, has been grossly violated.

Obama's a great fan of assassinating people with robot aeroplanes -- we ought to be working on gathering information on who was involved in this, and making preparations to send our aerial terminators to blow them up.

jr565 said...

Islam has now gone to war over beauty pageants cartoons and You Tube videos. I think it's high time past apologizing for anything WE might do to rile them (I.e. the reflexive blame Bush for Islamic aggression, and "they hate us for our policies" and whatnot).
Yes they hate us for our policies, but they also hate us if some private citizen puts a video on you tube that they find remotely critical. So I can't imagine them not hating us for our policies, even if they are benign. We are dealing with a religion that goes to war over the slightest slight.
Meanwhile, they can routinely callfordeath to America death to the Jews, deny the holocaust, threaten to wipe Israel off the map. Yet none of that should be deemed as similarly or more offensive.
And forthe record , Mohammad was a pedophile. Aisha was a young girl when he married her and then deflowered her. That is the definition of a pedophile. Granted, it was a different time, and perhaps they were more lax with when you can have sex with girls. So we could, I guess apply some historical context. But, from the modern viewpoint, yes he was a pedophile. Why can't a movie accurately represent who Mohammad was?

buster said...

Cedarford said:

"I had airmen and airwomen with two years in ernestly calling it the Marine Corpse."

I spent four years as an Air Force corpsman and never once heard anyone, medic or not, pronounce the word as "corpse-man." Of course, in those days most people knew how to read, even enlisted guys.

The Drill SGT said...

Roger J. said...
Not that I am adovcating it, but isnt the invasion, sacking it, and killing four Americans a causus belli under international law?

In Teddy R's day, sure (The Good Roosevelt. Remember:

Perdicaris alive or Rassouli dead

Not a casus belli today, but as I said on the Cairo Thread, it isa violation by Egypt of international standards. We could

1. withdraw our Embassy
2. Kick theirs out
3. cut off aid / divert it to Copts
4. Strongly advise all US citizens in Egypt to get out
5. Declare the country unsafe

wait for the country to starve due to no tourists...

AndyN said...

Roger J. said...

I for one would love to see the State Department's intelligence cables on this atrocity. Apparently no one saw it coming--C4's comments on the timing is on point.

This comes within a week of the news that over the last year and a half the President has attended less than 40% of his daily security briefings. I bet Obama would love to see the State Department's intelligence cables on this too.

The Drill SGT said...

I just spoke with the wife of a neighbor who works at State in the Security Inspection business. She says, he says :) The problem is that the OIG there is full at the top with retread diplomatic Service guys (politicals) instead of some former senior FBI, CIA or DoD guy who has a clue about personnel and physical security.

The fact that the Marines at Cairo didn't fire when they came over the wall, implies to me that there were standing orders not to, and that they could not get them overridden. Shades of Tehran '79.

Balfegor said...

Re: TheDrillSgt:

Not a casus belli today

What are you talking about? It is totally a casus belli today. We just won't go all Mongol on them and put whole cities and provinces to the sword in retaliation.

AndyN said...

Cedarford said...

edutcher - Your obsession with Obama saying corpseman or 57 states is tiresome.
The former is quite understandable - even to those of us who have served in the military. I have seen not just outsiders, but those within the ranks struggling with corpsman, ensigns, for AF, trying to both say the Navy term "Boatswains Mate" while being clueless on what a "Bozun" does.

I agree that you have to let politicians slide on a lot of little mistakes. People who speak in front of a camera as often as they do are inevitably going to slip once in a while. The reason that corpse-man is so memorable though is that the most talented orator in US political history was reading a prepared statement and couldn't even pronounce a common English word. If I didn't know better, I might suspect that we've been lied to and all he ever does is read other people's words as they scroll in front of him on a screen.
Lord knows he has enough other stuff to be hammered on.
No argument there. It's fun picking on politicians for making themselves look ridiculous, but when it comes to fixing the electoral mistake of 2008, go after the substance rather than the style.

Christopher in MA said...

This is a measured response, not the shoot from the hip stuff of Mitt, and I quote:"While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said.

So the "constituional law professor" doesn't understand the First Amendment. We knew that.

And if we're supposed to reject efforts to denigrate others' religious beliefs, R/V, I expect your full-throated denunciation of Hat any moment now.

Clinton also denounced the attack, calling it "vicious and violent."

And if anybody would know vicious and violent, it's Mr. "Better put some ice on that."

Kirk Parker said...


"This isn't the first movie with a body count."

Don't leave out this one!

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