September 6, 2012

"Robin Givhan Revives Rumors of an Ambassador Anna Wintour."

"If you thought rumors of Anna Wintour's ambassadorial ambitions had been laid to rest, think again. Robin Givhan would like to take a closer look, and if Givhan is taking a closer look, then there must be something at which to take a closer look."

1. You remember Wintour, the Vogue editor who did a glamorous party for Obama where it wasn't just fashion insiders, who get what she's supposed to be, and there was that video, turning the do into a competition where one common person would be permitted to mix with the Wintour-getting folk, and she was all "It'll be a fahntahzztic evahnahng, ahnnd you cahhhnn join us."

2. Why haven't we seen Wintour at the Democratic Convention? They've been parading one woman after another across their stage. Obviously, though she's about keeping up with fashion trends, she's thoroughly out of touch with the American political style — they way you have to talk to the people. But the Obama campaign is trying to pick the right people for their message, and they learned their lesson after they wheeled out Wintour last spring and let her unleash her mannerisms and affectations for the camera. (It's the other party that's supposed to be the rich, so you sure don't want someone who talks and tics like a stereotype of a rich dame.)

3. But Robin Givhan, the Daily Beast fashion-and-politics writer, is pumping the rumor that Wintour is after an ambassadorship. Robin Givhan, who's never hidden her fond love for the Obamas. (Just a couple days ago, she celebrated Michelle's perfect-for-politics fashion.) Why, then, would Givhan spread the rumour about Wintour? That doesn't help Obama. We should not be looking at that right now!

4. My guess is: Givhan is toning it down, and Wintour has the ambassadorship in the bag. The terribly expensive bag.


Bob Ellison said...

She would be a good American ambassador to Manhattan.

campy said...

Obama is Awesome!

Hagar said...

After yesterday, let's see what tonight will bring.

That bag may not be worth all that much.

Matt Sablan said...

Another possibility: She doesn't -know- that it is harmful to Obama.

Michael said...

Ghana is in need of Wintour. Or Mali.

Darrell said...

Wintour's saving the best teat in the house for you.

Her pronounciation is probably why they didn't let her on stage. They are a party of twats, but best not to showcase that in prime time.

MayBee said...

She likes the Assads so much, she should be the Ambassador to Syria.

wyo sis said...

Dahling, She had better hope Romney loses. I hear Ann Romney turned down the opportunity to be savaged by Vogue. I mean be featured in Vogue.

Sydney said...

Every day I read something that makes me feel we are just laughing and dancing our way to the precipice. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

"She would be a good American ambassador to Manhattan."

LOL! But only to a few select zip codes, I'm sure. I can't see her in 10033.

There's a photo of her in today's WSJ, in a lineup of people at some fashion show. She appears to be wearing a straw wig.

Anonymous said...
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Rusty said...

Honest to christ. Who gives a shit.

ricpic said...

She would be a good ambassador to Manhattan.

Now that's a funny line.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Worship lord Obama properly, and everything can be yours. Well, not you per say - but the wealthy and connected will definitely get a leg up.

Anonymous said...

The ambassador rumor always made sense.

Wintour doesn't strike me as the idealistic, generous, or even political type, yet she has spent so much time and so much of her personal cachet supporting Obama.

Admittedly, supporting Obama was supremely cool four years ago, but not so much this year, so it's not a fashion statement.

No, there's got to be a quo for all that quid.

edutcher said...

Choom must figure the only way to prosperity is FDR's way - World War.

Make her ambassador to Russia or Red China. Since one of her nicknames is "Nuclear" Wintour, she'll prove as good a good will ambassador as Choomie himself.

Caedmon said...

Is she a US Citizen?

bagoh20 said...

I'm Ambassador to Hooterville, dahhhling.

Anonymous said...

Not to be mean, but she reminds me of a lop rabbit.