September 21, 2012

Kim Jong Style!

"The national pastime of the people is to be oppressed..."


Tim said...

Feminize the lead singer/dancer, put it to English, and you've got "Obama Style."

They'll just need to edit in Michelle's vacations and diet instructions.

Toad Trend said...

"I'm like the Beatles,
I make the people cry and scream"

That is so bad its funny.

Jaske said...

I wonder if Kim will ask Google to remove the video.

MadisonMan said...

Very well done.

Carnifex said...

The Dear Leader of the United States of America would like to apologize to the Dear Leader of the Peoples Republic of North Korea. He'd like to, but he's too busy apologizing to the Muj for not letting more Americans die under Muj rioting.

When I first heard Gangham style I thought they weer talking about those little Japanese robot toys, Gundam.

And then I came to my senses and realized, "Who the fuck cares...It's fun!!!" I got more ammo to tease my wife and granddaughter with...maybe my step daughter too.(I was told "OH Grampy" when I did I Work Out for my granddaughter).


I'm sure the Zero Administration is getting ready to denounce Serrano's "Piss Christ" any time now....any time.............just a minute................................anytime now.......................

alan markus said...

"Lucky Fun Time Party" - love it!

BarrySanders20 said...

Make sure they smile
Throw them on the pile
Without trial
Kim Jong Style!

Curious George said...

Meh. Nothing beats Kim Jong bringing the funk!

Sheridan said...

Hidden messages! Like the yellow Star of David post-it note pasted on the hair of the guy at the 42 second mark. Is Kim an anti-semite? I had no idea! Any anti-Semites here want to comment? I can think of at least one. Begins with C and ends with D.

bagoh20 said...

The subject is simultaneously horrible and incredibly funny. Is there a word for that? If not there should be. Horrilarious?

Penny said...

Yeah well, would love to help you out there with a new word, bago, but unfortunately my mind is preoccupied with eating fish for dinner instead of that North Korean submarine lil Kim was chowing down.

Why the hell wasn't that hoagie exploding like the number one national security issue that it is, Michelle?

Penny said...

Ha ha

Yeah yeah, we know. ;)

Just "four more years", and we'll all be skinny, if not skinny-dipping in the public trough.

Emil Blatz said...

Damn, that was good!

Penny said...

Apparently Emil also had a sub for dinner.

A "good" sub!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Christopher Hitchens - North Korea

Mr. D said...

Very nice.

Known Unknown said...

The most fearsome marching-and-saluting squad the world has ever seen!

Synova said...

Oh, that was good.


Saint Croix said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ken in tx said...

I am glad I am at the lakehouse with DSL and I can watch videos. This was great.