September 13, 2012

Romney retakes the lead in the Rasmussen daily tracking poll.

Romney 47%. Obama 46%.

Romney had been stalled at 45% for the previous 4 days, during which Obama had spiked as high at 50%. (Here's the running history of the polls, available to subscribers only.)

From the first link:
When 'leaners' are included, it’s Romney 49% and Obama 47%....

Perhaps most significantly, Republicans are once again more engaged in the election than Democrats. Forty-nine percent (49%) of GOP voters are following the race on a daily basis. Among Democrats, just 42% are that interested. Throughout 2012, Republicans have consistently held the enthusiasm advantage. However, for a few days following the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, the president’s party caught up to the GOP on this important measure of potential turnout.


Patrick said...

Miami Herald has Romney up in FL too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yea.. but that poll was taken before Romney got that ambassador killed.

Jason said...

I don't think the embassy issue is fully 'baked in' to this poll yet.

When more Americans question the security arrangements in Benghazi, rather than Romney's remarks about Cairo's tweets, we'll see another couple of points move for Romney, I imagine.

Anonymous said...

The bounce got bounced by the after DNC party-hangover of a crappy economy. Add in the train-wreck that is Obama's foreign policy (sorry MSM, you're efforts to make this about Romney aren't going to work), and we may be past the doldrums for Romney.

edutcher said...

Oh, yes, speaking out against the Zero foreign policy was a big mistake.

Trolls going into denial in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and please let the Chicago teachers keep striking - for a month or so. I hate what it's doing to the kids, but then again considering the dropout rate there they may be better off on the streets.

Christopher in MA said...

Oh, yes, speaking out against the Zero foreign policy was a big mistake.

Trolls going into denial in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Rasmussen is biased. Or Nazis. Probably funded by the Koch Brothers. And Obama is awesome. Romney is stupid. And RACIST!

That, I think, will cover all the points raised by our usual gang of idiots.

Scott M said...

The bounce got bounced by the after DNC party-hangover of a crappy economy.

You forgot the DNC-Russian Navy bounce.

Matt Sablan said...

Still too early for polls to matter.

Anonymous said...

"Still too early for polls to matter."

They matter in that good polls generate more positive buzz and therefore support.

Paddy O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan in Philly said...

It's almost amazing Obama is still in this thing.

Paddy O said...


I'm Full of Soup said...

Good one!

Patrick said...

Oh great. Now Paddy's claiming that Mitt Romney was making out during Schindler's list.

TosaGuy said...

How can this be when Romney killed a US ambassador by giving him cancer when he shut down a steel plant and ended health insurance -- all so he could put his dog on top of his car and buy horses for his wife.

If only he had shown us his tax returns then that recent jobs report would have been awesome and all the middle east would have sung kumbaya.

Balfegor said...

When more Americans question the security arrangements in Benghazi, rather than Romney's remarks about Cairo's tweets, we'll see another couple of points move for Romney, I imagine.

I think Republican-leaners' outrage over the developments in Egypt and Libya (and now Yemen and Tunisia) are driving up their engagement/enthusiasm. I don't think the story on the unfolding disaster in the Middle East has played out yet, though. The media probably can't do it for him, but the President does have the opportunity, if he takes it, to show decisive leadership here, which could be a huge plus for him.

As we learn more about the Cairene embassy's dispatch, I think the administration could have played that to their advantage much better. Apparently, the embassy staff did try to vet the earlier written statement (that they retweeted after the Embassy was breached) with State. And State said no, but they issued it anyway. If the administration had laid out that story -- said yes, Romney's criticism of the embassy statement, while inartful, was accurate: look, we agreed before this was even an issue, told them not to issue the statement, made them withdraw the statement afterwards, and we're taking steps to ensure we control rogue diplomatic staff in these extremely volatile and sensitive areas -- I think that would have been a much cleaner narrative for them. That would have let the President's campaign take a somewhat more high-minded tone.

Tom Spaulding said...

Is this after the expected Pimp With a Limp bounce?

Wait'll Beyonce and Jay-Z see this!

Hagar said...

The Democrats holding steady and the Republicans gaining a fraction here, a fraction there.

Shouting Thomas said...

I gotta admit.

This is a pretty entertaining campaign!

Michael said...

I know scores of people across the country who voted for Obama, people of good faith like the professor, who will not be voting for him again. The people I know don't run blogs and don't pretend to any neutrality at this point. But they also are keeping it quiet because in the higher reaches of finance and the corporate world it is best to keep the liberal front well polished. For business reasons. I predict Obama by a hair or Romney is a landslide.

Michael said...

ToscaGuy: Brilliant! In a few short paragraphs you have the narrative perfectly.

kentuckyliz said...

9/11-12/12 are the days and events that turned me from an anti-Obama voter into a pro-Romney voter.

As I chat with colleagues, I ask them, "Did you hear that tape of the journalists working together to attack Romney, crafting the narrative, like they're James Carville? Whatever happened to objectivity?! They should be fired for malpractice. They shouldn't be the PR-advocacy firm for any president or politician."

It's quite the buzz, among all folks no matter what their politics. They think it's unfair.

kentuckyliz said...

Oh and I forgot to say TosaGuy wins the thread.

Shouting Thomas said...


Anybody reporting this besides the knuckle draggers at Faux News?

Heard about it on Faux News on Sirius Radio this morning.

Skinned one of my knuckles just listening.

Robert Cook said...

1 or 2% "leads" are statistically insignificant...the two terrible candidates for President are in a dead heat, (and we will finish "last" whichever of the two "wins').

shiloh said...

Althouse's continuing Rasmussen fetish aside, Scotty Ras has willard ahead by only 48/45 in MO. hmm, the Akin effect?

As always, keep hope alive!

MB said...

Has either of them commented on Yemin yet?

Shouting Thomas said...

1 or 2% "leads" are statistically insignificant...the two terrible candidates for President are in a dead heat, (and we will finish "last" whichever of the two "wins').

False consciousness, eh, Comrade Cookie?

What we need is a heroic Jesus figure like you to save us!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That audio tape of the CBS reporter (Jan Crawford) attempting to manipulate and coordinate an anti-Romney press attack should be a concern for every American.

Robert Cook said...

"How can this be when Romney killed a US ambassador by giving him cancer when he shut down a steel plant and ended health insurance -- all so he could put his dog on top of his car and buy horses for his wife.

"If only he had shown us his tax returns then that recent jobs report would have been awesome and all the middle east would have sung kumbaya."

Obama matches, if not trumps, this by having betrayed his base, working assiduously for the benefit of the wealthy elites; by declaring his administration would protect whistle-blowers while in fact protecting members of the CIA and of the previous administration from investiation and prosecution for crimes, including torture and murder, while going after whistle-blowers with unprecedented ferocity; and by granting himself authority to assassinate anyone, anywhere, anytime, including American citizens...and by acting on his self-granted authority.

Paddy O said...

"Now Paddy's claiming that Mitt Romney was making out during Schindler's list."

How can you elect a man such as this?!

Romney is a bad man, a very bad man!

edutcher said...

Jobless claims hit 2 month high.

What was it Jeremiah said?


shiloh said...

Althouse's continuing Rasmussen fetish aside, Scotty Ras has willard ahead by only 48/45 in MO. hmm, the Akin effect?

No, the Zero effect. He was down before, remember?

The bounce that bounced away?

mittens mama grizzly lemmings fetish

Q= F* K( V%

Known Unknown said...

Polls are pretty useless knowing how I usually respond when polled.

Paulio said...

ha! Ann's Rasmussen posts are just hilarious. I'm starting to collect them, along with the various "predictions" of the commenters and plan on re-posting them as comments the day after Obama wins re-election. I might have to take the day off, but it will be worth it for a entire day of laughs.

shiloh said...

"entire day of laughs."

After 2008 watched Billo/Hannity on fixednoise. Schadenfreude!

All good things in moderation. :)

cubanbob said...

Paulio said...
ha! Ann's Rasmussen posts are just hilarious. I'm starting to collect them, along with the various "predictions" of the commenters and plan on re-posting them as comments the day after Obama wins re-election. I might have to take the day off, but it will be worth it for a entire day of laughs.

9/13/12 11:36 AM
shiloh said...
"entire day of laughs."

After 2008 watched Billo/Hannity on fixednoise. Schadenfreude!

All good things in moderation. :)

9/13/12 11:40 AM

Don't disappear from here the day after election. It would be criminal of you to deprive the sane and intelligent their moment of extreme mirth.

bagoh20 said...

" I'm starting to collect them, along with the various "predictions" of the commenters and plan on re-posting them as comments the day after Obama wins re-election. I might have to take the day off, but it will be worth it for a entire day of laughs."

That's a real interesting life you've made for yourself. Quality work there, sir. I hope your 7th grade project includes posting your prediction above. Such small people on the left, with little concern for real issues. You actually think this is some kind of game.

Michael said...

Shiloh: Were you, lol, around after the 2010 elections? LOL, Nuf said, had, lol

bagoh20 said...

Paulio, add this to you list of predictions from me:

Paulio will still be a man of little substance, and will actually disappear from this blog after the election.

edutcher said...

Great quote from Peter Schiff,

"If this is a recovery, why are things getting worse? This isn't a recovery, it's a depression".

jr565 said...

ignore what I said previously about polls. This one is entirely accurate. Suck it Obama nerds!

in seriousness, unless the pollls are saying either is ahead by 20% or more and that is consistent across multiple polls, it's probably just noise.

bagoh20 said...

You can't convince me that a bunch of people just switched their preference back and forth that quick. It useless.

Rocketeer said...

You can't convince me that a bunch of people just switched their preference back and forth that quick.

Believe it or not, I know LOTS of people that do this...

AF said...

Hey Althouse, I get it that you don't "trust" Nate Silver so you ignore his numbers, even though they're aggregates of everyone's numbers, including Rasmussen's. What about Fox News? RealClearPolitics? What's the justification for ignoring them?

jr565 said...

April Apple wrote:
That audio tape of the CBS reporter (Jan Crawford)

Since we now have a name attached to that incident repubs should go on the offensive and call her out on it next time there's a press conference and she's there. Shift the question from what is being asked to, "hey' arent' you Jan Crawford? THe ohter day you were caught on tape trying to coordinate a fake journalistic response that would suggest that Romney was somehow jumping the gun or did something to merit voter scorn, almost as if you're trying to push a meme to influence the election. Knowing this, how do I know if I answer any of your questions that you won't try to do the same thing with any of our answers? How about we don't take any questions from your news organization, because you are incapable of being honest? Next question".
It doesn't have to be worded that way, but she needs to be embarrassed in public, her and people like her. And even if it doens't change anything, repubs can at least let media outlets know that they're on to their manipulations and they won't be tolerated.

shiloh said...

"Were you, lol, around after the 2010 elections? LOL, Nuf said, had, lol"

I've been "around" since voting for McGovern in '72. Although only surfing political blogs since the mid '90s. Again, liberals never go away and hide, regardless.

WEhereas, as mentioned previously, at one blog after the 2006 election, most of the cons stopped posting. After 2008, they all went into hiding. Go figure!

Did I mention liberals never leave, but I may take a vacation.


But, but, but cons, keep ((( wishin'/hopin'/prayin' ))) willard mittens will lead you fools to the promised land!

Hey, he has the $$$ advantage. Keep hope alive!

'nuf said!

Methadras said...

These polls only matter 3 - 4 weeks before the election. This is nice to see, but I don't believe it at all.

shiloh said...

"What's the justification for ignoring them?"

She has to pander/kowtow to/appease her con flock. It's that basic!

Althouse knows it will take a miracle for mittens to get elected, con billionaire $$$ advantage, con voter suppression laws and mittens not being able to get out of his way notwithstanding.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sloanasaurus said...

We will see if Obama gets a bounce from printing fake money.

How is it that the economy is improving, when we have to print so much money?

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

I've been "around" since voting for McGovern in '72. Although only surfing political blogs since the mid '90s. Again, liberals never go away and hide, regardless.

Yes, they do. we've had whole weeks where the little vermin weren't in evidence.

In fact, the animal was gone for several months after the Romster snagged the nomination.

Did I mention liberals never leave

Just like roaches.

Althouse knows it will take a miracle for mittens to get elected, con billionaire $$$ advantage, con voter suppression laws and mittens not being able to get out of his way notwithstanding

Funny how the current Administration is providing miracle after miracle of its own incompetence, so Althouse or the Romster don't need much else.

I may take a vacation.


I'm getting my ass kicked every 10 minutes and have become a laughingstock.

Look for me in my new sockpuppetry as Alpha Liberal, Montagne Montaigne, and Ritmo Brasiliero.

mama grizzly lemmings cons lol lol

S^ G. R' U}

Loose lips sink ships

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I predict a 45-state electoral college landslide. And I'm NOT expecting any "swing" states to go for Obama this time. He may run again in 2020 or something, but the gloss is off the hopey changey dude now and his moment has passed.

garage mahal said...

All the polls are skewed +100 for the Demos. Keep that in mind. Romney has this is the bag.

Bob Ellison said...

Nate Silver is another intesting lefty talking point. Nobody had heard of him until a few months ago, when someone on the left (can't remember where) started touting him as the wisest, bestest election analyst ever. Maybe he is, but how did he rise so far, so fast, in the leftist river?

Rocketeer said...

You keep whistlin' past that graveyard, GM.

Rocketeer said...

Maybe he is, but how did he rise so far, so fast, in the leftist river?

In a river full of leftist turds, the biggest turds still pop to the top the quickest.

Tim said...

"You forgot the DNC-Russian Navy bounce."

The Democrat establishment's ignorance of nearly all things military caused this.

It would be funny if it were not sad.

David said...

Tosa Guy: may I quote you? Say yes, cause I'm going to steal your line anyway.

garage mahal said...

The Democrat establishment's ignorance of nearly all things military caused this.

Blame the American government for the act of jihadis. How patriotic of you.

TosaGuy said...

By all means....

shiloh said...

edutcher infatuated/obsessed w/me aside, again I come and go as I please as I'm not addicted to this blog like madame's #1 pet!

Anonymous said... did [Nate Silver] rise so far, so fast, in the leftist river?

As I recall, Silver was actually a baseball statistics nerd who turned his skill towards politics in 2008. He did well in predicting Obama's rise, attracted much attention particularly from the Left, and was offered a blogging position as pollster on the NYT.

I just learned recently, I think from someone here, that Silver also got the attention of the 2008 Obama campaign and has become a pet consultant for Obama -- which may explain Silver's 76.8% bullish on Obama's reelection chances.

Christopher in MA said...

Blame the American government for the act of jihadis. How patriotic of you.

I don't know. There are many theories about it. The most interesting theory that I've heard so far, which is nothing more than a theory, I can't—think it can't be proved, is that he was warned ahead of time by the Saudis. Now, who knows what the real situation is, but the trouble is that by suppressing that kind of information, you lead to those kinds of theories, whether they have any truth to them or not, and then eventually they get repeated as fact. So I think the president is taking a great risk by suppressing the clear, the key information that needs to go to the Kean commission.

- Howard Dean describing a theory held by the left that Bush knew in advance about the 9/11 attack.

That's Democrat "patriotism" right there, garbage.

garage mahal said...

So Tim = Howard Dean?

Cedarford said...

Add into this, as Obama continues on his campaign fundraiser trip, that the new turmoil in the middle east has driven gas prices to new record levels.

Food prices are going to be following, on Obama's gas cost and the big drought.

Now the drought was not Obama's doing, but Black Messiah will be punished for high food prices sure as Bush was punished because Katrina happened to make landfall near a 3rd world city with a dysfunctional Democrat mayor and a dysfunctional Democrat governor.

Fen said...

I know scores of people across the country who voted for Obama, people of good faith like the professor, who will not be voting for him again.

Yup. When they score "likely voter" enthusiasm on a scale of 1-10 they get:

Republicans 7-9
Democrats 3-5

eddie willers said...

How can this be when Romney killed a US ambassador by giving him cancer when he shut down a steel plant and ended health insurance -- all so he could put his dog on top of his car and buy horses for his wife.

If only he had shown us his tax returns then that recent jobs report would have been awesome and all the middle east would have sung kumbaya.

Such an awesome post I'm putting it up again to piss off the right people.

Cedarford said...

Robert Cook - Obama matches, if not trumps, this by having betrayed his base, working assiduously for the benefit of the wealthy elites; by declaring his administration would protect whistle-blowers while in fact protecting members of the CIA and of the previous administration from investiation and prosecution for crimes, including torture and murder, while going after whistle-blowers with unprecedented ferocity; and by granting himself authority to assassinate anyone, anywhere, anytime, including American citizens...

Well, Robert, I will give you are at least more consistent than Code Pink or the Progressive Jews of the media that ceased their OUTRAGE!! over similar doings in the Bush Administration as soon as their black messiah entered office.

But aside from Democrat connivance with Republicans in ensuring all responsible for the fiscal collapse and greatest ripoff in US history did not only escape prosecution and a single day in jail - but got Uncle Sugar to give them trillions.....
A lot of what you hate is what most Americans LIKE about Obama.

1. They are happy that he kept GITMO open.
2. They are happy he "extrajudicially assassinated" bin Laden.
3. They are happy that he did not back the traitor Eric Holder to the hilt on his witch hunt for the CIA criminals that got the info that led to bin Ladens's "extrajudicial assassination".
4. The public is happy he whacked two traitor enemy that happened to technically have US citizenship, because they were enemy, and not criminal suspects.
5. Most the public considers Assange an enemy and Bradley Manning a disgusting little traitor, not a whistleblower...and await the harsh sentence awaiting Manning as his just desserts for betraying Nation, his sacred trust to his military comrades.
6. Like it or not, the Chief Executive is the CIC, not a clump of lawyers dressed in robes. Nor a Congress that structurally was never intended to vote on each war target. That means the call to kill or otherwise neutralize enemy, on a tactical level, is with the President and the Executive Branch of government. (In the Gulf War, one war target was a US citizen from Iraq, who got citizenship by marrying an American while somehow keeping his commission in the Republican Guard. In WWII, it was generally a huge mistake for an Italian or German or Jap fighting us to bray they were US citizens upon capture, expecting extra mercy. )

victoria said...

Gag. Does anybody actually follow those biased polls? I don't look at any polls,just like i don't listen to anything that Rush says. I don't even care for Obama but Obama Derangement Syndrome is alive and well.

Vicki from Pasadena

Ctmom4 said...

@creeley 123 - Silver got his start posting at Daily Kos, where he attracted the attention of the Obama campaign. Also reportedly a "Journolister". Everything he says is suspect.

Justin said...

Re Nate Silver:

I think he rose so fast because of his accuracy. My recollection is he called every state correctly except Indiana, and also had very good accuracy with respect to margins of victory. He also correctly predicted the winner of every Senate race that year. Bascially, he did better than all other pollsters.

If he's wrong this year, I suspect he'll fall just as fast as he rose. I wouldn't put much stock in what he's saying now, but based on his performance last go-around (and, for that matter, in 2010) I would bet that his predictions in the couple of weeks leading up to the election will hold true.

furious_a said...

Blame the American government for the act of jihadis. How patriotic of you.

""Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -- Thomas Jefferson" seen on Democrats' bumpers everywhere prior to the current Administration.

Christopher in MA said...

So Tim = Howard Dean?


You = Hypocritical dogfucker.

Sloanasaurus said...

If you look at Rasmussen's 2008 polling during Sept/Oct, the race was about Obama +1 up through the end of August. Then Obaam got a +5 bump from his convention which lasted two weeks and dissappeared. Then McCain got a +2-3 bump out of his convention that disappeared after a week, back to Obama +1. Then when Lehman collapsed and the market collapsed in late September, Obama took a 5-7 point lead, and pretty much stayed there until the Election. Obama pounded McCain during that time with his 3-1 money advantage.

THis time is going to be much different. Romney is a better candidate than McCain and there is no money advantage. Obama is the incumbent, but the economy is terrible. Republicans are more exicted to get rid of Obama than Dems are excited to keep him. It could go either way.

mccullough said...

Nate Silver is as wrong about 2012Obama as he was about the 2005 White Sox.

From Inwood said...

Tosa & Lem

Just sent a combined version of your comments here to my friends, with attribution.

Good show

Sloanasaurus said...

I know some people think the Fed's money printing will help Obama, but I disagree. If, (and that is a big If) the money printing has any effect on the economny it won't kick in for many months. In the meantime, the fact that the Fed has to print money, is an easy way for Romney/Ryan to explain why the economy is in terrible shape and why not to believe the spin from Obama/MSM. Obama and the media try to cite and manipulate facts as to why the economy is not "so bad." But, why do we need massive money printing if the economy isn't so bad...??? Are the 11 out of 12 fed governors idiots? (some would say yes, but that is for another post).


Christopher said...

Like I said, wait a week before panicking.

DEEBEE said...

Perhaps most significantly, Republicans are once again more engaged in the election than Democrats. Forty-nine percent (49%) of GOP voters are following the race on a daily basis. Among Democrats, just 42% are that interested
We should stop taking these numbers as Gospel or at least scientific fact. 49 and 42 are about same and do not justify a just" before 42

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