September 4, 2012

Live-blogging Day 1 of the Democratic Convention.

4:58 CT: Just setting up a post, to be added to over the course of the evening. Please join the conversation.

6:53 (I'm beginning with recorded material from about 2 hours ago. I'll be catching up.): "Being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare. It's patriotism," says Newark Mayer Cory Booker. He gets a huge ovation that turns into a "U.S.A." chant. They're "U.S.A."ing at the idea of patriotism, presumably. Not taxes. Oh, but paying taxes = patriotism. Or, specifically, being asked to pay is patriotism. Who is the patriot in that grammatical construction? I think it's the folks who are asking other people to pay.

7:11 (Still catching up.): Gov. Bev Perdue sounded hoarse and a bit sick as she vowed to deliver North Carolina to the Democrats. A film about health care. A young man whose parents died in a way that supposedly might have been avoided if we'd had Obamacare. They were both scientists, he says, so I'm not clear why they did not have health insurance.

7:19: The chair of the Congressional Hispanic Congress, Charles Gonzales, uses the motto "e pluribus unum"out of many, one — to mean that all the people become one, instead of the idea that the states were brought together into one nation. The idea that the people merged into a single entity — that sounds like fascism to me. Oddly, as it repurposes the old motto, it expresses the old fashioned idea of the melting pot.

7:30: White males of the gubernatorial kind — Quinn & Kaine.

7:32: A black speaker wedged in — the mayor of Charlotte — before the next pale male. But it's a big one, so I'll go light on the fast-forwarding I'm using to try to catch up to live. It's Harry Reid.

7:36: Reid wants us to fear the Tea Party. They are "extremists and ideologues who leave no room for reason," and they're taking over the Republican Party.

7:42: Nancy Pelosi is introduced along with all the Democratic women of the House. There's disco music playing. The hell? Then I detect that it's "I'm Every Woman." Again with this creepy merging of individuals into the whole.
I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
I'm every woman, it's all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z
See what I mean? That's creepy when it's the government. When it's some lady you're having sex with, I guess it's sexy.
I can cast a spell
With secrets you can't tell
Mix a special brew
Put fire inside of you
But anytime you feel
Danger or fear
Instantly I will appear, 'cause
I'm every woman
Now, that's just scary when it's a whole horde of government women coming at you. What is this "special brew"? Soma? But anytime you feel/Danger or fear/Instantly I will appear... Nancy Pelosi will appear?! I can sense your needs/Like rain on to the seeds/I can make a rhyme/Of confusion in your mind... no, no, no, no that's not what I want to hear from the government!

8:03: Speaking of scary... it's Jimmy Carter (on film). He's well made-up, well preserved, and well modulated. But he seems like a nice man, there, doesn't he? And he tells us Barack Obama and Joe Biden will lead us to a better future.

8:18: Huge storm here! We just lost power for a few minutes. I lost a whole paragraph of snark about Teddy Kennedy. A young Kennedy — Joseph P. Kennedy III, running for Congress — said the spirit of Teddy was with us here today. I had some prime snark! Did Teddy bring this terrible storm that drowned all my Mary Jo Kopechne material?

8:25: NARAL! It's Nancy Keenan, for "safe, legal" abortions, with "dignity and privacy." A woman should not be forced to have an ultrasound "against her will." And "rape is rape." President Obama had "the courage to stand with Sandra Flook" (is that how we're pronouncing it now?). "Women in America cannot trust Mitt Romney."

8:33: I've caught up to Rahm Emanuel. "The American auto industry is not just surviving..." Hmm. He professes to know with "absolute certainty" that something will happen in the future and "land with a thud on the Oval Office desk." Who do you want there? He's saying that like it's obvious.

8:38: It's Obama's little sister Maya and Michelle's older brother Michael. Nice. Lovely. But let's skip the details.

8:45: I'm finally completely caught up. Lily Ledbetter is speaking. This is the question of "equal pay for equal work," but the Supreme Court case she lost was a matter of interpreting statutory language about how soon you need to bring a lawsuit. I feel sorry for her, but I'm also uneasy about her as an icon representing things that are not what the court case was about.

8:48: Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts, is able to compare himself to Romney, who was, a while back, the governor of Massachusetts. He's yelling and screaming about the economy. Obama has been wonderful!!!

8:53: "I will not stand by and let him be bullied out of office!" Patrick propaganda.

8:55: Wow, everyone looks really sweaty. Did the AC break down?

9:03: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. I have no idea why this man has been given this prominence. Here's his question for Republicans: "How much less do you really think would be good for this country?"

9:07: Time for the keynote address at last. It's Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio.

9:17: Castro seems like he could have been a speaker at last week's GOP convention. He keeps talking about "hard work" and even "rugged individualism." But then he says "Like many of you, I watched last week's Republican convention, and they told a few stories of individual success. We all celebrate individual success, but the question is: How do we multiply that success? The answer is President Barack Obama."

9:22: Castro gets a refrain going: "Mitt Romney says no."

10:00: Michelle Obama is wearing an orange dress that in the close-up looks like a bathing suit. Lots of shoulder and arm display. Her speech goes on and on, filled with stuff that has no relationship to the question of whether Barack Obama should be reelected. He thinks his little girls are important and he's proud of them and eats dinner with them and counsels them about their middle-school friendships. Okay. I phase out. What's the point of all this? Then — this seems near the end — she starts doing this fake stuttering (as if she's talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-g-generation): "A-a-and he reminds me, he reminds me that we are playing a long game here..." (Meade says: "Not 9 holes, it's 18 holes.") "A-a-a-and that change is hard. A-a-a-and change is slow and it never happens all at once but that eventually we get there. We always do. W-w-w-w-we get there, because of folks like my dad." (Earlier in the speech she described her father.) "Folks like Barack's grandmother. Men and women who-who said to themselves, I-I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will, maybe my grandchildren will. See-see-see, so many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice...." Arghhhh! This is the same thing we heard last week. It's so earnest. Stage-y earnest. But what does it say? Who should be President?!

10:16: Michelle's speech goes on a long time. I don't really see the point of it. There's a theme of waiting patiently with the expectation that our children or their children will have a better life, but what does that mean for the election? It seems to say that we should reelect Obama despite the lack of economic progress. She speaks of "unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle." Now there's this choked-up quality in her voice as she says she's "Mom-in-Chief," doing what's "best for our girls." It's getting very hammy. Vote for my husband. That's the end. And then the music comes up: "Move your body... move your little hips...." What?!

10:26: An unusually young woman comes out to do the closing prayer, and it goes on for almost 4 minutes. "As a young woman of faith and a leader...." Who is she? The executive director of Blood: Water Mission. I don't really understand what that is — and I did Google it — so I'm left assuming that the Democrats are simply hot to reach out to young women. 


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garage mahal said...

You must not be watching MSNBC.

Streaming. Cable news is pretty much unbearable to watch.

Quaestor said...

shiolh wrote:
I yield back the balance of my time to Althouse con manly men.

Got that $10,000 salted away? The bill comes due April 1, 2013.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Please Mr. Romney, my friend Mr. Little has a tax break that he'd like to give up for your benefit. Please, Mr. Accept my friend Little's donation to your beneficence.

He thinks you deserve it on account of your awesome hair.

SGT Ted said...

I wonder why Ritmo has a problem with people paying their fair share of taxes?

He votes for those who call for tax raises all the time.

chickelit said...

Ritmo, your link goes to a gag-worthy video of Andrea Mitchell fellating the two Kenneny sons with a microphone.

Matt Sablan said...

The Education Bubble: If we keep pumping it up, costs will go down... like they haven't yet. But! The tipping point will be here soon!

Matt Sablan said...

Ugh. The surplus meme needs to die.

edutcher said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

I'm still waiting to hear a credible justification why Obama deserves another four years based upon his job performance.

You mean the job the Teahadists prevented him from doing?

He had a rubber stamp Congress for 2 whole years. He should have pushed through all the economic measures to put the country back on its feet.

Unless, of course, his policies are no good.

PS Zero giving himself an "Incomplete" dovetails nicely with his boasting if he can't turn the country around in 3 1/2 years, he doesn't deserve another term.

Can't wait to see that ad.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No it doesn't.

Lying doesn't become you, Little.

You're more the gullible type. Not the lying manipulative type.

Leave that bad stuff to your idol, Mittens.

Synova said...

The "former Republican" lists a down the line total Democrat platform with a Democrat spin, anti-business spin.

How confused would he have to be to have been a Republican, supposedly, for how long?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He had a rubber stamp Congress...


He had a filibuster-proof Congress for less than a few months.


chickelit said...

Well it did for me.

Titus said...

This convention is one big gay marriage abortion.

Why not show fags and dykes making out and getting married on one screen and abortions and aborted fetuses on the other?

I will be shocked if someone doesn't pull out a late stage abortion right on the stage and the place will go crazy.

Anonymous said...

"Loyalty to Althouse?"
Allie, because I checked out another blog?

Are you in 5th grade? Is Ann your very bestest friend?

These computer thingys are really quite remarkable, Allie. They allow you to jump back and forth between sites in, oh, a matter of seconds. I was going to hang around HillBuzz, because Kevin really is funny tonight (he described Reid as looking like his cheeks are stuffed with old tampons), but there's lots o' comedy fun to be had here tonight too, I see!

Matt Sablan said...

Ritmo: If he couldn't win over the Maine Republicans, his plans were not moderate at all.

Shouting Thomas said...

Cubs down 8-1 to Nats in bottom of 5th.

Watching the game on and working the exercise bike. I've got my priorities in order.

Don't let those Dem bastards get away with anything, guys! That AllieOop looks pretty devious to me.

Keep an eye on her. Rebut her every utterance.

Ritmo coming up on the flank! Throw him a curve ball!

Revenant said...

"I'm still waiting to hear a credible justification why Obama deserves another four years based upon his job performance."

You mean the job the Teahadists prevented him from doing?

You didn't answer the question.

If Obama's story is "I can't get anything done without 60 seats in the Senate and a majority in the House", that means he won't be able to get anything done in his second term, either. Which brings us, again, back to "so why should we vote for a guy who can't get anything done".

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing Bill Clinton try to sell Obama's sob story with a straight face. After all, ol' Billy Bob got quite a lot done despite a Congress that hated him enough to pass articles of impeachment.

Colonel Angus said...

You mean the job the Teahadists prevented him from doing?

Sounds more like Obama is lacking in leadership qualities. Thank you for providing additional evidence that he just isn't cut out for the job.

Interestingly enough Obama enjoyed a huge Congressional majority when he entered the White House. He then proceeded to squander his political capital by shoving through an unpopular piece of legislation which, if you were paying attention, resulted in the GOP Congressional victories in 2010.

Heckuva job.

wef said...

that sounds like fascism to me

Ms Althouse, you have cross the line!

You are a tin-foil-hat-wearing loony libertarian, anarcho-right-wing kook.

but, heh

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I can't embed. Go do a find for title "Appealing to women voters" on the MSNBC site. It's an 11:29 video, so you should know once it loads.

Anonymous said...

Obamacare in action, what if that kid was yours?

Matt Sablan said...

PS: Removing lifetime caps? Another thing that could have passed as a stand alone bill without the whole of the ACA.

Sue D'Nhym said...

"They were both scientists, he says, so I'm not clear why they did not have health insurance."

Not rocket scientists, apparently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You didn't answer the question.

The answer is: That's how freaking extreme and out-of-touch your party is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And uncompromising.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And opportunistic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And phony. And lying.

Synova said...

So, this lady gets to "keep her insurance" but if the insurance isn't fiscally sound other people won't get it. So good for her.

Everyone else will have to make do with the public insurance that is left over when her private company can't cover anyone anymore.

Matt Sablan said...

Note: The American auto industry is still dying, only it may be worse now than if it had been restructured then.

Colonel Angus said...

The answer is: That's how freaking extreme and out-of-touch your party is.

So in other words, you really can't provide a credible justification why Obama deserves another four years.

Moneyrunner said...

I am absolutley amazed that the Tea Party now rules and that Obama and the Democrats are now irrelevant.

garage mahal said...

Sick child. ObamaCare. BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Synova said...

Oh, that's nice. Obama managed to open all kinds of auto factories after they closed.

So why was Ryan lying when he said Obama promised to keep the Janeville plant open, because supposedly Obama couldn't do a thing because it was already closed?

I guess Ryan wasn't lying at all. Wow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Try this, Mr Little.

If so, exposing Republicans will be a suitable Plan B reason, Colonel.

ricpic said...

Did the huge and horrible wookie call on us to kill the rich yet?

Matt Sablan said...

8+% unemployment is strong?

11+% if the working participation was a the rate it was when Obama came into office is strong?

... Yeah.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Did the huge and horrible wookie call on us to kill the rich yet?

Not until we remove their wee-wees from your mouth, ripcord.

You know, collateral damage and all that.

ricpic said...

Are garbage, freder, shiloh, ritmo and hatboy united in their determination to protect us from rich Jews?

Matt Sablan said...

Romney, who shut down Bain and lost money to save a young girl's life, sees his employees as just a number. Yeah... that's likely.

jrberg3 said...

Pioneers didn't build that!

Michael said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The worst part of Obama's term in office was the way they encouraged adequate nutrition in schools. Everyone knows that this is much more edible.

Especially when fellating the rich doesn't work no more.

Synova said...

Yeah 11% is what happens when workforce participation is in the toilet and unemployment is 8% of those who are left.

Lets cheer now, because this is awesome! Awesome!

Hey... Romney is evil!

Matt Sablan said...

God. Where are the fact checkers?

jrberg3 said...

Uh oh, a biblical reference....get him off the stage!

MadisonMan said...

Being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare. It's patriotism

Does anyone disagree with that?

The difficulty comes in the definition of my fair share, or yours.

I'm stuck downtown on my bike and it's pouring down rain. (sigh)

Synova said...

Wow... this is absolute slander.

Way to be classy, Dems.

Anonymous said...

Kevin DuJan is really nailing it tonight:

Gwen Moore: "looks like she is wearing a Peter Pan costume."

Jesse Jackson: “He looks permanently surprised and is shiny and oily like he’s been staring into a deep fryer.”

“Ken Salazar dressed up as a cowboy like Thurston Howell III would look on Gilligan’s Island on talent show night”

And all of the paeans to that great friend of women, Ted the Swimmer.

Man, this is great stuff. The DNC is turning out to be every bit as awful as I hoped and prayed it would be.

jrberg3 said...

If the fact checkers were working that twitter universe would explode!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obviously that sort of a number belongs to Michael, alone.

Good to see the old grubber show up.

Matt Sablan said...

The DNC had pretty much officially devolved into what Republicans would have made as a parody of the DNC.

garage mahal said...

Are garbage, freder, shiloh, ritmo and hatboy united in their determination to protect us from rich Jews?

Nah. Jews for us overwhelmingly.

Anonymous said...

Synova wrote:

Wow... this is absolute slander.

Way to be classy, Dems.

9/4/12 8:06 PM

Can you say "Wellstone Memorial?" Of course, they won't be classy. They can't help themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Koch is not a Jewish name.

Irene said...

"The idea that the people merged into a single entity — that sounds like fascism to me."

Check out the new Obama logo, with the big group of reaching, red people merged into one glob.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But Soros isn't?

LilyBart said...

"Being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare."

Fair share of WHAT? Profligate, ruinous spending?

They don't have a right to ask that of citizens.

Synova said...


He's going on and on and on about the evil content of Romney's private thoughts and motivations.


Michael said...

16 trillion. Do I hear 30? Any bid at 30?

ricpic said...

Will garbage, freder, ritmo and hatboy join the righteous Palestinians in a wala wala wala dance of death around the dead blood stained Jewish babies who so richly deserved to be killed because of the terrible sufferings imposed on the Palestinian people and all lefties like garbaqe, freder, ritmo and hatboy by filthy rich Jews?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pay your fair share Michael.


Matt Sablan said...

"If Mitt were Santa *Claus, he would fire the reindeer and outsource the elves!" WTF?

jrberg3 said...

I guess we'll see if the media can get this whole fact checking thing right...Strickland should be a lay-up for them. What an ass.

edutcher said...

Gee, Ritmo is sounding a lot like shiloh.

Without the smileys.

I guess that qualifies as an improvement.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep, rippedcurd. You've got us all figured out.

Dan said...

Fact Check: In fact, GM and Chrysler did go through bankruptcy in order to shed their debt, just as Romney recommended... the difference is that President Obama dumped billions of dollars into them before he reached the decision Romney was at square one.

garage mahal said...

Can't wait for the speech from FLOTUS. Glamour beauty, razor sharp intellect. And good god, those beautifully toned arms! *hubba hubba*

Plus, they seem like such a quintessential American couple. So happy. And normal.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synova said...

Heh. If you *already* have insurance you like, you can keep it.

At least she's careful not to lie about that.

Titus said...

Strickland is a nasty piece of work. Wow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Quick everybody! Let's pick Michael up, turn him upside down, and shake him real good for a few minutes.

You're bound to let loose enough spare change to pay off at least a third of the debt, that way.

Plus, it's not that much different a tactic than what Romney tried in high school.

Synova said...

Granted, if you get your insurance through your employer it's still a bald faced lie.

Colonel Angus said...

"If Mitt were Santa *Claus, he would fire the reindeer and outsource the elves!" WTF?

Actually that's an appropriate descriptor for the Democrat Party, the Santa Claus Party. They evidently think you can just shower presents indefinitely since they have elves that can print money at the Fed.

jrberg3 said...

The very idea that a 26 year old adult can stay on their parent's health care plan is ridiculous. 26!

Michael said...

Ritmo. The thing is, I can. But you cant. Your share of the 16 trillion is a multiple of your annual income a fraction of mine. 16 trillion in debt, dude. You have not a clue. Me? I dont care if chili is a hundred dollars a bowl. When that happens you are fucked. More than now even.

ricpic said...

Do Jews know that garbage, freder, ritmo and hatboy and all other hard leftists are antisemitic to their core?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When Michael goes travelling and they ask for a description of his luggage, he clarifies:

"The one with the big dollar sign on it."

Michael said...


garage mahal said...

16 trillion. Do I hear 30? Any bid at 30?

Here you go

Haha. So apt.

Michael said...

I carry my own bags. Travel extensively, expensively and light.

Matt Sablan said...

See, I liked Booker's speech, but everything just went downhill from there.

Anonymous said...

So all the old Jewish folks in Florida are antsemitic?

Titus said...

How did a democrat pro choice woman ever win the governorship of Kansas?

jrberg3 said...

so who determines what is hard work and what the rules are? the government? Is that really what this country is all about?

Synova said...

Oh... lie.

She typified Romney and Ryan's medicare plan for those under 55.

Then said that Obama extended care for eight years.

Only eight? Romney/Ryan extend it by TEN.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How did we get there, Michael... You patriotic thing, you?

Oh, that's how.

Go to another country if you care more about your checkbook than about your nation.

You really don't have a clue how far past gullible people have to be to believe your line anymore. It's condescending.

Not that you care.

Colonel Angus said...

Plus, they seem like such a quintessential American couple

Yes indeed. Most quintessential American couples profess their newly found love and pride for their country when their spouse is nominated for President.

That's after they stopped listening to Goddamn Amerikkka sermons of course.

donald said...

I see that fat tune of goo has crawled out from his rock to do his taunting thing. I'm sure he'll go full bore till about 10/20 or so.

jrberg3 said...

Rahm is happy taking shelter from the city he manages!

Michael said...

Garage. Yep! We built 16 trillion in debt. We did. Now someone will have to pay it back. You think its funny because you cant grasp what it means.

chickelit said...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
The worst part of Obama's term in office was the way they encouraged adequate nutrition in schools. Everyone knows that this is much more edible.

At my kids' former grade school there was around a 50% participation rate in subsidized lunches. This angered me because I *knew* that a good percentage of those kids and parents were lying about income to qualify. They are neighbors. But there was no accountability.

That's the problem, Ritmo with the poor, the middle class and the wealthy: lack of means-testing and a basic dishonest "something for nothing mentality." But you'll never hear about that from the Dems and theire "noble-poor."

Synova said...

That's what she said... Romney/Ryan will give seniors vouchers... Obama extended medicare coverage by 8 years.

But Romney/Ryan extend medicare by 10 years.

Does Obama have a plan after 8 years? Who knows?

Titus said...

I would do Rahm. I bet he fucks hard.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael's belongings are stuffed into pieces that look like they belong in the getaway car on a Batman episode.

Like this.

Michael just explained how he will escape once he bankrupts America.

He doesn't care about this country.

He's got a network of fellow-villains around the world who will shelter him.

Michael said...

Ritmo. We have 16 trillion in debt. You dont give a shit. How about you move to another country where they will value your sanctimony and sneering.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Had there been a manual to fix things.. I would have found it.


We were in way over our heads.

Michael said...

Ritmo. We are already bankrupt moron.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Seems like a pretty diverse crowd from what I can see.

Of what? Dying, aging, cocooned leftards who are insular in their thinking with ambitions of international acceptance and grandeur. Yeah, that's a pretty diverse crowd you have there. Maybe you should have sent your Wisconsin delegation of union stooge thugs to show those OWS rabble rousers how to do it. Oh wait.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like Germany?

Seven Machos gave me shit about that yesterday. But then, he confused the 1930s with 2012, in terms of their GDP.

Maybe you would, too.

You're the one who doesn't give a shit. Paul Ryan doesn't want to balance the budget for decades.

garage mahal said...

Now someone will have to pay it back. You think its funny because you cant grasp what it means.

Oh please. It didn't bother you under Bush, and it doesn't bother you now.

Matt Sablan said...

Actually, there were many fiscal conservatives who were angry at Bush, which is part of the reason the midterms hurt so bad in 2006, because Republican enthusiasm was way down.

jrberg3 said...

Obama listened to the UAW! That's it. Stop with this superhero crap.

U.S. Auto industry is thriving???

Anonymous said...

How much did that unfunded war cost us?

Synova said...

"At my kids' former grade school there was around a 50% participation rate in subsidized lunches. This angered me because I *knew* that a good percentage of those kids and parents were lying about income to qualify. They are neighbors. But there was no accountability."

My kid's high school gets money for participation and for how many forms are put in. Parent are pretty much forced to fill out the forms. I handed in blank forms last year, with just the kids names and my signature. I *know* my husband makes too much money and we don't qualify. I was annoyed they were going to bug me about the application.

One daughter but not the other got several months of free lunches.

Somehow I don't feel responsible for that.

If people are lying on the forms, that's wrong. But it's not the only place in our life where we're supposed to view participation in welfare, food stamps, and whatever else as a victory. It's the left doing that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's the Republican versus Democratic record on budgets.

Michael is simply lying, or worse, when he states this as his primary interest.

Revenant said...

Does Obama have a plan after 8 years? Who knows?

Collecting a fat pension check that isn't tied to Social Security's solvency. :)

Colonel Angus said...

Paul Ryan doesn't want to balance the budget for decades.

I don't see any evidence Obama wants to balance it ever.

Anonymous said...

The one in Iraq, the one with no weapons of mass destruction.

Indigo Red said...

Personhood Laws seek to extend the legal concept of personhood enjoyed by adult humans to pre-born humans from zygote to infant.

Michael said...

Garage. You fail to remember that i constantly railed against Bush spending. But then you were probably in the kitchen.

But go ahead and blame Bush and ignore doubling the debt.

jrberg3 said...

Never changed his views??? I guess Rahm missed the whole gay marriage thing.

Methadras said...

Hey Ann, why don't you give Ritmo the analysis floor on the DNC since he's basically going to open up the can of leftard whoop-ass on all the conservatives in the house. I mean, how much worst could it get? At least his 'colorful' assay might make up for this rousing bit of 60's regurgitation.

Colonel Angus said...

How much did that unfunded war cost us?

From what I read, a bit over a trillion. Then again, every war we fought was unfunded, if by unfunded, you mean by borrowed money.

Revenant said...

From what I read, a bit over a trillion.

Or, phrased differently, "what Obama costs us every eight months". :)

Synova said...

"Oh please. It didn't bother you under Bush, and it doesn't bother you now."

It was a fraction under Bush but I guarantee that it *mattered* to a whole lot of people. But what if it didn't? What do you care about what someone else really thinks? What ought to matter, garage, is if YOU think this debt is no big deal.

Shouldn't you be pushing for what is RIGHT instead of cutting off your nose to spite a conservative's face. What kind of satisfaction will that be? What kind of excuse is "I would have tried to do something about policies and politicians and 16 Trillion dollars in debt but conservatives have COOTIES and I'd rather burn in hell."

Revenant said...

The one in Iraq, the one with no weapons of mass destruction.

"No"? Hm, someone should tell those chemical weapon cleanup crews they can take off their hazmat suits. :)

"Not enough to justify invasion", now, that's a more sensible statement.

John said...


That is the best comment I have read about any convention. You really are the best Althouse commentator.

Matt Sablan said...

Apparently, Obama agrees: "This is not over till we win."

ricpic said...

When Obama travels to Jerusalem for the first time after the combined Muslim Brotherhood assault that he has engineered has been victorious and when he bends down and dips his hands in Jewish blood and rises up with a look of pure ecstasy on his face, will garbage, ritmo, freder and hatboy be as ecstatic as their leader at the moment? Yes. YES. THEY. WILL.

machine said...

"Twenty years later, Ted Kennedy is still kicking Mitt Romney's ass."

jrberg3 said...

"Did Teddy bring this terrible storm that drowned all my Mary Jo Kopechne material?"

Mary Jo could not be reached for comment.

kentuckyliz said...

More Fore! Years. hee hee hoo hoo. whoever that was wins the thread.

Michael said...

Allie. Just type: BLPDHBFOC. Bush lied people died halliburton blood for oil cheney. Saves time and we know what you mean. Oh, and add nwomd. No weapons of mass destruction. Redundant but you dont want to leave that out.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shawn said...

Strange, when teachers in WI were asked to pay their fair share, our Guv was called a Nazi... but when the Dems ask it's patriotic? Out.Of.Touch

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No Synova, it just doesn't matter to REPUBLICANS.

Nothing does. Except "winning", particularly in the delusional, Charlie Sheen sense of things.

You guys have to stop the ignorant lies. It's killing the country. We'll figure out the timeline on which part needs more attention first.

Anonymous said...

How many American lives were lost in Iraq? Was it worth cutting short so many lives? Crippling countless others, what about the cost of permanent disability for those injured?

Bryan C said...

"The one in Iraq, the one with no weapons of mass destruction."

Well, none that count. To you.

kentuckyliz said...

The skills gap is in the middle skills zone. Get a skill in technology or health at the Associate degree level. That's where the skill shortage is. You will get a decent paying job without going five to six figures in debt. Just avoid those private for-profit colleges (that usually advertise a lot)--the employers don't respect those degrees, because they won't fail anyone. I know people who have taught at the one near me, and they were told they weren't allowed to fail anyone, even if they were illiterate and didn't do the work and didn't even show up to warm the seat half the time. Employers won't hire graduates of those mills.

chickelit said...

If people are lying on the forms, that's wrong. But it's not the only place in our life where we're supposed to view participation in welfare, food stamps, and whatever else as a victory. It's the left doing that.

When I was in grad school my advisor would come around near the end of an NSF or DoE grant and say: "Can you guys think of anything we might need?" Not need need but might need. If we didn't spend the money, it wouldn't be drawn from the grant and he would potentially lose it until next time around. I see this as a moral hazard.

hombre said...

Watching Rahm bullshit about the auto bailout, etc., after Sibelius bullshitted about Obamacare. Nothing new here. Pleased to see how subdued the crowd seems. Cal Penn? Actor/activist? The answer to Clint?

Not much talk about the economy. Lots of gay stuff. Lots of obfuscation. Lots of pleading.


Synova said...

Yes, I know that all the Tea Party people are just totally lying racists who don't care about larger government or who is going to end up paying back 16 Trillion dollars.

jrberg3 said...

obama's half-brother???? Not tonight I guess. maybe tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Well Michael, I guess you didn't mind the expense of that war, what are you one of those war profiteers when you aren't at the bank, making those bags of money?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Hot half sister Maya... there.

Half brother George from Africa?


John said...

DNC 2012: Hey, you got your nationalism in my socialism!

Anonymous said...

"Twenty years later, Ted Kennedy is still kicking Mitt Romney's ass."

9/4/12 8:29 PM

He sure did a number on Mary Jo Kopechne too.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Barack and Michelle have always been there for us..

For George back in Africa?

Not so much.

garage mahal said...

Yes, I know that all the Tea Party people are just totally lying racists who don't care about larger government or who is going to end up paying back 16 Trillion dollars.

Hey now, nobody said the Tea Party didn't care about larger government. That's unfair.

Revenant said...

Average deficit under Bush: 1.91% of GDP

Average deficit under Obama: 9.03% of GDP

Historical average rate of GDP growth for the United States: 3.3%

Summary: Bush's deficits were large but (probably) sustainable; Obama's are far larger and unsustainable by any estimation. Neither, of course, were a good idea.

Anonymous said...

"Watching Rahm bullshit about the auto bailout"

No mention of chicken sandwiches?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael just informed me that Hunger Games was based on a closed-door Republican budget policy discussion.

Synova said...

"How many American lives were lost in Iraq? Was it worth cutting short so many lives? Crippling countless others, what about the cost of permanent disability for those injured?"

I don't know.

Neither does anyone else. We don't have the ability to see what would have happened if different decisions were made. We can't try out other paths or look at other futures.

My feeling is that Iraq was a better deal than, oh, Iwo Jima. I've never understood the purpose of Iwo Jima.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Neither was standing around and watching the economy crash, Revenant.

But we let your side get a pass on that the first time.

And in 1929.

No more.

Synova said...

When Obama tells us how he's going to reduce the debt, let us know.

If he's got an economic plan of any sort, let us know.

Colonel Angus said...

But we let your side get a pass on that the first time.

And in 1929.

No more.

Yes because doubling down on deficit spending makes perfect sense.

Michael said...

Allie. You have no idea of my opinion on Iraq and you are wrong about my making any money from the war in any way. I gather you think it is immoral to have made money and think that you are somehow superior for having not. You could be taken as a serious person if you thought for yourself.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sounds like a fascist freak show.

Michael said...

Ritmo wrote. "No more."

How funny you are when you stomp you foot.

Synova said...

Women working for Obama make less money, on average, than men working for Obama.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Lilly hit Romney hard on Romney's bank account.

The problem with Romney is that he is too successful.

Anonymous said...

Michael, you don't have a clue as to what I or my family is worth, not everyone who has morals is poor.

jrberg3 said...

that stupid 77 Cents on the dollar figure is such a discredited bullet point...doubtful that the media will "fact check" it though.

hombre said...

Barack talking about equal pay for women - except those on his payroll, of course.

Lily Ledbetter bitterly lying about her court case and pretending Romney has discriminated against women in the workplace. Wow. Fact check please.

John Stodder said...

Garage Mahal is happy. Been a long wait since "1 million signatures" day to feel good again.

These speeches are like obnoxious wallpaper to me. I will set up a calendar alert for Bill Clinton, who will be awesome I'm sure.

Matt Sablan said...

Apparently, electing Romney will mean your imagination will literally be stolen from you.

shiloh said...

Althouse cons, please, a little decorum. Grumpy old men are jealous!


"Are garbage, freder, shiloh, ritmo and hatboy united"

I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. ~ Groucho Marx


It's somewhat amusing how a couple libs can control the discussion at a 90/10 con blog. Not unusual, just amusing.

Indeed as "we're" the cog that keeps this blog runnin'. :)

I yield back the balance of my time to my fav groupie, edutcher!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter Republican Campaign Slogan:

PLEASE give us another chance! It's already been FOUR YEARS since the last time we crashed the economy!

Republicans. We deserve to fix our own messes. Don't we?

Pretty please?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It's Obama's little sister Maya and Michelle's older brother Michael. Nice. Lovely. But let's skip the details.

Like one of their family members live in a hut in Africa details.

Anonymous said...

Rahm says the auto industry is THRIVING.

Sure, tiny dancer, that's why Toyota just overtook GM as the largest auto manufacturer in the world. That's why they just suspended production of the Volt for a month.

Next, he'll tell us Illinois is THRIVING.

Titus said...

Deval has a dykey daughter, like Althouse with her faggy son.

I would definitely fuck Deval.

Synova said...

Four years since the last economy crash and Obama has held us steady at 8% unemployment and lower workforce participation than ever.

Yay, Obama.

We can have 8% unemployement for four more years.

The new normal.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Deval Patrick just spoke as though Wisconsin didn't exist.

Michael said...

Allie. Fine. But lay off telling me how i feel about Iraq or suggesting i am involved in war profiteering.

And morality. I dont think I need a lesson in morality and poverty as much immorality is on display from rich and poor

shiloh said...

Again, if no 36% job approval mittens, no Deval Patrick!

Thanx willard !!!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Yes.. please do stand up for what you believe.

Titus said...

Lem, do be honest peeps from Mass think Wisconsin is somewhere by Idaho.

When you say you are from Wisconsin in Mass they look at you like you have three heads.

Boston is the hub of the universe, don't you know.

Brent said...

"And in Massachusetts, you can marry whomever you love" (Deval Patrick just now).


"Keep the government out of everybody's decision who to marry."



Man/Boy love?

Big Love Polygamy?

Thank you Governor Patrick for showing the American people what Democrats real agenda on marriage is.


garage mahal said...

Women working for Obama make less money, on average, than men working for Obama.

Prove it. Remember, an anonymous Democratic adviser in a book written by a wingnut who hates Obama doesn't count.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Richardson said...

I know this girl who's boyfriend's cousin knows someone who swears that Harry Reid is a pederast. Let Harry Reid deny it if it isn't true.

Synova said...

So... honest assessment here.

How is the constant gay marriage constant right to abort babies mantra going to play with Democrat voters?

Or are they hoping only the hard core political activist voters are going to watch the convention at this point and the big name speakers will avoid the issues.

Anonymous said...

Allie wanting the government to hand out free stuff when we are in the hole for $16 trillion is not being moral, or kind. It's deeply immoral.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

Mass's employment and housing is humming right now btw.

During Mitt's governorship it really sucked. But you will never hear what Mitt did as governor. It is like he was never governor here. And he is going to lose badly in this state...but that's cuz we are all commies, yet really love big business in biotech, health care, high tech and education.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

When you say you are from Wisconsin in Mass they look at you like you have three heads.

Thats true.

Matt Sablan said...

... What!?! The Republicans -- who stood up for voucher systems -- are "abandoning" students!?

RecChief said...

been watching on cspan. fighting a wave of nausea. Government is the only thing we are all a part of? gaaaahhhhh. Nancy all abortions all the time. gaaaahhhh. Lily Ledbetter? first thing he signed? I thought it was the sealing of his college records..oops on me. What does Rahm know that the rest of us don't and why would I want Obama in the white house if something happens, look at how he handled the Deep Horizon mess, and had to be prompted to go to Louisiana (leading from behind) by following Romney. two more days of this?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wherein Synova reveals that she believes greater than 10% unemployment is better than 8%.

Would be even another percentage point lower, had the Republicans not layed off all those cops, teachers and firefighters.

Synova said...

"Prove it. Remember, an anonymous Democratic adviser in a book written by a wingnut who hates Obama doesn't count."

I don't doubt it's simply because the women who are working for him are doing different jobs.

But if we go by honest standards the whole 70 cents on the dollar thing is a screaming lie. The video clip of Obama explaining that a woman makes less *over her career* than men neatly sidesteps this... same degree, sure... same work? No. All the reasons that are real reasons that apparent disparities in pay at the White House aren't *real* disparities, apply to the rest of the country, too.

Revenant said...

Neither was standing around and watching the economy crash, Revenant.

Bush was prevented from acting by eight years of Democratic obstructionism. :)

caseym54 said...

e pluribus unum does not mean ein volk.

hombre said...

Deval (?) Patrick with one bombastic whopper after another, some of which have already been debunked.

Anecdote about Orchard Park School. Stopped short of accusing R&R of trying to bomb the children. LOL

Synova said...

Fine then, Ritmo. 8% for another four years.

The new normal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The winks let us know that you don't take the problem seriously, Revenant.

ricpic said...

Althouse doesn't like her beloved Obama & Moochelle Democrats described as the filthy antisemites they have so clearly demonstrated themselves to be.

Irene said...

"Whether you are better off is not really the question."

O'Malley. Spend a day in our household.

Synova said...

What is Obama's plan to reduce the 16 trillion dollars of debt?

Chip Ahoy said...

I thought there would be entertainment. Aren't all entertainers Democrat? Will the have entertainment tomorrow?

Oh, dear, chant, forward not back.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

oho. Key Solyndra Figure at DNC Convention "ran for exit" after seeing ABC news on DNC floor.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Mitt made the hard choices Deval is now enjoying.

Its the same here in NJ.

When Cris Cristie chokes on sandwich or something.. the next governor will inherit a fiscal house in order to start fucking up while saying remember the bad old days of Cris Christie?

Men, that guy was mean!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Normal by Republican obstructionism standards.

Remember, they have an interest in making things bad for the incumbent party. And they don't care who gets hurt.

Even Shouting Thomas thinks it's ok to hurt the economy if it improves Republican political chances.

He says that's different from obstructing a war. Obstructing an economic recovery is a-ok, by him.

Find me a Democrat who would agree with this bullshit line of "thinking".

Matt Sablan said...

They want to take us back to the days of 5% unemployment. I can't say I wouldn't mind going back there.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha ha ha ha


Forward not back.

ricpic said...

Titus the snob finds Boston the snob deelish.

shiloh said...

"The winks"

O Rit, the very fact Althouse cons are forcing themselves to support loser mittens indicates they have a sense of irony ...

Oh wait!

jungatheart said...

Was being a woman really called a pre-existing condition?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What is Obama's plan to reduce the 16 trillion dollars of debt?

Tack on more trillions?

Synova said...

Private sector job growth doesn't surpass population growth or the number of people who *should* be entering the workforce every month.

We can just hang on at 8%. Get used to it.

Chip Ahoy said...


millionaires paragraph billionaires

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