September 26, 2012

"I'm not a weakling and a censor like you."

"And I actually wish I could interact with what you have if it had some value beyond your typical Althouse is being stupid again. (Really intelligent to come up with that, little schoolboys.)"

(Careful, with the link within the link that I link to at that link. That's the blog I'm punishing with traffic starvation.)


edutcher said...

Time to get out the high black boots and the whip.

shiloh said...

Althouse, feel free to stop obsessing about SEK at any time ... or not!

Shouting Thomas said...

shiloh, I read most of Althouse's post.

This is the first time she's mentioned this site in many months... perhaps in more than a year.

How does this equal "obsessing?"

You continue to be the dumbest, emptiest commenter on this site.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's the blog I'm punishing with traffic starvation.

Althouse is like Michelle Obama.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, feel free to stop obsessing about SEK at any time ... or not!"

What's your definition of "obsessing"? I think I've only blogged about him one other time, more than 2 years ago, and that was about some bullshit he did in my comments.

shiloh said...

"How does this equal "obsessing?""

A separate thread just for SEK? as he must have really struck a nerve! Not only won't she delete his post, she gives him a "shout out" w/an entire thread!

btw, what SEK said about Althouse is totally true as she appeases her flock daily in this con bubble ...

Meade said...

"You continue to be the dumbest, emptiest commenter on this site."

And yet, Shiloh is not banned. Imagine that.

Ann Althouse said...

If some loser comes over to my joint and stinks it up, I get to kick his ass.

That's not me "obsessing" over him. More like him stalking me and me calling him out.

You'd like me to refrain? I should be more gentle with the little weakling? I'm sure he appreciates your standing up for him against my awful bullying.

You big babies!

Ann Althouse said...

"A separate thread just for SEK? as he must have really struck a nerve! Not only won't she delete his post, she gives him a "shout out" w/an entire thread!"

I'm a free speech person. I do more speech as the remedy.

People who fear free speech do deletions.

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure SEK appreciates the big boy defending him.


shiloh said...

ok, ok, maybe it's just a slow news day as Althouse posted her daily, con appeasing, Rasmussen nonsense and has nothing else interesting to post ...

damikesc said...

Althouse, feel free to stop obsessing about SEK at any time ... or not!

Feel free to link to the last time she mentioned them.

A separate thread just for SEK? as he must have really struck a nerve! Not only won't she delete his post, she gives him a "shout out" w/an entire thread!

Damn dude...grow a set, would you?

shiloh said...

Meade childishly attacks the messenger and not the message, as per usual. hmm, another trained Althouse seal like edutcher!

damikesc said...

ok, ok, maybe it's just a slow news day as Althouse posted her daily, con appeasing, Rasmussen nonsense and has nothing else interesting to post ...

So, she's like your comments --- except she is interesting.

For somebody who finds this so boring and tedious, you post here A LOT.

I find Daily Kos tedious as all hell. My posts there total, roughly, 0.

Ditto TPM.

Ditto HuffPo.

damikesc said...

Meade childishly attacks the messenger and not the message could always leave and go to the more interesting and enlightened boards.

You are unlikely to be missed.

shiloh said...

dami yes, I find Althouse con bubble somewhat entertaining ...


Curious George said...

"Meade said...

And yet, Shiloh is not banned. Imagine that."

I'm betting most commenters "ban" him on the fly. I do. Pity all don't.

shiloh said...

dami defending Meade ~ too funny!

Althouse cons unite!

Shouting Thomas said...

Jesus, shiloh, you are unbearably stupid and juvenile.

Tom Spaulding said...

shiloh whining agin? Why the obsession with trolling Althouse?

Aridog said...

shiloh sez...

btw, what SEK said about Althouse is totally true as she appeases her flock daily in this con bubble ...

Interesting. Just what does that remark mean? That you are part of some "con bubble?" If it is all appeasement, well...why are you here regularly? If SEK is the teller of truths, are you there more often than here?

Just asking, no offense intended, seriously...questions are just questions. Are you going to call me a brown noser, butt kisser, or whatever it was, again now?

shiloh said...

Yea, per this thread everyone at Althouse can easily ignore me. It's so obvious ...

Calypso Facto said...

Trooper York was unavailable for comment.

Admittedly (thankfully), much more restraint shown since the December putsch.

shiloh said...

Damn, this thread is no longer about SEK, it's all about me. Shocking!

Shouting Thomas said...

Damn, this thread is no longer about SEK, it's all about me. Shocking!

Yes, the unfortunate part is just how much space a juvenile moron can take up.

Can you go away now and quit drawing attention to your stinking shitting diapers?

Bayoneteer said...

@Tom Spaulding,

Haters gotta hate, and trolls gotta troll. Like mangy stray cats if you feed trolls they hang around but if you ignore them they go away.

Tom Spaulding said...

No. it's all about idiot trolls who have nothing to contribute. That you self-identify with them is telling.

Not that you'd notice.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alan markus said...

Damn, this thread is no longer about SEK, it's all about me. Shocking

Of course - that's "mission accomplished" for a troll or sock puppet.

Anonymous said...

If you ban anyone, you know who I'd like banned, one in particular, but maybe one other. Can we make requests Ann?;)

shiloh said...

Actually, a "troll" caused Althouse to post an entire thread all about him.

Mission accomplished SEK as Althouse gives him free advertising w/her free speech.

America, what a country!

Anonymous said...

At least could there be an Althouse law that must NEVER be broken, such as publishing someone's real name and threatening to publish personal information about that person on this blog?

That should be ban worthy, I would think.

McTriumph said...

Professor, you got me excited with, "I Get to kick his ass", you go girl!

But, you end with,"You big babies." Come on woman, you're a bright gal, do some magic. Yes you can!

test said...

shiloh said...
Actually, a "troll" caused Althouse to post an entire thread all about him.

It's a pretty small troll who rejoices at drawing attention. But given you've literally never made a comment of substance you've have to have understood your contribution was zero.

Can you explain to us why your life is so empty disrupting others' conversation is a highlight for you? Maybe you could generate some sympathy.

purplepenquin said...

Online drama has that lil' extra something about it that ya just don't get from reality TV.

*pops popcorn*

KCFleming said...

Nice smack down of LG&M, Althouse. I ain't going to read them; knowing they banned Meade proves their cowardice.

They must be aching for readers, to post on your blog. trolls, like Shiloh.

Anonymous said...

Hi PP, can I have some popcorn?

shiloh said...

"generate some sympathy."

After Willard is crushed on election day, Althouse con group therapy sessions will abound!

MB said...

"Shiloh: Meade childishly attacks the messenger and not the message, as per usual. hmm, another trained Althouse seal like edutcher!"

Pot calling kettle black

Methinks he is jealous that he has not received an individual post. Would a bone silence the yapping?

Shouting Thomas said...

After Willard is crushed on election day, Althouse con group therapy sessions will abound!

Another incredibly stupid, fucking empty post.

Shiloh, you are too fucking stupid to post on this board.

virgil xenophon said...

The mere fact that SEK teaches at my alma mater LSU makes me wonder about the judgement of their English Dept...but then it's an English Dept, isn't it? (sigh) What else is new..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Never mind Michelle..

Althouse is like Crack!

McTriumph said...

Would a bone silence the yapping?

Do cries of ecstasy qualify as yapping?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If only Romney could get this fired up.

Christopher in MA said...

Meade childishly attacks the messenger and not the message, as per usual. hmm, another trained Althouse seal like edutcher!

Meade, there's not a jury in the world that would convict you if you punched Shiloh's teeth down his throat for that comment.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


btw, what SEK said about Althouse is totally true as she appeases her flock daily in this con bubble ...

I'd say that a forum in which you and garage mahal and America's Politico post daily is a strangely permeable "con bubble." But then, that's just me.

Shouting Thomas said...

If only Romney could get this fired up.

Yes, I've been wondering what might get the guy to show some real emotion.

Pastafarian said...

Yeah, LG&M has become pretty pitiful. I'll drop by once a month to see if they're still around.

I no longer comment there because I was banned by Lemieux, their least interesting contributor. (You can generate your own Lemieux post with the handy template: "Shorter (insert conservative here): (Insert laughably misrepresented recharacterization of their argument here).)

Lemieux had made a self-deprecating joke about his appearance on a video, something about his coming profile in GQ. I linked to a photo with the text: here's that profile. The photo was a profile shot of Peter from Family Guy, Lemieux's doppleganger: Fat, pasty, little round nerd glasses, bulbous nose, with his face frozen in a "who shit himself"expression.

That was enough for deletion and banning over there: a picture of a cartoon character, and the implication that chubby guy is chubby. After all the shit they've hurled at Althouse over there, that's remarkably loathsome.

virgil xenophon said...


Concur. I gave up commenting there a couple of years ago (just before they changed their format from the old tan background layout). As bad as the "hosts" were/are in their collective condescending style, the crowd that hangs out there is just as bad or worse--superior human beings of education, taste and knowledge all--about which
they never stop reminding each other. The REAL wonder is how uber lefty critic of all things military Robert Farley got the gig@ the milblog Information Dissemination.

shiloh said...

"I'd say that a forum in which you and garage mahal and America's Politico post daily is a strangely permeable "con bubble."

A con bubble totally unaffected by dissenting opinion. Again, ad nauseam, childish personal attacks ie trained seal edutcher, instead of rational dissenting arguments.

Indeed, most con arguments here are too ignorant/inane to deserve a reply!

Meade said...

"Meade, there's not a jury in the world that would convict you if you punched Shiloh's teeth down his throat for that comment."

I'm a peaceful man.

Plus, unlike the comment sections of some blogs, we have a (perhaps perverse) affection for our "trolls".

And we like the free speech of this forum... free flowing.

shiloh said...

I will concur Meade is usually peaceful. Especially compared to the childish, name calling cons who flourish at Althouse.

Aridog said...

Shiloh said...

... childish personal attacks ie trained seal edutcher, instead of rational dissenting arguments.

You mean like the one you just hurled for the umpteenth time? Where is the rational argument?

Indeed, most con arguments here are too ignorant/inane to deserve a reply!

Again, where is the rational dissenting argument? Sweeping dismissal is so much easier isn't it?

Sincerely yours,

Just Another Trained Seal.

I'm Full of Soup said...

America should have a permanent shit list and it should be very very long.

shiloh said...

"Just Another Trained Seal."

And the truth shall set you free!

Sheridan said...

Ann Althouse (@9/26/12 10:29 AM) said:

"I'm a free speech person. I do more speech as the remedy.

People who fear free speech do deletions."

Professor - those two sentences sum-up why I enjoy coming to your site.

You provide to all commenters the opportunity to express themselves. Some of your commenters have meaningful things to say and they have earned the attention and respect of the "commentariat". Other commenters waste their opportunities on your site by saying things (often repeatedly) that are purposely odious and self-serving. And yet, you tolerate everyone, as far as I can tell.

Would that more people behaved as you do.

Rusty said...

Marshal said...
shiloh said...
Actually, a "troll" caused Althouse to post an entire thread all about him.

It's a pretty small troll who rejoices at drawing attention. But given you've literally never made a comment of substance you've have to have understood your contribution was zero.

Can you explain to us why your life is so empty disrupting others' conversation is a highlight for you? Maybe you could generate some sympathy.

You know you're talking to the Althouse equivalent of Ralph Wiggums, right? There is no profit in engaging it.

Kirk Parker said...

"I'm a peaceful man"

"That's ok, boy, won't you feed him when you can?"

Kirk Parker said...

Re shiloh:

"For somebody who finds this so boring and tedious, you post here A LOT."

My guess? SSI based on some imaginary malady. How else to fill one's time (given that one is not nearly as cool as The Dude)? Shiloh, dude, maybe it's time to take up bowling.

Palladian said...

And we like the free speech of this forum... free flowing.

It would be nice if we could close the stopcock just a bit sometimes.

Or perhaps we could get some absorbent pads for those heavy flow days.

Anonymous said...

"btw, what SEK said about Althouse is totally true as she appeases her flock daily in this con bubble ... "

Damn, your whole "flock, etc." shit is lame, Shiloh. And your comments are boring and predictable. Either step it up a bit or go back down to Division III. You're just not up to the big leagues.

test said...

Rusty said...
You know you're talking to the Althouse equivalent of Ralph Wiggums, right? There is no profit in engaging it.

Not really engaging it. Laughing at it. Giving it a chance to recognize it's own uselessness.

Seriously, how do you wake up every day and decide "I am so hopelessly useless at supporting my own beliefs the most valuable use of my time is wasting the time of people who think differently than I."

Aridog said...

Shiloh .... it is almost sad how you completely miss the fact you are the one who never posits an substantive argument, yet criticize others for not doing so...frequently with ad hominem remarks.

Set yourself free.

Blue@9 said...

A con bubble totally unaffected by dissenting opinion.

You're kidding, right? Althouse doesn't censor dissenting opinions, that's her point, and that's why her site is infinitely better than ones that do. All dissenting opinions are welcome, and this blog has huge numbers-- whose fault is it that the best liberal commenters to come around are tools like Garage? Even then, it's hardly a homogeneous community when it comes to controversial issues, so not sure where your con bubble comment comes from (check out a gay marriage thread, not exactly a con bubble).

Anonymous said...

I can't follow this and have no idea who any of these people are. :-)

Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baron Zemo said...

Much of what shiloh has to say has some truth to it.

The fact that this truth is inconvenient doesn't mean that he is not right about some of the things he has said.

He is allowed, no encouraged to say them because liberal trolls are what drives the hits and comments here. Without these liberals such as shiloh, ritmo, Inga the She Wolf and garage there would be about half as many comments.

He plays a very important place in the eco-system at this blog.

Anonymous said...

"Much of what shiloh has to say has some truth to it."

What exactly? He says pretty much the same thing over and over with some minor variations. Keywords are "Mittens," "Willard," "sheep," flock," etc., etc.

"The fact that this truth is inconvient doesn't mean that he is not right about some of the things he has said."

Again, truths about what?

He is allowed, no encouraged to say them because liberal trolls are what drives the hits and comments here. Without these liberals such as shiloh, ritmo, Inga the She Wolf and garage there would be about half as many comments.

"Who is encouraging him? Past acknowledging his presence which I guess is encouragement, but that's normal for trolls.

"He plays a very important place in the eco-system at this blog."

True. Sometimes he is the comic relief.

Meade said...

Calypso Facto said...
"Trooper York was unavailable for comment."

Only because he changed his name to Baron Zemo.

Baron Zemo said...

These truths are selfevident.

Many of the posts made here are made only to drive hits and comments. Which is the purpose of any blog. But most do not try to be something they are not to appeal to their fan base. That happens here all the time. When you think that the dear lady is a conservative you are fooling yourself. She mocks religion constantly. She is a card carrying pro-abortion feminazi. Affirmative action is fine with her and in fact made it easy for her to vote for Obama. Shiloh is right when he says that she throws red meat to her fanboys everyday. That is what the blog is about.

His posts about Romney are mere fluff. He enjoys tweaking some of the more sensititve souls who rise to the bait each and every time.

This drives comments. Hits. Page views. And bashing him keeps the fanboys happy.

He will never be censored because he is too important to the functioning of this blog.

shiloh said...

hmm, BZ is Trooper ?!?

Not into con blog soap operas so I'll let it lie ...

But yes, this blog is a vacuous worm hole w/out libs. And as always, the cons here like me, they really like me.

Apologies to worm holes!

Baron Zemo said...

Oh shiloh you are so easily fooled.

Don't believe everything Meade tells you. Wishful thinking is his stock in trade.

No wonder you are a liberal.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Baron, could you possibly be any more pompous? With a touch of anger and resentment seeping through.

Shiloh is a troll. garage, too. You, three.

We know this and we know how trolls act. Although to be fair to them, Althouse trolls are much nicer than normal trolls. Probably the rest of us are rubbing off on them.

And if you've read Althouse long enough you know what the blog is about and what the blogger is about. So I don't need you to explain things to me. Nor does anyone else here I imagine.

Meade said...

It's okay, Trooper. Er, I mean - Baron.

Can we just call you Barry? Barry Zo?

shiloh said...


"Oh shiloh you are so easily fooled."

Fooled ?!? did you miss the ?!?

IIRC Trooper was a lot more playful than any of your hoity-toity self-righteousness. But maybe his m.o. has changed since he's now in hibernation.


Baron Zemo said...

Pompous is the governing principle here my good man.

Pompous elitism.

And trolls are the only reason this blog is as popular as it is. Or was.

The reaction to the trolls is the lifeblood of this place. Otherwise it would be as boring and bland as most of the other legal blogs.

But thanks for playing.

Meade said...

shiloh said...
"He will never be censored because he is too important to the functioning of this blog."

As previously mentioned, it's better if Willard wins, 'cause cons will be whining ad nauseam for another (4) years = more blog hits!

As Bubba would say, simple arithmetic er supply and demand lol.

Sorta like fixednoise ratings spiked right after Obama was elected. And the sale of guns and ammo also ... am I still on topic?

Not to worry 'cause Althouse doesn't delete posts or so I hear.

Right. She doesn't delete posts. Only comments.

Baron Zemo said...

Shiloh my dear boy!

Don't be so touchy. I merely want to encourage you in the good work you do here. Telling the truth. Standing tall for your side as misguided and sick as they might be.

Good show!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

shiloh said...

Damn, this thread is no longer about SEK, it's all about me. Shocking!

Some of us remember a commenter who used to dump his garbage here, by the name of J. He used to get off on making threads all about him, too. shiloh, your J-ness is increasing daily.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is getting interesting. Meade I hope you are wrong as to Baron Zemo is, that would be very dissapointing.

Meade said...

Oh. Really? Why would that be disappointing? Commenters change their names all the time.

Anonymous said...

Meade, it would be dissapointing because I considered him a nice guy, but we really don't know who anyone is deep down on the Interwebs.

JSF said...

Have you noticed that Shiloh makes no statement weather she is for Free Speech or not?

Shiloh has already come out for Obama doing "Midnight Knocks,"

Shiloh cared not one whit about Ambassador Stevens dying either.

All that matters to Shilohbot is that everyone support Obama.

Tell me Shilohbot, do you care about Free Speech under the Obama Administration or not?

No snark, answer with a paragraph that consists of nouns and verbs in their proper place.

shiloh said...

"good work you do here. Telling the truth. Standing tall for your side ..."

Again, I have no side as I've been known to piss of fellow liberals as well. But "we" do agree that Althouse would be a :::zzz::: con echo chamber w/out libs. It's soooo obvious, no need for discussion. Again, the yin/yang of the blogosphere.

btw, mini soap operas at political sites also increase blog hits.

It's all good ...

test said...

Baron Zemo said...
When you think that the dear lady is a conservative you are fooling yourself. She mocks religion constantly. She is a card carrying pro-abortion feminazi.

Conservatives don't think the Professor is conservative. They think she's a moderate liberal. The professor's distinction isn't her positioning, it's her willingness to criticize people and events even if they benefit her own side. In the early days of blogs that was common, but it's rare now.

test said...

Baron Zemo said...
The reaction to the trolls is the lifeblood of this place. Otherwise it would be as boring and bland as most of the other legal blogs.

What a bizarre assertion. All the interesting conversations are eventually ruined by one of the idiots. You think wading through dozens of idiotic insults is interesting?

shiloh said...

JSF chill! Sure Willard will lose, but it's not the end of the world. Really! hmm, 3 shiloh's and 2 shilohbot's as it's kinda hard to avoid snark replying to ad nauseam con whining. JSF's "demands" notwithstanding.

Somebody hug JSF as he's almost in tears ...

JSF said...

Again Shiloh is proving my point:

He doesn't care about the "Midnight knock" under this Administration or the death of Ambassador Stevens.

Shilohbot only cares about voting for Obama.

If Shilohbot can actually put forward a debatable argument, I would argue for not deleting him.

But has Shilohbot offered any defense for voting FOR Obama?

shiloh said...

Althouse, JSF wants me deleted. Let the word go forth ...

So it shall be written, so it shall be done!

Meade said...

I'll reiterate and clarify: She doesn't delete posts and she doesn't delete commenters. Only comments. And even that is relatively rare. Too rare for some - we understand. But come on, it's the personal blog of one person - Professor Ann Althouse. Reading it might be a compulsion for many but it is compulsory for no one.

JSF said...


Convince me. Change my mind.

Why should people vote for Obama when he is very comfortable with East German tactics like the Midnight arrest?

Show me that you give a damn about Ambassador Stevens.

Show me that you can offer a debatable argument rather then snark.

Blogger lets through bots sometimes, and you haven't shown any human qualities. Althouse doesn't need Bots.

Known Unknown said...

What a bizarre assertion. All the interesting conversations are eventually ruined by one of the idiots. You think wading through dozens of idiotic insults is interesting?

He's got a point. Otherwise, this would be more of an echo chamber, which would be dull.

JSF said...



I got emotional trying to get an actual "Point of view" from Shilohbot.

One thing to note is I've been in Politics on and off since I was 15. And if I find a bot just doing "Meta" (like Shilohbot)I get annoyed.

Politics and policy is about convincing others and moving arguments forward. All I see from Shilohbot is the she wants everyone to vote for Obama without saying "Why?" (And Obama contradicting all the opposition to Anti-Bush protests by the "Midnight knock,"

Meade, if you can get Shilohbot to answer questions and put forth debate arguments, I'd stop attacking it.

Anonymous said...

EMD, all the more reason y'all should be nice to we few liberals.

Meade said...

"Meade, if you can get Shilohbot to answer questions and put forth debate arguments, I'd stop attacking it."

Attack away, JSF. Honestly, feel free.

I too wish Shiloh would raise his game, show more of his intelligence, and improve his sense of humor. If he does, I will read more of his comments. As it is, I just don't have time when there are so many comments that are so much more interesting.

He could do it if chooses to. I believe he has the ability but it's difficult - there are so many highly intelligent commenters. Some are exceptionally creative. The competition can seem daunting.

test said...

EMD said...
He's got a point. Otherwise, this would be more of an echo chamber, which would be dull.

I don't think so. The current environment focuses attention on unrealistic choices. Garage for example asserts the choices available to Wisonsin schools are either complete capitulation to union financial demands or schools with 50 students per class. Allie claims Republicans are trying to institute the Handmaid's tale and reduce the majority of American women to literal sexual slavery. It's fun to laugh at garage and Allie's idiocy for 2 seconds, but wouldn't it be more interesting to discuss the actual choices facing us?

Right now this can't happen because any rational comment is met with a dozen idiocies from people whose only purpose is to disrupt and insult (garage, Shiloh, etc) or those who want to focus on some tangential side issue because it's less damaging to the left (Penguin).

Plus these fools draw out responses which are just as useless (Jay). And the better commenters disappear (hopefully they're return after the election).

There's virtually no honest back and forth between left and right because there are virtually no honest left leaning commenters. They seem to be here in the ridiculous hope they can influence a few votes out of Althouse comment lurkers. So instead of dealing with issues they spin the best they can for Obama - no matter how asinine the result.

It would be fine to have honest liberal commenters, but that doesn't seem to be one of the options. Trolls are not a substitute.

Anonymous said...

Marshal, Allie does not believe Republicans are tying to make "The Handmaids Tale" a reality. It's the Religious Right who constitute a portion of the Republican Party that may one day make the tale come true, if they had their way and our Democracy became a Theocracy.

Get it straight. I have friends and relatives that are Republican, not religous, not social conservatives, are not anti abortion and are fiscally very conservative. i hope that doesn't threaten your paradigm.

Meade said...

"i hope that doesn't threaten your paradigm"

Probably won't. But it might threaten Trooper's, Allie/Inga.

Anonymous said...

Meade, again, I hope you are wrong about Trooper, it would be very dissapointing.

test said...


Thanks for that extra special correction.

Let's get a vote on the key takeaway:

1. Not all Republicans intend to subject American women to sexual slavery.

2. Someone thinks a non-trivial percentage of Americans intend to subject American women to sexual slavery.

Anonymous said...

Marshal, we were discussing something that I don't even recall, when I brought up this scenario. Most commenters would understand that I was using hyperbole to make a point, but you seem to be quite gullible and continue to run with this, but hey it's amusing to see you still are trying to get some mileage out of this. Run with it little Marshal!

shiloh said...

"Meade, if you can get Shilohbot to answer questions and put forth debate arguments"

Meade stopped "debating" me some time ago as he has only called me childish names the past (6) mos.

test said...

Run with it little Marshal!

Ah, I so love the juvenile insults they teach in Womyn's Studies 101. When I was a freshman the English prof was a nerd who thought sixth grade jokes were still funny. I thought that was bad, until I had a WS professor. Apparently they actually taught the professors to ridcule men with third grade playground taunts in the juvenile belief doing so helped women achieve equality. Is that where you picked this tactic up?

I was using hyperbole to make a point

Funny, that wasn't your position five comments ago. In truth you got a little flustered and let out that you're a nut.

What's your excuse for asserting the Romneys took a 77k tax credit? Was that hyperbole also? Or were you just spreading whatever lies helped the cause?

What about when you called the religious Jeebus Freaks? Was that hyperbole? Or was that just giving in to your hate?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

"Why should people vote for Obama when he is very comfortable with East German tactics like the Midnight arrest?"

This is totally not true, just another Althouse fantasy.

Show me that you give a damn about Ambassador Stevens.

In the Packers got screwed thread, I mentioned it would be nice if some of Althouse cons cared as much about soldiers dying in Afghanistan.


ok, I just did something I rarely if ever do ie pander to an Althouse con idiot, JSF.


Anonymous said...

Marshal, what thin skin you have. Insults? Good grief, the things you have said to me have been far worse, what a wussy you are. How's that? That's a real insult to a big man such as yourself.

You can be my pet wussy.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It's the Religious Right who constitute a portion of the Republican Party that may one day make the tale come true, if they had their way and our Democracy became a Theocracy.

If you can provide one single solitary shred of evidence for this claim I will donate ten bucks to NARAL.

Anonymous said...

Erika, it's hyperbole.

Anonymous said...

Well partially. Look at other Theocracies, how are women treated? Like equal citizens or like property?

JSF said...

Ahhh...but Shilohbot, when Ambassador Stevens died all your ranting and raving was for supporting Obama.

No mention whatsoever about the Ambassador.

Remember folks, Obama can destroy people through drones, attack the First Amendment and Ambassadors can die, but all Sholohbot can do is wish people would vote for Obama without giving any reasons why.

Rusty said...

Marshal said...
Rusty said...
You know you're talking to the Althouse equivalent of Ralph Wiggums, right? There is no profit in engaging it.

Not really engaging it. Laughing at it. Giving it a chance to recognize it's own uselessness.

Seriously, how do you wake up every day and decide "I am so hopelessly useless at supporting my own beliefs the most valuable use of my time is wasting the time of people who think differently than I."

My best guess is brain damage.

shiloh said...

JSF's ad nauseam, relentless Obama whining is duly noted!

JSF said...

Shilohbot, I'm not whining about Obama.

Nor am I whining about you.

Shilohbot, I'm just shocked that you have no debate skills or human emotions.

And you walk in lockstep like a good East German for your Democrats.

test said...

Inga said...
Marshal, what thin skin you have. Insults? Good grief, the things you have said to me have been far worse,

Really? That you're dishonest? That you don't even understand the accusations you make? Truth is an absolute defense.

what a wussy you are. How's that? That's a real insult to a big man such as yourself.

Don't worry, I'm not hurt. I merely enjoy pointing out your juvenile manner. Oh, there it is again.

You can be my pet wussy.

Anything to change the subject. Can you instead entertain us by outlining what tax credits American companies get for shipping jobs overseas? No? That's just another accusation you threw out without understanding?

Anonymous said...

Marshal, are you bored or something? Come here I'll rub you behind your floppy ears.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Hyperbole, dear, is an extreme exaggeration of something that is--in non exaggerated form--factually accurate. If you can show me some thread of truth in the idea that American social conservatives view women as property and wish to embed that view by establishing a theocratic state, you might have a leg to stand on.

test said...

That's right Allie, deflect, avoid, run. Never admit. That's what they taught you, right? Make the accusation, when challenged simply refuse to respond. The accusation is what's important, that's all anyone remembers.

Anonymous said...

Erika, not PRESENTLY, it is however a glimpse into a possible future IF and only IF, the Religious Right keeps moving ever more to the right and becomes even more FUNDAMENTAL. It's not Christianity that would make such a dystopic future a reality, it fundamentalism at its worst. look at the life Muslim women live in fundamentalist theocratical societies.

It's far fetched and fictional, but don't think that if circumstances weren't similar to those in the novel, that it couldn't happen, similar things have happened in Afghanistan and other countries in which women were nothing more than chattel.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Marshal, when are you going to learn that when a woman isn't interested, that you need to take no for an answer? Don't be a pest. I don't like you or respect you and it's my perogative not to interact with you. You seem to continually attempt to engage me, I'm not interested, because in past discussions you have proven yourself to not debate in good faith. Don't keep trying, or you will be talking to yourself.

test said...

Pretty revealing Allie's "Christians are scary" stories include only Muslims. It's almost like her reasoning is total bullshit.

test said...

Don't kid yourself, this isn't engagement. You have no ideas to engage. This is mockery.

shiloh said...

Interesting JSF childishly calls me shilohbot when he's the one repeating himself ad nauseam.

And yes, you're an insufferable whiner! Don't be so modest ...


Anonymous said...

Ok, little pet wussy, sit down, and have a biscuit, there now, happy?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Getting het up about your imaginary Handmaid's Tale future is a lot goofier than getting het up about the road to fascism that we're already trotting merrily down in this country, and yet.....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh Erika, I'm not het up a all, just musing.

Anonymous said...

Shiloh, what is it with a few of these people? They seem to get some perverse delight in attempting to annoy the resident liberals, it seems as if they don't appreciate our presence. :(

After a few debates and discussions with a few of these folks, it's evident that it's a waste of time to engage them. Not ALL of them, some are quite worthy and deserve to be taken seriously. Some are darn nice people, but you may not agree with that one Shiloh.

We both adore Edutcher, don't we? And he loves us, because we are sockpuppets.;)

test said...

Stringing out the thread so no one will see your lunacy? If I left evidence liek that I'd try to bury it too.

Why don't you write a thesis on your theory that Afghani Muslims treating women like crap means American Christians are scary. I think it needs a little fleshing out.

shiloh said...

"Shiloh, what is it with a few of these people?"

Cons are getting really, really, really pissed off Willard is, in fact, wait for it ...

a frickin' train wreck!

And it's makin' them more incoherent, passive aggressive, discombobulated than usual. If possible!

Anonymous said...

Marshal, I will try to say this simply, it's FUNDAMENTLISTS that are scary, get it? See what I mean by you not debating in good faith?

You are so lucky I don't ignore you completely, yet.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Where would I find the scary fundamentalists, Allie? Please elaborate.

shiloh said...

btw, cons are so discombobulated/deflated that senate races in ND/IN/AZ are now very competitive and Obama's campaign is considering Arizona as a target state. The latest AZ poll showing Willard w/only a (3) pt. lead.

And McCaskill is smilin' in MO. Warren is smilin' in MA.

Thank you teabaggers!

Again, oh what a tangled web willard weaves ...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Wait, I just remembered that you said once that you were raised by fundamentalists. Maybe that experience has skewed your outlook a bit. My mother is a fanatical progressive. Maybe that experience skews my outlook a bit.

test said...

Not debating in good faith is lumping groups with completely different preferences, beliefs, and goals into the same definition in order to smear one with the sins of the other.

If you weren't doing this it wouldn't be a big deal to make your case without the dishonest process. I know you learned this from someone else and swallowed it whole - like the Romney tax accusation and foreign tax credit accusations you clearly know nothing about. But your inability to recognize the holes in the propoganda you swallowed isn't dishonesty on my part.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Erika, that is right, on both counts:)

Kirk Parker said...

Inga, that's beyond pathetic. A loonie leftie writes a novel from the fevered fantasies of her troubled persona, in which she casts the "fundamentalists" in the role of evil; and somehow for you that reflects on them rather than on the author.

Anonymous said...

I know just how loony Fundamentalist churches can be Kirk, I was raised in one.

Kirk Parker said...

Inga, no matter how loony a fundy environment you grew up in, it wasn't remotely Margaret Atwood loony.

And go ahead and name names, and describe lunacies; a generic claim is of fairly little value.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Allie, I think you should acknowledge that while it is technically possible for radical Christian fundamentalists to someday take over America and turn it into a theocracy, such an outcome isn't remotely probable and the idea of it has little to no relevance to the current political or social scene and it's simply a personal fear of yours.

Anonymous said...

Kirk, I didn't say it was as loony... Not YET anyway....but wait ....

Seriously Kirk, if you think Fundamentalism isn't dangerous, take a look at Christian fundamentalist sects more closely. We all know what happened to Islamic fundamentalism, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Who knows Erika, you may be right, I hope. I do however believe all those young Iranian women who protested in the streets for the ouster of the Shah, never for a moment thought that their future would look like it does today, but yes, yes that was Islam, Christians would never, never ever make women second class citizens.

Ok I am so relieved.

Kirk Parker said...

Inga, I've been there too: that's part of the reason I asked you to name names.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kirk, in the church I was raised in Assemblies of God, my mother was punished for cutting her hair, she was prohibited from taking communion for an entire year. The women were not allowed to wear makeup, no jewelry, or skirts for many years, children were forced to sit through hours of church services, were frightened by seeing adults flinging themselves to the ground and trembling, were frightened by adults speaking in "tounges", appearing as if they were in some trance.

It was encouraged to beat children and even wayward wives into submission (thankfully my parents didn't buy into this), there was no dancing or movies allowed, no popular music, no alcohol, no associating with "worldly" people. So much more that I have attempted to forget.

Anonymous said...

Correction, skirts only, no slacks.

Anonymous said...

Speaking in tongues.

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