September 19, 2012

The gap in the Romney "secret" video: Corn says "the recording device inadvertently turned off"...

... according to his unnamed source who, he says "noticed this quickly and turned it back one [sic]. The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed."

Really only 2 minutes? You sure it wasn't 18 minutes? Could the name of the source be Rosemary?


shiloh said...

On the bright side for Willard he'll never be president, so he won't be impeached!

TWM said...

"On the bright side for Willard he'll never be president, so he won't be impeached!"

Keep whistling past that graveyard, dude, just keep on whistling.

garage mahal said...

The theory is someone part of the waitstaff did the recording. A meddling 47% moocher no less!

TWM said...

Seriously, I am sure Mother Jones edited it for clarity, not wanting to bog people down in unnecessary stuff.

Best of intentions, naturally.

KCFleming said...

So Jimmy Carter's unemployed Grandson accidentally turned off his hidden iPhone for 2 minutes, immediately after the rest of the disputed quote?

Entirely plausible!

TWM said...

"The theory is someone part of the waitstaff did the recording. A meddling 47% moocher no less!"

Well, then, he was certainly mooching off his employer since he wasn't working when he should have been.

shiloh said...

"wasn't working"

Multitasking, something Willard's incapable of.

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse, the "Obama is Like Nixon" meme is duly noted.

Why haven't you included the tag?

TWM said...

"Multitasking, something Willard's incapable of."

I bet he knows how to operate an iPhone though.

You call it multitasking, I call it stealing money from someone who hired him to do a job. Yep, he's certainly part of the 47%.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We have a shamefully progressive and corrupt tax system that desperately needs reforming - and the left are making secret recordings. All while Obama and his leftwing machine promise higher tax rates on the productive class. Thus killing it. The ultimate goal.

Top earners are the target for new tax increases, but the federal income tax system is already highly progressive. The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid 2 percent of income taxes but earned 13 percent of total income. About half of tax filers paid no federal income tax at all.

TWM said...

"Top earners are the target for new tax increases, but the federal income tax system is already highly progressive. The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid 2 percent of income taxes but earned 13 percent of total income. About half of tax filers paid no federal income tax at all."

April, shame on you. You know better to through facts out to liberals. They only understand emotions.

Anonymous said...

So Mother Jones found a specially edited video made by the grandson of Jimmy Carter at political opponent Mitt Romney's fundraiser...and it may have been edited down for maximum effect to tar Romney?

Say it ain't so!

shiloh said...

"to through facts out to liberals"

TWM, when trying to be cute/clever, it's always good to proofread ...

TWM said...

"TWM, when trying to be cute/clever, it's always good to proofread ..."

Seriously? You're down to pointing out typos? Truly, you must be rattled today.

Why not go back to your safe place and just shout out "HYPERBOLE!" over and over.

AF said...

I hear that in the suspicious gap, Romney said he loves the 47%. But the lame-stream media won't report that, now will they?

shiloh said...

Just a quick FYI for confused Althouse cons: Carter didn't make the tape, he found it doing a routine internet/YouTube search.

that is all ...

shiloh said...

TWM's being upset by my pointing out his blog deficiencies is duly noted.

Matt Sablan said...

When Breitbart posts complete, unedited video: It is clearly so super secretly edited that we can't prove it, but it is!

When Mother Jones posts a video that clearly (and admittedly) cuts out minutes of commentary: Nothing to see here.


shiloh said...

Breitbart is dead, much like Reagan!

TWM said...

" TWM's being upset by my pointing out his blog deficiencies is duly noted."

Hey, now, saying I'm upset is hyperbole on your part.

Also untrue.

I'm quite amused actually.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A vote for Obama is a vote to extend our economic misery.
But yeah - doesn't it feel good?
Vote for the hollywood condidate.

Dave D said...

I love how the two party system polarizes lefties! Mitt is a moderate repbulican at best. Surely no conservative, yet these whiny lefties like shiloh and garage CONSTANTLY poke at him using the usual partisan tactics. If he was on their side, they'd likely have NO problem with him versus the evil republican, whover that was. If we ran Ghandi as a conservative, they'd say the same tired stuff. Fascinating.......

Also, I can assume that the lefts scorn for Mitt means that they totally APPROVE of the extra 5+ TRILLION in debt these clowns will foist on our kids over the next 4 years if their savior gets 4 more years? Unvelievable.....

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting on that 'Communist Voice' piece that has eyewitness accounts of Romney's taunting of the gay classmate in Michigan. That proves he's unfit to be president.

Meanwhile, the economy's recovering, the Middle-East is doing fine. Obama's got this! Raceless, classless, multicultural America awaits.

Cue the NPR music.

shiloh said...

Yes TWM, amusement was clearly indicated by your Why not go back to your safe place and just shout out "HYPERBOLE!" over and over.

take care

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Teddy Kennedy and Robert Byrd are dead. Celebrate!

TWM said...

"Yes TWM, amusement was clearly indicated by your Why not go back to your safe place and just shout out "HYPERBOLE!" over and over.

take care"

Hey, don't go away all hurt and mad. I'm sorry :(

You can say hyperbole all you want and I promise not to tease you about it.

shiloh said...

bin Laden is dead. Celebrate!

shiloh said...

TWM, when someone feels the need to shout, they are definitely discombobulated!


Sloanasaurus said...

Does anyone really believe this. Come on. A missing 2 minutes? What a sham. Won't the MSM question the fact that they are relying on selective editing of a tape.

What about all the accusations made by the MSM about Brietbart videos. What a sick double standard by the left wing media who claim to be honest reporters.

TWM said...

"TWM, when someone feels the need to shout, they are definitely discombobulated!


I agree 100%, that's why I was put it in quotations marks, silly, since you've typed it that way numerous times.

shiloh said...

"that's why I was put it in quotations marks"

Discombobulated much!

TWM said...

"Discombobulated much!"

Occasionally, not often. Is this your new word?

shiloh said...

TWM, when you're in a hole, stop digging ... or not!

TWM said...

"TWM, when you're in a hole, stop digging ... or not!"

Cute, you really think I'm the one in the hole . . .

Issob Morocco said...

From my old role, looking at the film clip, this was done by a bartender at a temp bar station. My guess is, given the when the break ends it starts on someone's hand is on the bar top moving away that gap is caused by that person interrupting the filmer.

That implies he had to edit what he could not turn off while someone came up to the bar to get a drink. That would account for the time loss of one to two minutes in this Romney hit piece.

The "Gap" was anything but inadvertant and the film taker is probably someone who took Media Matters class in video/digital tracking of the oppostion and had it edited out.

Notice the glassware and positioning of the camera so that they can get a fairly clear shot of Romney's head but from the other side of the bar it would not be noticeably visible. This means he set up the phone or camera so as to be hidden to some degree, but if a full rendering had been done it would be on the recording of the person at the bar who would have talked over Romney rendering it unintelligible for that length of time or picking other discussion.

So Corn, who has a rather dubious past in terms of integrity and honesty has called it a "full" video based on what the undercover bartender was able to do with his time, editing skills and physical position, full well knowing that the media will run the narrative not the correction.

Clever carries the day but wisdom endures.

In this case wisdom overtakes Clever. Clever carries Nov. 5th, but Wisdom wins Nov 6th and after.

AllenS said...

David Corn is also a member of Journolist. He could care less if what he says is the truth. He has a story to tell, and if that means telling lies, he will.

Bryan C said...

How conveeeenient. But probably true.

Which is why Romney (and every politician, really) should routinely record their remarks. Even in "private" settings like this one. If a covert recording leaks, the campaign has their own full, unedited version to use as they wish.

People carry recording devices with them all the time now, and at an event filled with strangers it's hopeless to expect that nobody ever uses them. I hope conservatives don't try to go too far with the "illegal recording" angle. Those are bad laws, outdated and very easily abused.

edutcher said...

This whole thing gets better. Obviously, the Romster said something devastating to the Lefties.

shiloh said...

to through facts out to liberals

TWM, when trying to be cute/clever, it's always good to proofread ...

shilol doesn't have to proofread. He just cuts and pastes.

It's easier when it's all written for you, isn't it, little buddy?

Rusty said...

It's almost like shiloh has a stake in Obama winning this election.
More free stuff for shiloh!
Somebody should maybe make a bet with him. His confidence is high.

Carnifex said...


Ambassador Stevens is dead, how hard did you party for that? Jeez, you are such a piece of shit. Now name another dead person, ass wipe.

And it's not like they have a full unedited tape of Zero exclaiming his love of redistribution. Oh wait...

As for Romney, in case you libtards didn't notice, Mittens was practicing socialized medicine before socialized medicine was cool. Mittens isNOT a conservative. At best he is a libertarian. Something a few of you libtards on here claim to be, but you still jump to Zero's dog whistles.

From Inwood said...

It's like the CARFAX™ ad: Show me the missing part.

But don't worry. Be assured, that the missing part would only confuse those who need to have a universally acknowledged truth – Romney is Scrooge – reinforced.

In other words sometimes one has to remove the, er, inconvenient parts to allow people to get a full understanding of what the speaker really meant ... (gurgle, gurgle).

Romney was always at war with The Poor.

The Drill SGT said...

One might remember that the MSM has already been caught several times this year with editgates:

The Zimmerman tapes, and the Andrea Mitchell WaWa story come to mind

edutcher said...

Sarge, I think you mean the Zimmermann telegram.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But.. but.. but Andy gave us assurances, just yesterday, that there were no gaps in the secret video.

AF said...

I heard that in the suspicious gap, Romney said, "Just kidding." But you won't see that reported by the lame-stream media.

Sloanasaurus said...

Until the 2 minute gap is provided, the tape is nothing more than a deceptively edited fraud piece by a left wing organization. No MSM worth its salt should continue to run it. Moreover, commercials that show it are guilty of the same thing and should get four pinoccios.

Carnifex said...


Trayvon is dead. He is so fucking dead he's deader than Mary Jo Kopechne. How hard did you party when you realized a black kid had been killed by a "conservative"? I know. I know...the ends, et al.

Hey Shiloh, Sally Ride DIED! so that Zero could dismantle the space program so he could use NASA for Muj out reach!

Shiloh, Liberace died so Moochie could promote healthy eating! He died of "the watermelon diet", not smoking dick, as was bandied about.

Hey Shiloh! Kim Jong Il died so that Zero could take over a country where he wouldn't have to put up with these pesky elections and an opposition party Those stupid chinks still didn't let him do it though.

Go back to masterbating yourself blind ya fuckwad.

Carnifex said...

I know I'm feeding the troll but I get tired of these amatuerish efforts at insult that pass as wit by communist libtards like Shiloh and Garage. So I vent a little spleen on 'em once in a while. Sorta' like when I get mad at a puppy for piddling on the carpet. I'll rub the puppies nose in it. So to with Shiloh, and Garage. Less with Garage because when I first came to Althouse he was just a little lefttard catepiller, kinda creeping along, leaving his little catepiller turds that were so small no one would notice. And absolutely defenseless. NOw, he has pupated into a full blown moth of a libtard, and I don't want him eating anymore of my laundry, so I swar at him now and then.

Scott said...

Shiloh is no Garage Mahal.

At least Garage could sometimes muster cogent thoughts and would generally stick to the topic.

damikesc said...

Seriously, I am sure Mother Jones edited it for clarity, not wanting to bog people down in unnecessary stuff.

Best of intentions, naturally.

After griping that O'Keefe edited his videos involving ACORN (even though he, you know, released all of the videos completely thru Breitbart), this is some solid irony.

So Jimmy Carter's unemployed Grandson accidentally turned off his hidden iPhone for 2 minutes, immediately after the rest of the disputed quote?

Maybe he's unemployed for a reason. :)

Just a quick FYI for confused Althouse cons: Carter didn't make the tape, he found it doing a routine internet/YouTube search.

Going with the Breitbart example involving that skank at the NAACP meeting --- he is CLEARLY lying and we cannot trust anything he says.

Also, his grandfather is a useless putz whose existence serves as a great case for atheists.

I love how the two party system polarizes lefties! Mitt is a moderate repbulican at best. Surely no conservative, yet these whiny lefties like shiloh and garage CONSTANTLY poke at him using the usual partisan tactics.

If Republicans ran Bill Clinton, all you'd hear is how he's a far right winger who fought hard to deregulate industries and ignored corporate fraud.

...sure, they'd be accurate for once, but still.

bin Laden is dead. Celebrate!

Sure. Families are going hungry due to the Obama economy --- but, hey, OBL is dead.

THAT will put increasingly expensive food on the table.

And it's not like they have a full unedited tape of Zero exclaiming his love of redistribution. Oh wait...

The LA Times is also sitting on what is, reportedly, a bad video involving Obama and a radical Islamist or something.

But, sure the media that botched the Zimmerman story, the WaWa story, etc --- they have the track record where we can slough this off as an "honest mistake".

furious_a said...

Apparently Gov. Romney did not skip his Intell brief to attend a fundraiser.

furious_a said...

Just like the O'Keefe ACORN videos were edited for clarity :-D

The theory is someone part of the waitstaff did the recording.

...and a Carter kid was involved in the distribution.

Known Unknown said...

Apparently Gov. Romney did not skip his Intell brief to attend a fundraiser.

You know what's great about that brief article is that they had to include that Romney came "under fire" for his response to the embassy attacks.

Under fire? You mean like the actual inhabitants of the embassy/consulate?

shiloh said...

"Now name another dead person, ass wipe."

Striking Carnifex's nerve is duly noted, although that isn't difficult to do at Althouse.

btw, Breitbart and Willard's campaign are still dead.

Cue the ad nauseam, self-righteous, childish name calling from Carny, as per usual ...


AF said...

I heard that in the suspicious gap, Romney explained that "contrary to what I just said, peace in the Middle East is achievable, and I will vigorously pursue it if I am elected president." But you won't see that reported by the lame-stream media!

Sloanasaurus said...

Rush just said that the 2 min gap wasn't something that was known... it was discovered by a blogger... who then called Mother Jones on the gap... then Mother Jones admitted it.

The media has been suckered.

Triangle Man said...

It's true. The missing part completely changes the meaning of the message. According to my sources, here is what he said:

"No, but seriously, we need to do what we can to optimize the opportunities for all Americans to succeed. I was just joshing about all that 47% stuff. Can you imagine if I really believed that? Shoot, who cares more about those poor dumb bastards than me?"

Rabel said...

I watched/listened to the tapes yesterday from Althouse's link and noticed that the first one ended at 18:22 in mid-comment and that the second tape skipped to a later time.

I wanted to point that out in the comments, but it was late, so I didn't.

And thus my opportunity for internet fame and fortune passed me by.

Calypso Facto said...

it was discovered by a blogger

You can thank Prof. Jacobson at the Legal Insurrection link in Ann's post above.

Curious George said...

I think Jimmy Carter, having failed in changing his legacy of being the "worst POTUS ever" had his grandson tape and edit this piece to help Obama, knowing four more years will seal his fate and become the new "worst President ever." Then he can start working on replacing Carter as the worst ex-POTUS ever.

AF said...

I heard that in the suspicious gap, Romney said, "Psyche! This whole speech is just a hoax to prove that the lame-stream media is gay for Obama. Obviously, I don't believe any of the stupid and indefensible things I just said!" But you won't see that reported by the lame-stream media!

Carnifex said...

Whistling past the graveyard--Shiloh?

And see the little puppy has no defense against having his nose rubbed in the carpet. Dance puppet, dance.

Was that yawn to open your mouth more so you could take a deeper breath? Or to shove another handful of Cheetoh's into that gob of goo you call denturework? I imagine Shiloh being found dead one day, his skin stuck to his chair ,like those morbidly obese people who never leave their couch for years.

"What killed the victim doctor?"
"Apparently, the "victim" started choking as they shoved one more Cheetoh down their throat, but then coudn't catch their wind, because the lungs had been encrusted with Cheetoh dust. As they fumbled for the phone to call their Mamma, their Cheetoh encased fingers couldn't grip the plastic,so it fell to the floor, where they couldn't reach it. Realizing they had mere moments to live, they grabbed the stick they used to wipe their ass with, and managed to dial 1-800- pizz-ahut, where the manager recognized their best customer, and just shipped the usual, a case of large pies. The driver, who had a key to let himself in found the poor mound of flesh this ghastly blue and orange color. Blue from the asphixiation, and orange from the encrusted Cheetoh dust."
"Was it a man, or a woman? You never said."
"It was so fat, we'll never know."

C'mon Shiloh...let's dance.

shiloh said...

Oh my god! ~ god bless America!

He was on welfare relief for the first years of his life ...

Christopher in MA said...

At least Garage could sometimes muster cogent thoughts and would generally stick to the topic.

That was before Scott Walker and the Koch brothers ate his brain.

AF said...

Seriously, though, help me fill in the details of the conspiracy. What could Romney have said in the suspicious gap that would render press coverage of his comments unfair?

Calypso Facto said...

What could Romney have said...

Let's see if I understand how this works.

Obama's "you didn't build that" speech shown in all of it's damning glory: out of context.

Romney's quip, lost forever after being cut off in mid-sentence: context doesn't matter.

Am I close?

Brennan said...

David Corn hilariously compared James OKeefe to Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass for releasing full video tape.

Don't worry though. It's not like David Corn is a bureau chief or anything like that.

garage mahal said...

Less with Garage because when I first came to Althouse he was just a little lefttard catepiller, kinda creeping along, leaving his little catepiller turds that were so small no one would notice

Did you check your shoes? Ha!

Rocketeer said...

What could Romney have said in the suspicious gap that would render press coverage of his comments unfair?

Within just the last six weeks, we've been subjected to near-constant hootin' and hollerin' by Obama supporters that remarks that were available to all from the first somehow rendered President Tee-Time's "you didn't build that!" remark unibjectionable.

And now, you claim to fail to be able to imagine remarks - over the course of two full minutes of missing tape - that might expound, elaborate, clarify, or otherwise elucidate the remarks Romney made that we're all supposed to piss our pants and spit nails over?

Clearly, you lack imagination AF.

None of us here is responsible for providing you with one.

Rocketeer said...

Calypso, you bastard, you made my point faster and more succinctly than I could!

damikesc said...

What could Romney have said in the suspicious gap that would render press coverage of his comments unfair?

Far more than the "context" needed for "You didn't build that" --- ignoring that the context made the comment worse in Obama's case.

Sloanasaurus said...

With "the You didn't build that," the media spent much time trying to explain that if you listen to the rest of the tape, it changes the meaning of Obama's context.

But, I guess the media won't be able to listen to the missing two minutes of the romney tape....

goodspkr said...

"Multitasking, something Willard's incapable of.

Actually we all are incapable of multitasking. We are capable of multi-ignoring.

Carnifex said...

See...That's the old Garage peeking threw. I knew you were still in there somewhere, much like Luke knew there was still goodness in his father.

Darrell said...

Didn't Andy R yesterday assure us that it was the whole tape? And if there is a cut, how do you know that only 2 minutes are missing? Could it be 20? 10? Do they have a certified time for the entire speech? Or was it from memory, months later?

Trusting the Left never turns out to be the wise choice.

AF said...

I'm hearing a lot about "you didn't build that," which I didn't mention at all. I am not hearing any plausible explanation about how the missing portion of Romney's speech could shed show that his comments have been taken out of context.

The relevance of context is to explain what the words are referring to. You need to know, for example, what "that" is referring to in Obama's "you didn't build that" line, and you need to what 47% is referring to in Romney's line. In this case, we know what Romney was referring to with his 47% comment -- he was referring to the people who don't pay federal income tax. So there isn't any missing context.

Lance said...

Just a quick FYI for confused Althouse cons: Carter didn't make the tape, he found it doing a routine internet/YouTube search.

that is all ...

Uh huh. And Nakoula was detained for "possible probation violations".

Sal said...

Shorter conservatives: A. What Mitt said on the tape is awesome and we agree. B. Mother Jones smeared him by posting full recording, unedited.

edutcher said...

Apparently, that "gap" isn't just another equipment failure.

See the link at the bottom for an explanation that some time was purposely omitted.

caseym54 said...

This was no error. This was an intentional edit.


Look at the screenshots and explain how the camera was "fixed" without moving it at all.

Bryan C said...

"Shorter conservatives: A. What Mitt said on the tape is awesome and we agree. B. Mother Jones smeared him by posting full recording, unedited."

Certainly not as smear. But it is, in fact, edited. Either purposefully or by accident. There's no disagreement at all about that. Try to keep up.

The best argument you can make for Mother Jones is that they simply didn't care if that missing portion was important or not.

Matt Sablan said...

Hey, maybe if we decided to just claim it wasn't authenticated, people wouldn't play the video.

damikesc said...

This was no error. This was an intentional edit.

That the angle didn't change at all does seem really damning. Nearly impossible to "fix" a problem and have the camera placed in the identical position it was in earlier.

Shorter conservatives: A. What Mitt said on the tape is awesome and we agree. B. Mother Jones smeared him by posting full recording, unedited.

More like Mother Jones doesn't know what is shocking to most people and edited the footage to make it as bad as possible.

The relevance of context is to explain what the words are referring to. You need to know, for example, what "that" is referring to in Obama's "you didn't build that" line

The "that" referred to the "business", moron.

Sal said...

Of course, the real problem with this incredibly damaging video is that there's just not enough of it.

The "that" referred to the "business", moron.

Actually, no.

Matt Sablan said...

You know what's funny? Here we actually have an instance of:

A) New media altering a video to make their political opponents look bad

B) While lying about it

C) And getting picked up uncritically by the media

It's like everything bad that was ever said about Breitbart or O'Keefe... but it is true about (what's the guy's name? David Corn? Carn? Whatever. He's a failure as a journalist or get tricked by his source. Either way, loser.)

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm hearing a lot about "you didn't build that," which I didn't mention at all. I am not hearing any plausible explanation about how the missing portion of Romney's speech could shed show that his comments have been taken out of context."

-- It doesn't matter. We were -lied to- about the tape. We were told that it was complete. It was not. We were told that it had everything, it is not. There's convincing evidence it was not equipment malfunction (I've used handheld recording devices, that... does not happen unless you are a rank amateur or constantly fiddling with features.) So, WHY was the video edited/were we lied to?

That is enough to convince me that there is something in that gap that doesn't help the people who put the story forward. Sadly, since they are partisans and not journalists, it seems simpler to me to assume that they are hiding something that would hurt their argument.

Bryan C said...

"This was no error. This was an intentional edit.


Look at the screenshots and explain how the camera was "fixed" without moving it at all."

Hmm. That evidence of an intentional edit isn't very convincing.

The author of that page contends that the camera didn't move pre- and post-interruption, and therefore there could have been no opportunity to "fix" the camera.

That's just silly. This was a phone, right? If it stops, you just tap the screen here and there to start recording again. You don't need to pick it up, and you never need to move the camera.

Matt Sablan said...

If that was the case, why not disclose it up front? Why try to hide the fact you had an equipment malfunction while taping someone speaking?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


[quoting damikesc:] "The 'that' referred to the 'business,' moron.

Actually, no.

Actually, yes. Unless "roads and bridges" take a singular pronoun in your version of English.

"Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Michael said...

The "you didnt build that" bit of the tape is not nearly as damning as the two paragraphs preceeding it. The ones where he implied that brains and hard work were traits commonly shared by lots of unsuccessful people: leafing the impression that luck alone dostinguished the drooling mob with rich merchants.

Chuck said...

Allen S. wrote:
"David Corn is also a member of Journolist. He could care less if what he says is the truth. He has a story to tell, and if that means telling lies, he will."

Allen - Is Journolist still around? I thought it was dead. I have little doubt that something has replaced it; something equivalent. But I really wondered what. And yes, this Romney video thing made me all the more curious about that subject.

Joe Schmoe said...

It's not fair to pile on Jimmy Carter the Fourth for this kind of screwup. Just being Jimmy Carter the Fourth is punishment enough.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Bryan C said...

That's just silly. This was a phone, right? If it stops, you just tap the screen here and there to start recording again. You don't need to pick it up, and you never need to move the camera.

Very unlikely scenario. If it stops, the screen goes dark as the recording ends. You would have to do more than tap it to ensure that it both starts and is still focused in on Romney.

In fact, even tapping it will probably jostle the camera just a bit so that it is no longer focused on the exact same spot.

You're making a special pleading to try to excuse what is painfully obvious: the tape was edited and a portion was removed. The fact that people are lying about it makes it reasonable to assume they're hiding some part of Romney's speech that they don't want people to hear.

harrogate said...

Honestly. That was a long clip they played of Romney talking with full conviction. Bullshit aside, does anyone honestly believe that there's some magical context clip that was ever in existence, that would change the meaning even a little? A dead certainty that if you heard more of that donor talk, you'd hear more of what you've already heard.

harrogate said...

Michael, grow the fuck up. You wrote:

"The [paragraphs] where he implied that brains and hard work were traits commonly shared by lots of unsuccessful people."

If you do not know that this "implication" as simply, patently true, then you have lived a miraculously sheltered life and need to grow the fuck up.

"leafing the impression that luck alone dostinguished the drooling mob with rich merchants."

The truth that many smart and hardworking people never get ahead in this economy, indeed in this world, does not at all "leaf" any such impression as that. It is not a matter of "luck alone." But luck and chance very often do deliver featuring blows in terms of human destiny. And again, if you do not know this, you have lived a miraculously sheltered life, and need to grow the fuck up.

Emil Blatz said...

Call me naive, but, wouldn't you think that a modern campaign, one which might spend $1B and is presenting a candidate who is portrayed as pretty sharp, would have recorded, indexed and archived every waking moment of the guy's life for the past year or two? Look at how many times Rush Limbaugh has been bailed out of a jam, because he had the transcriptions of his daily broadcast immediately at hand. That's a function of his hearing loss, but how is it possible, in the post George Allen "Macaca" era, that campaigns are not using recording for defense as well as offense?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

This is a legit scoop. I don't mind media reporting on closed fund raising gatherings. Not one bit.

I don't agree with what Romney said in the 47% remark (posted elsewhere), but it doesn't bother me much. The idea that tax cuts have a shrinking constituency is an old one.

I don't see how what they deleted would change anything one way or the other. Perhaps it was something favorable to Romney but if that's true Romney simply has to say the same thing again. Shrug.

Matt Sablan said...

"Bullshit aside, does anyone honestly believe that there's some magical context clip that was ever in existence, that would change the meaning even a little?"

-- Because we were lied to about this gap in the tape. If you were on a jury, and something looked damning, then you found out the prosecution had rigged the evidence and hidden part of it, I hope you'd be VERY suspicious about why the prosecution is acting unethically. Frankly, since it was deliberately removed (or, at least, the edited bit was deliberately not revealed during the first airing of the tape), I see no reason to give it any benefit of the doubt.

We were lied to and conned. Conmen and liars shouldn't get to BENEFIT from lying to me.

damikesc said...

The "that" referred to the "business", moron.

Actually, no.

Yes, it did.


That's just silly. This was a phone, right? If it stops, you just tap the screen here and there to start recording again. You don't need to pick it up, and you never need to move the camera.

Ever tap a screen?

The device moves when you do so, even slightly.

This didn't all.

damikesc said...
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