September 4, 2012

Live-blogging Day 1 of the Democratic Convention.

4:58 CT: Just setting up a post, to be added to over the course of the evening. Please join the conversation.

6:53 (I'm beginning with recorded material from about 2 hours ago. I'll be catching up.): "Being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare. It's patriotism," says Newark Mayer Cory Booker. He gets a huge ovation that turns into a "U.S.A." chant. They're "U.S.A."ing at the idea of patriotism, presumably. Not taxes. Oh, but paying taxes = patriotism. Or, specifically, being asked to pay is patriotism. Who is the patriot in that grammatical construction? I think it's the folks who are asking other people to pay.

7:11 (Still catching up.): Gov. Bev Perdue sounded hoarse and a bit sick as she vowed to deliver North Carolina to the Democrats. A film about health care. A young man whose parents died in a way that supposedly might have been avoided if we'd had Obamacare. They were both scientists, he says, so I'm not clear why they did not have health insurance.

7:19: The chair of the Congressional Hispanic Congress, Charles Gonzales, uses the motto "e pluribus unum"out of many, one — to mean that all the people become one, instead of the idea that the states were brought together into one nation. The idea that the people merged into a single entity — that sounds like fascism to me. Oddly, as it repurposes the old motto, it expresses the old fashioned idea of the melting pot.

7:30: White males of the gubernatorial kind — Quinn & Kaine.

7:32: A black speaker wedged in — the mayor of Charlotte — before the next pale male. But it's a big one, so I'll go light on the fast-forwarding I'm using to try to catch up to live. It's Harry Reid.

7:36: Reid wants us to fear the Tea Party. They are "extremists and ideologues who leave no room for reason," and they're taking over the Republican Party.

7:42: Nancy Pelosi is introduced along with all the Democratic women of the House. There's disco music playing. The hell? Then I detect that it's "I'm Every Woman." Again with this creepy merging of individuals into the whole.
I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
I'm every woman, it's all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z
See what I mean? That's creepy when it's the government. When it's some lady you're having sex with, I guess it's sexy.
I can cast a spell
With secrets you can't tell
Mix a special brew
Put fire inside of you
But anytime you feel
Danger or fear
Instantly I will appear, 'cause
I'm every woman
Now, that's just scary when it's a whole horde of government women coming at you. What is this "special brew"? Soma? But anytime you feel/Danger or fear/Instantly I will appear... Nancy Pelosi will appear?! I can sense your needs/Like rain on to the seeds/I can make a rhyme/Of confusion in your mind... no, no, no, no that's not what I want to hear from the government!

8:03: Speaking of scary... it's Jimmy Carter (on film). He's well made-up, well preserved, and well modulated. But he seems like a nice man, there, doesn't he? And he tells us Barack Obama and Joe Biden will lead us to a better future.

8:18: Huge storm here! We just lost power for a few minutes. I lost a whole paragraph of snark about Teddy Kennedy. A young Kennedy — Joseph P. Kennedy III, running for Congress — said the spirit of Teddy was with us here today. I had some prime snark! Did Teddy bring this terrible storm that drowned all my Mary Jo Kopechne material?

8:25: NARAL! It's Nancy Keenan, for "safe, legal" abortions, with "dignity and privacy." A woman should not be forced to have an ultrasound "against her will." And "rape is rape." President Obama had "the courage to stand with Sandra Flook" (is that how we're pronouncing it now?). "Women in America cannot trust Mitt Romney."

8:33: I've caught up to Rahm Emanuel. "The American auto industry is not just surviving..." Hmm. He professes to know with "absolute certainty" that something will happen in the future and "land with a thud on the Oval Office desk." Who do you want there? He's saying that like it's obvious.

8:38: It's Obama's little sister Maya and Michelle's older brother Michael. Nice. Lovely. But let's skip the details.

8:45: I'm finally completely caught up. Lily Ledbetter is speaking. This is the question of "equal pay for equal work," but the Supreme Court case she lost was a matter of interpreting statutory language about how soon you need to bring a lawsuit. I feel sorry for her, but I'm also uneasy about her as an icon representing things that are not what the court case was about.

8:48: Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts, is able to compare himself to Romney, who was, a while back, the governor of Massachusetts. He's yelling and screaming about the economy. Obama has been wonderful!!!

8:53: "I will not stand by and let him be bullied out of office!" Patrick propaganda.

8:55: Wow, everyone looks really sweaty. Did the AC break down?

9:03: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. I have no idea why this man has been given this prominence. Here's his question for Republicans: "How much less do you really think would be good for this country?"

9:07: Time for the keynote address at last. It's Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio.

9:17: Castro seems like he could have been a speaker at last week's GOP convention. He keeps talking about "hard work" and even "rugged individualism." But then he says "Like many of you, I watched last week's Republican convention, and they told a few stories of individual success. We all celebrate individual success, but the question is: How do we multiply that success? The answer is President Barack Obama."

9:22: Castro gets a refrain going: "Mitt Romney says no."

10:00: Michelle Obama is wearing an orange dress that in the close-up looks like a bathing suit. Lots of shoulder and arm display. Her speech goes on and on, filled with stuff that has no relationship to the question of whether Barack Obama should be reelected. He thinks his little girls are important and he's proud of them and eats dinner with them and counsels them about their middle-school friendships. Okay. I phase out. What's the point of all this? Then — this seems near the end — she starts doing this fake stuttering (as if she's talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-g-generation): "A-a-and he reminds me, he reminds me that we are playing a long game here..." (Meade says: "Not 9 holes, it's 18 holes.") "A-a-a-and that change is hard. A-a-a-and change is slow and it never happens all at once but that eventually we get there. We always do. W-w-w-w-we get there, because of folks like my dad." (Earlier in the speech she described her father.) "Folks like Barack's grandmother. Men and women who-who said to themselves, I-I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will, maybe my grandchildren will. See-see-see, so many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice...." Arghhhh! This is the same thing we heard last week. It's so earnest. Stage-y earnest. But what does it say? Who should be President?!

10:16: Michelle's speech goes on a long time. I don't really see the point of it. There's a theme of waiting patiently with the expectation that our children or their children will have a better life, but what does that mean for the election? It seems to say that we should reelect Obama despite the lack of economic progress. She speaks of "unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle." Now there's this choked-up quality in her voice as she says she's "Mom-in-Chief," doing what's "best for our girls." It's getting very hammy. Vote for my husband. That's the end. And then the music comes up: "Move your body... move your little hips...." What?!

10:26: An unusually young woman comes out to do the closing prayer, and it goes on for almost 4 minutes. "As a young woman of faith and a leader...." Who is she? The executive director of Blood: Water Mission. I don't really understand what that is — and I did Google it — so I'm left assuming that the Democrats are simply hot to reach out to young women. 


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Danno said...

Too many comments to read before I toss my two cents in, but I grinned as I saw Althouse mention Mary Jo Kopechne and thought of WSJ Best of the Web Today's James Taranto's categories and his response "that Mary Jo Kopechne is still unavailable for comment".

Synova said...

Seriously... were the Republican speakers this slanderous?

shiloh said...

Cons, just accept the fact mittens is going down as the truth shall set you free!

Anonymous said...

Synova asked: "How is the constant gay marriage constant right to abort babies mantra going to play with Democrat voters?"

Oh, it'll play great with the base. Independent women (i.e. those who do not think or do math with their hoohas)don't seem to be buying it though:

Just 47 percent of registered voters in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll see Obama favorably overall, down 7 percentage points from his recent peak in April, while 49 percent rate him unfavorably. He’s numerically underwater in this group for the first time since February.

The decline has occurred entirely among women registered voters – from 57-39 percent favorable-unfavorable in April to a numerically negative 46-50 percent now. That’s Obama’s lowest score among women voters – a focus of recent political positioning – in ABC/Post polls since he took office. Unusually, his rating among men, 50-47 percent favorable-unfavorable, is numerically better than it is among women, albeit not by a significant margin.
The result is not the only sign of the work ahead for Obama among women. In a separate ABC/Post poll last week, he led Romney among women registered voters in vote preference by just 6 points, 49-43 percent. In 2008, Obama won women by 13 points, 56-43 percent."

That poll was taken after the Akin kerfluffle but before the end of the GOP convention. I don't see how more vajayjay talk will help, except among those who are already gulled.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Bob Ellison said...

I was trying to stay up for Michelle Obama's speech, but school is on, and I've got to get up early. This seems like a programming/timing problem for the DNC. They should start Clinton earlier, and the President as well.

Titus said...

Deval being sweaty made me really horny.

I would also do the governor of Maryland.

I would do Obama too.

Liddy I would not do.

I would probably do Michelle's brother if I was desperate.

There are so many nigs at this convention.

garage mahal said...

"apparent disparity"

Apparent deficit spending. Apparent apologizing to enemies. Apparent birth certificate. Apparent death panels. etc etc etc

chickelit said...

Synova said...
So... honest assessment here.

How is the constant gay marriage constant right to abort babies mantra going to play with Democrat voters?

If they actually press these as key issues I'd say they deserve to lose. Does anybody disagree?

ricpic said...

I take that back. I thought Althouse had deleted my magnificent comments skewering garbage, freder, ritmo, shiloh and hatboy but turns out she didn't. Yay Althouse.

Matt Sablan said...

The RNC was much, much, much calmer than this.

Comanche Voter said...

The idea of a horde of Nancy Pelosi's and Sandra Fluke's coming at me is like a witches' coven on steroids.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It sounds like their are not tacking center.

These speeches sound like they are tacking further left.

I love it.

jungatheart said...

They're demonizing Mitt with some of these statements. What a bunch or rabble-rousers. Hee.

Michael said...

Chip. You had it right. Millionairesandbillionaires. It is one word and means a person or family making over $250,000 per year. Millionairesandbillionaires.

Synova said...

Private sector job growth doesn't surpass population growth or the number of people who *should* be entering the workforce every month.

The great private sector job growth that these people are cheering... doesn't surpass the number of people who are entering the workforce every month.

More opportunity to be unemployed. Holding steady is the best Obama can do. But we'll get used to it. It will seem normal.

Titus said...

My sense is that in that hall it smells a combination of geri curl and bad breath.

shiloh said...

"I take that back. I thought Althouse had deleted my magnificent comments skewering garbage, freder, ritmo, shiloh and hatboy but turns out she didn't. Yay Althouse."

Althouse is too busy updating and Meade does the deleting.

Please define skewering and magnificent?

jungatheart said...

Thx :)

John said...

It is insane. It is like the whole convention is being choreographed by Karl Rove to confirm everyone's worst suspicions about the Democrats. Have they gone mad?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How can anyone watch this crap and think - wow I'm so impressed, I want to vote for these cretins who praise tax payer funded abortion, worship big government and desire to turn us into Cuba.

Is there anyone more despicable that Harry Reid? Wow – is he pathetic, vile and disgusting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If they actually press these as key issues I'd say they deserve to lose. Does anybody disagree?

Yeah. The voters.

But who cares what they think!

You concern me, Chick. Sometimes you seem like the most isolated Mr. Rogers sound-alike I've ever heard. Very nice and civil, but in a bubble more hermetic than someone without an immune system when it comes to getting out there and understanding what people care about.

garage mahal said...

Please define skewering and magnificent?

Off kilter, off topic, alcohol fueled projection?

Anonymous said...

shiloh, hi, there, little fella! Great to see you!

I was just wondering if you had anything to say, anything at all, about those links I posted in the other thread. You know, the ones about the terrible job report due out on Friday and Gallup's poll that shows Obama's approval rating underwater. You never did answer me there! I was thinking that maybe you just didn't have any credible or intelligent response or something lol.

Oh, yeah :-P

Shouting Thomas said...

Even Shouting Thomas thinks it's ok to hurt the economy if it improves Republican political chances.

Actually, what I said was that Republicans have a different idea about what will improve the economy than the Democrats. The reason why the Republicans oppose the Democrats is because they think their idea is better.

What in the world are you doing here tonight, Ritmo? You just seem to revel in insult matches.

Cubs coming back. Down 10-4. I did 90 minutes on the bike.

45 minutes of yoga coming up!

Freeman Hunt said...

Missing this one for Rosetta Stone also. Ha.

Matt Sablan said...

Elections over the last decade or so have become base elections; depress the opponent's, encourage yours. That was the Rove strategy in 2000 that kicked to high gear in 2004. So, yes, that's why they're tacking left.

ricpic said...

Hey Titus, do you think the Wookie will rip a huge one during her speech? I've got a bet down she will.

cubanbob said...

AllieOop said...
So all the old Jewish folks in Florida are antsemitic?

9/4/12 8:15 PM

No. They still think they are voting for FDR and LBJ. Social Security and Medicare. Thats what they vote for.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Those are not real twins.

If they were, one would be a republican.

One chili short of an enchilada ;)

Shouting Thomas said...

What's with the Rosetta Stone, bit, Freeman?

What's the method? What language are you learning?

madAsHell said...


Sometimes I think this blog writes itself!!

Michael said...

Shouting Thomas. You bike on the roads or in a gym?

John said...

Mathew 2004 was a base election and the Dems lost. 2008 was not and they won. There are more conservatives than liberals. This is lunacy on their part.

shiloh said...

exile, my name calling amigo, your minutiae is duly noted as I skipped over your irrelevant "fact".

Who was that fool who kept wanting me to bet hours/days after I told him I don't wager. Exile falls in that same obsessive category ...

Anonymous said...

It sounds like their are not tacking center.

These speeches sound like they are tacking further left.

I love it.

9/4/12 9:06 PM

Yes, isn't it fun! They're all shouting and screeching too.

It's just great, it really is.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hard Work? Hard Work?

His at the wrong convention!

Shouting Thomas said...

I bike on the road and in the gym.

Much prefer the road.

Just did 90 minutes in the gym. Interface told me I did 25 miles! No way. That was really the equivalent of about 15 miles on the road.

Big Joe and I are doing a 25 mile charity ride in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to build up my endurance.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I told you one of twins was a republican.

Synova said...

The question is a serious one, Ritmo.

I can argue all day that the evidence shows that the economy is not important to Obama, that jobs are not important to Obama.

So, ask a question... should the election be about gays and dead babies? Is it a winning strategy to have the vagina convention and the gay marriage and gay military convention?

If the answer is *yes* then the answer is *yes*.

I'm guessing that abortion and free vaginas and gay military is going to fade from the speeches as the speakers get more "prime time" and the audience more broad.

Is it about the economy or not?

Is Obama about jobs or not?

Does Obama have a plan to help our economy reach beyond a static replacement level job growth?

Anonymous said...

Julian Castro, watch this young man, he's going places.

Chip Ahoy said...

Don't tell me. Let me guess this one. Titus would do Julián Castro.

cubanbob said...

AllieOop said...
So all the old Jewish folks in Florida are antsemitic?

9/4/12 8:15 PM

No. They still think they are voting for FDR and LBJ. Social Security and Medicare. Thats what they vote for.

Matt Sablan said...

Who isn't pro-education? Isn't the question: "Which is the best solution to the challenges for education?"

Renee said...

I have two choices, and it seems like the Democrats do not want my vote. Can't figure out how it happened?

Have I moved to the right over time? Yes, but I think they moved to the left much further.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Why is Julian still talking?

Matt Sablan said...

... did they really boo the ENTIRE RNC?

shiloh said...

Re: facts, one thing for certain:

mittens didn't pass the C-in-C test w/his incoherent/discombobulated acceptance speech.

Indeed, a very low bar for Obama!

Nick Carter M. said...

By saying that, "We are investing in education for young minds". Do they mean they are brainwashing young minds. That's all I ever seemed to notice in college.

John said...

According to the DNC, America was built on free stuff, abortions and gay marriage.

chickelit said...

AllieOop said...
Julian Castro, watch this young man, he's going places.

Nobody named Hitler, Stalin, Guevera, or Mao ever went places in American politics Allie. Just sayin'

Nick Carter M. said...

I wonder how God will punish the Democrats.

They really have turned into the 'anti-God' party.

RecChief said...

see Jim geraghty about Julian CAstro. "how do we transfer that individual success to others? The answer is Barack Obama"????? not a policy? so does that mean by taxing the rich we transfer success? isn't that just transferring money?

Synova said...

Who isn't pro-education? Isn't the question: "Which is the best solution to the challenges for education?"

Silly. Republicans are anti-education. No need to be more nuanced than that.

Matt Sablan said...

Ah. It was about time for a two-minute hate.

Michael said...

Shouting Thomas. A sore knee from running has me back on the road bike. I really love it but it takes a lot of time. I am doing 20 miles now and am being passed by fat guys and fit chicks. 90 minutes probably gets you 15 to 20 indoors. Not 25 but it is nice to think so. I am on a 20 year old bike, aluminum, and still shifting from the down tubes, old school. When the fat guys no longer pass me I will upgrade but not sooner.

Anonymous said...

Julian! LOL!

Matt Sablan said...

... What?! No one said anything about that. The entire thrust of one night was Romney's role in the community and the importance of it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh, I love how Julian is mocking good parenting.

The idea that children ought not be thought economics by practicing responsibility.. the lesson of borrowing and paying back.

It makes sense.. it stands in the way of Julia.

Anonymous said...

lol shiloh, who's asking for a wager? I was asking for an intelligent REPLY. (Something quite beyond you.)

I love how the upcoming dreadful August job report is an "irrelevant fact" to you, little guy. Yeah, I'm sure the public shares your opinion. 'tis but a trifle, let's get back to talking about Sandra Fluke lol.

shiloh said...

Julian knows how to work a crowd!

Sí, se puede !!!

Synova said...

Yes "Obama" is a policy.

Matt Sablan said...

So... the Reagan recovery? A failure. The unemployment after the Stimulus higher than we were told it would be? Obvious success.

chickelit said...

Ritmo wrote: You concern me, Chick.

You concern me too, Ritmo. You seem overly-concerned with gay rights--for a straight guy. Push your buttons on it and you unfailingly come up and say it is the paramount important issue of the day.

Why is that?

wildswan said...

"two more days of this?" Best Comment so far.

Shouting Thomas said...


Walking doesn't work so well for me any more. Shoes cut off circulation and my feet get sleepy and wobbly.

Don't have to worry about that on bike.

Big Joe is 72 and he does 40 miles a day!

cubanbob said...

shiloh said...
Cons, just accept the fact mittens is going down as the truth shall set you free!

9/4/12 9:04 PM

The real question is what are you going to do when the voters sweep the trash out of the congress, white house, governors mansions and state legislatures? Get ready because the tsunami is coming. And have a nice day.

jrberg3 said...

This Castro man is too coy and condescending....he will go nowhere.

Obamacare, autobailouts, stimulus and free college money and amnesty!!!!! We need 4 more years of that!

John said...

Hey Julian, why don't you keep your filthy paws off my success, ok?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nobody named Hitler, Stalin, Guevera, or Mao ever went places in American politics Allie. Just sayin'

Another display of how out of touch even Chickie is. Castro is a more common name than any of those names. There's even a neighborhood in San Francisco (in Chick's adopted state)
named Castro.

Titus said...

This democrat from Texas just worked it.

Anonymous said...

I bet the Republicans wish they had'nt missed the boat with the Dreamers, tsk, tsk.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Obama allowed forLaw Abiding immigrants to stay in this country..


Obama allowed law breakers ahead of the line.

See what I mean?

Let the democrats be democrats.

FWBuff said...

San Antonio is doing well because of the military bases and hospitals and because of the Eagle Ford oil and gas shale drilling and fracking going on in South Texas. Both of these are despite -- not because of -- Obama's policies.

chickelit said...

There's even a neighborhood in San Francisco (in Chick's adopted state)named Castro.

See what I mean?

shiloh said...

And Julian knows his family history, unlike Marco my family left Cuba because of Castro Rubio!

I was against the AZ immigration law before I was for it, Rubio ...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why is that?

Because I'm not a narrow-minded autistic guy or a jerk who thinks that only people who act like me or look like me or share my personal preferences deserve my rights.

You really are pushing the envelope of ignorance here. It's dismaying.

Michael said...

Shouting Thomas. Funny but my feet go to sleep on the bike at about ten miles.,,shoes, probably. I am riding pretty flat courses. As i recall you have lots of hills in Wooodstock.

Youll do twenty five with ease.

mishu said...

Invest, invest, invest = spend, spend spend.

Synova said...

Obama's private sector growth doesn't outpace the entry of new workers into the workforce. It's hanging at about the birth rate.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I bet the Republicans wish they had'nt missed the boat with the Dreamers..

Nobody.. not even Obama.. can dream 16 trillions away.

Vigilant.. I refer you to an earlier post today.

hombre said...

Two questionws the mediaswine will never ask Deval Patrick:

1. Governor, are you saying Massachusetts was in worse shape when Romney left than when he got there?

2. If Republicans in Congress have been an impediment to Obama, even though Democrats controlled both houses for two years and the Senate during his entire first term, was the Massachusetts Legislature with 80% Democrats during Romney's entire tenure an impediment for him?

Michael said...

Ritmo. Why would you say somthing nasty about autism? What a fucking jerk.

mishu said...

Invest, invest, invest = spend, spend spend.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

See what I mean?

Nope. I sure don't. You're living in your bubble again.

Name a famous neighborhood in America named "Hitler", "Stalin" or "Mao" you ridiculous goofball.

Nick Carter M. said...

"Castro seems like he could have been a speaker at last week's GOP convention."

That's exactly what I was thinking

Titus said...

They Mayor has a hot puta for a wife.

He made that Cuban from Florida look like a piece of shit.

Wow, what a difference.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Because people who lack empathy should feel lucky to be given empathy, Michael.

And they should at least make an attempt to understand it on an abstract level, if they can't intuitively.

Empathy is necessary for morality.

Synova said...

"2. If Republicans in Congress have been an impediment to Obama, even though Democrats controlled both houses for two years and the Senate during his entire first term, was the Massachusetts Legislature with 80% Democrats during Romney's entire tenure an impediment for him?"

Silly hombre.

Shouting Thomas said...


25 miles in the mountains in Woodstock really puts the burn on your ass.

I better do the 25 miles with ease. Big Joe will tear me a new asshole if I don't.

Off to yoga.

Michael said...

"Because I'm not a narrow-minded autistic guy"

No, but you are an asshole. Every lefty, given time, blurts out how they really feel. Dick.

Bryan C said...

"Tack on more trillions?"

Of course! His advisors devised this strategy while playing Asteroids. The economic term is "rolling the score".

The rule of Lemnity said...

Children are obese..

but a 16 trillion dollar debt?

Anonymous said...

Military families, what a great focus for the First Lady!

Patrick said...

Is MSNBC showing the minority speakers this week?

Indigo Red said...

16 trillion dollars...

that's a lot of Twinkies for obese children.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Geez, Michael. What's up with you? Do you have an autistic kid or something?

You know, older fathers are more likely to have autistic kids. You're not a sugar daddy, are you?

Sorry for your tragedy. But I don't think a lack of empathy is a laughing matter, no matter what causes it.

KCFleming said...

So with their anti-rich pay-seven-times-your-fair-share platform, when will Obama lead the DNC outside to break some shop windows and drag some GOPers out to string up on street lights?

Synova said...

As much as I find the food scolding annoying, military families and obese children are appropriate activities for the First Lady. They're non-partisan, and they should be. SHE should be.

But I have to go make some food now.

If she starts bashing Romney or talking about vaginas let me know.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I think Castro "hard work", off key message, was looking ahead.. for himself.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! A military Mom!

Anonymous said...

Julian Castro, watch this young man, he's going places.

9/4/12 9:15 PM

Oh, yeah, Allie, it's the 2004 convention all over again! I fully expect the country will be dying to elect another minority community organizer and prime bullshit artist with a skimpy resume to high office in 2016!

But carry on with your vibrator.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wherein the paranoid Pogo fantasizes a mob scene to whip himself up...

The rule of Lemnity said...

So with their anti-rich pay-seven-times-your-fair-share platform, when will Obama lead the DNC outside to break some shop windows and drag some GOPers out to string up on street lights?

All talk and no action.

jr565 said...

9:17: Castro seems like he could have been a speaker at last week's GOP convention. He keeps talking about "hard work" and even "rugged individualism." But then he says "Like many of you, I watched last week's Republican convention, and they told a few stories of individual success. We all celebrate individual success, but the question is: How do we multiply that success? The answer is President Barack Obama."
I swear. That was the only speech I saw and I thought it was a conservative speech. E even made the point that only in Texas do they still have bootstraps. Only at a key point he puts in the bit about roads and bridges that we built which led to out prosperity. It was a sop to his side, which has pretty much been demagoging this celebration of individuality. And if he didn't put those notes in, they'd probably start throwing tomatoes at him.

Anonymous said...

Exile, you're a pig.

Anonymous said...

Great dress! Lovely.

Michael said...

No, i dont have an autistic kid, but I dont find it cool or amusing to mock. You can drop your moralistic act now dickhead, since we see clearly what you really are.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Whatabout the dress?

The rule of Lemnity said...

We will always have your back..

Titus.. you are going to have to fight them off.

Revenant said...

"The economy stinks and it is the Republicans' fault" might work. I doubt it -- after 3.5years, voters expect results -- but it might.

But this "the economy's doing well" schtick just makes them seem out-of-touch. Then again they may figure that the hardest-hit people -- the poor and minorities -- will pull the "D" level no matter what they say.

KCFleming said...

Fuck the economy and 15% unemployment.

We want free gummint shit, paid for by the 1%!

Plus abortions. Tiny arms and legs need to be scraped and flushed. Whenever. We. Fucking. Want.
Paid for by the 1%.

And gay gay gay gay. We need 50% LGBTUVWXYZ across America, goddman haterz.
Paid for by the asshole 1%, natch.

Can I get a fucking witness here?

garage mahal said...

Good to see at least some conservatives are getting physically fit and ready for work in the camps after the reelection. It;s definitely for your own good from what I hear.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, hit the mark, didn't I, Allie? Gee, and here I thought you were all hip and liberated, given your proclivity to fall into bed with Republican plumbers.

No outrage over Ritmo's mocking of autistic children, I see.

My,what a delicate flower.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Michelle is referencing the soldiers and their war stories.

They saw how Romney and the GOP didn't do it... and inferred the wrong message.

ricpic said...

So far the Wookie's talking pure trash. That's our girl.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What do you find cool or amusing to mock, Michael? Poverty?

I prefer the company of someone empathetic, regardless of station or handicap, to someone unempathetic, regardless of whatever else he's "achieved" in life.

That's the difference between me and you.

You are essentially asking me to feel empathetic to the concept of lacking empathy. As long as someone is aware of the moral disadvantage that places them at, I have no problem doing so.

Someone as selective in the people he bothers to care about as you are has no place lecturing me about anything.

ricpic said...

The Wookie loves us. We are redeemed!

ricpic said...

The Wookie's a bitch. But a humble bitch. That's the story her speechwriters have cobbled together.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Michelle fathers check was late?

That's so racist.

Anonymous said...

"Denial isn't just a river in Egypt!"

Did you think of that yourself, garage? You're highly original. I'm glad you have something to live for after June 5.

Believe me, the DNC convention so far has been everything I hoped it would be. Can't wait to hear what the Mooch has to say.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
How much did that unfunded war cost us?

About 9 months worth of ObamaCare.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Michelle is going for the tears..

and coming up dry.

Matt Sablan said...

This is a much better attempt to redirect and weaken the "You didn't build it" meme, instead of continually insisting on it being taken out of context.

So far, good speech.

Indigo Red said...

There they are - the tears are flowin' now.

ricpic said...

When I think of the hate stares honky me got from the Wookies' sistas down the years for merely existing I am uplifted!

The rule of Lemnity said...


What the hell is Michelle talking about?

garage mahal said...

Michelle Obama is sooooooo graceful. Or grace under fire?

Epitomizes elegance.

/ricpic trolling

shiloh said...

Apologies to pigs!

Anonymous said...

What a stark contrast between Michelle and Ann Romney, wow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Did she just say that being successful doesn't change who you are, but that it "reveals" who you are?

That's a great statement.

Michael should learn from it.

ricpic said...

I know you, Wookie. I've seen you in action everywhere sticking it to The Man. You can't fool me you hateful bitch from hell.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did she just say Jobs?

Where are the jobs?

The rule of Lemnity said...

What a stark contrast between Michelle and Ann Romney, wow.

Allie you racist b***h ;)

shiloh said...

Michelle Obama = genuine/sincere/believable/down to earth.

Ann Romney, not so much ...

The rule of Lemnity said...

There was a woman sleeping!

There was a woman sleeping!

There was a woman sleeping!

ha ha ha.

Indigo Red said...

Michelle Obama = genuine/sincere/believable/down to earth

And when can fake these, you too, can be First Lady.

XRay said...

I'm sick of all the bullshit. Both sides.

The left has won. though. Fifty percent leeches on the other fifty percent, nosustainable.

Statistically I'll be dead in ten years, I'm glad. As it would pain me greatly in seeing the promise die, which it is.

Birches said...

Success isn't measured by how much money you make, Michelle? So give me some of yours then, cause I don't have any shame in wanting to be rich.

Freeman Hunt said...

What's with the Rosetta Stone, bit, Freeman?

What's the method? What language are you learning?

It's as much immersion as a computer program can provide plus some online language labs, coaching sessions, and games. I'm learning Spanish.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"It's not about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives."

Do the Althousians agree?

XRay said...

Professor, things have moved on since your last. What happened?

Sheridan said...

AllieOop said (@9/4/12 9:15 PM)

Julian Castro, watch this young man, he's going places.

I agree he was passionate and very successful at leading the crowd in the "NO" chant against Romney. But he's got some family baggage that he'll have to deal with if he wants to perform on a national stage. Turns out his mother is a former acitivist in and supporter of "La Raza Unida". Those are the "Aztlan" folks.

From Wiki:

ricpic said...

Is Michelle's hubby concerned about the hardships of white trash?

Dan said...

Who is Michelle talking about? I want that guy to be President.

ricpic said...

The Wookie's sincerity is fabulously fake, which is a step up from merely fabulous, when you're a grifter.

jr565 said...

Yet another milestone that Obama can claim for his "record". Remember when Obama said Bush raising the debt to4 trillion was both irresponsible AND unpatriotic? You know, back when he was pretending to be a fiscal conservative to appeal to the Chris buckleys of the world? (you know, the retards).

The rule of Lemnity said...

Obama would check the crib.. wanted to make sure his daughters they were still breathing.

But signed legislation to stop thousands of little girl from breathing when they happen to miss the abortionist butcher knife.

KCFleming said...

Even probable lefty Johnny Depp couldn't stomach the fuck-the-rich socialism in France.

Obama drools at the possibility of aborting some wealth and spreading those little arms and legs for his many and new dependents.

DADvocate said...

How can anyone watch an entire evening of speeches? I watched none of the RNC and will watch none of the DNC. I'll read your coverage tomorrow.

shiloh said...

"concerned about the hardships of white trash?"

Indeed, he cares about Althouse cons, seriously!

Indigo Red said...

"It's not about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives."

Do the Althousians agree?

Let me tel you about the difference BHO has made in my life. This morning, I had $100 in my pocket. This evening I have $60 in my pocket. The difference is $40. I put gas in my PT Cruiser.

ricpic said...

Necklace the incorrigible whites!

--Michelle Obama

The rule of Lemnity said...

Even probable lefty Johnny Depp couldn't stomach the fuck-the-rich socialism in France.

Talk about schadenfreude.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, she hit it out of the park. That passion is what Republicans don't have.

shiloh said...

Michelle doesn't have to go out of her to pander to women, like Ann Romney tried unsuccessfully to do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wherein Pogo reveals his revelry for mutilation of fetus rhetoric if it helps him make a graphic point.

It's out of his "concern," you see.

hombre said...

Here's Michelle talking about the "greatest country on earth", which she is apparently proud of for the second time in her life.

She's also discussing their humble upbringing, you know, her dad, the ward healer who made $42k a year, before overtime, when she was a child, and Barack's granny, the bank vice president, barely getting by.

She sound like a Republican and the dupes love it!

We can sacrifice for our kids and grandkids, she says, who, after all, will owe about $200,000 each in national debt when her hubby gets through.

shiloh said...

out of her way ...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Why is Michelle's voice cracking?

Indigo Red said...

Yeah, passion! Republicans only have passionless facts. Damn them.

shiloh said...

Althouse cons cheer in unison!

hombre said...

Oscar for Michelle! Oh yeah.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I put gas in my PT Cruiser.

Good point. Obama for president of OPEC and arbiter of the bad auto purchasing choices of Americans!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Republicans only have -


Passionless lies.


Matt Sablan said...

The only really big issue with Michelle Obama's speech is the "not us vs. them" line from the guy who said we are his enemies that he's out to defeat, etc. No, he sees it as us vs. them, that's why he wants to get in our faces and punch back.

edutcher said...

Ritmo needs an hour off, so the little animal comes back on shift, now Ritmo is back.

These people have no persistence.

Cons, just accept the fact mittens is going down as the truth shall set you free!

Not if this crowd is any indication.

I have to agree with Lem. I saw several people snoozing during Moochelle's big speech and a lot more bored to tears.

Sí, se puede !!!

No, no puede.

mittens didn't pass the C-in-C test w/his incoherent/discombobulated acceptance speech.

The little animal says, "mittens", like it makes him sound so tough.

Whistling past the graveyard is more like it.

No, the Romster's speech was quite good, to the point and heartfelt. It's Choom's last 4 years of malign neglect of military policy that sets the low bar.

garage mahal said...

Michelle Obama is sooooooo graceful.

Like a Pennsylvania Dutch barn.

Dan said...

Let's go to Juan... Juan? Juan?

Christopher said...

The tributes to Ted Kennedy were truly touching.

Why, all conventions should have memorials to murderous, drunken, traitorous, attempted rapists like this one.

shiloh said...

ok, Julian/Michelle = 3 pt. bounce

Clinton = 3 pt. bounce

Obama = 5 pt. bounce

when mittens completes another (7) day vacation and gets back to campaigning = negative 10 pt. bounce

Game over!

Thanx for coming, please drive safely ...

KCFleming said...

Yup, passion is what this country needs.

Not jobs or a growing economy.

But passion.

And dead babies.
And gays gays gays.
And dead Republicans (ha ha ha jk).

Passion and dead babies, all paid for by rich assholes those goddamned greedy fuckers that don't deserve to live, at least until we take all their dough.


Titus said...

Deval Patrick rocked. he would be lynched in wisconsin. I am so glad I left Wisconsin.

MadisonMan said...

Is the Convention Center Full? There was press in the past week that they'd have trouble filling it.

Matt Sablan said...

Aw. The DNC recognizes Bush's good deeds without saying his name. Heartwarming.

Titus said...

Has Wisconsin ever elected a nig as a representative?

Of course not.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pogo must be a real dead fish in the sack.

Anonymous said...

"Althouse cons cheer in unison!"

I sure am, little buddy! I'm going to bed happy tonight, as are you, allie, garage, and ritmo.

So it's a win-win for us all!

And tomorrow night Slick will be on - opposite the Giants/Cowboys game. Gee, deciding what to watch is going to be a tough call for most Americans.

And Thursday - King Putt his very own bad self! Because Americans haven't heard enough Obama speeches over the past four years.

Yes, I am content.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Michelle doesn't have to go out of her to pander to women, like Ann Romney tried unsuccessfully to do.

Yeah, Mrs Romney did so badly, she captivated the entire country.

Poor Moochelle, all she had to offer women was abortion and muff munching.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh wow, she hit it out of the park.

With trillions in union "stimulant"?

A coma patient could do it.

garage mahal said...

ANN ROMNEY: Hi women! I LURV Women!

Michelle Obama: We DID build this shit together motherfuckers!

KCFleming said...

Thanks for asking ORS, but I don't swing that way. NTTAWWT.

Sloanasaurus said...

Did she mention food stamps. It seems like we must be better off than we were four years ago when the amount of people on food stamps has increased by 10 million since 2009. THis a great record.

Matt Sablan said...

... Both Michelle Obama and Ann Romney gave good speeches. Are we all so far gone we can't even recognize -that-?

KCFleming said...

Try Craigslist, Ritmo.

jr565 said...

I loved her comments on marriage When she says ..."and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love…then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream..." hey, was she talking about, bigamists, polygamists, Inceestual marriages, harems and any other permutation of marriage that is similarly not afforded a marriage license. Those people, I'd hazard a guess are probably in love, do pay their taxes and deserve that fair chance at the American dream. Three cheers for incestual marriages!
Also, let's not forget tht Obama didn't support gay marriage until this year right befor the election. What moral courage!
I wonder if when clinto comes out (he who pushed both DOMA and don't ask don't tell) if hell get a standing O or get tomatoes thrown his way.

Amartel said...

Great delivery of an okay speech by Mrs. Obama.

"That passion is what Republicans don't have."

No more beers for you!

somefeller said...

Well, just popping in. I see that Ricpic is race-baiting, Pogo is ranting and Edutcher is rambling incoherently. It's good to see that this night is just like any other.

Good night for the Democrats tonight. As shown by the desire to claim Julian Castro as a crypto-Republican and the general level of butthurt on display here. Carry on.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

ok, Julian/Michelle = 3 pt. bounce

Clinton = 3 pt. bounce

Obama = 5 pt. bounce

when mittens completes another (7) day vacation and gets back to campaigning = negative 10 pt. bounce

Game over!

Thanx for coming, please drive safely

Well, that's it. The little animal is the new AP.

The little animal does know fewer and fewer people have been watching Choom's speeches the last 2 1/2 years, right?

And Willie is up against the Giants/Cowboys? Yeah, that'll work.

Joan said...

Hey Freeman -- I started the Latin American Spanish program back in June, and I'm most of the way through Level 2. My students are surprised when I understand what they're saying, from time to time, but I have a long way to go.

I like it. It is fun, but for a grammar geek like me, it's a bit flimsy. I bought Spanish Grammer for Dummies as a supplement, and that's working well. One thing about it: there is literally no translation, it is all visually-based, and sometimes I really have no idea what's going on in the photo! Other than that, the speech recognition software is excellent. I would recommend it to anyone needing to learn to converse, not so much read and write.

As for the DNC? Althouse watches (and blogs) so I won't have to! Thanks, Ann & co.

edutcher said...

Surprise, some phony folksy shows up as his sockpuppets are becoming laughingstocks.

Sorry, dude, you can't salvage this one.

jr565 said...

Garage mahal wrote:
Michelle Obama: We DID build this shit together motherfuckers!

well you motherfuckers certainly did add to the debt. Jobs, not so much. I would agree with the characterization of what ovsma built as shit though.

Known Unknown said...

I prefer the company of someone empathetic, regardless of station or handicap, to someone unempathetic, regardless of whatever else he's "achieved" in life.

Is it empathetic to saddle future generations with mountains of debt?

Yes or no.

jr565 said...

He wants everyone in this country to have the same opportunity no matter who we love... Well, that sounds great if you love your daughter carnally, or if you love underage kids and want to marry them or if you love the baker and the candlestick maker.

kcom said...

"How much less do you really think would be good for this country?"

A lot less bankruptcy would be good for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Madison Man asked: "Is the Convention Center Full? There was press in the past week that they'd have trouble filling it."

They bussed in college students and members of black churches according to the Daily Mail.

garage mahal said...

... Both Michelle Obama and Ann Romney gave good speeches. Are we all so far gone we can't even recognize -that-?

I was kidding dude. Ann Romney gave a real good speech too. Ya'll need to lighten up a tad.

hombre said...

"Yup, passion is what this country needs.

Not jobs or a growing economy.

But passion."

Pogo: My wife says Obama is a blessing from God, a wakeup call for the country. If the economic illiterates thwart the blessing, we are toast. But, of course we aren't around in the Revelation prophecies anyway.

I'm damned if I can figure how she takes comfort from that, but I am encouraged to wait for the results of the election. I hope you are not getting too discouraged.

coketown said...

It sounds like the Democratic party has turned into the Confederacy of the Aggrieved. Everyone is up on stage, pouting, lamenting how unfair it all is. How awful women have it in this country; how awful minorities have it; how awful it is that people have to die and wouldn't die if we had universal healthcare; how awful that some people aren't successful while others are; how awful it all is, how awful, how awful.

Vote for Obama and all things will be fair, all things equal. People will not die, nor grow old, nor want for bread or abortions. Vote for Obama and your wildest dreams will come true. Nevermind the hindrance of a Republican house and possibly a Republican senate. Like 2008 this is a time for dreams, not reason.

somefeller said...

edutcher says: Surprise, some phony folksy shows up as his sockpuppets are becoming laughingstocks.

I don't see Seven Machos or Simon here. Oh, wait, are you referring to the other commenters that you have (utilizing your keen level of analysis and deductive skills) determined are me in costume? Alas. Anyway, keep up the good work! And don't suggest to Fen that he is me. That might make him mad.

Known Unknown said...

Again, Ritmo — you confuse empathy with policy.

This is the typical class warfare myth — that the success of one comes at the expense of another.

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