September 6, 2012

Live-blogging Day 3 of the Democratic convention.

5:41 Central Time: I'm starting now, because it's Tammy Baldwin, my congressperson. She's running to take the seat Herb Kohl has been sitting in for oh, so long. She tells us of Wisconsin's motto, "Forward" (which Obama is using as his motto), and she finds a few opportunities to repeat "Forward." She's talking about "the Wisconsin I know" and "the America I love."

5:51: It's LBGT time. A video, with Obama saying we need to see a man with a man or a woman with a woman as equally worthy as a man and a woman. Then a young man named Zack Wahls — from Iowa — says he was raised by 2 moms, and: "I'm awesome at putting the seat down."

5:55: A really sweet and charming video about the woman who started the "Fired up/Ready to go" chant in Greenwood, South Carolina, some 4 years ago, Edith S. Childs. Ah, it's on line: here. Watch it. I liked that.

5:58: "They really got through the gay stuff quick," I observe.

6:01: Jim Messina, the Obama campaign manager is begging us for money. There's a sob in his voice. He sounds genuinely desperate.

6:28: Foo Fighters emote. [ADDED: Meade says: "This is kind of depressing music, and it goes along with the whole convention.]

6:32: The Foo Fighters are singing "I never wanna die" over and over. It's this song, "Walk":
I never wanna die
I'm on my knees
I never wanna die
I'm dancing on my grave
I'm running through the fire
Forever, whatever
I never wanna die
I never wanna leave
No, no... that's not an argument for a politician's reelection.

6:34: Now, there's this really gloomy video. Faces on a dark background. Woebegone people agonizing about how they "did everything right," and yet they are "one mistake away from losing the little that we have."

6: 47: An. act.tress. Kerry. I'd never heard of her before, but she's emoting big time, like she's talking to a bunch of idiots who never think about politics. But politics is thinking about us, she says ominously. Uh, we're the people watching the convention. We're not your Hollywood friends. "The other side" — "side," pronounced as a series of trembling, upscaling notes — "wants. to. take. our. voi.ces. a.way. and render us. invisible" — big wagging finger — "but we" — "we," rendered in the trembling, upward 4-syllables for a 1-syllable word, like she's really trying to scare us — "are not. invisible." Her doe eyes scan the crowd. Did they understand? Did they com.pre.hend? Did they the depths of. my. words? [ADDED FROM THE COMMENTS: Fiftyville said: "I loved Kerry Washington's statement... 'You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you.' If you have to steal, Dems, why steal from Yakov Smirnoff?"]

6:57: Scarlett Johansson. So the beautiful actresses are all getting dumped in an early hour. Unlike Kerry Washington, the actress Johansson is able to act like a normal person. "We are the generation who feel our voices haven't been heard," she says, repeating something Chelsea Clinton said earlier in the convention. Johansson enthuses about voting. It's a speech that seems more appropriate to a bunch of young kids. And, sorry, I don't understand the basis for this whole generation believing that their "voices haven't been heard." You get to vote. Like everyone else. Why do you feel there's more of an entitlement than that? If you have something to say, say it. You kids have the whole internet. Twitter. YouTube. My generation didn't have that. What's this "no voice" business?

7:04: Debbie Wasserman Schultz aids a woman who is struggling to walk onto the stage. With great effort, she struggles to blurt out the words of the Pledge of Allegiance. My God, it's Gabby Giffords. Many tears run down many faces.

7:09: "As a Catholic woman, I take reproductive health seriously," says Caroline Kennedy, reading the script robotically. She complains about states putting restrictions on "access to reproductive health care."

7:13: Jennifer Granholm, "from the great state of Michigan, where the trees are just the right height." (She lifts Mitt Romney's gentle joke about home, and Meade and I disagree about whether she's showing some affection for her fellow Michigander.)

7:17: Granholm has a good (if unfair) line — referencing Romney's supposed lack of concern for auto-industry workers — "The cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft." You have to know that Romney had a car elevator installed in one of his homes.

7:21: It's "actress Eva Longoria." Not sure why Caroline Kennedy and Jennifer Granholm broke up the parade of actresses. Longoria sounds like an intelligent person who actually has followed politics in the normal way that people who like politics follow politics.

7:43: John Kerry. American exceptionalism demands an exceptional President, and that President is Barack Obama, he says.

8:05: As a tribute to servicemen and women goes on at the convention, email from Obama comes in, saying, "Ann -- Before I go on stage to accept the nomination, there's one thing I need to say... Can you pitch in $25 or more right now?"

8:44: Jill Biden warmed us up to think of Joe Biden as the embodiment of human caring, and now Joe Biden is doing the same for Barack Obama. He tells us he "loves" Obama. Obama was "gutsy."

9:40: Obama is giving his speech. Here's the whole text.  His inflections are polished, but nothing is jumping out at me as different from what I've heard him say many times.

9:55: "We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense." Is that controversial?

10:03: The word "hope" appears 15 times in his speech. The last 3 come near the end:  "And I think about the young sailor I met at Walter Reed hospital, still recovering from a grenade attack that would cause him to have his leg amputated above the knee... He gives me hope. I don’t know what party [various heretofore mentioned] men and women belong to. I don’t know if they’ll vote for me. But I know that their spirit defines us. They remind me, in the words of Scripture, that ours is a 'future filled with hope.' And if you share that faith with me – if you share that hope with me – I ask you tonight for your vote." Other people give him hope, the Bible refers to hope, and if you hope like he hopes, you should vote for him. Because... hope!

10:17: The speech ends, and there's a flurry of confetti. No balloons, because an indoor presentation hadn't been planned. Obama steps forward and waves. There's a closeup of his face and I think I see his lip curl with a bit of disgust, and I rewind and ask Meade to interpret the face and he says: resignation. Subjectively, we think we see in his face that he knows he's going to lose. Michelle and Malia and Sasha come out, looking perfectly glossy and pretty, and then there's Biden and Jill and Mrs. Robinson and various other relatives, milling around, waving a bit, and then the long view of the stage shows they've clumped toward the rear wall. Why are they huddling there? The shots of the crowd show some ecstatic delegates — all women — and many stolid/dispirited faces — male and female. At one point there's a hitch in the Bruce Springsteen music — a silent gap — but then it plays again. And now they're gone.

10:26: The Cardinal wanders out to the lectern. He's got his benediction written out on folded sheets of paper. "Help us to see that a society's greatness is found, above all, in the respect it shows for the weakest and neediest among us." He thanks God for giving us those "inalienable rights — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." He thanks God for "the gift of life" and asks that we be given "the courage to defend it." In subtle defiance of the convention's abortion-rights theme, he says: "We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected."

11:03: The Democrats didn't have anything oddball, like Clint Eastwood. Nothing surprising. Nothing to talk about. Speaking of nothing, on Intrade, Obama re-election shares today experienced a 0.0% change. Oh! I checked back, now he's down 0.2%. (Romney is up 0.7% on the day.)

11:12: I just realized I fast-forwarded through Charlie Crist. Looked like another white male governor.  I forgot about the whole former-Republican thing. Does anyone really care?


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TWM said...

"Why not cut corporate welfare first?"

Seriously, what the fuck is corporate welfare exactly? Can you define that past making profits?

Matt Sablan said...

See, the problem is that I don't think Democrats want to stop corporate welfare. I think they want to funnel that corporate welfare to their friends and cronies, like Solyndra and GM.

Why do I think that? Observation. Sorry, for at least one or two cycles, Democrat politicians will need to prove that they -actually- hate corporate welfare as opposed to seeing it as a way to award their special interests.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is math still required for a chemistry degree?

test said...

And there's Ritmo proving the point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes on cutting corporate welfare first. Alas, that will help the GOP.

Too bad they're too busy sucking corporate cock to do it.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy, talking points that have big issues and meaning behind them, I don't care about convincing anybody here. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear...... will.

chickelit said...

It's sooo funny the way Ritter Ritmo rides to rescue of poor Allie.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Political props to the democrats.. If you cant beat them... join them... do what the republicans would have done.. had Romney accepted the idea of using soldiers as political props.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's sooo funny the way Ritter Ritmo rides to rescue of poor Allie.

I ran to the "rescue" of a more decent (and apparently more intelligent) argument than whichever one you made. Do you understand the difference between that and some kind of personal allegiance?

My allegiance is to reason.

TWM said...

"Those with eyes to see and ears to hear...... will."

And what does this mean? Don't tell me. We agree with you or we aren't seeing or hearing. Silly ignorant folks that we are.

Matt Sablan said...

Great education starts with parents.

edutcher said...

AllieOop said...

Why not cut corporate welfare first?

Let's start with the UAW and the teacher unions.

chickelit said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Lol. Chicken Little thinks non-wealthy haven't sacrificed anything in this recession.

Ritty, I happen to work alongside some very talented attorneys who know the CA Public employee pension situation. My only extrapolation is to name WI as potentially being like CA.

Matt Sablan said...

Ok, this statistic not success thing bothers me.

Successes are statistics -too-. That's how statistics -work.-

Bob Ellison said...

Ritmo, try to add up the corporate welfare for which Democrats are primarily responsible. Go ahead. I will wait.

Christopher said...


When the very SEALS you sent on the mission you're basing your entire campaign on are badmouthing you in a fairly open manner you've got to do your damnedest to sure up your military credentials.

Anonymous said...

Sure Edutcher, let's demand sacrifice from middle income folks while giving billionaires a pass, sigh.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good Chickie, then go work on your provincial state issues.

We'll focus on the country at large.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter Bob Ellison:

Democrats suck corporate cock too!

Christopher said...

Allie is right.

We need to tax the hell out of corporations, because they in no way employ members of the middle class.

chickelit said...

I wrote: My only extrapolation is to name WI as potentially being like CA.

Of course, I fully expect Garage to come along and remind me that WI bears absolutely no resemblence to CA.

In which case I'd compare it to Illinois instead.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

My allegiance is to reason.


O Ritmo Segundo said...

Too bad they're too busy sucking corporate cock to do it.

I guess not.

Christopher said...

Why, if anything businesses hurt employment in this nation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter Marshal:

Reasonable people should be like robots who must somehow lack for any humor or wit!

Anonymous said...

Christopher, how many jobs did corporations outsource while getting tax credits?

mikee said...

I recall that using the word actress rather than actor, to describe a female in the performing arts, was a sexist thing. When did that stop? Or is is changed back to the old style, sexist gender differentiation just for the DNC Convention?

PC rules are so difficult to keep straight. OOOOPS, there I go again with the verboten language!

Darcy said...

Is math still required for a chemistry degree?


I'd pit his brains (and humor) against just about anyone I could think of. Any day.

David H Dennis said...

Oh darn. Did that $25 soliciation nauseate you as much as it did me?

I've been enjoying this so I really, really hope this doesn't make you quit in the middle like last time :(.


test said...

Shorter Ritmo:

I'm a self-righteous asshole.

mikee said...

I recall that using the word actress rather than actor, to describe a female in the performing arts, was a sexist thing. When did that stop? Or is is just for the DNC Convention?

PC rules are so difficult to keep straight. OOOOPS, there I go again with the verboten language!

test said...

AllieOop said...
Christopher, how many jobs did corporations outsource while getting tax credits?

Jesus you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'd pit his brains (and humor) against just about anyone I could think of. Any day.

Speaking of unthinking personal allegiances...

Anyway, he's not that dumb. Just doesn't seem to want to engage his mind when it comes to social issues... even when they're reduced to problems of simple math.

chickelit said...

Obama wants to compare himself to FDR?

FDR had a shitload of gold to back his currency.

How gold do we own? Does anyone here know? At current valuations, it could make all this debt talk moot.

/Ron Paul

Christopher said...


How many jobs did corporations provide?

And how many jobs would have been created if companies weren't fleeing the US due to our absurdly high corporate tax rate?

And how many of those loopholes are the only things keeping businesses here?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And don't you forget it, Marshal.

In the meantime, go ahead and try to prove me wrong.

That would be the requirement for me being "self-righteous", as opposed to merely "right".

ricpic said...

Montana Urban Schmendrik making less than no sense at all, as per usual.

Anonymous said...

Marshal, how many jobs were outsourced while enjoying Bush's tax cuts? Are you willfully stupid?

garage mahal said...

Of course, I fully expect Garage to come along and remind me that WI bears absolutely no resemblence to CA

Wisconsin vs. California?

Hehe. Whatever, Ocean Boy. I think the model is a Mississippi, or a Alabama, type of a model.

ricpic said...

The Oopster knows that the common folk are good and THE CORPORATIONS ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt Sablan said...

I don't think I'd be able to ask someone to marry me a second time.

chickelit said...

I don't want a personal fight with you Ritmo. It's a lose-lose scenario. I've learned an awful lot from you on certain other topics. We'll just have to disagree.

chickelit said...

@Darcy: Thank you for the kind words--you're a sweetheart.

mesquito said...

"Government is what we do together.
Corporations are what we do tgether voluntarily."


ricpic said...

It's pure kindergarten when lefties "explain" their positions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fair enough, Chickie. And I do respect your intelligence. I'm sorry if I'm getting so involved in this as to make it feel personal. I hold no ill will toward you.

Patrick said...

Allie, those have been Pres. Obama's tax cuts for nearly two years.

Anonymous said...

OK, ricpic, start explaining the economy to me, I'm all ears.

test said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
And don't you forget it, Marshal.

In the meantime, go ahead and try to prove me wrong.

You need someone to tell you claiming your opponents suck cock is wrong? You have to be stupid to be a leftist, but not that stupid. But believing this constitutes "wit" is new.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The middle out?

Isn't that what Michelle is fighting against?

Patrick said...

See, the problem is that I don't think Democrats want to stop corporate welfare. I think they want to funnel that corporate welfare to their friends and cronies, like Solyndra and GM

Don't need to add much to that.

Anonymous said...

Patrick, true, and many liberals and Democrats were NOT in favor of extending them. Obama lost some of his base over that.

test said...

Of course Ritmo did reference reasonable people, so he couldn't have been referencing himself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
test said...

AllieOop said...
Marshal, how many jobs were outsourced while enjoying Bush's tax cuts? Are you willfully stupid?

Why don't you tell us Allie. When you're back I'll let you in on a secret: outsourcing jobs are still performed by Americans.

And please describe these "tax credits".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Marshal - I'm sorry if it seemed like it was over the top. I guess I can see what you're getting at when you put it that way, even if guys like Palladian wouldn't (as a joke ;-).

It just bothers me when these fights come down to whether one side is idealizing the poor more, or idealizing the wealthy more. At the end of the day, a reasonable, numeric, economic analysis should be available and agreeable to each, even if compassion for those less off is faced against admiration for those who truly do "make it".

Christopher said...

People who bitch about outsourcing are one step away from claiming that we should block imports.

Protectionism: Because Smoot Hawley worked so well the first time around.

Anonymous said...

And Chickie, making personal statements gets one into quicksand, don't keep doing it, Ok?

Mark said...

Outsourcing happens when the cost of employees (which of course includes mandated benefits and the employer's "half" of SSI) is significantly greater than the cost of offshoring(which includes a lot of risk and infrastructure investment).

Putting the screws to corporations gives the corporations every incentive to move as much business to friendlier environments. Which is the death knell for a domestic economy. Which is why we have recent grad school grads flipping burgers and flipping out over their student load debt.

Beta Rube said...

Johansson, Longoria and Washington. In '92 this would have been called a bimbo eruption.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Get ready for some Biden babble.

yashu said...

How about closing some tax loopholes

Paul Ryan agrees, has said this would be a part of a Romney administration's tax reforms.

Matt Sablan said...

Why DID it take five times? See, I like Joe Biden. (PS: He would have asked again. Look at the way he looks at her.)

Seeing Red said...

--How about closing some tax loopholes and repatriating some of the money in those overseas bank accounts for starters, no need to kill or eat any billionaires.-

Bush did that. They took in more than they thought.

Anonymous said...

Eva Longoria is working on a master's degree in Chicano studies at a second-rate university. I recommend the story on her at

Anonymous said...

Christopher, what is Romney's stance on China trade?

Matt Sablan said...

Ok, it was neither yesterday or Monday, was it? That's a minor gaffe though. No biggie.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well I guess Biden does have a habit of babbling a bit. That's something we should all be able to agree on.

lge said...

If they're going to steal lines, do they have to steal from Jerry Reed?

I.e., "She got the goldmine (I got the shaft)"

Bob Ellison said...

Let it be said: Biden is drunk.

Alex said...

The thing about these brainless Hollywood dummies is they've been brainwashed all their lives that they have "no voice" despite the obvious facts. The cognitive dissonance is strong there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the reason for placing him on the ticket had something to do with a subliminal (if never before realized) image such as this.

That never ceases to crack me up.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Just wandering Allie, what does your talking points say the top one percent pay in taxes?

Just wondering.

Alex said...

Allie - the way you relentlessly attack Romney, one would think Obama is smelling like roses.

Patrick said...

Allie - here's your starter for a lesson on economics:
Milton Friedman

If you don't agree, you should at least understand.

Matt Sablan said...

I think this is actually shaping up to be one of Biden's best speeches thus far (for all my ribbing)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I'm not taking your word for it Biden..

There is a new book coming that says you guys were adrift most of the time.

Paddy O said...

Allie, I'm curious if you are directly affected by the economy or if you are instead feeling empathy for those who are.

I've mentioned it before, my dad teaches students who have been left behind by schools their whole lives, the worst of the worst in terms of students and behavior.

He teaches them to read. He teaches them to write. He teaches them new ways of thinking. Hope. He has students who have gone from a life spent in jails to pursuing trades and college. He helps those everyone else, including Democrats, want to hide.

He was fired as a teacher because he was over 60, and because his credential and education and experience had him earning a good wage--the district ran out of money, they fired (illegally--it's in the court system) teachers over a certain age so they could hirer cheaper, inexperienced, often uncredentialed teachers who do not teach but fill a space.

This is what is happening in Democrat run California. Cities are going bankrupt, school districts are falling apart, teachers are losing jobs. Why? Because Democrats value rhetoric more than reality. You know who suffers when cities and states go bankrupt, not the rich, the poor. And for all the nice talk about helping the poor, when the economy is in the tank, then there's just apologies and sad feelings for those who are struggling. No actual answers.

Being sad is enough for those who have empathy and want to feel like they care. Being sad is not enough for people who want to pay rent, pay for food for their family, live the sort of life that you enjoy. That takes a good economy, it takes jobs, it takes low energy prices.

As far as health care, I'm finishing up my degree and am adjuncting full time. So, I don't have automatic benefits. I'm excited to teach 4 classes and get $10000 for it for the next four months. We were going to depend on student insurance for my family, but the cost went up $500 for the quarter.

We can't afford that. It's because of Obamacare, which is, like most of the Democrats policies, good in empathy but bad in practice, in practice to the people who actually have to bear the weight of decisions by the political class of Pelosi and Reid and others.

It's nice to want to help the poor, and be concerned about the poor. But the poor don't want your concern, they want to not be poor. I want to not be poor. I want my teacher friends not to be poor and out of work. I want the cities around me not to be bankrupt.

I want to live in a state that helps people not be poor, not just talks about helping poor people, while building high speed trains, while padding politician's bank accounts.

kjbe said...

I only got the $15 pitch. They must know we're in different income brackets...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Ritmo, I liked the one of him getting banned from the sportsbar. They also had a great one about Hitchens getting drunk in a trailer park (years before he was sick). At times, the Onion is really good. (How about "US gives worst job in country to black man").

Kevin said...

"I loved Kerry Washington's statement at the DNC convention just now that "You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you". If you have to steal, Dems, why steal from Yakov Smirnoff?"

Actually, it's a paraphrase of Leon Trotsky:

"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."

Christopher said...

There's just a teeny-tiny difference between the "foreigners are evil" approach to business embodied in the outsourcing scare tactics and demanding a stop to monetary manipulation or bogus economic data.

And if Romney has supported such tariffs then I oppose this stance.

Frankly I think any such stances are unnecessary given that China appears to be in the middle of an economic meltdown (so much for Keynes). All we should do is bolster our allies (or those with similar interests) and keep China from taking the region with it.

Avoid the trade wars for now.

Chuck said...

Did Joe Biden get some fresh new hair plugs? I don't think so; I think they just wove a little more steel wool into the old ones.

Alex said...

Who pays income taxes

Eat it Allie, eat it.

Anonymous said...

I miss the old commenters. Where is Chip Ahoy?

Alex said...

Who pays income taxes

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

We created 45 million private sector jobs..

If you are going to lie .. lie big.

Sorun said...

Instapundit linked to someone who calculated the average age of DNC speakers so far to be 60. RNC speakers, 49.


Alex said...

Top 10% pay 70.47% of the income tax.

It's class warfare alright, by the middle class against the rich.

ricpic said...

Leave people fucking alone, that's the economy Oopster.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Biden pick was mostly for demographic and cultural reasons, it balanced out the ticket. He was the dopey old nice white guy foil to make white East Coast/Midwest ladies feel like they were getting something more familiar. He definitely does fit the image of a guy who'd try to hang out in a dive bar and flick cigarettes, but is just too goofy and sincere to pull it off entirely.

It obviously can't be the hair plugs and rhetoric.

Although his personal story and all that loss is worth respecting.

Christopher said...


49% of this nation pay no federal income tax whatsoever (this often carries over to the state level as well).

I hate to tell you but it ain't the poor who are paying the taxes, well unless you count consumption taxes which are almost always pushed by the Dems.

Bob Ellison said...

Really, Biden is drunk. Listen to him.

AllenS said...

Well said, Paddy.

Paddy O said...

I don't care what the rich make. I don't enshrine envy or coveting as a moral goal.

I don't believe that trickle down economics works better because the government does the trickling, it works much worse, because the government is not accountable to inefficiency, or corruption.

So politicians get rich through government, politicians like Reid, Pelosi, Clinton. The Obamas will be in a distinctly higher financial state the rest of their lives because he was President. That's offensive. Why should someone feel guilty for getting rich through hard work while people like Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, etc. get rich through the government, helping their friends, supporters?

It's obscene. And it's especially obscene to go on to say this is the party that cares about the poor.

I'm poor. They hate me. They hate the poor people I know because they talk with nice words, but make millions off such words for their own benefit.

Patrick said...

To paraphrase Jonah Goldberg, can we all agree that the President has our permission to be clear? I, for one, demand it.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy, what is the tax rate percentage the super rich pay in income taxes as compared to the middle Income and poor?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I asked you first Allie.

Pastafarian said...

Is it just me, or throughout Biden's speech, has Mrs Obama had an expression like she's shitting peach pits?

Alex said...

The "super rich" aka Top 1%


36.73% of all income tax. Is that fair?

Christopher said...


Given that the poor by and large don't pay income taxes.......

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You are the one saying the top is not paying their "fair share"..

So I want to know what do they pay so then we can have a discussion on "fairness".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awright, enough with the numbers and econ talk.

How much do you think could be made by auctioning Biden off to wash your lady-friends' and wives' cars shirtless?

The satirical Hennesey commercial was great, too.

Heck, we could pay off a decent portion of the debt through a scheme like that alone.

Bob Ellison said...

No, you're not following. Biden is so stupid that it's not easy to detect sometimes. This guy is seriously stonkered. I say that as a guy who has been stonkered in the past. I'm telling you that the book will come out one day: "Biden Was Drunk When He Tried to Re-Elect Obama".

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If the top 1% pays 50%... or 60%... or 70%... or 80%

Wait... is Biden praising the Bush Doctrine?

Patrick said...

Ritmo, you could make more if they paid him to keep his shirt on.

TWM said...

Allie has no clue what anyone pays in taxes. I doubt she even knows what her tax rate is. She's just pounding out talking points.

Anonymous said...

What did percentage did Romney pay? Do you think that others of his income pay more, or do they all pay less than their secretaries?

Patrick said...

Sort of a reverse Cool Hand Luke.

MadisonMan said...

Instapundit linked to someone who calculated the average age of DNC speakers so far to be 60. RNC speakers, 49.


Democrats are the party of yesterday?

Did they include taped presentations, or just people on the podium?

Christopher said...

Incidentally Allie, since you wish to base your entire economic world view off of this term:

What constitutes "Fair"?

I mean, if the rich aren't paying their "fair share" then what constitutes a "fair share"?

Is it their pro-rata share? If so then they pay more than their fair share. Is it the amount they derive from the system in benefits? Then they already pay more than their fair share.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Biden for Hennessy!

Allie can vouch for that.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Biden just gave the Bush doctrine thumbs up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gawd damn is Biden an awful speaker.

I think that's what I like about him.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh Ritmo, you let these conservatives get you off your game.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He tries to sound so street smart.

It's so cute.

Shouting Thomas said...

Allie, the major source of outsourcing is the disparity between wages in the U.S. and the third world.

I've been to a few places in the third world. You can live like a king on $25,000 U.S. in the Philippines. The young people there are well educated, they speak near perfect English and they work hard.

In India, the $15 to $20 an hour a high level programmer can make will also allow him to live in luxury. That is a pitiful income for a high level programmer in the U.S. And an Indian programmer can easily work for a U.S. employer and still live in New Delhi.

Have you ever considered that outsourcing might not be, you know, somebody's fault?

Matt Sablan said...

This is, literally, the best speech Biden has ever given.

Paddy O said...

Patrick, sure, it's for a good cause!

I suspect SoCal isn't your only option. I've traveled around the country a bit and there are a number of regions that were high on the attractive list.

Patrick said...

Allie, the answer in part depends upon whether the rich choose to take their income at a lower capital gains rate, like Warren Buffett does. He could easily change how he recognizes income, but doesn't in order to reduce his tax burden. That's fine with me, but then maybe he shouldn't talk so much about his secretary's tax burden.

Christopher said...

Are you including the double taxation that occurs to such profits, or are we conveniently forgetting that?

TWM said...

I can tell you what "fair share" means. It means those who are stupid enough to pay first pay everything. Thus more and more Americans are going on the dole, paying nothing in taxes and getting tons of benefits. All the while the Dems continue to try to shame the rest of us into paying our "fair share."

This nation cannot stand for long with this idea in place. The EU is collapsing as we debate this and we are next.

And all the while Allie is whistling by the graveyard . . .

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nah, just not so unconfident as to personally push an argument they already lost.

Mark said...

Obama is obviously a brave man to let Smokin' Joe Biden speak at all.

On the plus side, he'll keep people glued to the set, the same way OJ kept people glued during that slo-mo chase on the LA freeways.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What did percentage did Romney pay? Do you think that others of his income pay more, or do they all pay less than their secretaries?

Allie you have to read more broadly. You cant just get your information from one source.

Pastafarian said...

Cognac -- that's a good idea, Ritzy. I think I have a little of that in the cupboard.

"Spine of steel" -- Jesus, I'd better make that a double-shot of lighter fluid.

Patrick said...

Actually, Paddy, MN has a whole bunch of beautiful women, not the least of which is my gorgeous wife, for whom I have forsaken all others, and for whom I would not trade anything or anyone. Ms. Johanssen and her ilk make that somewhat more difficult, at least in my boyhood dreams.

Patrick said...

You can go to sleep now, honey. And quit reading Althouse!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol @ what Mark said.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, when it comes to the "safety net," I really envy my Filipinio friends and extended family.

Filipinos seem to think that committing a family member to a nursing home is something only a savage barbarian would do.

The young people who don't have work are expected to take care of grandpa at home, change his diapers and be good to him.

My girlfriend and my priest friend, Father Rod, are both confident that they'll never see the inside of a nursing home. I wish I could say the same.

Reliance on extended family has just about been wiped out in the U.S., and replaced by reliance on government.

Matt Sablan said...

Ugh. He had to drive into the false talking points on Medicare and ruin the tail end of his speech.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The first part, anyway.

Kirby Olson said...

Has Biden had a stroke? He muffs a word or two in every sentence. Has he lost his purchase? Then he seems fine again. He's like a tv that's beginning to go. Or is it my tv?

Bob Ellison said...

Really, the guy's had one too many. Two too many. Three. The guy is stupid, but he's also drunk.

Matt Sablan said...

Ryan plan raises taxes; everything beyond Medicare has really hurt Biden's speech.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He's seriously going "Look... look..." at a convention.

It's impossible not to enjoy the way he leavens things.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I note not much talk about ObamaCare or the "ACA".

Bob Ellison said...

Kirby, thank you for noticing. Biden is drunk! This should be the story tomorrow. But it won't be, except on right-wing blogs etc.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's next? Will he draw pictures on the backdrop?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

BS.. Boehner went out on a limb and Obama just kept upping up the tax raises.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy, yes I need to watch Faux news to get my info, oops.

Bob Ellison said...

BTW, he hasn't had a drink for at least half an hour. That'll help.

Don M said...

Someone should tell "The Won" that if he loses the election, he can still travel around, play golf, cheat on his score, and give speeches, and Mitt will do all that presidenting stuff.

Yes, I know. Asserting that Obama is lazy is racist.

Pastafarian said...

Great googly moogly, how long can he go on?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I love the "come as you are" attitude people have when it comes to how they dress for conventions.

Rusty said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
It's sooo funny the way Ritter Ritmo rides to rescue of poor Allie.

I ran to the "rescue" of a more decent (and apparently more intelligent) argument than whichever one you made. Do you understand the difference between that and some kind of personal allegiance?

My allegiance is to reason.

I don't think that can ever be topped.

Paddy O said...

Patrick, good to hear!

Minnesota is definitely is one of the "better looking" states. After high school my friends and I drove around the country, and because I was allowed to notice those things then without feeling any pangs of guilt, I made a list of the better looking states.

Just our experiences, so that will vary, but South Dakota was very high on the list, as was your state, Utah (stopping at Park City helped).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For as long as it takes for people to be reminded of what it was like when blue collar workers had dignity, Pasta.

Or even existed.

Paul said...

So Slow Joe Biden 'loves' Obama. Is this a love we dare not speak of? And is that why Clinton said, "I did not have sex with that man"?

Don M said...

Biden is drunk. That is how he handles disappointment. He won't get to be VP any more.

You heard it here first.

Rusty said...

Bob Ellison said...
Kirby, thank you for noticing. Biden is drunk!

How can you tell? Does get more intelligent?

ricpic said...

Awright, enough with numbers and econ talk.

Montana Urban Schmendrik attempts a feint away from the awful truth that his beloved gummint is ONE BIGTIME THIEF.

Shouting Thomas said...

I know plenty of blue collar guys who are doing very well, Ritmo.

My son-in-law is a blue collar guy. He's got a great job, with lifetime security.

And absolutely zero college loan debt.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy, yes I need to watch Faux news to get my info, oops.

AllieOop: You never got back to us on your reasoning for Obama winning bigger this year than 2008. Assuming you could provide reasoning.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Democrats don't want to reform the tax code. Instead democrats want to pile on more punitive tax rates onto people who already pay more than they should. The democrats want everyone on government assistance. Biden was right about one thing... but it is the democrats who want us in chains.

Pastafarian said...

It's about time someone stood up for the American people. Gutsy stand, Joe.

Shouting Thomas said...

When does Bama come on?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's a nice personal example, Shouty -- but I have trouble believing it's typical, let alone common.

TWM said...

"Lemmy, yes I need to watch Faux news to get my info, oops.

"Faux" news is so cutting edge.

And yeah, watch it. Hell I watch MSNBC for the leftist view.

Bob Ellison said...

"Presinent Obama"

"The thing that perpex me most"

"The difference is able to reduced to be a fundamental difference"

--Joe Biden, drunkard, in just the last few minutes

David said...

Garage are you ok? You just mistook John Kerry for George bush.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


Biden just demagogued the Ryan comment.

Big Mike said...

My allegiance is to reason...

Thankfully I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee when I read that, Ritmo. Hot coffee coming out one's nose can be painful.

edutcher said...

Biden is certainly on something. You could see it when he came out.

I'd forgotten that, not only is Ol' Joe a lush, but he's every bit the liar Choom and Willie are. I remember how he lifted Neal Kinnock's speech to the Labour Party and reeled it off as if it was his own.

A lot of what he said is already shot to Hell because of Mortuary Bob's new book, but, when I heard him trying to tell people how he and "Barack" had pledged bin Laden wouldn't get away with 9/11, I couldn't sit there.

These are the 2 morons who wanted to cut and run.

And still do.

When they have more "flexibility".

Then "Barack" will be able to bow to Zawahiri.

AllieOop said...

Sure Edutcher, let's demand sacrifice from middle income folks while giving billionaires a pass, sigh.

Oop wants us to believe guys like Rich Trumka and Andy Stern go home to liverwurst sandwiches every night.

Sigh, indeed.

PS Notice how Joe called Moochelle "Mrs. Robinson"?

Yeah, he is very well anesthetized.

Anonymous said...

Biden doesn't seem so bad or drunk. I thank him for rebutting "American in decline," but the people I hear that from are mostly liberals.

The point Republicans make is that they will not abide declinism.

TWM said...

"Yes, I know. Asserting that Obama is lazy is racist."

I don't think he is lazy. I think he just believes his mere presence is enough. He's that good.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If the Democrats win on a set of issues this few and not very significant, then the Republicans will definitely have a lot of rethinking to do.

Christopher said...


Did he steal this dignity from a British politician?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Oh... I almost forgot.. let me call them racist before I leave.

The guy that called Obama a clean.. I forgot the rest.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The reason I and my 400 co-workers are in the middle class is because an evil, Christian, one-percenter risked everything, built a successful business, and hired us. We spend our days robbing widows and orphans. Oh, and restoring the sight of the blind. When he's not indulging his wild lifestyle of vegan meals, riding his bike to work, and 85-hr. work weeks he spends his ill-gotten gains on research, expanding the business, hiring people and treating them far better than many of them deserve. Yes, he's a Republican. Seriously, compared to the parade of leeches and looters on display at the DNC this guy is St. Francis.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I wish I had Fox News. I miss Red Eye. Best show on TV.

Comcast sucketh.

Anonymous said...

TWM, I used to listen to Limbaugh, but I started having tinnitus.

Pastafarian said...

Oh Jesus, I can't take this. There's not enough lighter fluid in the world to enable me to watch this idiot stumble and stammer and feign choking up.

I'm out.

edutcher said...

Shouting Thomas said...

When does Bama come on?

After The Dick From Illinois.

My guess is they're running behind, so it's going to be close to 10:30 in the east.

Bryan C said...

"How about closing some tax loopholes and repatriating some of the money in those overseas bank accounts for starters, no need to kill or eat any billionaires."

That's very magnanimous of you, Allie. I'm not clear on why you think other people's property should retroactively belong to you but, hey, you let them live. They should be thanking you.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Why is Biden so angry?

Did somebody tell him his going to loose.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Biden basically symbolizes a generational hand-off of power in America... from working class Irish guys to a newer and more diverse generation of immigrants.

Shouting Thomas said...

By the way, Ritmo, all the Clinton stuff today negated your "Obama can't be criticised because he's our first black president" thing.

Clinton was our "first black president." Remember?

So, Bama is our "second black president."

So, he's just the same old shit.

We can treat him just like the opposition treated Bush, right?

Bob Ellison said...

I'll be very sorry if it turns out that Biden turns out to have had or is having a stroke.

I've gone crazy myself. I'm a diabetic epileptic. I think I have a right to call on this. This guy is an idiot, and he's drunk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TWM, I used to listen to Limbaugh, but I started having tinnitus.

Yeah, me too (for a about 20 minutes at most). It really sounds like they'd have to invent a medical condition for him: Constipation of the Vocal Cords.

Christopher said...

I'm still waiting to hear what constitutes a "fair share".

TWM said...

"TWM, I used to listen to Limbaugh, but I started having tinnitus."

I've never listened to him. But 20 something million people must be on to something . . .

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Obama and the corruptocrats want to tax rape everybody. How dare they assume personal property is better left in their corrupt paws.

TWM said...

Amusing . . . you lefties think the only way conservatives can be conservative is if they listen to Limbaugh or watch Fox or something. It never occurs to you we might actually just read the Constitution and what the Founding Fathers said and study history and, you know, KNOW shit you guys don't.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whenever I hear Rush Limbaugh it sounds like I'm listening to a guy who hasn't taken a shit in like seven weeks.

Either that or Principal McVicker from Beavis and BUtthead.

Patrick said...

Sounds like a fun trip, Paddy. I never traveled until I met my wife (From out east), so I never took a systematic approach to regional beauty. We did just return from two weeks visiting her folks - long car trip, but between us and our kids we spotted license plates from 48 out of 50 states. It was a fun trip, but I think we all look at that as a highlight.

Wally Kalbacken said...

C'mon Joe! Go off script! Ditch the 'prompter - show us that beautiful mind unleashed!

Shouting Thomas said...

Actually, what's really funny about this Faux News shit is that Dems can't seem to believe that a guy like me who's got an advanced degree and 30 years of experience in a scientific, tech field might disagree with them.

And, I do like Bill O'Reilly. Don't necessarily always agree with him, but I like him, especially the first 15 minutes of his show, when he summarizes the day's news.

I get to listen to him, maybe, once a week, when I don't have a rehearsal or performance.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

Biden didn't have Romney fire elves and reindeer. Biden was one of the better speakers. It really IS an alternative universe

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, the guy who created Beavis & Butthead is a conservative.

He also created King of the Hill, one of my favorite animated shows.

edutcher said...

Over at HotAir, they're saying Al Reuters says there isn't the "faintest glimmer of a bump" (talk about your mixed metaphors) for the Demos.

The KosKidz will be crushed.

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Whenever I hear Rush Limbaugh it sounds like I'm listening to a guy who hasn't taken a shit in like seven weeks.

Either that or Principal McVicker from Beavis and BUtthead.


I have nothing to offer in rebuttal, so I'm going to throw a tantrum like the emotional 2 year old I really am.

Anonymous said...

TWM, oh yeah, I forgot that only conservatives were allowed to read the Constitution. The sacred text of conservatism, secret pass word and handshake needed to access it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Geez Ed, sense of humor, much?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, I know a lot of blue collar jobs because I'm a professional musician.

The blue collar guys I play with all have or had (before retirement) damned good jobs.

The did things like maintaining heavy equipment, maintaining locomotives, etc.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FWBuff said...

Shorter Biden: "Literally literally literally enormity literally literally literally honey literally literally literally gutsy literally literally literally brink literally literally literally Barack literally literally literally fallen angels literally literally literally America!"

TWM said...

"TWM, oh yeah, I forgot that only conservatives were allowed to read the Constitution. The sacred text of conservatism, secret pass word and handshake needed to access it."

Oh no, anyone can read it. Have you? Honestly? Ever? I have a copy in my desk here. I can read it to you.

Where does it say "the people belong to the government" by the way? I keep looking for that but can't find it.

Big Mike said...

AllieOop wrote:

...let's demand sacrifice from middle income folks while giving billionaires a pass

Well, sweetpea, here's the basic problem. Most of the billionaires out there are not earning a salary. Their taxes are on capital gains. If we raise the capital gains taxes to gi-normous rates, the people with the money are going to move to other countries and invest in other countries.

I have nothing against super-high tax rates for Wall Street investment bankers and Hollywood actors who get $20 million to phone in their on-screen performance (yeah, I'm talking about you, Jim Carrey) but I don't know how to put high tax rates on them without hurting small business people and discouraging entrepreneurs from starting up new businesses. Probably you are too ignorant to do the math (I know Ritmo is) but it makes sense to me that convincing 1000 small businesses to hire one person apiece is better for the economy than a governmental entity hiring 500.

Cold, hard equations, baby. You have to learn to live in the real world or commit suicide. No third alternative.

ricpic said...

Reliance on extended family has been just about wiped out in the United States, and replaced by reliance on government.

Not for Orthodox Jews; not for Mennonites; not for Mormons; not for Confuscians; not for Taoists; not for Amish; not for Greek Orthodox and on and on.

Get the drift? Not for all those that will not meld. Not for all those who will fight to the death against the universalists who would turn them into defenseless mites. Don't meld and the state can go fuck itself. Meld and you're dead. Dead as a human being in the old sense of the term, not the new man the state needs as fodder.

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